DAILY EAST ORFGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1904. TEN PAOF-s- PAGE THREE. NervousWomen The relation of ihn nnrvoa nnrl mnnp.RiHvn nmins in women is ro nlnsn flint, ninn.lnntlis of 11m Xnrvnna k Pmc(ro(tAn "V -l.-i" il... T1.. OI 1 .. I X-..,... 1 :..!. Mil I f . ... . iiwKuiiiii. .1.1:1 wins ifmiiiv- l lit: Dint s. ou:cim:?4iii::N:t,iiiui uiiiiim jliiliilihii v iiiiMs iithh stimo uuruiigcmcnx 01 uio organism winch iiutKes ner n, woman. ius 01 jjcprcssion or licsticssncss nntl . Irritability. Spirits easily affected, so that ono minuto sho laughs, tho next minute weeps. Pain it In the ovaries and lxjtwecn tho shoulders. Loss of voico, nervous dyspepsia. A tendency to cry at tho least provocation. All this points to Nervous Prostration. Although you may not know it. in nino cases out of ten this is caused bv somo uterine disorder, and tho nerves ccntcrintr m and about tho organs wincti make you a woman lniiucnco your cntiro system. JNouung win renevo tuis distressing lAumiuuu ana prevent iuonuis oi proamnion mm siuiuriiijj eu muviy ns Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Will not the volumes of lctlers from vromcn ninilo stronp; ly Lydla E.Pinklinin's Ycctnllo Compound convliicoall women of its vlrl ues? Surety you ennnotwish torcniaiu sick and weak mid discouraged, cx liaiistcu each day, when you can as easily bo cured as tho two women whoso genuine letters follow, and thousands of others. mm. "DitAn Mr.'. riMKnAa:- Words cannot toll what I BnfTerod bfifnrn tiikintr vnnr moillrlnn. T on, "S rpr, nl.l and tlie mother of tour children, tho last two boinir onlr li! months apirt. I was nil run down, had fainting spells, palpitation of tho hoart, and Was so bad with womb troiihlo that I could not bo on mj- feet but a short tlmo Deforo I would havo to liodown. Alio was troubled with leucorrhoca. I was Jiorvous and could not sleep, and at times wished I could dio. " A friend insisted on my giving your mcdlclno a fair trial, which I did. I hegan to feel better before tho first bottle was half gone, and after using ftvo bottles of Lydla It., rlnklinm's VrROtnMo Compound and threo packages of Sanative W aih, I was a different woman. I owe my good health to-dav to you, and I will never suffer again whllo you make such good medicine. 1 will always speak agood word for your remodles. JIv littlo girl was troubled with her kidneys, and ono bottle of your Vegetablo Compound has entirely cured her." Mus. Kittie B. Peterson, Jcnison, Mich. "Deau Mus. Vinkham: I wnnt to thank yon for tho good your mcdlclno lias lono mo. w hen l wroto you mm .liny i was so weaK ana nervous 111.11 i could not enduro tho sight of work. 1 was In a tcrrlblo condition, so nervous that it took all mv strength of will to keep from convulsions. I no uoctors Ulil mo no good. My heart troubled mo, would havo spells of skipping beats and would tlutter. I had such a feeling of dread and fear about mo nil tho tlmo I was afraid to go anywhere. I commnnrnd t.iklnrr vour remedies as vou advised mo. and ill ono week I folt better than I had in a wholo year before, and tlio gain was steady. my by day tho bal symptoms disappeared. Jly nppntlto returned and X was nblo to go to bed at ntgut and sleep iiko a mini, in an A iook nino noiiies oi your VrgctuMo Coinpoiiml and seven of your IIlool Purifier, and would say to all suffering women, do not stop at a fow bottles, but keep on. In threo months I was nblo to return homo, nml havo slneo dono tho liousowork for a family ot six. It docs not seem possible that I am tho same person that suffered so a yoarngo." Mrs. T. J. Favqiit, Lesllo, Michigan. SprtAn FORFEIT if we csnnot forthwith prodnee the oris Vnllllll letters and slcnstures of nbovo tojtlmonlsls, which fill II Mil will prove their absolute genulneners. y Lyilln E. Plnklmm Medicine Co.. Lynn. Mass. FREE MEDICAL ADVICE to women Is offered by Mrs. i'lnkliam. )'t her liolp j ou o health, It will cost you nothing. Address her at Lynn, Mass. ii TO MEET THE EYE k tiose with eyo troubles this adver tisement Is Inserted. it is our business to make, oyo fntJ, prescribe a euro for defoctlvo Ijht and to provide the necessary EYEGLASSES OR 8PECTACLE8. m tho test of tho nroscrlntion we pW nothing if glasses are or dered here and for the glasses our prices are only reasonable. we make a comploto examination, wing the best of tho late improved lutnimcnts. