East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 16, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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$3.35 to $8.05, material the best, styles the latest, prices the lowest
Published every oflcrnoon (except Sunday)
at I'enilleton, Oregon, by the
Telephone, Xlnln 11.
Dally, one year by mall $5.00
Dally, six months by rjall 2.30
Dally, three months by mall 1.23
Pallv .me month by mall SO
Dally, per month by cnrrlar 03
Weekly, one year by mall 1.30
Weekly, six months by mall
Weekly, (our months by mall 30
Semi-Weekly, one year by wall .... 2.00
SemlWefkly. six months by mail . . 1.00
Semi-Weekly, three months by mall . .30
The Hast Orcgonlnn Is on sale nt II. II.
lllch's News Standi, nt Hotel Portland,
and Hotel Perkins, Portland, Oregon.
Scrlpps-Mcliae News Assocla-
San Francisco Iltireau. 10S Fourth St.
Chlcaso Ilnreati, POO Security Ilulldlns.
Washlnstou, I). C, Ilureau, 301 Hth
St., N. W.
Kntered at Pendleton iKwtofllce as ttecoml
class matter.
Wliu made the heart, 'tis Ho
Decidedly can try its;
Ho knows each chord Its vari
ous tone.
Each spring Its various
Then nt tho balance let's bo
Wo nover can adjust It!
What's clone we- partly may
But know not what's re
sisted! Ilobort .Bums.
The Interview from Douglas Belts
In today's East Oregonian concern
ing the useless expense of registra
tion, is timely and this should be
one of tho laws branded for repeal
at tho coming session of the legisla
ture. It Is ono of tho thousand
leaks by which the people's money
escapes. This fee of 10 cents each
paid for registering votes Is money
thrown away. As It Is now, parti
sans make a regular business of go
ing into tho country districts and
registering members of their party,
drawing public money for this "ward
heeling." They search them out and
make them register, whllo tho other
side can do the same thing or fall
to register. Kcw peoplu who havo
not looked Into the matter know
how far the abuse Is carried.
With a picture containing scream
ing shot and shell and the fragments
of Russians and Russian ships filling
tho air, the Chicago Record-Herald
gravely publishes this bit of war
news: "Hicks' Corners, Ohio, Feb.
15. John J Buckley, of this place,
has written an able review of the
war as It has thus far been fought.
Mr.' Buckley onco spent 20 minutes
on Japanese soil and saw a Russian
warship In the harbor of New York
three years ago. Ho therefore pos
sesses a full understanding of tho
strength nnd fighting ability of each
side. He says: 'It Is my opinion that
It will be a terrible conflict, and that
unless other nations Interfere, either
Japan or Russia will win. Wo must
not jump at a hasty decision regard
ing the outcome. War Is awful.'"
Eugene has been hit with tho
brickbat of corporato greed nnd has
taken a hint. Sho will now vote on
municipal ownership of electric light
ami water plants. The people have
begun to think anil they wonder why
it Is that tho tolls nover ceaso nor
diminish, while tho dividends on
these public utilities contluuo to
swell individual bank accounts. Pay.
pay, pay Is all tho people hear after
having given away priceless fran
chises ' that onco belonged to thorn
and them alone. It inuy tako a gen
eration to get tho municipal owner
ship Idea drummed Into the people's
brains, but It will bo learned at last
by dint of thinking and toll paying.
There aro two ways by which to
reach a man's thinking muchlnory
ono by way of his stomach, nnd one
by way of his pocket.
A deaf man walking In the middle
of the track ahead of tho rushing
Frantic signals, screaming whistle,
waving hats, shouts, prayers, curses,
imprecations all fall. Ho hears not
and Is mangled beforo their eyes!
People stand In awe and conster
nation beside the handful of crushed
humanity. Nobody but the dead
man Is to blame.
lie had sufficient warning, but he
did not heed It. Ho know of tho aw
ful danger anil was forgetful, pas
sive, unthinking.
He paid the penalty with his life.
In the business and professional
world the same scene is enacted
day by day.
How many men are walking In
front of the moving car of Progress,
unmindful of their peril? Their com
petitors are on safe ground, shouting
to them to get off tho track!
