'"IT Pi, 4 FTH Motherly Advice. Hi i ?J2 ILnnslJ- Every mother possesses information of "vital value to her young daughter. That daughter is a precious legacy, and the responsibility for her future is largely in the hands of tho mother. The mysterious change that develops the thoughtless girl into the thoughtful -woman should find the mother on the watch day and night. As she cares for tlie physical well-being of her daughter, so will the woman be, and her children also. "When a young girl's thoughts become sluggish, when sho experiences headaches, dizziness, fain tn ess, and exhibits an abnormal disposition to sleep, pains in the back and lower limbs, eyes dim, desire for solitude, and a dislike for the society of other girls, when sho is a mystery to herself and friends, then the mother should go to her aid promptly. At such a time aid nature a little and prepare the young system for the coming cLauge by using lnA n to re P -,..tlnn 0 us-. 'T the 01 ! " ',, aco x . fiirn UA LV .iT OrtEUONIAN, PENOLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904. Case of a Young Girl, of Interest to Every Mother and Daughter in the Land. "Deai; Mns. Pixkham: I feel it my duty to write you these few lines thanking you lor what you have done for rac. I was in a terrible condition, could not eat or Bleep, had no strength, "felt tired all tho time. 1 had such a bad color that my mother was very much worried about me. Also suffered with head ache, backache, pains all over. Menstruation was very irregular and scantv, and had such bearing-down riins. I have taken both the Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier, and now I am a well girL cannot be grateful enough for what Lydia E. l'inkham's remedies have done for me. I would advise all who suffer as I did to write to you for advice, Miss Kattt c. Consob, 102 S. Franklin St., Yi mington, Del." A medicine that has restored so many women to health and can jiroduee proof of the fact must be regarded with respect This is the record of ylia E. Plnkhani's Vegetable- Compound, which cannot be equalled by any other medicine the world has ever produced. It is well to remember these facts when some druggist asks you to buy something which he sys is "just as good." That is impossible, as no other medicine has such a record of cures as lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound ; bo do not experiment with untried medicines, hut insist apart the one you know is best SPECIAL ADVICE TO TOUN'G WOMEN FREE. Prom a vast experience in treating female ills, extending over 20 years, Mrs. Pinkham lias gained a Icnowlcdge which is of untold vnluo to every ail ing young woman. Her advice never fails to help. If you need such help write her at Lynn, Mass. $5000 FORFCIT If wb cannot forthwith produce toe original letter and signa ture of nbore testimonial, vbleh will nroTe Its absolute cenulnoness. Lydia E. l'lnkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mau. I ann- OREGON'S STREAMS'! ' terns whose Initial cost was 74,310, an $2 SE per irrigated acre. There were 125 miles of main canals and ditch- cs. Twenty-five systems received waer from Donnor and Blitzen river DRAINAGE BASINS OF land trlhutarles. and Irrigated 34,701 THE STATE EXPLAINED, i acrus hi-longlng to 53 farms at an average cost per acre of $1.02. The 1 25 systems rost S35.400, and the canals construction I METHODISTS WANT CHANGES. average of . Census Bureau Gives Interesting Fig-1 combined length of the main , . .. ,,, , , and ditches was 54 miles. Efforts Will Be Made to Change Rules Governing Amusements. such as card playing, dancing and theatergoing. This paragraph has caused, at The general conference of the many times, many rumors of church Methodist Episcopal church, which disintegration, and various confer meets in Los Angeles, Cal., next ) ences have discussed the question in month will have the settling of jU6t.aU Its phases. how far the people of that denomlna-l The sentiment, especially in con tion can go when it comes to attend-' servatlve states like Oregon and the members of that sect from partlcl-1 Jost how the question will