DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1904. EIGHT PACEJ. PAC2 TWO. Woi&ii as Well as lies Are Male Miserable by KMnej and Bladder Trouble. COUNTY POLITICS HOTEL ARRIVALS, VlSOS mon for a child to be UtfSttlr- bom afflicted with SUITABLE COUNTY TICKET. Kidney trouble pTcys upon the mind, CORRESPONDENT SUGGESTS aiscouragesanuic?.eusanioition; beauty. vigor and cheerful ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent weak kidnevs. If the child nrinatestoooften, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if. when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, 't is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. thecauseof thediffi cuftv is kidney trouble, and the first step" should be "towards the treatment of . . . . -i-i . i ... these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as menaie made miser able with kidnev and bladder trouble, and both need the same peat remedy. The mild and Itiie immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, m titty- re cent and one-dollar gj5eaSf:5s size bottles, von may have a sample lxttle by mail free, also a Hem c! 8nsp.Koc. pamphlet telling alt about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, X. Y.. be sure and mention this paper. Don't nuke any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. William Blakeley and Dr. W. G. Cole for the Legislature W. D. Cham berlain and Horace Walker for County Commissioners Asks Per tinent Question on County Poor Farm and County Roads. GENERAL NEWS. The new state of Oklahoma tOk Ind. Ter.) will have live congress men. The new state of Arizona (New Mexico-Arizona i will have two. General William H. Payne, who commanded the famous Ulack Hore Cavalry, Confederate, at the battle of Bull Run. Is dead at Washington, aged TS years. The Standard Oil Company has reduced Its quotations on all crude oils the third cut of 3 cents each since March 1. It is freezing out competition from the new oil fields. Albert Klrhy Fairfax, a native of Maryland, has fallen heir to the for tunes and titles of Lord Fairfax and Baron Cameron, in England, and has taken his seat In the houae of lords, j The levees along the Ohio river In Southern Indiana, have broken and lOO.UflO acres of rich farming lands are under water, and the coal mines Hooded, throwing several thousand men out of employment. The retailers' trust In New York City has advanced the price of coal 10 cents on the ton, and completed arrangements for another advance of 10 cents June 1. and still another of 30 cents September 1. "Industrial corporations" (trusts pure and simple) of the United States, paid dividends for March. . ltHM. J2.3tiij.0o0 in excess of .March, 103, and J2.100.000 in excess of March, 1S02. Professor A. B. Arnold Is dead at San Francisco. He was author of several surgical treatises and was one of the world's first authorities on ancient Heb'raic and Arabic writ ings and histories. He was 85 years old. Thomas .Myberg, 19 years old, of West Union. X. J had a leg and arm amputated after they had been mangled in an accluent. He posi lively refused to take an anaesthet ic, and actually joked with the sur geons while the operation progressed. NORTHWEST NEWS. Israel Rivers, a pioneer of Oregon, died on Eagle creek. Baker county, Tuesday, aged 70 years. The first carload of shingles ever exported by Portland, left that city Tuesday for Salt Lake. It consisted of 450,000 cedar shingles. A company has been organized at Wilbur. Wash., for the purpose f building an egg storage plant- The first plant will hold 24,000 dozen. The bountiful rains that have visited Southern California this week, came too late to help the growing crops, which were already badly burned. Horses in many parts of Willam ette valley are Infected with mange. and one herd of five at Mollalla, .was ordered killed by the state veterln arlan, Tuesday. Neither the bakers nor the leath erworkers of Portland have settled tneir strikes yet, ana there is a strong prospect of both unions los ing their fights. A masked highwayman attempted to hold up the Packwood lodging house, at Baker City, on Tuesday morning. He was foiled by a wait ress who gave the alarm before he had succeeded. Weston. March 30. (To the Edi tor.) I see everybody is talking pol itics, but nobody seems to be any where near the actual facts and needs of the situation in Umatilla county. In the first place. If the newspa pers knew the truth. It would be a breach of journalistic etiquette '.o 1. 