DAILY EAST ORI GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1904. EIGHT PAGES. PACE SIX. i r 3 u No Dessert More Attractive "Whj ue gelatine and fpsd hours soaking retttung, flavoring aiui coloring wnen Jell-O produces better ressba in two minntfa? Xie i thing in the package. Simply add hot vateranilHttocooL. It' perfection. Asur- pnse to Uie cotcewue. o trouble, jess ex ycctfs. Try it today. In Four Fruit FU. Tom: lemon. Orange, Strawberry, Hasp. serrj. At grocers, iuc PORTAGE TIED UP ATTORNEY GENERAL SAYS IT CANNOT PROCEED NOW. WE ARE READY FOR YOU Survey for the Ship Canal Will En croach Upon the Portage Road and the Matter Will Be at Rett Until After the Ship Canal is Located Route of Portage Must Be Changed From Original Location. ALL THE NEW STYLE HATS ARE HERE FOR SPRING. IN OR DER TO INTRODUCE OUR LINE OF STIFF AND SOFT HATS, WE WILL QUOTE THE FOLLOWING PRICES UNTIL EASTER: $4.50 AND $5.00 JOHN B. STET SON HATS, FOR $3.50. OUR W.50 HATS AND THEY ARE PEACHIE FOR $20, ONLY UNTIL EASTER. OUR $3.00 HAT IS A CRACKER j AND WILL SELL FOR $25 UNTIL EASTER, DONT BUY A HAT UNTIL YOU SEE OUR LINE. The Dalles, March 30. On ac count of the dissatisfaction existing in Eastern Oregon concerning the delay in the portage Tallway pro ceedings. District .attorney Menefee has appealed to headquarters and is in receipt of the following communi cation from the attorney general; Hon. Frank Menefee, District Attorney: Dear Blr Relative to your in quiry as to why the board is delay ing the -proceedings for right of way for the -portage railway. Including the suit pending against the O. R. & N. Co., permit me to say that when the special session of the leg islature recently closed, the mem bers of the board notified me that they would not proceed with the portage railway until they could as certain whether the canal would en' croacn upon its right of way or in any way conflict, and I notified you that nothing further would be done until advised by the board. I am now Informed that In order to carry out the terms of the act i providing for securing the right of I way for the canal, it will be neces sary to resurvey and relocate the (line for the portage railway, and the board deems It useless expense to j proceed with the present condemna tion proceedings when It might be I come necessary to abandon the same after right of way for the ca- f ol hnJ I.aa 1 uu .... M I T. TJ ii rtLlJUlItTU. While sympathizing with the peo ple in that portfon of the state, and ready to assist in any way in my power any proposition tending to their relief, as I understand the law, you and I, acting as attorneys for the board must obey orders and fol low our instructions, Is Indicative of the sentiment of the democratic party throughout the state. STATE BUTTER SHOW. Displays of All Other Dairy Products at Springfield. Springfield. 111.. jJarch 30. Butter enough to feed an army and fine enough to grace the table of a king is displayed at the second annual butter show of the Illinois ritate Dairymen's Association, which open ed in Springfield today. Nearly ev ery county In the state Is well rep resented In the display and the ex hlblta are of such a high class that only the most expert judge would he able to distinguish tne difference in grade and award the numerous prizes offered by the association. The show will continue two days and in conjunction therewith will be held conferences of dairymen and butter makers from all parts of the state. Professor Hart of the unl versity of Illinois has been engaged to give demonstrations in centrifu gal separation and other dairy work, WEMU POLITICS CONTEST OVER WHO WILL BE GOVERNOR, Hanly Has a Big Lead, But the Rest Do Not Recognize Him as Having a Sure Thing All the Candidates Are Lawyers, Some of Them of Eminence One Was a Member of the Venezuelan and Hague Tribu anls. Indianapolis. Intl.. March 30. With the republican state convention less than four weeks off the cam paign for the gubernatorial nomlna tion is fast approach. ng the boiling point. Many of the counties are In structing their delegates, and each of the four candidates in the field has a goodly number to his credit If the instructed vote only Is con sfdered Frank Hanly of Tippecanoe ....... I .. n V. ! J I V. I f nm , . I LVUUIJ JI U Lilt, ivau SU IU4. dUU U13 h. rhPi7;- nrhJB"h"eJ - clailns his nomination along as ranidlv as clrmmitnnivc - and negotiations for richt of war The other candidates, however. would nprmit rmiK i are far from concedine a victory fo: A. W. CRAWFORD (Hanly and the contest promises to Attornev Roncrat I ue hot one to the finish. The lead SOUTH DAKOTA DEMOCRATS. ing opponents of the Tippecanoe candidate are Judge William L. Pen field of Auburn. Warren G Sayre of Wabash, and W. U Taylor of this city. Judge Penfield has never been a marked factor In state politics, but if Sure Thing That They Will Instruct for Hearst. Sioux Falls, S. D.. March 30 The democratic state rnnronllnn n. k selection of four delegates-at-larce i ,ie bas been connecte(l with thn na and alternate t e ti , i tional administration since the eleo- ventlnn was raileH . '..,.. , tion of McKlnlcy in JS9G, and as a shortly before noon. The convention 1'?,,?' he , C0,,m,rJ-. befor? for