PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1904. EIGHT PAGES.I FIFTY CENTS A MONTH A small bottle of Scott's Emulsion costing fifty cents will last a baby a month a Jew drops in its bottle each time it is fed. That's a small outlay for so large a return of health and comfort Babies that are given Scott's Emulsion quickly re spond to its helpful action. It seems to contain just the elements of nourishment a baby needs moat. Ordinary food frequently lacks this nourishment;Scott's Emulsion always .-upplies it. EOT OF ATHENA HOTEL ARRIVALS. CHILD BURNED TO DEATH OVER ON THE COLUMBIA. Mrs. Worthlngton Receives Her) Brother's Life Insurance Tumor Removed From Neck Mrs. Henry Received Present of a Pin Otis Beck Has Gone to Spokane Pur chaser of Purdy Place Has Arrived Driving Cattle to Mountain Pas ture. V.Vtl tn4 jw a auapte ffte vpoa rtqaesL SCOTT i- BOWSE 409 I'Mt! SireH. Ntw Yeri. GENERAL NEWS. General Nelson A. Miles is a rail! cat prohibitionists unci will possibly bocome the candidate of the prohi liltlou party for president this year. Of ISfi delegates thus far selected to the republican national conven tion. 14S are Instructed lor Itoose rclt while the remainder are unin stmcted. Indications now nre that the Lith ographers" Union will win out In the present trouble. Ton thousand In all parts of the United States, are look ed out. The radium treatment for cancer has been abandoned as useless, by the London cancer hospital. Its ef fects are entirely superficial and temporary. The republican county convention at Salem. HI., broke up In a free fight during which nearly all the chairs In the hall were smashed, and most of the heads' cracked. David S. Husied. a wealthy re cluse at Greenwich. Conn., is dead of the very rare ailment known as Addison's disease, which causes the skin of the fairest Caucnslon to turn black. I Tho persecution of the liberal stu dents of the Russian university at Odessa, by expulsion, arrest and j Athena. .March 22. The little son; of Mr nnd Mrs. John Howies of Kennewlck was burned to death Wednesday In a eampfire on the Co lumbia river. The mother left the little fellow to watch the little babe while she went to help her husband with some drift wood. On returning home they found him burned to death. Harry Dupuy's mother. Mrs. M. J. Dupuy of Portland, spent this week here, visiting her son. .Mrs. Liuueus Koontz and children! of Pasco. Wash., spent this week in Athena visiting relatives. The Weston camp of Woodmen of the orld presented to Mrs. H. O. Worthingtou a draft for S2.000, which was the amount of Insurance carried by her brother. Angus McDonald, Mrs. Worthlngton being the benefi ciary. Mrs. Charles Xolsen of Havana. Is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Beck. J. A. Henry was given a pleasant surprise by Athena Circle No. Women of Woodcraft, at the lodge hall. An elaborate table was spread ami a short but interesting program was rendered. Thorp were about 30 present. The circle presented Mrs. Henry with a circle pin. Miss Kiltie Sharp of this city, who Is teaching school about five miles from Pendleton, is at home visiting. Miss Jeanotte Mnnasse spent Mon day and Tuesday In Walla Walla vis iting. Otis neck has gone to Spokane. where he has accepted a iiosltlnn. Henry Koeplke has arrived to take charge of his place which he recently purchased from S. P. Pur dy. bringing with him three carloadi Hotel Pendleton. J J Ilalleray. city, ft. W. Frost, Chicago. G. S. Youngman. Portland. Thomas Nester. Portland. J. W. DeJarnelte. Omaha. S. W. Cahlerwel. Walla Walla, n. D. Fulton. Portland. Uiigene Kroesner. Portland. W. B. Rradberry. Portland. Charles Watson. Vancouver. Oeorge M Allen. Portland W. R. Koblnson. Portland. H. W. Cameron. Spoknnp O. B. Prael. Portland. E. E. Nelson. Rochester. A E Mclfreen. Spokane , J. G. Wlthnm. Boston. , R. A. Wright. SKkanc R. M. Caston. Simkane A. W. Kugler. San Francisco. A. D. Stlllman. Philadelphia. C. Ades, Spokane. A. G. Howard, cltv. .John Doherty. Spokane. C. K. Sten. Chicago E. O. Evans. Boston. G. B. Galloway. Portland Thomas Murry Spencer. Portland. W. R. Glendenlng. Portland. G. D. Galley. Portland . Hotel St. George. .1. .1. Qullliam. Portland. J. P. Hayden. Portland. W. W. Eastman. San Francisco. A. G. Hanover San Francisco Will M. Peterson. Athena. J. O. Wasson. Pomeroy. W. B. Williamson. Pomeroy. I. Jacobs. Portland. Charles