PAGE THREE. tE(J PACES. AMERICAN MANUFACTURES IN OLDEN PALESTINE DA'LY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1904. vats art fe -w-tan B ismtr . n Trial . rrs it.-.. I !rPle. Murder. e of 2?'J March 2i.Th,. tte. ttu,d'. ""feme, .charged with K? to child;?; 8arah Ramsey Mai toda,, 5 V If w8 called for EE Jve wit- " trial promises .to bo To sweeten, To refresh, To cleanse the system, Effectually and Gently; There is only one Genuine Syrup of Figs; to get its bene ficial effects . 'l . Always buy the genuine Manufactured by the uf3rnia Kg Syrup I L Louisville, Ky. Szvrv Francisco, Cal. flewYork,.Y. J m The genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale by all first-class druggists. The J li full name of the company California Fig Syrup Co. is always I B printed on the front of every package. Price Fifty Cents per bottle. ABSOLUTELY UNRIVALED There is no o'hor brand of Canned Fruits and VfjrefaMps and Oyeters and Salmon in the Northwest which equals MONOPOLE in style and quality. Ask You Goce Fo Them Most first-class grocers carry MONOPOLE Canned Goods, Spices. Syrup, Baking Powder, Coffee, Etc. Wadhams & Kerr Bros. Monopole Grocers and Dry Coffee Roasters PORTLAND .... ono of the moat notable that uas taken placo in this soctlou of tho state In a long time. During 1903 the United States ex- mitoi. .rnrwl., n Tlxilllln tfl tllO ValUO of J7.518.177, and to Japan to the Dispels colds and headaches when bilious or con stipated; For men, women and children; Acts best on the kidneys and liver stomach and bowels; OREGON In Paderewskl's presence the czar of Russia lately referred to hlra as a T, I Ti ,1 nrou-i;l I H (1 1(1 " f 1)01? your pardon, I am a Pole." The next day ho receivon oraere ui jmt m country, though dates wore sot for a series of concerts In Russia extend ing till next June. American Consul O. llavndal of Uelrut, Syria, socils tho following Intensely Interesting report to tho department of commerco and labor, on American machinery In Syria: There Is no economic movement in Syria more Important or more ln terestlnR than the Introduction, of American machinery. Owing largely to emigration to North and South America, wages In this country havo been growing nt such a rate that It Is no exaggeration to declare nn Increase of 40 to 50 per cent during tho last IB years. Wages are still low, tho unskilled laborer receiving nn average wage of 25 cents a day. I have no doubt, however, that the age of machinery is dawning upon this country. Agriculture Is tho main Industry of Syrln, but' it Is In an extremely. backwnrd state the implements com-i monly in use being tho samo as those In vogue in tho ante-Christian era. Large tracts of land of great fertility He wasto and depopulated, j though showing traces of former! prosperity and teeming populations.) Agricultural and Irrigating ma chinery and railroads will prove strong factors In tho redemption of these regions. In the plains or tno Sharon. Esdraelon, Hauran, Dekaa, etc., modern agricultural machinery has begun to appear, and I am glad to report that most of it Is of Amer ican make. j Previous to 1902 American plows nnd reapers .wero operated In tho Haifa neighborhood (upper Sharon) under the auspices of tho American and German members of the Templo colony. In tho Bekna (Coelo Syrla) j a Jesuit missionary organization con-j ducted a "model farm" on which was employed a limited variety of French machinery. I Jews First Experimenters. In certain Jewish colonlc.8 modern machinery was experimented with, but as they were subsidized by for eign capitalists work was largely perfunctory, it was not, however, until 1902 that natives of Syria nnd Palestine began using mnchlnery in tilling the soil and In harvesting the crops. From now on tho use of agri cultural machinery and modern Im plements will grow steadily hero, 'and there seems to bo no reason to doubt that American manufacturers -will control tho market. ' i do not believe there are more than 75 modern reaping machines I (including perhaps 20 scir-uinucre) In this district, which comprises, rearly nil of Syria and two-thirds of Palestine. There