East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 25, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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1 H?o4
Tonight nnd Saturday, fnlr;
continued cold.
iw-7k'.i would do u
t.dr0L' day now and then.
(If 106
NO. 500B.
koL. 17-
loth Men Are uuimucm,
Hopeful and Boastful About
the Outcome.
arbett Was a Ten to Six Favorite
Early In the Day, But the Gong
Sounded With Bets Two to One In
His Favor Both Men Will Put Up
the Fight of Their Lives Immense
Eaitern Money on the Ground, and
All Reserved Seats Taken.
San Francisco, March 25. With
both men In shape, though a fow
I ounces over weight, nuio wont ro
Bilit for Corbett and Drltt hofore
ping into the ring tonight.
I Tie little ngiuers wore up eariy
tills morning, both anxious to tako
idwnUge of every minute possible
I to work themselves Into better con
ditloo, If that Is possible.
After a breakfast which was a
Iiesrtj' one, Corbott loaded clown
tilh sweaters and blankets and hit
lite road for 10 minutes. Montally
lud physically, his condition could
Itot be better, and he Is warranted
la uiig the fightor's stereotyped
I morion, "Never In better shape
ftriett's chief worry sooms to bo
Ittefeir that he will go Into tho ring-
Is too heavy favorite. Ho thinks
i odds are fates, and that-- even
IBoney will be about right. Ho Is a
10 to 6 favorito and betting men
predict the odds will bo two to one
before the men get together.
ontt goes Into tho ring tonight
prepared to nut un tho fight of his
lilfe, and la down to woight. All 1i!b
Inira work is over and from now un
til the hour of the flcht ho will take
I only sufficient exercUo to keop from
growing stiff.
All In Readiness.
c. r . .. . i . . i . ... .
ku rmuuiscu, marcu 0. All IS
m readiness for tonight's .great bat-
vwiuuu uuu uriLi. uuui
IZcu tt:u Deiow 13 tins morning.
IL I lnduleed in only tmfflcient
-..i v. lu KUt;P mem wimin
weight. Both did a llttlo road work.
And Mva AM. -ii it. ,
i . wwb uuenuon 10 junuer-
I inir (in fltllnte I- n .
! -r wkBUW m U10 gymnasium.
innfliar l?'Buperb form and their
mlnlshcd. U "l 10 wm 18 UnU1-
unloaded thia ..... ..... .... ...
it i , mui inucii iu
d,mn,n,0t.place(l' as th Drltt men
demanded two for one: Some small
S2l ' .at I)rlce wero maa- A
majority of tho wagers mado wore
a wVl" 20 10 Indications
are that Corbett will )0 a flat two
to one favorito when tho gong
cM?int, Uho 8lde- T1' ec 8a'
Ihoiua .. .', Jn mo
Wha .rll, ? " "ay.
imnK oi Themselves.
11)0 fnllnn,l ....
Corbeft m flg ltera tIl!a afternnon:
beKL w' 8" Into tho rtntfin
I San Vym.T" "lan ovor oro
I tie woirt. - 1 uavo "ullt UP tor
SSertta'' fm at W strongest and
I5tt Vto wlth a knockout."
tor bat tin it felt moro flt
I weight all.?k .IIav? "ached tho
IatmTrfk. ",lU0t Iniparng my
pwwo add a decisive victory to my
chief trainer, an-
Iwelghod ,58VUorno?n th0 champion
B0CQ 28Vi pounds this morning.
rtki. Chicago Grain.
Imoi ,25.-May wheat
87 chlJi m., 88 now onon-
MolCM" U"er Collide.
11 Amiw011 25-ThB Prassl
B"tlnIo line? ,U0', and tho "orio
Am.H..."Der SoUcrlno. collldnrt .-o
Montana Storms.
