DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETO:.. OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1904. EIGHT PAGES. -1 ttii STERILITY How shall a mother who is weak and sick with somo fcmaletaouble hour hnnlthv children? How anxious women ought to bo to give their children the blessing of a mvui rnnstltiitinn 1 Many women long for a child to bless their home, but becauso of some dobility or displacement of the female organs, they are barren. Preparation for healthy maternity is accomplished by Jjj dia E.Plnklmm's Vegetable Compound more successfully than by any other medicine, becauso it gives tone and strength to the parts, curing all displacements and inflammation. Actual sterility in woman is very rare. If any woman thinks she is sterile, let her writo to airs. Pinkliam, Lynn, Mass., whoso advice is given free to all expectant or would-be mothers. The medicine that instantly asserts its curative powers in the ills of women is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. The Medicine that Lydia E. Pinkham's has Cured the Ills of 7 , , p, a Million women is Vegetable Compound. Read These Two Remarkable Cures. "Deaii Mrs. PiNKnAM : Dunnp the early part of my married life I ivaa very delicate in health. 1 had two mis carriages and both my husband and I felt very badly as we were anxious to have childron. A neighbor who had been usintr Imlia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ad yised mo to try it, nnd I decided to do bo. I soon felt that my appetite was increasing, the headaches gradually de creased and finally disappeared, and my general health im proved. I felt as If new blood coursed through my veins, the sluggish, tired feeling disappeared, and I became strong and well. " Within a year after, I became the mother of a strong, healthy child, the joy of out home. You certainly have a splen did remedy, and I wish oyery mother knew of it. Sincerely yours, Mbs. Anna Potts, 510 Park Ave., Hot Springs, Ark." " Dear 31ns. Pikkham : I was married for five years, and pave birth to two premature children. After that I took Lydia E. Piakliam'ff Vegetable Compound, and it changed me from a weak, nervous woman to a strong, happy and healthy wifo within seven months. Within two years a lovely little girl was born, which is the pride and joy of our household. If every woman who is cured feels as grateful and happy as I do, you must have a host of friends, for every day I bless you for the light, health nnd happiness your Vegetable Compound has brought to my home. Sincerely your friend, JIns. Mae P. WiiAisr.r, Flat 31, The Norman, Milwaukee, Wis." Sec. Northshore Oratorical Society. $5000 FORFEIT it we cannot forthwith produces the original letters and signatures of abore testimonials, which will prore their absolute genuineness. I,T1I K. Finkham Mwdlclne Co.. Lynn, Mass. BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN $2 50 BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN IB. S, IT EVER PRESENT NEED AT INDIAN SCHOOLS. Age, Physical Condition and Ability to Do Good Cooking the Basis of the Examination No Educational Test is Made Salaries From Four Hundred to Six Hundred Per An. num. Washington, D. C, March 18. Tho American liousowlfo Is not tho only one who has difficulty in obtaining a good cook. JJnclc Sam is worried lover tho same problem. A number !pI cooks are needed In the Indian who are qualified will apply for this j position. No educational test will j be given nnd It will not bo necessary for applicants to appear at any place i for examination." I ThnfO ! Id TnrttntI nrttiiut. i .mvic t. v 4.7 iiiMiuu ouuuuia nuuic dyspepsia is said to run riot because i of a lack of competent cooks. At ' Navajo, N. M.. and Carlisle, Pa., sal-1 Maries of $600 a year are offered.' Threo of the schools offer $540; six , offer $500; Ave offer $4S0 and three offer $100. Tho requirements are that appli cants must bo 20 years of ago or more, and in the certification of cooks age will count for 20, physical condition 20, and ability to properly broil beefsteak and turn out a va riety of hash that 'will stand inves tigation, will count 0 points out of . a possible 100. Service and the government Is offer ing inducements to secure compe tent knights of the gridiron The civil service commission will hold an examination tomorrow, and as an inducement to applicants it says: "In view of tho difficulties which tho commission has experienced In securing eliclbles for tho nosition of .'cook, it Is desired that all persons NEGRO HANGED. Murdered a Woman and Her Child January 30. rtoamikc. Va., March IS. The ne gro. Henry Williams, whose capture and trial wore attended by many sensational features, including the calling out of IS companies of mi litia to prevent mob violence, was hanged today. On January 30 last, Williams as saulted Mrs. Georgo J. Shields