EIGHT PAGE8. PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST ORE GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1904. SCQTT'S EMULSION makes pale, thin children fat and chubby. Overcomes wasting tendencies and brings back rosy cheeks and bright eyes. It's surprising how quickly children respond to Scott's Emulsion. It contains just the element of nourishment their little bodies need. They thrive on it. Even a few drops in the baby's, bottle have a notice able effect for good. Nothing better than Scott's Emulsion for growing children. We'll btnd you a sample free upon request. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Teail Street. New York, GENERAL NEWS. Howard Jackson was killed by tho blowing up of the branch powder works at Pinole, on San Francisco Bay. The royal sanitary commission of Great Britain Is Investigating tho claim frequently made that ret'rlser atlon of meat, when protracted, causes cancer. n'lfit The sum total of losses during tho last assault un Port Arthur was one Russian torpedo boat with alt its crow. The Japanese lost no craft, and sustained no serious damage. The government of Colombia has definitely nnd authoritatively aban doned all hopes and plans for recov ering Panama, and will desist from all annoyances along the frontier, either by land or water. During 1903, 102,501 foreigners lo cated In Now England. Massachu setts got the larger number G5.757. There were 21,151 Italians and 11,877 Poles. Tho remainder wero divided among nearly all other nations. Klve hold-over members and eight newly-elected members of the Shar on, Pa., city council met a short tlmo ago. Councilman Charles Vander holt called attention to tho "hoo-doo number" and laughed at It. He drop ped dead of heart disease 15 minutes after council adjourned. j Edward Smith, aged 53. a farmer' of Nicholls, N. Y.. received a severe . blow on tliu head which apparently! knocked -10 years of his life out of all remembrance, and he has since acted tho part of a 13-year-old boy, and imagines all his surroundings to bo exactly as they wero 10 years ago. NEED STEADY MEN FARMERS COMPLAIN OF SHIFTLESS FARMHANDS. Wages of $1 Per Day and Board No Inducement for Men to Remain Long WltrT a Position Good Op, portunlty for Steady, Permanent 'Class of Worklngmen Pendleton Never Has a Surplus of Laborers. NORTHWEST NEWS. Tho salo of the Red Boy mine will bo held in Baker City on .May 10. No bid of less than JSO.OOO will bo en tertained. The Ontario fish hatchery Is turn ing out about 1,000,000 young lish per day. The largest output for the year was 2,000,000 In one day. A hurglar was shot at Oswego, Or., Sunday morning as ho lied from tho postofflce, which ho had just rilled of .G in stamps and pennies. Fire Insurance rates havo been raised from 4 to C per cent in Leb anon. Some of tho ' heaviest policy holders havo cancelled their Insur ance. Miss Uosina Smith was burned to death near Oregon City, on Monday by setting fire to her clothing with a lamp. She had been a cripple for a number of years. Orders havo been Issued by Pres ident Burt, of tho Paciilc Coast Base ball Iveague, to all umpires In that league, to refuse to allow Frank Dil lon to play in any game. Julius Leisch, u miner, had a nar row escape from being crushed to death, in a rock quarry, near Baker City, Monday. Six tons of rock cov ered him, but ho miraculously escap ed with a broken collar bone and a few scratches. Astoria longshoremen havo served notice that they will expect a ralso in pay to correspond to the wages In Portland, on April 1. Astoria prices now range from 35 to 45 cents nn hour, while Portland prices range from 40 to 55 cents per hour. Correct Clothes for Men UT money in your purse by buying your clothes right. Buy them right by buying the best without paying exhor- t,p,rigbiMS.A.B.co. bftarit prices for them. When this label "I am paying $1 per day for farm hands this spring," said a prominent farmer to the East Orogonlan this