PAC TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1904. EIGHT PAGES. HOW TO GAIN FLESH The life of food is the fat within it the more fat the more real benefit from the food; that is why cod liver oil is a powerful builder of llesh. Scott's Emulsion of pure cod liver oil solves the problem of how to take cod liver oil. That is one reason why doctors have been pre scribing Scott's Emulsion for all wasting diseases, coughs, colds and bronchitis for almost thirty years. We'll Mod yon a tiaple tn opoo rtqoeit. SCOTT ft BOWNE, aj Peltl Strut, New YciL NEWS OF MILTON BRIGG50N ITEMS I REV. ADAMS PREACHED HIS FAREWELL SERMON. MRS. NELLIE KILGORE'S HEALTH IS IMPROVING. GENERAL NEWS, The city of Calgary, Alberta, has 20.000 inhabitants. Airs. Chauncej- Moreland. aged 43. Is dead tn New York. She weighed i.ii pounds. The National Association of Sec- oid and Third-class Postmasters wil: be held in St. Louis May 18 A hale Btrucl. a torpedo in .he Russian bay of Possiot. near Vladi' vostok. The former was exploded and the latter riddled. uau iaii). me comedian, died tn ?ew ork Mar-h 26.- his brother In Boston, the 28th. There have been five funerals in the family in nine weeks. The postofflce department will lay several 5-inch pneumatic mail tubes in Chicago as an experiment. If successful, the system will be rV tended. The Dominion government has vetoed the two laws recently ena;t ed by British Columbia, placing se vere and effective restrictions uion Chinese and other immigration. The city of Indianapolis has ap propruueil S25.noo for the relief of nooa sufferers inside the citv llm Its, and the floods have forced the further expenditure of $250,000 on public works that were damaged. James Mclnerne.v was Iniured in the recent cyclone at Indiana Har bor, and his name was in the pun- nsnea list or casualt es. Th s led to his whereabouts becoming known 10 nis nrst wile in Canada, and now he Is In the penitentiary for bigamy. Postoffice Inspector in Town Vis itor From Arlington Delegates to Grand Lodge of Maccabees Are Returning Elfsha McCarter Died in the Insane Asylum Mrs. R. E. Fhazier Entertained in Honor of Her Husband's Birthday. IE. W. Johnson is Rebuilding His Dwelling Miss Waters Has Gone to Roseburg B. B. Richards Has Leased the Helix Hotel Cattle Are Suffering Will Move to Franklin County, Wash. Returned to Staytonvllle. EHSTER SPECIMLS Milton, March 29. Mrs. H. M. Cox accompanied by her two children. arrived Saturday from Arlington. and Is visiting her parents. Mr and I Mrs. J. H. Hamer. Briggson, March 2S. Mrs. Nellie sick THIS IS THE WEEK WHEN NEARLY EVERY WOMAN will ol planning HER EASTER COSTUME, AND WE ARE GOING TO MAKE A SPECIAL SALE OF SUCH GOODS AND FURNISH. INGS AS WOMEN DELIGHT TO WEAR ON EASTER SUNDAY. WE HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE A FREE GIFT WITH SEVERAL IMPORTANT LINES, SUCH AS THE FOLLOWING: FREE with each TAILOR-MADE SUIT, a nice LACE COLLAR. FREE with each ladies' dress SKIRT, a good BELT. FREE with each SHIRT WAIST, a NECK RIBBON or SASH PIN. FREE with each dre3s pattern of 50c and 60c DRESS GOODS, a fine pal- of SILK COVES. FREE with each dress pattern of 75c and $1.00, a yard or better dress goods, a pair of fine, guaranteed kid huuvls, FREE with each $2.00 SILK WAIST PATTERN J nice 25c COLLAR. See our special display of Millinery for Easter. LACES, RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES, NICE MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, SILK UNDERSKIRTS, LACE HOSIERY AND, IN FACT, EVERYTHING TO MAKE UP A COMPLETE, STYLISH OUTFIT, WILL BE FOUND HERE AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES THIS WEEK. Kllgore. who has been quite the past week. Is Improving. t IV tntinann ia rn ill fill i n f til nouse. wnicn was ncsiroveu us 'ire Postofflce inspector F. J Clark of some time ago. It will be a very. Walla Walla, was here Saturday neat structure when completed. checking up the work in the pout- Swan Peterson and son. Harry, office. left Friday for Echo, where they J. W. Smith, a business man of will have employment on the lrri- Walla Walla, was here yesterday on gating ditch. business. Miss Nellie Waters left for Rose- Mrs. Otto Vanander has returned burg on the 21st. where she will from Pnrtlnnd. where she had beenlmnk-p hpr future hnme I1 ........ 