are some 12 up-to-date windmills, four or flvo grist mills, 10 olive-oll presses, 125 petro leum engines, two steam threshing machines, ono well-drilling machine, three hydraulic rams, 175 silk-reel-lng factories, half a dozen lleorlco root and tobacco presses, etc. Reap ers, threshing machines, grlstmlljs, and wind engines como from the United States. Franco furnishes sllk-reellng machinery and some ollvo presses. Such presses also come from England, which country compotes with Germany In tho mnt ter of oil engine?. I have agitated tho Introduction of American oil en gines and a few specimens havo been brought In. Tlioy do not seem to do well with Russian oil. Amor- E HERMIT RACE NEITHER JAP NOR CHINESE. Have Never Had a National Religion Believe In Spirits, Demons and Witches Women Have No Legal Status All Unmarried Men Are Called Boys In Korea. Tho lKjopIe of Korea are not Jap anese, and thoy aro not Chinese, They are Mongolian, and have a polysyllabic language with a phonet ic iUphabot. They havo a recorded history, ' of disputed authenticity, which clalmH for thora a continuous existence as a Korean people of about 6,000 years, the earlier part of which, ,of eourso, is shrouded in tho mists of tradition and fable. As early as throo centuries ago the Koreans had made great pro gress In the arts. They built ships 200 feet long and covered them with plates .of Iron, tho iron being hammered into small plates and fas tened by small spikes driven Into tho wood. They made woven fabrics and were very uklllful in metal work In the fashioning of Jewels and in the manufacture of pottery. They were far in advance of their Japanese neighbors, to whom they have taught the arts of metal-work-lng, pottery-making and sllk-weav- lng. Three centuries ago Japan overran the country and devastated it, transferred whole colonies of ar tisans to Japan, and broke down for ever the military power of Korea. Korea has produced little litera ture. Korean students have been largely devoted to Cblnoso authors. Tho native llteraturo consists large ly of descriptions of scenery and folklore. The people of Korea may ho de scribed generally as robust, amiable, industrious, pleasure-loving and given rather to the arts of peace than the ardors of war. They are agricultural rather than commercial. They are kindly and generous. Thoy have no national religion and never had. Confucianism, bo far as regards tho worship of ancestors, the reverence of parents and the dig- M L IS lean petroleum, which used to bo In excluslvo command of this market, Is not sold hero any more, nor Is gasoline for sale In this country. Requirements In Machinery. I havo also endeavored to Intro ditco American ollvo oil presses. Thoso In use nro hydraulic presses, ranging In capacity from 56 to 120 tons, with cylinders ot flvo to eight Inches, respectively, nnd selling for $350 to $700. In constructing and selling such hydraulic presses In this market tho following Items should bo considered: 1. Perfect castings, so as to over come leakage and breakage to tho greatest degree. 2. All presses should bo provided with safety valves and pressure gauges. In tho hands ot Ignorant workmen many nro disabled. 3. Detailed Instructions should bo sent along with tho machine, oven Including ndvlco which would bo su perfluous nnd needless In tho case of nn American or European workman. I. Naturally, It Is essential that tho prlco of tho machine, as deliver ed In Helrut, should compare favor ably with that of English and French machines of equal capacity. Samples should bo forwarded, as far as possible, nnd correspondence should bo addressed to the follow ing firms: Michael J. Nasser, Hel rut, Syrln; American Exchnngo Co., Haifa, Syria; and Meshakn & Nac.i man, Damascus, Syria. Difficulties aro experienced hero In repairing mnchlnery and secur ing proper draft animals for heavy work, but these will gradually bo eliminated. Duty Free for Eight Pears. For at least eight years to como agricultural machinery nnd Imple ments will bo admitted free of duty into Syria. Specimens of American cultivat ors, cornshollcrs, hnyrnkos, harrows, mowers, fanning