Holmnn. Portland. F. A. Homer Portland. Leonard Durst. Portland. Robert McCowau Portland. F. J. Gardner. Portland. J. A. Allison. Portland. W. B. Turner. St. Paul. More Howe. Tacoma J O. Shore. Dakesdale H. A. Blackman. Walla Walla. William Dyam. Walla Walla. W. T. Riley and wife. Halley. George H. Carler. Portland. B S. Farlhing. Seattle. H. E. Lamb. Seattle. W. Woodell and wife. Summervllle SHIRT WAIST SAL trr- 1 a t r- II ICT a CrciWC r A I AOnrr CUIOUCkir rr? I a mrn riling (uin. ... ARE BEAUTIES. EVERY WAIST IS OF THE VERY LATEST STLYE AND THE ASSORTME.J IS SO VAKIbD I rift i all 1 ho 1 ta on SHiiar-itu. Silk Waists, all colors, prices from $3.50 up to $6.00. White Lawn Waists from 75c to $2.75 Tan Voile Waists, $1.75, $1.98 and $3.00. , Tan Lawn Waists, very fine and sheer material, $1.50. ' " Black Lawn Waists, 95c and $1.39. , Colored Waists, ail styles and prices from $50c to $350. See these Waists this week. To see them Is to buy them. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS 10 yards good Calico, all colors, 45c. 10 yards good Percale, double fold, 75c. 10 yards Zephyr Gingham, double fold, 85c. 10 yards Batiste summer wash goods, 65c. 10 yards dark Outing Flannel, 10c grade, 75c. THE FH1R banishment, is bearlni: fruit. Bombs have been exploded around and in ot stock, household goods and farm the institution, doing n-eat dam- implements, age- The exposure of contract and building swindles on an immense scale in the construction nnd man agement of the French navy will probably result In retiring the pres ent cabinet In toto. all being held more or less culpable. Two years ago H. H. Palmer, a clerk In the Royal Bank of Montreal, disappeared under circumstances which Indicated aberration of mind. His books wore pefectly straight. He has lately been located In an English Insane asylum. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. A new bank, with $25.(100 capital, will be established nt Troy, Idaho. Eugene Egly. a 15-year-old boy of Walla Walla, has the delirium tre mens in the worst stages. A severe earthquake shock was felt all along the British Columbia coast, north of Victoria, Wednesday. Alvis B. Singleton, a well known detective of Portland, died with the grip Wednesday, at that city, aged C6. Antoine Labbe. a well known pio neer of Portland, dropped dead with heart disease, on the streets. Wed nesday. Nassar Kuhn. an Assyrian tamale vender of Eugene, has been arested for the murder of n fellow country man In Seattle, a year ago. Portland Ieatherworkers are now on a strike. The trouble arose over the request of the employers to have two apprentices for each shop. Jim Simpson, a farm laborer of Walla Walla, passed four forged checks, for sums ranging from $10 to $50. Wednesday. He is at large. William It. Kcmery. of Eugene, who has been demented for some time, shot himself with a rifle in the presence of his family, Wednesday. H. N. Adams, a young man 21 years old, has Just been sentenced to 10 years in the penitentiary at Sent Ue, for attempting to rob a residence. Dow Shopardson, clerk of tho city water department of Baker City, was bitten by a vicious norse on Wednesday, and blood poisoning is feared. William Schtill is under arrest at Baker City, charged with having rob' bed the Palmer jewelry and gun store of that city, of several hundred dollars' worth of goods two weeks go. T, A. Williams, clerk of the district court of Billings, .Mont., has abscond ed, being several thousand dollars short In his accounts with the North ern Pacific, for which company ho was land agent. On account of the scarcity of hay near Athena a great many cattle have been taken tip to the foothills of Weston mountain, as the grass Is getting pretty good In that vicinity. Had a Tumor Removed. Guy McBroom of -McKay creek, brother of .Mrs. .Monroe Hicks and Mrs. Dan Hicks, spent about 20 days at the hospital in Walla Walla. He had something growing on his neck resembling a goiter, which was re moved. The young man seems to lie I getting well. Hoiei Bickers. Robert T. Ewing. Walla Walla. Charles Glngler. Baker City. J. B. Mackey. Divide. D. W. Swearingen, Ogden. W. H. G011II, Weston. John Parks. Weston. Mrs. Lulu 'w. Helix. Miss Llala Kelly. North Yakima. Fred Parr. Mrs. Fred Parr. .Mrs. M. Brown. Waitsburg. A. Rnsch. Portland. S. S. Gill. Spokane. I.. E. Hunklll. Starbuck. A. W. Downer, Nolln. Miss