- EIGHT PAGES, PAGE TWO. RIDGE AND VICINITY HELIX HAPPENINGS 1 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23. 1904. it. ii k ,n J.'fcM m DO YOU GET TIP WITH A TyAMB BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes Yo i Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure 'to know of the wonderful 1 T , .1 jrN - cures uiauc uy ui. II Root, the great kiu- L ney, liver and blad- i ' i.. re ucr rcmciiy. ;H i Tf ia t tip trrrat mp1 r. I'ml ;.1. nf 4tn nincteeittii century ; ral lLJr J rrv-rily uiscovcreuaiicryears Uj H I Pss3! of scientific research il -feUct Dr. Kilmer, the 1 " eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Itrijjht's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything butif you have kidney, liver or bla'dder trouble It will be found'just the remedy you need. It lias been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement lias been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, nlson lxjok tell ing more nbout Swnuip-Koot.and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writinir mention readinc this generous offer in this paper and scud your address to Dr. Kilmer FcT 5: Co., Viughamtun. N. Y. The regular fiftv-cent and one- dollar size bottles are MOVING LIVESTOCK TO SPRING PASTURE. Got a Severe Kick From Fractious Hone Extensive Deals In Live stock Dance at Frank Chapman's Returned to Nebraska for Change of Climate Remarkable Combina tion of Weather Grass Is Short and Backward Dreaklng Sod In Progress. MISS AGNES M'KENZIE IS . TEACHING HILL SCHOOL. Marriage of Miss Walden and Mr. Grover P. C. Scott Will Go Out to His Ranch L. E. Penland Af flicted Wtlh Rheumatism Athena Talent Put on an Excellent Play. Helix, March 21. The Knox Co. gave nn entertainment nt the Bap tist church Thursday evening, which was hlehlv nnnreclated bv a lnrce KKige, .March 21. g. . Cummings, audience, who has been breaking and feeing, Athenn home ta)ollt rescle(i a his horses at Gurdane, moved them Iay entuiert "Fruits f the Wine "Hi'ub imoiuie m ims vitui- CuJj." nt the Helix opern house last A r !!. Friday evening. Those In nttemlance . 11. ui uKiuii, us luuhiuj; ,)r,)iiounced It a success, for spring range In this part the first 1 , , , , .... ...... . of the week I eiuuim ami wne, wnu imvu n.... r .'.11 . . been out on their ranch to oversee of i t n ,,, , ::r ,l8 he spring work, returned to Pendle of J. T. Ogle last Saturady night, and,, ' ,,' ,!., ,,,1 -hn ... ! 1 I .,. I.!. 1. 1 . " t - v- -...., . ..... - ....... Hon, cf Stobp-BocC told by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Iiinghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. GENERAL NEWS. Denver bids a building site and J50.000 for the headquarters of the American Alining Congress. The Sultan of Sulu accepted abro gation of the treaty with the United States without a protest, and appar ently with Indifference. A Santa Fe east-bound overland express broke through a bridge at Point Richmond, Cal. Several pas sengers were more or less injured. The New York Telegraph, sports and turf, formerly owned by Wil liam C. Whitney, has been purchas ed by E. R. Thomas, a professional and monied sport. Most of the lumber imported Into Australia comes from the United states and Canadian business circles are organizing to divert the Austral ians' money to their side of the line. The Hawaiian Islands are in bad shape financially, nnd nn emergency session of the legislature has been called by Governor Carter. For the present fiscal year the expenses are $1,500,000 more than the Income. H. T. Hayes, of Riverside, Cal., a social leader and prime factor In all business affairs in that section. Is under arrest charged with swindling the Urangegrowers' National Bank and the Salt Lake Railway Company out of about $100,000. A German missionary in Southwest Africa, declares that the cruelties. frauds and injustice of German traders and adventurers are respon sible foe the Horcros rebellion and that stories of native barbarities against the whites are greatly exaggerated. