PAGES. PAGE THREE, DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1904. E1CHT ) T OUR S LAW - PUT to : to IEY. tl, On J "I bety "r ml me. 1 1 st me I the I can me no ei i! ageJ acl DOflT MISS THE . Special Embroidery Sale TWO BIG SPECIALS ... ito ENTIRE STOCK OF 122c AND 15c EMBROID- Lot 1-UU ERIES, SPEC1AU M. 9c yard Dirr.ES IN THIS LOT, REGULAR 25c AND LOT 2-OVtn 35e, SPECIAL AT 1 9c yard I ALEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE GAINING INION MADE IAND MADE, HEAR HAVANA. A STANDARD FOR QUALITY. CLEANLINESS AND WORKMANSHIP. Whenyou call for a TRIUMPH, 6LTIT.Dont accept a substitute. FANE 1 la. vra FBYNN&C0.7 I ' MAKERS. PLUMBING and SEWER WORK I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ES TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. T. C. TAYLOR "THE HARDWARE MAN." 741 MAIN ST. Originality and Distinction j Are always noticeable In tho styles and makes of our furniture. J The originality Is found In tho stylo and tho distinction In tho man- ner and finish of the, workmanship. Both aro evidence of a most excluslvo class of furnlturo, suggestive of uuequalcd cxcollency. I We bought tho new ideas In furnlturo of 1904 pattorns, and they J aro ready for your inspection. ; Our stock of carpets wins the admiration of all. BAKER & FOLSOM Farnittfre and Carpets Its THE BEST ?nni0ST WHOLESOME Km MILLED WITHOUT A SUPERIOR BYERS' BEST FLOUR . The Standard of Excellency. i PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. Monday Night, March 21 At Frazer Theatre GEN. JOUBERT AND CAPT. O'DONNELL 3iWe.ecarrcd ho , .. ..... South ,T' Slry of th0 "trugglo between nirinnn . turp. . 'u"uuo. This 1b' ono of tho moat fncln-ittng at hern ,? ?n' aonernl Joubcrt and Captain O'Doiinoll will W0 Undor o auspices of thn mm, .., UlutsMted locturo, England and tho fncln-ittng lec- r.p- BELTS' OPINIONS HE WILL NOT RUN AGAIN FOR THE LEGISLATURE. A Member of That Body Has No Po litical Independence, and the Job Is Expensive for an Honest Man Hopes for a Great Betterment of Conditions From Direct Primary Law Would Like to See the Law Governing Registration Amended. Douglas Belts, the sheepman of Pi lot Rock, was in town 'today on busi ness, and while here expressed him self on tho legislative question: "Ono oxporienco Is enough for a man who does not wish to bo a poli tician," said Mr. Belts, when held up about his reported candidacy for tho house at the Juno election. "I will undoubtedly 'run,' but It will be in at tending to my own business. I have had ono trial at It, and do not want another. , "I find that a man who goes to tho legislature has to be under the com mand of some party leader, and that there Is no chance for him to do what he thinks he should do, unless ho is. It is not a square deal, and I do not think that the right class of men aro in tl o legislature. They are not, as a rule, men who aro there for tho whole good of the people so much as for the good of themselves. And, besides, it Is too expensive for the little results that are obtained. "Yes, If more men who had the good of tho peoplo at heart would go to tho legislature and Into politics in general it would be better for tho parties and the people, but as It is, the man who goes Into it for the good of the people alone has no show. Ho is cut out of tho running, and either has to follow tho lead, or his efforts have no effects and bear no fruit. Favors Direct Primaries. "It may be that when tho direct primary law goes into effect, as I hope it will, tho people will have moro say as to tho men they send to represent them, and better men will bo put In charge. When that time tomes tho efforts of one man will be of moro avail, but not until then. There is one tiling, however, tnat hur never been called to the attention of tho people, which I think should be, and that Is the waste of money from the present registration sys tem. At the present time there is a man at the court house who is paid a good salary by the county to regis ter the voters of tho different pre cincts. He is In the office all tho time, and has nothing to do but to register them. At the same timo every justice of the peace In' the outlying districts Is registering men by affidavit, and In some cases I think are soliciting the registration. For each ono of these affidavits the justice gets 10 cents. It is a small sum, to be sure, but In the total it runs into qulto an amount of money, and tho little drops make the ocean of taxation. "In some states tho man who does tho registering makes a visit to each precinct and registers all of the vot eis In that place on one day. In that way he registers every one elig ible, and there is only ono man in tho county making a salary out of tho business. This matter. I think, should bo corrected. It would save a little, and we need these little sav ings. "Oh, yes; there are a lot of peoplo In tho county who would like to see me ruako the race, I know. So you say. But don't you know that there are another lot who would just as leave I wouldn't? I don't lilto to dis appoint tho latter, and besides, I have not tho time, nor the inclina tion. I have had all tho running I want to, and I am not desirous of being n politician. So I guess I will have to stay out of the race." ASLEEP SIXTEEN YEARS. Girl Remarkable Case of German That Puzzles Doctors. Germany has a modern "Sleeping Beauty," who lias Just awakened from a 10-year slumber, says tho Se attle Star. Mrs. W. P. Hutchinson. 