I DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904. PAGE SEVEN. PAGES. HOTEL8. LroNG THE EXCHANGES p THE IJNJ-aim.u niviriKii ; prospective to the Washington Trust company of Seattle, Wash., for $5, 000,000, tho trust company, accord ing to the terms ot the mortgage, agreeing to guarantee the payment or the $5,000,000 bonds ot tho rail road company and Interest at tho rate of 5 -per cent payable seml-an- . .he city council to cs- nually. r asking tnc , mireftu. According to the terms of the a V .inn denounced tne em- iraHsb """"n n.u- i-nt Enc ,..,. were fleec- railroad from a point on the Colum bia river near The Dalles, In Ore gon, to San Francisco, In California, and also to extend Its lines north ward from The Dalles Into the state of Washington. Times-Mountain-oer. War on Jne loynient ,ST Htv was declared by l ,he.f .7 Its meeting .J, rOUUVH . l.,,lntl Pu To this end a resume.. K Islv adopted asking tnc ItjnlniouslJ I licenses tlL ...in n.ent agencies and declaring that they lt'lfe objections Is being 1'. ,ne ,r,iinir to trades ,ttiy, . ,." f,mi0yment I'1 been accepting money l:M Me..?IV.V .hnm lobs on (0 iuii" jobs When the ".' ,. , ...Iclnn there "le.v , ,n. n.,L. nr were given - ,lnv nnd ills- hair nuj i" Walla Walla Trees to Canada. C. L. Whitney, proprietor of the Northwestern nursery, yesterday re ceived an order for a shlnment of t imlon also cited reports 2,000 fruit trees to J. W. McCullam, r resolui -n.te ilnve n lnrif nrchnrdlst nt Salmon Arm C. Tho shipment will be made early next week. The season In that section of the country to which the trees are going Is several weeks 1 1 inter man in wus locality, it neavy rlde down snow still covering tho country at I for a i w,u, u". "r sondes have ine f. i,ncpS 11. artlng as ',; " I '", fame- i,0Kl MUtt" For Stea..ng Sheep. I,.,v Sheriff Attains Grimmctt wok river on a " Men had been and i hunt" foruhe present time. stolen from I Two years ngo Mr. Whitney sold uindman and supposed to bo a large order of fruit trees from his H ... .1... lelanftc ho. . n u t-eorv tr tho P-nrl nf Ahflrrtflnn nv. H- on some tu " - ., rau-nrHnd nv I rrivprnnr ppnprnl of Pnnntln. which. 1-1 .1 artA l,o..n .9 fcnor! nn one 1SIUUU, , j I. n.liirlnl thp al- socceeaeu w ii o -- thief, John Aciams. uuiu Itch and several ncatt oi camu Olds' Ferry it is au ' n, tiio rIipph from the grown so thrifty that he has received many orders from others of that section". Walla Walla I'nlon. BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS AND TRADES PHYSICIANS. nn. v. o. cole, office in judd building. Office hours, 10 to 1" a. m. ; 1 to D p. m. Telephones: Office main 1371 : residence, main 1381. J. 1- Ml 1. 1. Kit, M. D. DESl'AIN BLOCK. Treats and corrects eye troubles, ca tarrhal conditions and Impaired hearing. (Masses correctly fitted for refractive er rors. Telephone, main 1011. DltS. SMITH 4. niXGO. OKFICK OVKH the Pendleton Savings Itank. Tele phone 801 ; residence telephone, main 1501. II. S. GAKKIBLD, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC physician and surgeon. Office In Judd building. Telephones: Office, black 1411; residence, black 24. DR. 1). J. MTAUL. Jt'DD HLOCK. TKLK puone. main !)31 ; residence, black 101. Dn. T. M. HKXDKItSON, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Office In RaTlngs Hank building, room 1. Office 'phone, main 1411; residence, red 1223. int. lynn ic. ni..Ki:si.i:i:, cuno.vio nnd nervous tllscnse nnrt cllscncs of women. Judd bttlUllug, enruer .Main anil Court streets. Office 'phone, mnlii 721; residence, red 11.1:1. X-ltnjs and Therapeutics." FRATERNAL ORDERS. 11. P. O. P.I.KS, PENDt.KTON 1,01)0 K. No. 2SS. Ilegular meetings first and third Thursdays of each mouth. All brothers visiting In the city most cordi ally Invited to attend. Hall In Ijtl'ow block, Court street. O, A. ltartman, Sr., E. It. ; C. K. llean, secretary. MKN'S I1KSOKT YOU AUU INVITlll). Free reading room. Why not join and get the advantage of free bath, use ot punching bag and other equipments. In cluding library and reading room. Terms $1.00 t J" Join anu &0c a mouth dues. npi . HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., PROPRIETORS. The Best Hotel In Pendleton and as good as any. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS IIAKTMAN AUSTltACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farnf property. Iluys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Invest ments for non-residents. Kefereuce, uny bank In Pendleton. a. A. IIAKTMAN, Pres. U. A. IIAKTMAN. JK Vice Pres. J. M. UENTLKY KEPKESKNTS THE oldest nnd most reliable fire and acci dent Insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. I)K. LENA ALLEN IIOONE. OSTEOPATH. Kesldence, Thompson street, between Court and Water streets. 'Phone, black 1024. Nervous diseases a specialty. JOHN IIAII.EY, Jit., U. 8. LAND COM- lulsslouer. Specialty made of land fli ngs and proof. Insurnnce and rollec- ons. otrfee lu Jikkf btiiuung, room 10. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Dlt. L. Francis Thompson, graduate of A. T. Still school. Klrksvllle. Mo. ; office nt Nye's residence. .102 Water street: 'phone lied T4; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, A. H. MARTIN, M. D.. DESPAI.V 11LOCK, Court street, over Koeppen's drug store. Special attention to skin diseases. V. STKOI1LK, DEALEK . IN SECOND- liuml goods. If there Is uuythlug you need In new and secondhand furniture. loves, granltenarc and crockery, call and get his prices. No. 212 Court afreet. Horses Frantic In a Fire. Among the valuable horses which . thc day before. Up to the were saved from me burning nam of going to press Adams was or Frank Button at Hood Wver Sat o in cive bonds and languishes ' unlay night was T. J. Seufert's fine If rOUnt' jail. WeiSer SIKUUI. uhiiiib iiuibb, min i "C .uuuiai seemed determined to lose his life Road Will Be Built. and refused to budge, though burn- Mrspst mortgage ever record-' Ing timbers fell all about Mr. But- - ffasro county was filed In the ton Is a strong man and getting be- r"; . i .... i. . 1. 1 .1 . i i.i . i .. i i. an Instriimeni wnereuj mc -wim-n ujii-w mm uu uit iuci aim iiu southern Railroad Co, pledged fairly stumbled out. The Dalles ' . .. . . r.l.-..llft Its holdings W it presem I uiuiiiui.-, riKST NATIONAL 1'ANK OF ATHENA. Oregon. Capital, f ."O.COO ; surplus and profits, J12,.00.00. Interest on time de posits, lieats in roreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended Henry C. Adams, presldeut T. J. Cltk. vice-president ; F. S. I.eOrow, cash ier; I. M. Kemp, assistant cabler. REFORM THE rAItMEItS' HANK OF WESTON, Weston. Oregon. Does a general bank ing business. Exchange bought and sold. Collections promptly attended to. It. Jameson, presldeut ; George . Proebstel, Tlce-presldent : J. It. Kllgore. cashier ; ill- rectors. . A. ltartman. m .m. Jones, r. ,t. Price. G. D. Graw. J. P Kllgore. Rob ert Jameson, G. . Proebstel. I CONGRESS DETERMINED TO PASS UP TIMBER ACT. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS RANK Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March i, S.S9. Canltal. $100,000: surplus, &o,- 000: Interest allowed on all time deposits. ixrhnnce boucht and Bold on all pnu Ipal points. . Special attention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president: J. N. Tea I. vice-president . T J. .Morris, cashier: J. w. Maloney. assmant casuier. Large Stock Interests Desire Present Laws "to Remain In Force In Order to Secure Valuable Public Domain Desert Land Law a Tool of Land Grafters. This Cap Label I Is a guarantee of the purity and richness of our Economy Brand Evaporated Cream We offer $5,000 reward to anyone able to prove , adulteration of our producL REACHING THE SPOT. Can Bt Done, So Scores of Pen H'ton Citizens Say. 11 fat an achlm. wb n!1"? of rheumatism. I Yn iflings. i iaun teach th,. o. P caw. " IS Ma.. Doari 