'GHTi DAILY EVENING EDITION icer ! j.mniiv is not too WEATHER FORECAST. Tonight ninl umirday partly cloudy wllli showers. I "'I", nnc a' classified ad. IM. probably ""erica, ' "Way PEXPLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OIIEGOX, VI? I DAY, Al'lllL 15, 1901. 17. NO. G(2n. afS. . .vim in tv. 1 PM .'nth. Hi, 1IX e llltc "ft! a' SlX Hou ( OF THE PALACE sel J Family of Korea Driven Into the Night by the Conflagration, bench sailors save VALUABLE PROPERTY, Lkireff Was Outgeneraled and Am bulled. Though the Russians Still Dtnr There Was a Fight They Acknowledge That the Japanese Sunk a Torpedo Boat Questions of German Neutrality and Favorit !. n;nied in German Reich UIll W"-- ttig. London, April 15. A Paris corres lndent of the Exchange Telegraph, tires that news has been received I Hit the imperial palace at Seoul I Korea, has been destroyed by fire, ai the emperor has fled. Royal Family Escape. Paris. Aliril 15. A Seoul dispatch ikls evenlnc states the fire was fin- ally extinguished by French sailors. iho saved most or tue vaiuaoie con- Itniti of the structure. AH members I of the royal family escaped. The re began last evening and raged I throughout the night. Entire Staff Lost St. Petersburg, April 15. It is itated that Makaroff's whole naval itiS was aboard the Petroparlovsk, and that every member was lost. Ambushed by Japanese. Chee Foo, Apill 15. Another ver Ion, from Japanese quarters, is that tie battleship Petropvalovsk was (tailored by a mine laid by the Jap anese, who sent a torpedo boat to sate demonstration before the en truce of the harbor. While they ere there mines were laid across the entrance. The mosquito fleet lien rejoined the main Japanese qadron. which, in turn, drew near me entrance. The Russian vesBels ewe out to meet them, the Potrona. Tfenk struck the Japanese mine and to destroyed. Bebel Is Critical. Berlin, April 13. In the reichstag dy the socialist leader, Bebel, de- """uea w Know the government's portion in the matter of the salu of !ps to Russian agents, protesting ii is a violation of neutrality. Deny a Battle. St Petersburg, April 15. A denial been i88ued to the Japanese mai me Japanese fleet V '"wnslble for sinking the bat- reiropavlvosk. and an officer taa. . I1 ?,aft ln on Interview J?J itated that Kusslan dispatches w to show there was any naval "fwjwt fought, unless surround- VeV;v!inklnS the torpedo lKat "wuhnl can be so designated. Grind Duke Recovering. iiu,?bu,,rE' Apr" 15.-The con- nam ,M,d..better' contrary to that he had died. Twelve Prisoners Escape. Prboner.MDCS' , Apr11 ".-Twelve Smm?ped from Fort De8 hj BUltT Prison this morn- JUDGE MOORE NOMINATED. Republican State Convention Also Names J. W. Bailey for Food Com mlcsloner. Portlnnd, April 15. The republi can state convention yesterday re nominated F. A. Moore for supremo court justice, and J. W. Bailey for food and dairy commissioner. This nomination of Judge Moore was mado by acclamation, while Charles Holman of Multnomah county, ran a strong race against Mr Bailey for commissioner. Democrats Name a Republican. Union, April 15. The democratic county convention did a gallant act yesterday by naming as their can didate for county treasurer John Frswloy, the present incumbent, a staunch republican. Mr. Frawley has served two terms and Is an old rail road conductor. He was badly crip pled in a wreck on the 0. R. & X. ycrs ago. On: Dead, Another Dying. St. Joseph, Mo., April 15. As a re sult of a family quarrel a shooting took place at the rooms of John Gra dy between him and Charles Foster, who Is dead, and Grady is dying. Thete- were no witnesses. lit! SUES THE WEST COMPANY HEAVY STOCKHOLDER IS TRYING TO REALIZE, INVESTIGATING THE EXPLOSION A Naval Court of Inquiry is in Session at Pensacola, .Florida. THERE IS A DEARTH OF COMPETENT WITNESSES Not an Eyewitness of the Disaster Wh.lch Cost Thlrty-elght Lives Ic Living All Testimony Relating to Cause And Phenomena Must Nec essarily Be Theory Seaman Who Saved the Ship Was Blown Through Hole in the Turret and Drowned. , Complainant Asks for a Receiver, Believing That the Active Man agtment Is Fllmflammlng Him In ai Effort to Compel Him to Sell Out at a Sacrifice. T'enton, April 15. Frank Maeder, a SL Louis stockholder ln Buffalo BMl'r Wild West show, has filed a bi'l ln chancery asking for a receiv er, and that the officers of the con cern be "brought into court to give testimony as to the financial status of the concern. The