and her 3-year-old daughter with a hatchet, razor and pocket knlfo and left them for dead. After hacking and fracturing tho skulls of his vic tims with a hatchet, Williams cut Mrs. Shields' throat from ear to ear with a razor and locked her in a , clothes closet. He escaped to the .coal fields, where he was captured a few days later. Ho confessed to tho crime and was rushed across the stato of Virginia on a special train to Richmond. He was brought here for trial on a special train, under es cort of more than 1,000 soldiers, and a heavy guard was maintained about tho court houso during the triaL When present plans are caniei out, Pearl Harbor (Honolulu) wB bo one of the finest island navat de pots and harbors in the world. TAMMANY WORSTED. I1U n nrtitv u IJU Until Saturday BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN OARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BArtGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN Cut the Can and compare the quality of Economy Brand Evaporated Cream with any of its imitations.! Note the difference. See how I I smooth and appetizing our I proauci is, owing to Its I heavy consistence, which Keeps the butter fat equally oisuiDuiea, in contrast with I the cheap and thin Imlta- i itions which alloy the but- , Iter tat to hse and form unsightly clods. Murphy Loses in a Contest With Da. vld B. Hill. New York, March IS. The Tam many Tiger, or rather tho nutoctaic loader of Tammany Hall. Charles F Murphy, has fought a fiorco battle with David B. Hill, who was .consid er eil a tort of political "has been," nnd to tho surprise of the Tammany faction r.nd tho amusement of the opposition faction, has como out sec ond best. Tho Issue in tho fight was. nomi nally, a question of preference. Mur phy for some reasons of his own, fa vors Cloveland for tho presidential domination on tho democratic na tional ticket, whllo Hill Is a sup I porter of Parker. Incidentally, how over, othor questions, not of a na tional character, wore Involved in I tho contest and, to thoso acquainted .with all tha inside facts, it was notli I Ing moro or loss than a tug of war between two opposing factions among tho democrats In Now York. It Is safe to say, that Murphy never, not even for a single moment,; expected to bo defeated. Ho had his plans nil arranged in tho most beau-' tiful fashion. Ho fully expected to' bo ablo to control Kings county and,' with Its help, tho democracy of tho. whole stato. But, that was whero ho mado a mistake. Sonator Patrick1, K. McCarren, tho leader or tno Kings county democracy refused . . . . . . i . i. .. point DianK 10 uecuuiu iuu iuui ui Tammany nnd stuea wun tun in nis support of Parker. Murphy was a trifle too suro of his i onri ,rlo,l In Intlmlilntn Me. Carren by threatening to depose him na lender nf the KlllCfl county dem-l ocracy, but the senator stuck to his decision nnd reariossiy accoptou Murphy,'s challongo. It became n war to tho knlfo and Tammany was worsted. PROMPT, RELIABLE SERVICE A. J. BEAN HAULING OF ALL KINDS fiooo taken beat of care of. 1T. t4en at Teuton's, 'rhone Main 1271. The French Restaurant Be-t 25 rent Meal in the Gity Private Dining Parlors Elegant Furnished Rooms in Connection GUS LaFONTAINE, Prop. fm .Main Street . Bolie Needs Water. Boise, March 18. Tho .members of tho firo and wdtor committee of tho common council met with Mayor Hawloy last evening and further con sidered tho matter of securing a permanent water systom for tho city In accordance with the .recommend ations of tho mayor In a special men sago to the council soveral weeks ago. Tho subject was gone over at corsidorobis length and tho various' plans and Ideas presented by numer ous people at a former meeting was considered at length. I IsllBfliifliliiifliisiiisIsi ; I - Get jtt I 1 jf .fllliP I I t it t it t How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for anr cue of catarrh that can not be cured br nail's Catarrh Cure. 1 V. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. t We. the undersigned, hare known I". J, Cheney for the laat IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WEST & TltUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. ; WAI.DINO. KINNAN MAUVIN, Whole- sate Druggists, Toledo, O. i Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, ' acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials ' snt free. Price 75c por bottle. Hold by i all druggists. Halls Family rtlls are the best Let ua show you Palmer's new Perfumes. Afiston The latest and best. USE PALMER'S Gat land of Violets Toilet Soap A pure soap, finely perfumed, Brock & McComas Company McMinn's School of Dancing Monday, class night. Wednes day and Saturday, classes from 7 to 9 o'clock, Socials from 0 to 12. Children's Matinee, Saturday, 2:30. PAPER HANGING The new stock of i 904 patterns is now in E. J MURPHY Court St