...... - "-
w? the ',.?mtano throU8h-
ino..iu. v.8ao- Land and
I A Bwi hJSK many tra,ns-
train "....?rth8rn nasam...
m wjiuaed wit),
I viujy nrt ik " ouow
: cre were ?n,f V10 trnln
'e drifiil '"lurod. Cattle
tari1 tln heforo tho b z:
I. e4 l&Jear8 W "aw Mpoc
Senate Committee Restores Provision
to Increase Its Capacity.
Washington, March 25. On motion
ot Senator Mitchell, tho senate has
restored to tho Indian appropriation
bill tho1 provision for COO pupils at
tho Chomawa Indian school, an in
crcaso of 60 over Its present capaci
ty. Senator Mitchell's amendment ap
propriatlng $537,007 to carry out the
torms of tho Klamath treaty has
also been agreed to, as has an
amendment concerning tho tltIo of
the state of Oregon to lands ceded
In lieu of school sections in tho dis
puted area '6f the Klamath reserva
tion, that wero relinquished by tho
stato some years ago.
San Domingo Rebel Who Fired on
'American Gunboat.
San Domingo, March 25. General
Arias, who gavo the firing order to
tho Insurgents that caused ho death
of Engineer Johnson of the Amorlcnn
gunboat Yankee, was captured, and
shot by government troops.
Northern Minnesota Teachers.
St. Cloud, Minn., March, 25.
Scores of educators assembled at
the Normal school hero today at the
opening of tho annual convention' of
tho Northern Minnesota Teachers'
Association. Tho convention will
bo In session two days. In addition
to tho usual discussion of school
tanlcs thero will bo addresses by
noted educators of St. Paul, Minne
apolis and other cities.
'MORTGAGE FOR $5,000,000
Proposed Electric Road Will Run
From Baker City Southeast to
Burns, a Distance of 84 Miles, With
Numerous Branches Funds Will
Be Available April 1. Road Will
Open to Transportation 10,000.000
Acres of Land. I
Baker City. March 25. The big
cest mortgage ever filed In Baker
cntintv was nreseuted to County Ito
corder Robort Henry nt the court
houso yestorduy for engrossment on
tho official rponnii.
Tlin mortcairi! Is ulvon by tho Ba
kor City-Oregon Wonder Electric
Ilnllwav nnd Imnrovemont Company
by its prosldont, James W. Bonto,
nrwl Ha nnorntnrv. W. f5. DrOWlQV. to
tho North American Trust Company
of Now York, ror ?&,uuu,uuu.
Tim ilnmimont secures tho nay
r.p 5 nnn iinn worth of first
mortgage bonds, bearing date Sei-
temlier 1, 1U03, payauio in iu years,
bearing Interest at tho rate of six
tho first- inter
est payment being on the first day
ot March, 1U04.
Tim limit la urn Issued in a series
ot $1,000 each, and have been under
written hv tho above named trust
Tho mortgago covers the vaBt mln
oral estate owned by Major .J. V
nmiin nnii ii PennBvl vnnia associ
ntau in Hriint nni) .Italier county, and
Is given to secure tho payment of
money for tho construction 'of ,tho
Bakor City-Oregon Wonder ' Electric
Hallway from Bauer to rrairjo uuy,
a dlstanco of approximately jh inner
Atm-rtln. In tlin tnriTIR flf tllH COU
tract, tho funds for tho construction
of tho Bonta road will ue nvauaDio
by April 1, and work wJU begin on
tho grado ut that timo. The Bonta
road Is Intended to bo tho main ar-
Idn, nf -a oVatntn llf branches and
snurs." rnmlfvlne through southeast
ern Oregon from Bakor City to the
Nevada line, and will open to .trans-
portatlon facilities ovor 10,000,000
acres of timber and agricultural
English Town Furnishes the Latest
Uncanny Sensation.
London, Marcu 25. Tho police af
Lnonsalriso this morning found a
tn.w in n knnviinff limine contain
ing tho bodies of a woman-nnd child
who disappeared two months ago.
Thn rnmnlnn worn covered with SCV-
oranl Inches of comont.