1 r a 1 1 1 , I n 1 .. 1 t , I lull li. mm it luc iuiiuv;iaua mm it always, they would have no jobs, so the people must guess at conclu sious between the lines, and figure out their own salvation. In the first place, there Is about as much need for two sets of nomi nees for the county offices In "Uma tilla county, as there Is for two talis on a dog. If the people had the nominating power and could name a set of officials who would suit them, one ticket would be all that is necessary this year. George Hartman is the unanimous choice for county Judge again; Hor ace Walker and W. D. Chamberlain would make a good pair of county commissioners, nnd William Blake ley and Dr W G. Cole would repre sent the county cleanly. Intelligently ajid satisfactorily in the legislature. Til Taylor has only had the sher iffs office one term, and has made such an able and efficient official that everybody agrees that Til should have It again. The same rule applies to Folsom as county record er. who will be elected again in spite of anything that can be done, as will E. J. Sommerville. who is the logical and proper candidate for treasurer. Tt don't make any difference what the politics of these officials are. they are efficient, 'able and honest. and suit the people. It is just as sensible to ask what their religion Is. or what the color of their hair. as to ask their politics, when every bony knows them and can trust them. As to the assessor there Is but I one choice in the county. Go out and ask the farmers who have seen the railroad pay Its proper share Jt the taxes this year, who should be assessur. There would be but one man named in answer, and that is the present assessor. C. P. Strain. Jim Gwinn could go to the legis lature If he wasn't so busy. He's handsome enough, and wants the place bad enough, but he's too busy to take It. Douglas Belts would make an effi cient commissioner, and G. W. Lins ner is mentioned, but It would be difficult to get .a better business pair together than Horace Walker and W. D. Chamberlain. They know the routine of county affairs, nnd would work together for the best interest of the county. Tom Halley has the moral support of all the thinking and law-abiding people in the county, and must be kept in office one more term, to keep tne gambling fraternity on the run He ha It Is and the church people cannot afford to lose his aid right now when they are making the best advance stey in the history of the county. If L. G. Frazler wants to be coun ty clerk, or If W. T. -igby wants that office, let either one of them have it. They cannot afford to quit a good paying business to take it. but if they have the itch, let them scratch on the county fence cor- Hotel Pendleton. A. D. SUllman. city. F. W. Walte, San Francisco. F. Roe. Xew York. J. W. Sidles, Spokane. W. H. Clubb, San Francisco. J. F. Stover, Walla Walla. C .H. Pearson. Minneapolis. D. S. Green. Portland. J. W. Morrow. Portland. W. W. Rice, Walla Walla. W. W. Powell, Tacoma. Sam D. Stoy. Portland. R. B. .May. Walla Walla. A. E. McBreen, Portland. F. M. Bell. Portland. W. H. Feamley, Portland. C. Ades. Spokane. W. J. Moore, Spokane. George Stevens. Spokane. R. Jones. Echo. C. H. Bingham. Seattle. M. Abrahamson. Portland. M .J. Maloney. St. Joe. O. W. Xichols. Denver. L. Charles, San Francisco. S. B. Hamll, Chicago. C. B. Harden. Augusta. William Xeubauer. Portland. W, A. Moody. The Dalles. F. B. Holbrook, Irrigon. J. R. Flynn, Portland. G. S. Youngman, Portland. E. B. Coman, Portland. C. E. Walters and wife. Portland George T Williams. Portland. Hotel St. George. W. B. Williamson. Pomeroy. J. O. Vnssor. Pomeroy. B. G. Pitts, Butte. A. E. King. Portland. C. Appelhoff. Dajton. J. M. Wilioughby. Cambridge. A. J. Hall and wife. Baker City. Ralph Conrad, Baker City. Mose .Meyers. Portland. George T. Coyne. Portland. I Eugelhauser, Portland. A. Peters. Seattle. F. Weiden. Portland. Harry