I TEN Pktt. PACC TWO. DAILY EAST OREGON IANU& ' I I SMUT POTATO SCAB APPORTIONED From 5 per cent to 40 per cent or all small grain planfsd J in this section last year was said 1o have been damaged by smut A great quantity of potato blows were ruined by scab. J Formaldehyde Recommended by the gov- ernment and agricultural ex- J perts as the most effective pre- venttve of smut and scab. J Perfectly harmless to grain . and potato blows, but kills every germ either clinging to J the seed or buried In it that could cause smut or scab. J Come in and we will tell . you about It. F. W. SCHMIDT ISUPT. NOWLIN FIXES THE i AMOUNTS DUE DISTRICTS. Over 100 Districts in Umatilla Coun ty Pendleton Draws $5,600 From County Fund Several Dsitricts Have Lapsed and Get No Appor tionment Treasurer Now Has the Money. County Superintendent of Schools J F. Nowltn has completed his ap portionment of the county school fund and has tnrned his list Into the office of Treasurer E. J Sommer ville. who will now pa" the amounts of the apportionment as they are called for by the districts throughout the county. The districts with the amount of their apportionment, and the number of pupils, follow. District. Pupils. Appor tionment. Pilot Rock 90 333.00 Athena .... 10 Freewater ... .60 Pj.hn .9! 1. 3. 4. DRUGGIST. GENERAL NEWS. S. L Russell, who recently died In New York, left ioOO.OOO to religious missions for different parts of that city. A freight train was wrecked a: ftlayme. In Southeastern Colorado, and five tramps riding uion it '.vr Ule. It is believed an agreement will be reached, and the 1S.000 striking coal miners in Iowa will be at work by April 16. Four workmen wore killed and an other seriously hurt, by an explosion of dynamite in a quarry near Char lottesville. Va. The Illinois Central railroad has Just put uMin Its lines V Pullman cars private, buffet, sleeper, dining and composite that cost J500.0UU. The schooner Kilnaw. laden with S9.'.'(K feet of lumber, is several days overdue from Puget Sound to "Frisco, and is believed to have gone do a. The biggest jewelry theft ever per petrated in Indianapolis, was of $10. 000 worth of stones from the resi dence of M. B. Wilson, president of the Columbia National Back. .Miss Mabel Page, of Weston. Masr.. was murdered by an insane man. who cut her throat. Robbery could not have been the motive, and no other motive of a person who i:ad an object, could be divined. The Norwegian merchantman Sapho, sprung leaks and could not be kept afloat, and sunk in deep water in the South Pacific. The crew es caped in open boats and were all res-j cued. Professor William SherVood. of , the chemistry department of tbej University of California, was the, victim of thugs. He was sandbag- ged into unconsciousness, and is not i expected to live. Robbery was the probable motive. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. B. X. Coe, a drug clerk In a North Takima drug store, captured a burg lar in his home Wednesday night. 'Samuel Galbraith. of Tualatin, Or., won the naptha launch, given away by a dental firm of Portland, by the coupon system. The Citizens League of Baker City has presented the city with a public drinking fountain, which is now being erected. LouIb Schmidt, who has been on trial at Walla Walla for arson, was acquitted Wednesday. He was ac cused of burning his own saloon at Prescott. Tom O'Brien, the Burns stage driver who pleaded guilty to robbing the malls, was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary, at Port land, Wednesday. Lieutenant Hiram E. Mltcheel. soni of United States Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, was married in Xew York City Wednesday, to Miss Minnie Barrett, an actress. A new cigar company with a cap ita stock of $50,000. has Just beeni formed in Portland for the purpose of manufacturing cigars in opposi tion to the trust. A rich strike of placer gold has just been made on an Island In the middle of the Yukon, in front of Eagle City. Twenty-three pans' yield ed 11.550 in coarse gold. ErarKt and Charles Banie. two laborers of Eugene, were fined 1200 each In the federal court at Portland "Wednesday, for destroying mall boxes on a rural mall route, in Lane county. s 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. H. 15. 