mills, pumps, plows, rollers nnd well-drilling mnc.ilnos havo appeared In this market, and n fair tado In theso articles Is suro to grow up. Other American manufac tures which would ho well received hero. If properly Introduced, nro fencing wire, road machines, rofrlg erato machinery, garden clippers (for uso In the mulberry groves In tho silk season), sickles nnd wagon umbrollas. I havo personally had considerably to do with organizing -things so ns to open n way Into this country for modern machinery, nnd hnvo attend . ed tho first experiments with our reapers, gristmills, windmills nnd threshing mnchlnes. Last year wit nessed the nrrlval of tho first fit earn threshing machine over seen In tills country. It waB Installed In Coolc-Syrln, where It created n tremendous son satlon. Hitherto. grain has boon separated by oxen trending It out or drawing a toothed slab around tho threshing floor. It Is a method which renders tho grain dirty nud cnuscs much wnBto. besides being extremely laborious. A few wcokb ago tho second steam threshing out fit (llko Its predecessor, made In Richmond. Ind.) wns started on ItH enreor of highly Important pioneer work In the territory around Damas cus. I consider tho Introduction of this one outfit ns foreshadowing a nlty of family, hns a stronger hold than any other form of religion. Iluddhlsm hns always had n languish ing existence among them. There Is u widespread belief among tho pooplo In witches, In spir its and In devils. Thero nro relics of fotlchism. Tho costumes of tho men nnd tho women do not differ widely from those In uso thousands of years ago, The universal costunio Is cotton cloth, blenched nnd un bleached. In winter, this Is padded with short iilnplo cotton which grows In Korea nnd Is carded Into pads for the purposo of quilting tho clothing of tho pooplo. Their headgear Is re markably varied In form. Thoy havo n different form or n different kind of hat for almost every station In life. All tho unmarried men In Ko rea are called hoys, and wear their hair In braids down their backs, Mar rlago may tako place nt nny ago from 12 upward, and whon n boy Is mar ried ho Is a man. Tho women of Korea havo no le gal status. A man may havo ono wife, and her children nro his heirs; but a Korean may havo as many concubines us ho tnny havo tho abil ity or tho disposition to support. J. Bloat Fasset In tho American Monthly Revlow of Reviews, Tax an Jewels A largo bunch of trouble, social and otherwise, Is In readiness for tho congressman who attempts to enact into law a bill taxing Jewelry In Washington, Wealthy Washington women, pro eminent in the social life of tho national capital, aro agl tated over the measure, which was drafted and Introduced 'by tho dls trlct commissioners, and which alms to reach valuable personal properly now untaxed, being classed as heir looms. Tho bill takes Jawelry out of that class. There is hardly a social function nowadays where tho bill is not discussed with great anxiety and some bitterness by thu women possessing Jewels. Mrs. h. Z. I-elter is said to own tho finest collection of Jovels at tho capital. Her rubles alone aro worth a kings ransom. The general government will in tervene to settlo as equitably as pos sible the row botween Kansas and Colorado over the uso of the water in the Arkansas river. For a dozen years Colorado has used all, or nearly all of tho water before it reached tho Kansas line. complolo revolution In tho economi cal conditions of that region. Oil and Steam Engines. As to oil nnd steam endues, Gcr- mnny nnd Great Drltaln nro the chief rivals In theso mnrkots, with tho United Stntos looming up as n "dark horso." l)r!tlsh engines nro Import ed from Egypt, whore English firms havo largo depots. Throughout Gali leo tho uso of tho oil engine Is al ready qnlto common, OH engines havo tho preference over steam engines, ns coal Is dear compared with Itussiait petroleum. Simplicity of construction Is nn Im portant requirement, ns native la borers usually aro placed In chargo of tho mnchlnes. Tho following no- count of methods of irrigation cm ployed In fruit gardens on tho Syri