complaint declares the corpor ation paid no dividends in 1903, and that Cody is withholding profits with the intent of forcing the complainant to sell his shares at a sacrifice. TEMPERANCE SERMONS. Noted Ministers Will Occupy Pen dleton Pulpits on Next Sunday. Revs. G. L. Tufts and L. D. Ma- hone, noted temperance workers and prominent ministers of Portland, will arrive in the city tomorrow night to conduct a series of temperance meet ings at Pendleton churches on Sunday. Rev. G. L. Tufts will preach at the M. E. church at 11 a. m.. and at the Christian church at 7:30 p. m.. and Rev. Maaone will preach at the Pres byterian church at 11 a. m.. and at the Baptist at 7:30. Both of those gentlemen will con duct a general rally meeting at the Methodist church, South, at 3 p. m. on Sunday, In which all the temper ance workers in the city are expect ed to participate. These speakers an both officers ol the State Anti-Saloon League, and are touring Eastern Oregon lu the interest of the local option amend ment to the constitution, which Is to be voted upon at the coming election. Pensacola, Fla., April 15. A court of inquiry, with Admiral CoghlaB as president, is today collecting testi mony In the. Missouri explosion case. No eyewitnesses survive, and only theories are being advanced. One of the Missouri's seamen makes the statement that W, Bourgard, of the turret crew, who Is missing, was blown through a hole in the top of the turret, and into the gulf. VAHDAMAN AND THE NEGRO Chief Executive of Missis sippi is an Implacable, Bit ter Negro Hater. IS HIS SOLE CLAIM UPON THE PUBLIC ATTENTION According to Vardaman Roosevelt Is the Arch-Conspirator Against All the Higher Destinies of the Repub lie An Opinion Shared by All the People of the South Hopes for an Uninstructed Delegation From Mississippi to St. Louis. Relief Subscriptions. Washington, April 15. Up to noon nearly S00 persons have added to the subscriptions for relatives of the victims of the Missouri explosion. Secretary Hay contriouted $100, and Mrs. Cowles, wife of the comman der of the Missouri, $50. St. Louis, April 15. Governor Vardaman, of Mississippi, In an In terview here today, said: ' "Politically speaking. President Roosevelt Is more to be fenred than war, pestilence and famine. He is looked upon in our state and in the South as all that Is bad and danger out for the country. His action In the case of Booker T. Washington was a great mistake. Booker is a good nigger, all right, If ho only keeps his place. "Parker Is strong In the South, but I hope Mississippi will send her del egation uninstructed." TOM DAVIS' TRIAL. WORST IN YEARS. Floods Are Interfering Everywhere With Railroad Traffic. Portland, April 15. Advices from all the eastern and southern por tlons of the state show the worst floods in Years, ln some places the worst ever recorded. The Northern Pacific is the only line out of Portland doing business. The O. R. & N. announces there will be no trains for at least three days, as dozens of bridges and culverts are destroyed, and great general damage in the Blue mountain dls- dlstrict which suffers worst. On the Southern Pacific, but one train has succeeded in getting through for the last 36 hours. This city Is almost isolated. LANDS WILL BE OPENED. Overlap District Will Finally Go to a Settlement. Vancouver, Wash.. April 15. C. K. Moulton, land attorney for the North ern Pacific, announces that within 10 days bis company will throw open for sale all the lands which recently, by a decision of the supreme court, resulted In a clear title to the rail way. Bona tide M-ttlers only will be recognized as cottiers, to discourage all speculators This will be the first sale in overlap district in 12 years. Walter On an Ocean Steamer Accus ed of Assault. San Francisco, April 15. A jury was this morning secured to try Tom Davis, accused of criminally assault Ing Mrs. A. H. Ames, of Marshflcld, Or., while on the bigh seas. Davis was a waiter on the steamer All! ance, and the crime Is said to have been committed on the voyage from this port to the north. A verdict Is expected this evening. STEAMER ON THE REEF. Vessel Lies Beam-End on, Clear Out of the Water. Seattle. Wash., April 15. The steamer Inland Flyer, bound for Seat tie from Bremerton, run on the reef at Restoration Point this morning In a fog, at full speed. Sho was literal ly lifted out of me water and lies beam-end, across the rocks. The damage is not known. The 40 pas sengers escaped uninjured. JUDD GEER AT MILTON. COMPROMISE POSSIBLE. DRESS REHEARSAL, The "Huskln" Bee" Is an Unqualified Success. The "Huskln' Bee," which is to lei presented by Miss Thompson this evening at the Frazcr. under the aus pices of the Women's Clubs, for the benefit of the Sacajawta monument fund, was given a dress rehearsal J last evening. All of the cast and DEATH OF A CHILD. Sli.v... .T By Dies From the Ef- specialties were present In costume fecta of MixIh iana tne presentation went on wun lout a hitch. The entertainment is I Will, t , VV. U . .u ......