DAILY EVENING EDITIQH LYEVENINGEDITION '" " ' ',' have el- WEATHER FORECAST. T fmer? his newspaper ad- tZT Economy of space Tonight iiml Wednesday, imrtly cloudy with showers. other win PEXDiETON, TJJ ATILIiA COUNTY, OTSEGO, TUESDAY, MAHCIl BS, 1004. NO. 6001. VOL. 17- HMD GQUNTflY I OF GOER PEOPLE . . r :uJ loth Graphically uesunueu by Natives of Africa and Participants in the War. Instructive and very INTERESTING LECTURE. loubert and O'Donncll Declare That the Boer Cause Is Not Forever Lost Nor by Any Means Abandon. erf-They Aver That England Lost twice as Many Men as the Com. bined Forces of the Boers, and That the Transvaal Will Yet Be Independent. nm n. n. Joubert nnd Cant W. S. IODonaell, two veterans of the Boer wr, fSTe a most Interesting lecture it the Fraier last night, to an en- Itkasiastlc audience. Tie sneakers treated of tho war Items all Its three years of horror. lui tram their talk it Is easy to be is mat tne uoer repunnc is not a Iufcj utogetner 01 tne past, ana mat Tieitle time comes for their next I inapt to regain tneir liberty tne M -ho nro vol rnnni. rww r 11 W 11 1 J J i' n 11 fl mvtri tn rot Into thn flolri wilt ho I found llrritln,- clrlo hv nlno irlth ns fnipr nf tlio vnnni. pannpfltlnn no I V w """ft few,. .., BIT ho lpft from tho r-nnr-pntrntlnn ranps of the British, striving to re fifn the liberty which they have lost, yet three times won." Both speakers were In command of troopi, and told In graphic manner of their experiences. They both tontend that the Boer cause is not lost; that the fight was given up for time only because tho methods of the British were exterminating the Inraen ana cmiaren or tne lioers, tui not the army The surrender Hfl Tnarlo that trmcci nntil.1 lio coi'Arl Ihat were lpft nf thpm nnrl Tint thnt the Boprs mnlrl fliht no Innmr At the close of the war there were 14S.- ITJlrulSD ,orces ln the flel(J against 1 Boers- and still the war was not at aB end, The conflict started with 47,onn lioers In the field and when it closed tne South Afrioon t,.,i 7,000 men In vnioH .ii ?k n t . 5 romd nuiabers, 100,000 of -c um.su ine greate8l logs of tne I IlOerS was In tr, -. t.ii rLWhJ, "If6 sl"yei ln tQe camps. tV , l"em navlne perished In those places during the war I AS to tho pnlnnl.ln- it. .u wes it is held by the lecturers that l.r.7 . f. r, ra would v0 here .h.d.tSfJ?lnr while Pn.i..i . pan 18 m power ln with thelr ,ove woW be whL ,to aDli of thplr ulrUl ana aTd.t-88 have suffered ICverr in-r f.LdU5e 01 "berty. I67. . "f th0 Kro"nd Is made Inn wu, auu luey will ic: 'l will th- lltr tV LB Bna antl her brutal- idoar ,o thn. ur,e ev?.r ronl.aln EromM .i m ""Hn lno time . n -!.fourth eff0" liberty ardonhVrn?aethe,?8t:re I oomo vprv .., I of tha h,.n 6 "J V1CWS are Bhown the ..J"": aPd other futures of ota was 2 . e ,ei!t!rtalnment in kuilenrt ne Terr 'natrucUve to the NEW PAPER FOR LA CRNDE. orr.r?etl0:Fee" the Of an 7an ,or th Coming Campalon. f''tennyTmorerfrhh 22-U ,s Per W CItV hJI, J fbe.t0 thRt th Ba. nrch faction node 0baenrcr in a lc'e 1 a mSr and tbe Chron- Paper maae. Hcrlber organ. conTeed 1 M,tchel' WmNot Run. I -CriT March 22. I tlonY fh-iVtlnucd Bug- 4I1 to. Vl b the ?Be Party ''-President of 1 a not . mornIng said. "' omrndlaato fr any . nomination ??w i01 aecept at any tlmo." . CHAUNCEY DEWEY ACQUITTED. End of a Desperate Cattlemen's Feud In Western Kansas. Norton, Kan., March 22. Chauncey Dewey and his two cowboys, Clyde Wilson and William J. McBrido were acquitted tonight of the charge of murdering Burchard Berry by a Jury which had considered the case 28 hours. Chauncey Dewey, a young million aire ranchman, went to Cheyenne county Kansas, early In 1900, to man ago the Dewey ranch. He became Involved ln trouble with the Berry family, who were