an const seems worth roadlng In this connection: "Tho orango gardens In the plain of Sharon nro Irrlgnted by n water wheel lifting a double row of buck ets, called n "norln," and this wheel has hitherto been turned by from throo to flvo mules, working ono nt a time, nt nn nnnunl expense of from $100 to $1,500, nccordlng to tho size of tho garden, Including tho wages of tho gardener nnd work men; tho keep of each mule nvorng lng about $C0 per annum. Hut tho stimulus given to lncrensod cultiva tion nnd the planting of gnrdons of from 10 to 30 acres In size havo ne cessitated tho consumption of n very much larger quantity of wnter for their Irrigation. Engine Water Hoists. "In Inrgo gardens consisting ot from f.,000 to 8,000 or oven 10.000 trees requiring Irrlgntlou, a con stant supply of wnter Is needed nnd thu reservoir to furnish this has to bo kept full, necessitating tho work ing of tho mules nt tho water wheel during nearly tho whole of 21 hours. About three years ago a German firm ondoavored to Introduco Into tho country oil engines of throo or four horsopowor for pumping wnter from deep wells more rapidly than It could bo lifted by mules. At tlrst no ono would try theso engines, gar den proprietors looking upon -them with suspicion. "Finally, howover, tho ngnnt of tho firm In question volunteered to set up nn engine free of expense In ono of tho gnrdons by way of experi ment, nnd It wns found to work so woll that several orders wore nt onco placed with tho firm. Whop first sot to work thoso engines were made to pump up tho water, but It wns found that tho pipes frequently became clogged with tho mud nnd sand nt tho bottom of tho wells. Now, howovor, by n very slmplo ad justment of tho bolt, tho old wnter wheel with Its bucknts Is made to ro tato and tho water Is raised as for merly, only nt n considerably great er speed. It Is found that nn oil en gine will fill ono of the largo reser voirs nbovo mentioned In about six hours nt ltnlf tho dnlly cost of hoop ing three or four mules, nnd tho gain to tho garden proprietor Is therefore manifest." Oil engines nro used In tho Leba non to opornto gristmills nnd nro lllllng n long-rolt want, owing to tho scarcity of water. G. illo ltnvndnl, consul. llelrut, Syria. DISFIGURED WITH ECZEMA Under Physicians Pive Months. Went from Bad to Worse. CURED BYCUTICURA Wonderful Change in One Night. In a Month Face Was Clean as Ever. I was troubled with eczema on the faco for five months during which tlmo I was In tho cure of pliyslcluus. My faco was in such a condition that I could not go out. It was going from bad to worse and I gave up all hope, when a friend of mlno highly recoin mcndwl Cntlcnra Jtomiylloi. Tho first night after 1 waalicd my fare with Cu tlcura Hoop and used Cullcura Ointment ami Cutlcura Resolvent it changed won derfully, and continuing tho treatment It removed all scales and scabs. From that day I was able to go out, and In a month my face was as cleau as over." T110M H J. BOTH, 817 Btagg St., Urooklyn, K. V. Tho above letter was received In 1893 and he 'again writes us Feb, 10, 1003, "1 havo not been troubled with eczema since.'' The agonizing Itching and burning of the skin as In eczema) tho frightful callng, a In psoriasis tho loss of hair and crusting of scab), as in scalled head) the facial dUtfguremcnt, as In pimples and ringworm the awful suf feiu(of Infant-, and anxiety of worn out parents, as In milk crust, tetter and salt rhcom all demand a remedy of almost superhumau virtues to success fully cope with them. That Cutlcura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent aro such lauds proven beyond all doubt. No statement Is made regarding them that la not Justified by tho strongest evi dence. Tho purity and sweetness, tho power to afford immediate relief, the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy havo mode them the staudard Un cores of the civilized world. Soil Ihioarhosl ttu world. CuUcurt Iteoliaal. KM. Cull r nil or an. Ou!tmiit,et)a.. So-p.tAe. Dtp i Lobdoa, V CbArttt koiM . WrU. l Ku. d. U Will tWoa. IS Coliiat-feu4- fWlwIniiUwia.Cwf.. IMafnotlowa- ivaino or 21,622,C0S.