the nomination of a state ticket l7,he Haf e unal. enraue will be held at Aberdeen in July J 52 JSTS: ??. "E? , ,.'s :"e,?ne mnclusi?n thf;G. Sayre, who is making an active' GeorPe Stevens, proprietor of a ed Saturday night in a row with 7LLTZ?:4 ntote -vasTfor the nomination, has been m.ng house at Spokane, was kill- three roomers over CO cents. the delegates .ussotlalea wn Rome or tnc atlrrl.lg ... WHAT'S BRED IN THE BONE WILL OUT IN THE FLESH ft Is true of mankind as well as lower animals. We do not ex pect blooded stock from common sires, ph-sical giants from dwarfs and midgets, nor well-developed, robust children from tainted ancestors and sickl' parents. It is contrary to the laws of nature and ieredit-, which are inviolable, unchange able and fixed. Children not only inherit the features, form and dispo sition of their parents, but the mental and pl-sical qualities, infirmities and diseases as well. That certain diseases are transmitted from parents to children, are bred in the bone and handed down from one generation to another, can not be denied, for we see evidences of it even where and even' da SCROFULA, a disease almost as fatal as Consumption, is a disease of the blood, is bred in the bone and will out in the flesh in the form of glandular swellings, deep abscesses and sores, boils and eruptions. It affects the eyes and ears, weakens the digestion and destrovs the red corpuscles and solids of the blood, resulting in emaciation, stunted growth and poorly nourished bodies. RHEUMATISM is handed down from goutv ancestors and rheumatic parents. The acid poisons in the blood that cause the sharp, shooting pains in muscles and joints have been there may be from birth, and exposure to bad weather, night air, or cold, easterly winds only hastens the attack by exciting the acid blood. The blood must be purified the poisons filtered out of the system in order to get relief from this painful disease. CATARRH is something more than a cold in the head; the' poison extends into the Throat and Lungs, attacks the Stomach, KidHe's and Bladder, and every part of the sys tem. We inherit a predisposition or tendency to Catarrh, just like other blood diseases it is bred in the bone and can not be reached with sprays and salves, but requires constitutional treatment and a thorough cleansingof the disease-tainted blood. CONTAGIOUS -BLOOD POISON is responsible for more suffering than all other diseases combined, and none is so surely transmitted from parent to child. Fearful hWc and sores and disgusting skin eruptions often break out in infanc', and those whose blood is tainted with this awful poison are handicapped from birth, and unless the poison is eradi cated carry the taint through life. CANCEROUS ULCERS and old sores seem to pursue some families through tren. erations, and in spite of washes, salves and ointments, continue to spread and prmvk. cause the taint is in the blood; is bred in the bone and grounded in the flesh. Nothing but a real blood remedy like S. S. S. can reach these deepty rooted, inborn diseases. It goes to the fountain source of the trouble, uproots the old taint, drives out the poisons that have been lurking in the blood for 3Tears, and tones up the weakly constitution o. o. readies aiseases or tins character tiiat no otner medicine does or can. It ias been tested in thousands of cases during the nearh fifty rears of its existence, and its repute- uon as a cure ior enronic Diooa trouDles is nrmly established. S. S. S. is guaranteed purety vegetable and suited to old and j-oung and persons of delicate constitution. If you have inherited a predisposition or tendency to some family taint, the sooner 3'ou begin a course of S. S. S. the quicker and more certain the cure. The disease ma' develop in childhood or later on in life, but is sure to make its ar earance sometime, " for What IS bred in the bone Will OUt in the flesh," as sure as you live. Our physicians make diseases of the blood and skin a special studv. Write us all about your case, and medical advice or any special information desired will cost you nothing. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. equally certain that from Rninv. Tini-nto -in 1,0 initn.. . mines m Indiana tiniitfcc nrrf hoa ed for William R. Hearst for the on distinclion as a leader of his nresldentlal nnmlhntinn ti. . party. W. L. Taylor, the fourth ran declaration of former Senator Petti- ullIa,e- haB becn attorney generM j grew for the New York congressman of the 8,ate for 'our yearB Llkt thl 1 others, he Is a lawyer, and a man 1 ,.,,lr .". ' popular presence j BECOMING A MOTHER MEN'S HATTERS. Not an ordinary article, but something extraordinary Is Hill's Ptire California Olive Oil For medicinal use as well as for salads and tablo use. This Is the highest quality and purest oil made. Bold exclusively in Pendleton by Despain & Clark WOOD and COAL It's our business to furnish fuel, and we have nothing but the best. Dry, sound wood, and the celebrated Kemmerer coal. Prompt delivery, reasonable prices. Facts of Petroleum Production. Washington. D. C, .March 3 - The forthcoming annual volume on min eral resources published l,y in. United States geological survey w" contain an interesting report ot, th nroduction of petroleum In 1902 Tlir J report will show that the product fim t of crude petroleum, which amounu-ri J , to SS.757SC barrels, was greater i 1 than that of any previous year Til- 1 Increase was due principally to ;hi , I development of the petroleum fields J 'of Texas. California and Louisiana , 'and by an increased pruduiiini , Indiana. WHEN YOU WANT RUBBFR STAMPS REMEMBER ME. 1 manufacture every style on any mounting and carry a complete stock of Pads. Inks, Ilacka, Datera, Rubber Type, etc. faEALS, STENCILS, Trade Checks, Door Plates. Write mo what you want. 1 can please you by return mall. WESLEY ANDREWS. Baker City, Or cADAMS Successor to Collier. 