DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1904. EIGHT PAGES, PACE TWO, Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the niiiul, discouragesandlcssensambItioi; lieauty, vigor aim cnecriu! ncss soon disappear when the kidneys are " out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has lwcotne so prevalent I that it is not uncom- uion for a child to le born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinate toooften, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the NEWS OF ATHENA uassaiFc. it 19 vet afflicted with bed-wet ting, depend upon it, thecausc of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men nie made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, m fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a saniple bottle by mail free, nlso a nom of Bwunp-Rooi. pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer S: Co., Binghatuton, N. Y., be sure and mention this pajier. Don't make any. mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, lliughamton, N. Y., on every bottle. FIREMEN'S BALL WAS THE SEASON'S FEATURE, Heaviest Snowfall of Season March 25 Rebekah Lodge Has 125 Mem bers Several Quite Severe Cases of Illness Death From Diphtheria Excellent Lecture by Mrs. Hlmes GENERAL NEWS. Labor riots are in pogress at Mar seilles. France, precipitated by a strike of dock workers. Pauline Hall, the well known ac tress, has sued for a divorce from .Minnie George n. McClellan, the theatrical manager. It is believed that the limit that will bo appropriated this year for river and harbor Improvement will he J3.000.000. Two men and a boy were drowned by the flood at Huntington, Ind., where the property damage rtvlll ag gregate $100,000. An Italian stoker on the Arliistnn. New York to Montevideo, went crazy and ran amuck, killing two of the crew and dangerously wounding sev eral others. Wallace H. Hall has pleaded guilty to embezzling $23S,000 from the American Surety Company, of Now York, and St. Luke's Home for Con valescents at Boston. The Big .Miami rose 15 feet In four uuurs near uincinnati, anil white river, inillana, is 10 miles wide Aiany thousand people have been driven from their homes, The Far Eastern war has' resulted In a perfect flood of Poles, Finns and neorows uelng thrown upon the eastern shores of America. They are neeing rrom conscription into th Hussian army. Los Angeles will nrobablv be ahan doned as the next meeting place for me urotnernoou of Locomotive Engl neers, and a more central location selected probably Denver, Kansas City or St. Louis. Athena, March 2G. The firemen's ball that was given at the Athena opera house, was a perfect success in every way. Music was furnished by Johnston's orchestra. This ball was largely attended by people from Adams and Weston and the sur rounding country. The committee on reception were Austin Foss, C. O. Henry, Charles Gay. The floor man agers wero Clark Nelson, Cliff Over- turff, Clarence Knight, Harvey Itlch- nrdson. Miss M. L. Watts of tills city, was on the list with the sick this week. Mrs. John Gross of Walla Walla. is in Athena visiting friends. Miss Millne Tharp has been sick nt her home with tonsllltis, but :s now Improving very rapidly. Most of the people are a little scared to see winter when we should have spring. Last ovenlnc snow fell six or eight Inches deep, the heaviest we have had tills season. The .Mignonette Itobekah No. SC. of Wild Horse, initiated four candl dates Tuesday, March 22. This lodge has about 125 members in good standing. Miss Mae Gross is sick this week with a severe attack of tonsllltis Mrs. W. H. Iteedcr spent last week in Spokane visiting relatives Dr. W. H . Drake of Seattle, occu pled the pulpit at M. E. church Sun day. A large audience was present The lecture given Tuesday by Mrs Mimes, the state organizer for the Christian Women's Board of .Missions, at the Christian church was excellent. Several new mem bers joined the society. Rev. Jenkins and daughter, Lucy spent Tuesday in Pendleton, where