EIGHT PAGES, PAGE SIX. DA'LY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1904. FAR M ERSMW EETI N G jML (Concluded.) WE ARE READY fOR YOU ALL THE NEW STYLE HATS ARE HERE FOR SPRING. IN OR DER TO INTRODUCE OUR LINE OF STIFF AND SOFT HATS, WE WILL QUOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES UNTIL EASTER: $4.50 AND $5.00 JOHN B. STET SON HATS, FOR $3.50. OUR $3.50 HATS AND THEY ARE PEACHIE FOR $2.80, ONLY UNTIL EASTER. OUR $3.00 HAT IS A CRACKER AND WILL SELL FOR $2.25 UNTIL EASTER. DONT BUY A HAT UNTIL YOU SEE OUR LINE. MEN'S HATTERS. For Sale $3,000.00 8 room, 2 story, now house, and lot 50x100. $1,200.00 5 room, IVi story bouse. $1,700.00 8 noom, 2 story house. Bath tub and toilet, good cellar, woodshed, pump and city water. Easy terms. $600.001 Vacant lot. Very desirable $2,0007 room 2 story house . 4 rooms each 15xlG, bath room, rock collar 18x32, 2 lots. $250.001 vacant lot. Merchants Protective Agency Despaln Rulldlng, noom 43, Tolephono Iilack 1101. Insure in Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at tho head of tho list. Assets. Hartford Flro Insuranco Co $12,259,070 Alllanco Assuranco Co .. 29,039,003 London & Lancashire Klro Insuranco Co 2,544,083 North British & Mercantile Co 19,095,974 lloyal Insuranco Co 22,897,153 FRANK B. CL0PT0N AGENT. 112 EAST COURT STREET, the stems rot at the heart, and Boon your alfalfa field will be barren. "It Is a mistake to believe that al falfa needs so much water. It re quires more sunshlno and air, more cultivation and less flooding. Har row the surface of your land, and hold the moisture at the roots of the alfalfa. 'For seed, you should grow alfalfa on tho driest possible land. Seed from this flooded land would be useless. It would not be safe to sow it. It has no strength. It must be produced on dry soil, and hardened every year, to make It grow to per fection without a flood of water. "The alfalfa grown under the dyk ing system Is small and weak and has no strength. It Is washy feed, and has less substance than that grown with Just a little surface irri gation njid more cultivation. Alfal fa will grow nnywhero the sand will not blow. Tho first crop should bo cut and loft on tho ground to pro tect the roots. "If you wish to prepare your ground in tho highest possible effi ciency for sugar beets, plow up your alfalfa land in the fall and plant it to sugar beets the next spring. "Wheat will not mature on this land, because it will grow too rank. The alfalfa straw is the best fertiliz er that can bo npplied to soil, and the growing alfalfa crop also fertil izes the soil by drawing down tho nitrogen Into tho roots and deposit ing it there for future uses. "If you don't want your laud to finally grow up to sand burrs and bull grass, quit flooding your alfalfa, Use your water more sparingly. Cul tivato tho ground mqro and soak It less." At the conclusion of Sir. Dram well's remarks a vote of thanks was tendered the speakers for their scrv' Ices In addressing the club, to tho press for giving publicity to the meeting and especially to tho O. R. & N. for furnishing tho lecturers, whoso instructive addresses had. been of so much benefit and vnluo to the club. It. C. Judson, industrial agent of the O. It. & N., was the subject of soveral complimentary addresses by L. A. Estcb, mayor of Echo, H. C. Willis, nnd other citizens who ox pressed their kindliest feelings for tho work ho Is doing for tho farm ers of tho state. It was decided that another meet ing of tho club would be held at Echo noxt Saturday, April 9, at which tlmo "Dairying" will bo tho topic and nn expert on dairying will bo furnished by tho O. It. & N. for an address before the club at that meeting. GULF WHEAT 8HIPMENTS. Atlantic Seaports Outstripped by Southern Ports. The interesting fact is brought out in the department of commerce bu reau of statistics report for Febru ary, that only about 13,000 bushels of domestic wheat wero shipped from tho Atlantic coast ports of tho United States during that month. Whpn It In mentioned that such ports at Portland, Me.. Philadelphia, 1 Tinatnn nml Mnwnnrt Nmvs did not' ship one bushel of American wheat 1 . .... I abroad during that month, and tn-u Now York shipped only 12,904 bush- ols, somo Idea may bo had of tho ex- Physical conditions nrrectlng wneat tent to which wheat has sought now transportation, as well as the goog routes to Europe and tho rest of tho raphy of tho case, favor the gulf world. 