PAGES- DAILY EAST OREGONIANj PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1904. PAGE FIVE. EIGHT t i I 1 t Lace Curtains and Bed Spreads This week we will make a special showing of lace curtains and bed spreads In many handsome designs, and at prices way below their regular value. uce 'curtains, 3 yards long, $1.00 per pair. Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, better quality, $1.50 per pair. L,ce Curtains, 32 yards long, pretty designs, $2.00 per pair. Lace Curtains, 32 yards long, very wide, $2.50 per pair. Our $3-00. 3-50' 4,00, 5'00 and 6,00 5urla,n-' are remarkable values. Bed Spreads, 50c, 75c, $1.0(5, $1.25 to $5.00 each. See window. SEE WINDOW j PEBSOHflL MEHTIOH. LEE TEUTSCH'S BIG STORE, COR. MAIN AND ALTA City Brevities , It was true -yesterday, It Is true today, It will bo true to- morrow, that a classified ad In the right medium will "do tho business." ' J1.25 hats at the Boston. U c Rader. Get Sunny. Fresh fruit dally at Martin's. Weinhard's beer at The Mint. New neckwear. Baer & Daley. Get a "top coat." The Boston. Closing out dry Roods. The Bos ton. Douglas and Hanan ' shoes. The Boston. New crush leather belts, the latest, it Alexander Department Store. Several loads of cinders for the titling, at the Domestic Laundry. See wlu.t 19c will buy at tho great uk. Alexander Department Store. SI hats, correct shapes, broken sizes, regular S3 and $3X0; to close, 12.00. At Teutsch's. Whether you live to eat or eat to live your cook should bavo good fuul. Only the best sold by McAdams. Dry wood, Kemmerer coal, good measure, fair weight, reasonable prices, prompt delivery. McAdams, 'phone Main 1211. For Rent Suite of rooms In East Oregonlan bulldlnc. Steam heated. Hot and cold water and bath room on same floor, Call at KaBt Oregonlan office. Fresh garden, field and flower seeds In bulk and packages. All this season's stock and sure to pro duce. Our seeds are suitable to this climate. C. Rourman, Court street. New neckwear received at tho peoples Warehouse today for men. Among them are Midgets, Barlthcas, Ascots, Four ln-Hands, Clubs and all m the very newest SILKS. It goes without saying that you will be wel come to look at them whether you wish to buy or not. FREE FREE Jut for k. oiv, R,nB we will fi. ' lne eolrect t me. Our i 2ta Z "," ""Port- Our (In. t. ... and on. ,ne """ect time :"d 0Ur Pflc on tlm-Mcn. "fe correct. su. i. Up on th. , I. Dr ca" u " J teP!l . h.e nd we will 2 - -it aoout them. tk ziker : . llkePf?8tesstve Jeweler 2 726 Main street Get Sunny. TJ C' Rader. Pure Welnnard's beer at The Mint. New line men's sweaters. The Boston. McAdams for fuel, successor to Collier. Dine at the St. George. Everything nrst-ciass. McAdams for dry wood. 'Phone Main 1211. Great bargains in shoos at Alexan der Department Store. Have you rend "The Yoke," by Miller? The lateBt book. Nolf's. Ladies nttuntion. Kid glove sale at Alexander Department Store. Smokers get satisfaction at How. lrd's, formerly Itees' ciga. Btore. For Rent Light housekeeping rooms, apply G12 Thompson street. The Sahlln corset, pompadour bangs and hair goods at Mrs. Camp- pell's. The greatest Bboe bargains ever offered at Alexander Department Store. Ladles, attend the 19c bargain sale this week. Alexauder Department Store. Suite of rooms, with or without board, suitable for two. Inquire at this office. Get your clothes cleaned and pressed at Joerger's, 120 West Court street. 19c buys the Pony Stockings for boys and girls. Alexander Depart ment Store. Teutsch Is offering 97 hats, broken lines, regular ?3 and $3.50 values, to close at $2.00. Fifty cases sweet navel oranges, while they last, three dozen for 50c. F. S. Younger & Son. A fine high grade piano lor sale cheap; must be for cash. Address 113 care Ea- Oregonlan. Wanted To buy 1C head of choice dairy cows. See or address S. M. Richardson, Pendleton, Ore. Men'i hats cleaned and blocked; clothes cleaned and pressed. J. J. Comegys' 222 East Court street. Three for 5c, 2 dozen for 3Gc, 3 dozen for 50c. Fifty cases sweet na vel oranges at F. S. Younger & Son's. If you want a now Tie and a swell one, too, call at the Peoples Ware house nnd look at tho buuch they re ceived by express today. Wanted To rent part or whole of furnished house. Will consider un furnished house also. Address John T. Whistler, Hotel Pendleton. Wanted Cattle to take with our herd to pasture in the mountains. Tirins vory reasonable. Call on or address Maple Bros., Court street. NEW BUILDING COMMENCED. Rev. W. S. Holt loft last evening for a brief visit to La Grande. K. J. Taylor of tho Frazcr, return ed this evening from a visit to Walla Walla. Miss Llala Kelly, ot North Yakima, was the guest of friends In the city yesterday. H. Connell, roadmaster of the Um atilla division of the O. R. & N., Is a visitor loaay. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Parr visited with friends in tho city yesterday from their farm on tho reservation. E. A. Kllppel, superintendent of telegraph for the O. R. & N.. Is In tho city today on a tour of inspec tion. A. Kuppe, the prominent farmer living northwest of tho city, is here today on business. Spring work Is progressing nicely in his locality. A. B. Galloway, tho popular and enterprising representative of tho Blake-McFaull Paper Company, of Portland, is in tho city from his home at Walla Walla. T. W. .Holding, Pacific Coast SU' perinteudent of the Western Union, with headquarters at Seattle, is In tho city Inspecting the offices nnd looking over the field. P. Grant, formerly division road master of tne 1ji Grande division of the O. R. & N., who recently resigned his position to engage in business in that city, is In Pendleton today on business. Will M. Peterson, the lawyer, of Athena, was a visitor in the city yes terday, having come to attend the meeting of the democratic county central committee, of which he is a member. "Thomas Murry Spencer, agent for El Palencla cigars, with headquar ters In Portlnnd, Is in the city. Mr. Spencer Is the "drummer poet," and is the author of the verses on Leslie Matlock's ride at Heppner. Frank Robinson, formerly proprie tor of the Canty amusement parlors at the corner of Webb and Main streets, now a resident of Welser, left for his home this evening, after a short visit In the city. OLD-FASHIONED HUSKIN' BEE. At the Opera House, Under the Di rection of Miss Thompson. The ladies of the women's clubs are contemplating the production of an old-fashioned buskin' bee, which will be given at the opera house in the near future. The first rehearsal was held at the home of Mrs. C. J. Smith last even ing under the direction of Miss Clara Louise Thompson, who has the man agement of the entertainment, and who will train the characters In their specialties. Miss Thompson hns given the play in La Grande, Baker City, and The Dalles, and at each place it was counted to be a great success. The club ladies will devote the proceeds from the play to the Saca Jawea monument fuud. There will be about 70 people in the cast, and it iu nvnnnted to be the success of the c.ncnn ivhpn it Is uroduced, being a medley of fun from first to last. ECONOMY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY LADIES' KID GLOVES The quality everywhere else sold for $1, will sell this FRIDAY and SATUR. DAY per pair, 49c. BOYS' GOLF CAPS Just arrived, 25 dozen boys' caps, the kind some stores sell for 50c, will go at 25c. boys' ironccad stockings No better 25c hose on earth for a boy, will sell this FRIDAY and SAT. URDAY at 17c per pair, 3 pairs for 50c. MEN'S PANTS The balance of a lot offered once before 47 pair, reg ularly sold from $1.50 to $2.50 per pair, for this FRIDAY and SATUR DAY, per pair $1.00. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Sliver collars, regular 2 for 25c, for Friday and Saturday, 4 for 25c. The fol lowing styles: Vacation, Bacon, Re gal, Kipling. Windsor, Tophet, Wei ion, Powell, Tropic, Nordeck, Sedg wick, Rubicon, Chadwlck, Flexlfold, Lancaster, Express and Humbert. Each customer limited to eight collars. FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY One entire lot of men's colored shirts, all stiff bosoms, regularly sell for 75c and $1.00, price, 35c each. FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY Ladles' tailor-made suits, In the very newest styles, 20 per cent discount, for Friday and Saturday. You will save $3.00 on a $15.00 suit, $4.00 on a $20.00 suit, and $5.00 on a $25.00 suit. The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE SEVERAL DRUNKS. Seven Unfortunates Are Detained In the City Jail. Upon complaint of her husband, Mrs. D. Mumford, together with Mrs. N. W. McDevltt, wero arrested this afternoon by Marshal Carney and locked In tho city jail on a charge of drunkenness. The marshal found the women on tho floor at the Mum ford home on Webb and Aita streets in a drunken stupor, and brought them to the jail In n cnb. They will be arraigned before the city court when they are sobered up a little, and will be given their trial. Three Indians and a couple of white hoboes were also arrested on the same charge this morning, so that the city quarantine station is now nearly full with a variegated assortment. 1 to En Route Eastward. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Relly, of Hal- lav Tiiniui u-nre in the city for a short time yesterday while on their way east for an extended visit in the principal cities. Mr. ueny is u inum inent politician and public man of Idaho. Returned From Portland. Dr. C. J. Smith has returned from Portland, where he went a lew aays ago to attend the sessions of tho state board of health and the con vention .of the state and county health officers. Excavating Begun on First Lot North of Bowman uuuaing. Workmen started tho excavation for the basement of the new Mat lock lmlldine on Main street next north of the Bowman building, this morning, and the work or uunaing will he, hastened as fast as posible, as the persons who have rented the lower floors are anxious to move in to their new quarters. Rice. Lansing. Miss Alice Rice nnd Frank Lans ing wore marriod this afternoon at tii offlon of Justice of