A lodger named Crossman is. sus
pected of tho murderers. When ar
faa .nn niim.-.iA,i tim man dashed
V. .! I, WIIU ttltUllll'Vl...
into tho streets, whore ho was pur
sued by a crowds Seolng escape Im
possible, Crossman drow a razor and
rllt lite llirnnl nnd lllllll nt tllO lOOt
of tho officers. Tho nollco are dig
ging In tho gnrdon oi iuh huubu u
tho belief that other bodies aro
rimit.iin rin.i nnnr Stockton.
.uuimu lOHMlU,
Cal., has boon protected with a com-
.. i . . . ml.ni. lirnLA
luoio rim or lovoes. x"w
during tho rocent flood and the
Island, ono of tho most valuable
farming nrnnnrtlos In that BttttO, IB
Vicious and Un-American
Press Censorship by the
Military at Telluride.
Women and Helpless Babes Deport,
ed In a Blizzard and Suffer From
Hunger and Cold Are Cared for
by the Federation of Miners Op
eration Will Be Repeated With
Other Victims Citizens' Alliance
Moving to Prevent Their Return.
Trinidad, Col., March 25. Miners
of district 15, after securing permls'
sion from Malor Hill, met In sneclal
convention today. Hill stipulates ;
that no Inflammatory speeches bo
made. The sentiment now is that
tho fight be continued for the oriel.
nal demands.
No troublo hero or at Telluride.
Injunction against tho Citizens' Alli-'ese
anco interfering with the return of
deported miners is not yet
put in
force by the sheriff.
Press Censorship.
Denver, March 25. Captain Wells,
of troop A, has established a press
censorship at Telluride, not equalled
by Ilussla or Japan.
Evictions and Suffering.
Ten strikers with their families
wero Thursday, It Is learned by mall
ordered from their homes during a
howling blizzard, marched to tho
depot, placed on cars and ordered
never to return. The exiles, some
with small babies, reached Itldgoway
almost frozen to death. Tho desti
tutes wero taken care of by the
Western Federation of Miners
It Is understood Wells will today
repeat tho performance. The cap-
tain is charged in an injunction Buit
t ...... I .... , .kn n-nlltictrln fill.
brought against tho Tellurldo Citi
zens' Alliance, with being tho ring
leader of a mob which drove out 25
unionists from the town.
Deported Miners Return.
Ouray, Col., March 25. Eleven de
iwrted unionists from Tellurldo re
turned to that city at noon by train
on advico of Prosldont Moyer. of the
Western Federation of Miners. As
soon as they arrived they wore "bull
penned" by tho military. Habeas
corpus proceedings will bo Institut
Terrorizing People of Coos County
Is an Unkempt Giant.
Rosoburg, Or., March 25. A wild
man Is reported at largo in tho
mountains- pt Coos county, described
as seven feet tall, muscular and un
kempt. Ho has zcen terrorizing
ranchers and miners until today they
aro discussing an organized hunt.
Ho has been shot at twice without
effect. He Is believed to bo an In
sane prospector of gigantic stature.
His Life
Had Been
Many Times.
25. Jack
Rvnrn.tt. Wash.. March
i ni.roB. ft saloonkeener at Bryan, ,
Wimh.. whose life has been threaten-1
times, was shot through
tho heart and Instantly killed last'Btantly Increasing her strength In tho
nleht by unknown persons while
lnfUimr nn his saloon. His was the
only saloon in town, and his license
wim irrnnted n short timo ago in spltfi 1
of a protest signed by every citizen,
More Direct Pay, But Curtailment of
Business on the blue. .