Mr. Jenkins ilellvereil a lecture. Death From Diphtheria. The sad intelligence has reached Mrs. Charley Smith that her oldest daughter, Mrs. Florence King's lit tie boy, recently died with diphthe ria. Another one of the family has tne oreail tlisease. They live at lone, Oregon. ECHO NEWS NOTES. NORTHWEST NEWS. Jung Lock, a Chinese merchant, is under arrest at Portland for whip- ping Yo Gum, his 10-yenr-old Chinese sweetheart, with a horsewhip. The body of an unknown man was found by a mall carrier on the Ash land-Chetco stage road Sunday. He had evidently perished in the snow. James Glngles, a brother of the bandit killed by the sheriff of Spo- kane, last Tuesday, is under $5,000 bonds for horsestealing at. North Yakima. Miss Jennie Hartman was robbed by a negro footpad nt Portland, Sat urday night. He grabbed a purse containing SG7, and ran Into the darkness. A Southern Pacific engine backing down grade, near Roseburg, jumped the track and turned a complete somersault Sunday. The crow escap ed by jumping. Rhoda Thomas, a 14-year-old girl. went into a trance during a revival at Everett on Saturday. The trance lasted four hours, during which .the girl claims she visited heaven. A petition bearing 2,570 signatures will be presented at the next session of county court, of Union county, ask' lng for the removal of the county seat from Union to La Grande. W. J. Powers, a suspected robber accused of holding up Wright's res taurant at Baker City, three weeks ago, has been captured at Reno, Nov, Ho secured $70 In the hold-up. The Indrapura, the Portland-Asl atlc steamer, will not come to Port land again, her charter with the Asiatic company having expired. She will go Into coastwise service in the Orient. Wheat Lands, City Property. We have some propositions in real estate which are worth your time to luvestlgato. Come In and talk them ovor with us. E. T. WADE & SON, Offlce in E. O. Building. Thone Black, 1111. P. O Box 324. Stock Ranches. Mining Stocks. No City Indebtedness C. S. Mudge O. R. & N. Agent, Resigns to Work for C. H. Miller. Lcho, March 28. The city starts out with no debts other than those Incurred by the city election and will have the $C0U from the one liquor 11 cense to start with. The old school house will bo sold In Echo on April 2. It is expected tuat there will be spirited biddlm but the chances are that the city win liny at least a part of It for a city hall. T. C. Benson on Wednesday t-hip ped to the Union .Meat Company, cf rcruanu, a carman oi ueel steers, which he bought from Wnldon Ray. This shipment made an even hun dred carloads of cattle Mr. Benson alone has shipped from Echo this season. C. S. Mudge. who has been station agent nt Echo since July, 1902, and who also worked for the O. R. & N. two years at Baker City, has sent in his resignation to take effect April 1. Mr. Mudge quits the railroad to accept a better position with C. il. Miller, the merchant. Tragedy Averted. 'Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved," writes Mrs. W, Wat klnB of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneu monia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set In besides. Doctors treated him, but ho grow worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption, and our darling was saved. He is now sound and well." Every body ought to know it's the only sure euro for coughs, colds and nil lung diseases. Guaranteed by Tall man & Co., druggists. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. HOTEL ARRIVAL8. Hotel Pendleton. H. C. Gregg, San Francisco. H. Reynolds, San Francisco. L. C. Garrigas, Portlatfd. W. H. Bohnrrell, J., Portland. David Nation, Medicine Bow. A. D. Spencer, Chicago. W. L. Brandt, Chicago. W. D. Allen, Portland. R. E. Allen, Walla Walla. R. C. Long, Spokane. R. A. Seeds, Spokane. II. L. Moroy, Spokane. A. Nylandor, Portland. W. D. Marks, Spokane. II. B. Gest, San Francisco. H. J. Zimmerman, Portland. H. ,W. Smith, Portland. E. II. Burke. Portland. C. R, Baxter, Gnnd Forks. J. J. Clcland, Portland. T. G. Mortland, Seattle. William Neubauer, Portland. G. W. Hunt. Portland. O. S. Youngman, Portland. E. B. Coman, Portland. R. A. Wright, Spokane. M. H. Patton, Spokane. S. J. Hayes. Stnrbuck. W, R. McRoberts, Spokane. G. Toenjer, North Yakima. Mrs. J. II. Brnnman, Stimptcr. E. W. Baughman, Lowlston, P. R. Garretson, St. Paul. George W. Campbell, Minneapolis. W. A. Fuller, Spoknne. A Anderson, Spokane. John Bowman, Baker City. E. R. Kelly, San Francisco. J. W. Do Jarnett, Omaha. J. A. King, Woiser. Robert Kennedy, Portland. William Slaher, Portland. C. M. Smith, Portland. Hotel St. George. F. Welden, Portland. F. J. Gardner, Portland. T. D. Wooloy, Portland. . H. L. Cowan, Spokane. Charles E. Sprunkle, Chinook. R. Bernhardy, San Francisco. .Miss Georgia Wilson, Walla Walla, William P. Darch, Goldendale. C. A. Holden. Patterson. C. L. Downer, Spokane. George Harris, Portland. A. O. Tomloll, Seattle. A. Mackrodale, Portland. Harry McBrlde, Weston. C. H. Scott, New York. T. Christy, New York. George H. Carter, Lincoln, A. C. Gray, Tacomn. J. H. Clark, Portland. M. E. Skinner, Portland. Charles J. Goode, Seattle. W. E. Morris, Portland. J. J. Burns, Portland. S. P. Meslck. San Francisco. Thomas B. Kale, Chicago. I SHIRT WAIST SALE WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS AND THEY i ARE BEAUTIES. EVERY WAIST IS OF THE VERY LATEST TLYE AND THE ASSORTMENT 1 IS SO VARIED THAT ALL TASTES CAN BE SATISFIED. Silk Waists, all colors, prices from $3.50 up to $6.00. 0 White Lawn Waists from 75c to $2.75 S Tan Voile Waists, $1.75, $1.98 and $3.00. 2 Tan Layvn Waists, very fine and sheer material, $1.50. v Black Lawn Waists, 95c and $1.39. 1 Colored Waists, all styles and prices from $50c to $3.50. .. 7','V ' I See these Waists this week. To see them Is to buy them. SPECIALS Hotel Bickers. C. L. Wheeler, Gots. C. W. Genney, Helena. I. Share, San Francisco. W. Hnag, Spokane. Mrs. D. R. Hubbard, Boise. Miss Myrick, city. M. Hill. Newark. G. M. Herrmane. Otto Charles. Truman D. Koanee. Hairington Wheeler. G. W. Harris. Edward Case. J. Kdwards. '.Mrs. H. S. Palmer. Miss M. Saver. Miss S. Marr. Miss Helen Jewell. Gilbert Joyce, Spokane. A. C. Haley, city. A. D. Murphy, Spokane. Sam Lee, Spokane. W. M. .Marsh. Clara Matties. Mr. Lawrence and wife. Mr, Sawyer nnd wife. -Mr. Hllyard and wife. Mr. Howard and wife. C. Roberts. N. llrodle. Professor End. C. A. Cooper, Juniper, H. W. Smith, Portland. R. J. Ewlng. Walla Walla. 10 yards good Calico, all colors, 45c. 10 yards good Percale, double fold, 75c. 10 yards Zephyr Gingham, double fold, 85c. 10 yards Batiste summer wash goods, 65c. 10 yards dark Outing Flannel, 10c grade, 75c. THE FHIR i PLUMBING and SEWER WORK I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ES TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED T. C. TAYLOR "THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN ST. the audiences which have nightly I audience is not kept waiting to be greeted the players, have been well amused while the curtain Is down. pleased. Last night several good specialties ts u stock company the Clara ' were given, including Illustrated Matties Company is fa- abovo the songs by Emma Mnthes and occen- average, and Victorians will look trie dancing by James Ford. Vic Building Material Of all Description Sash, Doors & Windows Made to order. Building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters (or barns and dwellings a specialty, Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St, Opp. Court House CLARA MATHES COMPANY. INTERNATIONAL BILLIARDS. American and French Experts Play in Paris. New York. March 28. Friends of Wilson P. Foss, the A. A. U. billiard champion, are hopeful that in his contest with Rerolle, the Frtnch champion, which Is to begin In Paris tonight, he will meet with better success than did Sutton, the Amer ican professional who recently met defeat In the samo city at the hands Vlgnnnx, the French champion. The match between Foss and Ho- rollo, which