PAGES, DA'LY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1904. PAGES. PAGE THREE. EASTER ORNISH. MAKE K e i - 'J his is the Last Call Don't Forget You Need Easter Novelties G SCHEDULE pisses' and Children's Hose 7c pair Black Jersey ribbed hose, seam less guarontcod fast color, regular value 15c. special Easter bargain at 7c pair. $1.15 Ladies' Oxfords A good $2.00 valuo in vici kid, ex tension sole, welt fair stitch, all sizes. Easter special, $1.16. $2.95 Ladies' Patent Colt Shoes Blucuer cut, extension sole, mili tary heel, a good $4.00 valuo. Spec ial Easter bargain, $2.95. 10 Per Cent Reduction On all our now white lawn shirt waists, all this season's newest and latest styles. 10 per cent reduction ladles' ready-to-wear walking and dress skirts. Come and let us show you the finest line of Bkirts in the city, Remember the discount 10 per cent. French Dress Ginghams 7c yard Our entire line of imported dress ' ginghams in plaids and stripes, all colors, regular valuo 10c yard. Easter special bargains at 7c per yard. We Make Every Department a Pathway of Profit to You i Alexander Department Store f ' ( Tut firwvntu op wtct vai.iifs h j-H M j"H"I"t"l"t1 IriI''rT"t'l"lTeLTI"l'l"I"l WHY NOT Boy a child a chair for his own use and his or her own size, as till as one for papa? If you want a hint on the many pieces of fcrtlture we have especially for children, comi. Ours is the carpet houso of Pendleton and we have more pat terns to select from than any other place in Eastern Oregon. BAKER & FOLSOM Forniture and Carpets Itcv. Charles F. Woodward, one cf the most prominent Presbyterian ministers on the coast, has resign ed the pastorate of the First Pres byterian church at Eugene, to ac cept a like charge at Oakland, Or. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises m the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try Jail mm m- mat" ss a delicious and healthful dcssTt. Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling I nc batiatr! add boilinir water and set tc eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, ll.".sp. I berry and Strawberry. Get u package k your grocers to-uay. jo cts. TIMETABLE AND OTHER CHANGES MADE TODAY. X Service Will Be Improved All Over Town Two Deliveries Per Day In Residence Districts, and Four Per Day In the Business Sections More Help Necessary If Night Service Is to Be Improved Re modeling Postoffice Interior Now In Progress. The postodlco forco was reorgan ized this morning, and from now on n new schedule will bo observed by the carriers In their deliveries and collections. II. P. Warner has been taken from the residence and general city de livery and will now mako all of the collections from the boxes, and will make the deliveries In the business district. In Business Section. The first delivery will be at 7:iS, Immediately after the stores ;.ro opened In the morning. The second will be after train No. I ccmes In. whether that Is early or late. In the past the second delivery had started at 10 o'clock, and If the tral nhas not been on time tlio mall wns not delivered. Tho third and last delivery to the down town dis tricts will be a fi:15 p. m., after tho mall has been distributed from 'he last train of tho evening. This will cover all of the mall servlco of the d,y In as short a time after the arrival of tho trains as is possible. In Residence Districts. In the residence districts L. L. Laltone will take all that part of the city east of Main street, excluding the hills, while Clydo Finch will take all lying west of Mali., 'nclud ing the hills on both side;. The-e will be two deliveries a day, where there is at present but one. Tho carriers will start from tho ofllco ct 8 o'clock a. m whereas they now start at 10 a. m., and in the after noon will stnrt at 1 o'clock. In the business districts on Main and Court streets there will bo four collections a day, where there are now but two. The first will bo at 0:15 a. m., the second at 8 a. m , and in the afternoon one collection will be made at 3, tho last at CMS o'clock. This will Insure all business mall being sent out on t!ie train to its destination. There will be two collections In the residence districts, one at f : 1 5 Ir tho morning, and one at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. More Help Will Be Needed. It Is stated by tho management that unless there is another man in the office it will bo impossible to make the night service other than It Is nt present. Owing to the time of the trains tho mail can not bo handled with loss than tho present force, and It