he de- paring In many forms of amusement, ' cided remains to be seen, but in the ures on Irrigation Works of East ern Oregon Number of Acres, Length and Cost of Ditch Systems in Various Basins. "Water from the Harney Silver creek and tributaries was utll ized to Irrigate 13.R09 acres, belong ing to 2S farms. The 22 irrigation systems cost S21.S45. the average cost per Irrigated acre being $1.61. Of the drainage basins of Oregon, 1 There were 45 miles of main ditches. ing balls, parties and the many other county I social and public gatherings to which the census bureau says In a recent report: "A vast area In the southern part of Eastern Oregon, lying between the Klamath region and the Owyhee and Malheur regions on the east. Is drained by a large number of small streams that discharge their waters into small lakes or sinks. It extends northward to the divide separating this portion from the John Day and Crooked rivers and has the peculiar characteristics of the great interior! basin of which it is an arm. Klamath Drainage Basin. "Just cast of the Cascade range in Southern Oregon is an area of about 5,000 square miles drained by Kla math river and tributaries. The whole of upper and half of lower Klamath lakes cover nearly 130 square miles of this surface. "The principal Oregon tributary of Klamath river Is Sprague river, which joins Williamson's river to form the main stream about three miles east of upper Klamath lake. Very little irrigation Is reported man's inclinations may draw him. Paragraph 24S of the present church constitution prohibits the down East commonwealths, look with disfavor on any change, while the younger generation of adherents of Wesley are asking, even demanding a little license in these matters. meantime, there Is plenty of pro and con argument. Cured 20 People. Sergt. C. C. Hummel of the 2Cth United States Coast Artillery writes ' from Fort Flagler, Wash., Trlb is 1 doing " ery fine work among the peo ple here. I know of twenty persons . J here who vere cured of luc Drink Habit. I tuke pleasure In recom-1 mending it r.s a cure lor the Liquor ' and Tobacco Habits. Tallman & Co., local agents. ; Building I Material OF ALL DrSCMFTM i "The largest streams are Sllvies ra l"e n,aln, Yc. 7 Z . river, which rises among the Straw-: lrri&a e(1 , area n 'n'8 basin being re berry mountains, and flows south in- j P""tl from various small tributar to Lake Malheur: Donner and Blitz- ries entering either the main stream en river, which drains the western jor ,K,a?!,h 'ke slope of the Steins mountains, flows ,n 1902- different sources of north and discharges an occasional I waler were rawt upon by 66 sys flood into the same lake; and Silver tems- Thf!re were 26-544 acreB on creek which enters Harney lake Ifil farmB irrigated, at an average from the north. ,,ost of J8-6"- T1'e total cost, of cot,- , , , .. (structlon was $230,010. and the com- Methods of Irrigation. ,)ined ,engtn of ma,n an(, ' "From these streams, and the ditches was 173 miles. Sprague rlv springs and wells within the drain- er and tributaries alone furnished age basin in 1902, 167,392 acres were.water to 3.090 acres on 25 farms, irrigation at an average cost per acre The IS systems oost $26,5C0. an av of $1.95. This low average cost perjerafie of j7 20 1er acre There were acre shows that most of the Irriga- 39 miles or main canals and ditches, tion In this section Is by the simple -of the several drainage basins,! and Inexpensive method of flooding, j thc Snake river and the Independent i Many of the Irrigators use the water j drainage basins, each included more I on grazing lands, or to Increase the than one-third of the total Irrigated, yield of native hay. The 551 farms' area of the state: the former. 167.