EIGHT PAGES. " PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY. MARCH 1. W a a I Men's Fine Shoes 41 EDWIN CLAPP HAS NO SUPERIORS IN THE SHOE MAK- ING ART WITH THE BEST FITTING LASTS, FINEST WORK- MANSHIP AND THE HIGHEST GRADES OF LEATHER TO BE BOUGHT. HE MAKES SHOES THAT GIVE THE BEST OF SAT- ISFACTION, WEAR AND COMFORT. YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE WHEN YOU BUY EWDIN CLAPP SHOES. OWEN W. FEE DEAD PIONEER STRICKEN WITH HEART DISEASE. dar. Thursday next another con' signment of six cars Trill be ship ped to Pomeror and from this on the factory will be rushed -with or idcrs for storage Ice. DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. Phone Main 11SL Came to Pendleton In 1884 Was a Native of the Emerald Isle and Came to America at 1A Was a Pioneer of Wisconsin, Iowa, Cali fornia, Washington and Oregon Leaves Large Family and Hosts of Friends. Mary E. Sellen. Healer, teacher, metaphysician of 17 years' experience, trill correspond with afflicted, especially In female diseases. Opposed to surgical oper lation, know they can be prevented. I hare the best methods: effectual because simple. &end date of birth with symptoms If enable to visit Spokane. Fees reasonable, lec ture and lessons on health and all ' subjects pertaining to happiness. Address 527 South Howard. COOD SHOES CHEAP Owen W. Fee, a well known plo- UMe Daughter Quite IIL necr of Pendleton, died Sunday M M j eddish, 0f afternoon at the residence of his . . a .r 7 th Hrr the xh Jr,;.;,; hu death s of hartn coae hcre The Immediate cause of his aeatn f. . j , i . was heart failure, this fatal ailment , , test of medl- having been superinduced by rheu- e Candlsh HfjE't. 5S. '"LSa were former residents of this city. to return to her home with him. but," mJT h mx Mr. Candlsh baring been In the em- wnrsmm - to return to ner nome wim mm. dui . v i .f LU M UL Will L U fhe and left the court roam'" ploy of the O. R. & S. I IIUIII I L11ULLI UI1 company with her mother and AN HAS EX-CONVICT TROUBLE Bell. hZ i-- ,ti .1 Cunllff-Provo, Idlewlne Is an old resident of that;lnp to t n fo'r daJ. he w' Robert B. Cunllff and Miss Annie jclty and a respected and Industrious nrtrini KlT,rl;m th heart dis-'Provo were married yesterday even- l citizen. His wife Is an epileptic and ni1 , ,.,..,-,, ,Rrim,.Mng at the residence of E. Houser. In when he;tWK city. Rev. G. W. Rlgby officiat ing. Mr. Cunliff Is a well known Fee was bom in ! fireman on the O. R. 4: X, at La ,r County Fermanaugh. Ireland, on Grande ana Miss provo is a renuie- the . V . - ,C,e . n mma tn ' ' HT1 !i H ThoT will Tirtn at T H. OCiCUiVCi il, lOiO tu v.n.i v j " - - - New York in 1S32, at the age of 14 Grande. AT SALEM, " ,fe "v, VvT " " " " lingering mull 2:30, u -"c'f nassed a war. as one of tbe hardest pauents to Qwen wllIIaIn of the Row and Causes a Fight Qj Sajurday has been returned. Between Her Lover and Her The daughter is a pretty girl of Father The Latter, Who Was somewhat simple mind, and easily Sent to the Penitentiary From influenced. ..... Lester Bell "was sent to the penl- umatiiia county, r-rosreuxre me ,pntIar from riniatllla county March i . "'"-.l. " - . . - . ,. Wisconsin, wnere ne was mamtru ui - IMS under a two and one-half , 184g e remembered present 'fj leCl0TjJaT v8:ite of the city of Chicago as Both- fcu,u tiTi fh: Ins but a village of log huts. jzzs ii-, f J?'s .'whenr ter Bell, an ei-convict, lor assault thp name of Calvin Lester, and was and battery. Idlewlne was dismiss- considered a hard character by the Girl's Father for Assault tery. and i years. He resided In that state nntll 1S42. Freewater Place Sold, when he came to the fartherest I Rebecca J. Manela has sold to D. frontier of Western settlement, to j Blrdsell for 1.500. three and a half acres oi land in the nonnwest quar ter of the northwest quarter of sec tion 1 In township 5. north of range 35 east, being In the vicinity of Freewater. to Central Iowa. In 1S73 ne came to California, from there to Mrs. Gone to Seho. Helen P. Gattch left this ed on the motion of the prosecuting officers here. attorney. The story Is that Bell was paying N York Life Peonle year-old daughter of the 'old man. M. B. Gwlnn, general manager for ren. two sons nd five daughters COMING EVENTS. April 19 Democratic state con vention, Portland. April 14 Republican state con vention, Portland. April 16 Meeting of Orefon Cattle-growers' Association. Portland. May 2 Oregon Federation of La bor, Oregon City. May i General M. E. conference, Los Angeles. June 2, 3, 4 Umatilla county pio neers' reunion, at "Weston. June 6 General election In Ore gon. June 15, 1G, 17 Oregon encamp ment G. A. R., Hood River. Excavating Begun. Workmen commenced this morn ing on the excavation for the base-1 ment of the proposed Carl Welsertj harness building on the corner of' Court and Cottonwood streets. The i work will be pushed as fast as pos sible, in order that the owner can move Into his new quarters early in the year. t Lomax, of Union. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Lomax, of Union, are the guests of the Hotel ' SL George for a short visit in the city. Mr. Lomax is one of the prom-) lnent attorneys of Union county, and is in the city to attend to legal bus-' iness. J Herr Martin The Naturalist Says he bought a horse whfck "was thin, almost a skeleton and so weak it could bartX walk," and began giving 2 coffee, in the form of infastoat of the roasted beans, t) sometimes ground and aixM with honey. After a fe, months Herr Martin refoset JI50 for iL The German stri he has brought round atoi horses since by the saas conee is better than horie feed put up In packages intj called cereal coffee. OWL TEA HOUSE MEBRIU. TYPEWRITE! CtL So. 7 IW H SirppliM Renting Etr-Rfaim.l Washington In 1S7S, and from that afternoon for Echo where she will state to Pendleton in 1RS4. where he i visit with the ladies of the Eastern has since resided. His wife died In j star. She will return Monday to her i this city In April. 1SS0. I home after a two-weeks' visit with His family consists of seven child-'Mrs. John Vert. all v. i,j mm m o f ,h me nonnwest oi me J"- or mem living ai mis ume except Returneo From La uranae. state to come to the house. On last IMe- iD cit7 taT a Bnort vlsil one daughter. The two sons are, Lou Wenham, one of the mechani ThursdET Bell aecomnanled the cirl t- business and is the guest of his Judge James A. Fee and P. H. Fee. i cal force of the East Oregonian, re- 5.f KM ing and was Invited into the house. Gwlnn Is accompanlng Dr. James H. Maggie Salisbury, of Relnbeck. When Idlewlne found out who the North. r.. of New York City, who Is Iowa; Mrs. Nellie Langtxy. of Ever risltor was. he ordered him from the Uo Inspector of physicians for the ett. Wash.; Mrs. Hattle Allen and an-est followed. tour through the Western States. At the trial on Saturday the old , man told his story in court and was First Dipping Finished. dismissed, the prosecuting attorney; The first dlnDinr of the Wade cat turned yesterday from a visit with his parents at La Grande, where he has been for some time, threatened 1 with an attack of typhoid fever. Mr. Fee was a rugged, hardy. ) T. G. Halley to Portland, honest pioneer of that sturdy type; T. G. Halley will leave this even which has helped clvlllie and con-1 ing for Portland, where he win look quer every frontier of the United ' after the interests of Judge G. A. vi ,,. k ... ir. '.. "c . ., "i4T 'States. Co mine to this countrr as'Hartman n tho land fraud cases attempt to JptecT his and the hTh ror OK. feed ! a . from thi Emerald Isle, he if bow being considered by the feder ome. At the close of the trial the 5rt ,nT V second bar:;once . the. nt of . i S iT. n nVadHi with his dauchter . vi.v i- ment in tne wnas or tne ureal LflKe, ! Cut Glass! itime, after which the cattle can be r,, , snipped to meir owners. When that country began to, Parish Aid Meetlnc. settled up he went to the Iowa pssi-i Tuesdar afternoon at 2 o'clock. , ries. then almost a wilderness, and . there will be a called meetlnc of the Tho nnmW of "drunks and dlsor- i Ia,er came wUb tne advance Boards i Pari9h Aid Society at the home of Jli irortfand ty Jalf anwISt ' 10 Washlnetn territory when that j Mrs. Lee Moorhouse. to arrange for . -i",""0"" J , country was attracting the widest m mricii derlies to about 20 per day. THESE ARE OUR JEWELS DO YOU WANT ANY OF THEM. They are yours If you want them at a reasonable price. We have them in our front window, and as it is a new shipment, would like to have you come in and see the pret ty new cuttings. fMe WKCLESOMet CRESCENT country attention Although E6 years of age he had recently spoken of going to Alberta. Canada, the last lingering frontier on the North American continent. He was a kindly, genial, homeloving , in a few days return to her man. whose familiar presence wCl .near Umatilla. be missed by a large circle of a parish reception. Mrs. Brownell Recovering. Mrs. D. C. Brownell, who has been 111 at the Hotel Bickers for some time, is now convalescing and will i home EXAMINE THIS FINE ENGRAVING The Mew "K. B." Shoulder The "K. B." Shoulder, positively the greatest invention ever made in clothes-making, is a. creation of Kohn Brothers. It has completely revolutionized clothes-making. Will be found only in Kohn Brothers', Chicago, line of Fine Clothing. This shoulder, when handled by skilled tailors such as they