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. The democrats of Union county have fixed the date for the county convention for April 14, at Elgin. R. M. Jesperson, a Portland milk man, was fined Tuesday for adulerat Ing his. product with Bull Run water. Portland Is now talking of estab lishing a garbage plant for the cre mation of all the accumulations of the city. The periodical raid -on the Chinese lottery lens took place In Portland Tuesday, five proprietors and cus tomers being arrested. The Great Northern west-bound. flyer was wrecked at Fish River, Mont., Tuesday, killing one unknown woman and severely Injuring several other passengers. A decisive effort is being made In Portland to settle the bakers' strike, as patrons have declared they would order bread from Salem if the trouble was not soon ended. Henry Vobl has sued the Northern Pacific Lumber Company of Port land, for $10,000 damages for injur ies sustained by being caught In a pair of uncovered cog wheels In the sawmill. An agatlzed tooth of a mastodon, found 30 feet under ground In the Skookum district, Alaska, Is on ox hlbltlon In a Tacoma drug store. It weighs nine pounds and Is valued at $500 as a curio. Two hundred and thirty-five Fill plnos left Tacoma Tuesday for St. Louis, in charge of Dr. Hunt, gover nor of North Luzon, to bo part of the Philippine exhibit at the fair. They arrived from the island on Monday on the steamer Shawmut. arounu, got a severe kick on forearm, Just below his elbow. I T. P. Glllllnnd has moved his cat tle from his Stuart creek ranch to his Ukiah stock ranch. . L. Slmouton has removed his cattle from winter quarters near Milton to his mountain farm near Gurdane. The Manning brothers of Pilot Rock and Pendleton, purchased the Carney horses for working purposes There was a ball at tho home o Frank Chapman on Butter creek last Thursday. A pleasant time and nice audience is reported by all. W. B. Hlnkle and family havo re turned from near Helix, where they nave been wintering their cattle, which thpy are now pasturing with james nelson on Butter creek. jonn ureuiicn or Pendleton, was 0111 111 mis part a snort time ago looking lor beer, .Mr. and Mrs. William Fletcher of ivc, i:nr Kin-aib 111 meir sons Sat urday. They are both Improving in neaiiu. Squirrels are making their appear ance. feople are plowine and seed lng, and we are enjoying a comlilna non or weatner rrom the deep grum oie 01 muniicr to hard freezes at nights Grass Is short and somewhat back. ward. Some of our people have been purchasing hay of late, and some nil winter. J. A. Owings and sons are break. lng sod with a four-horse team. They have purchased two fine Hereford bulls lately. F. F. Fletcher Is repairing the tele pnone line. Bought Fine Cattle T. P. Edwards, of the firm of Ed wards brothers, purchased a fine cow and bull calf and two fine yearling neiiers at tne sale of Wade blooded stock. Returned to Nebraska W. J. Fahrenwald, who underwent a siege of pneumonia this winter, has gone to Ills old home in Nebraska for bis health. I.n.1 n aA.mvn nllnnl- . .lini.ninMani thC (,,.,, l, t .1 .. t .. 1 .1 , ,n .nnlnln mullein, it. uu.iaauiu liu. itmaiii any longer. P. C. Scott expects to leave for his ranch near lone soon. Miss Agnes McKenzle of Adams, Is teaching school In the Hill district. Walden-Grover. Wesley Grover, a prosperous young farmer of Cold Springs, was united In wedlock to .Miss Jennie Walden of Milton. Both are well and favor ably known In this community. PORTLAND'S SHERIFF FURIOUS Nineteen Deputies Are Discharged by w. a. storey Through His Disap polntment. Portland, March 23. Nineteen deputies In the sheriff's office are to lose their heads over the failure of W. A. Storey to secure a renomina- Hon for tho ofilce of sheriff. The opposition