East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 19, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Tonight and Sunday occasion
nl rain; high northerly winds.
N 'I .mall business.
NO. 5000.
:s 1
Hundred Members
n nlori' Union
e Llallllla'l",'
t in San Francisco.
I ...
,,. Are Confident and Enu-
Their Many Advantages-
iBployer.' Union Claims a
Membership and Plenty
and Lawyers Unions Are
SureExact Vote of
59 Per Cent Against
Scriber and Church Factions Warring
for the Ascendancy.
r.i..nrl March 19. The Scrlb-
cr and church factions of the republi
cans are warring bitterly ior mo as
Wallowa county and
both sides have taken an uncompro
mising stand.
From all present Indications thero
will be two republican county con
ventions and two tickets in this
J. M. Church, of La Granue, wno
, fnr inlnt senator between Union
and Wallowa county, four years ago,
on the republican ticket, was Deaien
by the opposing faction of his own
party, and this act has rankled In
the breasts of his friends ever since.
Efforts are being mado to bring nbout
a compromise, but every republican
belongs to one or the other of the
factions and It Is difficult to agree on
a leader.
iFrancisco, March 19,-Four-
Imdred members ui u.
t Union, empioycu u
n can Company, struck this
Th. trnnhlo Is dllC tO the
ffi alleged refusal to abide
Iigreement maae w.ui
eral months ago.
Renters Will Go Out.
aesto, March 19 Tnere is
chance In the building
Itahnt today, and things are
Its droj along for some ume
L uj Barked development, as
mm mminces their dotermln-
I to itud jrm. The carpenters
. onlr tandlnc trade working.
lor fii ho nut of work tonight
fill building operations will
It is not expected ttie trouuie
read to other traacs.
Will Only Try to Hold Port Arthur Reported That Russians
Captured 1800 Japanese on the Yalu.
London, March 19. Reuter's Chee
Foo correspondent states that private
dispatches report fighting between
Russians and Japanese on the banks
of the Yalu. The Russians claim to
have captured 1,800 prisoners.
The Organization Flourishes In All
Parts of That State.
Houston, Texas, March 19. Hous
ton has capitulated to a host of en
thusiastic Christian young men who
will remnln In possession of the city
for the next three or four days.
They are the delegates and visitors
to the annual state convention of
the Y. M. C. A.
ReportB prepared by the various
officers and committees for presen
tation to the convention show that
the association is making gratifying
progress in Texas. New association
buildings have recently been erected
at Childress and Beaumont, and
other new buildings are In contem
plation for Fort Worth, El Paso, Am
nrillo and San Antonio.
Gathering for the Clash.
q. notornhiirir. Mnrch 19. Military
circles are greatly encouraged by the
Japanese landing at Dalny, to attack
Manchuria. It Is fully expected that
one will be mado by this time, pos
sibly necessitating the Russian evac
imtlnn of all territory south of Muk
den, except Port Arthur.
7i.-r.ntn mi t a hnvn arrived, nnd It is be
lleved It is possible to prevent any
serious Japanese invasion.
Russian troops continue to stream
Into Northern Korea in excellent con
.iitir,n tt-hlln thn .Innanesu are re
ported to be in a bad state, duo to
an epidemic of typhus.
Traitor in Russian Camp.
rtnrlln. March 19. The Vossische
niinnir rnnnrts that Malor lnokoff
of the Russian headquarters staff,
has been discovered selling valuable
military secrets to Japan, has been
New rein-1 publicly degraded ana snot.
Rult Bf Miners' Vote.
tnapolls, March 19. The tel
lav romnleted the count of
Ites of the miners on the prop-
i to accept or reject tne oper
offer of a two-years' wage
and announce the result as
! Total vote cast, 165,887.
tentanPB nf thn scale 98.514.
ft the scale and In favor of a
87,373. Majority aguinst a
I 31.141
The Sacramento War.
if Ihf. m.t t , III.......
today some of the plans which
tuiuntc iias lomieu to crusn uiu
lie Often Shon In Sirrnmnnln '
he. "was promulgated today and
nuriu any comnoient linn-
man will he nut to work.
