DAILY EAST ORE GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1904. IGHT PAGES.M PAGE TVO. i " " , " '" I ......."" J ' nnnill1P HOTEL ARRIVALS. T ,J HIIIHIIII 111 M HI! I . I a n mym-Kh hmuv h The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths.; There is a disease prevailing in this ; country most daiiscrou& because so deeep-, T ill! II VL2 the. Manysuddei; , ir-Rim rra rut"' r by it heart dis ' ease, pneumonia, ; heart failure or i apoplexy are olteti the result of kid- 1 ney disease. If kiducv trouble is 1 . -it it i. ......... nJXV - J$ r 1 theUiduewnoisou- tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down nnd vate away cell by cell. niadder troubles almost always result from o derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained iiuickest by a proper treatment of the kulnevs. If on are feel ing badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver nnd bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it. and over comes that unpleasant necessity of leiug compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the ..int., Tl, tt.iM (.Mil fli r.vtmnniinnrv effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. I It stands the highest for its wonderful I euros of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold bv all druggists in fifty-cent anil one-doilnr sue lxittles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a lxxk that tells all about it, both s'ent free by mail. Address. Dr. Kil mer & Co., liiughamtou, X. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swanip-Root. and the address, Ilinghaniton, N. Y., on cverv liottle. TEAM IS STRONGER THAN EVER BEFORE. Llne-Up Has Been Determined, and the Club Will Put Up Vigorous and Skillful Ball Outside Teams Have Already Sent Challenges Standing Will Be Strictly Amateur Membership Confined to Pendleton. GENERAL NEWS. Archbishop Farley has left Rome on his return trip to America. Jesse Spanieling, one of Chicago's heavy capitalists, is dead, of stnin ach troubles. William K. Scwell. late governor of Guam, died Mnrch 17 at San Fran cisco, of an abscess of the liver. He had been in the navy all his life. President Roosevelt has eight months hard work completely map ped out and cannot see any Interim In which no can see the World's Fair. The following conditions are made for the airship contest at the World's Fair: Distance, 10 miles; average speed. S miles per hour. Prize, $100,000. A completed trolley line is in op eration between New York and Phil adelphia. The trip can now be made by trolley from Philadelphia to Do ver, N. H. "Estimates" and "semi-official" authoritative statements conclusive ly prove that the garrison at Port Arthur consists of anywhero from 2,500 men to 40,000 men. Signora Antoinette Slllimbansi, an Italian aeronaut, was drowned in the Rio del Plata, near Buenos Ayres, by the collapsing of her balloon at a great height directly over the river. Seats in Hazard's pavilion at Los Angeles are being sold for the M. E. world's conference, which meets In .May. Sixty-nine boxes have been sold for $7,091. One box sold for $175. A true bill has been found by a Kansas grand jury against Senator Chauncey M. Dopow, of New York, as a co-defendant, for fencing In gov ernment land in Western Kansas and .using it as a private range. A team of young men have reor ganized the Wonder baseball team, and have been practicing for three, weeks. The men have all been lined , up for their places, and In a short-' time will be In trim for some good 1 hall. The team was a strong one last' year, and this season has added some good material, so that It will mnke a better showing than ever before. The personnel of the team and the , oositions are as follows: W. W. I mlMi rtntnhop' T. TI innao n n A Tor. i ry King, pitchers; Moscow Froome, j first base; Roy Alexander, second i base; Robert Kruger, third base; ' I.ee Drake, rlgnt field; George Cas-j tie, center field: Lester Cronin, Idft