2003 Bor on avenue, Informs tho Star that sho has just received a letter from her sister in Germauq, stating that Gl- sone Meyer, an old schoolmate of hers, who plunged Into a deep sleep two years beforo Mrs. Hutchinson left the "Fatherland," has Just awakened, after a rest of over 1G years. It was a very Interestelng story that Mrs. Hutchinson related to the Star. Glsene Meyer Is tho daughter of a well-to-do resident, who was mayor of the town of Granbko, near Bre men, Germany. She is now about 3S years old, and when last seen by Mrs. Hutchinson, was a very beauti ful woman. She had spells before, and at one time slept two weeks. They are supposed to bo tho outcomo of a severe fall sho sustained while about to enter a carriage on her way to a ball. v. But is said by old residents, who are somewhat superstitions, that ner sleep is tho outcomo of a gypsy's curse. Tho gypsy was offended by tho unfortunate girl's father years beforo and ho was told that his daughter would have a fall which would cause her to sleep for years. The prophecy camo true, and the learned doctors of Germany have been greatly puzzled by tho peculiar case. Nourishment has been given tho pntlent daily through her mouth, which has been always open. During tho girl's sleep her mother died and her sister married and was taken away. The letter which tells of 'the awakening states that a great fire broke out In tho town, and, dur ing tho confusion, tho sleeping girl suddenly camo out of her trance and called for her mother. While the father was overjoyed at hearing his daughter's voice once more, it nearly broke his heart, to hear her call in vain for her mother. The young woman remembers clearly everything that happened -c-foro she became Morpheus' subject, and speaks with remarkablo force. Mrs. Hutchinson says tho letter states that the girl Is probably try ing to make up for lost time, for sho talks incessantly. Her eyes have not yet been open ed and it is feared that she will lose her sight, unless tho eyes become gradually accustomed to the light. For that reason she Is being kept in a darkened room constantly. The most remnrkablo featuro of the strange case Is that tho woman lookB almost as young as sho did when she fell a victim to tho strange malady. DRY-LAND ALFALFA T, G. HAILEY SAYS IT WILL GROW ABUNDANT. Many Farmers in Umatilla County Now Growing It to Success Be lieves Variegated Farming Will Pay Better Than Wheatraislng Would Welcome a Creamery. Correct Clothes for Men HE famous houseof ALFRED BENJAMIN & CO. was estab lished in New York City in 1875. Then came a new era cup;ritit iw3, in the clotntns trade the beginning of the end of old ready-mades. To-day this label pdJenjamin5(0 MAKERS & NEWyORK identifies the highest firade men's ready-for-service apparel that the world produces, Equal to fine custom-made In all but price. The maktri' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. We are Exclusive Distributor In this city. The Peoples Warehouse The Leading Clothiers PENDLETON, OKECON "Dry-land alfalfa raising is no new experiment in Umatilla county," said ex-Mayor T. G. Halley today. "I am raising alfalfa without Irri gation every year, and last year, In an exceptionally dry season, grow five tons per aero on this dry land. on Wild Horse creek. To my person al knowledge, many fanners In tho northern portion of this county, are growing dry-land nlfalfa every year, and are making a success of It. All it requires is tho nerve to plant it." Mr. Hailey will seed several acres more to dry-land alfalfa this season, and believes it will grow on any of the bench land in the wheat belt of this county and ho thinks that it Is only a question of a low years, until many of the creek-bottom farmers who are now growing wheat, will bo making almost a doublo profit in raising hogs, alfalfa una poultry anu In dairying. "The creamery that Is coming to Pendleton will offer an opportunity for many small farmers to reap a handsome income from a few cows In tho foothills, and I for ono, am go lug to prepare to patronize this In' stitution with from 10 to 20 cows from tho timo it starts. "The milk cows can bo kept tho year around on alfalfa hay and pas ture. tho skimmed milk can bo used In fattening hogs, and in feeding poultry, and It can bo made ono of the most thriving Industries in mo state, If tho people will emhraco tho opportunity and encourage tho creamery to come." 10 AMENDMENTS VOTE FOR LOCAL OPTION AND DIRECT PRIMARIES. Prohibitionists Are Making a Zealous Fight for Local Option People In terested In the Purification of Poli tics Working for Direct Primaries Both Amendments Should Carry. Tho prohibitionists aro making preparations to enrry on a hard fight In all parts of Oregon, for tho pass ngo of tho local option amendment to the constitution, nt tho coming election. Already campaigns In dif ferent counties aro under way Uma tilla, Union, Malheur and linker In Eastern Oregon having nominated full prohibition tickets, tho object being to keep up the cnthuslnstlc fight for tho locnl option amendment through the tickets in tho field. Perhnps not ono county in