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician Pottotfiee Block, The Columbia Lodging House 11 ventilated, neat and com 'ortalle rooms, good beds. Bar ln connection, where best soods are served. JW street, center of block, blwn Alt and Webb 'treett. F X. SCHEMPP Proprietor LARD ; QoodandPure At price. , Kettle tendered Pces as low tt8 iovve()t MIESCKE'S MEAT MARKET a COURT ST. TUt (IS THd i Poultry Ll whon yu Z tor S?Bk SUppHea Po"try and u, , lntomntlonal bleu. ro (or your cow trou. Zl L'ce Killer, j ABJECT POVERTY OF RUSSIAN PEASANTS Only per cont of tho vast number of thu czar's subjects live in the cities or towns. The rest are farm ers. Most of them very poor iana urs, or, as they nro called In Europe, peasants. There are no people whoao existence Is more dreary. The sum mer season Is short and very warm. From the first day the frost breaks to tho tlmo when the north wind ngaln freezes everything, the peas ants' labor Is unceasing. Only by desperate exertion can they raise sufficient to support them through tho six months of winter. Through tho summer, owing to the northern latitude, tho dayB are long, so that 18 hours' work a day for tho peasant, his wife and his children Is not uncommon. ' Ajncrlcan agricultural machinery Is used on tho largor estates, malt ing work easier, but on the peasant farms there are only tho most primi tive appliances. Wooden plows and wooden Implements mnke agriculture a drudgery to an extent which ib.9 most hard-worked American farmer could not bollove. In October wlntor begins, and everything Is frozen solid until May. At once tho peasant's life bocomes ono of Idleness. To milk the cows and get In wood from tbe forest Is all there Is to do. Even the stabling Is made easier from tho practlco of never removing the Utter from tho stalls during tho cold weather. The filth piles up under tho cattle unril It Is threo or four foet deep. A large portion of cattle die or dlseaso in Ilussla than In any othar country, but the Russian sticks io his mothod of stabling because of tho Quantity of manure which he has ready for his fields In the spring. Philanthropic people In St. Peters burg and Moscow aro trying to re lievo the dreary monotony of tho peasant's life by Introducing cottage Industries and circulating reading matter. But us 7G per cent of tho people, Including probably 98 per cent of the women, In Russia, can not read or write, village literary clubs do not make much headway. The men receive the rudiments of education when they are In the army but for them tho long winter Is usu ally spent in keeping drunk. The peasants used to make their own vodka from spoiled potatoss; but lately the government has pro vented this by making the produc tion of alcohol a government monop oly. At tho Bame time vodka Is v ceedlngly plentiful, very Intoxicating and is the usual relief practiced dur ing the winter. To the traveler one of the moat extraordinary things ln Russia Is that nobody seems to have Do slightest Idea on the subject of ven tilation. Most of the buildings are hermeti cally sealed in October and not air ed until May, so that by midwinter tho stench even ln fairly good hotels Is overpowering.. Churches and many public buildings are Just ns bad, but for the climax In bad air you have to visit the home of a peasant. The average peasant's house is a crude structure of logs and thatch; sometimes with only one room and sometimes with two. In the living room is a great stove of brick, so constructed that a small amount of fuel will heat it and it will con tinue to give out heat long after tho fire has gone out. Hy falling to ventilate the peasant Is ablo to economize on fuel, and though It Is plentiful enough, this seems a great object to him. His windows are always built so that they cannot be opened. Tho door Is never opened except when someone goes In or out. and then only wldo enough to admit the person, when it Is closed immediately. Sometimes in ono small room, with tho stove filling nearly a quarter of It, 12 per sons will live, Wouldn't Take It Twice. "I can draw tnat tooth without any pain. I'll give you gas." "No you won't. I took gas at thcr hotel last night, young