1 Tho gulf ports of Galveston and Now Orleans sent out 1,187,951 bush els, while tho Pacific coast ports sent out 221,004 bushels. It may no doubt with justice Do claimed mat uus condition Is to somo extent an ab normal one, and that with transport tatlon and prlco conditions improved : 11 1 , I Thnniinnill, Unua UMnnif inOUSallUS flaYo iuUHqJ T....1.1. J u... c...nnn : TrOllUle and N6Yer bllSpeCt It. now To Find out. Fill a bottle or common ulass with vour i water and letit stand twenty-four hours; nsciiimeniorsei tlingiudicatesan unhealthy con .1:.:.... rii.,. i.:.t 11111U11 Ul till- MU" ' . if ii : .:... i it u ' evidence of kitl- i ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or twin in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys ami bladder are out of order. wttat to 110. There is Comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, .that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Kooi, me great juuncy iujh..j , fulfills every wish m curing rheumatism, uain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder autl every part of tlle urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water mid scalding jmiiii in passing it, or bad vlTecls following use of liquor, wine or I beer, and overcomes innt unpieasnm ne- cessity ot being compeneu to go uucii during the day, and to get up many times tlurine the night. The mild nnd the extraordinary eflcct of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest lor its wonderful cures ot tlie most tns- tressing cases. If you neeu a medicine voa should have the best. Sold by drug gists iu fifty-cent nnd ouc-dollnr sizes. , vou may nave n um, 1 1. -It tf-VO" uuujt 111.1k tun? ttll nbout it, bothsent free lit. infill. AllflrefiSDr. Kilmer & Co.. llmi;-55 I. .'Hilton. N. Y. When nomecf Bwamp-noot. writiiiL' 'mention this paper anil don't make any mistake, but remember the Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, nnd the address, llinghamton, N. Y. PROMPT, RELIABLE 8ERVICE A. J. BEAN HAULING OF AIL KINDS dooda taken beat of care of. Leave orilere at TeatKh'a. Tbone Ualn 1271. MX.. 11 The Gigantic Shadow cast by a cigar and a man We Paid $ 1 00,000 For Liquozone Yet We Give You a 50c. Bottle Free. This Company, after testing Liquo zone for two years in the most difficult germ diseases, paid $100,000 for the American rights. That is by far the highest price ever paid for similar rights on any scientific discovery. Wc publish this fact to show you the value of Liquozone. Men of our class don't pay a price like that save for a product of remarkable worth to hu manity. Kills Inside Germs. The reason for that price is this: Liquozone alone can kill germs in the body without killing, the tissues too. Nothing else in the world is so good for the human body; yet Liquozone is a germicide so certain that we pub lish on every bottle an offer of $1,000 for a germ that it cannot kill. Liquozone destroys at once and for ever the cause of any germ disease. And there is no other way to do it. Any drug that kills germs is a poison, and it cannot be taken internally. Medicine is helpless in troubles of this kind. Not Medicine. Liquozone is not made by compound ing drugs. Its virtues arc derived solely from gas, made in large part from the best oxygen producers. By a process requiring immense apparatus and 14 days time, this gas is made part of the liquid product. Liquozone has, for more than 20 years, been the con- tms state 01 anairs win do cuaDgeu In the months to come; but that such a thing could happen at all Is sis- - 111 A lUn . ... 