PAGE SIX. BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN $2.50 M If M JJ UU vj I II u 0 n nn x vl 1U vl Jvl Until Saturday 0 BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN .BARGAIN BARGAIN. BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN THE WOOL MARKET MONTANA EXPERT LOOKS FOR BETTER PRICES. T. C. Power, One of the Most Widely Known Stockmen of the Coast, Gives Reasons for Believing That Wool Will Not Be Lower This Year Clip Will Be Light and the Old Crop Is Sold Out. The French Restaurant BeGi 25 cent Meal in the City Private Dining Parlors Elogant Furnished Rooms in Connection GUS LaFONTAlNE, Prop. 633 Main Street PROMPT, RELIABLE SERVICC A J BEAN HAULING OF A! L KINDS (loods taken best of care of, Leare orders at Teutscli's. 'I'bone Main 1-71 Tho Hon. T. C. Power, of Montana, ono of tho best known wool factora In this country, was In Boston tho early part of tho week calling upon the wool trade. "AH Jobbing houses," he said, "aro buying In n hand-to-mouth way, but tho dealers throughout the country have sold out .more of their woolen goods this year than In any other winter In a long time, which leaves tho manufactured product pretty well used up. "In fact, tho output Is moro close ly sold up than It has been at any other season In four or five years at least. As to prices, tho Jobbers of woolen goods seem to dictate. Thoy claim that they cannot get any moro for the manufactured product. "I do not look for lower prices, be cause the wool is not In tho country, and from a statistical standpoint tho world's product never looked better. Being campaign year, nil Jobbers and dealers aro working from hand to mouth. "Farmers In the .Middle West and In all the West, nro doing well and getting good prices for their grain, with nno prospects for the future. On this account there Is bound to be n good market for wool. This op plies from Ohio west to tho coast, Meat products are also looking up some. They have been depressed. Tho ranchman has suffered from tho depreciation. 'Tho coming wool clip In tho West will bo from 10 to 15 per cent less in tho number of pounds than It was last year. This is a conservative es timate and wool men hero In Boston whom I have talked with who chooso to express themselves, believe this to be true so far as Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and Utah nro concerned, and these are some of tho largest wool producing states. 'The falling off in clip is causd by tbo extravagance in years gono by. There seems to bo a general disposition everywhere to work along more conservative lines. "Tho monoy mnrket now seems to be steady, and thoso who arc entitl ed to credit, thoso who are doing a careful nnd conservative business, can get tho monoy. Confidenco in tho monoy supply Is far better than it was six months ngo. "I am glad to see that there Is no speculation In wool such ns has been going on in cotton, as wild specula tion such as this has been brings about curtailment and mistortuno up on tbo manufacturer. "Tho fact that wool has not ad vanced nnd In fact that certain grades have declined, Is because there Is no combination. Tho world's product of wool is Just ns senrco as cotton, but it Is not under the con trol of any lot of dealers. "Wool today Is bringing fair prices to tho producer, and at tho samo time Is not high, averaging from 1C to 20 cents a pound in tho grease hero,' nnd nil classes sell nt fair prices,' particularly the cheaper grades. "Australian skirted merino wool in. tho grease sells at 10 cents a pound in this mnrket. Montana and Ore-1 gon, by careful breeding, will soon match and produce wool ns fine as that from Australia. "Tho farinors would like to see a boom, but because thero Is this ab sence of speculation wool will be consumed In a steady and moro healthy