DAILY EVENING EDITION J in WEATHER FORECAST. alist , . ... news today I rg."-- ..T,h! Tonight showers, prubnbly fair. Saturday norse BR- ?r a 8K ouid Kivl Iphic 'rv'1"- PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, PHI DAY, MARCH IS, WQ4. NO. J 1)9$). "oanj, una 1 H?Oiv und the '"an hJ agtl usi 1 "tirmii or ear bat od ide as in its h. 17. ILIDftTETHE niie mills I That Means Much to Vool Industry ot a Territory. NEW DISTRICTS COME TO PENDLETON. . portion of' Idaho and L Tributary to This Polnt- Laurlng at The Dalles and I n. iinHfi- One ton Will c - mentMllls Here Are Be- Luroughly Overhauled in ItiS for a Long and Prodlg- !un. Lrfleton Scouring JIUIb and Ur Institution at Tho Dalles ran under the same manage- , mt. and it is rumored L Dalles people have leaseu ut here for a term tif live I Russell, of The Dalles, is t Pendleton mailing uio u unri will take charge Uulj'bere about the first of iu month. Mr. uussen is iv. minarcra of tho The ItSt? Scouring Mill Company, rl!H ue aireci uvumis"' I Pendfeton mills when the Iree of men is now at work on rjcataery of the Penuieion mil In the next month will lit Jll overhauled and put into lest condition possible, ine fces are not ln the best con Invito In thn Inner -strain of I sad day work they undorwent the uat season, during which. I there was no opportunity to little necessary repairs as they needed. i Strauss, who was lust year n nt ihf sfniirlncr tllllla. will tho mhA tnr thn nnmtmnv this land will buy for them during wol season. He Is now in uau ln the Interest of thn mills. luccessor in the mills has not Fen appointed, but It Is thought t will be some man from Tho mills. combination be a good one for tho managers, hey will by It be enabled to han- It tlin WIUll In Mo Knrl f ftin west. The Shanlko country and Mutiui Ytin uu vuKcn rare ' the mill at The Dalles, while astern and southeastern part of state, and part of Washington, and Mnntnnn urlM l. t.ti... 10 tho Ppnftlptnn mill tgement will thus bo master of vholfi N'nrthwpat alttmti..., i.. v-wi, unuuuwi, scouring business. RECEIVER APPOINTED. Chicago Concern Falls for Million and a Half. nhinnim Mnrch 1R. Judge Dunne - - i ...n 4i.ia Tnnrntnir nnnolnted receiver for the International Packing Com pany, alleged to uo insolvent, ine concern has $1,600,000 liabilities, with $700,000 assets. The petition alleges the directors lost $1,000,000 gambling on the uoaru oi traae. Slnco 1899 the plant has not been operated. EARTHQUAKE. Seismic Disturbances With" Mt. Rai nier as a Center. aonttit March 1R. Thn directions of the undulations in different North western points where last nignts (.nrtlmimkn was felt Bhow it was caused by some subterranenn turbance, with Mt. Rainier as center. People fear Rainier as come an active volcano. (Us the the CHICAGO SNOWS. JAPANESE HE THE LOST TEN TIES OF ISRAEL An Excuse for the Renewal of Persecutions of the Jews in RussiaMassacres Expected During Easter. Nevertheless the .Jews Are Subscribing to the War Fund Story of the Sinking of a Jap Merchantman Attributed by Russians to a Storm H- Japs Said to Have Two Thousand Men In Hospital as Result of tht Fights Around Port Arthur Japanese Docks Jf ull of Damaged War Vessels. SACRAMENTO STRIKE. Attempt Will Be Made to Make It an' Open Shop Town. CnnrnmnnlH P.Jll Mltmh IS. TllO stlnntlnn In t'hn bulldlnc trades troll blo is practically unchanged today The carpenters are tno oniy men ni work. Tho contractors insi nigui ,i,.i,in,l tn iltnchnrirn nil union men and employ non-union men only, and protect them it necessary. inu Builders' Association