DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1904 PAGE FIVE. k .n.bt MARK BoYsaoiRts OOL jordon Dye Hosiery NOT SPEAK TOO HIGHLY OF J MANUFACTURED TODAY ! PERSONAL MENTION. DYE BRAND OF HAS THE HAS, AND NO LINE GIVES FOR THE MONEY. WE 1 1UE L.-m NO Lint b i.J.nM THE GORDEN PU I " ' ntiniM&RV SERVICE bH urM FOR MEN AT 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c and 50cJ FOR WO V THEM FOR Mt" CHILDREN AT 2 FOR IN at'15c, ZU- - AND 25C. ...- vnM u.vc orcM BUYING DO rHILDREN 5 nuoc w ,F AT SFACTION, TRY A PAIR OF PUR GORDON e HERCULES HOSE, 25c PER PAIR. NONE WEAR BETTER. LEE TEUTSCH'S BIG STORE, COR. MAIN AND ALT. A City Brevities t It takes a brigm ,lce the reauing - Dtr more inieiimmh . .. ..-.ln.1 n.lu Anil a'.- ...... 1nDalflm1 mis. ma Il3 lwoo.i" le brightest editor can't lays ao u. i tats at the Iloston. C Ittder. Got Sunny. leioUrd's beer at The Mint. lys' clothing, naer & Daley. tt a nop coat.", Tlie liosion. Ulas and Hanan shoes, me .01. a Tata has filed a petition ask- to hs annexed to roruanu. til tads of cinders for tho iUi, tt tie. Domestic Laundry. ' fcs B;ckers, Instructor lu music, Etler Piano House, Court street. 'mine Kentucky unto gruaH, iyal Green' 'brand. It Brows. X :uite o( rooms, with or withaut rd, suitable for two. Inquire at office. resident Harper, of Chicago Unl- slljr, Is recovering rapidly Ironi operation for appendicitis. ast received 30c navel oranges, ch we will sell whllo th4y last J for 5c, 20c per dozen. F. S. aget Son. 3 unsuccessful effort lias been Je by the Imperial party In Gor- y. to repeal the law excluding mis from the empire. 'ostmaMer-General l'ayne is so- ely afflicted with Eout. It has umed a rheumatic pliaso. his art has become arfeeted ami his Edition is serious. Fresh garden, field and flower leds In bulk and packages. All lis season's stock and sure to nro- Ice. Our seeds are suitable to tlils mate. C. Hohrman. Court Got Sunny. V C Rader. Fresh fruit daily nt Martin's. Now spring shirts, The Boston. Pure Welnnard's beer nt The Mint. Closing out dry goods. The Bos ton. New lino men's sweaters. The Uoston. v Dine at tho St. George. Everything first-class. Smokers eel satisfaction at How ard's, formerly Roes' clga. store. The men that marry most fre (inontly for money are the ministers. Tho Snliltn corset, pompadour bangs and hair oods at Mrs. Camp pell's.' . Get your clothes cleaned and nrnRsed at Joerger's, 12C West Court street. s Teutsch Is offering 87 hats, broken lines, regular $3 and $3.G0 values, to close at $2.00. 97 hats, correct shapes, broken sizes, regular $3 and $3.fi0; to close, $2.00. At Toutsch's. A fine high grade piano for sale cheap; must be for cash. Address 113 care East Oregonlan. Men'i hats cleaned and b.ocked; clothes cleaned and pressed. J. J. Comegys' 222 East Court street.. 10,000 oranges sold last week, speaks for the .quality of our navel oranges; 3 for Be, 20c per dozen. F. S. Younger & Son. Wanted Cattle to take with our herd to pasture in tho mountains. Terms very reasonable, can on or address Maple Bros., Court street. For Rent Suite of rooms lu East Oregonlan building. Steam lieateu. Hnt nnd cold water and bath room on same fioor. Call at East Oregonlan ofllce. busl FREE FREE Jlltl f A - dive , i.u "'"B we Will z Um. y, ?e corr"' time. Our I trTln,reaSn?tMtheool.,the ? "mi and evcrutk:.- , nt In the cty u ,mpo"' I anXr'St tlme I correct. """Keepers ; '". our 'tore or call us t ,.