employ secures a result impos sible to reach in any other way and equals the work of the highest-priced tailors. All Union Made. Wt CAIIT A CDVF1XTI UXX tT friends. J FORMERLY OF PENDLETON Corn-Fed Cattle. John Greulieh was a visitor at Basket Mountain yesterday, where be bought a band of fine corn-fed Bruce, in; cattle for his market. Death cf Mrs. Wallace J. San Francisco. ' I Gone to Alberta. Mrs. Wallace J. Bruce, formerly of H. S. Bixbee left this morning for this city, died In Ban Francisco , Alberta. Canada, where he has been Tuesday last. Mrs. Bruce was well, called on an extended business trip, known In this city, having been i . prominently connected with the , TvT work 01 the Church of the Redeem-! ISO LrSSScrL TALLMAN & CO. Leading Druggists : E4$-Pri0SBO8ie Attractive . m oeatn. rne touowinc notice of ner 1,1 ! death is reproduced from the San, bo soaking J SAVES ONE-THIRD THE EGGS. NOT GOOD, NOT HERE DO YOU WANT THE BEST COFFEE? If You Do Yotf Most BUY REVERE BAKING POW3ER Francisco Examiner: The death of Mrs. Wallace J. SAVES TWO-THIRDS THE MONEY ' Bruce In this city last Tuesday re moved a woman who bad endeared herself to many acquaintances by her Christian charity and kindly traits. Mrs. Bruce came here fom Portland recently. she was a confirmed Inevalld, but was patient and gentle In her suf fering. She leaves surviving her father. SAVES ALL THE WORRY Oat pound i ou. AlIGroori S1 dEUyrQA T4 5?S-rV9Sli i K COATSthukctp CLOTHING wkh tltir shape. In&icvirj. The Suits that made The Bosfoii , u The price may be a few cents' more per pound, but what are a few cents compared to getting the finest thing soldf if one only pays 25 cents for coffee it is certainly not better than a 25 cent quality. The best Is not generally considered any too good for the people of this country. Don't be behind the procession, but keep up near the band, and get the good things. Have you tried REVERE Coffee? No? Get some and see what you have missed all these year and begin to enjoy coffee as soon as poslble. REVERE COFFEE . In the world; 40c per pound. great deal to this and you will do well to see us General W. H. H. Beadle. president of the state normal school of Madison, S. D.; her husband, two sisters, Mrs. Fred B. Hughes of this city and Mrs. Fred E. Brink of Ann Arbor, and a nelce, Mrs. L. C. Horn-schuck." sweetening, fl-vorinj and coloring wnen produces better results us two minutes? ETerrthincintheTiucKaBtf. Butch- add hot For many years! water and ettocooL It'spcrfectiun. Asur jmwiuujo uuuxirue, iiu uuuuitr, iiri t:i. pense. Try it tvday. Jn Fmr Fruit Fla. Tore: Lemon. Orange, Strawberry, lLmp berry. At grocers. 10c Is the best There Is a about It. : F. S. YOUNGER & SON 2 Telephone Main 28 f ELECTION APRIL 12. People Will Vote on Bond Issue for School Improvement, The school board met last Satur day evening an- set the date for the speclnl election, at which will be de termined whether or not tie dis trict Is to have the bond issue and the new buildings. Notices will be published calling the election for April 12, the polling place to te In the circuit court room at the court house, and the Toting to continue from 1 to 4 o'clock In the afternoon. According to the law the board will call the meeting to order and will at that Ume appoint from those present the judges and clerks of election. The question Is now before the the people, and the board Is anxious that the people Inform themsolves In regard to the conditions of the school buildings situation. and the general WOOD AND COAL It's our business to furnish fuel, and we have nothing but the beat. Dry, sound wood, and the celebrated Kemmerer coaL Prompt delivery, reasonable prices. McADAMS Successor to Collier. BIX CARS OF ICE. Pendleton Factory Is Turning Out Fifteen Tona Per Oay. The Pendleton Irn nnrl rViM ci nr. ago Company shipped six cars of Ice yesterday afternoon to Pomeroy, wucre it win db stored lor Mm num. . mer trade. The shipment aeeregat-1 ed 120 tons, and nearly cleaned up what Burplus Ice the company had! in the Ice room. The olant Ir now mtinlnv nt Ita All persons knowing tbemaolve8 to be in debted to me will call , and settle their ac counts as I need the money, Conrad Platzoeder Meat Market IT IS A PLEASURE TO SHOW OUR NATTY LINE OF CLOTHING OR ALL SIZES OF MAN (FROM INFANT TO GRANDFATHER), AS OUR VERY COMPLETE ASSORTMENT AFFORDS SOMETHING TO PLEASE EACH AND EVERYONE. THE PRICES MADE ON OUR SUITS SAVE THE BUYER $2.50 io $5.00 BAER & DALEY 729 Main Street SPRING CLOTHING IN SELECTING ONE OF OUR NEW 6PRINO SUITS, WE GUAR ANTEE YOU A SAVING OF 1-6 TO 120. CALL AND SEE, ONE PRICE TO AU' full capacity and Is turning out ice at the rate of ID and more tons a OOTMCM, Ml, tt