T 1 ' -wl TV i DMLYEVENINGEDIT10N St ''.i.nnpd. preparea and 1 hjfA ving nfnilt PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OKEGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1904. NO. 6004. 1 OUJ I M Z ggmppA I nnd threatening: to l 8 to refm, an n ' hori fiilisoN IS 8! POISON SElleton Girl Drinks Acid ...dilution and Dies Horrible lath. ANO IN MY 'D T. M I 'TAL END 1ST. ES "OR TO IN S. A BITTER NOTE TO HER FORMER LOVER. L Daughetr of William P. Wll- Ln, a Well Known Farmer I Laborer-Was 17 Years Old Hd Kept Company wun Li Wall, to Whom She Ad- Led a Note and Letter, One Llngef Her Great Love for Him Other Pronouncing a Curse on nuh.n I am dead, send this letter to Charley Wall with my curie and hate tor mm, ifeo ha maoe me wnai i m. a-bye for the last time. Tenie." rnngements have yet been made for the funeral. Just Returned From Missoula. From Marshal Carney It is learn ed that the Williamson girl, ln com pany with Bort Montgomery, a grain handler who has boon ln the city for somo time, and OIllo Maurcr, the girl who had hor father, Ed Maurer, ar- rested some months ago for assault ing his wlfo, went three weeks ago to . ' . itt i i n 1 1 n bumpier, weibcr uuu ivubHuuiu. num the latter place a tolegram was re ceived by the marshal a week ago, stating that the two girls were in Missoula and stranded, ana that the Williamson girl admitted having takon $85 from her father ln this city. Carney wont -to tho father, who was willing to Bond for tho girl and offered to telegraph hor a ticket, but sho refused to roturn unless a ticket was sent for the Maurer girl as well. Williamson refused to do this, stating that as tho Maurer girl was tho cause of hor trouble sho could leave hor behind or stay with hor. His daughtor then consented to come homo, and tho ticket was sent. She arrlvod last night on tho Hunt train. Tho Maurer girl, It ap pears, :is still ln Missoula. It is stated that tho girl left a' loi ter for Bert Montgomery, ln which islie accused him of wrecking her life -and cursed him for his share in hor 'trouble. EE SNOWFALL I ill i Ma Williamson, the 17- fU taihter of W. P. William oSoKl Star Btreet. committed liie Hi morning by taking .a full Ik fir M-rhlnrlrtf! tablets. It alied the tablets, 100 .In num- I In iUea nf nn(ai OtlH flMnk I tit m giaoo Mt nubi. muu ......... mixture but the pain from the In. rni-malvn anhllmntn WflR HO ft that the girl immediately bo- lURMmtn nnrl urban lint Tinr.lTltH Ieu into me room sue wuu wnm on the bed in mortal agony. J. Cole and Garfield wore Burn ed and did all In their ppwor, vlth Tin avail as thn rnrrnrllnrr Id and so burned tho lining of flroat that the membrane Blough 1 and choked her, and sho died peat agony a short Umo alter the lors reached tho hnnsn. lions dying, the girl stated to l doctors that she had tired of I and wished to end It. She ntat- Rhat the liarl tof the tablets, bo Short nntA nHnil nlinvr. wna au envelope and addressed to Irloy Wall and was found on the Bo in tho room occupied by tho . ucu sue iook me polBon. An wr letter wu rmmj i , ch had been written on Friday, f'ujr o ana wnicn had beon ad- Peu to -Dear Sweetheart." I Slated dint .luii .i. - Li.., .C. luuer r-ucu lun nna rnt. naed that sbo would bo fur away elated the love sho bore for tho 10 Whom ihn .. . , Iann iuv. HUB auurosa- ind.i'? "m hat ho was about Pea. It MM in i.u tor t,nn t ' ' K'U J011 W" uX .ffiuch I lve you. I - . " W'to for tho snH 1 1 8m ?olnE thl8 for th0 ana I hon (Sat ... find sorn.' Z7 "m. J.ou make yo h;j t,r wno rjnt .Alma thinks Ia ho.t , """"Bun, uut I guess r 1 1 N ?e ""I over know fyou Z;0.1 wish I could for i ii u'Dyo ror tuo last f0.r 1 wl "ever see you again. E wabart'7, tb though tho Ibroueh7,r, Hno was f0nl hum? t in 7v vuu:u an mis kl l 5 10 "dock. teltl of it a "Sht-halrod lit city ?Lv"loua rtos around the ha,ZL,m.e-. F with Wall fr "eP"B compa Wndenel ."h,.h'm and a t of (W father iT . . maon rell kleLls,-a . arer and labor- Lyvr soL,nLcty whoro h0 Srtlyi.. aa tho B cltt:umt pwent and foro W Nat1' Bank, cosed. ! W!on.-. March 24.