Union mpn nt nm nnnli.n.l
11)0 hired by the employers, with
lllstlnct understanding that they
Iworklng in an open shop and
"iuai ui' sausned to labor
luj awe witn nonunion com
pna The alllnnrn hna no sr.n
luers. and by the end of the
niere w c fullv i r.nn mnm.
We inteml to hire oltlces at
We shall haiii n lot.nl .In.
Iien and keep in our employ
antly elcht ntinmnv i,. ,.
my lesal matters that tlie alii-
u.aj navo to contend with,
alliance is heru to stay, and
'forth will handle all labor
lea of Its members "
Union Side statin
' the alliance depends on crush-
"iona m the state by fore-
SaCnimr.ntn nnl...,. ...
f ------...w Mutunn iu cuuau
ng for their rights, then all the
A , . 8tate are Perfectly
iS IniDOSsIhln fnr thlo nl.
e or thn iniitri.,..! .
. t """"- mm tonirac-
t --"7"w iu msrupi us," de
d President Starr, of the Build
Trades Council, today. "Tho
CO hmu. .
' v .lu """-"e tbo union
into submission, This it can
r no, ii necessarv thn nnin
LCn...Eta,!,l a 81ko for at least
I 'cam. Wllh thn . ... . i
. ., umons,"
"tiny SUhnntn,, m
i UUI lr
minese in c .
i, ' uase.
1 . Lake, Mnroh io ttu..j
Marshal Tr w".-u
recelr:' J. ??00? Ula morn-
kaas fn"r . twenty odd
it Inv......""'"?8 m no
I 1 ul 5" ,,a aL Washington,
for fear , 8lale thelr
II Mormnno -" umuy prom-
..rmon? and gentile nniitin.
I " Z of Brigham Cltv
mc Ainhnn. . ..
(. Inatltnt ,'.;nurcn' lt 18 al-
han run'r"1'1 agaln8t ft
iCr",a: N- Trials.
I tSSxi I of ,h19TA notlco has
I0" to? nLth,..J:?ar'n6 on the
M8 and niurdcros.
hb"r 8hP Burn.
last ni.tr. March 1D.
I"Iom:1 "?l.n" o Santa
Would Provide for Government Build
inq and Exhibit Philippine, Ha-
wallan and Alaskan Territories to
Be Represented Sunday Closing
Will Probably Be Left to the State
Amended Bill Cuts the Senate
Appropriation Down $450,000.
Thn hniiRi rommltteo on industrial
arts and expositions has reported an
amended bill on tlie Lewis anu uiarK
Rvnnsltlnn which nrovided for an
nTinrnnrlntlnn nf S700.000 in cash. In
stead of $1,125,000 as recommended
by the senate.
It nroviilea S200.000 for a govern-
muiit uvlilliltr for tho erection of a
government building at a cost of $75,-
000, for the coinage ot 2&u,uuu sou
venir silver dollars, $175,000 tor the
Alaskan. PhlliDnlnc, Hawaiian and
Oceanic building and exhibit, and
$250,000 for a straight Alasuan ex
hibit, in addition to that now at the
St. Louis fair.
ThiR rnnitpa thn total cash appro
priation of $700,000 recommended by
the house. The matter of Sunday
closing will be considered by the
house committee and it Is thought
now that the senato Sunday closing
nlmiKn will lin Rtruck out and tllO
matter of closing left entirely with
the state.
ea ... y --v.iuch iu t
" l car of bolt!ns.
Hudson Bay Irrigation Co. Wins a
Suit Involving Water Supply.
The well known case of D, K.
Mobley et al., and tlie Little Walla
wntin Trrlimtlon Union vs. the Hud
son Bay Irrigation Co.. was up in
the circuit court this afternoon.
The case was brought to enjoin
the defendants from taking water
from the Little "Walla Walla river,
the plaintiffs claiming that there was
not enough for their use and that
tlinv h n rl thn r.riorltv right. The In
junction was granted, but after
wards modified In that the defend
ants could take 3,000 lncnes or water
from the ditch of the Little Walla
Walla people, provided they would
turn a like amount In above the
place of tapping the plaintiffs ditch
by the defendants. By the time the
Wnn,innti rnnlil take care of the
water, however, the plaintiffs had
turned in so much water tnat me
defendants could not get 3,000
inches into the flume.