announces Its determination to stand, by tho con tractors and mnko Sacramento an open shop town. EDITOR HELD FOR RAPE. APPOINTM NT IS E CONFIRMED TODAY Senate Makes Leonard Wood a Major General by a Large Majority. F. W. D. Record Broken by the Precipitation of the Past Winter. Chicaco. March 18. Chicago is nirnln hurled beneath a heavy snow fall, breaking tho record, There has fallen this winter, ' 5G.C inches, the heaviest known in the history of the city. Murder and Suicide. Lincoln, Nob., March 18. David Carroll, a rejected suitor for tho k.n,i nf Annie. Mnvwnll. daughter of a wealthy farmer, shot the girl dead this mornlnK and then killed himself. Displeased at France. nnmn Mnrch 18. The none today received all cardinals of Rome, ex pressing Tegret at the war cm uatuo ll congregations wngod Tiy the French government. GATHERING MRU TRADE PORTLAND NOW HAS Four Splendid Steamers Added to Oriental Service From the Oregon Metropolis Increase of Eastern Trade Makes This Absolutely Nec essary. iLBANIAN INSURRECTION pltated Because the Sultan De nies Reforms. Israde, March 18. It Is reported I au fl'oanian Insurrection fl rtmOMan .... I (-.-.o.3 ueiweou Mitrovltr.o ipe. and that the revolutionists Veil flunnllan I, ,.r '" arms. .".cuiun io precipi- lns T" unrlslnK and declare In,. UI lne country un- the sultan accedes to their do- Itian lu" 1116 uiamiBsnl of It, ,r unu employes at u. relief Imm . . . Iiinnnri V . i , J ,ttu"-ni oi taxes "PJ0" Turkish garrisons, and -uiiiusuneu AlbanlaiiB. Sarafoff Leaves G nU9 IMacertnn?rch, 18-U 18 rIortetl Iralt. -""Buonia, lo start JUDGMENT RENDERED. Was For an Injunction to Pre vent an Attachment. Nor and a S' ,L Smlth V8' T' I iKJS 'Nelson, a Judgment Plain r'nn,1 'T "vor.ot " costs of thn ion -ri. "c uuiunuani. A. PWIth tn ".r " 10 "rauKnt CC"'"' a note which For a New Crusade. i,e,', larh 18.-Soveral Ivoii.v.' .specially of nnn,n feral. 'nra.T8 appealed tn n. tn i,. 3 body of vf,il... I'tyoverfcPh of Christian. ""mnism, EIGHT OCEAN LINERS Portland. March 18. Four steam ei-s or tho Hamburg-American lino with a combined nset registered ton nuge of 18,379, have beon chartered by tho Portland-Asiatic company to tnlm llln nlnrn llf tllQ lllllia HnCrS tlin ithnrters of which have about expired. Tim Kipniiinrs nro modern frolght ,ru nini lirnftli'nilv now, They are UKj Aragonla, G.19S tons; Arabia, 4,- 438 tons; Nlcomedln, 1,372 ions, unu Numutla. 4,371 tons. Uxoepttng the a ..,, in il.i.v with all built in 1901 and for handling freight rapidly are eimlppod with all the latest uppim" Tho steamers have .a dead woigui currviiiir capacity ot tioin 7,uuu to 8,000 tons each, i.. i, witii thn four Chlnu Commercial liners, the now vessels will .bo operated liotween i-uiuuuu and the Orlont. Tho comblnod carrying capacity fitnniints to Ul I'D nmi iiiuu nm IT IK HilOiiuuu in linvi. nn Oriental vessel sailing from Portland ovnry 10 ,nys- Juo nw ki.1ii.i1ii will HO J1UO u about May 1. INFERNAL MACHINE. One Man Killed and Seven Injured When It Exploded. I t -r ,.!.,!. .... Mnrrli 18. A dy t, t 1 .ri.thinn nynloued nullum iniuinui .- Kiituiih. i... iinimn nf the commission er of nollce today. Seven men were . : . ... 