Wnsh neton. March 25. Tho post-'
' T'iii Kill nmaH lt
oiiico uiipiupwuiiu" u". ,"r :
tins anernoon. iuo uem
salaries of rural freo delivery car
rlors to i20 per annum and taking
from them express ana news ubbui
privileges was retalnod after a sharp
Pendleton, March 25. (To tho Edi
tor.) Within a short timo tho cm-
zons of Pondloton will bo asked to
voto on a bonded indobtodneas of
JOO.OOO for school grounds and build-
'""Tho school board has hold meet
ings and a mass mooting of tho citi
zens almost unanimously expressed
thomsolves in favor of supporting
this proposition.
r nm nynrnsalllir tho sentiment Of
sovornl cltlzons whon I say that un
loss tho school board makes somo
,000 JAPS IN
Their Invasion of Korea and
Preparation for War is on a
Gigantic Scale.
Skirmishing Has Begun St. Peters
burg Has an Idea That America
'Seeks Rapproachment In Order to
Get New Territory to Colonize
Japanese in Trans-Siberian Terri
tory Are Unsafe Russian
Will Remain at Pareus.
Itomo, March 25.
cgram states that
-A Choo Foo tel
8,000 Japanese
landed at Chlnnampho March
making a total of 98,000 Jnpaneso
on Korean soil.
Skirmishing Has Begun.
. , . . .
. London. "archJ. 25T, ,
News Pine ianc dispatch to japan-
intelligence department shows
that 4,500 Cossacks havo crossed the
Ynlu from Antung during the last
five days. Thrco thousand Russians
hold Anlu, and thousands ore at varl
ous strategic points on tho Korean
bank of tho Yalu
Five hundred Russian infantry aro
occupying Chunju.
Tho Russians have reverted to
holding tho north bank and tho Jnp
nnesn thn south bank of tho Anju
river, where tho latter have thrown ,
un entrenchments. Tho nosiiio
forces are thus face to face. Dcsul
torv shots have already been ex
changed, with a few casualties.
Publishing Negotiations,
London. March 25. A Central
jNows Toklo correspondent says that
dIiimi tho nnrllnmonf arv tinners have
b en tBBUeQ cvnc negotiations with
UussIa ,)recedlng the outbreak, tho
KOVernmCnt has been tho recipient
. .... . .. . .
of congratulations tor lis careiui
manner of conducting tho negotla
tlons. There Is general amazemen
at tho moderation of tho Japanese
Some Russian Vagaries.
St. Petersburg, March 25. Tho No
voe Vromya today quotes a statement
of tho Ixindon Post that RusHia
wants to regain tho sympathy o
America, who wIhIics to settle RuS'
sla. Tho paper says: "Alas, thero Is
no room to nut them.
Tho governor of Tomsk provlnco
has ordered all Japanese to keop in
sldo their houses and to remove the
signs from their shops, as ho cannot
guarantee protection.
General Altavotcrj, Inspector or
dinary of tho Russian army has been
banished to a remote military post
lu tho Caucasus becauso he inform
od the czar the now quick llrors
should bo ready li thrco months,
when they cannot bo bnd for a year
Vote of Thanks to Togo.
Toklo, March 25. Tho Japanese
house today, amid rousing cheers by
tho mombers, passed a voto of
thanks to Toco and his oQlccrH for
their services to tho country. Tho
minister of marine, Yamamamoto,
mado an enthusiastic speech, saying
It was no new thing to bo prepared
for emergencies In tlmo of peace. It
was manifest that Russia was con
Far East, and had Japan not pur-
chased the Argentine cruisers her na
val strength would havo been below
Russia's. While ho hoped for a
speedy termination of tho war, ho
Denial Made.
ni.i n v. nr a intni i i
ivniu. iuaibu u. n. uuumi 10 o-
,, ,', . .... ,
" vi mu iciiuii. wai uig iciukuud
or Russia and China aro strained
Troops Arriving.
St. Petersburg. March 25. A No
voe Vremya dispatch from Vladivo-
own. Dmwa iuui luu iiuuJB uiu m1
definite proposition as to where those
buildings are going to bo erected,
the cost of tho grounds and tho cost
qf tho buildings, thero is likely to
result anothor unfortunate wait, in
this great nocosslty to Pendleton.