Is for the world's cham plonshlp, at 18-inch balk-lino bll llards, Is strictly an amateur affair, Mr, Foss having offered to pay his own expenses and to glvo his share of the net receipts of the tourna ment to charity. Foss has won the A. U. championship three consec utive years, and those acquainted with his skill at the 14-lnch balk- line game rely upon him to lower colors of the French experts. Happy, Healthy Children. Any child can tako Little Early Risers with perfect safety. They nre harmless, never gripo or sicken, nnd yet thoy aro so certain In results that robust constitutions requiring drastic means are never disappoint ed. They cannot fall to perform tholr mission nnd everyone who uses Do Witt's Llttlo Early Itlsors prefer thorn to nil othor pills. They euro biliousness. Bold by Tollman & Co. - ,4 J tf Victoria Paper Speaks in Highest Terms of the Performances. The Clara Mathes Company com pleted their engagement last night, much to the regret of the many pa trons of the theater. The company has been In Victoria two weeks, nnd a number of excellent play3 have been ably presented and with correct costuming and good staging. forward to thoir return engagment announced for two months hence. i W V-'i torla, B. C, Colonist. HEALTHY PLANTS Require the Momt Careful Attention u Well aa Good Soli. Diu you ever see a rosebush which despite the most beneficent environment ' oi soil of sunshine and of atmosphere, -seemed never to achieve a healthy growth. A ton of manure will not help a plant that has a canker eating- out Its heart. You must destroy the cause before yotl can remove the effect. You cannot cure Dandruff and Bald ness by rubblnff on hair lotions, and rubbing In vaseline, etc. You must look to the cause of the trouble It'a a eerm nt the roots of your hair which causes It to fall out. Newbro's Iterplclde destroys the germ, and healthy hair Is the sure result. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In tamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit, Mich. F, W. Schmidt, special agent j Artists' Supplies j i ifyo i Pain with pleasure. Miss Mathes is an artist nnd with her good character izations of many widely different roles In which . she has appeared during the engagement here, she has won many friends. very pleasing feature of these performances has been the introduc tion of specialties of the very high est class between acts, and the t BICYCLE DOCTORS J. If your wheel is ailing consul t us. We tieat the worst wheel una r store them to health. Ou bicycle hospital at all Cour' Street is complete and equipped with the latest appliances. Gorden 8c Edmisten Woyele Doctorx All Kinds of Light Repairing 'ou are interested in Oil f ting see us. Our line is complete ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCHERS BRUSHES ARTISTS SABLES BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS We make a specialty of fram ing pictures. Newest stock of frames C. C. SHARP Opera House Block ; t i 121 Cigars Sold Every Minute 930 a For Sale 41,640 every hour, 1,000,000 every day. The largest selling brand of cigars in the world. You owe it to your self to find out why so many people smoke the Cremo. 5 cents invested in a Cremo will explain it. Sold in every store, in every town, in every State. The Band' is the Smoker's Protection. $3,000.008 room, 2 story, new bouse, and lot 50x100. $1,200.005 room, 1 story house. $1,700.008 Room, 2 story house. Bath tub and toilet, good cellar, -woodshed, pump and city water. Easy terms. $600.001 Vacant lot. Very desirable. $2,0007 room 2 story house 4 'rooms each 15x15, bath room, rock cellar 18x32, 2 lots. $250.00 1 vacant lot. Merchants Protective Agency Despatn Building, Room 43, Telephone Black 1161. FOR SALE Good, eight-roomed house in splen did condition. Eight lots, good barn nnd orchard. Good fence and no sldowalk. Water plpod all oW house nnd garden. Good well. Very dosirable proporty. Apply to OUS FONTAINE, nt French Restaur ant. Every stamp requirement supplied-