PACE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1904. EIGHT PAGES, SMUT POTATO SCAB From 5 per cent to 40 pnr cent of all small grain planted In this section last year was said to have been damaged by smut. A great quantity of potato blows were ruined by scab. Formaldehyde Recommended by the gov ernment and agricultural ex perts as the most effective pre ventive of smut and scab. Perfectly harmless to grain and potato blows, but ltllls every germ either clinging to the seed or burled in It that could causo smut or scab. Come In and wo will tell yon about It. F. W. SCHMIDT EAGLES' BUILDING HAVE PURCHASED THE WHEELER PROPERTY, Will Erect a Three-Storied Combined Business House and Hall, Which Will Be the First Building Put Up and Owned by the Order In the United States. GENERAL NEW8. Spain has acknowledged Cuba as a nation and sent Gaylan De Ayala as minister. The first American to be awarded a scholarship tinder Cecil Rhodes will, Is Chester Martin, of St. Johns, N. H. The Ice has broken up on v Lake uaiittu, necessitating ferrying be tween the ends of the railroad, a dis tance of 39 miles. The Alaska Fish & Lumber Co, has gone into bankruptcy at Manka. to, Minn., and Horace Cummins Is appointed receiver. Floods In Central and Northwest ern Ohio have caused four deaths and $2,000,000 loss to property. Twenty towns are without light and water. The belief Is gaining ground that Great Britain is taking advantage of Russia's trouble to crowd things in Tibet from the south and southwest, which she Is doing. The Hawaiian Islands are practi cally bankrupt and are Ashing for all sorts of subsidies and public im provements at federal expense, in order to get something for nothing. The Santa Fe railway company Is building a stockade around Its shops nt Topeka, wherein 3,000 men are employed, and If the expected strike occurs, proposes to operate with non-union men. For three days during tho month of March, tho city of San Francisco was entirely out of debt. Then camo the Issuance of $17,500,000 Im provement bonds authorized at the last city eelction. Two military prisoners escaped from Governor's Island, New York harbor, in a flimsy birch bark Indi an canoe, which had been left In a store room unguarded because no one supposed any prisoner would be reckless enough to use it. Pendleton Aerie No. 28, of the Or der of Eagles, Is to becomo a prop erty owner In a very few days. On Saturday afternoon a deal was con cluded with the owners tit, tho Wheeler building, on Court street, by which that property will soon pass Into their hands for $0,500. Saturday an option on the place was bought by the order for $500, and Inside of the coming 60 days tho other $0,000 will be forthcoming. It Is tho Intention of the Eagles to build on the property some time during the coming summer," and If their plans aro carried out thoy will have a three-story brick erected at a cost of $15,000. which will be tho first building of the kind mini in the United States by tho order. There Is not an acrle in the United States at this time that has a building, and It is the desire of the Pendleton members to bo tho first to build. Tho now hall will be threo stories high and will ta.e up as much front ago as the present building. Tho first floor will bo used for store rooms, tho second for offices or lodg ing rooms, while the third and top floor will he fitted up as a homo for the order in the best of style, It be Ing the desire of the order to have ono ofe tho finest sets of rooms in the West. Plans for the building aro ; being considered. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel 'Pendleton. A. W. Cadcness, Seattle. W. Scott, Bellefontalno. J, Swift, Spokane. S. I). Hamlll, Chicago. A. Nylander, Portland. E. D. Matterson, Walla Walla. R. A. Wright, Spokane. It. W. Gallenore, Spokane. E. Golden, Spokane. W. R. McRoberts, Spokane. S. J, Hoyes, Spokane. .1. Aschlan, city. Miss Anna Harotins, Toledo. A. D. Chase, Portland. F. H. Herbert, Chicago. Edgar Burke, Hartford. John P. John, Olathe. F. O. Mortland, Seattle. W. Busche. E. J. Yates, Racine. N, A. Jones, city. Henry L. Bockley, Portland. E. P. Jorman and