Friends plead for a change of
methods; they hear It not, but cling
to their old ways and are struck
"Ho was a good fellow," they say,
in viewing the business wreck, "but
ho would not learn. Ho scorned the
living methods of today. He clung
to his antiquated views. Ho let com
petitors spread all over his territory
without making an effort to counter
act their inlluence. He would not
grow with the world. He thought
people and trade were compelled to
come to him and ho was struck with
the car of Progress while walking
unthinkingly In tho middle of the
Don't get In front of the train. Tho
rushing world of business and pro
fessional activity cannot and will not
stop to spare your unprogresslvo life.
You will bo struck and lost from
the living circles of your little world
If you don't keep on the higher, ad
vnnco ground, ready and willing to
catch every danger signal of an ap
proaching now Idea or method that
Invades your old realm.
In business, social, professional,
religious or educational spheres, keep
off tho track. Now Ideas rush by
like resounding trains. Now and
tfirllllng tendencies and principles
Mash into tho vision like gleaming
headlights on tho horizon.
Grasp the new nnd climb upward.
It you cling to tho old It will decay
and give away beneath you, the world
will pass on and you will share the
fate of tho deaf man In the middle of
the track.
Spirit of tho Yesterday
Hovers near and croons;
Brings my heart the hunting grounds
Of tho long-lost Junes!
Sings of Years forgotten,
Chants of races dead
Weep, my wondering baby.
For the good moons lied!
By the silvery river
All your race has died
Sleep and dream my baby,
By Its lisping title!
Conies no more tho huntsman
From tho glorious chase
O'er yon templed mountains
Swarms the paler face!
Hark! I hear a whisper
Calling from the Past!
Hear tho warrior's frenzied cry
On the tempest cast!
Hush, my heart, and listen!
Calling, calling still!
Ah, 'tis but the moaning wind
O'er the silent hill!
Hark! the hurried hoofbeats!
Of the warrior band!
Ah, my heart betrays mo
In this empty land!
Sleep and dream, my baby.
By the tepee fire!
Nothing for thy kindling hope,
Nothing to desire!
Broken, let thy young heart ache!
Crushed, thy spirit brood!
What to thee the white man's ways?
Worse than solitude!
By a dying watch fire,
Crooning in the night
Let tho vanquished tribesmen
Pass from human sight.
Pendleton, Ore.
It Is strange that a personal Inter
est can blind and narrow a man's
views on great public questions. In
speaking of the benefits to be de
rived from the Pannma canal, James
J, Hill said to an assembly of highly
Intelligent peoplo in New York last
week that the only benefit to be de
rived from this canal would ho to
enable a few banana growers on the
Isthmus and in Central America to
get their fruit to market a day soon
er. He said there would be no gen
eral benefit to tho people or tho
country. In his opinion, the trans
portation facilities of tho country
were already adequate to the needs.
How many people of tho Northwest,
who are paying almost prohibitive
freight rates over the lines of tho
Northern Securities Company, will
agreo with .Mr. Hill? This old mag
nate is either shamefully Ignorant or
infamously dishonest. He can tako
either position ho chooses.
Since tho first of September the"
peoplo of Pendleton havo paid out
very nearly $10,000 for tho theater
amusement, alone. Tho amount
would havo been one-half moro had
not tho vnudovlllo theater been clos
ed on account of poor flro escapes.
Tho show peoplo can havo no griev
ance with Pendleton.
April 19 Democratic
volition, Portland.
April 11 Republican
vontlon, Portland.
April 1G Meeting of Oregon Cat-tlo-growers'
Association. Portland.
May 2 Oregon Fedoratlon of La
bor, Oregon City.
May 4 General M. E, conference,
Los Angeles.
When the United States has paid
the republic of Panama the $10,000,
000 that Is coming for tho canal con
cession, the new stato will bo In an
easier condition financially than nt
any time In Its history as a Colom
bian province. If the money were
paid to the republic in cash and
were then divided among all of Its In
habitants, It would give $20 to each
man, woman and child. If It were
put Into tho national treasury and
not divided, there would probably be
many envious eyes cast upon It; and,
If the history of several other South
American republics were to be re
peated, there might be an Internal
strife to see who was to get tho big
gest part of It.
It Is the present plan, which. It is
thought, was suggested trom Wash
ington, to Invest $S,000.000 of the
$10,000,000 In United Slates railroad
bonds and transfer the remaining $2,
000,000 to Panama. This will give
the now republic a little ready
money, and, with the dividends from
tho railroad bonds and the annual
rental of $250,000, which the United
States will, pay for the use of the
canal strip, It Is believed that Pana
ma will have an Income sulllclent to
pay Its expenses without taxing ItR
citizens. Tnerc is no other country
In the world that will find Itself so
comfortably fixed as this. A man
must search long before he finds a
place where he can live without pay
ing taxes. Spokesman-Review.