morning, "and it seems Impossible to keep good men at that price. "There are plenty of men, but they will work but a fow days, when their feet begin to itch and they hit tho road. Umatilla county pays the best farm wages of any county in tho state, tho stock ranches also pay good wages, and yet it seems out of the question to keep steady men, on whom you can depend for work every day In tho week nnd every week In tho month. "What the farmers of Umatilla county would like Is a supply of steady, sober, hard-working young men, who are permanent In tho coun try and who wish to secure a foot hold and remain here, "Such young men can always find steady work hero at from $20 to $30 per month on tho farm, and oven higher wages than that on tho stock ranches. "These wages, compared with $10 and $12 per month in tho East and South are strong inducements for good immigrants to locate here. Young men who so desiro can take up homesteads, work steadily and comply .with tho law as to residence at the time of completing title to their land c... havo saved Up a good start on which to begin business for themselves If they so desire. "Some of the richest stockmen and farmers In Umatilla county began herding sheep hero less than 10 years ago, and by attention to business and economy, havo gradually grown to their present financial standing." Tho demand for labor in Pendleton and Umatilla county is always at tho very limit of the supply, on account of the varied Industries drawing up on the labor forces of tho city. Tho country districts are constantly In need of men, especially at this time of tho" year, when spring farm work and lambing nro at hand. Shecpshearlng will soon begin in lull blast, and this will require a large number of extra men, In hand ling the wool and tho oxtra herds into which tho sheep are divided, during tho shearing season. Alfalfa hay, by being harvested two nnd three times a year makes al most a constant hay harvest after June 1, and tho Irrigation necessary to grow tho crop, keeps a largo sup ply of men constantly at work during tho spring months. The greatest demand for labor and teams comes when tho wonderful wheat harvest of Umatilla county begins to ripen and tho combined harvesters start Into the llelds. No other community In the West har vests on as largo a scale as Umatilla county, whero tho Immense combined harvesters, using 20 to 30 horses and five to ten men each, have almost completely supplanted tho stationary threshers. Traaedy Averted. "Just In the nick of time our llttlo boy was saved," writes Mrs. v. Wat kins of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneu monia had played sad havoc witli him and a terrible cough sot In besides. Doctors treated lilni, but ho grew worse overy day. At length wo tried Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption, and our darling was saved. He Is now sound and well." Every body ought to know it's tho only auro euro for coughs, colds and all lung diseases. Guaranteed by Tall- man & Co., druggists. Prlco 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. MINNESOTA G. A. R. Thlrty.Elghth Annual Encampment Is In Session. Minneapolis. Minn., March 15. The thirty-eighth annual encampment of tho Orand Army of the Republic, De partment of Minnesota, opened in Minneapolis today with an attend anco of more than 1.000 veterans from all parts of tho state. The en enmnment will bo In session two days nnd In addition to routine business the veterans will partlcipato in a round of entertainment arranged In their honor. The election of officers promises to result In tho selection of Ham son White, of Luverne, as depart ment commander. Tho Woman's He lief Corps. Ladles of tho O. A. It., and other auxiliary organizations arc also holding their annual sessions bore. jpd)enjamin$(o MAKERS vs'r NEW YORK is on your ready-for-service ap parel you have the world s standard. There can be none better. Equtl to fine cuiiommade In all but price. The