EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1904. EIGHT I PAGE FOUR. ANOTHER LARGE SHIPMENT OF FANCY STATIONERY JUST ARRIVED TODAY. THE VERY LATEST CREATIONS IN FINE GOODS. HURD'S FINE INVITATION PAPER IN BLUE, GRAY, FLAKE WHITE, ETC., FROM 15c TO 45c A BOX. NEW JUVENILE STATIONERY. NEW STATIONERY IN BULK AND NEW POUCH ENVELOPES TO MATCH, IN THE FOLLOWING SHAPES AND STYLES: "MILDRED," "GAVOTTE," "COMMODORE" AND "CAROT." Ft edetick Nolf & Co. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. PublUbed ctery Friday at Pendleton. Orezou. by tbe EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Telepbone, Main 11. Entered at I'enilletoD postoflki; as second class matter UNIOMC.ABEI. Men are qualified for civil liberty In exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appe- ties: In proportion as their lo"e of justice Is above their rapacity. In proportion as their soundness and sobriety of understanding Is above their vanity and presumption; in proportion as they are dis- posed to listen to the counsels of the wise and good In prefer- ence to the flattery of knaves. Society cannot exist, unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed some- where; and tne less of it there Is within the more there must be without. It Is ordained In the eternal constitution of things that men of lntemper- ate minds cannot be free; their passions forge their fet- ters." Edmund Burke. be frowned down. The people are ln terested in securing the best possl ble service, and nlthough there are ninny deserving and capable men in the community, who aspire to office, there is nothing to be gained by e.' changiug one capable experienced man for a capable man not experience ed. A farmer does not change farm hands because a new mau wants the job every month. Those who are taK.ng steps to test the validity of the lew on spray.ng fruit trees, are not friends of Ore gon. There should be enough pride and interest among the owners ot orchards In this state to protect their orchards, without a law on the sub ject. It should not be necessary for the legislature to compel enterprising farmers and orchardists to guard their own property by enforcing pre caution against the spread of damag ing pests. There was a refreshing unanimity of opinion among tne delegates to the democratic convention, on the vari ous candidates. The popularity ot the nominees among all the dele gates was so great that without dis cussion or prearranrrement. public sentiment among the members of the party had almost nominated the tick et, before the convention assembled, except as to details and forms. A healthy rivalry was exhibited over tbe office of county commissioner, and the friends of W. D. Chamberlain exhibited pardonable pride and inter est in his candidacy. Outside of these offices, there was no contest. Pendleton business men should co operate with Colonel R. C. Judson, industrial agent of the O. R. & N., In arranging a farmer's congress in this city, during the first week In June. Interest in the farmers' club at Echo has formed a nucleus around which a farmers' meeting for the en tire Eastern Oregon district suould be arranged for this city, county seat of the banner wheat county and ban ner wool county of the state. The O. It. & N. is doing more than Its share toward the development of this county, and Pendleton business men and farmers are invited to co operate In their own Interest. A meeting of farmers and stockmen should be held nere that would eclipse any Hlmllar meeting ever hold in the state. Speakers are available. Interest Is sufficient. The need for Just such a meeting is undeniable, in exhibiting to the government tnat the state is watching irrigation progress here. The sentiment of Pendleton Iri fa vor of public school Improvement was exhibited yesterday in such a maimer that it cannot be denied. The large majority by which the ?60,000 I id ml issue for school improvement passed. Is the best advertisement ever issued by this city. It invites the best class of people from nil over Eastern Oregon, In search of the highest school advantages, to loook toward Pendleton It Invites those who have considered removal from the county to Walla Walla and other cities, to reconsider and build homes in Pendleton. It will induce proper ty owners to build substantial dwel lings in different parts of the city, und property in the vicinity of the various