way. I find that blankets nnd carpo.s rondo out of cheaper wool aro ndvauced in price, but no material increaso Is found In wear ing apparel." The Name Witch Hazel. Tho nnmo Witch Hazel Is much abused. E. C. Do Witt & Co., Chi cago, arc tho Inventors of tho orig inal and only genuine Witch Hazel Salvo, A certain euro for cuts, burns, bruises, eczema, tetters, plies, etc. Thero aro many counterfeits of this salvo, some of which aro dangerous, while thoy arc worthless. In buying Witch Hazel Snlvo seo that tho name n. C Do Witt & Co., Chicago, Is on tho box and a euro Is certain. Sold by Tollman &. Co. 5 The Cup that satisfies Golden Gate Coffee We save all the aroma, flavor and strength by packing the coffee immediately after roasting. The unbroken seal across the top of the tin is our guarantee and the buyer's protection. ;. Sold in 1 and 2 lb. aroma-tight tins. Grind fresh each day not too fine. J. A. FOLCER CD. CO., Francisco Importer and Roatttrs of Tine Old Coffees THE lWT to the t' I?. Proven " the clU fear. rBB nut l.n he h L I ti e hou Tho husba" by onc ( lle" nnnea l man Awful Language. Mr. Smith To Itostus, whoso mule rdfusos to move: "Hastus, what do you call your mule?" Itastus "I reckon under do circumstances, boss, what I calls dat mule wouldn't bo fit to print." 11 JAPAMES BARON KODAMA WAS EDUCATED AT RUTGERS COLLEGE. is Remembered as a Bright, Level- Headed Youth, Who "Took to" American Ways and Institutions Was a Student In New Jersey In stitution Thirty Years Age Is a Military Man of Modern School. Now Brunswick, N. J., March 17. Among tho Jnpaneso officers who havo received their education In America Baron Kodama Is perhaps tho most distinguished among tho army chiefs of his country. Some 30 years ago ho was a stu dent In llutgors college, nnd Is re membered by mnny of tho older per sons here. At that time tho sight of a nativo of Japan or China was quite uncommon, especially as a stu- rinnt In n rwillnco. nnd for tills rea son tho boy attracted considerable attention. It was known that Ko doma bolonged to one of tho very old, powerful and wealthy Japanoso families, but It was qulto apparent from tho tlmo of his entering Hut gers that ho was Impressed favora bly with tho democratic, rougn anu ready ways of American studonta. ito 'ni n irnnd-natured vounc man and very quickly made friends with his fellow students. For a tlmo Kodama had great dif ficulty In speaking tho English lan guage, although ho Beemed to under stand It well. But before his courso camo to n close ho could speak It fluently. At tho tlmo of entering Rutgers ho was a little moro than 17 and was well prepared to take up tho work. He was rather short In helg.U but well built for a boy of his years. Ho had come as a student, sent by tho Japaneso government, and throughout his course was very much In earnest with his work. After his student days were over ho went back to Japan and mado rapid advances, owing to his mind training nnd American Ideas of prog ress and education. He entered pub lic life and camo rapidly to tho front, displaying signal ability In the or ganization of tho army. About three years ago General Kodama was appointed second chief of tho gen eral staff, and has been actively on gaged In preparing for the conflict with Russia. According to lato cable dispatches ho has now received tho first command of tho Japanese 'army in tho field. Tho first socialist to bo elected to ofllce by popular voto In South America is now a member of the Argentina legislature from Buenos Ayros. EVACUATION OF BOSTON. Took Place One Hundred Twenty Eight Years Ago. Boston, March 17. The 128th an niversary of tho evacuation of Bos ton by the British on March 17, 177C, was celebrated with unusual spirit today, particularly In South Boston. Interest In tho day's celebration