PAC TWO. DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1904. EIGHT j Bath j Comforts .J There are many little ' things that add material. ly to the healthfulness and comfort of the bath. : We have 'em for you PURE SOAPS GOOD BRUSHES BATH TABLETS PERFUMED BAGS SPONGES, ETC. F. W. SCHMIDT GREAT CURE TAKEN HIGH WATER ALONG O. R. & N. MAKES IT NECESSARV Greatest Danger Is From Slides On to the Tracks Roadbed Equip ment and Condition Are in Excel lent Condition Rumored That Bridge at Weatherbee Has Gone Out. The water alone the O. R. & N. tracks is pretty high and while there , Is not as yet any great danger of a s washout, the trackmen are taking (extra precautions to see that no ac 2 I ciilent shall happen to any of 'the It is reported that the b.uige at I Wetherbce, or at least a part I has been washed out, but the dam J age could not have been very se- ' vere. for the trains from the east J have been on time. The track de . ' partment has put extra men on the road and every mile of the right of 2 ! way is being watched for the least indication of trouble. 2 ' Iu some of the places along the a mountain division the molting snow has softened the track a little, but 2 not enough to cause any real appre- hcnslon. The greatest danger at this I time is in the cuts, where the rocks 1 and dirt from the mountain sides are I liable to at any moment be loosened , , , ,, . n- ii "ie meiung snow ami siiue onio Within a distance of So . miles of tnlc,. A mts aro bl), Kansas City, a town of 18o,000 peo- .vntche(, cIosel. however, aml lt is lilo. n wolf hunt has been organized. I thought that there will be trou- The animals are very numerous and be anywhere lestructlve. I J HOTEL ARRIVALS. DRUGGIST. POSTOFFICE BLOCK. GENERAL NEWS. "GAMEKEEPER" TONIGHT. Lima and Callio. Peru, have each i nuarantlned against the other on ac-, count of bubonic plague, and there Rousng rjsh Drama a tthe Frazer is viriuai panic over u wiuunpreuu region on account of the disease. eventually be recognized as such. This Evening. The young singing comedian. Thos. Careful analysis has been made of Smith, will be seen at the Frazer the detritus from every known vol cano, and Vesuvius is tne oniy one Hotel Pendleton. W. L. Stltt. Chicago. W. H. Brltts, Portland. F. W. Eckstroom, San Francisco. A. Nylnnder, Portland. F. W. Walte. city. C. J. Freese, Spoknnc. F. Mlnaskl, San Francisco. Charles E. Everth. -Denver. J. Auerback, San Francisco. C. M. O'Brien, Chicago. J. S. Jamlcson, Chicago. S. Dunn, Chlcagi. C. C. Nelson. Weston. M. Brunei, Kockford. It. N. Cnston, Spoknne. C. iM. Cleveland, Spokane. W. B. Strtiter. A. II. Holcomb, Seattle. Lee B. niumcnthat, Chicago. II. D. Wlalker, San Francisco. Mrs. C. Clancy. Flnndreau. Fred Olsen, San Frcnclsco. D. D. Fngen, Portland. L. Straus, San Francisco. G. S. Youngmnn, Portland. E. B. Coman, Portland. Hotel St. George. H. C. MIIIb, Echo. William U. Street, Portland. George Harris, Portland. J. M. Stark, Spokane. R. H. Harrison, North Yakima. H. B. Council, San Francisco. M. H. Thompson. Portland. Norton Nelson, Denver. H. S. Young, Tnconia. S. S. Somervllle. Nnparlne. Miss J. E. Alexander, Walla Walla. George McGllvory, Spokane. L. W. Barnes, Portland. T. V. Bargor. Walla Walla. William Dunn, Portland. It. W. Steele, Portland. Horace Walker, Helix. I. otiis D. Paige. San Francisco. Charles II. Heal, Portland. R. G. Strauss, San Francisco. D. H. Campbell, San Francisco. George B. Love Kansas City. T. H. James anil wife. Salt Lake, "j. S. Coffman, San Frnncisco. Our Big Sale T7. 44 I 4 f T tt r t1 m Will continue an tins wee. jluu x iau to call and get some of the special bargains. No damaged goods, Everything is new and fresh. THE FHIR GENERAL CONFERENCE tonight In his 'new play by Con T. .Murphy. "The Gamekeeper." The ITwhch r. r !h"y Jf ",,,f?sci"?.!!nL,I.rl8h " ...w w. ...... v.w u... u nvuilll VII beautiful scenery Is used in the pro' Kold can be found. Paul H. Procksch, a Chicago musi cian, suicided by drowning in the Desplains river. He was a young man, but a noted composer, and In select musical circles was believed to be a man of great genius, who would A dangerous fire started In Doug- lass. Alaska, with all the water pipes yA,l? frozen up. The place would have ! fpiQ been wiped out but for a liberal sup- nil- n, lmfkt- n'lltf-fl Un u fll fl OKI t til 1 ! from the saloons and poured on the fire. Charles W Grlggsby, of Washing ton. D. C. deliberately sacrificed his life to rescue three companions from , a fire. The evidence was conclusive j that he had full knowledge of the re sult of his efforts when he made the undertaking. It Is a singular fact that until