new school buildings will now advance rapidly in value. The taxpayers of the city are to be con gratulated on their unqualified appro val of the plans of the school board for relief. Pendleton has built up two goo., private schools, largely by public subscription, and contributes to their maintenance monthly. The vote yesterday to add 300 per cent to the present school equipment of this district, is cause for bonfires and street parades by the lovers of the public school system. Chicago may be taken as a repre sentative American community. The voters there average up fairly well with the general run of American voters. Sentiment tuere varies about as widely as in otner characteristic American cities. The scale of vice and ignorance Is no lower nor the scale of wisdom and purity no higher than elsewhere In this country. The same subject presented under tne same circumstances there, would re ceive about the same consideration and verdict as elsewhere. If these conclusions are right, a fair estimate of public sentiment on public owner ship of public utilities may be reach ed. Chicago at her recent city elec tion voted C to 1 In favor of munici pal ownership of street railways and voted 4 to 1 on Immediate ownership on Immediate purchase of the pres ent system from their arbitrary own ers. If this Is the extreme ot gov ernment ownership to which the mo nopolies are driving the people, the oppression of these monopolies will not have been In v-.n. Even the extremist In municipal ownership believes in the gradual process of absorption; he halts at the sudden conversion of the gigantic private systems into public property, without a preliminary reorganization anu re adjustment. If Chicago's condition warrants the extreme sentiment ex hibited. It must be ripe for a change. PHYSICAL HOUSE-CLEANING A Thorough. Cleansing of the System Now is tne Surest Protection Against Spring and Summer Sickness. THE PLAIN MEN WIN. He Is a mighty poor employee of a a newspaper office who does not at his leisure, on what he counts his own time, pick up at least one new subscriber a week for the paper he draws a salary from. The newspaper employee who re luses to take tne name of a new sub scriber on the ground that it is not In his line of duty Is the same one who watches the clock and spills the ink In his haste to get awoy from his desk. The writer knows It to be a fact that Joseph Medill. only a few months before his death, stopped on the street an man who wanted the paper sent to his house. Horace Rublee. late edi tor of the Milwaukee Sentinel, was called to the telephone by the olty editor one day in answer to a call from a citizen who had "Important business" to transact with the editor. It was a subscription, and Rublee took It. although had he been a man of less common sense he might have ( said: "You want the subscription de-! partmcnt. This Is the editor in chief." Instead. deeply engaged in writing one of the editorials that made him famous, re turned profuse tnanks to the sub scriber and. turning to the city editor nald: 'Mr. Blank, that was an Important message. I ve got a new subscriber, and If we could get SO of 'em this way every day. I'd quit editorial work." Rublee realized how important one good subscription is to a newspaper. no matter how great or how wealthy the paper might be. So did Medill, and l.iey were famous editors of this generation. Circulation Manager. mah county, was never more active In development of rural Interests than now. The "get together" spirit seems to have taken renewed life through out the country, and Isolation as It was known among fnrmers a few years ago is a thing of the past. This is well. The neighborly Bpirlt repre sents one of the most valuable forces for keeping the boys and girls on the ! farm and brightening the lives of tne I gentle, patient, hardworked class j known to community history as "far-' mens- wives." The Grange is a great) promoter ot this spirit, and it should be encouraged in Its efforts, and, in- , ...,1,iM.uiri,rt Hn. With nlentv of soaoaud water, hard scrubbmp; and scour-. zens." ing, sunngut ana air, sue souu gas im ui an lumau, ( - 1 " T 1 A 1 J L. I S musty odors, germs ana microDes, ana tne uu&i auu .dirt that have accumulated during the long winter months. But when the house has been put in order, and the premises cleared of all old plunder and trash, the rrreat maioritv of