field; Fred Hartman, shortstop. Wasco and Adams have already asked for games, and as soon as the , dates can be arranged the fun will ' commence. The management of the t team will also arrange games with j Helix, Walla Walla, Athena and other of the teams in the vicinity. The standing of the team will bo strictly amateur, and all of the play-, era will be Pendleton boys. When , the schedule Is arranged some very J good games will be the result. As yet the boys have had no games this "season. For some time there was talk or a team being organized by the railroad men who wished to playi the Wonders, but the scheme seems j to have fallen through. Hotel Pendleton. B. Houser, Starbuck. M. Crane, St. Louis. W. Williams, Seattle. P. Brandes, Portland. C. Lindsey. Portland. V nnnderson. Philadelphia. J. E. Mcore, Wallace. R. A. Wright. Spokane. M. H. Patton, Spokane. W. J. Moore, Spokane. E. H. Burke, Portland. ' W. H. Ryan, Boston. I a vi. McBreen. Spokane. H. W. Loveland, Portland. C. Ades. Spokane. Harry Reed, Huron. P. E. Johnson. Huron. F. E. Ramsey, Portland. B. Statter, Portland. T. A. Purdy, Portland. G. W. Aliens, Cincinnati. James O'Reilly. Great Falls. Hotel St. George. C. J. MRUs, Portland. F. W. Rogers, St. Paul. P. C. Kittle, Srit Lake. S. H. Gcllnoy, Kansas City. P. S. Mitchell, Fort Dodge. W. B. Bolton, St. Joe. MI3S Maude Schnur, Portland. C. A. Scott, Portland. F. F. Perry am1 wife. Baker City. R. L. Darrows, Portland. H. W. Cowner. Portland. H. L. Shape, Chicago. J. H. Dunn. Walla Walla. Mrs. Philips, Portland. M. B. Luisel, Seattle. Jlrs. J. S. Richards, Spokane. J. J. Burns, Portland. L. E. Blout, Cheyenne. F. C. Hesser, Walla Walla. S. A. Muldoon. Des Moines. WASH This Week will be our Opening Sale on Summer Wash Goods ....r,,. nr. oiiai ITIFR TO DESCRIB7 IN THIS SPACE, BUT OUR Wit TOMERSWILL UNDERSTAND WHAT TO LOOK FOR, WHEN WE SAY OUR STOCK IS LARGErI TOMERS WILL U cunWN BEFORE. AND AS USUAL, WE HAVE PUT 01,1 PRICES AS LOW AS LEGITIMATE, HONEST BUSINESS POLICY WILL PERMIT. . i tiDmrr cnnM 7c to 25c Vnl LAWNS AND BATISTES kmimuc hi . ..- - -,. SPRING SUITINGS AND WAISTINGS IN COTTON, FROM 17c to 50c Y6I DRESS GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, IN WOOL, FROM 18 to $1.50 YdI .OUR VOILES AND SICILIANS AT 50c, YOU WILL PAY 65c and 75c FOR ELSEWMfcHE. CALL AND SEE OUR SHOWING IN THE ABOVE LINES. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. THE FHIR AGENTS FOR McCALLS PATTERNS. NEW HILL LINE. Great Northern Has Forestalled the Union Pacific. New York, March IS. The report union I'acinc wirougn ureal i 1 ""l-L ..... , . .. iph.iso bv the Hill nterests removes practically . ,wlaa,iiitv. SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED. I Trustee of Pendleton Academy Ex presses Gratitude to Pendleton, nr. W S. Holt, who has been working In the Interest of Pendleton academy for the past two days, ex presses satisfaction at the hearty support of Pendleton people to the acadamey. In sneakinc of the scone and work of the academy Dr. Holt says: "The Pendleton friends are mak I J. Hotel. Bickers. J. W. Young. Milton. A. M. Bryant. Mr. Brovrnell and wife. Sam Lee1, Spokane. E C. Johnson, Walla Walla. L. E. Hunklll, Starbuck. C. F. Weiss. .Milton. ' R. J. Dlven, city. J. M. Comeilson, city. Mrs. J. E. Dlshman. Walla Walla. f C. S. Thomas, Whlttler. J. O. Gerklng and family, Payette P. S. Turner. Elgin. i W. W. Dunbar, Mt. Sterling. A. R. Tempest, Yalle. ri I Tmnnest. Valle. I M. White and wife. The Dalles. I A. W. Downer, Nolln. J. S. Cunningham, Portland j Spokane wns planned to make a new route to the Pacific coast, and It was generally reported that E. H. Harrltnan Intended to use the line as a North Pacific route, letting the Snokane to . ..... ..... ,i,, ,h rirt i Puget Sound. The practical pur 11X1111 UIU ItUllUHCfl, HIMfc fc..