feller, an' It took two doctors an' threo bell boys ter bring mo to." AMERICAN BEER PROHIBITED. VALLbY OF DEATH. Island of Mindanao Has a Grewsome and Uncanny Refl'on. The famous Valley of Death In tho Island of Mlnadano, In the Philip pines, has nt last boen compelled to give up Its rich treasure which for ages was successfully guarded by Its pall of cienttwieaiing gases. This valley, which, true to Its name, has dealt death to mauy a .venturesome searcher for the pre cious metal, Is. located In the moun tain fastonosses of tho Island, and, according to tho theories of scien tists, It is tho crater of wnat was onco a great and violent volcano. Volcanic gases of a most poisonous naturo still rise from tho depths of thn vnllov nnil hnni? over It llkO a pall, never passing away, and mauy natives, who navo auenipieu iu s" down into tho valloy from tho moun tnlnR. Hnv Hint never before has any man who ventured Into its unknown depths returned to toll its secrets. Tho distance across ho valley i3 only a fow miles, but tho bottom of It Is constantly concealed from view by tho denso cloud of poisonous va por overhnnglng it. An Amerlcau named Rudy formed a party at Manila, consisting of him self nnd two othor Americans, nud, omiilovint? tlirno native guides, pro ceeded to tho mountains enclosing the valloy with tliolr neatis com plotoly covorod by nu apparatus similar to that worn by dlvors. Cnr.rylng on thoir backs small tanks' of compressed air for breath ing purposes so ns to avoid inhnillng tl.n .lnn.lti ..nnnxa Hit) IllPll WOrliCll in tho valley for months, carrying sackful niter sackful or goiii-uuum'b saud and gravel up tho mountain side. This work continued until both were almost worn out from tho de pressing work and tho fumes of which they woro forced to breatho a portion, but never onco could any of tho natives bo persuaded to venturo beyond the outer circle of the po'80"" ous gases. 'Socialist" Carnegie. Androw "Carnegie on a recent visit to New York said to tho Now York American; "I favor government ownership of public utilities, though I don't think tho time is yet ripe for tho change In the United States, but I havo little doubt that in tho Unit od States, as elsowhere, tho tlmo will come when government and munici pal ownership of tho railroads, tele graphs and telephones and all such things will bo universal." Littleton for Governor. Nashville, Tcnn., April 7. Tho re publican stato convention is In ses sion hero today for tho nomination of candidates for stato offices and the selection of delegates to tho national convention nt Chicago. Tho defeat of E. T. Sanford in tho county con vontiou leaves Jesao M. Littleton of Winchester tho only canuiaato lor tho gubernatorial nomination, and ho will bo named unanimously. Mrs. Mlnnlo O'Connor was leaning out of her window on tho fifth floor n Man. Vnrb tAnomont. wllGU Sho ivna uiniri, nn tho head by a rock! thrown from n blast fired in tho side of a cliff nearby. The blow knocked her unconscious and sho foil from the window and was killed. Brazil Raises the Duty so High That Yankee Product Cannot Be Han died There. Louts H. Ayme, American con sul at Para, Brazil, has sent the fol lowing report td the department of commerce and labor, on tho duty on American beer In Brazil: The new tariff on beer, which went into effect January , 12, is of greatest Interest to tho United States. The old tariff was, In round figures, 25 cents a bottle tho now is 7G cents. Duties aro calculated ono fourth In gold and three-fourths In paper. Beer Is brought into this city ln cases containing four dozen bottles During tho year 1903 there were brought into Para: From tho United States, G.745 cases (275,700 bottles), containing 43,708 gallons, on which were paid $C9,8G2.13 In duties; from Europe, 10,084 cases (484,032 bottles) containing 76.719 gallons; from Bra zil (southern states), 32,083 cases (1,568,784 bottles), containing 248,- 652 gallons a total of 369,079 gal Ions, of which tho Unltod States furnished not quite 12 per cent. During tho patjt year ono bottlo of beer cost tho retailor about 45 cents nnd was sold for 60 conts, Iced. Un der the new tariff tho same beer will ;ost at least 96 cents and can not bo i old profitably for less than $1.20. This price is, of courso, prohibitive, and no