1 1 . 1 . .. .1 !...!..,. f tUn I T TV ! .. I t .. A. ........ ..I ..... .. nf miciiuiuir (lit; fciauu luufctr ut .it i xj, n. jin-uuiuE,, i-A-iiiuiuiviui m Lady Maccabees. the hotel at Helix, was In this vi- Rev. A. J. Adams of the Presby- cinity on business last Friday. He terian church, preached his farewell I has leased his hotel for a year and sermon Sunday night. Rev. Acrams I contemplates going into the real os- has been the pastor here for four Mute business, at Walla Walla. I , years, but resigned a short time ngol Minnie Waters returned to her and will seek a new location. home at Staytonvllle last week, after L. M. Mulkey will clerk for tne residing here nearly a year. Milton Furniture Co. Mrs. C C. Sanders, with her three Sam B. Stoy of Portland, special children, will leave for Grangeville. acent of the London & Lancashire Idaho, in the near future, she will Fire Insurance Company. Is here In-1 be absent all summer. tervlewlng the local agent. F. E. It Is blustery and cold. One foot Wilcox. of snow fell Monday night. The W. R. Craic. who had been in I Umatilla breaks are covered to the Portland attending the Maccabees depth of six or eight Inches, and I grand lodge, came home Saturday cattle are suffering. If it does not night. moderate soon many will die owing Mrs. R. E. Frazler entertained a to their weakeneu condition. i few friends -t dinner- yesterday Jacob Shaw returned from hi noon In honor of her husband's Franklin county homestead a few birthday Those present were: Mr. days ago. where he has been build- and .Mrs. W. R. Craig. Mrs. E. W. hie a house and making other prep- Phelps. Miss Inez Phelps. Mr. and aratfons for moving upon It as soon .Mrs. R. E. Frazler; Messrs. J. W. as the weather will permit. Bickford. N. T. Manela. S. E. Coe. THE FHIR PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. I An organized band of tool thieves is operating in Portland. Each night some carpenter is robbed of his best tools. J. F. Hubbard, a pioneer of Port' land, died at Dayton, Or., Wednes day, aged 70 years. He came to Portland with an ox team in 1S65. Henry Rice, who Is under arrest at Walla Walla for forgery, was nearly starved to death when arrest ed. Having been on a drunk he had not eaten for four days. Miss Grace Page, a stenographer of Tacoma, rode 40 miles Into the interior of Siskiyou county. Califor nia, on horseback, to locate a tim ber claim on Wednesday. Hereafter the students of Whit man College will be required to re main in the dormitory on Sundays, no attendance on any Sunday amusements to be allowed. The Rocky Mountain Telephone Company of Spokane, is making preparations to extend its line all over Western Idaho, making Coeur d'Alene City district headquarters. Hay is selling at JIG per ton nt Lebanon, Or., and many cattlemen are now entirely without feed. One man has already lost 65 head of cat tle through a lack of feed and rough weather. , A reward of U.000 has been offer ed for the recovery of the body of Miss Maude Steiner, who "was drowned In the burning of the steamer Queen, on February 27. near Tillamook. Harold Sparks, a clerk In the Ba ker City postofflce. has been Indict ed for throwing away paper mall, addressed to the patrons of the of fice. He thought they received pa pers they never read, anyway. Guy Nelson, who was removing some old apple trees from his or chard, at North Yamhill. Wednes day, was caught under a falling tree hu years old, and his thigh broken, and otherwise seriously in jured. The explosion of an acetylene tank, used to Illustrate a lecture In the Baptist church at Fossil, Wed nesday night, caused a panic In in wnich many bruises and scratches wore received by the escaping audi ence. There were no fatalities. A. R. Harrison. W. R. Anderson, C. Frazler and H. F. "Wright. Death of Elisha McCarter. The remains of Elisha McCarter, who died in the insane asylum at I Salem Friday, were brought to this city Sunday morning. The funeral services were held at the home iif the deceased's mother Sunday after