Jackson. Portland. Will M. Peterson. Portland. L. L. Osborn, Portland. J. C. Epplnger. -uicago. J. C Currie. Portland. P. A. Hamilton. Fossil. William Dunn. Portland. W. W. Bonney. Ellensburg. Morse Taylor. Weston. F. H. White and wife. city. J. C .Lonergan. Seattle. J. H. Driscoll. Sioux City. R. P. Wellington. Seattle. James E. Foy. San Francisco. R. L. Webb. Walla Walla. EHSTER SPECIHLS Hotei Bickers. Carl Hansen. California. J. Petree. Sunnyside. J. S. Cunningham. Portland. Ralph B. Wade. city. Ben L. Burroughs, city. Carl Cooley. city. W. M. Modena. Helix. C. Y. Daniel, city. L. E. Hukill, Starbuck. J. M. Lightfoot anc wife. city. J. S. Gulliford and wife. city. Mrs. J. H. Himes, Spokane. .Miss Dela Pefferle. Ontario. Mrs. A. Case. Rochester. D. F. Carnes, Salem. F. C. Welchj Salem. A. F. Gallaway. Weiser. Guy Galloway. Weiser. J. E. Strahl and family. Missouri. J. Warllne and family. Missouri. C. Warllne. .Missouri. J. L. Ward, Missouri. J. B. Eddy. Portland. W. R. Williams. Portland THIS IS THE WEEK WHEN NEARLY EVERY WOMAN WILL, he PLANNING HER EASTE8 I COSTUME, AND WE ARE GOING TO MAKE A SPECIAL SALE OF SUCH GOODS AND FURNISH.! INGS AS WOMEN DELIGHT TO WEAR ON EASTER SUNDAY. WE HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE A FREE GIFT WITH SEVERAL IMPORTANT LINES, SUCH AS THE FOLLOWING: FREE with each TAILOR-MADE SUIT, a nice LACE COLLAR. FREE with each ladies' dress SKIRT, a good BELT. FREE with each SHIRT WAIST, a NECK RIBBON or SASH PIN. FREE with each dress pattern of 50c and 60c DRESS GOODS, a fine pal.- of SILK COVES. FREE with each dress pattern of 75c and $1.00, a yard or better dress goods, a pair of fintl' guaranteed KID gloves. FREE with each $2.00 SILK WAIST PATTERN .a nice 25c COLLAR. See our special display of Millinery for Easter. LACES, RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES, NICE MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. SILK UNDERSKIRTS, LACE HOSIERY AND, IN FACT, EVERYTHING TO MAKE UP A COMPLETE, STYLISH OUTFIT, WILL BE FOUND HERE AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES THIS WEEK. THE FHIR PLUMBING and SEWER WORK I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ES TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. T. C. TAYLOR "THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN ST. Thinxs Trib a Good Remedy. B. F. Gray, Portland. Oregon, July 10th, 1902, writes: "I believe your s them headed south now and 1 ,rem,ed' fr the llquor and tobacco,; a blessing to the community. ?.ab't Trlb' a E0d one. I took the le church people cannot afford ! KeTe and it cost me J150. I ! : think Trlb is honestly the best cure ' of the two. If I ever can be of any I J assistance to you, let me know. I consider yon have done much for me." Tallman & Co., local agents. Four Thousand Sheep Sold. G. W. Hunt who has been winter feeding about 4.00U head of sheep on his ranch near foster, has sold attle. and the latter went to the ranch this morning to look over the band and get It ready for shipment This is the first big sheep sale that has been made for some time In this part of the country Wheat Lands. City Property, We have some propositions in real estate which ore worth your time to investigate. Come In . and talk them over with us. E. T. WADE & SON, Office In E. O. Building. 'Phone Block. 1111. p. o Box 324. Stock Ranches. Mining Stocks. ners ior a couple years. They are .i . . , , ' . nfLm i' .Ca? fi.Bht " 0I". the Frye-Bruhne Company, of Se araong themselves in their conveu- , nnrt th i.t,.r .., tlon. Poor Farm and Good Roads. How about the poor farm. any. way? Has It been a paying invest ment for the county? ihe peopie have paid out their hard cash for ;t, and would like to know something of It We "hayseeds" are also in-' terested in good roads, and would like to see some permanent improve ments to county roads, instead of the annual repairs, done with dust which washes out with the first spring rain. It Saved His Leg. P. A. Danforth of La Grange, Ga suffered for six months with a fright ful running sore on his leg, but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve alkali wholly cured It In five days, For