to Mr. Storey was headed by the Jack Matthews fac tlon. After .Mr. Storey failed to se cure the regular republican nomlnn tlon he began feeling of the sent! ment of his deputies on his cundl dacy on an independent ticket, and found that they wero practically all against his plan. He at once posted notices dls charging 17 men, and two more of the chief deputies are to be discharge ed In a few days. Wheat Lands. City Property. Wo havo eomo propositions in real estate which are worth your time to Investigate. Como in and talk them ovor with us. E. T. WADE & SON, Office In E. O. Building. 'Phono Black, 1111. P, O Box 324. Stock Ranches, Mining Stocks. FALLS ON TAXPAYERS. Malheur County Must Dig Up $14,000 in casn lor cancelled Warrants. Baker City, March 23. Malheur county will now have to dig up, ac cording to the findings of tho cir cuit court at Vale last Saturday. The county court cancelled $14,000 worth of county warrants last year as Deing illegal and the warrant hold ers took tho matter Into the circuit court and won out Saturday. werett hicks, of tho firm of Hicks & Davis, lawyers, nt Canyon City, re turned from Vale last ovenlne where he had been In attendance upon the circuit court In behalf of the warrant holders, nnd in which case he won out for his clients. The caso will probably bo taken to the supreme court, but Mr. Hicks says he Is con fident he will win in the end. This Increase of indebtedness will fall heavily upon the taxpayers of the "Calamity" county, which has had so much trouble over her county seat affairs In the past two years. Printing Without Type. There are three companies In New York and Brooklyn that are about to put on tho market devices for print ing without types. One Is capitaliz ed at $10,000,000. Tho process Is as simple as a-b-c.' To begin with, a typewriter with the standard key board Is used to "set up" tho copy, not In loiters, hut in perforations In an omlless strip of paper. Tho com-, ploted tape looks somowhat like the music used in automatons that play tho piano. Tho atrip of paper is passed through a machine which prints, with Justification, sheet after sheet of matter of the required slzo a pooi: pago or a newspaper, im pressions of this printed stuff are then made upon aluminum or zinc plates as thin as ordinary shoot iron, which nro placed with equal facility upon both tho .bed nnd platen and tno cyiinuor presses. Ol 1111 I VV JMlIJ I UMIwU WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS AND THEY ARE BEAUTIES. EVERY WAIST IS OF THE VERY LATEST STLYE AND THE ASSORTMENT IS SO VARIED THAT ALL TASTES CAN BE SATISFIED. Silk Waists, all colors, prices from $3.50 Up to $6.00. White Lawn Waists from 75c to $2.75 Tan Voile Waists, $1.75, $1.98 and $3.00. Tan Lawn Waists, very fine and sheer material, $1.50. Black Lawn Waists, 95c and $1.39. ( , ' Colored Waists, all styles and prices from $50c to $3.0. See these Waists this week. To see them Is to buy them. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS 10 yards good Calico, all colors, 45c. 10 yards good Percale, double fold, 75c. 10 yards Zephyr Gingham, double fold, 85c. 10. yards Batiste summer wash goods, 65c. 10 yards dark Outing Flannel, 10c grade, 75c. theIfmi r THE WA R GAME. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. F. W Walte, city. C. A. Reese, Salt Lake. J. A. Maynard. Kansas City. Fred S. Davis, San Francisco. H. D. Newell, Washington. M. Beaslon, Portland. A. T. Caswell, Portland. J. F. O'Donnoll. Portland. H. Dunn and wife. Portland. J. P. St. John, Olathe. S. L. Gulllson, Olathe. P. R. Garretson. St. Paul. F. A. Ford, Portland. J. H. Foultz, Tacoma. P. C. Holland. Portland. T. R. Browne. San Francisco. J. B. Crosfield, Portland. Edward Golden, Spokane. M. H. Patton, Spokane. R. A. Seeds, Spokane. C. D. Rlnker, Spokane. A. J. Curtis, Columbia College. E. J. Phea, Columbia College. J. W. Blckford. Columbia