EIGHT PAGE SIX, OF NOT DESCRIPTION OF SALMON HATCHERY AT ONTARIO J muu MY DA'LY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, AFRIL 5, 1904. MILLIONS SH x V 1 IU! KT.ff- U-t 1 Miss Nellie Holmes, treasurer of the Young Woman's Temper ance Association of Buffalo, N.Y., . strongly advises all suffering women to rely, as she did, up on Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vege table Compound. " Di:Ait Mns. PiNKHAit : Your med icine is indeed an ideal woman's medi cine, and by far the best I know to restore lost health and strength. I Buffered misery for several years, being troubled with monorrhagia. My back ached, I had bearing-down pains and frequent headaches. I would often wake from restful sleep, and in such pain that I suffered for hours before I could go to sleep again. I dreaded the long nights as much as the weary days. I consulted two different physicians, hoping to get relief but, finding that their medicine did not seem to cure me. I tried your Vegetable Compound on tno recommendation oi a iricna from tho East who was visiting me. "Iam glad that I followed her ad f ice. for every ache and pain is gone. ami not only this, but my general health is much improved. I have a fine appetite and have gained in flesh Jly earnest advice to suffering women is to nut aside all other medicines and to take I,y(llu E. IMnUlinm's Vcrc- tauio Compound." miss .Nellie Holmes, 540 No. Division St., Buffalo, JJ. Y. SSOOOcrftlt If original cf ctxws I ttttr pro- nay genuineness cannot oe proaucoa. How the Fish Supply for the Streams of Oregon Is Nurtured In Snake River output This Year Will Be 25,000,000 Young Salmon Interest Ing Process of Propagation. For Sale $3,000.00 S room, 2 story, new house, and lot 50x100. $1,200.00 5 room, house. 1 story $1,700.008 Room, 2 story house. Bath tub and toilet, good cellar, woodshed, pump and city water. Easy terms. $600.001 Vacant desirable. lot. Very $2,000 7 room 2 story house 4 rooms each 15x15. bath m room, rock cellar 18x32, 2 lots. t 4259.001 vacant lot, 5 Merchants Protective Agency Despain Building, Boom 43, J Telephones Black 11C1. Not on ordinary article, but something extraordinary Is Hill's Pure : California ? Olive Oil I For medicinal uso as well as for salads and tablo uso. This is tho highest quality and purest oil made. Sold exclusively In Pendleton by : Despain & Clark CANTY'S PARLORS OF AMUSEMENT Open day and night. Billiards, Pool, Shooting Gallery, Bowl ing Alleys, Throwing Racks. Good music every evening, BA8EMEN, CORNER MAIN AND WEBB 8TREET8. Under W. & C. R. Depot A. W. I'rescott, of Salem, who nc companied tho state flsh commission on the recent visit to the Ontario flsh hatchery, wrn.es the following Intensely Interesting description if that institution for tho Morning Ore gonlan : The state llsh hatchery at Ontario was constructed In the summer of 1903 In pursuance of an approprla tion or ?15,000 made by the loslsla turo of that year. The building Ih 1)2x217 feet and when fitted up, In eluding a cottage for the superln tendent, has cost some $13,000. Tho expenses were reduce dahout $2,000 by concessions made by the O. It, & N. Co. In the matter of freight charges on lumber, etc. Tho appropriation will bo sufficient to cover several Improvements which will be made this summer, when this hatchery will bo the best as well as the largest of its kind In tho United States. Tho annual cost of operating tho hatchery will be about $0,000. In return for this exnendl ture, the supply of salmon will not only bo maintained but will bo m creased, thus adding to the wealth producing power of one of Oregon's uest-known natural resources. The total output of the .hatcheries. state and federal, on tho Columbia ana its tributaries, is now 70,000,000 young fry per year. Although a few years ago the catch of flsh was so small that It was hellovpd that. salmon were being exterminated, in mo last three years tho numhar caugnt has greatly increased, for wuicn change tho hatcherv svstfm has been given credit. The process Of artificial tirnivnT.n. tlon of salmon is a simple one. Last fall two sets of flsh racks worn placed across the river about a quarter of a mile apart. Tho racks were so constructed that salmon could easily pass throuch hut could not get out again. Between October 15 and November 10 tho flat, n. closed between the two sets of racks were caugnt in seines. from the "ripe" females the cues. were secured by gentlo pressure, and tho eggs thus obtained worn fnrfll. ! ized with milt pressed from tho s. About 5,000 females and ,.s many males were used for this pur pose, each' female vlehllnir k nnn eggs. The eggs were placed in woven' wire baskets about 12 six inches deep and nlaced In troughs of running water of the tem perature or that of the river. Tho troughs are long wooden boxes ar ranged In rows so that tho water pumped Into tho hlehest flnwn through the others and finally back to tho river. About 30.000 salmon eggs wore placed In each basket. When the eggs hatched, tho T fish dropped through the meshes of tho baskets Into tho troughs and 1 ! tho baskets were removed. Hatch-1 Ing began about February 1. By, means of perforated tin partitions 1' the troughs are divided iuto. apart-1 ments, so that 20,000 vnune- fish nm ? confined In & space about four feet long, 12 inches wldo and eight I J Inches, deep. "When they become I crowded, some aro removed to other troughs. 