East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 06, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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! For Sale !
5 $3,000.00 8 room, 2 story, now
m bouse, and lot 50x100.
$1,200.00 5
room, li story
$1,700.00 8 Room. 2 story
bouse. Bath tub and toilet,
good cellar, woodshed, pump
and city water. Easy terms.
$600.001 Vacant lot. Very
$2,000 7 room 2 story houso
4 rooms each 16x15, bath
room, rock collar 18x32, 2
$250.001 yacant lot.
Merchants Protective
Despain Building, Boom 43,
Telephone Black 1161.
Not an ordinary article, but
something extraordinary is ,
Hill's Pwe !
California :
Olive Oil j
For medicinal use as well as
for salads and table use.
This is the highest quality
and purest oil made.
Sold exclusively in Pendleton
Despain & Clark
Open day and night. Billiards,
Pool, Shooting Gallery, Bowl
ing Alleys, Throwing Racks.
Good music every evening.
Under W. & C. R. Depot,
.Predestination and the Roman Cath
olic Church Two Great Sources of
Divlson and Diversion One Fac
tion Believes the Pope is the An
ti-Christ Movement for Fusion
Originated in Wisconsin.
Detroit. Mich., April 6. Lutheran
ministers of the United States, rep.
resenting nearly all the various syn
ods of the church In America, began
a general free conference in Detroit
today and will remain in session
until the end of tho week. The con
ference will discuss the various
points of difference between the syn
Most Plentiful and Troublesome
During Spring and Summer.
It takes warm weather to bring out the hidden impurities,
humors and poisons in the svstem and stir up the sluggish
blood, and this is why boils are so common in Spring and
Summer. They sometimes come singl, but ottener in
pairs and triplets, and even in bunches and clusters, and
generally upon the tenderest part of the bod3'. They are
the most painful of all skin eruptions, and the blood is in
a turmoil, and the system in a feverish commotion trom
the time these volcanoes of miscrv begin to form until they
made' to"brin ""about "a" cToseunion burst a"d the matter is all discharged. But lucky is the unfortunate sufferer who gets off with
andCa more "perfect" harmony '"tho only one boil, for even if another docs not follow immediatel', the poison that is left in the
Lutheran church in the United blood is bound to collect somewhere else and break through the skin, and these p3rramids of
SThl' principal synodicai bodies of ' Pain aY coming and going all through the Spring and Summer.
the church are the general confer-, Some peojjlc have air idea that botls are good for the health, that they are evidences that
ence, the synodicai conference, the t ; j fc w , bjood t t j j ejther are boils conducive to
general synod and the so-called In- , . , ', , , , , . , , ...
dependents. These bodies represent neattn. iiitpovensiieu or pomuca oioou, or a riotous, levensii condition or tins vital mud
between any and sixty separate syn-, causes boils, carbuncles, and other dangerous skin eruptions.
t Material
Long-continued sickness leaves the blood too weak
Insure in
Reliable Companies
That pay their losses
promptly. Our companies
stand at the bead of the list.
Hartford Fire Insurance
Co $12,259,076
Alliance Assurance Co .. 29,039,003
Landon & Lancashire FIro
Insurance Co 2,544,083
North British & Mercantile
Co 19,095,974
Jtoyal Insurance Co 22,o97,153
Notice Is hereby given that a pri
mary election for tho purpose of
electing delegates to tho democratic
county convention of Umatilla Coun
ty, to bo held at the County Court
House of said county on the 12th
day of April, 19U4, and that such pri
mary election shall be held in the
various election precincts of this
county on Thursday, April 7, at ihe
various polling places, and at -.he
hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. In all pre
cincts except tho precincts of Pen
dleton, East Pendleton, North Pen
dleton and South Pendleton and that
In each of the said Pendleton pro
clncts tho polls shall be opened it
1 p. ni. and remain open until G p.
m., the several polling pieces In and
for such primary election In Pendle
ton, as follows:
North Pendleton Precinct, corner
of Water and Main streets.
South Pendleton Precinct, corner
Garden and Railroad streets.
Kast Pendleton Precinct, at .he
court house.
In Pendleton Precinct, corner Gar
den mid Webb streets.