1-ij!'8. l'le Uidneys- 1 I Brvnv- srand I'llls are for the who lives on Sfar "Doan's Kidney Pills medlc.lnp a, f t-nMv ..t, ; huh i nave no hps. f... "ckache or other k-l.lnpir irm,. ?, ,wno m rive them fi; ,;ri fBlu T,fc,llan sa,8fle'l with tho Fran Kltk ----- i nice ur lour L. !.acute when I attemntP.d tn a mj let. .J luau8m or lumbago o nan that t k ui&p it but raise it .i u lnBl 1 coula Joairt l.m ? Iert hand- I "I lot a L y n"8 advertised tC lZl a.lthe Brock & McCo- iuel thrtP k lore' Wl'rn I had m throii,!, ' 11 l,le fheumatlc : For Wvi V y arms " teat Per to, I deaIei- Price 50 Eo8a!o v v F08ter Mllburn Co., l'Hta States ase,l,s for Uie Mother1116 name-Doan's-and U tt ?PSoIcs Gardes Safe ,y. 8eft Wanted. aat .""me. Absni.oi.. rC,e rhoea'anS.fe j Mo- Prop Pt"r Particulars 'ad J2. Kn... P.'. Pharmacy. Ini, nl U Jin. Kni- ol .. Znt ,PMntai n Eastern Or ?f h du M" PaPer. It leads Washington, April 15. (Special.) "No land law reform at this ses sion of conKress." is the mandate which has cone forth from the inter ests desirous of keeping the pirate land laws upon the statute hooks to enable a grab in the West during the coming year of a few million more acres of the people's lands The mandate is apparently heing heeded careiuliy by congress. In suite of two annual recommen nations from the president; in spite of a special message to congress urging the repeal of the timber and sione act and In spite of the evident I national nubile sentiment favoring !the stoppage of land and timber 'stealing, congress is prepared to ad !mlt Its domination by a crew of land grabbers and . timber and land spec ulators which will, before the next ! cucalmi olunl tone nf tTltlllnnR flf dol' iars worth or government property which can never be replaced. This reneal of the desert land act, a tool of the cattle corporations, has been voted down In the house Irri gallon committee, aud the repeal ot the limber and stone act. under which at least 50 million dollars was lost to the government last year, and which has been specifically recom mended by the president and his special land commission, bids fair to be muck y killed on tne nouse noor, This committee has been holding hearings on this act, and timber lords, owning hundreds of thousands of acres of the finest standing urn her In the world which by every law of right and Justice should still be the property of the people of the United States, have appeared before that committee and presented eager ly accented testimony, showing what a hardship it would bo on the poor settler who wants a small piece of timber adjacent to his homestead, if the timber and stone act were re nealed. T. ii. Walker, of Minneapolis,, sam to be the largest owner ot timoer lands In the Un ted States, owning and nneculatlne in timber lands In Minnesota and the 1'actnc uoasi states ands whose title snouia to day be in the government and which are valued at mil Ions or uouars, uu ueared before the committee ana gravely stated that he must protest against the repeal of the timber and stone act. It Is true that the b 111 to repeal tne timber act was allowed to pass the Renate without onnosltlon trom tho timber senators even after they had announced that they were opposed to anv rpiie.il of the law and tne inter ence is therefor that tney assureu themselves that the bill would be well taken care of In the house and probably never even get out or tue nubile landu committee. One mem ber of that committee even made such a boast. , People ' their appreciate It and taw i lS wetkifl. ,ertilng medium of this Grazing Land for Lease. 32.00(1 acres on Grande Ilohde river Grande Itonde Lunn-er Co., Perry, Or. Hiram Knowles, United States dis trlet IwlKe for Montana, has resign od. William II. Hunt- now governor of Porto Ulco, will succeed him. - BANKS AND BROKERS. on itKNT sum: of hooms in i:ast Oreconlan building. Steam heat ed. Hot and cold water and bath room on same floor. Call at V.ast Oregonlan oruce. 