College, W. H. Gay, Columbia College. Henry Curtis, Columbia College. A. P. Bernard, Portland. John Doherty, city. G. Henderson, Milwaukee. C. W, Vinson, La Grande. F. W. Rich, Portland. Alma Todhuiiter, Baker City. R. H. Frost, Chicago. G. S. Youngman, Portland. Thomas Nester, Portland. Hotel St. George. F. W. Kirske. New York. A. H. Aylesworth, Cincinnati. J. W. Vogelsong, Elyrla. T. H. Crawford and wife. Union. C. E. Cochrane. Union. George W. Ruckman. Union. George Retzer, Walla Walla. C. H. Neuman and wife, Billings. S. L. Gulllxson. Pullman. W. T. Gabbert, San Antonio. George Harris, Portland. Robert McCowan, Portland. A. F. Bernard, Portland. W. B. Rumm, Pomeroy. J. O. Vassor, Pomeroy. J. O. Shore, Oakesdale. B. F. Welch, Portland. W. T. Rieley, Halley. William Dunn, Portland. H. C. Asher, Ellonsburg. J. F. Carson, Portland. R. C. Mott, Portland. Hotel Bickers. C. F. Weiss, Milton. A. A. Lathrop, city, J. S. Cunningham, Portland. J. B. Baker, Meacham. Sam Lee, Spokane. Dr. R. O. Steele and wife. D. A. Dellenger and wife, Bloom' Ille. J. Edwards, II. G. Palmer. Mrs. W. J. King, Athena. P. Sones and wife. Helix. A. O. Bageren. Albert Lea. H. Evenson, Albert Lea. L. A. Morn. Albert Lea. H. A. Hendrlx, Albert Lea. S. J. Honsan, Albert Lea. G. Sones. Helix. R. H. Morgan, North Yakima. Mrs. B. V, Coue, North Yakima. C. H. Stanfield. Weston. S. A. Barns, Weston. Mrs. S. Banister, Weston. A. Kennedy, Boise. W. M. Scott, city. R. J. Ewing. Walla Walla. Charles Glngles, Baker City. J. B. Mackey, Divide. How's This? We offer On Hundred Dollar Rwftrd for nr case of catarrh tint ran not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. r. j. i.iit.r.i.1 (.u., ioimo, u. We. the underalimed. have known IV J. Cheney for the laat 1& yean, and bellcre blm perfectly honorable In all buslneaa transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WKST & TltUAX, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo. O. WAI.DING. KlNNAN ItAltVI.S". Whole sale Druggists, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure la LiLm Internal!. acting directly upon the bloxl and mncous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Prke 7Sc per bottle. Sold by nil druggists. nana ramuy rills are the best. A New York World correspondent declares that thoro havo been 2C5 deaths In Port Arthur sluco the bombardment begun, of whom sev- eral wero Russian officers who sui cided, driven almost Insane by vodka and excltomont. Smokers get satisfaction at How- ard's, formerly Rees clgat store. " Wre Goin'To PLay JAPANESE AN' BlU.'S I DE R00SH1ANS " J 'ou kin be CHINA. EDWIU One. VAIL READT ACmirTTN X. (ECOfOFrSKY ) C ARE YOU READYNIIiJ KAMURA SATSUm:i C'lM china!"") X' 1 A. . it ) M Two. Three. 1 Building Material Of all Description Sash, Doors Is Windows Made to order. BtiildiBj paper, ume, cement, bnci 1 and sand wood gutters fcr 1 Darns and dwellings a jpee-ialty, Oregon Ltsmba Yard Alta St, Opp. Court House Artists' Supplies: ' - i If 'ou are interested in Oil Painting see us. Our line ' is complete ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCH URS BRUSHES ARTISTS SABLES BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS We make a specialty of fram- j ine pictures. Newest stock , of frames 1 t 1 t a 1 1 ic. C. SHARP i 1 Opera House Block T For Sale $3,000.00 8 room, 2 story, ne house, and lot 50x100. $1,200.005 room, 1 'of7 house. $1,700.008 Room, i Mf house. Bath tub and toilet, good cellar, woodshed, pufflP and city water. Easy tenM- $600.001 Vacant lot. Very desirable. $2,0007 room 2 story 4 rooms each 15x15, room, rock" cellar 18x3-. 1 lots. $350.001 vacant lot. Merchants Protective j Age rencv Despain Building, Room ..; 'ft'" Four, In " did condition. Eight lots, good , Oood fence , .. nil ni main wnmr liiucu "- and orchard. Water house, and garden, desirable property. iAFONTAINE, at ant. Every stamp roqulromont Jl Good well Apply J French