In said several precincts and fit
such election there shall be elected
in Pendleton Precinct 13 delegates:
In East Pendleton Precinct, 17 del
egates; in North Pondloton Precinct
38 delegates; and in South Penille
tou 13 delegates to said convention,
and nt such election the following
persons, who are legal otors and
householders In each of said pre
cincts hereinafter named, have bojn
selected as judges of said primary
For Pendleton Precinct, Henry
Shockoy, Lee Toutsch, T. J. Moans.
For East Pendleton, II. S. Garfield,
Mike Keating, William Hilton.
For North Pendleton, J. Barnhart,
1VM Mooro, A. W. Nye.
For South Pondloton, Theodore
Howard, John Hays, W. M. Blalio
ley. Dated this 31st day of Mar:h,
Chairman Democratic Central Coun
ty Committee
'Secretary Domocn.tlc .Central Coan
ty Committee
ods, of which about forty are ropre-
nnntnd nt Hin nrpspnt conference.
Among themselves the synods have , and shiercrish to throw off the bodilv impurities and re
waged ..JSllKve the svstem of the waste and refuse, which then
ance, but which have caused a great! concentrates at some spot and a carbuncle or boil is
breach in the Lutheran church. I the result. To one already :ifeebled by disease boils
which have caused these differences j seem to come with liiorefrequency, causing the mtens
is that of predestination, which est pain and trreatest dantrer to the alreadv weak and
, i l. . o -
5" . ' T ,h debilitated stirrer.
general bodies in 18S0, when the dis
cussion was at Its height.
Another point of difference in the
synods Is the belief relative to tho
Roman Catholic church and the
pope. One of the synodicai bodies
believes that the pope Is the anti
Christ. The great majority of the
Lutherans, however, do not accede
to this view.
The movement for a closer har
mony In the Lutheran church origin
ated with Rev. M. Bunge, of Arpln,
Wis., who is at present a member of
the Wisconsin synod. Two meetings
have already been held, one at Wa
tertown. Wis., and the second at
Milwaukee, which were more or less
successful. The meeting begun here
today is the largest of the three, and
Is expected that something more
definite may he accomplished.
Oontlomen : For ovarflf teonyeora I havostuTor
eil more or loss from Impuro Blood. About a year
nco I hud a boll appear on my leer below tho fcnoo,
which was followed by three more on my nock.
I saw S. S. S. advortlsecl and decided to try it. Af tor
taking three bottlos all Bolls disappeared, and I
have not been troubled any sineo. I fool dooply
indebted to S. B. fa. for tho excellent health I am
enjoylner, as I have not fo'.t so well in twenty
years. You have certainly placed mo under many
obligations, and I must say that I will always
have, (rroat faith in 3. 3. S.
114 W. Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky.
Antl.Brlnhamites In Evidence
Klrtland, Ohio.
Kirtland, O.. April 6. The annual
world's conference of tho Reorgan
ized Church of Jesus Christ of Lat
ter Day Saints, commonly called
Mormons, convened today in the fa
mous old temple which was erected
here more than three-quarters of a
century ago, when Klrtland was .the
scene of activity of Joseph Smith
and Brigham Young. Nearly 2,000
delegates arc attending the confer-
All skin eruptions, from the sometimes fatal car
buncle to the sp'teful little cat-boil, are caused by bad
blood, and the ouly way to avoid or get permanently
rid of them is to purify and build up the deteriorated, polluted blood, and counteract the I
jiiunuia ami puisuiib, auu noiiinig win do tins so quiCKiy ana uiorougniy -as o. o. o., wmcn
is the acknowledged king of blood purifiers and greatest of all tonics.
Where the blood has become impoverished and is poor and thin no medicine acts so prompt
ly in building it up and restoring its richness, purity and strength. The time to cure a boil is
before it develops, when it is in a state of incubation or formation in the blood, for boils arc,
after all, only the impurities and poison's bubbling up through the skin, and this will continue
in spite of poulticing and lancing till the blood gets rid of its accumulated poison. The way
to stop boils is to attack them in the blood, and this is what S. S. S. does. All danger of boils
is past when the blood lias been thoroughly punned and
the system cleansed of all morbid, impure matter. If you
are subject to boils, then the same causes that produced
them last season w ill do so this, and the sooner j'ou begin
to put your blood and system in good order the better the
-1i.-inr rf fv-?tirr t-li ,--,,, crli llir c-viiwr niirl ciimtrmr cpnenn
T t,-it-1ir,iif l,-ilt? r- ,,t-1if ivMnfiil nurl i rritn t in o- cl-?n priifitmtic
S. S. vS. is guaranteed purely egctable, and can be taken with perfect safety by old and
young, and without harm to tlie must delicate constitution. It is mild and pleasant in its
action, and unequalled as a cure for boils and kindred eruptions.