1 I ;"" ul ""-' u"" upon in these columns, that tho 1'orlB 10 an extent noi iuny appro- ciaieu in mo tust. uruuatreei a. The Best Family Salve. DoWltt's Witch Hazel gives In stant relief from burns, euros cuts, bruises, sores, eczema, tetter and all abrasions of the skin. In buying Witch Hazel Salve it is only nocos. sury tu ueu turn juu kui uiu kuuu I1"0 UOWHI8 anil 0 CUrO IS Certain. Thero aro many cheap countorfoits 'orl tno market, all of winch nro I worthless, and quite a few aro dan- gerous, wiiuo Hewitts wucn Hazel Salvo is perfectly harmless and 'cures. Sold by Taliman & Co. Utah's Young Mormons. A recent dispatch from Salt Lake says that the young Mormons throughout the entire state of Utah havo taken preliminary moasures to unite in an organization wiucn wmii havo for Its object tho strict enforce mont of tho pledges given to the gov. ernment when Utah was admitted as a stato. Thoy have announced n de termination to bring mattors to a head at tho April conferonco of tho church by declaring before that body a resolve to leavo tho religion of tho saints unless tho practices of plural marridgoa on tho part of tho headB of the Mormon hierarchy, re veiled in so cold-blooded a manner by President Joseph Smith at tho smoot Inquiry, nre dono awny with immediately. To Improve Alabama River. Tuskaloosa, Ala,, April 4. A well attended convention met horo today to dlscusB plans for tho speedy com pletion of tho work or opening mo Illack Warrior and Tomhigbeo rlvois and to propnro a memorial to con. gress asking that sufficient appro priatlons for tho piuposo ho includ cd in tbo pending rivers and harbors bill. It is estimated that $1,200,000 will bo required to coinploto tho waterway from tho e'dgo of tho Hlr mlngham coal fields to Mobile. More Evidence of Trlb' Good Work, Baker City, Ore., Sort. 9, 1903. I was a constant user of both smok ing and chowlng tobacco for 40 years. I took a treatment of Trlb about three months ago nnd can endorse It as a euro. My gonoral health Is much improved slnco I took your euro. Sincerely yours, n. ii. BTAitmno. Taliman & Co., local agents. ism The Sand stant subject of scientific and chem ical research. The result 'is a product that does what oxygen docs. Oxygen is the very source of all vitality, the most essen tial clement of life. Liquozone is a vitalizing tonic with which no other known product can compare. Its ef fects are exhilarating and purifying. Out germs arc vegetables; and Liquo zone like an excess of oxygen is deadly to vegetable matter. Liquozone, goes wherever the blood goes, destroying every germ in the body. In this way it cures diseases which medicine never cures. It will do more for sick humanity, than all the drugs in the world combined. Germ Diseases. These are the known germ diseases. All that medicine can do for these troubles is to help Nature overcome the germs, and such results are indi rect and uncertain. Liquozone kills the germs, wherever they are, and the results are inevitable. By destroying the cause of the trouble, it invariably ends the disease, and forever. Asthma Abscws Anemia Hronebllli Itlmxt toison lirlgbt'R Diseasa ltowcl Troubles OouRbR Oold. Consumption Oollo Croup Constipation tlatarrh Cancer llysentry IXarrbea Dandrafl Dropsr nor FeTer-InSuensa Kl dner 1 Diseases 1a (Irlpb I.tyer Troubles alalahn Neuralgia Many Ueart Troubles lltes L'npumonla Pleurisy Oulnsr ltbeiiniatiiim ttkln Diseases Borofula-NyphllUi btomach Troubles if, Jmf, JuIiiBjiFiJi I f iT ifiitiiT t if itliInliA.T..T..T..T..t..t. iliiiilli.iiiiiiTklll I ill 1 I Building l I Material! OF ALL DESCRIPTION SASH, DOORS ? and WINDOWS 1 Made to order. Building pa- per, lime, cement, brick and X sand, wood gutters for barns T and dwellings a specialty. $ Oregon Lumber Yard I Alta Street, Opp. Court House. GOOD DRY WOOD All Kinds I have good sound wood which is delivered at reasonable prices For Cash. W. C. MINIMIS Leave orders at Neuman's Cigar Store. FOR SALE Good, olght-roomod house In sploni did condition. Eight lots, good barn and orchard. Good fonco and new sldowalk. Water piped all over houso and garden. Good well. Vory desirable property. Apply to GUB jAFONTAINB, at French Ilostaur ant. , Every stamp requirement supplied is the Smoker's Protection, Dyspepsia Kczcma Erysipelas FeTers Gall Stones t.oltre Uout Oonorrbea Gleet 'Throat Trouble Tuberculosis Tumors Ulcere Varlococele Women'! Diseases All dlseasea that begin "with feyer all Inflamma tion all catarrh all contagious dlseasea all the results of Impure or poisonous blood. In nerrous debility Liquozone acts aa a TltalJter. accompUsbiog' what no drugs can do. 50c. Bottle Free If you need Liquozone, and have never tried it, please send ' us this coupon. Wc will then mail you an or der on your local druggist for a full size bottle, and we will pay your drug gist