The Judgment of the court was
that since there was more water
than wns needed for the use of the
inintiff nml since there was no rea
son why the defendant should not
have the use of this water that from
tlmn until noon on the
T. S. Tlllson Dismissed From Charge
of Illegal Voting at La Grande.
I.n Grande. March 19. The case of
the State of Oregon vs. T. S. Tlllson,
in which Mr. Tlllson wns cliargou
with nincni votlnc nt the city elec
tion last Monday, was dismissed In
Justice Grant's court Tucsdny nfter-
noon by consent or uio states rep
resentative and tho prosecuting wit
Thn nnnnltv attached to Illegal vot
ing is nothing short of a term in
otntna nrlsrm nml n lack of a desire
tn cn. th ilnfnmlnnt suffer such ex
treme punishment is the renson for
dropping the case.
Mr. Tlllson was taxed up with tho
costs In the case, which nmoumeu
to $5.20.
School Board and Citizens
Came to an Agreement on
Essentials Last Evening.
that part of town which will mate
rlally alter the landscape.
Tim nltv nttornev is now prepar
ing notices for posting, and as soon
as these legal requirements aro ob
cnrvmi thn street committee will
tako a hand. They will requlro that
all fences be taken down, tho streets
nnnnwl nnd the ground cleaned up
generally. Thero are manure piles,
old shacks, and many eye-sores
thero which will bo removed. Tho
purpose of tho street committee is
not only to open the streets, hut to
remove all filth and unnecessary
accumulations from the vicinity of
the pump house and the intake
Mgr. Elder's Anniversary.
riiu-lmintl O.. March 19. Plana on
nn nvtnnslvo Renin hnvo been com
pleted by the Romnn Catholics of tho
archdiocese of Cincinnati for uio
celebration next week of tho 85th
hlrthdny of Archbishop William Hen
ry Elder. Archbishop Klder was
born In Baltimore In 1S19 and no
longs to a distinguished Maryland
family. Ho has been n priest 58
years and archbishop of Cincinnati
for a quarter of a century.
Intention Is to Build Three School
Buildings, Exact Sites to Be Deter
mined Upon Later The Eastern,
Western and Northern Parts of
Town All to Be Represented
Bonds to Draw Five Per Cent, and
Premium to Be Utilized,
W. J. Bryan is 44 Years Old.
Lincoln. Neb., Mnrch 19. At tho
homo of William J. llrynn today con
gratulatory niessnges wcro received
from democratic leaders and other
persons throughout tlie country, tho
occasion being Mr. Bryan's lltb
Never Were Better, or Perhaps as
Fine, Around Vinson.
Annm Cole of Vinson, was In the
city yesterday on business, and took
back with him n large consignment
of supplies for his sheep ranch near
that place. Mr. Cole Is one of the
largest Bheepmen In that part of tho
country, and Is much pleased with
tho prospects for this year.
All of tho sheep in his part of tho
rnnntv are in the best of condition,
will yield
Rebellious Hereros Seem to Be the
Real Thing.
Berlin. March 19. A dispatch from
Colonel Loutwln, commanding the
forces In German Southwest Ainca,
announces another battle witn tne
rnhnlilmiii tTnmrnH. The Germans
were forced to retreat with a loss of
soven officers and 19 men killed, and
many wounded.
Leutwln'8 IdlsDatch reads: "Colo
nel Glasennapp was hastening in
the advance of his column with a
lamn Rtnff nf nfflnnra nnd 3f, cavalry
men, when on tho 13th they encoun
tered tho enemy's rear guara near
Ovlkokcro. Tho enemy was unex-
fnrnnrl nnd GlasenaDD
was forced to retreat. The Hereros
lost 20 killed. Glassenapp was
nmong tho wounded."
Came to Top In a Storm Fate of
Occupants Uncertain.