"It is' not true that Mormon elders'
get pay so much per convert or oth
erwise for their labors. Every el
der in the field not only gives his
time freely, hut bears his own ex
penses while so engaged.
"Neither Is It true that girl con
verts aro more desirable than men;
nor any proselytes urged to go to
Utah. They are needed In tho vari
ous branches."
Tho foregoing Is an extract from a
long letter presented yesterday to
Mayor McClellnn by the Rev. Arthur
Welling, who sought a renewal of tho
license ho had held for five years to
preach Mormonlsm In the streets of
this city. Ho holds his street meet
ings nt Seventh avenue and One Hun
dred and Twenty-fifth street. An
other extract follows; "''
"That polygamy was Introduced by
Joseph Smith In the early forties and
publicly proclaimed in 1S52 and for
somo 10 years practiced among our
peoplo we do not deny. It was offi
cially discontinued by the Woodruff
manifesto In 1890, since which time
It has neither been preached nor praot
tlced. The few remaining polygam
Ists of old standing who refused to
abaudon tbolr plural wives when the
practice was stopped are rapidly di
minishing In number."
The license was granted. Now
York World.
Excessive smoking has developed
a cancer on the tongue of Thomas J.'
Magulro, a New York theatrical
manager, and the organ will have to
be amputated. It Is not believed he
will survive tho operation.
Noah Rahy, a half-breed Indian,
died In a Now Jersey poor houso ro'
cently. His ago, authenticated and
unquestioned, was 1,12 years. He
had been in tho poor houso 50 years
and was nn old man when admitted.
Made to Supply
a Need
Now Made to Supply
a Demand 5c
More than a Million Sold
every Day
k ltMkmmBmn pains ' 1
3G47 Indiana Avenue.
Chicago, 111., Sept. 27, 1902.
t have been a sufferer with almost every kind
of female trouble for years, hut as long as I
could pet around auu do my work 1 would not
try patent medicines as I had no faith in them.
About eight months ago I had to take to
my beiLsulLrtuR with prolapsus of the uterus,
with bearing down pams and intenso pains
in the bait. My aunt.who camo to nurse mo
told mo of Wine of Cardui and sent fora bot
tle. I am indeed glad that she did, for that
first bottle started me on the road to recov
ery. In a few weeks I was out of bed and in three month I was
in better health anil stron
ger than I had been in
years. I take a dose now,
occasionally, of Wine of
Cardui and am kept in
perfect health.
Sec'y. Woodman 'n Circle No. 70.
Wino of Cardui brings certain relief to women suffering any svmp
tom of female weaklier and perfectly regulates the menstrual flow. Wino
of Cardui ttop3 bearing down pains by permanently relieving the irritation
which weakens the ligaments holding lho womb in place, Tou need not
suffer every month if you take this medicine. The periodical discharge
will be painless and liealthy without continual weakening drains. AVino
oi Cardui will make your health right and you may treat yourself privately
in your own home. Secure a 81. CO bottle of Wine of Cardui from your
druggist today.
The E. T. Wade Real Estate Co.
One Section of 25 bushel wheat land,
will go 40 bushels per acre In bar
loy. Over 400 acres In grain. Good
improvements $4,000.
169 Acres 10 acres In garden and
orchard, 100 acres tillable land fine
saw timber, good house, Improve
ments, timber and water; all fen
ced $3,000.
480 Acres Level land, raises 40
bushels wheat per acre; houso and
bam, water, &c, two miles from
Pendleton. Per quarter sec
tion $4,500.
Quarter Sections 20 bushel wheat
land, Improved, plenty of water.
Per quarter $1,500.
Stock Ranch 320 acres all fenced.
Raises 200 tons wild hay, stream
of water running through, 15,000
rails on place; open rango all
around $5,000.
Quarter Sections 100 tons wild
hay; wheat, barley and oats may
be raised; all fenced, good house,
abundance water and timber, range
open adjoining; fine dairy ranch.
160 Acres 35 bushel wheat land.
fenced and cross fenced, 10 acres
alfalfa, young orchard, house, plen
ty water; four miles from Pendle
dleton $5,000.
320 Acre stock ranch, house, barns
ana otner improvements; open
range adjoining; work horses and
30 head of cattle. All for
$ 4,500.