noon. Rev. R. L. Cartwright con ducted the services. HOTEL ARRIVALS. C. H. E. J- M. H. T. J. Hotel Pendleton. Sellers. Dewer. Burke. Hartford. Mullin. Stockbrldge. Milieu. Dalton. Lost or Strayed. Two bay mares, one weighing! about 1,150 pounds and the other) about 1,200: one light sorel marel with flax mane and tall, weighing about 1,150 and one brown mare with long mane. All have been reached but one. Strayed from the head f South Juniper about six miles north west of Helix. Suitable reward will I be paid for return of said animals. I or information leading to the recov ery of same. N". HOWLAND. Helix cr Pendleton, Or. Vancouver's Bench Show. Vancouver, B. C, March 31. The annual exhibition of the Vancouver Kennel Club opened today under fa-1 vorable auspices. The exhibits com prise several hundred high-bred dogs I of all varieties, which are to be ex hibited later In Victoria, Seattle. Ta coma. Portland, San Francisco and other cities embraced in the circuit of the Pacific coast bench shows. The local show will continue three! days. I. K. Levy. San Francisco. W. McMullen, Boston. F. F. Plowder. San Francisco. M. V- Hoswcll. San Francisco. S. J. Culley. city. J. M. Russell, city. Ed Comper. Chicago. C. C. Simpson, Portland. Charles Miller. Echo. R. W. Smart. Omaha. D. Shults. Spokane. Thomas Nester. Portland. S. J. Hayes. Starbuck. R. A. Seeds. Spokane. W. W. Gallemore. Spokane. S. A. Frans. Spokane. J. H. Walters, Starbuck J. H. Kloeckner. Spokane. A. D. Stlllman. city. S. T. Jones. San Francisco. J. W. Anderson. Philadelphia. S. Sternberg, San Francisco. C. A. Ingalls. Boston J. Keller. Portland. Emerson. Kendrlcks. S. Mc.Mahon. Portland. L. Morse, Portland, il. Glendenning, Portland. D. Galley. Portland. PLUMBING and SEWER WORK I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ES TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. T. C. TAYLOR "THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN ST. E. A. T O. W G. New Hampshire Democrats. Concord, N. H-, March 31. The democratic state committee Is In ses sion at the Eagle hotel today. Chair man N. R. Martin presiding. Views expressed by the committeemen and other party leaders attending the meeting Indicates a strong Parker I sentiment, though signs are not lacking that the Hearst forces have designs on the state and doubtless will make their Influence felt before the state convention meets. Wheat Lands. City Proporty. We have some propositions In Teal estate which are worth your time to investigate. Come in and talk them over with ua. . E- T- WADE & SON, m ce,, E' - Building. 'Phone Black. 1111, p. o Box 324 Block Ranches. Mining Stocks. Call for Socialist Convention. All socialists of Umatilla county are hereby called to meet in county convention on Saturday, April 23, at 10 o clock in the forenoon, at the new Mllarkey hall on the corner of Court and Garden streets, Pendleton, Oregon. Any comrade present who will en dorse the principles of International Socialism, will be entitled to a seat In the convention. We urge all com rades to be present. Pendleton Local, G. A. ROBBINS. A. D. SIEBERT, President. Secretary. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar Iteward for anr ran of catarrh tbat ran not be cared dt nana uatarro care. F. J. CI1E.NCV & CO.. Toledo. O. We. the tiaderakmed. have known P. J. Cheney for the lut in years, and believe mm Krif--iij uonoraoie in an niuiness transaction and financially able to carry out any obligation made by tbelr firm. WKST & TItUAX, Wholesale DruggUta, Toledo. O. WAI.UING, KI.V.VAN & MAKVIN, Whole- aale Drugs lata, Toledo, O. Halt's Catarrh Cure U taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucoua uriaces oi me lyatem. 