cen tered principally about tho monu ment orected in South Boston to mark tho exact spot whoro George Washington, tho commnndor of the Continental army, stood 12S years ago today as he watched the British troops ovacuato the town. CLEANLY WOMAN. Erroneously Tlilnkn 1y Scouring Her Scalp Tlmt She Cures Dandruff. j, Cleanly woman has an erroneous Idea I that by scouring tbo scalp, which ro j moves tho dandruff scales, sho labouring the danlruff Sho may wash her scalp j every day, nnd yet have dandruff her life lone, accompanied by falling hair, too. The only way In tho world to euro . dandruff Is to kill tho dandruff germ, i and there is no hair preparation that wilt I do that but Newbro's Herplclde. Horpl cldo by killing tho dandruff germ, leaves tho linlr free to grow oh healthy Nature Intended. Destroy tho cause you remove the effect. Kill the dan druff germ with Homicide. Sold by leading druggists. Sond 10c, In stamps for sample to The Horplcido Co., De troit, Mich. F. W. Schmidt, special agent. Do You Want Strength? If you want to Increaso your' strength you must add to not tako j from tho physical. In other words. 1 the food that you eat must be digest-' ed, assimilated and nppropriatcd oy i R. , Hir nnrvna. lilnnrl nnd tissues before OIOCK ADAMS DENTAL PARLOR Pendleton, Oregon. Residence and office Despain H,r. Tinrvfis. lilnnrl nnd tissues before boing expolled from tho intestines i Our specialty Painless r tiling Kodol Dyspepsia Cure adds to tho Lnd Extractjng. physical. It gives strength to and D builds up the human system. It ' pleasant to tho taste and palatable, and tho only combination of digest ants that will digest tho food and enablo tho system to appropriate all of Its health nnd strength-giving qualities. Sold by Tallmnn & Co. Krom April 2a' to May 1, inclusive, will bo hold In San Francisco tho In ternational missionary convention of tho Methodist Episcopal church. Tho Chicago council has extended the tlmo In which saloons can do business at night from 12 o'clock (o 1 a. m. YOU Should have that best of DRY and FINE, that you will find with L. W. McADAMS Successor to P. P. Collier. McMinn School of Dancing Monday, class night. Thud day and Saturday, clasies froJ 7 to 9 o'clock. Sociab from I to 12. Children's Matinee, SitoriayJ 2:30. day , t convex"' room .i there 'msebold L 01 t " e irato j ana in oinOhre cnanBC' ,i the lot 50 m c U he woui demurre linnet Me. 0,NC Imitier tr 111 LARD MEN W . only: Th litcly 'It f lead Calm til Mark loverned 1 Good and Pure Bhe m' Kettle ReDdenWk as tai At prices as low as the lowestBied. Fr mers iu It is abo t Hwnpn i I MIESCKE'S K Tot MEAT MARKEIpv 3J6 COURT ST. Lot th V to ich I' Beef i wan PAPER HANGING The .new stock of J904 patterns is now In E. J MURPHY Court St. ! I. Pastern Of me casi urcuummi . egon's representative paper. It ! i and the people appreciate It "Ml show It by their liberal pa'iM I Is the advertising medium of mm section. Y-The Root of All Evil See how far a little of it will go at our Clearance Sale DRY GRANULATED SUGAR, PER SACK $5.65 FRUIT GRANULATED SUGAR, PER SACK $5.90 8-QUART NICKLE-PLATED COPPER TEA KETTLE 1.00 PHARAOH'S HORSES, (picture) 10y2x19J2, FOR 19c DEITZ TUBULAR LANTERNS 50c BABY LANTERNS 25c WE WILL ALLOW ONE-THIRD OFF ON THE PRICE OF ALL CUT GLASS, ALSO ON THE HAND-PAINTED FRENCH CHINA, GOLD-PLATED VASES AND THE ROYAL BONN VASES. THESE ARE BARGAINS YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE AGAIN AFTER THIS SALE CLOSES. 6 BARS TOILET SOAP . -- 6 BARS OWL LAUNDRY SOAP 6 SEMI-POCELAIN SOUP PLATES SEMI.PORCELAIN BUTTER DISH THREE DOZEN CLOTHESPINS ALSO ONE'FOURTH OFF THE PRICE OF ALL VASE LAMPS. SALAD SETS, SALAD BOWLS AND PAINTED GERMAN CHINA. Our Premium Tickets Taken Only at, Regular Prices ii ii ii p OWL TEA HOUSE u OWL TEA HOUSE i