tho state hopes to elect a member of the prohibition party to any offlco this year, but the members aro showing n commendnblo energy In fighting for their principles, and keeping up their organizations. Speakers aro being Imported Into tho Btnte, concerts nro being arrang ed by tho local option forces at dif ferent places, ono alrendy having been called for Pendleton on Mnreh 18, at which prominent speakers and singers will conduct a meeting In tho Interest of thu parly. The local option amendment ap peals to many peoplo outside of tho strict party linos of tho prohibition ists, nnd that amendment will re ceive many more votes than nnyono now Imagines, nccordlng to tho cjoso observation of thoso who hnvo madu a study of tho situation. Peoplo who bolloVo that each com munity should choose their surround ings In tho matter of liquor tralllc, w'll voto and work hard for tho local option amendment, who would not voto for a solitary prohibition candi date. Tho direct primary peoplo nro also making a campaign for thnt nmonu ment, by which all candidates for of fice shall bo nominated in a primary election. In which every doctor may participate. Tho primary amendment has aB Its solo aim, tho purification of politics, by removing tho nomination of offi cers from tho hands of cut und dried political conventions, mado up of delegates, not always representative of tho mass of tho voters. Thero Is no politics In elttier or these amendments, and all cltlzeiiB who aro Interested In seeing that tho mass of tho peoplo have their rights, should voto "yes" on both of them. It Saved His Leg. P A Danforth of La Granco. Ga suffered' for six months with a frlghfr ful running soro on IiIb leg, bin writes that nucklcn's Arnica Salve wholly cured It in five days. For ul cers, wounds, piles, It's tho best salvo In the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 2G cents. SoH by Tallmun & Co druggists. For Sale $3,000.00 8 room, 2 story, new house, and lot 50x100. $1,200.00 B room, 114 story liouao. $1,700.00 8 Room, 2 story house Bath tub aud toilet, good collar, woodshed, pump and city water. Easy terms. $000.001 Vacant lot. Very desirable $2,0007 room 2 story hotiso 4 rooms each 15x15, bath room, rock cellar 18x32, 2 lots. $250.00 1 vacant lot. Merchants Protective Agency Despalu Building, Room 43, Telophono Black 1161. Not nn ordinary nrtlclo, but 2 something extraordinary la Hill's Ptire California Olive Oil For medicinal uso as woll as for salads and tnblo uso. This Is tho highest quality and purest oil mado. Sold exclusively In Pondloton ; by I Despaio & Clark FOR SALE Good, olght-roomed house In splon did condition. Eight lots, good bam and orchard. Good fonco and now sldowalk. Water piped all over Iioubo and garden. Good woll. Vory dostrablo property. Apply to GUS AFONTAINU, at French Itostaur- ant. Every stamp requirement supplied. PS There You Are. "Why do you think sho has nover had auy muBlcal training?" "Because when sho sings you can understand every word sbo says." The port of Nowchwang at tho mouth of tho Llao rlvor is tho great est bean market in tho world. KEEP YOUR HEAD UNCOVERED. The Constant IVeniiaK of n lint Props. gatra DuudrurT Genua, Thero aro many men who wear their hata practically all the time when awake. and aro blessed with a heavy shock of hair; yet If tho scalps of these same men onco became Infested Svlth dandruff. Kerms, the parasites would multiply all the -quicker for lack of air. Ilaldncss would ensue as tho final result, New bro's Ilcrplclde kills these gonna and stimulates unhealthy hair to abundant growth, Ilcrplclde Is a pleasant hair dressing as well as a dandruff euro and contains not an atom of Injurious sub stance. Bold by leading druKKlsts. Rend 10c, In stamps for sample to The ilc-rpl clde Co., Detroit, Allen. F. W. Schmidt, ipeclal agent. Aitists1 Supplies If yon arc interested in Oil Painting sec us. Our line is complete ACADEMY HOARDS STRETCH MRS BRUSHES ARTISTS SABLES BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS We make a specialty of fram ing pictures. Newest stock of frames t C. C. SHARP t Operu House Block t CANTY'S PARLORS OF AMUSEAIGNT Open day and night. Billiards, Pool, Shooting Gallery, Bowl ing Alleys, Throwing Racks. Good music every evening. BASEMENT, CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STREETS. Under W. & C. R. Depot. INSURE IN Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at the head of the list. Hartford Klre Insurance Co.f l2,2fi0,07H Alliance Assurance Co SU.aiU.OUS London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,544,683 North British & Mercantile Co 10,005,874 Royal Iimuranco Co 22,807,163 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 1 EAST COURT ST. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH Building... ...Material DIMENSION LUMBER OK all descriptions. Hash, Doors, RllnilH, Mould ing, Building and Tar ru,x.-r. Bring Your Bill to Us and Get Our Figures, Grays' Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Wt & C. R. Depot COAL Let us fill your bin with . . . , ROCK SPRING GOAL Recognized as the best andimste onomical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you for your winter's supply We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. Main Street Near Depot )"