-- ... ton of t n , Luca. the 6-year-old I unique, and has never been seen In t if. I Ainu a L.J ... Lli. famllr ' U,BU 1B8t n'snt at "s piace, resident ini A-!. i ui.. Ti, W follo.1. ed 6ttack f measles. ierer. VM ou acic of typhoid cir'a, ducted this by RpT --r "; me ceme church. " Hall of the Baptist - nuum BIX eeka 80. J 8ewnd TrIalMrs. Botk.n. i pte APrll 16.- I of MiTbS exam'natlon ! an th, 1 Wa Deane, " fflclet and hol1 In- I Jurisdiction 'aCk - Miss Thompson has taken a great deal of pains with the young people, and it is safe to say that it will be one of the most clever and enter taining programs that it has been the good fortune of the peoplo to have an opportunity to attend. The club ladles are to bo congrat ulated upon their good luck In hav ing persuaded Miss Thompson to produce this play. SENT TO WEATHERBY. George Gillett Is Doing Special Work Work for O. R. & N, George GIHett, formerly operator at the Western Union office, and who has just returned from an extended visit with friends in Southern Cali fornia, has been sent to Weatborby on the O, R. & N., near Baker City, for servico during the high water now prevailing, and will be located there until the flood subsides. Mrs, Amelia Crider, of Atlantic City, turnod on the gas after dress In? herself in a nice burial suit from white gloves to white kid slip pers. She was found dead Agreement In Slqht Relating to Early Closing. The Clerks' Pnlon has held a meeting, at which the time of closing for the summer months was discuss ed. The grocers have not been In tw vor of early closing at any time though thy have fallen into line with the other stores, and now, as the harvest season Is coming on they want to keep their stores open untl & o'clock p. in., nnu pernaps later. The clerks do not relish the idea to any great extent, and appoint ed a committee last night which will confer with the grocers and other merchants in regard to the question. It is probable that eome agreement will be roached, perhaps in tne na ture of a compromise, by which both sides will gain some conres slons. IOWA HOMESEEKERS.. A Party Is Here With a View to Buy inn and Locating. Henry A. Townsend, of Des Mollies. Iowa, is at the Hotel Illek era and will look over this country with a view of locating. .Mr. Townsend is the manager of h croun of tourists who are now In town, all of them men of means from Hen Moines and vicinity, wno are noiilnir over tho eountry with a view of Investing and locating. They have rentod a vacant House anu win re main here for the next 10 days or two weeks, while they inspect lands offorod for sale, and in all probabil ity some of them will locate here. Incorrigible Girl. C P. Davis, of tho sheriff's office, left this morning for a Bhort trip to Milton after Bessie Hayes, a young girl about 10 years of age, who baa lierome Incorrigible and who will bo Kent o the Boys and Girls Aid So ciety of Portland i Horticultural Commissioner Visits the Fruit Belt Today. Judd Geer, horticultural commis sioner, was tho guest of Professor E. B. Conkllu, today between trains, having come up from tho re publican state, convention on his way to Milton and Freowater. Mr. Geer was a delegate from Union county to the state conven tion, his county being favorable to Moody's nomination for congress. He will Inspect the orchards at Milton today and give instructions to the orchardlsts in spraying for the different kinds of pests. Ho Is glad to know that Umatilla county Is taking great interest In tho pro. vention of all kinds of fruit pests and hopes to sou tho quality of fruit improved by this careful observance of the law. RUSSIAN JON OF ARC. Gorka Hleff is an Enlisted Soldier In Russian Army. St. Petersburg, April 15. Tho serv Ices of a volunteer Amazon have been accepted by the czar, and tho fair soldier is now m her way to the scene of hostilities In tho Far Knst. Sho is n