4 . Do You Want Strength? 1 J If you want to increase your J 1 strength you must add to not take , from the physical. In other word. I the food that you eat must be digest ' I ed. asalmllated and appropriated oy 1 the norves, blood and tissues before : being expelled from the lntrsUnos Kodol DyHpepsIa Cure adds to the physical. It gives strength to and, builds up the human system. It , pleasant to the taste and palatable. 1 and the ouly combination 01 digest-, ants that will digest tho food and. enable tbe system to appropriate all of Its health and strength-giving qualities. Sold by Tallinan & Co. Is an ordeal which all women approach with indescribable fear, for nothing compares with the pain and horror of child.birtri. TTi-thmitrKt df the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mothe' of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a ihadow of gloom which cannot be shaken ofT. Thousands of women have found that tbe use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs confmcrucxit of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of chiiJ-birth, but its use' gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning sickness, and other dis- comforts of this period. Sold bv u dniPP sts .it SCrrs 111 Fl H 1 containing valuable information free. Tbe Brodfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. 1 il 1 I t I II I' I I Tll'l I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I i ifUHi-l 1111 II H I H HII 1 I 1 I il i-H- Let us show new Perfumes. you Palmer's Afiston The latest and best. USE PALMER'S Garland of Violets Toilet Soap A pure soap, finely perfumed Brock & AlcComas Company 1 WANTED YOUIi OuKllS FOR B.V craved card, weddlnc Invitation, etc.; 190 ensraTtd vialtlns card with plate, tlM: additions! cardi In future, $1 per ' todrtd. Tbe East Oreeonlso. "WHAT HAPPENED TO ITr "Oh, tho old story. Horse shied, bolted, ratllety bang smash! You see tae result Fix It up, old man, the best you can and as quick ly as you can." Our friend had his wagon back In short order, staunch. solid, not a weak spot In it, and looking "as good as new." Follow bis exam p. o when In like trouble. Exam.ne our Winona wagons, hacks and buggies. They have steel- clad hubs, run easy, made from air dried timber and warranted to be su perior to all other makes. Wo have them in stock. NEAGLE BROS. Big Brick Blacksmith Shop. Teachers Meet at Aurora. Aurora. Neb. March 30. The teachers of the Central Nebraska Educational Association, are holding their twelfth annual meeting in this city The sessions, which are un usually well attended, will continue through Friday. The regular busi ness sessions of the meeting will be Interspersed with a number of spe cial features, including a concert, declamatory contest and spelling match. HOLT BROS. Side Hill Combined Harvester Colds Cause Pneumonia. One of the most remarkable cases of cold, deep-seated on tho lungs, causing pneumonia. Is that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenncr, Marion, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She saya: "The coughing and straining so weak ened me that I ran down In weight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough,, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by Tollman & Co. The latest Improved two-wheel, side-bill combined harvester has j proven a boon to wheat raisers. It Is '.he most successful, most 3 economical and easiest machine to operate ever built. 2 These harvesters have been given abundant trials right here at j home and all users are highly pleased. None have been dissatisfied and all are high in their praise. The Holt alde-hlll harvester on a side bill is able to otlck to 1 tho aide of the hill, while the header will slip down the bill. Tbe main wheels are vertical, which braces the machine to tho side 3 hills. It works equally adapted to level land. The Holt harvesters are sold exclusively In this section by E. L. SMITH 216 Court Street, Pendleton, Oregon 1 All extras for Holt machines on hand. 4 j : CANTY'S PARLORS OF AMUSEMENT Open day and night. Billiards, Pool, Shooting Gallery, Bowl ing Alleys, Throwing Racks. Good music every evening. BASEMENT, CORNER MAIN AND WEBB 8TREETS. Under W. & C. R. Depot. INSURE IIN Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at Ibe head of the list. Atet . Hartford Fire Insurance Oaf 12,2W.0 Alliance Assurance Co...... 29,.w London 4 Lancashire Fire Insurance Co , S."-63 North British & Mercantile . Royaj'inaurance Co 22,tW.lw FRANK B. CLOPTOS AGENT 12 EAST COURT ST. nxtssrstst