Write us if you would like advice from ov physician-; or desire any special information;
this will cost you nothing. THrr siWFT SPECIFiG COPJlPaNYy ATLANTA, GA.
Made to order. Bulldlno na.
per, lime, cement, brick and t
sanu, wood guners for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Lumber Yard i
At,-. C, .-. rtnn 1 1
w)ir wuui, nuuEC.
All Kinds
I have pood sound wood
which is delivered at
reasonable prices
For Cash.
at rtesBa "esass
red, will come up for trial. Keen
interest nttaches to the case, for Dr.
.. .1 ,i,. r.i.n.n tmm nil ni r i o ! Jlo wile is nbt unlr a leader in the
tti.o.) aintoo nmi nmo frnm Methodist church, but Is regarded as are gathered in
nnnorin c.rnno nnrt A,,qimiln. Tho o. leading authority on philosophy nual session of
conference will continue about two throughout the country
weeks and will ho devoted exclus-' On the books of Dr Howne the
ivoly to the discussion of church af- charges of heresy are based by his
f I ' I accuser, the Rev. George A. Cook,
Although not generally known, the of West Medfleld, Mass a member
Latter Day Saints have no connec-.of. the Now England Conference,
tlon with tho btnh church, known as' Mr. Cook specifically charges that
"Drighamltes." The Latter Day ! Dr. Bowno is not sound on the doc
Saints hold the doctrine of "Polyga-1 trlno of the Trinity, on the Atone
my," "Adam God" worship and ment and on echatology or the state
"Hlood Atonement." as taught by tho 'of the dead. Friends of tho profes
Utah church, to bo herotlcal. The sor have been much stirred by the
headquarters of tho Latter Day j accusations and a strong defense Is
Saints are at Lamoni. Iowa, whore anticipated.
one of its principal churches Is lo-
North Indiana M. E. Conference, ting the five days the conference will
Muncie, Ind., April G. Nearly two be in session. The appointments
thousand followers of John Wesley will not be announced until early in
Muncie for the an
the North Indiana
Conference of the Methodist Episco
pal church. Bishop McCnbe is the
presiding officer, and other noted di
vines ad speakers will be heard dur-
the coming week.
Two masked men held up a saloon
on Main street in Belllngham, Wash.,
Tuesday morning, and robbed tho
bartender of HC.
Leave orders at Neuman s
Cigar Store.
Court St.
Mar He
cated, the
ence, Mo,
other being at Inclepend-) REUNION OF VETERANS.
California and Nevada Holding 37th
Annual Camp.
Los Angeles. Cal., April 0. The
city Is gay with Hags and bunting in
honor of tho Grand Army veterans of
the Department of California and
Noted Methodist Preacher Accused
of Flying tne Track.
New YorK, April u. Ai me annum '"" y ' V .u, . ,i ,
session of tho New York Eats Con-1 Nevada, whoso thirty-seventh annual
ferenco of the Methodist Episcopal , uncuiiuiiuuin .xu
church, which opened In Simpson I The forenoon was occupied with
M B. church. Brooklyn, today, the tho reception of visitors and a meet
case of the Hov Dr Borden IV i i"K of tho council of administration.
Powne professor of philosophy of! The animal parade take splace this
Boston university, ngalnst whom afternoon. A big welcdinlng demon
charges of heresy have been prefer- strntion Is to be held In Hazards
'pavilion this ovenlng and the unfin-
isheil business nt uie encampment
1 will ho transacted tomorrow.
The encampment Is attended by
a large number of veterans from far
and near, many of them attended by
I their wives and families, and for
I whoso entertainment elaborate plans
lmvn been made bv the local mists
FY'ffl ( 1 1 and patriotic organizations.