4 iifoini. l'n. injured, four soriousiy. n - titn ii-iw. ..tii nn thn maclitne ana examined It, when U exploded, lias Rincii died of his Injuries, auiio i.m. mous. ohnnlnln of Lloge hospital, ...n i , 1, Inlnrnll. Violent debate fis taking p'neo in ..." . . it.. vn1ficfrin parliament touay over iuu w n. I I . . n nAnoarvfliiv w (i n. it Il tho urtnlnlluta nf ll(llltT KUlUj' Ol an attempt to assnssinato m" -" mlsslonur of police. Lahni. War Threatens. Now York, March 18. Tho strike f l.l1.1.. Inl.nrnra COIltlll lino nn.l 1.HnnfAn(. tn InVnlVll anOltlOr gigantic labor war similar to last summer. Tho conference oi i ""- board of arbitration anil rojiruaui.." tlves ot tho brlcklayertt ended in a ueauiock this mornlnK, niiui night session. Twonty thousand men ro out. 1 German Navv Affairs. Berlin,. March 18. Tho knlsor has sent tho relchHtag another skotch, Klvlng diagrams of all British war ships built since 1900. It is bellovod io uo tnp precursor of a now iwu"' St, Petersburg, March 18. The fanciful theory has been started here to the effect that the Japanese aro the lost Ten Tribes ot Israel. The Idea, while ludicrous, has been seiz ed upon by the antl-semitlc press as a means or starting a new iuiu-jcw lsh outbreak. The Novoe Vremya wontonly treats It seriously, and the Dally nrabroa enVC thf .lflWH llf RllSSla are subscribing large sums to aid their new-found brethren in the conduct of the. war. ti Id fnrAil tho nnntention will be the cause of a renewnl of the Klshl- neff massacres during Easter. The fact ia, the Jews are subscribing heavily to the Russian war tuno. New Prize Courts. An official decree has been Issued sanctioning the establishment of prize courts at Sebastapol, Vladivo stok and lJort Arinur. Want Them at Home. Aldersbot. England, March 18. An nfflnlnl tint! flmt Inn to tho army Btates that no application of offlcers desiring leave or. ausence 10 go iu Japan, China, Korea or Manchuria will be entertained. Matsuda Is President. Tni.-ln March 1R. At the opening of "the diet today, Matsuda, the lead er of the seljukal party, was eiecieu president oi tne nouse oi reiirem.-ni.u-tlvns. Matsuda has twice held olllce In tho Japanese rab'lnet. Japanese the story of tho presence of warships. , There was-' no bombardment oi Hakodate, which Is heavily forti fied. Tho alimlral thinks the war will bo long., Mays of Pomeroy, Assaults 15-Year-Old Girl. Pomeroy, Wash., March 18. F. W. D. Mays, editor and proprietor 6f the Washington Independent of this city, was arrosted yesterday afternoon on a chargo of criminal nssauu, niicgeu to have been committed on Penrloy May Pearsoll. the lti-year-old daugh ter of II. J. Pearsoll, a laborer In this city. TWO REPUBLICANS VOTED AGAINST THE PROMOTION. Crossing Lake Baikal. From Lake Baikal comes reports that soldiers" nro crossing In great numbers on d.ho Ico In a comforta ble manner, marching tho entire dis tance of 26 miles, in one ciay. tney are glad to get out of tho trains and walk. In two weeks Icebreakers will probably be at work forcing a channel. Storm Sunk the Merchantman. hi I'otprRhnrir. March 18. Admi ral Stackclberg, formerly command ing the Vladivostok squadron, In an interview, states that the cruise of his ships from February 9 to 1C, In Japanese waters, was made by or der of Admiral siarn lor ine eurui upon tho population of Northern Japan: He denies ho fired upon a Japan ese merchantman ln San Car Straits. Tho ships were captured, and while being taken to the tort a terrific blizzard arose. The crews and passengers of one merchantman were taken off. It was loaded with . . .1. Tlio nnnira innt ric mill wum nuni- . ,.u , ih.r imm T-nipnHiid to carry to the i of .'i00. Japs Suffered Severely, lyiniinn. .March ..18. A Central News dispatch from Port Arthur states that from private dispatches received from Shanghai It appears the Japanese Buncreii extensively in th nnerntlnns about Port Arthur. The battleship Mlkasa was struck ...in, hi nrnWillpH In the bombard