young unmarried woman, named Gorka hleff. Sho bornmo so Imbued with military ardor that she was recently occupied loading n band of Macedonian revolutionaries against the Turks. Recognizing a wider sphere for her enegergles In the war between Russia nhd Japan, she offered her services to the czar. The avenigo Russian soldier, being prone to super stition, discovered superhuman qual ities in llio young woman, nnd when It was rumored that her offer had been refused, grave fears wore ex pressed as to the outcome of (ho campaign. This was duly represented to head quarters, nnd tho czar Is said to have observed: "If she wishes to go, lot her go hut as a common soldier lu the ranks." On hearing this, (lie en thusiastic Amnzoii cried, "liven as a drummer boy will I serve." She Is already tho Idol of her regiment. ARE PLANNING TO Nl Efforts Being Made to Put the Rig by-Clove Company on a $50,000 Footing, LIVE BUSINESS ISSUE CONCERNING EVERYONE. SECOND STORY TO Institution Has Been at a Standstill Ever Since the Wade Failure Pendleton Will Lose the Enter prise Unless She Rises to the Present Crisis Properly Capital ized, a Factory for Manufacture of the Clove Machine Will Be a Great Paying Investment. ( E mills E PLANS ARE BEING DRAWN FOR USE OF CONTRACTORS While the New Structure Is Being Built, the Lower Front Will Be Completely Remodeled and Exten sive Changes Made to Interior. Judge T. J. GelBler, of Portland, is in town today looking over the pros poctH for. n reorganization of tho ltlgby-Clovo Foundry Company aa a stock company, with a capitalization of $50,000. Since thu Wndo failure. In whlc.i Mr. Rlgby was so heavily Interested, thu work of tho foundry has boon nt n practical standstill, and It Is to put it on a solid basis that Judgo Ools ler Is hero. Large Dividends Possible. After Investigation of tho projects of tho company and of whnt they have to offer Investors, It Is tho opin ion of tho Judgo thnt the foundry would pay a largo dividend on tho capital necessary to lloal It, and no r. v. Tmiiim.n la nn.. ni wnrit nil will mako an effort to reorganize plans for the addition to bo mado to and put tho platit In operation as ' onnii na tmRdllilf. Tho Improvements on tho com bined harvester that was first put In thu field last year have been all do cldud upon, and It Is now n certain ty that the machine will do mora than Is claimed for It. Its construc tion bus been altered somewhat and Its lines ho changed thni all of tho machine men wuo have examined it arc unthuslaHtlc lu its praise. It Is tho desire of tho company to put a number of these machlncn In tho field this year, and tho sponsora and builders are confident thut thoro, Is no possibility of failure, Hut nsldu from tho machines mado It Is shown thnt tnu foundry work alone would yield a hundBoine profit to thu Investors. Lust year moro limn n tlOOnn lillulni.HU u-nu ilfinn No Tickets to Be Sold East of Baker ,, lt ,B lu Ul)alro BO ,(, tmlltK0' city Until o. R. & N. Tracks Are 'tho plant that still moro btiHlnoss Repaired. can bo handled. The foundry would lie utile to naniiio a grout ileal or uio tho building occupied by the Peoples Warehouse, and will have them ready for tho contractors. In a fow days. According to these plans the en tire front of tho storo will bo chang ed. Instead of two doors as at tho present time, thoro will bo on largo double, cntrnnce In tliij mlddlo of thu building and the Interior will bo changed around to meet the added conveniences of tho upper story. The now story will bo llio snmo size as the lower rooms now occu pied by the store and all will bo completed inside of two months from tho time tho work Ih commenced. TRAFFIC IS SUSPENDED. Powder nnd Burnt rivers aro on a Htrl, f.- tin. l,lt,.M.I ,,ttll-v rampage, and the O. It. & N. bridge ', lf ..i,,,, rniiiv,,-,,!,. f,.,.;! over Powder river, Just east of Dak- d , ,,ruw ,j,Oi00O Wl)rtll (lf ri!alr or City, has been washed out, ho- , , Kvon sides a great amount of damago to .,,., i',i, ... .i... ,uiii.. ,, o her bridges on tho lino In the- vl- work W()Ula lvo tho ,.,, iant clnlty of Huntington mid Durkoo. ,,., u $20 000 of ')lllu. one bridge on Burnt river having ,lllf w(mI(, b() cImlr FIRST WOOL OF 8EASON. Was Brought In This Morning by Otto Relman, of This Vicinity. The first wool of tho season was l.roupht into the Furnish warchouso this morning by Otto Relman, of this vicinity. Tho consignment was small, but it shows that tho season it; opened. Tho