M. Anderson. City. Miss P. Anderson. Hatten. Jessie Copper. Clarkshill. Charley Yonar. Clarkshill. Dan Wareham. Cajal. J. C. Brlen, Spokane. A. C. Schwalbe. Spokane. W. Ginglls. city olC. which had been raised by Mr Lcckwood with the rest of his cattle, .nid which was ery docile The cow bej-an to labor on Monday afternoon and died while giving birth to the calf, which was Just barely alive when born. The calf was red In color and Its Widy wns o' about the usual size for the first calf. The body was normal in Liiape. Tho hind legs were natur al b.H the front legs were set far apart In order to make mom for the two heads which branched from the nock. TI.e neck at the base was a little larger than ordinary and divided into two parts, each ending in a head or the tisua' t-ixe and shape One of the he.vls wag more fully developed than the other, one being hard while the skull ol the second was soft, showing It to he U'li'.ud the first In growth Fium the Kiiit where the necks branched hpart. two extra legs stood frirtl'. One of them was of the same size us tup hind legs of the calf, and was tiiuiet! In the same way, while the other resembled a foreleg, hut wns tcrned with the hoof pointing toward the rump of the animal. The tall was branched into two pprlert members of a natural size, but grnwiiip side by side, each sepa rate and iliMiiif from the other. Mi', lickwood will have the freak stuffed and r oiit.ted and will keep i' as a curiosity. M'KAY CREEK ITEMS. School Board Election Was Voted Second Time in District No. 39. How's This? u fri- Oiia Ititmli-Ml Dalian Iteward for nnv case of catarrh that can not be cured ny nans uatarrn cure. P. J. CHENEY i CO., Toledo, O. ... . . , , 1 1 T-.. t' 1 North McKay, March 23. Miss I ri,,nV for tho las; is rears, and believe tiinoi v neeier is sunering Irom it nun periecuy uonorauie in i uimu severe attack of erysipelas The bonds voted some three or more mouths ago by District 39, to pay for the erection of a school house seem to be in a state of desuetude transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation maile by their firm. WKHT & TltUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, o. W.U.Dl.NG. KIXXAN & MAIIVIX, Whole sale urugsists. Toieuo, o. Mails catarrn cure n tanen internally. through a chain of technicalities by S'Ve.V." Stiffs the blunders of lawyers and dlrec- nent free. Price .uc iwr bottle, now ny tors. The requirements of the law have not been met and tho work lias to be done over. It Is now under stood to have been corrected and well under way. Mr. William Ellis supposed he had rented the ranch of Mr. Ellesnor for five years, but It seems the bargain is declared off. -The ranch Is sltuat ed two miles below town. A party was given by Louis Neal last evening to friends and neighbors In honor of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Bowles, and her daughter, who nre visiting here from the East. nit ilrlicststs. Halls t ainuy mis are me oesi. CALF IS A FREAK. Monster With Talis and Six Cow Gives Birth to Two Heads, Two Legs. F. M. Lockwood, the stockman of Helix, came into the city last eve ning with a strange monstrosity in the shape of a calf with two heads, two talis and six legs. All the parts are normally developed In every way, of full size and of good shape. f tin mnther nf the oti-finfyi fn.ab Hay is selling in this neck of the wnE a yoltnB w)w nbout ,g montns woods at from $10 to $12 per ton in the stack. Roadside and stubble' feed is fine. Kidder Bros, arc decorating and painting the new Noble residence in North Pendleton. 1 Do You Want Strength? If you want to increase your strength you must add to not take from the physical. In other words, the food that you eat must bo digest ed, assimilated and appropriated oy the nerves, blood and tissues before being expelled from tho Intestines. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure adds to the physical. It gives strength tonnd builds tip the human system. It U pleasant to the taste and palatable, and tho only combination of digest ants that will digest the food and enable the system to appropriate all of Its health nnd strength-giving qualities. Sold by Tnllman & Co. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour ris ings, and catarrh of the stomach art all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discovery repre sents the natural Juices of digestion as they exist in a healthy stomach, Combined with the greatest known tonlo and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Curs does not only euro In digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Kodol DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT aives Health to the 61ck an Strength to the Weak. BetUes caly. $1.00 Sire toldint 2H tlaw the trial Hie, which Mils tot 30c. Pictured by B. C. DeWitt & Co., Colore. Building Material OfallDescriptioi Sash, Doors & Window Made to order Building paper, lime, cement, briekl and sand wood cutttts lod barns and dwellings a s?tt-l ialty, Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St, Opp. Court House I I Artists' Supplies Sold by Tallman & Co. LET US SUPPLY WITH YOU To Be Hanged for Murder. WythevIIIe. Vn.. .March 21 The sheriff of WythevIIIe has completed arrangements for the e.ecution of 1 Chesley Peoples tomorrow The I crime for which Peoples Is to pay I tho death penalty was the murder I here Inst December of John Seaglc ' China utterly refuses to agree to a renewal of the present treaty with the United States, which expires December next. IS MISS SHAY COMING? Wheat Lands. City Property Wo have somo propositions In reai .estate winch are worth ,your iiihb ia investigate, come in nnd talk them over with us. K. T. WADE & SON, Office In E. O. Ilulldlnc. 'Phono Black, 1111, P. 0 Box 324. Stock Hnnoliufi. Mining Stocks. 8inger Who "Fooled" Pendleton Is to Sing the "Bohemian Girl" at I The Dalles. Miss Cecilia Shay, the famous operatic singer, who was to have ap peared In this city over a year ago I in "II Trovatore," at $2 a seat, but who skipped through the city to Portland and left her part to an understudy. Is going to sing the "Bo hemian Girl" in The Dalles tonight. The Shay company is rendering I tho famous old operas In English. which is meeting with the approval I of many lovers of opera. The peo ple of Pendleton would havo been I glad to hear hor-sing In any tongue. after paying their money for that privilege. CLARA MATHES COMPANY. Well Known Theatrical Troupe Will Be at the Frazer One Week Be ginning March 28. Tho favorite and popular Clara .Mathes Company will begin n week's engagement nt the Frazor on .Mon day, -March 2S. This well known company has met I with remarkable success In the Woet (Hiring the past winter, nnd will lie wuleomed hack to Pendleton this miring, The repertoire will I an-l npimcwl Inter, but all the uroduc-i lion hnmiiod by this company will uo iirat-aiass. ny wjso little fish bogliiB liugl- iiH4'(i.a Hinnll scale. He Could Sleep Anywhere. "Say, look horo! You can't sleou on Hib!- .i,,nr "Can't If Woll hlc-you Just watt h mo Building... ...Material DIMENSION LUMBER OF all descriptions. Bash, Boors, Blinds, Mould ing, Building and Tar Paper. Bring Your Bill to Us and Get Our Figures, Grays' Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Wt ft C. R. Dapot If you are interested in Oil Painting see us. Our lintl is complete ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCH ICRS BRUSHES ARTISTS SABLES BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS We make a specialty of fram ing pictures. Newest stock 1 of frames WOOD FOR SALE In carlpad lots. Green cut black pine. Dry four-foot wood at $4.50 per cord on siding at Pendleton. Address S. G. BRYSON No. 1700 W. Railroad St. : JC. C. SHARP Opera House Block CANTY'S PARLORS OF AMUSEA1ENT Open day and nlglvt. Billiards, Pool, Shooting Gallery, Bowl ing Alleys, Throwing Racks. Good musltevery evening. BASEMENT, CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STREETS. Under W. & C. R. Depot. For Sale $3,000.00 room, 2 story, Wl house, and lot 50x100. I i1.20O.Dfl K room. 14 ""'I bouse. 1,7004)0 S Room, 2 W house. Bath tub and U good cellar, woodsbed, jmwi and city water. Easy tenj Csfi ftrt 1 Vooftnr tot. Verjl desirable. $2,0007 room 2 story hoMf-l 4 rooms each lo"' room, rock cellar IS"-"' lots. $250.001 vacant lot. Merchants Protective Affencv Despaln Building. Hoc ' j Telephone BlacK FOR SALE Uoou, e: did condition :and orchard dldowalU. . "VVator 'house and garden desirable property jAFONTAINE, nt 17llvt IC - 6 ul HI -It Anpiy w ,.,ndl It' i - - KOI! 8AI.K AT THi: KA8T OltKQONIAN olllce Larue bundles uf nevraDanera. nut containing over 100 big papers, cu 00 . 11rrnmcnt S ubtnlued for 23 cculs a bundle. Ever-V stamp requlromcm pflll