ment on the 10th, and was seriously damaged. All the .docks the Japanese nave aro occupiod by warships being re paired. Two thousand Japanese wounded on land and Boa are being treated In jhjjspltals. Russians Retire From Wlju. Ilorlln March 18. A Iokal Anzel- ger Seoul dispatch confirms reportg that tho Kussian norse nriuiury nus withdrawn to tho north bank of the Yalu, leaving only a weak post at Chungsong, near Wlju. Headed Off the Russians. Kobe, March 18. It is officially confirmed that the Russian squad ron at Port Arthur attempted to break out tho night of tho 10th, which was very dark, and effect a Juucturo with the Vladivostok licet. Tho morning of tho 13th, however, Togo's patrol sighted tho fleet, which returned to Port Arthur. Cold Storage Plants for Mexico. Mnvlrn. March 18. Cold storage plants with enormous enpa cliv will anon hn erected In this city a concession having been granted the company wnicii iibb uio prujeui In linn ,1 Prili! Klnr.inn is needed ln Mexico nnd upward of $2,000,000 Ib now in hand for tlio construction i tho warehouses, not only In the City nt Mnvlrn. hut also In Vera Cruz, Tamplco and other lending cities of tho republic. Hanned for Wife Murder iilmnnln Mrmt.. Mnrch 18. Louis H. Mott was hanged today In tho ,..,.i .-r iiw MUsniila county lall ln tho presence of several Bcoro of oflV n ,ir iniiDnna nnn micciiiturB. unu n crime was tho murder of his wlfo last January. STATE MEETING OF Union Laborlte From California Will Hold His Seat In House of Repre sentatives Proceedings Taken to Secure the Impeachment of a Fed eral Judge In Florida Pension List Is to Be Extended by Order Under the Act of 1890 New Fog Station In San Francisco. Rumors of Defeat, n.-lo Mnrch 18 Thorn Is nn un confirmed rumor on tho Bourse of a great Japanese defeat. It Is bellev- ml llm ronnrt i.rnw nut. of the defeat of 200 Japanese by a Rufuluu forco INSPECTING SITES. Question of Where to Build Is No where Near a Solution. Dr. C. J. Smith, Lee Teutsch, Jesse Falling, Walter Pierce and Clerk John Halley, ir oi tne scnooi i.nr,1 nccnmnanled bv a commltteo of business men, consisting of Leon Cohen, Dr. W. a. uoie, ur. w. Vin cent 'and F. B. Cloptou, made the -r.M.wla nf tlin nvailnbln sites for Bphool buildings this morning and now things are in a worse muuuio than before. It has been the contention of those who oppose the building of a school house on the Academy site that tho iimiinii iu niiiliislrnliln: that It Is too close to the railroad and the factor ies; that It Is flat and generally un desirable as a place where the young peoplo should spend nine mouths of the year. Now when tho situation is can vassed it is found that unless tho district Is willing to pay a fortuno for what they want, no better loca tion can bo bought. That Is about what Avns decided, and tho matter Is now JUBt where It was last year. tn,.. i.a iu winini? to build on 1 II u uuu... " .......... . . any property that Is suggested and that can be secured. No better than utt ii fit ItiHt ft nfjiln If will hold an ..ti.nM n.. tVitu iiimtilnir fntiatllur all of tho evidence gleaned from the trip, view the question rroin an biuch and if possible decldo on some plan to suiiniu. To Distribute Sturgls Estate. A. S. Ijo Grow, of Walla Walla, has askod tho county court of Walla walla county tor permission as uu- .nlnlulrnlnr tn rllutrlllllti. till! OStatO r,t Mm. SiiKiin M. SlurirlH. deceased. of thut city. Tho dato set for the final huaring In the case Is April 12 . tin i (llatrlhiitlnn will III! order ed. The estate amounts to $jOO,44 in nersonal property and