( r'.wuc ana ' YOU all '""n mem, will W. H. Reed of Huron, Is down to day on business. Fred Lockley Is registered nt the "acres In Walla Walla. T. G. Halley was a visitor In Athena today on business. A. B. Stephens' of Umatilla, Is ift the city today on business. C. F. Weiss, of Milton, Is In the city for a short vl3it on business. Miss Lizzie Thomas, of Waitsburg, is visiting friends In tho city ror a few dnys. E. L. Masteraon, of Elgin, was a visitor In town yesterday for a short time on business. M. Pedro, the well known sheep man of Butter creek, was a business visitor In the city yesterday. Robert Johnson, one of the promt nont wood dealers of Huron, is in the city on a brief business visit. T. J. Tweedy, tho reservation farmer, will begin spring plowing In a few days, with a largo torce. A. J. Adams, of Milton, spent tho dav In the city. Ho is one of tho prominent farmers and stockmen. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Saylor, of Eflio, wore the guests of Pendleton friends vosterdav for a short visit in the city. T. G. Montgomery, tho grain deal or, left this morning for a short visit in Walla Walla In the Interest of his firm. William Moore, one of the grain buyers, was a visitor to Walla Walla today, where he Is called ness. W F. Matlock left yesterday for n visit of a few days lu Portland wlmrn he has been called on a busi ness matter. C. .1. Mlllls, of tho O. R. & N., was n vlnltnr In tho city today for a short time on business In connection with tho road. C. J. Freece, tho representative of tho Spokesman-Review, Is registered nt tin. Hotel Pendleton for a short visit in the city. Miss Evelyn J. Sheek, of Portland, Is at homo visiting her parents, Mi ami Mrs. 1.. O. Shock, of this city for a short time. H. n. Connell. of Umntllla, was In pltv vosterdav for a short time on business connected with his work for the O. R. & N. Dr. W. S. Holt, who has been iiw pv for several days In the terest of Pendleton Academy, this evening lor La Grande. A. Perard, a prominent sheepman from Pilot Rock. Is, In the city today. His flocks are In tho best or condi tion and ho expects a better clip of wool than last year. C. V. Dyment, Blue Mountain cor respondent of the Spokesman-Review, was in Pendleton today. He left on the morning train for tho In terior of tho county. C. H. Hudson of Gllllland, was a business visitor in the city today. Mr. Hudson Is a member of the dem ocratic county central committee, and is a prominent stockman, RETURNED FROM MALHEUR. Extraordinary Rainfall John T. Whistler Expected Soon. J. H. Lewis, the engineer who has had charge of the government irntlon work in this section HTTW7Tvr?-' The Progressive Jewels '26 Main Street lrri during the absence of Chief Engineer John T. Whistler, has returned from a two-months' trip into Ainineur coun ty. While there the work was drown ed out by the rains, which huvc boon tho heaviest for many years. There was more wator in tho vicin ity of Vale while Mr. Lewis was there than can bo rememueieu u, the oldest Inhabitant. k Mr. Lewis will remain in hub n.jr until tho arrival of Mr. Whistler, who Is expected some time uuimb the week, when plans for the sea son's work will bo mapped out and the force put in the Iieiu. Hudson Bay Farm Sold. Hattie J. McNemar and her hus band have sold to George S. Fox for $1,700, the north half of tho south east quarter, and the southeast quartor of the southeast quarter of section 30, In township 6, north of range 34 east, being a tract of land in the Hudson Bay country. Elks Take Notice. Elks will meet In regular session this evening at usual place. Elec tion of oflicers nnd other business of importance. All members re quested to be present.. CHAS. E. uean, o. G. A. HARTMAN, E. R. m Easter Things for the Ladies Novelty Neckwear , Fine hemstitched embroidery turnovers; chiffon stock collars In white, blue and Persian; collar and cuff sets, with Bulgarian embroid ery; fine lace collars In white and