- l-urt 1... fllfi Northern Interests have nlitnluncl nn nntlnn on the Belling- ham Bay & British Columbia road. nt nn the Siberian bDK nafSr T hv 'bnS t U a 'road in the ' northern' part of $515,000 but ,y salt ng and cutting Washington, running from New the same fish and sel Ing tl em at Whatcom to Maple Falls. the lowest price they brought three Last year an extension through to times .as much. I BABY'S VOICE It Saved His Leg. . . P. A Danforth of La Grange Ga.. suffered' for six months with a fright- j i ful running sore on nis ik. " I writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve tvhnllv cured It In five days. For ul- Ing hearty response to the directors. cers wounQ6 piles. It's the best salve On every hand appreciation of the t,e wori,ji cure guaranteed. Only academy Is shown. 1 05 conts. Sold by Tallman & Co., It Is a great benefit to have such unlggats. urhrM-il nt home: young men and 1 a school at home; young men and women can be prepared for Eastern or Western colleges wunout oeing away from home. "It Is well known that such scnoois - cannot and do not depend upon till-1 . 4 tlous to meet expenses. Rates of , t tuition sufficient to pay would pro-; J , hlblt many young people from se-' . curing advanced education. I f J rniiopos nnd universities every-' 1 New spring shirts. The Boston. Is the joy of the household, for without it no happiness can be complete. How sweet the picture of mother and babe, angels smile at and commend the thoughts and aspirations of the mother bending over tlje cradle. The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, how ever, is so full of danger and suffering that tr.rl-e Cni-fnr-A t r Imlll -bT1 clt, filinll feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror of child-birth can be entirely avoided bv the use of Mother's Friend, ... ... . r . , . . I 1 1 a scicntmc liniment lor external use oniy, wnicn lougneiu, aim ecuuera pnaDie an tne parts, ana assists nature in its sublime work. By its aid thousands of women have passed this errflt crisis in nerfect safetv and without pain. Sold at $1.00 per bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless T&lue to all women sent free. Address BHAUFICLO REGULATOR OO.. Atlmnta, Co. Building Material Of all Description Sash, Doors r Windows Made to order. Building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barns and dwellings a spec ialty, t Oregon Lumber Yard I Alta St, Opp. Court Htmw MOTHER'S FRIEND J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt attention given tnd ill wora exeeuiea properiy. Electrical Supplies of all klndi OFFICK 121 WEST COURT SI. (Tribune Building) PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS, f William Jennings, of Freemont. Neb., is wanted in Eugene for adult ery, and will be brought hack to Or egon for trial. Hilda Wlllen, a servant girl In As toria, was accidentally shot and kill ed by the 13-year-old son of Police Commissioner William J. Cook. Communication wltn Tillamook has been established by the stage com pany by way of Sheridan, all other roads being blockaded with snow. Owing to the hazing of a scholar by the cadet corps of the public schools of North Yakima, the corps has been disbanded by the school board. Falrmount postofflce, in the sub urbs of Eugene, has been discontin ued, as the patronage was decreas ing so rapidly. The people will now be served by rural delivery. nvlH KVrmiRnn. a nloneer miner of Uritlsh Columbia, committed sui cide at Saanlch, Vancouver Island, Thursday, oy cutting his throat with a pen knife, and bleeding to death, Irwin Mahon, secretary of the Na tional Mining Congress, ha taken up his headquarters In Portland and Is preparing for the next congress, which will bo hold In Portland in September. Sacramento contractors have de cided to make that city an open shop town for labor, and consequently dis charged all union omployes. Thurs day, and will hereaftor hire whom they please, without dictation from the unions. where iiepenu upon aiuie mu, means taxation or upon endowment. , Academies in large communities 