400 Acres 23 to 30 bushel wheat
land, all tillable, 1G acres garden
may be Irrigated by fine apring.
good improvements $ 5,000.
19 Quarter Sections 20 to 25 bushel
wheat land, plenty of water and
good Improvements. Per quarter
$ 2,000.
480 Acres 30 bushel wheat land, nd
joining city limits; 350 acres now
In ftno looking grain; good Im
provements; three fine springs ..
$ 10,000.
200 Acre stock ranch, 30 acres fine
creek bottom land, balance hill
land which may be cultivated or
pastured, 50 acres now In grain...
$ 2,750.
6 Room House 1 lot, modern con
veniences, close $ 2,000.
10 Room House 2 lots, good loca
tion $ 2,500.
2 Vavant Lots Fine building sites,
JackBon street $ 600.
107 Building Lots From $50 to
$ 250.
Hotel 14 furnished rooms; 2 lots..
$ 2,000.
Wo have many other good proper
ties, and If we have nothing on our
list that you like, we will find what
you waut.
It Is our business to ninka you bet
ter prices than any one else. Come
and see us before you buy. We will
show you our property without ex-
pense to you.
IN E. O. BUILDING. P 0i Box 324( Pendleton, Oregon.
Then you need Instant attention.
You feel chilly and havo frcquont
snoozing spoils. You'll bo surprised
at tho amount of good a fow doses of
Hostotter's Stomach Hitters will do
you. Try It today. Resides counter
acting Chills, Colds and La Grippe,
It is also unequalled for Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Constipation, Insomnia,
Poor Appetite, Dizziness and Mala
ria. Thousands nre using It with
grent satisfaction. Why not try a
Peace Provokers and
Profanity Preventers
often He In tho bosom of a shirt, tho
curl of a collar. Hence, logically our
laundry promotes morality, in that
its output causes no complaint, but
soothes tho troubled spirits of men
accustomed to frayed .edges rnd
crumpled bosoms. Why don't you
try this laundry for awhllo nnd "be
Ono that won't leak. Ono that will bo fire-proof. Ono that has pruvon
o bo satisfactory under tho most exacting conditions. One that will
Whon you nr0 nftor that Ulml of n roof' you'll 8lo down on
ELATERITE ROOFING. It costs no moro than cheap, worthless papor
or any othor unsatisfactory class of roofing matorlnl, but it's worth
moro, Lot us quoto prices.
The Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester Block, Portland, Oregon
The showing of ladles' walJ
more than usually Interesting!
nave uuueu u large number oj
designs and now styles to cJ
ready Idrge assortment When!
is so mucli beauty and merit a J
may be difficult, but prices wij
to a selection.
Warranted movement In rellabl
year case, $15.00.
Jeweler and OpttclJ
Postoffice Dlock.
"Oh, tho old story. Horse sl.l
bolted, rattlety hang smas
iou see t.ie result. Fix It no
man, the best you can and as qui
jy as you can." uur frlenu bid I
wagon back In short order, stannl
solid, not n weak spot In It,
looking "as good as new." iM
his example when in like trouble,
Examine our Winona wsmJ
hocks ana puggles. Ther lave stet
clad hubs, run easy, malt from all
dried timber nnd warrantei to te jJ
perlor to nil other makes. Mtt'toil
them In stock.
Big Brick Blacksmith Shop,
The Columbia
Lodging House
Well ventilated, neat and com
fortable rooms, good beds. Bar
In connection, where betfl
goods are served.
Main street, center of bloci,
botween Alta and Webb I
All Kinds
I have good sound wood
which is delivered at
reasonable prices
For Cash.
Leave, orders, at Neuman's
Cigar Store.
I manufacture every style oo uJl
mounting and carry a complete sw
of Pads, Uks, Racks, Daters, Bt't
Type. etc. SEALS, STENCILS, Tr'
Checks, Door Plates.
TVt-ltA mo ivhnt vnn Want. I C'
nlanoA ,'nn J 1 1- iil,irn TT1 n 1 1
Bear this in mind when T
need poultry and stock eupP
and ask for the International
Poultry nnd Stock Food, V"
Kow Kure for your cow trou
bles. C F. Colesworthy
127 129 East Alta St.
Agent for Lee's Lico KIW
Walter's Flouring Mills
Capacity, ICO barrels a day
fnr wheat.
Flour, Mill Feod, Chopped
etc., always on nana.