more beer will bo Imported from the United States. At the same time tho duties on hops and malt have been reduced 50 per cent. At tho opening of n now brewery here lately ono of tho ora tors said: "Tho patriotic fedoral government, animated by tho principles of pro tection, has Just tripled the duties on foreign beers and reduced to a half those on hops and malt." But the samo newspaper an nounces that tho prlco of Brazilian beers has been increased 33 1-3 por cont. Louis II. Ayme, consul. Para, Brazil. him on , tho first day of September, 1869, and bears tho stgnnturo of President Grant. Exchange Made First Homestead Filing. Daniel Freeman, who mado tho first entry undor tho homestead land law la still alive and residing on tho land, for which ho rocetved a patent under his entry. Mr. Freeman was a soldier in tho volunteer servico of tho United States and stationed noar Brownsville, since changed to Beat rice, Neb., whero was located a United States land office, at which place he mado hlc entry a little past midnight on tho morning of January 1, 1863. Ills patent was Issued to Russia's Food Caches. The Russians havo takon the most remarkable precautions for tho pro visioning of their troops. At Intor- vals of about a quarter of a mllo along tho greater part of tho entire length of tho Slberlnn railway stores of concentrated protold food Imve been burled on each sldo of tho lino, each deposit being enough to main tain a company said to bo 290 men for a week. Tho position of thoso provisions is not known to tho Her gcants or captains, but only to tho commandants, who havo tho Inform atlon In cipher. London Chronicle. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. How To l'Ind Out. Fill a liottle or common glabs with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; nbcdliueiiiorKi-l-tliiigiiulicntcsnu unhealthy con dition of (lie kid neys; if it stiiiiiB your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent ilcbiru jjr to pass it or twit) ""- in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, me great Kinney reiucuy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, taiu ill the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or ll effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Koot is soon realized. It stands the highest Jor its womleriui cures oi me tressiug cases. If you need a mciuciiic you should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-ilollar sues. you may nave u eiiinj.iu ....... - 1 .1. ...ti.. n tfp" mui icua mi n1.nllt!t luilll Kfllt frPH I, v mail! Address Dr. mlt'M Kilmer & Co.. JilJiiT- hamton,N, V. When nomocf swimp-naot. writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember thu inline. Dr. Kilmer's Swamn-Koot, and the address, Iliugliamton, N. Y, TTTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTtTtT :: Building Material! OF ALL DESCRIPTION SASH, DOORS and WINDOWS Made to order. Building pa- X per, lime, cement, brick and J sand, wood gutters for barns I and dwellings a specialty. Oregon i Lumber Yard t Alta Street, Opp. Jo.irt House. X Frazer Opera House K. J. Taylor, Manager. FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 15. Tho Woman's Club Iinvo Secured the Inughablo comody, The Huskin' Bee Directed by CLARA LOUI8E THOMPSON. 60 Uic-.'il Amateurs In tho Cost. Introducing latest songs, Orlglnul (liiuecH Society cnlio walks, Twentieth Century HuHch, Catchy music, Pretty girls. Written for laughing purposes only. Tho husklu' will take plnco in Mr. Hay's own lino barn, which lKrs been fixed for tho occasion. Tho public In general cordially Invited to attend. I'opular prices. i lift nn pq i 111 oo Olipp Go : If you uru Interested In Oil Painting, see us. Our line la comploto. ACADEMY BOARDS 8TRKTCHUR8 BRUSHES ARTISTS' S A 111JCS BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS I Wo mako a specialty ot J framing PICTURES. Newest I slock of frames. C. C. SHARP Opera House Block. Dally East Orenonlan, by carrier, only 15 cents per week. The DR. I4KIUQ STAFF only HpeoialUU for men, con tinue to cine all chronic, prl vutu & iicivom atlmomi, imjiotcnce kill (lilPHufa. rliiiuiiiHtllm. raLirrh. oto. J)r A 0 Stoddiut, l'a O , far S7 yeir me.lltul direct, r 71 Butu tri;l, 1'orlUud Oregon , 111 Yuiler Way, Hcnltle. Weill. Cull or w rile