2 In about six or seven weeks tho fish aro about an Inch and a quarter long nnd aro ready to plant. By means or a rubber hose syphon they aro drawn with tho water from tho troughs Into large palls and are then taken to the middle of the river and turned loose. Not many nro turned looso at one tlmo lest largo flsh should bo at tracted to them and destroy them. If given a fair chanco, tho young fish will take caro of themselves. Tho advantage of tho hatchery 'a that it provents tho destruction c f tho eggs and protects tho fish until thoy aro old enough to get about easily. Insure in Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at tho head of tho list. Assets Hartford FIro Insurance Co., Wanted A Forester. D. B. Sholler, representing tho for estry bureau In the Northwest In the matter of choosing rangers nnd keepers, spent a portion of tho week In this city conferring with business men In rpirnril In n anftflhlii mnn tnr ! tho Elk reserve, which Is an area of about 50,000 acres, set nsmo to pro tect tho water supply of Baker City. Several nifln have been recommend ed. Whose fitness for the ofllco will bo Investigated by Mr. Sheller before tin appointment Is made. The stipend Is $75 n month, and a man must do vuto his tlmo (o the work, although in tho winter months llttlo Is to bo done. Stock must bo kept out of tho rescrvo and timber protected from lumbering operations, savo whero trees aro sold, and then thoy aro to bo designated by the keeper. linker City Herald. The Rtftvlzan. The Russian Htranded battleship Itetvlzan U called after a Swedish battleship of G4 guns which was enp- .tne,xnni- turoA by tho Russians at tho hattlo $12,259,070 of wlborg i 179o, The word Itctvl- Alllanco Assuranco Co .. 29,039,963 zan moans "Justice." London & Lancashire FIro Inauranco Co 2,544,683 North British & Mercantile Co 19,095,974 Jtoyal Inauranco Co 22.b97.153 FRANK B. CL0PT0N AGENT. 112 EA8T COURT STREET. To Dairy Patrons. I wish to deny tho roport being circulated to 'tho effect that I have sold my dairy business, or that 1 intend to sell. A. B, WISDOM. There is only One Genuine- Syrup of Figs, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. The full name of the company, California Pig Syrup Co., Is printed on the front of every package of the genuine. The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always if you .wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE Louisville, Ky TOTT CENTS PERBOTT1E rtewYork. HI. The trouble with shoes All shoes would be good shoes if you didn't have to wea 'em. The trouble is, yoa bay them to wea j and a good many of them certainly are wearing, Sefc Royal Blt$e shoe is made to wear, not simply to sell. You'll know what that means bett r than we can tell yoa, if yoa wear a pair Next pair of shoes you buy, pet a Royal Blue shoe, on the Footform last ; a shoe to wear with comfort, a long time. If your shoe-man. hasn't it, write to us. 19 mi IL! CHICAGO. Largest makers of good shoes In the world Tho people of Spokano now hopo to securo a brtdgo ovor tbo Spokano river between tho city nnd Port Wright. Sanitary Plumbing To get tho best work lot us ilo It. Our facilities nro unoxcelled. Dent materials always used. Our oxporlenco Is yoi.re without cost. BECK, THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Court Street, oppostto Hotel Dickon;. J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt attention given and all work executed properly. Electrical Supplies of all Hindi OFFICK-121 WEST COURT ST. (Tribune Building) PATRONS: I TAKE PLI INTRODUCING FRIENDS, DRS. H. WHITE, TO rmvt SOLD BUSINESS IN T THOROUGHLY THE DRS. WHITE CLASS DENTISTS RESPECT, AND ifcfcM IT A ANY OF MY PLACE THEIR HANDS OF WHITE. , RESPECTFULLY t. A. JO u. Big Fire NOW In Dry Woe Kemmerer McADI -rnone mm Savings Bank Berkeley's Real COAL juet us nil bin with . ROCKSPRIN Recognized as and most econorr We are prepare tract with you itrlnfrtf'e eiirllf liver coal or wood Laatz Main Street NOTICE OF PRIMARY Notice is hcroby gn mary election for the filectlnir delegates to county convention of tv In lin hnlil nt in House of said county day of April, 1904, and mnry eloctlon shall various election pre county ou Thursday, various polling place hour of 2 o'clock P. cincts oxcont the dloton, East Pendleti dleton nnd South Pen In each of tho said cincts tho polls shal 1 p. m. and remain m., the several pollln for such primary olci (nil no fnllnWB! North Pondleton of Water and Main Smith Pnmlleton rinrdnn nnd Railroad CTnat Pnnrllnton court bouse. In Pendleton Prccln nnn fln d Wohh streets In said several Dimh 01 nor Inn there auw4 In TnnrNtnn PrCClnCt In Taat TYftnrllnton egatea; in North Fond 1R Hnloirntfis: and In tin -f fl 'rlalaitnlfitt to nnd nt such eloctlon persons, who aro Iega householders in each cincts hereinafter nam solected as judges election: fn. PAnrilnton Mike Keating. wnHan For North Pendleton TUMI Xlnnro A. W. For South Pondh Howard, John Hays, ley. Dated this 31st 1904. A. D. Chairman Democratic ty Committee. Attest: . . ,. A. C. IIAXEY Secretary Democratic ty Committee.