DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCK 15, 1904. ?AOE FIVE. " : nrnonHm iinmnii f :fculE: !t rmduiinL mLn nun. j A TRADE MARK. BOVS 4 OIRbS vOOL Gordon Dye Hosiery ur rAN NOT SPEAK TOO HIGHLY OF THIS BRAND OF v NO LINE MANUFACTURED TODAY HAS THE H SSlON THE GORDEN DYE HAS, AND NO LINE GIVES "nru EXTRAORDINARY SERVICE FOR THE MONEY. WE S.5p THEM FOR MEN AT 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c and 50c; FOR WO Jen at 15C 20C 25c, 35c AND 50c; FOR CHILDREN AT 2 FOR 55c AND 25c. If THE CHILDREN'S HOSE YOU HAVE BEEN BUYING DO J .VE SATISFACTION, TRY A PAIR OF OUR GORDON ME HERCULES HOSE, 25c PER PAIR. NONE WEAR BETTER. A. Z. Adams, of Milton, spent the day In the city on business. Rev. W. L. Vnn Nuys, will return to his homo In La Grande, this eve ning. W. H. Boyd, one of Echo's promi nent merchants, Is a business visitor today, Mrs. C. L. Roadruck, or Stokes, was the guest of friends in the city yesterday. Douglas Holts, of Pilot Hock, was a Pendleton visitor today for a short time on business. S. F. Moor, of Adams, visited friends and transacted business In the city yesterday. Charles Bartholomew of Echo, is in the -fclty today on. business con nected with the cannery. EXQUISITE EASTER. MILLINERY LEE TEUTSGH'S BIG STORE, COR. MAIN AND ALTA City Brevities t 4 t 4 Pokey Skies Don't advertise; His business dies. Johnnie Wise Docs advertise; Ills business thrives. or wltheut Inquire at U c Rader Get Sunny. Welnhard's beer nt The Mint. Shamrocks for St. Patrick's day. Bier & Daley. A guaranteed tennis ball, 30c. jfolfs sporting goods store. Several loads of cinders for tho tiding, at the Domestic Laundry. Uiu Dickers, instructor In muBic, it Bier Piano House, Court street. A tve or six-room modern house Is wHled to rent. See classified col- .HUH. Ladles' tailor-made suits, reduced prices, at Alexander Department .Store. Suite of rooms, with board, suitable for two this office, New line of summer dress goods. from 5c yard upwards, at Alexander Department Store. I handle the celebrated Holt com bined harvester, and have any slzo from an eight-foot to 3G-foot cut. Either for horse power or engine power E. J,. Smith, 311 Court St. Fresh garden, field and flower seeds In bulk and packages. All this season's stock and sure to pro duce. Our seeds are suitable to this UmMe. C. Kahrman, Court street. 1 hue sold a great many Holt combined harvesters lu this and sur rounding counties, and the fact that bae never had a dlssatlshed buyer or trouble with any customer, proves that the Holt is the machine to buy and that the public Is fally dealt with. E. L. Smith, 311 Court street. $1.25 hats at the Boston. Got Sunny. TJ C Rador. Fresh fruit dally at Martin's. New spring shirts, The Boston. Pure Wolnnard's beer nt Tho Mint. Closing out dry goods. The Bos ton. New line men's sweaters. The Boston. Douglas nnd Hunan shoes. The Boston. Dine at the St. George. Everything first-class. Smokers get satisfaction at How ird's, formerly Rees' clga. store. Wnnted Girl to do general housework. Inquire at this office. New lino linen and bond tablets, blank books, inks and office supplies. Nolf's. You want to see E. L. Smith for information regarding tho little Holt harvester. Get your clothes cleaned and pressed at Joorger's, 12C West Court street. Full stock of extras for Holt har vesters on hand nt E. L. Smith's, 311 Court street. Teutsch Is offering 97 hats, brokon lines, regulur $3 and $3.G0 values, to close at $2.00. U7 hats, correct shapes, broken sizes, regular $3 and $3.50; to close, $2.00. At Teutsch's. Ladles' and children's shoes, prices tho lowest in the city, at Alex ander's Department Store. . A line high grade piano for sale cheap; must be for cash. Address 113 care East Oregonlan. Men'i I.ats cleaned and b,ocked; clothes cleaned and pressed. J. J. Comegys 222 East Court street. Wnnted Cattle to take with our herd to pasture In tho mountains. Terms very reasonable. Call on or address Maple Bros., Court street. For Rent Suite of rooms In East Oregonlan building. Steam heated. Hot und cold water and bath room on same lloor. Call nt East Oregonlan office. I have the machine that pleases the farmers. Time and trial have nrovon the worth of the Holt com hlned harvester, and it has been demonstrated to be the most success ful made. E. L. Smith, 311 Court street. W. & C. R. Paid Up Promptly O. R. & N. Has Not Yet Paid Its Taxes. Today was the last day upon which tho taxpayers could secure the three per cent rebate by paying their taxes and In spite of that fnct, tho office business was not what It has been for some days. The clerks In tho sheriff's office were kept busy, but not rushed, as has been the case lor eral days past. rite