1'IItST NATIONAL HANK Or I'ENDLI ton. Capital, $70,000; surplus autl un divided nruflts. JlmUHMi. Transacts ppiipral banklnc biKlucs. I.ichange and teleeranhlc transfers sold on ( lilca- co. San I ranclsco. New lork ami princi pal points lu the Northwest Krafts diuwn China, japan aim i;urope. jiahes i-oi Ipi-tlons on reasonable terms. Levi An kpnv. nresldeut: W. I'. Matlock, vice- president ; (1. M. Ulce. cashier : George Hartman, Jr., assistant cashier. DENTISTS. It. M. S. KKItN, nr.NTAL SL'ItUKON. Office, room IS, Judd building . A. VAIKIHAN, DLNTIST. OFFICK Judd building. Thoue. red 1111- IN ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. IS. TliOUTMAN. AltCIUTKCT AND Supeilntendent, room 12 Judd block I'endleton. Oregon. r. r. iiowAim. AuciirrtvCT a.m u- iiorlnf vnriont. Mated complete and re liable plans tor buildings In the city or country, l.oom i,, juuu uuhuiuk. siii:i:k .l colk, contkactoks anu builders. Estimates furuisueu on tuori notice. Job work a sp"iialt,v. I rompi ShoD on Itliitf street, near Malu. n vnv rnvritACTOi: amj iii.ii.ij or. list matt-s furulsued on an muus of masonry, cement walks, stone wans, etc. Leave orders at Kast Oregonlan of fice. T. M. KLLLLIt. I'LASTLISIMi AMI -'!. mentlng. I ement waiss a e(,ei,,i. i-.iim.t riirnUheH fiee. Work guarau teed. I-ave orders at ISadley & Zehner'a iL.nr store. Main street. V. O. box lot LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. Ti:i.Kl'IIONK LIVKItY STA1ILK. COUKT sneer, ominslte rourt house, isowere Sou, proprietors. Always goou lutuuui., ubllu stales. '1'uoue. main ooi. OLU DUTCH HKNHV 1 LI;" 1A,'U' Corner Went Alia ailU l.lilliu ircri, v 4 iiIiuit nroorletor. lirge com fnr,i.l. atslla. l'lentv of feed. Horses given careful attention. COMMKltCIAI. STAULL'S, O. M. FllOOME oiuiiiletor. I-'lne uorses, kou bett care given transient . Hotel I'endleton. 'I'hone, main 101 Opp .ivv rn't'HV TAIII.i:. ALIA ajur.f., Carney & Kennedy, rroiw.. iiiri,, and sales stab e. Oood rigs at ii i""' fi, line In connection. 'I'hone, main iui VETERINARY SURGEONS. .Ki..,lk.-lIV HITHR WIN 1)11. 11. MkVb hit unlet HI aiiui store. BOARDING AND LODGING. ,,r.,i'l AI.'I'A COKNKK AI.1A ' .. . .... r week Good table set. Kales. '- uer week. Mrs. L. Icfr. rrop. reeu iaia iu muutnv piietor. L. I'endleton Neff. pro -v.-. iin-l'Mf.. MSADINU HUir.l, j.-s -. ei'nJ 7 ii su per day. H. I Mlllen, proprietor. TAKL'8 YOU oooa ..ii.v vnrm lll'KINKSH ii,.i llellr. Jlood to IlelU. atop at i v;"Vv,--V meals ana goou itm' - proprietor. COTl'AOK HOTLL -WHLN VOt GO TO fmatllla slop at the lottuge l o el. neal und clean proprietor Mrs, Juiu'es OVounell SECOND-HAND DEALERS. FOR RENT. KOIt HUNT GOOD KltONT ltOOM. suitable for two gentlemen nr two la dies. Coll at 010 Willow street. FOR KKNT FURNISHED ROOM FOR HEN tlemsn ; centrally located. s. Main strtet, TO MEET THE EYE of thoso with oyo troubles this ntlvor- tls9mcnt Is Inserted. U Is our business to mako oyo tests, prescrlbo a cure for defective sight and io provide tho necessary EYEGLASSES OR 8PECTACLES. For tho test of tho prescription wo charge nothing If glasses nro or dered hero and for tho glasses our prices are only reasonable. Wo mako a complete oxnminnxion, using tho best ot tho late Improved Instruments. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician Poatofflce Block. The Columbia Lodgiiig House 10 Tho Hotot 1'ondloton has Just been roflttod nnd refurnished throughout 'Phono nnd tiro alarm connections with nil rooms. Hatha In suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Men Commodious Sample Rooms. Well vontllatcd, neat nnd com fortable rooms, good beds. Dnr In connection, whoro best goods are served. Main street, center of block, between Alta and Webb streets. FOR KENT NKATI.Y keeping rooms FURNISHED IlOl'Sif. ;112S. Main Street. WANTED. WANTKD-.TO DO SEW1NO 11Y THE PAY Miss Olive Tryon.aoi Thompson Street. WANTED YOUK OltKltS I'Olt UN- graved cards, wedding Invitations, etc.; loll e.tfi-nve.1 vlalllnf- raril ultli tllnte. fl.r.O; additional cards In future, $1 per hundred. The Uast Oregonlan. WANTF.D ADVr.llTISHliS TO MAKK use of these classllled columns. If you have something you have no use for, offer tn trade It for something that some other body may have and have no use for, some thlug that you may need In your business. 