also prominent cattlemen. The trivial misunder standings grew into serious differ ences, which culminated ln the kill ing of Burchard Berry in June, 1903, at tho home of Alphcus Berry during a fight ln which Dewey and 10 of his cowboys were pitted against all of the Berrys. Dewey and his cowboys went to tho Berry ranch to get a tank that Dewey had bought in at sheriff's sale. When the Deweys started to take the tank away the Berry boys rode up and a battle took place be tween the two factions, ln which Burchard, Daniel and Alpheus Berry were killed. Tasmanlan Regulars Disbanded. Hobart, Tasmania, March 22. Ow ing to numerous manifestations of mutiny over pay grievances, the Fourth British Tasmanlan forces have been disbanded. Train in River. Oil City. Pa., March 22. The train for the Allegheny Valley railroad Is reported to be ln the river east of Sandy Hundry, GO miles south. Doc tors have been sent. PROSECUTION STATES CASE EVIDENCE INTRODUCED IN FINAL TRIAL MRS. BOTKIN Court Orders the Room Cleared of Women Spectators Who Act Un seemly Mrs. Botkln Danced the Cancan on the Chiffonier First Witness for State Is Defendant's Brother. San Francisco, March 22. District Attorney Byrlngton made the state ment for tho stato In the Botkin case. When he referred to the orgle In the flat occupied by John Dun ning, (whoso wlto was ono woman poisoned) and Mrs. Botkln, during which Mrs, Botkln danced the can can on the chlftouier, a number of women, who composed the largest part or tho spectators In the court room, laughed aloud. Twenty of them were Immediately expelled by order of the court. The first Important witness wan Harry Pennington, brother of Mrs. Dunning. He testified to taking the packago or candy out of tho Pen nington box In tho Dover postoffico and carrying It home. CATHOLICS WANT INDEMNITY. FAMINE AND FISCAL CRISIS CONFRONT THE GOVERNMENT Necessities of Life Being Distributed at Government Ex pense -6,000 Soldiers in Hospital. St. Petersburg .March 22. Tho (Trtvnrnmonf hnc npilprort trnlnn tn distribute the necessities of life along the trans-Siberian railroad, and thus put a stop to tho rise in prices. One result of the war has been a tremendous revival ln the leather trade, but other trades suffer heavy losses. At Odessa the financial crisis is severe, at Warsaw, the clothing iMitu to TiirnlvTOfV Tiosnlto thpsn conditions the public response to the request lor contributions to tne war fund haB been remarkable. Kuropatkln Arrived. Irkutsk, March 22. General Kuro patkln arrived last night and left for Lake Baikal this morning. Troops Arriving Dally. Hnrhln Mnrrh 22. In the last 40 days about 20,000 troops have arriv ed. Twelve thousand were aispatcn ed to New Chwang, Port Arthur and Mukden, and two thousand to Vladi vostok. The greater part of the re mainder are in Hospital. the outbreak, but half brought muni tions and provisions. It Is hoped that next week troops will arrive at tho rate of 1,000 dally. Thero is still great disorder at Harbin Junction, where fortifications are being made. Port Arthur Fallen 7 ? 7 lxiiulon, March 22. A sensational Tokio report to the effect tlmt Port Arthur has been taken, Is given no credence today. Tho Ico around 1.1a Tung peninsula has not broken up, henco It would bo Impossible for tho Japanese to land a forco thero suf ficient to prova a serious menace In Port Arthur's rear. Without this land attack It Is impossible to re duce the fort. Graft In Japan. Tokio, March 22. Tho proposal for tho government to creato a to bacco monopoly is creating a polltl mi Ktlr. it Is nllecptl certnln mem bers of the diet agreed to support tho movement to incrcaso compensa tion to uo paid manuiaciurers mr u umuci mu iu uubjiiuh Of 33 military trains arriving since share In the