W. & C. R. decided to take ad vantage of the rebate clause, and has therefore paid Its taxes, amount Inc to approximately $0,000 for this county, thereby getting the rebate of $180 for prompt payment. The O. R. & N. evidently is ncn. for the rebate of about $1,400 which It could have saved by paying nt tills time has been disregarded. Its taxes In this county amount to about $47, 000, which would bring the rebate to $1,410. It Is thought that the com nanv will nay half of Its taxes In a short time, and the rest later lu the year. FREE FRF.P Sm. y " he wr time. Our urn regulate, the schools, the 27- Z c!,v;:yth,n ndU0rtlme, ls the corre time .'rJe't."' n t,me-kP" p'onP thV.Uw 8tre 0r ca" u Wl you .ii Pu0ne and we wl" " ou a" about them. HTTW7Tvi?r : 4 "ogresslve Jeweler 726 Main Street - ( Letters of Adoption Issued. James W. Mulr nnd wife of Milton, have filed a petition In the county court asking to be allowed to adopt Fav Elizabeth Anderson, tne nve weeks' old daughter of Curtis S Anderson of Milton. The mother of tho child is dead, and the petitioners wish to take the child, give it their name and raise It as their own. The petition was granted, and the name ordered to be changed to Kay Eliza beth Mulr. John B. Stetson Hats for v3.50. For three days, commencing Mon day, March 14, and ending Wednes day. March 16. we will sell John B, Stetson's $4.50 and $G hats for $3.50. We want you to come In our store nnd offer this unusually low price for that purpose. These are not old stylo hats, but every one guaranteed to be this spring's style. Sullivan & Bond want your trade. TO CURE A COLD IN ONC DAY, TnkA TniniUr Ilroino Quinine Tableta. All UniKclHtB refund tu money If It falU io cure. I- wucn .............. each box. 25c. I Grandma's Remedy a Spring Tonic and Blood Purifier Is Sassafras Bark Tea. '"ommends It for rh i. tlons. rheumatism and cutaneous She erup- We Can fllrnt.U yu vvmt a IUC mis.., -.-pound packaoe; 25c pound very select SASSAFRAS BARK. KOEPPENS The Popular Price DRUG STORE A. C. KOEPPEN &. BROTHERS LAST DAY FOR REBATE. "MURRAY & MACK" WAS GOOD. Walla Walla Union Commends the Comedy Company to Be at the Fra zer Tonight. om. Wolio Wnlln TTnlmi Hnnnklnc of the performance of the "Murray & Mack" Company, nt that oily last night, says: " 'Murray & fliacu urew a guuu house last night in A Night on Broad way,' and the audience was not uih- ........ I.. ,nrl flio nmnnnnv nrrlvpd on ujiimiuii.M. i u w....,. .... - - - the delnyed O. R. & N. train, and the show was late In beginning, but from the starte It was brisk, and there was no cause tor complaint. "The close or me nrsi uci. im- -uu-fettl carnival, made a hit lu Its un usual scenic effect. The costumes were elegant, and the work through out was of the best." JUDGMENT AGAINST BANK. Suit Was Brought by a Depositor to Recover. a i,,,i,r,r,t.,it wna rendered yester- J juuh.". -" - .in.. ( ttin flrnt nr the cases brought by the firm of Bullcray & McCourt against the First National uanh. n nf Susie Marine against the bank, who alleged that she had deposited $1,019 with the bank April a, 1902, the repayment of which had been retused iter uy wo bank when asked for. The case came up for trial yester day, and the defendant failed to ap pear, upon which tho court entered n decree of default and ordered that .i. i.i. nv tn tin. til a lilt I tT the amount asked for, together with $16.. 20, the costs ol tne acnuii. mo judgment was satisfied this morning. STOLEN PROPERTY FOUND. August Kupers of Helix, Locates His Missing Tools Under William is patch's Bed. a.,.,o, ir.ii.oi'c nf.iiiOlx. was In the city today, and said that the tools stolen from him some days ago, had ...... ...i .wi.ir tiiA IipiI of William uumi luimw iii.. - . Alspach, the man who was arresteu In Helix saturaay, lor through a house belonging to H. B. Richmond. The tools conslsteu oi urace unu bits, chisels and nippers. A rubber i. miiB wna also taken, all of lfbh, , which have been recovered. NEW FUEL DEALER. WE WOULD BE MORE THAN PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL AND SEE THE MILLINERY THAT OUR MRS. CLARKE BOUGHT WHILE IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. WITH THIS ASSURANCE THAT EVERYTHING HERE SHOWN IS NEW, BOUGHT FROM THE FASHION CENTERS OF THIS BROAD LAND AND AT PRICES TO YOU THAT WILL HAVE THE CHARM OF NOVELTY. OUR MILLINERY IS SOLD AT DRY GOODS PROFITS. COME AND iEE FOR YOURSELF. NEW CORSETS. NEW HOSIERY. The Royal Worcester kind, Tho lntostt In omhroldory of. . fects and lnco work, nnd tho NEW GINGHAMS. best 2Go hose on earth. French ginghams. Scotch NEW NECKWEAR., ginghams, mercerized ging hams, In tho newest designs; Tho only assortment of nov 10,000 ynrds apron checks nt