house keepers feel that Spring cleaning is over, and foreet that their systems may be in a worse condition than t1iv and that the bad feelintrs. debility, loss of appetite, nervousness and sleeplessness fm J tliev are sufferinrr are due to nerrlect of the more important and necessary work of PU house cleaning. A clean house does not insure against disease, but a clean system' The poisons and humors engendered witmn ine ooay, me waste matter tnat is cfo the system and contaminating ana vitiating tne Diooa, are iar more aangerc-us to ! man tne airt ana aust or our uumcs. xu mc hiuici umc c ucc iau to our app and eat more and oftener than is for our good. We inhale the polluted air of badlv vent nffirps nnrl rooms, take little or no exercise, and our bodies become a veritable ? Ms tieatn. sioppeit on - , i j -.v ; -f- i r id too ; the name of ai ciisease-Deaniifr trerms. aim our uiuuu is iuaucu wiiu jmuuiiuu Muuuua ut even co- . ... ........ - .. .,- . . r. - 1 . i f i . 1 able kind: and no wonder tnat spring time is so onen oick time ana nnas us in such! physical couditiou, with vitality slowly wasting away, our digestion impaired, the ljvertcl ana an tne oouny uiyiiiis uvci-uiw:uiuu um w . wim-oj uu aicms are giv thorough cleaning, and the blood purged and purified, the simplest malady may develop ionie serious disorder or end in chronic invalidism, and often the pent-up impurities, do: .aid humors break out through the skin, and all through the Spring and Summer vot lorniented with boils, itchy rashes, sores, bumps and pimples, and all manner of mstular and scaly eruptions. Physical house cleaning should begin with the blood. It must be purified and strenJ rtubiee, who had been -tied, and when a stream of pure, rich blood is turned into all the nooks aud corners ofl f tlm , . 11 1 1 1 . 1,1 1 S3'Stem, the rubbish and disease-proaucing poisons are wasnea out, ana tne congesi channels and avenues or the body are opened, and .Physical house cleaning is made thorod and complete. S. S. S. cleanses the blood ot taints and poisons and expels the waste and i bish from the system. It is to the system what soap and water are to the house. Not! else so qmckly removes the stubborn, deeplv-i poisons and humors that are destroying the puntyj the blood and blocking the avenues 01 healtn m A course of S. S. S. now will put your systes perfect order and fortify you against the debilitd diseases and aggravating skin troubles that are sai come if your physical welfare has been negle S. S. Sis not only the best of all blood purifiers, but an unequalled tonic and appeti It builds you up, improves the appetite, and aids the digestion aud assimilation of f and keeps the system in a neaitiiy, vigorous conaition. o. o. a. is guumuiccu jju vfo-ernhle- and can be taken by the old..middle-aged and young without danger of any ful effects. S. S. S. is a blood purifier aud tonic combined, a perfect Spring medicine ; indispensable iu Physical house cleaning. Write us fully about your case. No ck for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, AH footwear at a dls price- L COMING EVENTS. The Oreconian. sneaking ot the benefits of the Grange in farming communities, tolls some weighty truths about this noble farmers' or ganlzatlon which Is now taking root in Umatilla county. The farmers' clubs, granges, and all other organ! zations having for their object the Improvement of Industrial conditions, and the amelioration of the surround ings of country life on the frontier, should receive tne heartiest support of the farmer everywhere. The Ore guuian pays tho following compll ment to the work of the Orange: "The Grange, as shown by the efforts of Its organizing officers in Multno The Hast Oregonlan does not share the common prejudice against the third term in county offices. It be lieves that the able and efficient man should bo kept tnere, In order that tho people may receive the honeflt of his experience, as long as possible. A public office should not be consid ered a toy to be passed around as a pleasing patitlme. among aspirants. An office Is a public charge, tho whole aim of which should be to fa cilitate government, through the knowledgo and experience of the of ficial. Either tho terras of all countyl prbetotlie housowlfe. Nu tioiiblo, leas ex. ... nH. Trv It wlav. In Four Fruit I la. on.ee i snoum ue exienueu .or u.e 0niU( Btruwbcrry, lb. jirejuuii.