Pni-lumniitli Vnfrlnnrl Mnrrll 19.
The submarine A-l was located off
Dab Lightship this morning, but oo
causo of tho heavy current running
tne boat could not be raised uu i"
obb tide, when its fate may be
known. It Is said today tho boat Is
supplied with npparatus sufficient to
supply air to keep tho men alive
three dayB, and aa a result somo
hopes aro entertained tho men may
he found alive.
Thn ttnnriit nvnillnflin which liaB
so far scooped all competitors in Far
Eastern war news gathoring, Insists
, i . .. . . .... . , .. .1
have wintered well and
th present time until noon uu me. larger fleeces than for several yearn,
day of May 3 the Hudson Bay lrri-1 xiio wool has been growing right
t rV.m..r,m, olwilllrl hn nl1flVP(l I 1. ...nnllini. ttlClirfnt'
to use two-tutus 01 an uiu wmci,ive (wees and tho best grade,
finwlnir through tho ditch of tlie ,
plaintiff company at the point of di
version witn tne tieienuuiu
ny's ditch, upon the filing of a bond
fnr- n firm hv thn defendant to cover
any Injury done to tho ditch of the
All cos.ts of any changes necessary
tn I'm nrn nnrtv of tho Dlalntlft are
to bo borno by the defendant, and in
case of dispute as to uio amuum. j.
water, it should be measured by the
county surveyor. Halley & Lowell
represent tho Hudson Bay Company.
whllo the otner smc is reiiiravui-u
by A. D, Stlllman.
Bert Frohock, Student In Hill's Mili
tary Academy at Portland, Turns
Up at La Grande.
Bert Frohock, a 15-year-old student
thii Afiilturv Ararinmv. of Port-
land, ran away from, that institution
about 10 days ago, ana uio urawi
has been searching for him in every
part of the Northwest
Yesterday evening he was located
in La Grande, where ho had beaten
...... nn thn rn 1 1 road. He IS the
son of a former O. It. & N. engineer,
and lived for several years in w
Grande. His aunt, Mrs. Kather ne
Ramsey, of Portland, was paying his
way through school, and will make
no effort to get him to return, as he
is determined to become a railroad
Decision of Street Committee About
Webb Street.
Tho matter of tho improvement of
Webb street is not yet in Its grave,
and will again como to light at Uio
next meeUng of the council. The
stroot committee have been consider
ing the quesUon and have decided to
recommend to the council that the
Improvement bo made as was decided
iu tho first instance, and the cost of
the work be charged to the property
This action will undoubtedly bring
on a fight on tho part of the owners
of a part of tho property along the
street, and lt Is a question as to
whether or not Uio committoo ana
Uio council can compel the wortc to
bo done. If It is possible, however,
tho street will ho graded and gravel
ed from one end to the other.
Benefit of Water Supply.
Tho stroot committee and the city
eastern war news gathoring. insiaio oy"-.v- " "7"rn nu of
hat Port Arthur was badly damaged a ttorney aro aft er pIp-
ujr uio Japanese bombardment, wiuiu.
was peculiarly accurate and destructive.
British Columbia Property Well
Known In Pendleton, Brings $75,
000. K. T. Wade & Son have Just re
ceived the news that tho "Trans
vaal" mining property consisting of
bIx claims, near Ashcroft, I). C, has
just been sold for $75,000. Tho
property is well known to several
Pendleton' people.
Mr. Wade has placed the "High
land" property, consisting of four
claims, adjoining tlie "Transvaal,"
on the market.
Tho "Transvaal" and "Highland
aro both copper claims and range
from $40 to $C0 per ton.
Extraordinary Rainfall in Josephine
Tho following weather report for
the week ending Marcli lo is iuni
ished hv Local Weather Observer
iv.nl- a Mltrhnll;
Maximum Minimum
temperature, temperature.
r8 3G
f4 31
67 35
65 34
51 32
54 35
65 40
r.r, 36
The total rainfall for the week was
one-fifth of an luch: for the week
r,fi.illni- it was 1.02 inches. The
heaviest rainfall In tho etato for tho
month of February was recorded at
Buckhorn Farm, in Josepliino coun
ty, being 30.83 inches.