Dr. Charles Baskervllle. of the Universi ty of North Carolina discovered car ollum and berzelium, that no Ameri can chemist had discovered a chemi cal element. The two elements named are sub-divisions of thorium. ' -PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. I W . KTif I Scene from "The Gamekeeper." . riotei Bickers. J. M. Smith, Pilot Hock. J. S. Cunningham. Portland. J. T. Eastlock. Freewator. D. O. Poole. "Portland. H. H. McReynolds, Pilot Rock. W. B. Waters. S. S. Gill, Spokane. F. O. Lee, Ritzvllle. Daniel Connor. Goldendale. K E. Maston. Rascor. Mrs. Mat Kins, Pasco. G. A. Robins, city. Lee Toutsch, city. Mrs. Heed and son, .Athena. W. Chamella, Dayton. W. Z. Kummons, Pomeroy. Sirs. Ella Lawson, Freewnter. Charles Preston, Lewlston. D. H. Cclsp, Durkee. H. W. Norton, San Francisco. S. E. Putman, Chicago. It. C. Charles and wife, San Fran' cisco. duction. Mr. Smith who Is a noted 1 singer, pleases immensely in his bal lads. Thrilling climaxes, a rapid fire of ready Irish wit and plenty of good The total number of pupils in Port land school district Is 28,559, the total county appropriation $105,590.25- mlg,c ,em, tJJ make ..Gan,ekec. Portland people are agitating lor er an enjoyable affair. 1 cent fares across Morrison street bridge during the repairs to the Margarita Fischer Coming. "nubu The manager of the .Margarita Asnowslide which crushed a tram Fischer company, which comes to the car at Helena, Tuesday, killed Mrs. ' Frazer on Apr is, for three nights, J. W. Owen, one of the passengers writes to Manager Taylor, of the on the car. Frazer, as follows; "In announcing George McKinney horsewhipped L. the support which Miss Margarita L. Thompson, a motorman at Port- Fischer secured to assist her In pre land, Tuesday, tor tlirting with Mrs. senting a repertoire of high-class McKinney. i royalty plays, we wish to state to our On a rising vote for presidential patrons that the services of Mr. candidates at Albany. Tuesday, every , Frank Clayton has, been engaged for deux c rat In the convention stood up mis season. Me is an ucior m greui for W It. Hearst. ability, having been leading man nt t,ii . ri in' ,...11 ... the Alcazar theater, San Francisco. ,.. f v in, - m ;,i.V,iv Z. Mr. Clayton is also well known 2 ,'"ed"LW1 S,nh'8 if r? throughout the East, having played iho ..rmmrU nf snif.dpfpnsf. Tuesday umlor tne management of Mr. Chas the grounds of self-defense. Tuesday. Frohmnn at tne Lyceum theater. New According to tne weatner nureai . , york cttyi wltll the lato Alexander April 12, 1904, was tne notte3t utn salvina. He recently starred with of April over recorded In the city of i.i8 ,.. ,.nmimnv nnn will hp spnn Portland, the register showing 8C de- (1rlng i,s engagement with us at the grees on mat uay. 'Frazer opera house for three nights. Owing to a freight rate war on the commencing Monday, April 18. coast, freight can now be shipped from Portland to Tillamook for $2.50 Stock Losses Not Large. per ton, this being but half the for- The livestock business, which was raer rate from Astoria to Tillamook, so gloomy during last week, has ma William Jennings, of Fremont, terially Improved during the past Neb., who was brought back to Eu- few days, and stockmen are begin nhnrrn nf HPiinrHnn. has ulng to take an inventory of the mnrrlPfl his victim.- Miss Ida M. damage, which is not so heavy as Amis, daughter of a pioneer editor "ail been looked for. As the weather and lawyer of Eugene. (moderated, the days and nights as- A head of cauliflower welhglng'f"'"! vn Jemperatij. neither fnches T " circerennecoUand " ve "P as they would have done Sches aciL was exIUblted ?n Port- a lbJ" innri Tnppdnv it was ornwn hv J J tne n'shtB become chilly a nil stormy. ynn Kkek of Sherwood Or lThe Cunr vallo' atock was moa,,y Vail HieOh, OI OnerwtOU, ur. Imnvprl tn thn rnn. f.,.nnv will, nn Judge Conn, of Seattle, one of the reat losses, and Is now doing well most noted grafters on the Pacific (nn .i10 vountr crass. Such n was Coast, has been forced to resign from 1 kept ln tne valoy wero m()Stiy those me ponce juuKe u oiiice, uecauee ui needed for domestic purposes, and public indignation against his nfllc ial acts. In dealing with crooks and -criminals In Ills court. 'Wheat Lands. Cltv Property, FOR SALE. Fifty residences, 150 vacant lots, business openings, hotels, feed yard, Uvery stable, stock ranches, wheat lands and all kinds of real estate. E. T. WADE & 80N, E. O. Iildg. 