- ! Kr W , M iS th0 ur. F" atr Clonal EonaM cashlnr T" J1"0", tho Kia ?nler, who in naDk. ad7ntn0n7'1 Natlona fecelver, aPPlntmont of a 1 RANGES ABOUT 15 INCHES NEW SNOW IN 'SOUTHERN UMATILLA At Alba There Was Already From 10 to 14 Inches tf Old Snow Storm Yesterday Covered the Foothill Ranges Completely. and Stock Are Being Driven to Vicinity of Pilot Rock May Be Some Stock Losses Yet. The snowstorm which visited this section yesterday, extended all qver Eastern Oregon, and in the southern portion of this county In the vicinity of Alba, uklan and Dale, from 12 to IB Inches of now snow fell. There was already about 14 Inches of old snow ln many places, and stock are boing driven to tho vicinity of Pilot Rock, where the range is bare ana tho crass growing niceiy. Beginning ut Pilot Itock yesterday morning, there was about two Inches of now snowi ion Bear creek, four to six inches fell, and on tho higher slopes at Alba, fully 15 inches coV' ored tho cround. Soveral bands of sheep had been shorn and a great many stock had boon turned .-on tho foothills to lirowsof- but tho now snow covered un every lmrtlclo of feed. If tho snow He's on ln the vicinity of Dale and Alba much longer there will be a loss of stock yet, as iced is scarce and it is Impossible to got at tho grass. .Stock are in vory good condition on account of tho mildness of tho past winter and the abundance of feed to start in wun. Thn foothills in tho vicinity of Pilot Rock aro covered with stock from all portions of Southern umo tilla county, and unless tho hills far ther south becomo baro very soon, tho rango that Is being used in tho Pilot Rock country as nn outlet, win bo overstocked. WASTE OF GAS. Matter of Great Concern to People of West 'Virginia. rinritHlnirir. w. Vn.. March 24. Tlnolnnon tnnn nnil Others TOnreSOnt 1n 1. nH nrndlllllni, f1 H 1 1 tl M I1 R of t IUU JHMUUI.HID ' - West Virginia met here toay in re sponse to call and discussed uiu an nation with, regard to tho supply of natural gap and Its possiuio eximus tlon. The urgont need of measures to provont tho waBto of tho natural gas product of Wost Virginia Is now gen erally recognized and stops will bo tnliitn in hi-lno Ihn Tnnttftr bOfOTO tllO ntntn ir.crioint.irr with a view to hav ing tho necessary legislation w pub erty regulate tho production uuu transportation of tho gas. HUNG HIMSELF. Son of Prominent Politician Was Under Sentence of Death. m i r 1. n.4 T? II 1 Till uiruuueiiiun, muiuu -- Armstrong, son of tho Iato Colonel Armstrong,- minister to -Brazil under Cloveland, and under sentence of death for tho murdor of his cousin, Miss Alice Armstrong, hanged hlra aelf in.- a coll at Tuskogeo today. Will Buy Now Fire Engine. TOniin -nrnn ..ni. ni The city ' I 1 1 1 liu.m, illftiWll - ' council last night decided to pur chase a now chemical flro onglno at a cost of fl.OBO and 1,000 feet of now hose. , Chicago Grain. . Chicago, March 24. May whaivt nnnnnrt fiQ nn,i ,inwi n.i. nbl July opened 87 and cldsod 88 j new open ed 8G and cloBOd 87. July corn CRUISER era DESTROYED Blown Up by a Floating Mine That Was Derelict in Port Arthur Harbor. THE SEVEN HUNDRED MEN ABOARD WERE DROWNED, Korea Undertakes to Keep Yongam pho Open to the Commerce of the World Firemen Are Being Ship ped Into Port Arthur From Odessa to Fight Fires Resulting From Bombardments Captain Ivkoff Accused of Selling Secrets to Japan. Berlin, March 24. Tho Schles. si8che ;Zcltung announces that it was not tno uussian torpedo ooat de stroyer Skori that was' blown up by a floating topedo ln Port Arthur har bor March 16, but tho armored cruis er Bayan. Almost the entire crew of 700 was killed. TARIFF CHANGES . ARE VOTED DOWN Modification of Import Tax Defeated by a Strict Party Vote in tho House. CONSUL AT BOMBAY LOSES DAUGHTER BY THE PLAGUE. Entire New Board of Managers Named for National Soldiers' Home Great Postal Carrying Graft Discovered, Exposed and Shut Off Alleged That General Brlstow Manipulates Good Strong Graft for His Family Secretary Taft Rec ommends Pardon. Firemen to Port Arthur. Odessa, March 24. Twenty fire men have been dispatched to Port Arthur to deal with fires started by the Japanese bombardments. Russians Not Defeated. St. Petersburg, March 24. Gene ral Pflugg telegraphs from Mukden today stating that there Is no truth In tho report that Japanese have crossed Tatung Pe Soa pass, or had any engagement with the Russians. Tho same applies to an alleged en gagement at Port Arthur March 19, in which COO Russians are alleged "to have been kiled and wounded. A Lio Yang dispatch states that Kurapotkln is welcomed to the trans Baikal territory by 'Llnevltch, In a telegram saying tho