Cleveland Owens Has Been Returned
to the Reform School.
N. H. Looney, tho superintendent
nt thn ainia rnfnrm Rphool. was In
the city this morning the guest of
tho Hotel Bickers. Mr. j,oonoy nau
come after Cleveland Owens, a boy
who wns narolnd from tho school
about a year ago. Ho had been sent
to tho school from this county, anu
by his good behavior had earned a
narole. Since being out he has
been working at Adams, and for
ThomaB Myers of this place. Ho be
came Incorrigible and upon com
plaint being mado he was again
. . --i a- . t. .. i .... . i .... i nr..
' . . I CUIIllulllUU LU VUU JUUL.IUI.UU. .....
General Clearing Up of East End Tor Looney oIt tni8 moming for Salem
with tho boy in charge.
finn Rnrn to Mr. and Mrs. Smith
A son was born to tho wife of 13
thn ntv in mu viwuuj ui .uu - ... - - - -
Uio ciiy, in ""." Hova win In Rmlth. O. It. & N. aeent at th s
ing Biauou, uuu .u w - -- --- --.
start a campaign of housocleanlng In place, last night.
The Sully Company, Bull Leaders, Go
Into Llauldatlon and Make an As
slgnment Their Failure Followed
by Collapse of Another Big Firm In
the Same Department of Trade.
Now York, March 19. 1). J. Sully
r. r, imi'ii uiiHtinnileil on tho Cotton
Hxchango. Sully Is Ihn fnmous hull
operator who ran the recent cotton
Following tlie suspension of Sully
on tho Cotton Kxclmngu the nrm an
iK.ntirnil Uu fulliuti on the Slock I'x
change and Coffee Uxchango, (Snly
wns a member of all tnree,) ino cm
fun 111 iirki't lirnkii iibriinllv 25 points,
Mnv Kellliiir to $11.53 uml July to
1 1 1 r.n
Tho failure caused tromt'iiduoim
excitement, us there had boon no in
timation that Sully was In trouble.
Under hltv manipulation the price of
cotlou reached 18 cents, and Sully
was credited with winning mlllliiiiH.
Presumably this Is all gone In the
endeavor to keep prices up.
Sully Has Assigned.
New York. Murch 19. Tho Sully
.,.,, ,tiv niii.ln nu iisHiutiment IhlB
afternoon In Joseph M. Iloadlny for
the lii'iu'iit of IIH creditors.
Another Cotton Firm Failed,
Now York, March 19. Tho suspen
sion of tho J. H. Garrison company
was announced on tho Cotton Kx
change this morning.
Weston Prepares for the Annual Re
union on June 2, 3, and 4,
'pi,.. Kith n ii n mi I reunion of Umu
tllla county pioneers will ho held at
Weston on Juno z, 3, unu i, uiu
day to be political day, at which
tlmn nit thn nn rties aro expected to
have their candidate on tho picnic
grounds, for a final handshaking bo
fore election, which tukes place on
President George W. Proobstel, of
the Umatilla county association, huh
,.ni,iiui thn following chairmen of
thn innrilni? committees, to hnvo
charge of tho meeting, tho remain
der of tho committees to bo appoint
ed at a meeting to he held In Weston
nnvt MflllllnV.
Tho Weston Leader gives thn list
of committee chairmen and sayB mo
town of Weston is now negotiating
for tho purchase of tho circus HeatB
of tho old McDonald circus, which
bo used ior uio picniu mm j ucwu.
ho used for tho picnic, and to becltno
ihn nnrrnnnlitil nronnrtV of tllO t'lty.
for occasions of this kind. Tho city
now owns a large tent.
Tho chairmen of tho different com
mittees are as follows:
Finance Sim J. Culley.
Grounds James Ashworth.
Decoration Frank It. Blair.
Program O. A. Peoblos,
Speakers M. A. Baker.
Sports Sim A. Barnes.
Privileges It. M. Powers.
Music L. C. Froebstcl.
Transportation II. Jnmieson.
Kcceptlon Dan C. Kirk.