1 on may have- an extra horse that you may wish to trade for a cow or a vehicle. Somebody may have the cow auu vemcie and want the horse. 13c or 20c want ad will probably do the business. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A LADY'S WHEEL. STERLING MAKE Las been found by the pollin and la now at the omoeolthe city .MsrHml on Alia street. Any persoi. having lost such-a. wheel can stenre the same by comlug to the office, proving property and paying charges MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SLE-FRE3H MILCH COW. lNql'IKK 1. Cottage street. KXI'ItUSa WAGON HILLY LKATIIKItS, express aud light hauling of all kinds. Wagons at your service day aud night. Telephone main lul or call at tue com merclal Stables, opp. postofflce. F. X. SCHEMPP Proprietor NOTICE. Rates $2 00 and $2.50 Special rates by week or month. Kxccllcnt Culslno. Prompt Dining Room Sorvlco. Bar and Billiard Room In Connection Only Three Blocks From Depot Hotel St. George GEO. DARVEAU, PROPRIETOR. SINGKIt (SUWING MACHINU OFFICII, 50ii College street. Repairs for all ma chlues. 1', A. Lovetaug, manager. HKWHR CONTHACTOItS ItUUD & LAF ler make connections with tjie sewer for business houses aud private realdemes. Terms reasonable. Leave or dels at T. C. Taylor'a Hardware store. F. S. MHItllILL, Sl'OKANK. WAHIL, Agent. Deusmore. Second-hand ma chines) supplies and repairs. BUB YOU "UNCLU" WHKN YOU WANT money. We make loans on personal property. T. II. Gurdaln, 1'awu Ilroker, Milarkey bulldlug, Court stieet WM. F. YOIINKA WILL l'AY I'ltOMIT ntteiitlun to all sales aud posting bills. Correspoudeuie solicited. Commission lea sonable. I'. O. liox -M. l'rudletou, DRUSKM AKING, CUT ING AND FIT ting a specialty. 1'roinpt winrk. Satis faction guaranteed. Miss It. Whitley, 012 Main street. I'HNPLKTON HTF.AM DYU WOIIKH -7.'i0 Cottonwood street. Cleaning, dylug aud lepalrlng, Goods called for and de livered. 'I'hone. main 1001. HOt'SK-CLUANING HY TUB JAI'ANHHK House-Cleaning Co. Work done by the day, hour or job. Window cleaning a specialty. I'rompt service at low prices. 001 Garden street. 'I'hone Malu 1171. Insure in Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at the head of the list. Assets. Hartford Fire Insurance Co 12,2B9,07C Alliance Assurance Co .. 29,039,903 London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,644,(83 North British & Mercantile Co 19,695,974 Royal Insurance Co 22.S97.H3 FRANK B. CL0PT0N AGENT. 112 EAST COURT 8TREET. MANHOOD RESTORED "cufIDdE; qalCkiycuni;uH v Si;.!... T.V the liuck. Meuiluul i:uillou, nervous ;r,,i.,, Ko.mI, lu.unint . I "s." 'rUJifju.iliiic Jli ulu., Vurleoeelr, uuU IV llwplrs.UuiUiir lo ;PSft"u 'rStumr. whlfli 1 not Checked reads pullou. Iis.op. "l.TlonmMtVu Vui-lutViK chants the llrefc rT'ltl-ru-.N ""Sheos-Vud P-'VVrceo.-atJ liuuav.-. -- --- j.OOaboi UlX JOT WtJ ut man. " A .4 M.S II 1 U 1 4 J 9 llieklduey', IH)CUUU t j cure w i.itM da Sold by Tallman 4 Co., Druggists In the Circuit Court ot tho United Slates for tho district of Oregon. A. U. llurforil, complainant, vs. C. II. Wade, and T. C. Taylor, trustee in bankruptcy of the said C. 11. Wndo, ilefendunts. Notice is hereby given that a do crce hns been entered In a certain suit pending in the circuit court of tho United States for tho district of Oregon, wherein A. H. llurford Is complainant and C. H. Wade, et nl are ileleiunnts: nnd by snld decroo tho undersigned has been appointed commissioner for the nurposo or malt' Ing sale of certain property pledged by the sain C. B. Wadq lo tne nai lotir Outhrle Investment