the Peace Thomas Fltz Gerald, who performed the ceremony. Of the public school teachors in the United States 27 per cent are men. Grandma's Remedy lo "rew'1"8 Tn,C nd Bl0d Purlfier 18 Sassafras Bark Tea. She tlons, COrnmends U for chronic rheumatism and cutaneous erup- furnIsh you with a very .elect SASSAFRAS BARK. """rter-pound packa(le. 25c pound. KOEPPENs The Popolar Pr t UKUU aiwc A. CSKOEPPEN &. BROTHERS ----- DOCTORED THE WATER. Interesting Story of La Grande's City Water Supply. Tim UnrnlnET of the otllce and rec ords of the city water superintend ent at La Grande on Monday night, recalls an interesting story connect ed with the city water supply of the beet town. La Grande draws its water supply from the Grande Ronde river, one mile above town, and an agitation was started a year ago to enter into a contract with a private company to buy the city water from a new storage reservoir above town, and discard the river water. About the time this agitation was at Its height, the city water from the river came almost unbearable and undrlnkable, because of some sick ening stench suddenly appearing. The stuff smelled like a Chinese stink pot or something equally as, bad and the residents pourod In in dignant complaints from all sides. An Investigation of the source of .the water was ordered and the water commission dragged the river and turned over every stone and log look ing for the causo of the odor. The O. R. & N. water supply, which was pumped out of the river 100 yards above the headgate of the city supply, was sweet and refreshing, and not a trace of tho foul smoll in tho city supply was found In it. Peo ple began to wonder how the river could take on such an unbearable odor In such a short distance, nnd tho Investigation assumed a heated stage. .. , About this tlmo the city water bo camo fresh and clean again, although notlting was found by tho commis sion, and It wbb then thought that It was n part of tho persuasion brought to boar to close the deal for water from tho prlvato company. Tho industrial trades building ot tho boys' reform school at lone, Cnl., was destroyed by fire. Loss. $30,000. Law Books for Sale. North W. Reporter, volumes CG Inclusive. North B. Reporter, with Digest, volume 1C. Federal Reporter, volumes 1 to 34. West Coast Reporter, volumo 9. U. S. Reports, volumes 1 to 158 In clusive; In 39, Digests, 3. American and Kngllsh Encyclopae dia of law 29. Oregon Session laws, volumes 14. Miscellaneous works, volumes, 260. Will bo sold at a very low price. MRS. MINNIE DI3 PEATT. Address, Athena, Ore. Rare Beauties in Millinery The exquisite new designs we are showing In this season's most fashionable millinery win the admiration of all the ladles. Our magnificent showing affords, exceptional opportunities for each lady to select a hat suited to her Individuality. All ladles are cordially Invited to call and examine the newest creations, which will be found In our display. CARRIER MILLINERY THE HOME OF THE STYLISH HAT. PLEASES THE TASTE Ask for GOLD LEAF Brand The Enterprising Drummer. Shopkeeper (whose patience Is completely exhausted) Snippers, call tho porter to kick this fellow out. Importune Commercial Traveler (undaunted) Now, while we're wait ing for the porter I'll show you un entirely new line best thing you ever laid eyes on, Glasgow Evening Times. THEY ARE THE BE8T ONCE USED ALWAYS USED The per capita wealth of England Is $210; that of Canada, $240. Costa Rico Coffco In ono pound packages. Java and Mocha Coffco In ono ound packages, For sale by all up-to dato grocers Spices, Teas, Extracts and Baking Powder, PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE COMPANY Portland, Oregon. Schilling's Rest mustard is pure, if anyone wants it ; make your own compound. Schilling's Best mustard compound is ready for use it passes for pure in use and is more convenient. THE DOUGLAS $3.50 SHOE Good Tools, Lighter Labor YOU WILL HAVE GOOD TOOL8 IF YOU GET THEM OF U8. GARDEN TOOLS, CARPENTER TO.OL8, BUILDING TOOLS, BUILDING HARDWARE, POULRTY NETTING AND FIELD FENCING, GOODM AN THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Successors to Thompson Hardware Co. Best for the Money The Boston WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD ROOF One that won't leak. One that will bo nro-proof. One that baa proven to be satisfactory under tho most exacting conditions. Ono that will last. When you are after that kind of a roof, you'll Bottle down o ELATERITE ROOFING. It costs no more than cheap, wortblosa paper or any other unsatisfactory class of roofing material, but It'a worth more. !et us quote prices. The Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester Block, Portland, Oregon Reliable Plumbing Is always tho cheapest, It wears bolter and causes less trouble. When you send for a doctor you always get tho best. Now uso tho same good Judgment in selecting a plumber. Our work in tbo past Is a guarantee. BECK, THE RELIABLE PLUMBER Court Street, opposite Hotel Bickers. LEGAL BLANKS gonian for a free cat alogae of them. A fall supply always kept In stock.