Badges J. II. Klllgore.
PrlnUng Clark Wood.
After an nll-dny session, tho pro
moters ot tho new school bullilinga
enmo to n partial decision last night
nnd decided to nsk for a bond Issno
of $00,000, with which to build thrco
Bchool houses In three different purls
of tho city.
All of tho sites In the town wero
Inaitnntiwl nml It wnH llnf'tlloil that
the board ask for tho amount statod.
They will pledge thoniRolves In turn
to hulhl two bight-room iiouhob; uno
In tho east end of town, one lu tho
west end, and a four-room building
across tne river on mo iNortn nine.
Tho oxnet locations of tho build
Inun hnvo not nB vet been decided
upon, but thero aro two places In tho
east end which meet wiui uio ap
proval of tho board and tho commit
teo ot business men which mado tho
rounds yesterday afternoon, ono be
ing tho Parson plnco on Court street,
nnd tho other tho present location of
tho Acndemy school, lu uio west unu
there aro iiIho two avallnblo loca
tions: Tho Matlock property near
tho basobnll grounds, and tho county
property nt tho foot of Ilnllroad
street. Thero uro several sites In the
North Side district, ono being the old
ft nun IhiIml' ll tilirt of
a block near tho west end of Jackson
street, and another a block in tne
tho Cole addition.
Innnllimu ImVA tlfttlA bt!CD
l nunu ,w.in,wm ......
definitely decided upon, but tho board
will investigate iiiriuer mm win mu..
bo guided by tho wishes of tho peoplo
largely lu making tho selections.
Tho question of tho amount of tho
bonilH wns gono over thoroughly last
night, and It was decided to ask for
an Issue of $(10,000 5 pur cent bonds.
By making tho Issue this size, and
wllh that i.iuount of Interest, It was
calculated that enough premium
could he reallzud from lliolr snlo to
partially, If not entirely pay for tho
html upon which to erect tho build
ingB. It Is the hope of tho board to
reall.o a premium of from $3,000 to
$3,500, on tho Imsuo.
At tho present rato ot Increase in
ii.,. u,.t,,ii i.iiiiiiliilliin thn liourd cat-
n'" .' - -
cubitus that the new buildings, which
will mlil 20 rooms to uo cupui'ii. m
the city school, making 31 rooms in
all, will Just nbout take enro of tho
school children for tho noxt threo
years, or perhaps four.
John I alloy, Jr., tint clerk, Is olr(
diluting tho petition for tho election
today, and ns noon hh ho has Hecured
tho necessary number of slgnurs for
ll,o call, tho board will meet nnd set
the date for tho election.
Twelfth Annual Meeting of American
Jewish Historical Society.
Now York, Mnrch 19. Prominent
Jews from many parts of tho country
havo gathered in New York for tho
twelfth annual meeting of tho Amer
ican Jewish' Historical Society, which
Is to begin its sessions tomorrow
evening nml continue for Boveral
Ah usual, tho program proparod
for tho meeting is one of grcnt gen
eral Interest. Papers will ho pre
gented by Dr. Cyrus Adlcr of Wash
ington; I)r, Herbert Frledonwald ot
Philadelphia; Myer S. iBancs of Now
York, JoBoph Lobowlch of Cam
bridge. Mass.; Itov. Alfred O. Moses
of Mobllo, Alu.; Henry NceurBulmcr
of Now York and Mrs, Helen Wise
Molony of Cincinnati.
Horticultural Commissioner Says
Eastern Oregon Crop Will Be Es
pecially Good,
Judd Geor, horticultural commis
sioner for tho Eastern Oregon dls
,i.., anv.1 thn fruit croo all ovor his
.Hetr'tM will ha excontlonally good
this year, from tho prospects at this
in nmnil Ttonde vallov Mr. Geer
snvii thn near croo will bo below the
average, because the trees ovorbore
themselves last year, but all otner
kinds of fruit will bo up to the usual
standard, in quality and amount.
ITIrbmnn Tnkntt. nf Vnln hnjt
forfeited $1,000 ball and skipped the
country for horsestealing,
I ,T'