wife, Echo. R. A. Seeds, Spokane. W. I. Johnson, Spokane. H. E. Stovens, Spokane. A. E. McBreen, Spokane. N. A. Jones, Spokane. O. Stovens, Spokane. . F. Wleden, Portland. J. W. Joungman, Portland. C. D. Rlnker, Portland. F. M. Bell, Portland. T. A. Grimm, Portland. E. L. Bucu, Spokane. A. Gelser, Baker City. Tom Salsman, Chicago. R. E. Porter and wife. Meacham. SPECIHLS Forcing Flowers With Chloroform. I.lllles of tho valley, azaleas, deul- ias and lilac have shown them selves susceptible to ether or chlo roform, and M. Leblauc has report3il to tho Soclcte Cenlralo d'Hortlcul- turo do Nancy his success in experi ments with the latter drug. On Fob. 19 last he chloroformed somo plants of azalea mollis, giving them about half tho quantity ho would have used had It been ether, and exposing them to tho action of the vapor for about 18 hours. Thoy were at once removed to a greenhouse at a tem perature of 05 Fahrenheit. From March 5 tho flowers began to expand a little and attained about to their full dimensions on the Sth, whereas plants grown for compari son woro not expanded until March 1. Now York World. . NORTHWE8T NEWS. One of tho richest ledges of iron ore over discovered In tho stato of Oregon was uncovered In West Ore gon City Saturday, tho oro assaying 54 per cent pure Iron. Walter E. Davis, of Tacoma, while temporarily deranged, plunged over tho balustrade of a Denver hotel Sunday and fractured his skull on the pavement below. An opinion from Attornoy-General Crawford says that no text-books except those prescribed by the board of education can be used In the public schools of Oregon. Tho Lothian and tho Indrapura will leave Portland Tuesday with cargoes consisting principally of barley, for Chinese ports. Tho two vessels will carry 3,000 tons of bar ley. The body of Kate Bessler, a 19-year-old girl of San Francisco, was found in a smalt lako at Cypress, Lawn cemetery, near that city, on Sunday. Everything points to sui cide. Carmine Petinatto, an Italian who has Just been released from tho state penitentiary of Washington where he served a term for eloping with his sweetheart, two years ago has returned to Spokane and married the girl. Francis Jenkins, of Moscow, Idaho, liaB Just purchased the Elk Creek power plant, 50 miles from Lewis- ton, and Installed a plant to develop 3,000 horso power for tho purposo of ropcratlng an electric railroad through tho Potlach and Palouso countries. Robbed the Grave. A startling Incident Is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as fol lows: "I was In an awful condition. My sum was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continu ally In back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Threo physicians had given mo up. Then I was advised (o use Electric Bit ters; to my great Joy the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks. and nm now a well man. I know they robbed the grave of another! victim." No one should fall to try them. Only 50 cents. Guaranteed at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. Call for Socialist Convention. All socialists of Umatilla county aro hereby called to meet In county convention on Saturday, April 23, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, at the now Mllarkoy hall on tho corner of Court and Garden streets, Pendleton, Oregon. Any comrade present who will en- dorso tlio principles of International Socialism, will be entitled to a seat In the convention. We urge all com rades to bo present. Pendleton Local. O. A. ROBBINS, A. D. 8IEBERT. President. Secretary. Hotel St. George. M. E. Heath, Portland. F. J. Gardner, Portland. O. Hart, Irrlgon. Mrs. George M. Nelson, Boise. John Casper and wife, Walla Walla. L. H. Rlpkhorn, Portland. J. T. Wolfe, Walla Walla. E. C. Warren, Portland. T. D. Woolsoy, Portland. L. Saiuienburg, Goldondale. Guy Schellady, Goldendalc. M. H. Gillette and wife, Echo. Miss Peny, Echo. H. T. Frede. Moscow. E. N. Hutchinson, Portland. George Harris, Portland. George McGHvery, Spokane. J. D. Coleman, Portland. James A. Pond, Umatilla. H. Connell, Umatilla. C. F. Bartholomew, Portland. S. H. Fry. Dalles. J. J. Burns, Portland. Logan Sommers, King county. F. E. Irwin, Spokane. Louis E. Proebstel, Weston. J. C. Ford, Caldwell. J. .T. Wolfe, Walla "Walla. F. J. Woodswlth, Cold Springs. L. Holmes, Helix. Hotel Bickers. Fred Parr and wife, Agency. Charles Glngles, Baker City. W. B. Gillette and wife, Portland. R. A. Winchester, Winchester. J. M. Hicks and wife, Weston. D. P. Hicks and family, Weston. S. S. Gill, Spokane. .!. M. Shuts, Union. C. D. Whlteman. Athena. O, Borton, Athena. G. J. McEroy, Starbuck. Ira Scott, Helix. J. M. Llghtfoot and wife, city. J. S. Gulllford and wife, Vinson. E. E. Palmer, Emporia. W. C. Frlnk. A. D. Jones, Athena. M. Wolfram, Olean. J. Becker, Burgnon. W. M. Haulier, Derytown. D. M. Colllngwotid, Juniper H. W .Norton, San Francisco. A. O. Park, Seattle. H. Brand. Seattle. Albert Harala, Adams. J. M. Wynn, McKay. W. H. Weber. Walla Walla. E. Rldenour, Weston. W. W. Steward, Boise. John Ashton, Elgin. THIS IS THE WEEK WHEN NEARLY EVERY WOMAN WILL BE PLANNING HER SPRING COSTUME, AND WE ARE GOING TO MAKE A SPECIAL SALE OF SUCH GOODS AND FURNISH INGS AS WOMEN DELIGHT TO WEAR. WE HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE A FREE GIFT WITH SEVERAL IMPORTANT LINES, SUCH AS THE FOLLOWING: FREE with each TAILOR-MADE SUIT, a nice LACE COLLAR. FREE with each ladles' dress SKIRT, a good, BELT. FREE with oach SHIRT WAIST, a NECK RIBBON or SASH PIN. FREE with each dress pattern of 60c and 60c DRESS GOODS, a fine pal of SILK C OVES. FREE with each dress pattern of 75c and $1.00, a yard or better dress goods, a pair of fine guaranteed KID GLOVES. FREE with each $2.00 SILK WAIST PATTERN .a nice 25c COLLAR. See our special display of Millinery for Easter. LACES, RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES, NICE MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, SILK UNDERSKIRTS, LACE HOSIERY AND, IN FACT, EVERYTHING TO MAKE UP A COMPLETE, STYLISH OUTFIT, WILL BE FOUND HERE AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES THIS WEEK. THE FHIR FIFTY YEARS AGO. passengers every me groi n or caoiinnsts wiui own First Street Railways In Philadelphia tho company control fully one-third of the mileage and capital of every street railway in the United States. Elsie There's a mon at the door, pa, who says ho wants to "see the boss of tho house." Father Tell your .mother. Mother (calling down stairs) Toll Bridget. Philadelphia Press. Opportunity is tho cream of time. YOUR HAT liny Be StylUh One, Bat It Mukea Trouble. A man usually buys a hat that's "in Hawaii Facing Big Deficit. Honolulu, April 4. In accordance Ity but the modern hat for men has wun mo can receniiy issueu ny Mots to answer ror. Governor Carter, the Hawaiian leg-1 Baldheads are crowlnjr more numer islaturo convened today for a spec- ous every day. Hats make excellent lal session to consider tho finances brlns "'11,'orf ,ra" 0 jffer,T' of the treasury, which Is unable to J aap the "fe ,rora the roota ot ,h8 meet tho warrants drawn upon It., when your hair begins to fall out and A deficit or $l,&uu,uuu tor mo pres- your scalp la wi or uanarun it is a ent year Is In sight and the fact la ,n that these countless germs are .i .!,. . I busily at work. ' rt,i ,1 There Is but on way to overcome the a.u ..vwuu.., . ..... n .j ........ ..ivv...,lrnnn, nn,I Ulll tllA nmit-1h,l WAV la Tho plan which appears most In fci-lto, apply Newbro'a Herplclde to the vor Is to reorganize the territorial I scalp It will kill the germs and healthy government on a less expensive br.,r u In 1854, Philadelphia, April 4. The 50th anniversary of tho advent of. tho first street railway in Philadelphia. and practically tho first line of any extent established in tho country, was celebrated today. It was on April 4, 1854, mat tho Philadelphia & Delaware River railroad was chartered. Tho road began with a very small capital. It was equipped with 10 dummy engines and a fow horses and mules. About threo miles of track were operated and less than Why use. gelatine and inn ninn worn i,mnlnvo,l Tlin ,nini. ...i i i... her of passengers enrried was very sweetening, flavoring small, I and coloring when Tlio extent and business of tho road developed rapidly, however, and Its present day successor, tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit Compa ny, represents more than $100,000, 000 of capital. It operates more than 2,000 cares, which run over 500 miles of track. It employs nearly C.O0O men and carries about 375,000,000 year. Moreover, LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH No Dessert More Attractive Jell-O A ' r rv produces better results in two minutes? Everything in tho package. Simply add hot Water mid tut to cool. It's perfection. Asur prise to the housewife. No trouble, lea ex. pensc. Try it to-day. In Four Fruit Fla vors: iLemon. Orange, Strawberry, ltaip berry. At grocers. 