troopB are thirst ing for revenge. Southern Manchuria and Southern Korea are reported quiet. Washington, March 24. Tho dem ocratics tariff revisionists on the house committee on ways and mcanB made an assault on tfio Dingley bill this morning. Williams demanded a vote on his bill putting salt, hides and other commodities on the freo list. Got It and was defeated along partisan lines. Clark of Missouri, made a similar demand ln behalf of his bill taking tho tariff off twine, wood pulp and agricultural implements. Ilia bill was laid on the tabic. Die of Plague at Bombay. United States Consul Feo at Bom bay, India, cables tho department that his daughter is dead of tho plague, and his wife baB been attacked. MAIL CARRIER'S THEFTS. Walla Walla Boy Confesses to Keep ing Money Entrusted to Him. Wnllii Wnlln. March 24. On n chargo of falling to turn over post office funds entrusted to his enro. Ray York, mall carrier on rural route No. 6, was nrrested lalo yoB. terday Rftornoon by Postofllco In onnrtnr ptnrlt. Thn nrrest wns tho outcome of an Investigation made by Inspector Clark on reports irom pa trons of routo No. 5, that moneys en trusted to young orK3 enro uuu never reached their proper destina tion. Tho young man was called Into Postmaster Brunton'a prlvnto ofllco yesterday afternoon after ho had came off his routo nnd confronted with a mass of ovldcnco accumulated. lnstimil nr ilenvlnc thnt anything was wrong tho young man Immedl ntniv nu-nml mi that ho lind taken money entrusted to him nnd made n complete confession. When intorm mi Mint lin must lm turned over to tho United States authorities for tri al, York nearly collapsed. IJito ibbi evening ho was taken before Court fYimmlsRlnnor Strone nnd bound over to await tho action of tho grand jury ln tho um of $500. Tho nmount tnken will not exceed $40. MILTON PAINTER KILLS HIMSELF WM. A. JONES COMMITS SUICIDE BY SHOOTING Well Known Painter of Milton Takes Hlo Own Life Had Suffered In tensely With Headache, Is the Only Known Cause Left Wife and One Small Child Funeral Tomor row. Will Be Court-martialed. St. Petersburg, March 21. It is of ficially denied that Captain Ivkoff, coramissariatt of tho department and accud of being a Japaneso spy, was shot as stated. He has been re moved from tho service and Is now under arrest awaiting court-martial for selling information. Tho work of rushing troops to tho frontier proceeds regularly. Thfi last of tho railway equipment for tho lines of Manchuria passed Lake Bai kal today. Port Yongampho Opened. Washington, March 21. Minister Allen, at Seoul, cables that Port Yongampho will bo opened to tho trado or tho world by the Korean government. Thousands of Rus'lans have moved Bouth to tho Anju river, but floating ice makes crossing diffi cult. There have been a few en counters but with Blight casualties. Attack on Port Arthur. Tnlfln Mnrrh 24. Admiral Togo's report of the Port Arthur attack of tho 22d has Jieon received. 11c says the combined fleet acted according t.lntv whllB thn destroyers wero under nre, but sustained no damage. The battleships Fuji and Yashiml were directed to mane an indirect linmimrrimont nuftlnst tho Inner side of tho port. During this the enomy's fleet came out to uraw us hcuiui thnlr fnrts. Manv of their shells fell near the Fuji, but the ships sustain ed no damage. Board of Managers. Washington, March 24. Tho house committee on military affairs has authorized a favorable ronort on a resolution selecting tho following board of managers for tho Natlonnl Soldiers' Homo: Martin MacMahon, of New York; J. M. Holley, of Wis consln: William Warner, of Mis souri: W. U. Shatter, of California II. II. Palmer, of Nebraska; Franklin Murphy, of New Jersey. Great Graft Exposed. During considering of tho poatof- rico appropriation bill in tho house Robinson, democrat of Indiana, at tacked the subsidy of $45,000 rec ommended in tho bill for Oceanic Steamship Company, for transporting tho malls from San Francisco to Tahiti. Tho appropriation lias here tofore been sneaked through con urcss In a cowardly manner. Robinson then moved to strike on the subsidy, which was dono. Brlstow as a Grafter. All members of congress in tho mall today received cards printed on both sides purporting to Bhow tho record of Brislow as shown In tho Franklin County, Kansas, directory, Ho names himself and four relatives on