n.buu in mill i.utntn Thn Imlrfl nro F. S. IjO Grow, of Athena, Susan A. Wals.i, and Grace Winn, or Walla Walla, and tho children of Mrs. Llna Stur gls, of this city. McNerny vs. McNerny. The divorce case of Laura McNer ny vs. John McNerny, was tnea we rnm TnHen w. It Rills this after r.r,n Thn nlnlnllff nllccns CTUOl and Inhuman treatment on the part of tho defendant. Quito a number of witnesses are being examined. nnd tho case is being fought on both nl.lDa oliililiiiriilv Thn lllnlntiff Is Hint enn lln HPPIirCd. NO UULIUI muu diuwi bvwmw.m.. : what h noV d aw bo gotten for represented by A. D. Stlllman, and wliat is now -' B 'thn defendant bv John McCourt. any smau buiu, uu - , NEW PENDLETON BANK IS AUTHORIZED Washington, March 18.- -Tho comptroller of the iSnnoial) tho corner of Main and Court drnnto A lAnRn nf 10 vnnrn haa umptrollor of the currency H(J0Ur0d on the cornor r00mgi has approved tho application oi w. and tlloy wl)l bo flttod up at once L Thompson, R. C. Beach, T. L for the establishment of tho bank. ... , , n ipAin.l T n. TTnllnv will hn ennnral at Tfo oCr'gaJn.zo"rnaUona.- nan In Forney" ff "the new Inst, ut.on and .Inrilnton Or. with a capital stock W. L. Thompson, of Lowlston. one of $0(1000 to "be Known as the Com- of tho chief proraotera, will proba ioi National Bank bly ho caslilor, and tho Arm oxpectfl m(Twi U tho bank spoken of In to bo ready for business In time to th colum fl last week, which will handle a Hhare of tho harvest buai bo lnstl tutoa in tho Judd building onness this year.) IRRIGATOR bTTEGON, ASSOCIATION AT ONTARiO SEPT. 19, 20, 21 Mnihrur r.ountv Association Fixes the Date and Arranges an Elabor ate Proaram Committee of Prom inent Citizens Appointed to Have r.hnrn Irrlaaled Lands Will Ot Seen at Their Best at That Time At n meeting of tho Mnlhour County Irrigation Association, yes terday, tho date for tho meeting of tlio State Irrlgutlon Association was ,i i r- Hnnlniiilinr 19. 21) mill 21 and an olabornto program mid lilnna were arranged lor uio ihl-hijiiiii. n C.lluc f llm cnlltltV IIM Boclatlon. Iiub sent out flivitatlonH lo tli.. tfivernment olllclnls to attend thn tnrntlnc- and tulto pari In tlio dlti puhhIoub and official announcement of thn meeting will bo IbhikmI Iiiiiiii .11..!., In tl.l.l.JI A commltteo of Ontario clllzeliH, oiuii,,., r m. ii Test. J. It. Black- iiunmiiiih .... i... mwi i. Ailariiu. wus unpointed to act as fliinnco and general nrrauKe- iiii-nt commltteo, nnd It ih mo mien n r H. ii cnmiiiitlen lo ecllliHO any Hlato meetliiB over held by tho ubbo- clatlon. , . Ti.,. ,inin una ant III Seiitemlier III order that the ilelogati'B may boo tho Irrigated lands of Malheur county at their bCBt, with two crops of al falfa already In tho Black, nnd tho third crop being cut at that llino. Tho wheat cropa will bo harvi'Hled and tho fruit will bo ready to gather and It was thought this tho most op portune tlmo to hold tho meeting, to show tho advantages and frullB of Irrigation at their high tldo. It will bo poBslblo to gather a magnificent agricultural display nt that time, and this being ono of the most Important features of tho meeting, Ontario wished to mako it tho best ever Been in Oregon. Malheur county sent tho bent and most Important exhibits to tho meet- ..... I-..I M,,i,il,r In llllH I'll V. hut lll IUO. "J ..'