'Phone. Black 1111. P. O. box, 324., Pendleton, Oregon. the owners have plenty of feed for thorn. One of the largest owners In the county stated that losses In sheep were considerable, but not at all panlcy. Grant County Nows, $100 Reward, $100. The readers of tliU paper will be pleaved to learn that there la at least one dread ed disease that Hcleuce has beea able to cure Id all Its stazes. and tlmt Is C'a tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only poHlttve cure paw Known to tne medical fraternity. Catarrh beta; a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional -real-ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting directly on the blood end mucous surfaces of the system, thereby ilpHtrnvlni the foundation of the disease. aud girlni; the patleut strength by build ing up tue consiuuiiou " ussisiiuk na ture la ilolns Its wort. The proprietors hare so much faith In Its curative powers that thev offer One Hundred Dollars for any cas that It fulls to cure. Keiul for list ST testimonials. Address ; h . J. Cllli.M.l i -".. loieuo, w. Sold by nrugslst. price 75c. Take Hall's Family I'llls for constipa tion, i A Great Sensation. There was a big sensation In Lees vllle, Ind when W. H. Brown of place, who was expected to (!!e, luc his Ufa s-ived by Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. He writes: "I endured Insufferable agon ies from asthma, but your Now Dis covery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a com plete cure." Similar cures for con sumption, pneumonia, bronchitis :;nd grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for nil throat and lung trou bles Price 50c and $1.00. Guaran teed by Tullninn & Co., druggiRts. Trial bottles free. 1,000 EPISCOPALIANS. Seventh District Missionary Confer- Los Angeles, Cal.. April 13. Prom inent clergymen and laymen of the Episcopal church to a total of near ly 1,000 are gathered In Los Angeles for the annual missionary conference of the seventh district. The states and territories represented are Wash ington, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, California, Utah. Alaska, Arizona, Now Mexico and the Philippine Islands. The conference opened at 10 o'clock tills morning with the celebration of the holy communion in St. Paul's pro-cathedral, the sermon being preached by the lit. Hev. W F. Nich ols, bishop of California. The ses sions will continue through the re mainder of the week. In addition to discussing various matters of busi ness relative to the missionary work of the church, the conference will listen to sermons and addresses by numerous churchmen of wide prominence. M. E. Church, Los Angeles, Cal., May 3rd, 1904. The O. H. & N. Co. nnnotmce the following rates from Pendleton to Los Angeles and return for the above occasion: Via O. H. & N. steamers, Port land to San Francisco; Pa cific Coast S. S. Co.. San Frnncisco to Los Angeles; re turning via same route $45.55 Via O. It. & N. steamers, Port land to San Francisco; Pa land to San Francisco, South ern Pacific San Frunclsco to Los Angeles, returning via same route 44.S5 Via Southern Pacific, Portland to Los Angeles, and return via same route 44.S5 Via O. It. & N. steamers, Port land to San Frnncisco, South ern Pacific San Francisco to Los Angeles, returning via Southern Pacific to Portland 44, S5 Via Southern Pacific, Portland to Los Angeles, returning via Southern Pacific, Los, An geles to San Francisco and O. It. & N. steamer to Port- i land 44.S5 I Tickets on sale as follows: Via steamship, from Portland, April 23, 24 nnd 25th. Via rail, from Port land, April 23 to 30th. For further information call on or address, E. t. Smith, ngent. Pendleton, Oregon. Cattlegrowers' Convention. There will be n convention of the cattlegrowers of Oregon, hold ln Portland April 1C, beginning at 10 n. m., and continuing ln the evening. The people Interested In this great Industry ore earnestly requested to bo present, ns subjects of the great est Importance to cattlemen will bo discussed. The meeting will be held nt the Auditorium, between Taylor and Salmon, on Third streot. tilt ANT MAYS. Secretnry. Makes a Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of nil the salves you ever heard of, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures burns, sores, bruises, cuts bolls, ulcers, skin eruptions and piles. It's only 25c, and guaranteed to give satisfaction by Tallman & Co., druggists. Grazing Land for itruiiue uonue Lajniber Co., A horseless dogcart In der hu', n stopiess clmffer is n ki.: Grazing Land for Lease. S2.000 ncres on Grand Ronde river. Grand Ronde Lumber Co., Perry, Or. Lecture to Catholic Men. Rev. Father A. S. Lnwler, of Port land, Or., will lecture at the hall of Trades nnd Labor Council on Thurs day evening, 8 o'clock, to the Cath olic men of Pendleton, to which all are Invited. Lecture will be free. A large attendance Is expected. New Art Department. To my friends aim patrons I will ! take pleasure to announce to you that hereafter I will be located at the Alexander Department Store, with a full line of all kinds of art goods and materials. Free lessons given ' to all parties buying goods of me. Lessons from 8 to 12 a. m., 2 to C p. m. MRS. T. CARLSON, At the Alexander Department Store. Grazing Land for Lease. 