-1 on wnien irrigation was reportea 072 acres, and the latter 159109 yen supplied with water by 418 sys- acres. tcms, costing $326,705. The aggre- gate length of main canals and ditches was 647 miles. "Sllvies river and tributaries sup-' Enduranee Test for Arnerican JJMCU W UIVI tU A1 tUIUlD, UI1U 1111 gated 2C.041 acres through 86 sys to , . SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order. Building pa. per, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barm and dwellings a specialty. Oregon I AIU Street, Opp. Tint i nn Mini hiiihw o 'rt Howt I HI i: i: i si Koa &4rAJt- oMu BATTLESHIP RACE. Men- l Correct of-War. Washington D. C April 15. Plans mmmm, wm have been completed for putting the , battleships of the American navy ClOtneS for irletl hrough such an endurance test a hhhhhmmmhhmoh no wnr v;8els of any nation ever BP . . j have fieen subjected to. Witnln a l CL againsi(rv (ia)s tno tmuleshlp squadron of( Ordinary readV I tti Notth Atlantic fleet, with several t I I i ! If you are interested in Oil J Painting, see us. Our lit is complete. . ACADEMY BOARDS J STRETCHERS J BRUSHES ARTISTS' SABLES ! BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS We make a specialty framing PICTURES Ne" slock of frames. J i of V C. C. SHARP Opera House Block. rvni ' f rrrf. will m mflhed across the UUll L, . llnniln n,l Int.. 1, ff it 1 1 imwi rt tkfrt . '(JIJ -! 1I11U lilt- 14 UVI t UULAU. i.a-u.co. can have the happy medium high-grade ready-for-service apparel equal to fine custom-made and at a lair price. This label mades Waste money, ihty will visit Trloste. Villa Francho! time and am' 'lshon a,ul wl" return early In . . ' I August, again racing across the patience onOPt.an. these when you! ''"his is' a part of the romprehen- ' w iiuiiii- lur me imjiruvuunrui ui t : navy worked out by the general Irani, of which Admiral Dewey Is pipsldent It Is intended further to Impress the world with the service ability of American naval ships and 'If you would BE WEALTHY Franklin, well jjfrdJ5enjaminrs( MAKERS & NEWyoRK guarantees you the custom-tailor's fit, style, fabric, and workman ship? and the ready-maker's price. develop any weaknesses that less se-1 ver tests have failed to reveal On his way to Europe It Is probable Ad miral Barker, commanding the squad ron, will meet tho British North At lantlc fleet, which Is to be sent rac ing across the ocean In a similar U m of speed and endurance. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If )oa l,n't a rrcnUr, ttMltbr movement of Uu oifrti rrx Uajr. jon'rv pi or will be. Kp joul h.tii on, oii'l b wtll. J ore.lil tbe ihkpof m nl pbrue or pill lon, U dknirtrou. Tit loiootb l,Mt, mM perfect mar o k)iloir lb bowel! CANDY CATHARTIC The Best Family Salve. J DoWitt'B Witch Hazel gives In , j stant relief from burns, cures cuts. I bruises, sores, eczema, tetter and all 1 abrasions of the skin. In buying' Witch Hazel Salve If Is only neces-i sary to see that you get the genu n i line uvwuip uuu a uuic ib kim. , pr box. w The Peoples Warehouse There a many cheap countorfeitB. Ttie Leading Clothier PCNDLETON, OREGON Eiual to fine custom-made In all but price The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. We art Excluslvt Distributors in this city. EAT 'EWI LUCE CANDY nwul. I'llatiljlt I'olrnl TaiU'iood, txOoo4 inc Dowitt it and a cure Is certain. , writ. ro tr .nTi.lr. n.i ta.u, c BMltb. idar u ..ip(.,,l Hr.n, rnH.llV WW VflR.. worthless, and quite a few are dan-' KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN gerous, whllo uewitrs wucn hbzoi 1 Salve 1h perfectly harmless and : PLUMBING and SEWER WORK I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ES TIMATES FURNI8HED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. T. C. TAYLOR "THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN 8T. said Benjamin think of savina as netting." Start today. No n"Mer how little, save something Begin with YOUR FUEL BILL by buying nothing but the best dry wood and Kemmerer Coal McADAMS 'Phone Main 1121 Savings Bank Building. Walters Flouring Capacity. 160 barrels a daV Flour exchanged lor wheat. . Flour. Mill Feed, Chopped J 3tc, always on hand. .t there ' 1 .. n WO U ...... tne enl,,0',' IJCUUb " cor Ste: (jtlmmett ' , river on , wntca uiniiman In. nn SOI sMceeded .Hot JOI tch and f I Oils t er I .mhp of Ij the da I cf going lie to Rive lf rounty Road te larger , Wasco an WS' Souther B us noiai" , I cures. Sold by Tollman & Co. J1.2& hats at tho Boston,