ul- regularly , cers. wounds, piles. It's the best salve m the world. Cure guaranteed. Only WEINHARD'S BEER Manufactured of the choicest materials only Where the highest quality of beer is desired, Welnhard's al ways fills the bill. It's pure and wholesome. More Welnhard's beer is sold In Oregon than all other beers combined. Call for WEINHARD'S BEER Peter Mendernach is distributor for Pendleton and it will si ways be found on tap at his saloon. Full supply kept In cold storage. Building Material Of all Description j Sash, Doors r VfaSm Made to order. Bcitdiag paper, lime, cement, brii and sand, wood gutters bt barns and dwellings a sp- laity, Oregon Ltsmta Yard Alta St, Opp. Court Hobk Artists' Supplies if GAINING CAM C If the county can afford It. the 25 cents. Sold by Tallman & Co.. country people would like to see druggists. some rock road built, leading to thel ' county seat. The lane near thel The members of the Japanese vll- 6 liNION frIADE, HAND MADE. CLEAR HAVANA. A STANDARD FOR QUALITY. CLEANLINESS AND WORKMANSHIP. till . tt C nrayouainra KIUMPH. FIYNN&CO ut-in.uuMidcccpia5uosmutc.il " i Pninflnr c 11c f)ir flflfi is complete ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCHERS BRUSHES ARTISTS SABLES BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS .We make a specialty of fram'j ing pictures. Newest sioui ot trames Mil WWrrT I m county linage on the Umatilla river 'age at the St. Louis fair passed i ai me nospuai is a irtghttul piece of mrougn me 1'ortland custom house road, and should be improved er on Tuesday morning. aoanuonea at once These matters THE PEOPLE ALL must oe met by the next county court as It can get to them, and ire tar more important to thp imr.' ere. than the politics of the county CtUd, git r. XrkiV. officials. Yours respectfully. I llerpleldt. O. BUTTINSKI. ThIs wrd of late has been In . ones mouth, and many are wonderlns Southern Indiana Teachers. 'w ,he wor1 "en'", though no one 'n'"ana0."?' Ind" March 0.- nV'ttat ouuren oi ueiegaies and vis tors are Well for ih infnr..!.,, . . fhrrh'iSf,hf0r theanm,al meet,ne of the Southern Indiana Teachers' As. thin, we would ., i sociatlon, which will be held here means, a destroyer or killer of ltm. for three days, heel Now "Herpes" Is the fumllv n.n,. . Indlananolls is nutolilo tho disease caused by various of the association, but the assocla- ,"?',A,,!lni"ar rnlcrobe dan tlon found that there was no hall or ttL '! "?klp; "S J.am r; thU auditorium In Southern Ji'aim k&SSS. largo enough to accommodate ihe hair crows, sold h iAS .JL .he meeting so It was decided to hold Send 10c In stamps for sampla to Th.' It here. It Is expected that nearly. ""Tlcide Co,, Detroit stich. t BICYCLE DOCTORS!' j i If your wheel la ailing consult 7 1 3.000 teachers will attend the gath ering. Carl Antonson. a Swedish sailor, committed suicide at Seattle Tues day, by hanging himself. F. W. Schmidt, special agent I MERRILL TYPEWRITER CO.. le. 7 Poit L. SMaAC,Ga.AgLDENSII0RE TYPEWRITER SuppliM ... Rtnting ... Eiprt Repairing 1 us. tveireai ine wont wheels 1 f and r store them to health. Out 1 bicycle hospital at 311 Court T ! oicvb is uumiinc buu etjuippeu v with the latest appliances. Gorden & Edmisten Bicycle Doctors t I All Kinds of Light Repairing T m m m M m m . . " I FOR SALE Good, eight-roomed house In splen did condition. Eight lots, good bare and orchard. Good fence and new sidewalk. Water piped all over house and garden. Good well. Very desirable property. Apply to GUB iA FONTAINE, at French Restaur ant Every stamp (requirement supplied McMinn's School of Dancing Monday, class night Wednes day and Saturday, classes from 7 to 9 o'clock. Socials from 9 to 12. Children's Matinee, Saturday, 2:30. JC. C. SHARP I Opera Houte BIocK For Sale 53,000.00 S room, 2 story, house, and lot 50x100. bouse. $1,70008 Room, i good cellar, woodshed, P and city water Easy tn $600.001 Vacant lot. a desirable. 2,000 7 room 2 story kJ"J; A rooms each Ijxi- . room, rock cellar lots. 92504)0 1 vacant lot Merchants Protective j Agency uespain wunmus, . a i ? Tolonhnnp BUCk ,sl PROMPT, RELIABLE 8 A.J. BEAN UAIII UIR flF ALL n ,1 1 h wv - . ood tsken best ?'h'?I J orders at Tentscu's.