10c. Building... ...Material DIMENSION LUMBER OF nil descriptions. Basil, Doors, Blinds, Mould ing, Building and Tar Pajitr. Bring Your Bill to Us and Get Our Figures, Grays' Harbor Com. Co, Opp. W: & C. R. Depot t A Lucky Man YOU ARE IF YOU ARE FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO BE THE HUSBAND OF ONE OF THOSE CONSERVATIVE, WOMEN WHO SAY THAT WHITTINQHILL MERCANTILE CO. IS THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY YOUR SEASON'S OUTFITTING NECESSARIES. THAT WOMAN IS WORTHY OF HIGH PRAISE. SHE DOES NOT ONLY FIGURE TO PROTECT THE BANK AC COUNT, BUT, OH, THINGS ARE SO PLEASANT AND LIFE IS A PLEASURE KNOWING THAT YOUR PURCHASES ARE OF RELIABLE MERCHANDISE AND THEIR UP-TO-DATENESS UN EQUALED. IF YOU ARE NOT ON THE LUCKY LIST, IT'S YOUR FAULT. JUST INSIST THT YOUR WIFE CALL AND INSPECT THOSE DAILY ARRIVAL8. WE ARE MORE THAN PLEAS ED TO SHOW GOODS AND QUOTE PRICES. SEEING IS BELIEVING. Wheat Lauds. City Property, Wo havo soma propositions in rcai estate winch are worth your time to investigate. Come In and talk them over with us. E. T. WADE & SON, Office In E. O. Building. 'Phone Black, 1111. P. O. Box 324. sis. A Thounhtful Man. M. M. Austin of Winchester. Ind knew what to do In the hour of need, Ills wife had such an unusual caso of stomach and liver trouble, physl clans could not help her. He thought of, and tried Dr. King's Now Life Pills, and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 25c at Tall- man & Co, 'a drug store. Sold by leadinir drusctsta. Send 10c. In Stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. F. W. Schmidt, special aaent Cattlegrowers' Convention. There will bo a convention of the cattlegrowers of Oregon, held In Portland April 1C, beginning at 10 a. m., ami continuing In tho evening. Tho peoplo Interested In this great Industry aro earnestly requested to bo present, as subjects ot tho great est Importance to cattlemen will bo discussed. Tho meeting will be held at Jho Auditorium, between Taylor and Salmon, on Third street. uUANT MAYS, Secretnry. Prepare for Convention. St. Louis, April 4, Tho sub-corn- mltteo of the national democratic committee met In St. Louis today, pursuant to tho call of Chairman Jones, to look over tho local arrange ments noing maue for the entertain-, ment ot the democratic national con- I ...... l. l.l.l 1 I.. T..1.. ' fq Lira ii i II i Ul IIIU Big Fite Sale NOW ON In Dy Wood and Kemmerer Coal McADAMS 'Phone Main 1121. Savings Bank Building. Berkeley's Rjal Estate Office. See those pretty now arrivals In woolen dress fabrics. As special mention, that pretty Knickerbocker suiting, 54 Inches wide. Quite tho thing as a correct Idea In now weaves for ladles' suits, at per yard $1.50. Another Noteworthy Is that pretty line of Voiles, mines and Slcicllians, suitable spring and summer wear costumes Wo have them in al) the new color Ings at per yard 60c. Don't fall to see those pretty now collars, belts, shirt waist sets Jet and embroidered capo collars Eta- :or and See Those New Arrivals ot men's guaranteed clothing, made by1 "B. Kuppenhetmer," Chicago. Clothes made for durability 'as well as style. All new patterns, spring styles and especially we call attention to our line ot popular priced suits, made of Scotch cheviots, tweeds, cashmeres and worsteds. Suits that fit well,'' look well, wear well, for $15.00. Men's Top Coats. Those very new things you'll havo to see them to appreciate them. Seo that ono of "covert coating," lined with XXX Italian cloth. Satin lined sleeves. A good ono for $15.00. Whittinghill Mercantile Company ST. JOE STORE s 126 to 130 Court, Street Pendleton, Oregon t I .Stock (Ranches. Mining Stocks, 1VMI1UJI, 11 UU UVUl UVIV !U Jill?, 'H-WH-'H-W