-tj uuiiiol u miiu mini nuuiiiu ' oerry. At grocers. 100. No Dessert More Attractive Why use gelatine aud spend hours soaking, swoBteiilng, lUvormg and coloring when Jell-O . ., . X i f......fl produces Hotter remum i iwu uumuoi EverytWug iu the juokiie. fiimplv ndl hot vmtur mill geliocooi. ji-suariuuuuu. April 1G Meeting of Oregon Cat tle-growers' Association, Portland. April IP Oemocrntlc state con vention, Portland. .May 2 Oregon Federation of La bor. Oregon City. May A General M. E. conference. Los Angeles. .May 18-211. O. O. F. grand lodge at Astoria. May 27-2S Caledonian picnic at Athena. June 2, S, -1 Umatilla county pio neers' reunion, at Weston. June C General election In gon. June 15. 16. 17 Oregon encamp ment G. A. It., Hood River. Ore-! tM"H I 1 1 1 1 11" 1 H-H-H-H-m 1 1 MM ll'l- Adolpli Bullrlch, banker, is dead In New York He was for tour years mayor of Buenos Ayres and wns a man of very high qualities. Often The Kidnejs Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy KMneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be cousidered that only urinary aud bladder troubles were to lie iraceu 10 tuc Kiuiicp, but now modern science proves that nearly all disa&06 have their beginning in the disorder of these muht iinxirtaut orjjins. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. TliiM-pfore. when vonrkidneysare weak or out of order, vou can understand how quickly yonr entire body is affected and how every organ secnis to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or "lerl ixiuiy, oegin taking the great kidney remedy, Ur. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no uns it. r,ri rlrk-ioriue vour kiduevs. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Koui, uic greui v-Mmhv remedv. is soon realized. It stands tbe highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, aim is som on its merits oy an r.iL druggists in fifty-cent und one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle noautotemnP'Root. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when wr'Mngto Dr. Kilmer S: Co., lling hamton, N. Y. IX Yt make nuy nustake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swam-Root, and the ad dress, bingliatiitoti, N. Y.,ou every bottle. The Arlington J. L. SHARON, Proprietor. The Arlington Is a high-class rooming house, equipped with elec tric lights, free baths and all mod ern conveniences. It Is contrally located, being on Main street, three doors north of Hotel St. George, over the Delta candy store. Rooms by the day, week or month. Hates 50c to $1 a day C18 Main rtreet. Phone Red 1091 HOLT BROS. Side Hill Combined Harvester The latest improved two-wheel, slde-hlll combined harvester has proven a boon to wheat raisers. It is 'ho most successful, most economical and easiest machine to operate ever built. These harvesters have been given abundant trials right here at home and: all users are highly pleased. None- ha.v been dissatisfied and all are high in their praise. The Holt side-hill harvester on a side hill is able to stick to the aide ot the hill, while the header will slip down the bill. The main wheels are vertical, which braces the machine to the side hills. It works equally adapted to level land. The Holt harvesters are sold exclusively In this section by E. L. SMITH 218 Court Street, Pendleton, Oregon All extras for Holt machines on. hand. ?iinniiiiiiinimmuniuiiiiiHHHii i -h-v-i- SHERW1N 4 WILLIAMS PAINT u c i Fresh tteinti Closln ton. Dougl Boston. Smok ird's, 1 Medii war, 1 Eaer Get piessei Court The gives rs, p For bath, itreet For cellar Jaue Front For 0reg( Hot on sa office duce dim M Sun chu fell a; chu I to no kll -t Ire co pi tt N e a ONLY PLACE TON TO IN PENDlE- GET IT. PAINTERS' MATERIALS 0? ALL KINDS. E. J. MURPHY Court St. nnnn DRY WOOD All Kinds PLUMBING and SEWER WORK I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ES TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. T. C. TAYLOR "THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN ST. I have good sound wood which is delivered t reasonable prices For Cash. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at Neum"' Cigar 3lore. THE BEST IIS THE CHEAPER nnnr ti.u In mind when T need poultry and Mfjffirf UnU UK 1"' " . rv-ul. t' Poultry and Stock Kow Kure ir t . 1 .1... C. F. Coleswortw 12M29 East Aiw Afjent for Lee's Lice KM MERRILL "W"ffiVlVwSl ISuDoliM ... Rntlns