PAGE SEVEN. .PAGES- pACE8. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THUR8DAY, APRIL T, 1904. 3RS )WS "'lain, pi -laity. 1 ard Hou!e. wood d at man's f -J & fl LE. i OF ! V 'Suit and Skirt Sale 211 The bla sale begins Monday morn ing. A big reduction on all suite and skirts for the entire week. We want the ladles to visit this sectlbn and promise some startling values. You can not afford to miss It. A FEW PRICE REDUCTIONS. $10.00 Suits, $15.00 Suits, $20.00 Suits, $22.50 Suits, $25.00 Suits, $10.00 Skirts $9.00 Skirts, $8.00 Skirts, $7.00 Skirts, $6.00 Skirt's, $5.00 Skirts, $4.50 Skirts, $6.95. $12.65. $16.90. $18.75. $21.25. , $8.95. $7.75. $6.95. $6.10. $4.90. $4.25. $3.75. This sale Includes all Misses' Skirts. i WE GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT EE TEUTSCH'S BIG STORE, COR. MAIN AND ALTA jity Brevities hats at the Boston. hider Get Sunny. fruit dally at Martin s. Lard's beer at The Mint. top coat." The Boston. L out dry goods. The Bos- tai laus'1 a the "HusWn' is and Hanan shoes. The it the St. George. Everything iss. t gift books, new books, the tools. Nolfs. pit shirts at DOc C5c, "Co to Baer &- Daley lite shirt waist suits at Alex- Department Store. tiers get satisfaction at How. jfcxerly Rees' ciga. store, h! loads of cinders for the it the Domestic laundry. ' fcnt One furnished room for inquire East Oregonian. fciag glory sweet peas and tower seeds just received. clothes cleaned and Joerger's, i26 West four li at street. les call early and avoid the Muslin underwear sale. Alex- Is Department Store. Rent Five-room house, with three blocks east of Main Apply at East Oregonian. Rent Suite of rooms in East bnian building Steam heated. pud cold water and bath room lm fioor Call at East Oregonian John May wife of a lumber- m burned to death In her i st the .Menominee mills, near 1 RItr, Tuesday. sh garden, field and flower in nuik and uackaces. All f'ason'a stock and sure to pro- uur seeds are su table to this te. C, Rohrman, Court street. Get Sunny. U. C. Itader. "Huskln' Beo" date April IS. Now spring shirts, The Boston. Pure Welnnard's beer at The Mint. New Hue men's sweaters. The Boston. House for rent; partly furnished; H. J. Stlllman. Ladies attention. Kid glove sale at Alexander Department Store. New crush leather belts, the latest, Lt Alexander Department Store. The greatest shoe bargains, ever offered at Alexander Department Store. Suite of rooms, with or wltheut board, suitable for two. Inquire at this office. Elks' meeting this evening. In stallation or oinrers. Other import ant business. Mrs. A. li. Noble has moved her dressmaking parlors to room No. GO, Dcspaln block. , Teutsch is offering 97 hats, broken lines, regular $3 and $3.f0 values, to close at $2.00. Are you looking for a bargain In a tailor-made suit? Cnll on Alexander Department Store. W. D. Fletcher, the watch maker, can be found at 507 Jackson street. Phone, Black 2C3. 97 hats, correct Bhapes, broken sizes, regular $3 and $3.50; to close, $2.00. At Teutsch'e. A fine high grade piano for sale cheap; must be for cash. Address 113 care Eac Oregonian. For Sale lC-room hotel, with six lots and feed stable in connection. A bargain. E. T. Wade & Sou. The Day and Night Transfer Co. gives the best cervlce. Billy Leath ers, proprietor. 'Phone Main 161. The Domestic Steam Laundry has had its wagon most attractively re painted by Wilson ft Carnlne. It will be on the street In a lew days New 'aist Sets i and j Sash Pins j The art the correct Ideas tf ladles. Very Newet de- P1, Thy are pretty. See J rm oud window. HUNZTKER I rk Progressive Jeweler j Main Street Call for Socialist Convention. All iciallstK of Umatilla county are hereby called to meet in county convention on Saturday, April 23, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the new Milnrkey hall on the corner of Court and Garden streets, Pendleton, Oregon. Any comrade present who will en rinrco Dm nrlnrlnlpR nf International Socialism, will be entitled to a seat in the convention. We urge all com rades to be preseit. Pendleton Local, G. A. HOBBINS, A. D. SIEBERT, President. Secretary. A Popular Concern. The director of the Willamette Glee Club has arranged a delightful program for the season of 1904, a pro gram that is emphatically entertain ing from beginning to end. The Glee Club always sings best to a full house, so If you want the best there is In tho club, Induce your friends to attend. The concert occurs to night at the Assembly Hall of the high school. Turned Down Advertising. The city council of Athena turned down the advertising scheme of the Pacific Homestead, of Salem, by which it was proposed to sell the city several pages of advertising in a 4G.O00 edition of the Homestead, to be circulated at the St. Louis fair, and in the Eastern states gen erally. The contract which the Homestead sought to make with the city, called for $100 for a page writeup. ' V. II. Chastain of Milton, is in tho city on business. G. W. McArthur, of lone, is visit ing friends in the city. R. H. Sutton, of North Ynklmn, is In the city on business. W. S. Goodman left for his home at Frecwatcr this morning. Professor W. Haw, tho horso trntn or, Is In the city for a few days' visit. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. 1). P. Duffey, of Heil rick, are the guests of Pendleton friends. Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Marltn, of Meachnm, are the guests of friends In the city. A. It. Burford, tho cashier of the Walla Walla bank, is In the city on a business visit; W. S. Goodman, manager of tho Hudson Bay farm, is a guest at the Hotel St. George. .1. N. Teal, of Portland. Is In tho city on business connected with the First National Bank. Mrs. Will Ayers of Heppner, Is vis iting nt the home of her nephew, T. W. Ayers, for a few days. Charles U Holway, one of the well known residents of Weston, was a Pendleton visitor today for a short time. Dan Norman Is In the city from Hood lllver. He Is pleased with Eastern Oregon and especially with Umatilla county. J. B. Thorn and wife, of Boise City, are In the city looking over the field, with a view of collecting data for a church directory. Mrs. Charles Cahoon left this morning for Portland to join her husband, who has been in the me tropolis for some time. They will reside there in the future. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Richards.' of Sumpter, are guests at the Hotel St. George. Mr. Richards is a mining man who has come to Pendleton to attend the sale of the Wade prop erty. Dr. I. U. Temple and wife departed yesterday for 'Pendleton, where Mrs. Temple will visit with her parents and the doctor will go to Boise. Ida ho. They will later locate at Lewis ton, Idaho. Wallowa Democrat. Charles G. Ogllvy and wife of Pi lot Rock are In the city on business. The roads leading to the southern portion of the county aro now In ex cellent condition, and the range Is better than for years In Mr. Ogllvy's neighborhood. FIRST WOMAN DEBATER. Whitman Collegeslonors a Female Student With Place In Contest. Walla Walla April ".Miss Lin nie Marsh, of Whitman, will make her first appearance as an Inter collegiate debater on Friday even ing. April 8, this being the occasion of the annual contest between the University of Idaho and Whitman. This Is the first time in the his tory of the college that a young lady has obtained a place on an Inter collegiate debating team nnd the event Is being looked forward to with a great deal of Interest by the students of the institution. SELLING WHISKEY. Both Alleged Offenders Been Boot legging Among the Indians. Steve Fowler, a white man, was arrested last night on complaint of Indians, who allege that he has been selling whiskey to the Indians. He was locked In the city Jail. Joe Williams was also arrested on the same charge. He Is an Indian, and had been taking whiskey to tue Indian boys on the reservation. He will also be held. ! Ballard's Snow Liniment Horehound Syrup Herbine KOEppens The Popular Price DRUG STORE A. C. KOEPPEN & brother:: Will Hurry Assessment. J. F. Lalng has been appointed deputy assessor by C. P, Strain, and .,in i,vo ,.),,iri'o nf the assessment of the Juniper district. He will com mence work at once anu win the task through that the work may be brought Into the office and the making up of the books begun as early as possible, lt will bo the ef fort of the assessor s umce -the books ready early, that more t..on tn final check- Ing and balancing up before turning them over to tne snenu. Large Corn Acreage. la In fllfi Harry Auams, m auwi -city today, and reports spring worn In progress everywhere at this time. All kinds of work has been seriously . . . . wet and ueiayea on atwuui stormy .weather. A large , con. acre- age wll ue piuiueu of Athena, this year. The winter ' . ' i ,,iriv. stand- wheat 18 now Kiu."fi "' -- inp- about five Inches high In most of the fields. Glee Club Tonight. The Willamette Glee Club Is giv ing a popular program In the con certs tonight at Assembly Hall. mi i o iooRlral niece In tne repertoire, so you need not fear that you w not ue uuiu w ----- i nt nmirKB. If you have had the privilege Qf hearing a 8oo4 glee club, you win noi exi"" -slcal program. Glee Club Is Here. t r,, vL-if of Salem, man ager of the Willamette University GIoo Club, reached Pendleton this morning with Hi." company ui dents, and will appear nt tho Assem bly Hall this evening. Will Build New Residence. t ii,in,ii.f.r who tiurchttsed property on the north side of tho river, next to the home of Dr W. G. Cole, will build a resiuenco uivik some time this year. The Peoples; Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE FIRE SALE Store Opens Saturday Morning 8 o'clock For further particulars see page 8 WANTED Two Cashiers, Five Wrappers, Fifteen Salesmen and Saleswomen, Six Cash Boys. APPLY FRIDAY MORNING The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE nn farmer lii the Lewiston dis trict will plant 200 acres of cucum bers this season. Schilling's Best tea is fn kinds: a matter of taste ( habit. The coffee is fou;. Each kind is always alike. A COMPETENT Shoemaker NOW WORKING ON THE BENCH AT The Boston Shoe Store KIRST-CLASS REPAIR WORK NEATLY DONE. Rare Beauties in Millinery The exquisite new designs we are showing. In this teaton's most fashionable millinery win the admiration of all the ladles. Our magnificent ihowlng affords exceptional opportunities for each lady to select a hat suited to her Individuality. All ladles are cordially Invited to call and examine the neweit creations, which will be found In our display. CARRIER MILLINERY THE HOME OF THE 8TYLI8H HAT. I The Horseshoe Restaurant I T. L. BAKHll, Proprietor. Positively the best meals over served In Pendleton at 25c at the Horseshoe for 20c. Lunches and short orders served at right prices. Open day I and night, Chicken dinner ovury Bunday. Only white help em- T ployed. Tho Horseshoo Is ct CSS Main street, opposite Tallman I & Co.'s. WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD ROOF One that won't leak. One that will bo fire-proof. One that has proven lo ho satisfactory under the most exacting conditions, Ono that will last. When you aro aftor that kind of a roof, you'll settle down on ELATERITE ROOFING. It costs no more than cheap, worthless paper or any other unsatisfactory class of rooting material, but It's worth mora. Let us ijuoto prices. The nialerile Roofing Co., 10 Worcester Block, Portland, Oregon LEGAL BLANKS STfc? alogae of them. A foil supply always kept la stock.