16. 17. IS. 19 20. 21. 24. 25. 26. 2T. 2S 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. 40. 41. 43. ' 44 45. 40 47. 4S. 19. 50. 51. 52. 54. 55. 56 57. 5S. 59. GO. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 07. es. 69. 70. 72. 74. 76. i i. 78. 79. SO. SI. 82. 83. 84. So. 86. 87 89. 'JO. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 102. 105. 106. 107. Umatilla . . Walla Walla Milton. . . Freewater . Weston . . . Milton . . . Pendleton Weston . . Adams. . -Pendleton . Athena . . Walla Walla Weston . . Weston . . Pilot Rock. Freewater . Pendleton . Pendleton " Pendleton . Holdman . . Pendleton . Echo . . . Athena . . Athena . . . Milton. . . Juniper . . Gurdane . Ukiah - . . Pendleton . Pilot Rock . Kamela . 40 . 20 . 56 . 207 . 41 . 18 . 45 . 20 . 23 .1520 . 21 . 26 . 32S on . 43 . 31 . 19 . 13 . 50 . 28 . 266 . 31 . 650 . 17 . 41 . 39 . 53 . 47 . 19 Milton 21 Pendleton .... 3i Pendleton ... 31 Athena .... 29 Vinson .... 11 Milton .... 50 Pendleton ... 25 Weston . . . . "S Echo 2J Adams .... 33 Athena .... 22 Helix 6 Weston .... 32 Helix f'f .Weston .... 35 Myrick .... 35 Helix I5 Pendleton .... 39 Echo CO Nye 25 Helix " Ridge -I Weston 27 Pendleton ... 15 Pendleton ... 28 Pendleton ... 51 Pendleton ... 46 Helix Is Freewater . Milton - . . Helix . . Pilot Rock . Alba . . . Alba .... Ukiah . . . Xye .... Milton . . . Freewater . Pendleton . Adams . . Helix . . Pilot Rock . Meaeham . Walla Walla Pendleton . Pendleton . Pendleton. . Athena . . Brlggson . Brlggson . -Pilot Rock . Pendleton . Pendleton . Duncan . . McKay . . Holdman . . Vinson . . . M-acham . . 102 16 17 26 49 21' 87 31 141 35 159 29 62 80 14 12 28 . 34 33 16 44 17 26 49 13 37 78 . 27 19 Total . 37.00 222.00 340.40 148.00 74.00 207.20 765.90 151.70 66.60 166.50 74.00 85.10 5.624.00 77.70 96.20 1.213.60 81.40 159.10 114.i0 70.30 81.40 136.90 4S.10 185.00 103.60 1.354.20 114.70 2,405.00 62.90 151.70 144.30 122.10 173.90 70.30 77.00 136.90 114.70 107.8 40.70 1S5.00 92.50 2SS.60 99.90 122.10 81.40 96.20 118.40 255.30 129.50 129.50 55.50 144.30 222.00 92.50 25.90 107.30 99.90 55.50 103.60 188.70 166.50 4B.10 377.40 59.20 62.20 96.20 181.30 77.) 321.90 122.10 114.70 521.70 92.50 588.30 107.30 229.40 296.00 51.80 44.40 103.60 125.80 122.10 59.20 29G.00 62.90 103.60 181.30 48.10 130.9U 288.60 99.90 70.30 , 124,000 R. 4 N. BOOKLET. Heated Wheat Lands; " Citv Property, FOR SALE. PHty residences. 100 vacant lots, Tnuslnww openings, hotels, feed yard, Mvary stable, stock ranches, wheat landc and all kinds of real estate. E. T. WADE & SON, K. O. Bldg. 'Phone. Black 1111. P. & box, 324., Pendleton, Oregon. Tells Where to Spend the Summer Season. The advance sheets of the O. R- & N Summer Book, edited by R. M. Hall, the genial publicity agent of the company, are now out. His sub ject "Where Rolls the Oregon and Hears no Sound Save Its Own Daub Ings." Ir treated In a masterly man ner. The magnificent scenery of the Columbia river and all of the beauti ful watering places and summer va cation spots along lis banks and on the Pacific ocean near Its mouth, are graphically described and artistically presented. The O. R- & X. service, both rail and water for reaching these hun dreds of attractive resorts Is perfect and one has only to read the booklet to decide where to spend the season of unalloyed pleasure. TEUTSCH'S MASCOT. Horse He Owned 24 Years Ago, and Which Is Still Living. i.e Teutsch is the possessor of a picture of his mascot, which he has received during the past few days from his old home at Melrose. Texas. In 1880 Mr. Teutsch was a young man, and hfs uncle, one of the old citizens of Melrose, made him a present of a colt. Mr. Teutsch kept the colt and used her for several years, or until 1SS4. when he sold her Tor ?60 and came to this state with thp moner. From that amount as a nest egg. he has built up his present business Last week Mr. Teutsch