ecru; plain white hemstitched .col lars; lace stock collars In cream or ecru; white linen stock, In white or black; fine lace neck pieces In cream, white or ecru; collars appll qued In white, blue or Persian; white linen embroidered collars and cuffs: silk collars trimmed with nold lace and bead medallions; taffeta silk collars with stole effect. We mlfjht enumerate more, but we de sire that you come and see for yourself. The sun does not go down on the day that does not see new things brought Into the Peoples Ware house. . Our Ready-to-Wear Department An ad without mention of this section would be Incomplete. We can now show you everything In a dress skirt from $1 to $40 each. SHIRT WAI&TS from 48c to $5 each and In the waists, as skirts, hundreds to select from. TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND COSTUMES In variety greater than all the other stores In tomn put together, with n range of prices from $5 to $100 apiece. CHILDREN'S DRESSES? We have them and lots of pretty ones to select from, too. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, WRAPPERS, KIMONAS, DRESSING . SACKS, TEA GOWNS and SILK UNDERWEAR, In fact, everything that you would expect to find In an up-to-date city rendy-to-wear store. The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE WISCONSIN BENEFACTOR. Law In left NEW DIVISION ROADMASTER. Peter Grant, of the La Grande Di vision, Retires From the O. R. & N. .Peter Grant, who has been divis ion roadmaster on tho La Grande division of the D. R. & N. under W. Bollons, general roadmaster, or this city, for the past three years, has resigned his position and will go into business at La Grande. N. J. Oman, who has been with the O. R. & N. for the past seven months, has been appointed acting division roadmaster, and . took charge of the office yesterday. Mr. Oman was formerly with the Chi cago Great Western nnd is an exper ienced track man. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tnlo T ow,i llrninn UUlDlDe 'iUDIelS. Ail UrugglstB refund the money If It falls to cure. H. W. drove's signature on eacn box. 2Gc, Grandma's Remedy por a Snri - . a Serin-, t--i . u ,Un.c ana B,ood purfler ,8 Sa88afrag Bark Tea. "commend. It f0 "una. r chronic rheumatism nnd cutaneous She erup- We Can furnl.l, . .... . .. 10c on,, ' wun a very select SASSAFRAS BANK. "pound Package; 25c pound. KOEPPENS A. C. KOEPPEN 4 BROTHERS Medal Contest Postponed. The W. C. T. U. medal contest will be held In the Baptist church on Monday evening, March 21, In stead of Friday evening. It has been postponed on account ol tne prom otion speaking at tho court house Friday evening. IMMIGRANTS WORK HARD. Foreigners Take In Pioneer Lralslator Who Made a That Lives Today. "Gabo" Bouek of Oshkosh, Wis., who died n fow days ago, was ono of "Homer's men." As soon speak of Colonel Achilles as of being Cplonel Gabriel Ilmick. Titles did not belong to him. He did not need them, says n writer. Georgo Washington and Abranain Lincoln first. If you insisted. After them "Gabe" Brouck, among all the blue-shlrted stulwart men who cut down the plno trees in Northern Wis consin. Tills was why: In the out days unscrupulous Job bers wotlld hire a crew of men and lake them into the woods. All winter tjiey would work and would cut down a, great store of logs. Wages were never paid until the biiow broke up and tho men came out of tho woods. Then the workmen would be told Unit times were hard: that a chattel mortgage covered all the tlmb had cut, and they mlgiu go for their wages. "Qnbe" Bouck saw that an Injustice was being played on the lumbermen and he acted accordingly. In tho face or wealthy opposition he Intro duced a bill and forced it to a pass