increaso secured. SITUATION UNCHANGED. No Prospects of a Settlement at Sac ramento. Sacramento, March 22. The situa tion in the labor difficulties is prac tically unchanged. The non-union carpenters are still working, but con struction work on all large struc tures in the city has stopped. The open shop policy was Inaugu rated this morning, but the Citizens' Alliance Is not crowding tne me in bers would bo taken to ascertain whether thoy re-engago Hov. Cart wrlght another year or not. True to tho instinct of human na ture, the house was filled to Ub ut most at tho service hour. Itev nhllilors nreached a sermon on "Brotherly Love," which seemed ap proprlate for tho occasion. At 12 o'clock the ofilcers wero call EASTERN EARTHQUAKES. Felt From Massachusetts Into Cana dian Provinces. Bangor. Me.. March 22. Profes sor Knight, the widely known scien tist, says thero wero ntno distinct shocks of earthquake this morning, covering a period of two hours. Tho severest lasted 25 seconds. Seasick From Earthquake. South Fnrmlngton, Mass., March oo Thn fofituro nf tlila tnnriilntr'A earthquake shook was tho sonelck iinss fnlt hv npoule for nn hour after the tremors hnil passed. Earth Quakes In Canada. Montrnnl Mnrrh A slltrht shock of earthquake was felt In the province or ijiiciiee, ami niso in mow Brunswick this morning. MESSIAH GOMPERS. Expected to Show Porto Rico the Straight and Narrow Industrial Way. Now York, March 22. Samuel Hnmnnrc rntltrnoil frimi Pnrtn Mll'll this morning, whero ho made n close study or labor conditions. It is expected ho will mnko a sen- antlonnl rmmrt ITo tlllnkH mnilt. Hons can bo Improved DO per cent in n snort tlmo, nut just now no win not discuss at this tlmo. In Porto Illco he was hailed na n labor mcs- siah. KEY-NOTE OF REPUBLICANS Sounded by the Missouri State Convention to Elect Na tional Delegates. SUPERVISOR FEDERAL SUB.TREASURY SPEAKS. National Convention Will Declart for the Gold Standard, Contlnua. tlon of the Imperialistic Policy, Adherence to Energetic Disposal of the Canal Question, and Will Make a Magnificent Straddle on the Labor Issue, Fire at La Grande. Iji Orando, March 21. Fire hroko out at midnight In tho ofllco of A. . ,, . j8tiltlln cftnai Kansas City, Mo., March 22. Thomas Alkuns, In charge of tho fed eral Bub-treasury, nnd republican Htnto chairman, on opening tho Btnto convention for tho election of delegates to tho national convention, outlined tho national platform to be protection, sound currency, tho early a. Enlow, city water superintend. Jimt,co (( , nml mlHU. ftUk0i ent, destroying all tho records of tho ,mrnntoonK cnl,ttal ond lnbor tholr ofllco. Mr. Eiisiow wonted an my llhorpnl lliwflll rKi,tB nmi wm op. vnstnnlnv c.n his nnnual report, which' ,,, , i.t.,.i.... f nini wns destroyed. been ordered. An Investigation Una WILL CATION BE REMEMBERED EVERY PARTY PLATFORM SHOULD SPEAK OF IT resentatives to Work for Irrigation The Government Should Be En. couraged In Its Work of matlon Umatilla County Be Alive to Her Interests. Recta Should ori nnrl n business session convene for tho abovo Btated reasons. Ti.o nhloot nf thn mpptlnir wan Alliance IS IlOl crowums me i"e - ; viting of union men to go to work stated, and Mr. Inglo was asked for .... . . . .l . . I ... . ...l.lnl. tin linM.'nfl ill, 11V on ine Old terms, uuu uu nut - - to extend the open shop to other Bible scenes, such ns tho dividing or p t sh ,d p d t8 R trades at least at present. The the flocks because tho pastures were "ery t-ariy O"ou" rieoge i nop irauea, ttt Jt,ai. F.v . ., . , , , rnnttlus to WorU for Irr n.ltinr bulldlng Trades Council says It wni Bnort, and mo iwo no not call the other trades out unless men because they couldn't both soo the open shop is rorced on them. alike, when ono went ono way and ono tlio other, gave in a oriei mm . . ..r-.,-r- n.ciur. concise manner, hut thought Jis aomti 'raPttt.rlrht nlunvs lma lieen offen r- r,o.r in That VI- lvo to him, ho (Cartwrlght) should Levees In Great Danger In That VI clnitv I pastures and all, In other words, ho o Mnrot, o?. xho river hadn't anvtlilnir to repent 01 or upoi oav.ioiAi.