received n nlr-fiirn nf the horse. Which Is now nearly 25 years of age It shows the animal standing In front of the store In Melrose, In harness, looKing near ly as spry as she did when she was sold 20 years ago. She has been used continually for that period of time, and is still owned by the roan to whom she was sold by Mr. Teutsch. The latter thinks a great deal of the picture, as he considers the horse to be the foundation of his present prosperity. news OF ftTHENA FARM SOLD ON WILD HORSE MOUNTAINS. Serious Illness of Mrs. Sarah Staggs Birthday Party at Coppic's Vis itors From Idaho and Iowa Work Begun on Two New Buildings A Son Was Born Miss Saunders Will Teach on Birch Creek. Clothing and Shoes TWO BIG SPECIALS FOR A WHOLE WEEK 1 0 PER CENT OFF ON CLOTHING Men's dark grey woolen mixed suit, good v.lue at $7.50, for o..e week we will sell this sult Mei.'s dark mixed suit of wool material 1&J Men's all wool black Clay worsted suits, for one weeK t7 Men's far.cy wool worked suits '' ''T a"" tBtt Men's extra pants, all sixes and Pri-.es from 75c per pair up to 5.00 pa I r. .;,.. inn nats an! Ii3 Boys' short pants suits from $1' UP to Ujjl Boys' extra pants, long or short, all sizes and grades. o PER CEFjJT OFF ON SHOES Boys' shoes, good he-vy weight ;:,V".V V. and ,W5 Boys' fine dress shoes, calf skin or vici i and tt . M.n.c ;.. shoes, calf or vicl. guaranteed W.00 and Use Men's dress shoes, calf or vici, , 2-25 and Men's work shoes, heavy or mediu.n weignt $1.40 pair We repair every pair that rips, free of tnirge. -w THE FHIR Athena, April 6. John Runyon bought a small farm consisting of 40 acres from J H. Logan on the Wild Horse mountains, for $500. Mrs. Sarah Staggs Is seriously ill at hor home at Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenzwolg and family spent Sunday In the country attending a birthday celebration at the Coppic home. Mrs. E. A. Dudley's brother. Vic McDonald and wife of Idaho, are vis iting the Dudley home. Bert Cartano's sister. Miss Anna Cartano of Springfield. Iowa. Is vis iting at the Cartano home. Born. Saturday, April 2. .to Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Stone, a son. M J Palmer spent Monday In Walla Walla on business. Miss Arita Saunders has Just com pleted a successful term of school at South Cold Spr.ngs. and Is visit ing ber mother and sister here. Miss Saunders will teach on Birch Creek in the near future. Mr. A. B. stones niouier. .Mrs. . E. Burnham, Is visiting ber daughter. Two New Buildings Begun. Tuesday Knotts. with a large force of men.- commenced to lay the foun dation to the Stahl Wick uuuuing. and Dan Mays and his crew have commenced to lay the foundation of the John Froome brick. FIRST EASTER EGGS. Mrs. Lew Wallace Tells Enchanting Story of the East. Mrs. Lew Wallace, the wife of the author of "Ben Hur." tells In her book. "The City of the King." how th. flrtt PuKier cecs came to be. ac cording to legend. Says she. "The Syrian bulbul (nlgnungaiei nas uie loveliest voice of all God's creatures and the saddest song ever heard, chnrtv Mivens frincinc the Jordan still shelter the bird that sings dark-lins-- . .. . "There Is a legend that the uuiuui ..I in tho nil vp tree in tbe carden of Joseph of Arlmathea, and. the night before the Resurrection, through the darkness poured out her soul In sor-m.-irif nlnlnt above the still sleeper In the tomb wherein was never man laid. When the first Easter morning broke over the Eastern hills the eggs In the nest of the brooding bird sparkled with gold. blue, orange and crimson; and so we color eggs at roctor fnr a memorial to the lone singer who sang by the Holy Sepul chre 1900 years ago." HOTEL ARRIVALS. TRIENNIAL CONCLAVE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Robbed the Grave. ciiMiini, inMilpnt Ik narrated bf John Oliver of Philadelphia, as fol lows: "I was In an awful condition. My shin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continu ally In back ana siues, no appetite, dav hv dav. Three physicians bad given me up. Then " .... . : T, I , I was advised to use mectnc