would necessitate tho taking of ono of tho day men to do the night work, to put the night de livery schema into operation. Tho workmen started on the re modeling of tho ofhee at noon today, and will hurry tho Job to completion. Tho arrangement of tho Interior will be ns stated in this paper some timo ago, with tho exception that tho 'if ficos will be put on tho right hand sldo Instead of the left. This will allow the news stand conducted by U. E. Ilaum to remain where it Is nt present. A Great Sensation. There was n big sensation In Lees villo, Ind., when '.V. II. Drown of that place who wns expected to die, htu his life Huved by Or. King's Now Mscovcry for consumption. Ho writes: "I endured liiHUffornblo agon ies from asthma, but your Now Dis covery gave mo linmediato relict and soon thereafter effected a com plete cure." Similar cures for con sumption, pneumonia, bronchitis mid grip nro numerous. It's tho peerless remedy for all throat and lung trou bles Price f0c and $1.00. Guaran tee:! by Tallmnn & Co., druggists. Trial bottles free. The United States district couit at San Francisco, has Just nward-id a prize of $r00 to tho crew of tho collier Justin, for rescuing $40.0011 worth of bullion from tho United States auxiliary cruiser Yosomlle, which was wrecked In the harbor of Guam In 1900. EPWORTH LEAGUE. Social Session at the Horns cf H, E. Cook, at 301 Johnson. Tho Epworth League of too Meth odist church will meet this evening nt the homo of II. E. Cook, 301 John son street, for U regular business meeting. At this timo officers will bo elected for the ensuing year. Following the meeting a social timo will bo spent, at which the fol lowing program will bo given: Song. Lucllo Tnrbet. Itecltatlon, Walter Owen. Piano solo, Carol Vnn Orsdnll. Guitar solo, II. MePeters. Heading, Miss lloyce. Piano solo. Miss Oliver. Heading, Miss Gilliam. Song, II. Aklynma, T. Yoshlda and S, Mlzunn. Tho song by the Japanese boys wlll"bo sung In their nntlvo lan guage. Refreshments will bo serv ed during tho course of tho evening. All friends of tho lenguo nro cordi ally Invited to bo present. IS SPRINKLING BAPTISM? Mr. Brooks Will Undertake to Prove That It la Not. "Is Sprinkling Hnpllsm?" This will bo tho subject of (ho sermon at tho First Christian church Sunday evening, April 3. The speaker will show that this practice Is unscrip turnl, unreasonable mid Inconsis tent with tho teachings of the bodies who practlco It. "Prove all tilings; told fast that which Is good," for "In vain do they worship mo teaching as your doc trines tho precepts of men." N II. Hrooks, pastor. JV7 .IS. V WAVi ALWAYS TIRED NEVER RESTED TV, 4trA.1 nut frrmi linril wnrlr or hodilv exercise is natural and rest is the remedy, but there is an exhaustion without physical excr- S tion anil a tired, never-rested feeling n wcari ness without work that is unnatural and shows 3 come serious disorder is threatening the health. One of the chief cntises of that "Always-tired, never-rested condition" is impure blood and bad circu lation. Unless the body is nourished with rich, puie blood there is lack of nervous force, the i inus- Pororerfoury T ,uffei, wllh ,., debilttr. CleS become weak, the dl- causing a, thorough breaking down of my torn. Mr irpstinn ininaircd and oouetn, who had been benutltnd by U. H. H.. told m gesuon linpairiu, anu ,bout ,t i tried it end it cured me. I huartllr re general disorder occurs commend 8. a. H. to nil who mar '! tho need of throughout the system, thoroughly good blood tonlo jo?"' fc. Debility, Insomnia, tier- 44 "W. Ninth St., Columbia, Teun. vousness, indigestion, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, strength and energy, and the hundreds of little ., . f.. t .1 1! 11 uiuncma weuiicn uuvc uremic uuccuy iu u uuu ven dition of the blood and circulation, and the quickest way to get rid of them is by purifying and building up the blood, and for this purpose no remedy equals S. S. S.. which contains the best ingredients for cleansing thcbloodand toningtip the system. It is a vegetable, blood purifier and tonic combined, that enriches the blood, and thiough it the entire system is nourished and refreshing sleep comes to the tired, never-rested, body. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. Ice Cream Parlors are now open and the ice cream, soda water and confections that have made the word Delta so dear to all who enjoy delicious soda and ice cream are being served. Ice cream by the dish, pint, quart or gallon. C. W. IRVIN, Proprietor 620 Main .Street Telephone Black 1091 a i im Jjjlj mm 1 mm