elty neckwear In town. You'll 5c per yard. sn' so- whou you soo It. The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE PRESBYTERY MEETING. Two Releases Endorsed and a Trus tee Appointed. Tho meeting of the presbytery wns held last night nnd a majority of the members were in attendance. Rev. J. W. Adams was released from the pastorate of the church at Milton. Mr. Adams has been with the church for some time, but has de cided to rest for a time, and there fore sought a release from the pres bytery, which was granted. He has not ns yet decided where he will lo cate. The release of Rev. W. h. Van Nuys from the church nt La firando In order that he might accept the call of the Pendleton church was given, though the people at I .a Grande were very sorry to lose their 'pastor, and made every effort to change him from his decision to come to this city. Rev. S. C. Elder was selected to make the announce ment of the release of Mr. Van Nuys at the La Grande church next Sun day. The resignation of T. C Taylor as a trustee of Pendleton academy was accepted, and Bert Hurfmnn was elected to fill the vacancy. Tho next meeting of the presby tery wnB set for the first pnrt of April, In Baker City, tho exact date not having as yet been determined upon. Rev. Van Nuys In Town. Rev. W. I.. Van Nuys of I.n Grande, is the guest or friends here for a few days. Mr. Van Nuys haB accepted the call to the church of this city, and Is making arrangements to move here with his family. He will take charge of tho Presbyterian church about tho first of April. Get a "top coat." The Boston. Schilling's Best pepper is better than pure ; it is' the finest of pure; we have to get rid of rejected pure. We get a peculiar flavor as well as strength. Your grocer's; money back. L. W. McAdams Has Bought Out P. P. Collier, on Main. Ij. W. McAdams, who recently , ii.ic fliv from TexuB. has bought the wood nnd coal business of P. P. Collier, on Main street, and will conduct It in me nuuie. ..... McAdams Is an old hardware man. but wishing to remain In this city, and seeing no opening in his lavorito line, he purchased the Collier wood yard and coal business. SUIT TO RECOVER. First National Bank Is Analn Made a Defendant. Joseph Mack today filed a bull in tho circuit court against the Hrst National Bank of Pendleton. The plaintiff alleged that on Oct 31 1902. he deposited $1,000 wl h t 'bannK.' which It was to loan for him, and that they failed to loan the money, or to return It to him on demand, Balloray & McCourt aro attorneys for tho plaintiff. Delayed by Late Train. Rov. J. W. AdnmB of Milton, Is hero for a short visit. Mr Adams wnH BChedulod to meet with tho presby tory last night, being ono of tho mom bors of tliat body, but was delayed uy tho lute train and did not reach town until nftor tho mooting had ad journed. . Mrs-. Annlo Liggett, a ploneor of Corvnllls, dlod Monday, aged 05. THE Hanan Shoes Are Here 3j!PB(VI B --;""-5l The Boston Store Shoes and Clothing LADIES OF PENDLETON THE DISPLAY OF SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY WE HAVE IS WINNING THE ADMIRATION OF ALL WHO HAVE SEEN IT. WE HAVE THE BRIGHTEST IDE3 OF THE FASH ION CENTERS. ALL THE NEW, LOVELY CREATIONS OF MIL LINERY ART. THE STYLES FOR THIS SEASON ARE WORKS OF ART, AND ARE RARE BEAUTIES. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO PAY US A VI8IT AND EXAMINE OUR SHOWING. CARRIER MILLINERY THE HOME OF THE STYLISH HAT. HAVE YOU TRIED THE Gold Leaf Brand Costa Rica In one pound packages. JAVA AND MOCHA COFFEE In one pound packages. Spites, Teas, Uxtractu, Baking Powder. If not, get a packago from your grocery and If It Is not entirely satisfactory, rutun, and got your money back. Our Gold Loaf specialties aro absolutely puro and tho best goods obtainable, InslBt upon gutting tho "Gold Lear Brand." Ask your grocer for Gold Leaf. PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE COMPANY Portland, Oregon. Good Tools, Lighter Labor YOU WILL HAVE GOOD TOOL6 IF YOU GET THEM OF U8. GARDEN TOOLS, CARPENTER TOOLS, "rV f' BUILDING TOOL8, ' - BUILDING HARDWARE. POULRTY NETTING AND FIELD FENCING. GOODMAN THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Successors to Thompson Hardware Co, WEINHARD'S BEER Manufactured of the choicest materials only Where the highest quality of beer Is desired, Welnhard's al ways -fills the bill. It's pure and wholesome. More Welnhard's beer Is sold In Oregon than all other beers combined. Call for WEINHARD'S BEER Peter Mendernaoh Is distributor for Pendleton and It will al ways be found on tap at his saloon, Full supply kept In cold storage. LEGAL BLANKS alogae of them. Write the East Ore Konian for a free cat- A full supply always kept In stock. 6"