Cunningham wool will be hauled Into town In a couplo of weeks, and from that time on tho roads will be lined with wool wag on until all the clip is In. Jnero wan a largo lot of wool brought Into thu warehouso some days ago by rail from North Yakima that had been bought by K. H. Clarke for the Pendleton Scouring mills, a week or so ago, but tho lot today is tho first to be hauled in for storage, Imm nnrrleil nwnv Nino freight crows aro now out nDH ouuscripiiorj. with work trains repairing the dam- Judgo (lolslur thinks that tho prop- ages and while the wnter is still osltlon Is a paying ouo, and ho will very high. It Is thought tho worst uso his efforts lo orgunl.o a comim- stago Is over. It will ho necessary ny as soon us posslblo. it In his In to build a trestlo around the washout tontlon to havo local people who on Powder river lo relievo tho situ- have cupltul lo Invest to lako up ut ntlon. No, 0, which passed through least $5,000 of tho stock, whllo liu hero at 5 o'clock this morning, Is will lloat tho remaining $15,000 still at Iiakor City, and No, C, duo among Portland capitalists who will hero at midnight tonight will bo uu- be glad to Invest In a proposition able to leave Huntington mill! Hie j which promises ho much. In tho bridge Is repaired, j putting out of the stock, however, No Tickets to Be 8old. , l,Kal 'I'ltnl will bo given tho prof- ., , ... , . eronco, ami If moro than $5,000 Is iln nfK,r m a t?,",.,rny0 "J,1?"""' iloslK.il by people her., a lesH amount sion of tralllo, Agent II. C. Smith ro-1 wlM , , , , 1 ,.11.li..I1. celved tlco this afternoon that no j ', r 1 ' ;., , )Wn . S0.,1?,,!'", f7 LK,nt? U f "' more, afler which f" . ..u?k?r ? ft W l" will return to Portland to com- been built around tho washout. General Itoadmaster W. Ilollotis, pluto tho work of reorganization. SHIPMENT OF CATTLE. Four Carloads Will Be Sent to Taco ma Today or Tomorrow. H. N. Stanfleld will shin tho first largo shipment of cattlo out over tho w. Sc. C. It. this evening or tomor row evening that has gono out for some time, Tho market has been dull and no sales havo been mado for nearly a month. Mr. Stanfleld will send out four carloads of fine steers to tho North Pacific Meat Company at Tacoma, driving them to this city from Echo, A rockslldo on iiio Southern Pacific in Cow canyon, delayed traffic throe lays, this week, from Tuesday to Friday a.,ni.,,tn,w.lMl ltIHf., 11. A Lit ..-I., t nnd all tho heads of departmoiXH. I DR' C0LE F0R REPRESENTATIVE are now at tho scono of tho trouble and lt is thought that (ravel will bo resumed wKhln 36 hours. Tho mall will bo transferred around Iho washout and handled by a local train, G, W. PHELH8 NOMINATED, Nominated for the Legislature From Umatilla and Morrow Counties. Dr. W. O. Colo, of this city, was unanimously nominated for Joint representative between Morrow unit Umatilla cotiutloH, at the statu con vection, lu I'ortluud, yesterday Dr. Cole has served UmiitilU Morrow County Man Placed In the '''"""'y faithfully uh coronilr ami this Field for District Attorney Wr nomination rumen an a iicuurvins u .. D'B,rlct A,,orney 0ver, promotion, slnco ho Is eminently fit John McCourt. f(lr 10 ,0B. in Kulned G. W. Phelps, of Hoppncr, has heen'l'i" esteem of ull parties by strict nominated for tho olllco of district j uttentlon to his duties, nnd by his attorney by tho republican district hljjh regurd for the political oplii conventlon, over John McCourt. of I Iooh of others. this city, who was also a candidate. Tho program was arranged In this eltv about two woehn nirn. when Mr. I Phelps visited Pendleton, and con-j-forred with numerous politicians nni both sides. Mr. McCourt's strong op- position to open gambling was tho direct cause of his defeat for tho, nomination Mr. Pholps favors an opon town, and If elected, will discontinue tho fight mado by T. G. Halloy, tho pres ent district attorney. In favor of strict enforcement of the law. Canada has expended In 35 years past $102,48-1,545 on canals, upon which sho is now expondlny about $8 '0.000 per annum for ropnlrs and Improvements. In Defense of Roeskl. Chicago, April 15, Car burner Marx today took the witness Htauil in tho trial of Kmll Itouskl, his alleged uo complice. Ho testlllod that ho, mid not Iluoskl, Hlllod Otto Humler lu tho saloon hold-up. Hti culled It un acci dent, tho plan being . to 'kill nooskl, who was not liked Mum Is under death sen toneo, uud fow, If any, beliovu IiIh story