'leaumoniau ent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by ail uruKgiai. Hall's Family I'llli are tbe beat. "Huskin' Bee." When the curta.n rises for riio Huskin' Bee" a typical scene once so familiar in Eastern rural neigh borhoods will be disclosed. It will be a vorltuble Huskin' Bee Some of Hotel St. George. M. Raff. Portland. " M. Black. Kansas City. William Beck, Portland. Louis Moses. Sumpter. H. G. Van Dusen, Astoria. V. H. Hahles, Spokane. M. Whltemore. Hlllyard. R. M. Robson. Spokane. M. McDonald. Walla Walla. Glenn, Hill, Walla Walla ' T. J. Monorley. Walla Walla. Charles Gauld, t'ortland. F. J. Gardner. Portland. E. Campbell. Walla Walla. R. E. Bercher. Portland. James F. Long, Portland. A. E. Martin, Portland. R. G. McKinney, Seattle. D. S. Sanford, Racine J. H. Clark. Portland. C. L. Ruckman, Portland. E. C. Stewart. Spokane. Charles E. Casper, Fort Wayne. note! Bickers. J. B. Eddy. Portland. W. R. Williams. Portland. A. P. Davis, La Grande. J. M. SUIIing, Irablor M. Elledge, La Grande. J. H. Nelson, Cove. O. O. Stewell, Imbler. Miss Laura Steward, Walla Walla D. C, Markey and wife. Port Huron. J. W. Sherwood. Portland. T. J. Kirk, Athena. Mrs. A. Leanard, Tckoa, A. Kllcup, Heppner. L. J. Maley, Chehalis. A. Gross, Athena, G. J. McEroy. Starbuck. J. R. Caneosh. Garfield. L. D. Smith, Helix. Z. W. Lockwood. Helix. J. T. Hill. Helix. C. V. Daniel, city. R. R. Collins. Frcowator. D. J. Courtney, orongevllle. G. C. Marohen. Colfax. H. Stenupf and wife, Wayne. P. Murphy, Dodge. E. V. Sagar, Chambers. It Saved His Leg. WEINHARD'S BEER Building Material Of all Description Sash, Doors & Made to order. Buildiig paper, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters let barns and dwellings a specialty, Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St, Opp. Court Houst Manufactured of the choicest materials only Where the highest quality of beer is desired, Weinhard's al ways fills the bill. It's pure and wholesome. More Weinhard's beer is sold In Oregon than all other beers combined. Call for WEINHARD'S BEER Peter Mendernach is distributor for Pendleton and It will Al ways be found on tap at his saloon. Full supply kept In cold storage. flrllnln' CiirtnliAAi - II III VI v lllll IMHV i m in iiuiii ijiiiiiii uu . It GAINING ETA ii IT laftriL. 6 lNION JflADE, Hand made. Clear Havana. A STANDARD FOR QUALITY. CLEANLINESS AND WORKMANSHIP. When you call for a TRIUMPH."! ri YNN GET IT. Don't accept a substitute. V 1 i urates m mMw t : t . .1 n:i i Painting see us. Out line is complete. ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCHERS ARTISTS SABLES BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS We make a specialty of fram- mg pictures. Newest stock of frames ' iii il rTT 4 uu l T f wjjtrin jiuuk aj.w- , MAKERS. t BICYCLE DOCTORS 1 I t t h If your wheel U ailing consult ! us. we treat the worst wheela f and re store them to health. Out bicycle hospital at SU Court Street Is complete and" equipped -with the latest appliances. , Gordcn 6c Edmisten , Bicycle Doctors K All Kinds of Light Kepairiug FOR SALE John Uecher, Bursoon. .Mrs. John Bec-her, uurgoon Good, eight-roomed house in splen rliri fnvw1!tlnn T.- . , V. I V P. A. Danforth of La Granso. Ga.. ' . . " . r " . ' 6"" . the characters will be found as busy suffered for six months with a fright-. u orcnaru' 'once ana new as the proverbial story has It. ful running pore on his leg, but .sidewalk. water piped all over writes mat uucKien's Arnica Salvo house and garden. Good well. Very wholly cured It in five days For ul-desirable property. Apply to GUS Congressman Crumpaclier, of In dlana, says ovor 3,000 persons have cers, wounds, piles, it's the best salvai . apomtaimo t t . been shot, hung or burned to death in tho world. Cure guaranteed. Only I ' "mul1" by lynchers in the United during the ast 25 years. States 25 cents, druggists. eiiai-antnnri. Onlvl Sold by Tallman & Co.,0nt- Every stamp requirement supplied. McMinn's School of Dancing: Monday, class night. Wednes day and Saturday, classes from 7 to 9 o'clock. Socials from 9 to 12. Children's Matinee, Saturday, 2:30. For Sale $3,000.008 room, 2 story, new j house, and lot 60x100. ( $1500.005 room. Vh 8tor? J house. ! SI, 700.00 8 Room, 2 iWT J house. Bath tub and tou. , good cellar, woodshed, puW and city water, uisr i lot. ft $600.001 Vacant desirable. ( $2,0007 room 2 story 4 rooms each 15x15. j room, rock cellar 18x3-. lots. $250.00 1 vacant lot. , Merchants Protective ; Agency 5 Despaln Bulldlpg, Rooo tt J 5 Telephone Black H1' . A T T EA"N HAULING OF ML jg Good taken bwt of f ,.,7. un order at TeuUcb'j. 'I'b"