ourselves for it. This is our free cift. made to convince you: to show you what Liquozone is, and what it can do. In justice to yourself, please ac cept it to-day, for it places you under no obligation whatever. Liquozone costs 50c. and $1. CUT OUT THIS COUPON for this offer may not appear again. Fill oat the blanks and mall it to the Liquid Ozone Co,, 45S-40O Wabash Ave., Chicago. Mydlsease Is I have never tried Liquozone, but if you will supply cue a fiOc. bottlo free 1 will take it. 1 3 4 , G E Give full address write plainly. Any physician or hospital not yet using Llquoione will be gladly supplied for a test. NOTICE TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND PATf-CNS: I TAKE PLEASURE IN INTRODUCING TO MY FRIENDS, DRS. L. L. AND T. H. WHITE, TO WHOM I HAVE SOLD MY DENTAL DUSINESS IN THIS CITY. I THOROUGHLY RECOMMEND THE DRS. WHITE AS FIRST CLASS DENTISTS IN EVERY RESPECT, AND WILL ES TEEM IT A FAVOR FOR ANY OF MY PATIENTS TO PLACE THEIR CASES IN HANDS OF THE DRS. WHITE. RESPECTFULLY, E. A. JVUNN If you aro Interested In Oil Painting, seo us. Our lino Is completo. ACADEMY BOATIDS STRETCHERS 11IUJSHES AltTISTS' SABLES ' BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLOIIS Wo mnko a specialty of framing PICTURES, Newest stock ot frames. C. C. SHARP Opera Houso Block. TO MPPT Tur-r...- of those with oye troubles this J Jul 1' --( uuw. IUU, It is our business to raak. tests, prescrlbo a cure for deL sight and 10 provide thn n! the P giolzi EYEGLASSES OR SPECTarT? For tho test of the prescrlnUc I loo. v. ..ut..,.,b 1L glasses are dcred here and for tho glasses i prices nro only reasonnr,i ' oft Tork We mako a rnmniotn using the beBt of tho late lracroJ lutatlc GLENN WINSLOW en Ii cap Jeweler and Optician Postofflce Block. "WHAT HAPPENED TO ITr "Oh, tho old story. Horse shied bolted, rattlcty bang sBasbl law you see tao result. Fix It bd oil man, the best you can and as quiet ly as you can." uur iriend bad fcii wagon back In short order, sUjnchl solid, not a weak spot In It, taa looKing "as gooa as now." Mow lie his examp.o when in like trouble. I Examine our Winona wigcasJ hacks and buggies. They lure tteeh clad hubs, run easy, made lion tfr-1 dried timber and warranted to b i pcrior to all other makes. Vehtt them In stock. N EAGLE BROS. Big Brick Blacksmith Shop. COAL Let us fill your bin with .... ROCK SPRING COIIl Recognized as the best and most economical fuel. 1 We are prepared to con tract with you for your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. Main Street Near Depoi NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION. nivnn that a cri- iuii.i.u id nui uu; fa ( ,.! i im mirnnse 01 lilialj VKJUllUU jut wiu f"-r ,,,,, t., .ij,..rn(ia tn thn democratic ... f TTmntnift Coin- ty, to bo hold at tho County Ccrart House of said county on me day of April, 1904, and that sucn P"' : ,. ..,'.. i. ,iit In toe i 1.,-n ,oolnftB of tnu tiiuuiin uiuuiiuii jnvw- . couuty on Thursday, April 7, at tj various polling places, anu i .. o ..l.i. n m In all Pr 11UU1 Ul UUWh i. - i- .V, nrnMnrts 01 ca dleton, East Pcndloton, North m dleton and South Pendleton in each of tho said rcnaieu cmcm tnu puna bhuh ,n 6 P. X p. m. anu roinain uj-" - . -j m., tho several polling pieces In aw for such primary eieciiou iu ton, as follows: Vnrth Pnnrllntnn PreCiDCt, COrDBy of Water nnd Main streets. South Pendleton Precinct, Garden and Hallroad streets. East Pendleton Precinct, - - court nouse. ... ntt. in Pcndloton Precinct, co. - den and Webb streets. , In sold soveral precincts wo sucn election mero -,ort!M; in Pendleton Precinct 13 ef in East Pendleton Pcnct, " egates; In North .Pendleton Pre. 18 delegates; nnu in p.""'" ' tk,. ton 13 delegates to sam '-- nnd nt such election too d persons, who aro legal oten householders in eacn m j, cincts hereinafter named, have selected as judges of said pre election: . . iieurr For Pendleton i-reciu", A Shockoy, I-eo Teutscn, l. -fie,4 Mike Keating, William IlUton. 1 For North Pcndloton, J BarD" t Will Moore. A. W. Nye. -hgt For South Pendleton, Dlitf, Howard. John Hays, v. ley. . . . f Mt Dated this am 1004. ,,niK. ' A. D. S-liuw- Chairman Democratic Central ty Committee. Attest: A. C. HALEY. CoJjr Secrotnry Democraic Cenirm ty Commltteo. Ml' Uflb Apr tat Mr I Thi ir,