1 - ...ir.n,,n.llni nnh PY- a . i Women Are Loud in Their Praise of Our 1,0 unir.annnnrtinir on y m ex cesslve rates of tuition, otherwise they must receive aid from those in terested In such advanced and spe clal education as can he provided no where elt,e. Pendleton residents ap preciate this fact. "They are personally Interested In the maintenance of a first-class school. Such a school the present management purposes to afford. "The directors of the academy ap nreclate the courtesy and good will shown and Interest taken In the school." Wheat Lands. City Property. We have soma propositions in real estate which are worth your time to Investigate. Come in and talk them over with us. E. T. WADE & SON. OBlco in E. O. Building. 'Phone mack, 1111. P. O. Box 324. Stock Ranches. Mining Stocks- Tragedy Averted. "Just In the nick of time our little boy was saved," writes Mrs. W. Wat kins of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneu monia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set in besides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse over' day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discover)' for Con sumption, and our darling was saved. He is now sound and well." Every body ought to know It's the only sure cure for coughs, colds and all lung diseases. Guaranteed by Tall man & Co., druggists. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Coal Prices Drop. A drop In the price of coal which has been expected for some time was made yesterday. It was only 25 rnilln n.r Ion. hilt It Was a KOOd starter nnd a further drop is expect ed within a few weens, -tno urop in the price Is the result of a similar drop in the price to the dealors made by the railroads some six weeks ago. At that time the dealers wero caught with a largo stock on hands and the delay was to give them a chance to work off their stock. Rolso Statesman., To all of my Friends and Patrons; I tako pleasure in Introducing to my friends, Drs. L. I and T. II. White, to whom I h,vo sold my don tal business in this city. I thorough ly recommend tho Drs. White as flrat class dentists in evory respect, and will esteom It a favor for any of my pationts to placo their cases in the hands of the Drs. White. Respectfully, E, A. MANN. Says It's a Pleasure. Walla Walla, Waah., 'Sopt. 3, 1903. "It Is a pleasure for mo to bo ablo to recommend TRIB as a liquor and tobacco cure, and as a treatment to cleanse tho entlro systora. F. S. Lewis ox-cbamplon ralddlowelght champion ot the world. Tallman & Co., local agents. $ SUITS at WHICH ONF IS A JAUNTY STYLE. WITH THE PRETTY LITTLE SHORT PARIS ETON JACKET, EVERYBODY ADMIRES. COMES IN THE NEW FANCY SHOULDER EFFECT, WITH THE ATTRACTIVE FULL SLEEVES AND A PRETTY DROOP ABOUT THE WRIST. MADE OF NEW FANCY CLOTH. IT IS BEAUTIFULLY TRIMMED WITH ONE OF THE NEW BRAIDS OF THE SEA8ON. THERE'S A DAINTY GIRDLE TO MATCH, LENDING GRACE AND SLENDERNESS TO THE FIGURE. THE SKIRT IS CORRESPONDING LY TRIMMED, EMPHASIZING ITS LONG, FLOWING LINES AND THE GRACEFUL FLARE BELOW THE HIP. A CHIC, NATTY SUIT, $15.00. THE ABOVE IS ONE OF A GREAT VARIETY OF STYLES. AND MATERIALS BROWN AND BLACK, IN THE LATEST MODELS AT $15.00. IN BLUE, GREY, WALKING FULL FLARE EFFECT, INVERTED PLAIT BACK AND FRONT, TRIMMED WITH 8TRAP OF SAME MATERIAL AND BUTTONS. SOME HAVE THE NEW DIVIDED 8KIRT EFFECT, FINE MELTON AND IMPUHitu auninu, tn-or., uuut, ukay, hhowh. $5 arid $6 mm Kid Gloves Twenty-Boven' pairs to be closed at 63c worth Si to $1.25 all sizes. Read About. These $2.25 SHOES You can do your friends a favor by telling them about this sale. Many times we've had to pay more than iZ25 for them. They're made for service as well as style, for comfort, too. Try on a pair and tell us if you ever saw better fitting shoes. Watch this space for genuine bargains jsach as yoo will not find elsewhere 1 ' H H I Hill .1 t-1 IIHIaK J MH Corner Main and Alta Streets ' ? - - JoM.u.wi-.vwJm,yjif ..JB?.I Pfttfc 1 1