Company as security for tho payment ot twenty thousand dollars (S20.00U) wan in terest from December 2, 1903, at tho rate of eight per cent (8 per cent) per annum, which property is uo scribed as follows: Three (3) promissory notes, oacli for the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). each dated Kobruary 1, 1902, each executed by one W. T. Itlgbv In favor of said V. B. Wado, maturing respectively on February 1, 1907, February 1, 1908, nnd February 1, 1909. . KlghU'on (18) promissory notes ex ecuted by tho J. B. Smith Livestock Company, a corporation. In favor of said C. II. Wade, each dated January 21, 1902. drawn respectively for $1, 000, $5,000, $C,000, $5,000, $3,000, $2, 000, $2,000, $1,000, $1,000, $1,000, $1. 000, $1,000, $1,000, $1,000, $5,000, $5,000, $5,000, $5,000, each bear ing Interest from Its date at the rate of eight por cent (8 per cent) per annum, and matur ing respectively July 1, 1900, July 1, 1900. July 1, 1906, July 1, 1007, July 1, 1907, July 1, 1907, July 1, 1907, July 1, 1907, July 1, 1907. July 1,1907, July 1, 1908, July 1, 1908, July 1, IS08, July 1, 1908, July 1. 1908, July 1, 1908, July 1, 1908, and July 1, 1908. Five (5) certificates of tho capital slock of tho Pacific Healty Company each for fifty (50) sharen of said cap ital Hloclt, numbered respectively if, 4, 5, 7 and 8. And that under and In pursuance of said decree tho undersigned, as commissioner, has appointed Satur day, tho 23rd day of April, 1904, at the hour of cloven o'clock In tho fore noon, as the time, and tho court honso door of Umatilla Cotiuty, Ore gon, In I'endleton, Oregon, as tho plat e for making sale of said proper, ly; and at said time and placo tho undersigned will offer said property for Bale to tho ..Ighest bidder for cash. Tho property will first bo oi fered as a whole or collectively, but bldB mado for It as a wholo or col let-lively will bo received condition ally. It will then he offered for salo senaratelv. each nanor by Itself, and if the aggregate amount of bids mado for the said property offered for sale seoarately exepeds tho amount bid for said property when offered for salo as u wholo or collec tlvely. the property will bo sold sop arately; but If tho aggregate amount of th b Ids rece ved for sam proper ly when offered for sulo separately bo less than the amount of the bids made for said property us a whole or collectively, tho property will be wild oh a wholo or collectively, ah sales will bo made subject to tho approval of tho Circuit Court of tho 1'nlted States for the District of Or egon, and must bo confirmed by order of said court, and too proporty win be delivered only upon confirmation nf snle. Dated this 11th flay of April. 1901. - T, O. TAYLUH, Commissioner, Kuropean plan. Kverythlng first class. Accommodations tho host. All modern convonlonccs. Stoam heat throughout. Hooms en-sulto with bath. Large, now sample rooms. Tho Hotel St. (icorgo Is pronounced one of tho most niodorn and model hotels of Oregon. 'I'hono and flro alarm connections to ofllco In all rooms. Booms 50c to $1.50. Dally East Oregonlan only 15 cents a week. by carrier, CORNER MAIM AND WEBB 8T8. Block and a half from depot. THE Hotel Bickers (Formorly Golden Itulo.) COURT STREET. SjpPHSlSSBSIifBaMfia'aW-'''' Iteraodolod nnd refurnished through, out. Everything neat, cloan and up-to-date. Stoam heat and eloctrio lights, nest culslno, Prompt sorvlca. H. E. BICKERS, PROPRIETOR. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON. American plan, :i per day and upward. Headquarters for luurlsts and coromere al travelers Hpeclal rales made to famlllnj uud single gentlemen, The management will be pleaseil al all times tn show rooms nil give prices, A modern Turk lull balli establishment In the hotel. H. C liOWKUH, Manager. I The French ! Restaurant i Best 25 Cent Meal In the City Private Dining Parlors. Elegant Furnished Rooms Connection, in QUS LaFONTAlNB, Prop. 633 Main Street.