The citizen is expected to voto on
this dobt, and It is no moro than his
right to know whero this amount of
monoy is going to bo expended and
Lot us havo a doflnlto statement
from tho school board 'so as to avoid
any unfortunate roault in the elec
tion. W. Q. COLE. I
riving In magnificent form nnd high
est spirits.
Admiral Wlrenius' squadron, now
In tho Mediterranean, has been or
dered to remain at Prions, Orceco,
until further instructions. It In
coaling from Russian colliers.
Secret Agent Hiring Engineers Pre
sumably for San Francisco.
Portland, Mnrch 25. It Is believed
that an agent of tho Steam Schooner
Owners' Association of San Francis
co is registered nt a water-front ho
tel ns E. H. Wejman of Spokane,
and is hiring compctunt steam engi
neers with deep-sen licenses.
Tho union engineers of tho city
declares that ho Is attempting to
break up tho California strlko by en
gaging men In Portland. Ocean en
gineers are not engaged by Spokano
people, and little faith Is placed In
Mr. Wejmnn's emphatic denial that
ho has anything to do with tho San
Francisco situation.
Hereros Defeated.
Berlin, Mnrch 25. Gorman troops
havo defeated tho rebel Hereros nt
Omatakoberg. Two Oermnns wero
killed, three wounded and 10 Hororos
killed. Tho Germans nlso captured
Omunbu and sovernl thousand cnttlo
plundered from tho colonists.
La Grande School Enumeration.
11 Grande, March 25. Tho school
census of this district has Just boon
eomploted, thero being 1,320 child
ren of school ago In this city, n gain
of but 75 over last year.
Counsel for Defense Seeks Refuge In
Innuendoes and Insinuations, and
is Called Down by the Court Wit
ness Gives the Attorney a Hot
Tongue Lashing for His Insolence,
San Francisco, March 25. Tho
Botkln trial was marked this morn
lug by a sensational verbal encoun
tor between Attornoy Knight for tho
defense, nnd Mrs. Graco Tuchler, ono
of tho chief witnesses for tho proso,
Knight asked her n number of
questions concerning her llfo before
her marrlngo. Willi tears in hor
oyos sho vigorously denounced
Knight's questioning as cowardly,
ungcntlemanly and insulting. Tho
court rebuked Knight nnd refused to
permit him to continue to pry Into
tho witness' nrlvato llfo.
Mrs. Tuchler, ns Graco HarrlH,
wns a clerk In a dry gooda Btoro,
where Mrs. Botkln Is alleged to have
purchased two handkerchiefs, ono
which sho sent In tho candy box
Dover. Mrs. Tuchler Identllied tho
accused ns thu woman to whom she
sold the handkerchiefs,
J. O. Bloucber Is Still In a Very Crlt
leal Condition.
J. O. Modeller, who lost his arm
under a train ut Thorn Hollow, and
Is now at tho hospital, Is still In a
very critical condition, but litis
chance for his life. Ho was nlilo to
eat a llttlo this morning, and It Is
thought by tho physicians that ho
will recover If ha Is able to live
through tho next thrco or four days.
Arrangements Making for Disposal of
Wade Effecto.
Tho referee in bankruptcy has
sent to Portland to the court lu bank
ruptcy asking for permission lo soil
tho property or tlio estate of C. II
Wado, as tho report of tho apprals
crs has been filed according to tho
instructions of tho court.
When tills permission has been
granted tho notices of salo will be
seut out to tho creditors and on tho
day sot, which will bo lnsldo of a
couple of weeks, the personal prop.
erry of tlio estato will bo sold at uuc
tlou to the higher bidder.
Washington Exhibit Consisting
600 Specimens Leave Tacoma
Walla Walla, March 25. Today
the exhibit of fru.t and vegetables
which will roprcsont tho stato of
Washington at tho Louisiana Pur
chase Exposition, is being shipped
from Tacoma, whero tho commission
has had it gathered and packod. Tho
display consists of an immonse lot ot
varlod products or the umereni
parts of tho state.