tho Rovernmcnt nay roll In an aggregate sum of $9,700 per annum Brlstow's partner, Henry Allen, is candidate for congress. Pardon Recommended. Secretary Taft has recommondod tho president to pardon General Aquino, tho Filipino Insurgent court martlaled for ordering Ave Ameri can prisoners shot, resulting In tho death of throe. He has served threo years and denies having issued tho order. Deny Having Yellow Fever. Austin, Texas, March 24. Tho health officers have received from tho governor of Nuovo Leon, Mexico, a denial of the report that yellow fo ver uxlsts there. MURDER AND L AND SWINDLE GASES San Francisco, March 24. In tho Botkin trial today tho dofendant was inqualifledly Identified by F. S. Gray, . drug clerk, as tho woman to whom he sold a quantity of arsonlc, Juno, 189S. Ho declared ho romombcreu tho woman bocauso he had seen her in tho store in company with John Dunning, husband of ono of tho pris oner's victims. This positive Identi fication almost caused tho prisoner to collapse. Mrs. J. J. McGInnls, formerly clerk In tho candy store, could not poal- Hvnlir lilnntlfv Mrfl. Tlfltltln OS tllO woman who bought the box of choco lates. Ilolloved alio was, howovor. Dotoctlvo Mcvey, or uover, tuu oi flcor who worked up tho ovidonco ln tho Knat. doniod that former Chief of Pollco I.eea told him ho had or- dorod Chomlat Wolfo to report no 1,0,1 rnnnii nnlRfin ln tho candy. Ho also doniod ho had heard of a threat mado by tho cook in tho Ponnlngton family by placing poison ln tho cof fee. Trial of Hyde and Dlmond. San Francisco, March 24. Freder ick Hydo and Henry Dlmond wero placed on trial before Court Commis sioner Peacock this morning, charg ed with conspiring to defraud tho government of land, wboso value Is estimated at many millions. Inimodlately .after the oase was called tho attornoy for tho govern ment submitted the Indictment and then said tho government would rest its case. Tho defense objoctod, but Gov. Peacock decided tho govern ment could rest Its caso on the In dlctmont without going to tho ox penso of oral testimony, Tho ruling will stand, despite tho protost of counsel for tho defonso, who claim a great lnjustlco Is being dono tholr clionts, inasmuch as they aro called to prove a negative fact, which doos away with tho presumption of inno conco and shifts tho burden of the proof from tho government to do-fondant Milton, March 24. William A Jones, a well known citizen of this placo, killed himself in his barn, yea terday, about 5:30, by putting a bill let through IiIb brain. A plBtol was still clenched in his bond when ho waB found by Mrs, Jones, who heard tho shot and went to seo whnt was the causa. Ho was dead when sho reached him and no cnuso la assign ed for tho deed, except that ho had suffered Intensely all tho day before with a Bovoro headache Ho was u pulnter by trado and had res ded in this city for Bovorni years being an industrious man and appar ently contontnd. An Inquest was held today In which It was decided that Jones camo to hla death by his own hand. Tho funeral will bo hold tomorrow. Jonea leaves n wifo and ono small child. OF MPORTANC E AND INTEREST Council Acts Upon Questions That Have Excited Much Comment and Argument. NEW FIRM HAS BENEFIT OF LICENSE PAID IN ADVANCE. Arrangements Completed for Having Rlprapplng Replaced on the Levee Webb Street Will Not Be Grad ed, But the West End of Court Street Will Be Wheeler Building Ordered Closed Until Alterations Are Made Clearances Around the Pumping Station. LADY MACCABEE8. State Convention of the Order at Ev erett, Wash, Kverett, WaBh., March 21. A hearty welcomo was accorded today to tho delegates who assembled hero from nil parts of Washington for tho atnto convention of tho Ladles of tho Maccabees. Tho gathering was for mally opened in Fraternal hnll with Mrs. Martha K. Stewart of Port An geles presiding. Tho roll call showed a full attondnnco of delegates rrom nil tho local branches of tho order throughout tho state Tho convention, which will bo In BCsalon Boveral days, will bo aildrcHS od by Mrs. Lillian M. HolIlBter of Detroit, supremo commander, unu other prominent officers of tho order. ROBBER'8 RICH HAUL. 8pokane Home Ransacked of Over $500 In Money and Jewelry. Snokano. March 24. Burglars last nleht secured Jowelry and money ag gregating more than $500 ln valuo from tho homo of David It. McCIuro, ono