nu-fpre- n mv rreat tor the first bottle made a decided in.; rovement. I continued their use lor tnree weens, and am now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another victim." No one snouiu iau 10 try ihem. Only 50 cents. Guaranteed at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. SEED POTATOES SCARCE. Hotel Pendleton. C. Ottershagen, Portland. D. E. Brockbank, San Francisco. Mrs. J H. Crook, Portland F. T. Arnold. G. S. Youugman, Portland E. B. Coman. Portlnnd. M. L. Gallagher. Pittsburg. J. S. Davis, Rochester. H. N. Dryer. Tacoma. M. P. Gleeson. San Francisco. J. A. Cooke. San Francisco. G. Dove. Portland. Mrs. B. F. Rooth. Santa Crur. Marcella Rooth, Santa Crur. James Roche. Walla Walla. H. J. Burmeis'er. San Francisco. H. Sultan, San Francisco. A. R. Burford. Walla Walla. M. H. Patton. Spokane. R. A. Wright, Spokane. W. W. Gallemore. Sjiokane. Thomas Nester. Portland. M. Cleveland, Sokane. M. S. Marks. San Francisco. H. B. Catton. Walla Walla. G. W. Adams. .1 Paso. George Price. Boston. S. Coddon, Minneapolis. Hotel St. George. A. F- Bernard, Portland. James A. Howard. Sumpter. F. C. Billings. Seattle. J. B. Thomas and wife. St. Louis. C. R. Mason and wife, Waitsburg. C. C. Mason, Waitsburg. J. P. Foldnor, San FrancUco. Charles W. Sapman, Pittsburg. S. M. Steele. Kalamazoo. G. W. Vanlandlngham, Oakley. F. L. Hurley. Chicago. C. F. Bartholomew. Portlaud. Frank Wood. Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. Palmentor. North Yakima. W. S. Goodman. Hudson Bay. G. W. McArthur. lone. S. H. Fry. Dallas. W. S. Phelps. Portland. T. Budwin, Spokane. F. J. Gardner, Portland. J. T. Wolfe, Walla Walla. R. H. Nelff. Kansas City. F. E. Kennedy. Portland. James R. Lewis. Portland. R. J. Nixon. Butte. X. J- Conelly, Seattle. San Francisco, Sept. 5-9, 1904 Sov ereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., San Francisco, Sept. 19-25, 1904. Account above occasion, round trip tickets will be sold to San Francisco via steamer In both directions. J26.S5; via rail both directions, or rail going returning steamer, or vice versa, $31.85. Dates of sale via steamer from Portland, August 27, 2S. September 1 and 2. via rail, Sep tember 1st, 2d, 3d, 15th, lCth and 17th. limit continuous passage on go ing trip with final return limit Octo ber 23d. 1904. Stopovers will be al lowed In California. For further particulars, call upon E. C. Smith, agent O. R. & X. Co., Pendleton. LET US SUPPLY WITH Building... ...Materii rvrMEXKIOX LUMBEBOf' JLI all descriptions. Sui, uoors. Blinds, Mould. Ing, Building and Tm p,. Bring Your Bill toUsj Get Our Figures, i Buyers Scouring the County for Shipments East at 80 Cents Per 100. ""Seed'potatoes in Vmatilla county are scarce this spring, and promise to be high priced before the plant ing beason Is over. Buyers are now scouring the county for shipments to the East, and while they are offering but SO cents per 100, they tire finding none in the country at that price. A large acreage of potatoes will bo planted In the county again this season, and already -farmers in the Echo districts have ordered tJoveral tons for seed. The spring has been so backward that but little preparation for plant ing has been made yet. Eclectics In Session. Allianv. X. Y.. Aurll 7 The Xew York State Eclectic Society began its annual meetiug here touay wim a lurge and representative attendance. a two davs' urogram of papers and discussions has been prepared for the meeting. Men call thoir own rart-IessnesB aud inactivity fate Hotel Bickers. C. E. Cleek. Portland. Sam Lee, Spokane. B. F. Marlin and wife. Meaeham. J. J. Roe. Freewater. Van Klncaid. Pleasonton. D. P. Durfey and wife. Hedrkk. Mrs. Cora Simpson, city. Charles L. Holway. Weston. E. C. Shirk, Ladd. J. M. Winn. McKay. Fred Schwede and family, Omaha, F. C. Cleves, St. Paul. J. O. Vanwinkle, Salem. R. H. Cbaple, Salem. E. K. Miller. Salem. O. K. Wolf, Salem. J. G. Martin, Salem. M. Winslow, Salem. G. G. Randall. Salem. W. G. Trill, Salem. H. H. Markle. Salem. E. G. Hornschurch, Salem. W. L. Zimmerman, Salem. Francis