Every woman covet a
shapely, pretty figure, and
many of them deplore the
loss of their girlish forms
after marriage. The bearing
of children is often destructive
to the mother's shapeliness.
All of this can be avoided,
however, by the U9 of Mother's Friend before baby conies, as this
great liniment always prepares the uoiiy for hp strain upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. .Mother's Frii;;d overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from tb
Hie of this wonderful
remedy. Sold by nil
druggists at$i.oopcr
bottle. Our littlo
book, tellint? all about
this liniment, will bo sent free.
Tte BrriQtld Ricalattr Co., Atlanta, &
Cut the Can
and compare the quality of
I with any of 1U imitations.
Nolo the dtllercnce. c now I
1 smooth and appetizing ouri
product Is, owing to its I
I heavy consistence, which
I keeps the nutter lat equally
distributed, in contrast witn
i the cheap and thin imlta- ,
luons which allow the but-
Itor fat to rlso and form
unsightly clods.
j Party is Still Under the "Dictation of
I Senator Quay.
Harrlsburg, Pa.. April 6. The re
publican stato convention assembled
in tlie Grand opera house in this city
today and was called to order short
ly before noon by Senator Boies
Penrose, chairman of the stato com
I mltteo. The convention will noml-
nato a candidaio for supremo court
judgo and elect delegates to the
Chicago national convention.
The convention Is under tho con
trol of Senator Quay and his follow
ers, a fact which assures Jho nomi
nation of Governor Samuel Penny
packer, the machine candldnto for
tho supreme bench. Resolutions in
dorsing President lloosovolt and his
administration will ho adopted unan
imously. A Thoughtful Man.
M, M. Austin of Winchester, Ind..
know what to do in the hour af need.
Ills wlfo had micli an unusual case
of stomach and liver trouble, physi
cians could not help her. Ho thought
of, and tried Dr. King's Now Llfo
Pills, and she got rollof at once and
was finally cured. Only 25c at Tall
man & Co.'b drug storo.
W4 Garfield Avenue,
Ciiicaoo, 1m,., October0, 1902.
After doctoring for eleven months and taking
forty-three bottles of medicine and Gliding no relief
for leueorrho-'a resulting from irritation of a fallen
womb I took Wine of Cardtii and fourteen bottles
cured roc. This seems strange but it is tho simple
, uuui, in,: ui varum jieiiKu roe irom me umu -i
began taking it and having heard it praised
so highly by friends who had tried it I felt
satisfied that it would help tnc.aiul it did.
It cured me. Took ev,rv nit of ai-hn. nain
and headache, cramps and drugging down sensations
away till I felt young, strong juid happy once more.
It is a wonderful medicine and a true friend to women.
When I look back on the months of torture I had it
seemslikeahideous nightmare. Wine of Cardui will
cure any woman I believe. I have more faith in it
than all other medicines combined.
o IlUtorkal Club.
Flow can you refnw relief when yon know you are growing worse day af
ter day? Shooting pains, irregularity, inflammation and bearing down pains
mako thousands of women miserable. Why drag through life never enjoy
ing anything? Wine of Cardui has made over 1,500,000 weak and suffering
women well and strong. We ask you to go to your druggist today and secure
a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui aud begin to tako it at once. Do tbat and
the health Mrs. Kingsley writes about will soon bo yours, if you think spec
ial directions are needed in your case, address, giving symptoms, Louies'
Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Term.
Let us show you Palmer's
new Perfumes.
The latest and best.
Gailand of j
Violets j
Toilet Soap
A pure soap, finely perfumed
Brock &McComas
Company i
is 'in-j;
.. .. or, ilnv's CI'
uaps mo t'linmi u ' " is
Joyment. tho more especially 1 11 '
taken in tho style oi t""-r-wagon
we sell. It will be Bj d5e
to you when you corao to know
mauy merits or mo """"": kc
and Rese buggies. They cannot w
excelled for finisti anu . -
Made from niMried timber auw
antccd In this climate. There Is
bettor made. Sold by
The, brick blacksmith blf
We sell and recommend mo
Gasollno Engines. ..
ctqieU, on shelves, " " , iarg
pine purposes. Old e""PP!I! , bun.m
bundle's of 100 each at 20 .cents ?
at tbe BABT OUBOONIAN omce,
too, Ortsen.