of tho proprietors of tho Crystal steam laundry. Taking advantago of tho absonco of tho family, who wero attending servicos at tho Centenary church, tho tblovos, somo time between tho hours of 0 and 10:45-p. m ransacked tho residence No 8unday Closing. Walla Walla, March 24. The city council has passed up the Sunday closing question presented by a list of petitioners last week, aa not hav ing BUttlclont bacKing 10 warrant action. Tho council meeting did not lm press Itself on tuo minus or nil or the aldermen last evening, nnd na a result there wna bnrely a quorum present. Besides Mnyor Matlock, Aldermen Ronii, Johnson, Wells and Ferguson wore In attendance Tlio first Horn on tho list was an application Tor a renownl of tho llaker & Garrison liquor license which wbb granted. The now firm of C. C. Ilrolllor and T, I. Crowncr, who luivo bought tho liquor business of II. A. Kllno, on Main Btreet, asked that the Uconso taken out by Mr. Kllno bu transfer red to them until its expiration, May 1. Tho question provoked n llttlo discussion, but was at last allowed. Alderman Wolla, of tho Btreet com mittee, reported that ho had had a talk with 11. O. HnwkB about replac ing tho riprap which ho bad tnkon from tho top of tho loveo, and thnt Mr. Hawks and doclded that ho would roplaco tho rock. Owing to tho high stngo or tho water, how. over, ho aaked to wait until it was more convenient to mnko tho re pairs. TIiIb wns allowed by tho council, with tho understanding that tliu work bo dono before next winter. Court 8treet Will Be Graded. Tlio roixirt of tho commltteo which has been Investigating tlio Webb street controversy, put a quietus on tho Improvement of thnt street. It was discovered that thoro wero 36 milium on tho petition, which repre sented an ownership of 7,500 front feet on tho street. Ao tho longth of tho street wna 11,000 feet, tlio peti tion represented u majority of tlio property owners, nnd tlio improvo. inont could not bo forced. Tho sub ject will bo therefore dropped, but an effort will bo made to open Court street and have It graded at tho low er, or west end of tho city. Tho property which would bo In toroHtod In thnt part of tho city Is owned by tlioso who, with tho ox-(-option of ono or two, huvo nlrondy Hlgnlllcd their willingness to stand tho exponso, and It Ih thought by tho council that there will bo no troublo in having tho Improvement made. If tlio street la opened 11 will give ac cess to tlio city both from above and below, so that tho condition of Webb Btreet will have but llttlo effect on tlio country triilllc, which was ono of tlio main feattircH of tho wlHhod-for Improvement of that Btreet. Tho po tltlnn will bo circulated at once, and tho ImproveinontH In tho stroot mado whlio tho ground Is In good condition for Btreet grading work. Wheeler Building Condemned. City Attornoy Cartor, at tho re quest of tho city health olIlcorB, pro Bonted a resolution to tho council, condemning tho upper story of tho Wheeler building, on Court Btrcot, now used as a lodging houso. Tho property la owned In part by Mayor Matlock, and ho was uncortuln whother or not tho resolution should bu mado known to tho tonunt or tho owners, and ln order to make no mlstako, both wore incorporated. Mr. Matlock put tho resolution, which condemned his own building. Tho placo will bo closed until It Ib bo al tered as to comply with tho health and flro regulations. Thirteen Men Killed. Berlin, March 24. Tho Flora vari ety tbeator, boing demolished, col lapsed today and 13 workmen woro killed. Snow and Landslldeo. San Francisco, March 24. Wrecks from landslides and snowslides ln tho snowsheds region In the Sierra Nevadas $38,397.60 for a Leg. Los Anceles. March 24. Anita Knllv. a Now York society girl, was! awarded $38,397.60 damages against j BaVo impeded progress on tho tho Hotol Potter company, at Santa , a central Pacific, carrlod away Barbara, for tuo iobs oi n log in uu o elevator accident. Concussion of the Brain. Kansas City. March 24. A. V. Morrill, a spectator, may die from concussion of tho brain as a result of a stream of wator striking him that was intended for a fire, telegraph wires and practical ly cut off all telegraphic com munication with tho East. Two trains, ono freight and ono wrecking, wero caught in slides, but with no loss of life. I oponed 49, closed 40. family, that ho Intonuou to km wu