Tho horticultural oxiuuu consists
of ovor COO preserved specimens of
fruits carefully packed and hand
somely displayed. The state exhibit
filled a largo freight car, wnicu win
be sont to St. Louis on fust time.
Tho moro you say tho loss nooplo
A Storm of Cyclonic Severity
Raged From St. Louis to
Chicago Last Night,
Several Persons Are Killed and
Many Injured Hotels and Busi
ness Houses Unroofed, Wrecked
and Collapsed Telegraph and
Telephone Lines Down and Both
Cities Cut Off From Outside World
for Twelve Hours.
Chicago, March 25. Ono dead nnd
15 Injured is tho known list of casu
alties resulting from tho terrific tor
nado which swopt tliu suburbs of
Evnnston lo Indiana Harbor last
night, causing a property loss ot
$500,000. Tho lattor town boro tho
brunt. Housoh wero unroofed and
buildings blown down.
Ixiuls Barker was killed, nnd a
number Injured In thn collapso of a
two-story building in East Chicago.
Hammond, Thornton, Dauphin
Pnrk and other towns Buffered bo
vcrely. Telegraph nnd telephone wires
were prostrated and Chicago was
practically Isolated tor 12, hours.
Two Fatally Injured.
St. Louis, March 25. Half million
damage was dono nnd two persons
wero fatally Injured in Inst night's
storm In Altn suburb.
Tho Pittsburg Reduction Compa
ny's building wnsf blown down. Sov
ernl buildings of tho St. Louis Fire
works Compnny weru destroyod. Din
ser's hotel nnd n number of resi
dences wero demolished nnd a panic
was created,
Discredited Scheme Resurrected
an Old Guise.
Now York. March 25. With tho
dlHHolutlou ot tho Northern Securi
ties Company, Wostern railroad mog
mitt's lire belloved to havo rosur
rijcted tho community ot Interest
plan. II provides for nn lnlerchango
of directors nnd by this means prac
tically tho sninu relations will ob
tain ns when tho securities was In
Tremendous buying of Union Pa
cific Is recently said to havo been
made by n magnnto heavily interest
ed lu tho Great Northern, who has
ofheon elected a director of tho
to i I'aclflc.
Walter Pierce Receives News of the
Overflow of Bouldin Island, 30
Miles Below His Property In Cali
fornia. Waller Plurco has received nows
that Bouldin Island, n rich tract ot
laud consisting of CO.000 acres In
Sacramento rlvor, California, has
been laid waste by floods. The
Island wns Inclosed by u high loveo
on all sides, and tho entire area has
been practically destroyod by tho ro
cent high water.
It had been reclaimed from a
marsh by building lovees around it
and was ono of tho most fortllo
spots In tho stnto or California. It
contained 1,800 ncros of asparugus
beds, tho rlchfst and most produc
tive asparagus gardons in tho world,
which Is n total loss.
This Island Ilea 30 mllos below
Victoria Islund, which Is owned uy
Mr. Plorco and his brother, and
whirii has not been threatened with
dangerous high wuter yet this aoa
son. Tho water at Victoria Island
has boon but three feot higher man
high tldo and no fears aro ontertaln
cd for Its safety.
Government Engineers.
ii m. Hnvnirii nnd A. P. Davis,
i..v. i Wnnlilnirtnii. D. C Ulld GOO.
G. Wlsnor, of Detroit, aro roglstorod
at tho Hotel Pendleton. Tho gontlo
mnn ro civil engineers and havo
como hero to work with J. T. Whist
lor this summer on the irrigation
Lightning Caused Fire.
Kansas City, Mo., March
25. Fire this morning did
$130,000 damage to tho Joues
dry goods department storo.
A Btroko of lightning down a
ventilator shaft was tho
cause. A. M. Morrill, a clerk,
was struck In the forehead by
a brass nozzle which flow oft
a hoso which was in use, and
was instantly killed,
eomplotojy submorged,