-Mv. .... ! is at 20.2 and rising slowly. Most of oghe for. t .. . ..... i ml. . m n I ,.n . 1 1 il II 1 tne iriuutariet oiu icwuuh. uiulxth auu uiuiui v All trains aro running except on nite Bce a8 Mr. Inglo did, and gavo the Marcus and Orovlllo branches. njm onu rnoro week to consider tho !The high water in the river nas matter I broken the piles driven at bdwards , no,iwriht confessed his Lake and tho work of closing the wrongg and apologlzed. Tlio next in .break is abandoned. It Is feared the ()rdcr vag Ul votlnff contest, hut i.nni, ...ni lo oninrpoil lifilr a mile ..u, ....1.... ... mean r ... mi,,, wr. vjariwrmni. bimilmi u"ifi i. on thn smith Pnd bV tOnlgbt, AllO .... , ,...,,. tillrrolinilpil ... w. 111,, 11 lUlllOLtlllV.U city levee hero Is perfectly nrm. ,( t,nrph nt tlil time, ho wouldn " accept tho position though ho worn BRITISH shim lusi. unanimously elected, nenco no voie was taken and tho church 1 still Her Wreckage Found Off West Coast wjthout a preacher. Problem That Arises From Dispos session of the Friars. Home. March 22. The pop" nas ordered Archbishop Ouldl. the apos tolic delegate to tho Philippines, to investigate the claims that America should pay indemnity to tho ramllles of Filipino priests alleged to have been maltreated and killed by Amer ican soldiers during tne lorcioio uis posscssion of tho friars of their lands. Vancouver Island. Victoria, B. C, March 22. It Is, "CA8EY AT THE BAT." DIs Oreoon Ore Exhibit Shipped. Baker City, March 22. Tho Ore gon ore exhibit to the S Iuls ex position, was shipped irom win -.ij last night. It consisted of 198 cases and required a car to transport U to tho fair. It was gathered largely from Eastern Oregon, altnougn some of the best specimens came from tho mines of Josephine, Jackson and Douglas counties. Contract Signed Up. Indianapolis, March 22.-Tho min ing contract for the Central district, covering tho working conditions of 177,000 miners for the next two years, was signed by the operators and miners this morning. Gold In Tibet. St. Petersburg, March 22. Tho Novosto declares tho real secret or tho British Tibetan expedition la the discovery of immensely rich gold deposits In Tibet, second only to California. Leading Merchant Dead. San Francisco, March 22. Adam Orant, ono of tho best known mer phnnto o tho Tntflp Coast, and a . u uu k ti u v. member of tho wholesale dry goods house of Murphy, Grant & w.. "luu this morning of old ago. Parliamentary Election. Dublin, March 22. Waldron, na tionalist, was elected to parliament today oyer Matheson, unionist. . now almost certain the British ship! - - "amorna is lost, with all aboard, off Objected to Having His Repose the west coast. Indians today re-1 turbed by a Steady Roomer, ported finding B T rnEnv nn,, .Tn,ln naldroch wero 7Sm report bare. and pof'up against tho law this morning for and aiSO rt-iwri T1' .....i knlhi, Hltrl,n,1 thn narn Iiml d IT- a ship's outfit and w, f "r""- ,'C i .iMn. houso .m off CaDO Beal. Tne inaians . ' ..... Ww a big ship close to shore , uaiarecu nas ueen a rooi iur at lUu ri;rnv r.ll'ht: nOU80 IOr BOmO lIDiq, HU I II. . - n cr whnn hn Uftnt ItlTfl II1R rOOIIl. . , u found Caeey In h!a bed. Ho ordered thn nlaco and March 22. Tho funeral wan tnlfl thnt thn nour roomer had of the Duko or Cambridge was held) ,d for bu JodgIng ana WOuld ro- In Westminster ADby mis morunB. mam Daidrcch insisted and Casoy, inter- Creen imM ereat ceremony. Too rnnnt was made In Kcnsal cemetery. Presidential Appointments. Washington, March 22.