32,000 acres on Grantie Ronde river. Grande Ronde Lumber Co., Perry, Or. Alterations Begun. ' The workmen have commenced the alterations to the front of the Mn sonic building, and have put iu the new plate glass show windows on one side. The other windows will he put in tomorrow. A MOTHl Is nn ordeal which r.!l women approach with indescribable fear, for nothing compares with tin- pain and horror ol t'i... .t u. of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother , of nil pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and custs over her o hadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousunds of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnuncy robs confinement of all pain and danger, and inures Mifcly to life of mother and child. This.cientific liniment is a god-send to all women ut the time of their most critical trial. Not only docs Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepare the system for the coining event, prevents "montin" sickness. " and other dii- " comforts of this period. Sold by oil druggists at ter bottle. Book- containing valuable information free. OSS&.BCl Tba dfK.M Regulator Co., Atlaata. Ga. ST SmBaELiwMJf gyggBTHEMS Grazing Land for Lease. 32,000 ncres on Grande Hondo river. Grande Ilonde Lumber Co., Perry, Or REAL ESTATE SOME GOOD PROPERTY TO OWN, $4,750 Large corner lot with one of the finest residences In the city, eastern exposure. Only three min utes walk from the postolllce. Terms If desired. $2,600 Two lots and good seven room house In perfect condition, three blocks from center of the city. You can dispose of the va cant lot for 11,000. $800 Two lots with good four-room house. Ground enough here to keep some chickens and to have a good cordon. Easy walking ins tance. A fine littlo home ami at too low a price. We have two or three fine ranches for sale cheap and on ousyi terms. Choice vacant lotH In the city on which we will loan you money to build. E. D. BOYD Insurance, Real Estate, Loans 111 Court Street Pendleton RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER .RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUL-dtR RUBBcR FlUBtJER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER We have Just received a largo consignment of Rubber Tired Buggies, Carriages and Bike Wagons or different styles. We have both HARD RUBBER and CUSHION TIRED BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, RUNABOUTS, BIKE WAGONS, ETC., ETC. We bought a large number of these BOUGHT THE BEST Wi COULD GET, and are In a position to sell you anything In the BUGGY line cheaper than you can buy it anywhere this side of Chicago. If after reailing the above you are not con vinced that we have the best place In PEN DLETON to "RUBBER," come In and see us and "WE WILL SHOW YOU" how to get value for your money. Now don't forget to "RUBBER." Yours for "RUBBER," A. Kimkel ti& Co. RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER RUBBER NOTICE TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND PATRONS: I TAKE PLEASURE IN INTRODUCING TO MY FRIENDS, DRS. L. L. AND T. H. WHITE, TO WHOM I HAVE SOLD MY DENTAL BUSINESS IN THIS CITY. I THOROUGHLY RECOMMEND THE DRS. WHITE AS FIRST CLASS DENTISTS IN EVFSV RESPECT, AND WILL ES TEEM IT A FAVOR FOR ANY OF MY PATIENTS TO PLACE THEIR CASES IX HANDS OF THE DRS. WHITE. RESPECTFULLY, E. A. MANN COAL Let us hit your bin with .... ROCK SPRING Recognized as the besl and most economical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you for your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. Main Street Near Depd II 1 maivrx - i 4 U i',m a aoiau DRIVE .. . .. dirt l caps the ciimax m u,',I;ifit Joyment, the more especially u ' I taken In the styie m ii i, will be a wugou we nun. " '"" kno "I to you when you come to kbo many merits of the Winona ffil and Ilese buggies, i w .m excelled for finish and er " . Made from alr-driea is " antoed in this climate. There bettor made. Sola oy N EAGLE BROS. . . . . ..,.nl, tW The brick uiaci"" stflrer We soli and recommend Gasoline Engines. FOR SALE o.vonr-nid Perchcron .,J will sol or trade; also abo of young horses of P"bxt For particulars seo t- renuieiou, ui. uiuiuu, -" , .1 Daily Et urw-- ,.. n.r week. I 0