-"" ----- tho season wob bo far advanced that It was Impossible to secure iue ih-bi. exhibits at that time. Washington, March 18. Tho Bim- uto thlB nftornoon voted to confirm tho appointment of Wood to bo ma jor-general. Tho confirmation vote stood 10 to Ifi. Scott, of West Virginia, and Kltt- rldge, of South Dakota, tho only ro- publlcaiiB voting tiny. Democrats voting for woro Dubois, CockrelL Poltla and PnttcrBon. The voto was advanced from Tuesilay noxt to to day on nccount or tno iiesiro oi mrs. wi.ii, i in unli fur tlm l'hlllhnlncs to morrow If tho voto waB fnvorablo. Pension List Increased. Tim roHiiliitlon bv Overman call ing on tho aecrotnry of tho Interior to Inform tho sonnto wiioiner on or der has been Issued enlarging the pension net or lH'Ji), anu wnui m crease It would mnko, was agreed to. Llvernash Holds His Seat. Tho house today, after dlsagroolni; r-.t ll.J u.iiu.tit ntllundmOlltS to ' tho- military appropriation hill, Bont It lo conference. Without debato, and by a viv voce voto, tho Iioiibo adopted unanl miinnlv n rnnnrt from tho committee on elections that Llvernash, union labor, from California, wiiobo buiu. Ih contested by former republican Knn, bo declared entitled to 1Mb soaL In commltteo of tho wholo tho poHtoIIlco appropriation hill will bo rend for amendments. To Impeach Federal Judge. Tho HUbcoinmltteo of tho house committee on Judiciary today re ported In favor of tho Impeachment of Judge CharloB Swnyno, of tho roilernl district of Florida. Tho full loinmltlou will tulto It up at ItH noxt Hireling. For New Fog Signal. The Bonato pasnod a hill appropri ating $12,000 for a fog signal Btatlon In Sim Frani'lHco Bay, VILL NOT STRIKE. Heavy Majority Against by the Bi tuminous Miners. IndlatiapollH, March 18. Tho inlimrH In tho bituminous 'districts In tho Central StotoH will not Btrlko. At noon tho voto wiih niinouncoiL making tho majority 31,111 ugalnat a proposition to go out. Cleveland Becomes a Mason. Princeton, N. J., Murch 18. Tho MuboiiIc grand l"'lg "f Now Jersny Iiub Issued a dispensation by which tho Princeton lodge will conlor tho three degrees or Mnaonry on (Irovor Cloveluml In ono night, this wook. Mr. Cloveland la 07 years of ago und this b one of tlio row extraordinary concessions granted tho Masonic fraternity In tbo history of the United States, masked uo tbo GERMAN BARBARITIES. Blacks Not Alone In Perpetration of Awful Cruelties. Berlin, March 18. Tho Voerwaertz Btates that Southwestern Africa cru elties aro not confined to tho Hero ros, but tho German troopa aro co operating with armed colonists m retaliating. Letters from Germans detail the barbarous treatment meted out to the blocks ln revenge. Tho Germans and Hereros resemble two armies of devlla with holl let loose throughout tho colony. Mason In Distress. Portland, March 18, The rovenuo cutter Daniel Manning left Port- I-...1 11, la tnnrntnir to look for tllO American ship W. H. Mason, report, od off Coos Bay in a helplosa condi tion. The Mason Is 18 days out from Lodysmtth, B. 0., for San Franclaco.l Attempted Hold up. Baker City, Mach 18, A ...I.!.,... nllntnritcil tn hold m..i. ni,v,i, nt t o'clock Thursday morning, but waa foiled by the bar keeper and gamekoepor, who tiirnod tho llghtB out na tho robber appeared In tho gambling room. Thero was over $12,000 n tho safe nt tho tlmo besides $000 on tho gambling table. King Bill at Gibraltar. Gibraltar, March 18.-Kaiser WH helm arrived today, tho Drills i- i. .ii,. i. ihn Dnrman shin. Governor White boarded tho Koonls Alberta and weicomeu uio uuijiuiu- The Dynamite Cure. Vienna, March 18. At Arad, Huugary, a miner named Kimpian, suspoctod IiIb wlfo of famlllurlty with a lodger named Kohout, and exploded n hi let- ur ilvnnmlto under the dinner table, blowing hlrasolf, ' wlfo, tho lodger, nnd four children to atoms. muni navy bill.