-Tbo presl dent today nominated Norman Hutcn Inson, of California, as secretary or the legation at Caracas, and M"ard o.i,.t.io nf TTnwall. to be collector of customs ln that territory. MILTON CHURCH AFFAIR. Rev. Cartwrlght Declines to Preach Another Year. -. . . . .. v. oo frhn fnrt wr! L'ht million, luuiwu, . , Inglo affair, which has been closed to the outside world for the last few ilnvD WOO HvPil fin airing last Sun day In the ChrisUan church. On Saturday tne wora m tm-u-lated around that Ingle would make ., ..nnfriDDlnn llTlll rPDfint Of blS OCtS In the affair and a vote of the mem- who (a Irtuh anl hnt.fpm npred. Hit hQ testified in court, arose from his ro pose and smote the old-time renter In the race. Furniture, uouuing aim profanity filled the air for n time, and when tho scene changed tho stage was set In tho police court. Judge Fltz Gerald fined Casey 5 for getting Into another's bed, and fined Baldrech 3 for causing a dis turbance In a lodging house. Both men went to Jail. Milton Property 8old. Laura E. Davis and husband and other owners, havo sold to F. B. Steen for $2,250, all of block 1 In Nichols' addition to Milton, transfer ring with tho property the right to .. . . wn tne ireo uso or waier irum iuu m..- u. ... - ------- ton city waterworks for both domes- resigned from tho board, leaving an OnH If flfrattncr tl BA I It 1 H Tin VI ! I ULULT 1ltlCU 1UI UUIVluut mains of the water company. HARTMAN AND PflRKES WERE DISMISSED nortinnH Mnmh 22. The Indict- uoased the papers. monts against Judge George A. Hart- The investigation Into tho other man and Joe S, Parkes, of Pcndlc- cases Is progressing slowly. It will ,, i , l rAntilra Envnr.l Anvu to oomoloto tho ton, were aismisseii itxa. c.cuiugi uv.v.. " w.w thero being no evidence of any intcn. examinations and It Is thought now tinn nf fraud or complicity In the that more witnesses will be Bum- land transactions ln which they wlt-jmoned Irom Umatilla county. ,ioao lllnr-nl nfimhlnntlnnH nf ennttnl organized for tho purpoHo of fixing rotes nnd stilling comiKitltlon, and rejoloo that tho position or tho pres ident linn been susinined ny uio bu preme court In tho Northern Securi ties caso. "I hopo tlint Umatilla county re incnibcrH tho subject or Irrigation In ovory ono or her political platforniH tills year," Bald I). C. Ilniwnoll, or Umatilla, to tho East Orogonlan to day. "I seo tho republicans or Morrow county rorgot to mention Irrigation In their county platform, nlthougli thoy havo a portion of tho Echo Ir rigation tract In their county, uml will probably reap ns great a bono fit as Umatilla county from tho gov ernment work on this tract. "Tlio government should ho en couraged In ovory possible manner. The pooplo Bhould remember Irriga tion, ploilgo their roproHnntutlvoH to tho leglHluturo to work for an Irriga tion law, recommend co-oporauoii with tho government In wnrlf. nnd allow that tho ptogroHs Is nllvo In the west. "It Is not a political question, nvorv nnrtv Rhould ho nrotid to men tion this groat subject in Hh plat form, nnd Hliouid no proim in uie;v men (o tho legislature, pledged to work for this causo. No matter how brier tho platform may bo, thero should bo an Irrigation plank In It. Prove to tho government thnt Uma mi,, wmntv in nllvn tn her Intcrostu and ready to accomplish what Hob now In easy roacn, tnrougn irrigation." ANOTHER VACANCY. Who Will the Governor Appoint to Succeed G. A. Wettgate7 ir v MattoiL- hnu rnlnrnerl from wooi'a vlult tn Portland, whero ho attendod tho meeting of tho Orogon stato board of agriculture. Tho meeting bad been called to elect a president in piaco 01 uoorgo unuiiu. Icr, of