Saley, Salem. R. H. Zercher, Salem. The O. R. & X. steamer Hassalo, plying between Portland and As torla. Is the fastest stern-wheel boat In the world. SCOTT'S EMULSION is for babies and children who are thin and pale when they ought to be fat and ruddy-; for men and women who 'are weak and delicate when they ought to be strong and hearty for all who are not getting proper nourish ment from their food. Poor blood, thin body, open the door for disease. Scott's Emulsion bars the way. Makes the blood richer, pro duces healthy flesh and above all provides nourishment. U't'ti tend you 1 umjile tret upon icqueil bCOTT &. UOWiE 4 l'er Sttccl, New York $100 Reward, $100. The reader of this paiwr Mil be pleased ' to Iwirn tbat ttiere 1 at leant one dreuil rd dleae Hint srlonre bas been able to cure In all lt Rtaces. nnd that It Ca- 1 torrli. Hall's Catarrli Cure In tlie only 1 iwsltlre cure now known to the medical I fraternity, t atarru oeinc a rommuuuuui dlseaiie, require a constitutional Teat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting directly on tbe blood rnd mucoid surfaces of tin- system, thereby demrovlns the foundation of the disease, aud pWlne the patient strength by build ing up me constitution uuu buhikuuk na ture In dolns Its work. Tbe proix-letoi-s have so much faith In Its curative powers that ther oCer One Hundred Dollars for any rnne that It falls to cure. Send for list 61 testimonials. Address : . . . r. j. ninxcv & i -. roieuo, u. Sold bv PniRElst. price 7.1c Take Hall's Tamlly l'llls for constipa tion. To Dairy Patrons. I wish to deny the report being circulated to the effect that I have sold my dairy business, or that I Intend to sell. A. B. WISDOM. Grays' Harbor Cora.ll Opp. W: & C. R. Depot NOTICE TO ALL MY FRIENDS AM) I ! PATRONS: ANOTHER WONDER OF SCIENCE. Ulolucr 3n Prated that Dandruff Is Caused br a Germ. Science Is donlg wonders these days In medicine as well as in mechanics. Sine Adam lived, the human race has been troubled 1th dandruff, for which no hair prepaiatlon ha& heretofore proved a suc cessful cure until Newbro's Ilerplclde was put 0:1 the market. It is a uclentlfle prep aration that kills the geru that makes dandruff or scurf by dlggine Into the scalp to get at the root of the hair, where It saps the vitality; causing Itching scalp, falling hair, and finally baldness. With out dandruff hair must grow luxuriantly. It Is the only destroyer of dandruff. Eold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to Tbe Ilerpl clde Co.. Detroit. Mich. F. W. Schmidt, special agent. All persons knowing themselves to be in debted to me will call and settle their ac counts as I need tbe money, Conrad Platzoeder Meat Market ADAMS DENTAL PARLOR Pendleton, Oregon. Residence and office. Despain block Phono Red 1D81. Our specialty Painless Filling and Extracting. I TAKE PLEASURE IN 1 INTRODUCING TO Hf FRIENDS, DRS. L. L. AND T. H. WHITE. TO WH0K I HAVE SOLD MY DENTUJ BUSINESS IN THIS CITV. 1 ; THOROUGHLY REC0MMEM, THE DRS. WHITE AS FIRST- CLASS DENTISTS IN EVEM RESPECT, AND WILL ES TEEM IT A FAVOR FOI ANY OF MY PATIENTS TO PLACE THEIR CASES W HANDS OF THE DRS. 1 WHITE. RESPECTFULLY, E. A. MANN ssts t BICYCLE DOCTORS i If your wheel is ailing consult us. we treat tue worst wueeis and ri store them to health. Out bicycle hospital at 311 Court Btreet Is complete and equipped with the latent appliances. t Gorden & Edmisten y Bicycle Doctors All Kinds of Light impairing A GOAL Let us fill your bin with . ROCK SPRING CO! Recognized as the bes and most economical lou. We are prepared to con tract with you for yotf winter's supply. We liver coal or wood to wj part of the city. Laatz Bros- Main Street M. 'Vs' : FOR SALE nno ".vear-old i.l BtA or trade, nU 0 8x V of young Worses of V" For particulars sec 1 I'euuieion, ur nonssn-r RTLIABLC . n O 4 N HAULING OF AIL jf ordtrs tt Tl'JUcu'i. lJ'on, frazer FRIDAY it- US CLARA Loc! 0rt6"' Societ; C TM ntif jut's owr hied for In Ser- popular II I if yo ! painf I J compl : i, ,1. It ttOCl it I litis A lof the Itisen It ItWJ, EYl For chr. den? prict V,'. I Kill