age. Ever since the lumbermen have known it as the "log lien law." It Kave to the men who had cut the timber an absolute lien for the amount or their wages on tho logs they cut. Slnco then "Gabe" Bouck has been one or the best known men in all tho vast stretches of the Wisconsin woods. The president had the "say'1 and fixed the salaries of the Panama ca nal commission at $12,000 pr year, with un aduitlonal $15 per day and expenses paid while on duty on the isthmus. LADIES OF PENDLETON THE DISPLAY OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY WE HAVE IS WINNING THE ADMIRATION OF ALL WHO HAVE SEEN IT. WE HAVE THE BRIGHTEST IDE8 OF THE FASH ION CENTERS. ALL THE NEW, LOVELY CREATIONS OF MIL LINERY ART. THE STYLES FOR THIS SEASON ARE WORKS OF ART, AND ARE RARE BEAUTIES. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO PAY US A VISIT AND EXAMINE OUR SHOWING. j tl i4 , CARRIER MILLINERY J THE HOME OF THE STYLISH HAT. whistle Housekeeping f s easy enough, so far as Schilling's Best U4 co Act lUvgrlug exlracU pkcet fed On New Life American Surroundings. Not only does Immigration bring to America tne strongest, ueanui and most energetic and adventurous of the work people of Europe and Aula, but those who come work much harder than they uiu ai noiue. Migration tears a mau away from the. traditions, the routine, the social props, on which he has learned to re ly, and throws him among strangers upon his own resources. Ho must swim or drown. At the samo time he cams higher wages and eats more nourishing food than he had over thought within the reach of ono In his station. His ambition Ja AroU, Ho Is Btlrred by the new tonic of feeling himself actually rising In the world Ho pictures to himself a home of his own he economizes and saves money to send to his friends and family or to return to his beloved land a per son of Importance. Watch a gang of Italians shoveling dirt under an Irish boas, or a sweat shop of Jewish tailors under a small contractor, and you shall seo feverish production of wealth as an American born citizen would scarcoly enduto. Partly fear, partly hopo, make tho r..utt immigrant tho hardest, If not tho most Intelligent workor In our In dustrlos, John It. Commons In We Chautauquan for February. Sol Louie, a sub-chief of tho Coour d'Aiono Indians, Is snld to bo heart broken because of his wlfo's lufidol Ity- Thero nro two things in lifo for which a man Is novor propared go. They are moneyback ; make no trouble to anybody. THE Hanan Shoes Are Here PLEASES THE TASTE Ask for GOLD LEAF Brand THEY ARE THE BEST ONCE USED ALWAYS USED J, Costa Rico Coffoo In ono pound packages. Jnva nnd Mocha Coffee In ono pound packnges. For sale by all up-to-dnto grocers. Spices, Teas, Extracts and Baking Powder. PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE COMPANY Portland, Oregon. Good Tools, Lighter Labor YOU WILL HAVE GOOD TOOL8 IF YOU GET THEM OF U8. GARDEN TOOL8, CARPENTER TOOL8, ' . '""' : tJA.fr'' BUILDING TOOLS, BUILDING HARDWARE. POULRTY NETTING AND FIELD FENCING. GOODMAN THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Successors to Thompson Hardware Co. WEINHARD'S BEER The Boston Store Shoes and Clothing Manufactured of the choicest materials only Where the highest quality of beer Is desired, Welnnard's al ways fills the bill. It's pure and wholesome. More WelnhagJ's beer Is sold In Oregon than all other beers combined, Call for WEINHARD'S BEER ' Peter Menderna&h Is distributor for Pendleton and It Will ftl ways be found on tap at his saloon. Full supply kept In cold storage. iVSr AT "RT ATVJK"Q Write the East Qv LiZiiXjnLJU IJLlJLltuC gonlan for a free cat alogue of them. A full supply always kept to stock. i 1 twins.