Baker City, whoso terra as a mntntmp nr int. nnani nun exuireii. Mr. Matlock being appointed by tho governor to nil mo vacancy. W IT TViwntntf. nf Ralem. was eloctod to tho ofllco of president, bo- nc t.,o o.ioar mnm.ipr nr rue iKiurd. G. A. Westgate, of Albany, has slnco COUNTY CONVENTION APRIL 9. Republican Central Committee Meets and Fixes Dates. Tho republican county committee met this nftemoon nt 2 o'clock nt tho court hoiiHO, to consider tlio dato for tho primaries. Tho ImBls of ropro Huntntlon to tho county convention and the Blnto mooting aro matters to bu settled. It Is thought thnt the representation will ho put on about thn sanio linals iim that of two years ago. The committeemen who wore ex pected to lio present woro: AilniiiH, W. M. llaliorj Alhn, .A S. Quunt; Athena, N., U. I Barnott; Athoua, S K. U. Cox; Bingham Springs, A. S. Thompson; cotton wood, (loorgo (linn; Echo, J. II. Kooutas; Encampment, J. II, Baker; Fulton, J. 11. llniiKoomb; (lllllland, (ieorgo E AiIiiiiih; Iloguo, Joe Arkol; ilollx, II. II, Itlchnrils; Juiilper. Ken eth Mcltno; McKay. II. A. Faxon; Milton, S., (Iiih Wlnltlor; Milton, N., N. V. Mumford; Mounlaln, Charles E, Wells; Pilot Hock, William Fol hoiii; Poiidlotoii, John Bryant; Pon dleton, N., ThomiiH Thompson; Pen illelon, H., u. O. Fnizler; Pendleton, E., F. S. Curl; Prospect, John Dun can; IloKcrvallim. J. M. Coruellaim; lludilock, E. S Wilbur; Union, A. B. Cooloy; Umatilla, H. A. 8aylor; Uklnh, T. P. (lllllliind: Valloy, Frank K. WoIIh; Vancyclo. J. I. Joy; Vln son, Donald Hobs; Weston, O. 0. Tur ....... u',.oi,,n i.: H A Harnos: Wll- I ill mil I uvi i ,, ...., . -- ---- . ItH nohlo low SjirliigH, Harry Whlltiiuer; too- Bplrlt of.kuin, II. F. I.ano. Tho committed iixon mo iiasm ui representation to tlio county con vention, nt ono ilologato to every 30 votes ciiHt for supremo Jmlgn In 1902, with ono ilologato nt largo, which miikeB thn total number of delegate 112, The prlmarloH will ho hold on April 2, and tho county convention will meet In thltt city on April 9, uc bdq irrigating use. iuib yririi- . . r. . ego is given In exchange for a right lain to fill thereon. Just which part nf wbv nvpr fhn nrnnfirtv for tie Of the State will got thO appoint- lAlOMV WIHVVVt w . " em Oregon baa but one representa tive and Is really entitled to more, .,. It ! nrnhohlo tllflt thn crnVOmOr will see the unbalanced condition or tho ropcsentatlon and appoint an Waatom Hrpfrnn man. Another meeting will be held In June. William U. Hearst's new Boston rumor, thn "Iloarst Boston American and New York Journal," made Its first appearance Aiarcn zi. it was thorauehlr characteristic, and com prised 24 pages, EASTERN OREGON FIRST. Testimony of a Man Who Hat Been n Webfooter Many vear. anlnrilnv A. ilrOBS. Of BrOWnSVlIIO, Or., nrrlved In Athonn, Ho has como to visit nt uio norno in mo n. w. tir n n it I.. 1871 Mr llrOHS IHUl w, ..Minn, i ---- .. Tom Kirk camo no from Brownsvlllo nnd Bottled nt Athena. "My two hoyH, (loorgo and Jorr, ai.riml hern In Athena without a cent nnd now they nro both well off," said Mr. Gross. "OoorBo has ' to.., oronnrtv and a conBHinrnuiu mwu ........... fine 800-acro ranch near Athena, ana Jefferson, who now lives nt Walla Walla, also owns a largo ranch. Though I havo been down In oo for thn nast 11 years, I like Eastern Oregon best. I tWnk Un ti a county is a uuu .. mnn who wants to get ahead and Is willing to work." Two Townships Withdraw. Washington, March 22. Two townships or land have been withdrawn from Bottlo ment on tho headwaters of Butter Creek, for the pur pose of protecting tho sources of water used for Irrigating tho arid lands of the western portion of Umatilla county. Two townships havo also been withdrawn from Tho Dalles land dlstrlst adjoining.