makers' guarantee, and ours, with every garment. We are Exclusive Distributors In this city. The Peoples Warehouse The Leading Clothiers PENDLETON) OREGON To all of my Friends nnd Patrons: I take pleasure in introducing to my friends, Ore. L. L. nnd T, II, Whlto, to whom 1 havo sold my den tal business In this city. I thorough ly recommend' tho Drs, 'White its first class dentists in every respect, and will esteem It a favor for any of my patients to placo their cases In tho hands of tho Drs. Whto. Respectfully, E. A. MANN, It Saved His Leg. P. A. Danforth of La Orange, Oa suffered for six months with a fright' ful running soro on his log, but writes that Bucklon's Arnica Salvo wholly cured It in five days. For ul cers, wounds, piles, It's tho best salve In tho world. Curo gunrnntoed. Only 25 cents. Sold hy Tall man & Co., druggists. Spokano labor unions nro going to outer tho political rnco, In tho effort to secure bottor city government. HOTEL ARR1VAL8. Hotel Pendleton. A. D. Chase. Portland. William Maher, Portland. J. E. La Vloletto, Devils Lake Oeorge T. Williams, Portland. P. Barnselly, Now York. H. P. Gardner, Omaha. A. R. Grant, Portland. J. W. Burby, Ellonsburg. M. E. Seller. Now York. Hy Drukker, Now York. P. F. Havens, Spokane. P. M. Kachus, San Francisco. J. D. Oalloy, Portland. W. It. Olendenlng. Portland. Q. C. Marohor, Colfax. Ht S. Brewer, Colfax. H. C. Long, Spokane. It. A. Seeds, Spokane. W. K. Shepherd, Spokaue. W. Moroy, Spokane. F. M. Bell, Spokane. H, C. Turner, Spokane. S. Wilson, Portland. O. M. Allen, Portland. Hotel St. George. Will M. Peterson, Athena. J. B. Johnston, Athena. .1. F. Murphy, San Francisco. A. Fleetwood, Baker City. Miss Prescott, Spokane. F. B. Flourier, Oxford. J. B. Smith, La Grande. Harry Oleson, Carlyle. Fred T. Hose, Denver. A. Ballsuk, San Francisco. J. Ackerman, Now York. B. Lichtlg, San Francisco. Charles Sumelskey, San Francisco. Charles H. Stevenson,' St. Paul. J. Johnson, Portland. J. H. Hlnes, Spokano. J. C. lionergan, Seattle. C. C. West, Cleveland. A. G. Turner. Spokane. Georgo O. nisom, Lincoln. A. H. Owens. Monmouth. N. C McLeod. Elgin. J. F. Meyers, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Bartomen, Dayton. .Mrs. Mills, Spokane. SIL-KS THIS WEEK WILL BE ONE Of'sPECIAL BARGAINS IN SILKS AT THE FAIR. OUR NEW ..... niir 1 1 1 ot- a n d i cn a Kin ntmiKin nilo nPFNtisln qai p rriiriMiiii ... Ol Ul r I I 1 1 W- I"" - . ' U rtla THIS WEEK, THE FOLLOWING PRICES WILL BE IN EFFECT: 36-Inch black, guaranteed Taffeta. , $1.50, $1.44 and $1.39 ... . 1 - - ' A. Ariiiwu uiuwi'i a""' . - - ....... yivu t Fmhrnirieren m ks, h vara cuib iwr wcusio, ucr uttticn , xa Crvsta cora wasn aims,, t-yara cuis, per uuikcin si FREE RIBBONS ... . . . a -t--Y- r-tiKl r oil If rnn OUIBT UAtCTC r- imi I W r- a tiri nti-in... ... MATCH, WORTH TEN PER CENT OF THE VALUE OF THE SILK. THE FMIR PREJUDICE AGAINST TRIB. Hotel Bickers. Mrs, C. J- Iloadruck. Stokes. C. A. Gilbert and wife, city. Kenneth Mcllao and wife, city. II. P. Tonsfelde, Itemsen. J, Hnrtwlg Albers, Ilemsen. Doug. Belts, Pilot Bock. A. Z. Adams, Milton. A. W. noland, Adel. G. M. Nelson, La Grande. S. E. Allller, Vinson. L. E. Hunklll, Starbuck. S. F. Moor, Adams. F. D. Slsk, Eudlcittt. Mrs. E. Slsk, Endicott. G. H. Shea, city. Charles II. Thompson, Chicago. W. It. Johnson, Walla Walla. II. E. Hunt, Spokane. C. C. Geer, Heppner. The total production of copper in tho world last year waB 1,110,000,000 pounds, of which 714,000,000 pounds were mined in the United States. Dr. L. E. Bullinger, of San Francisco,' Expresses an Opinion Regarding the Greatest Liquor Habit Cure on Earth. Dr. j. E.Bullluger, of San Francis co, writes: "I was prejudiced against TIHB, coming to mo as It did. but I see now I was mistaken. I havo been traveling in England and tho Eastern States much lately and find much ov Idenco ot TRIB'S good work. I bought 25 treatments for friends and every ne has done Its work well." Tollman & Co., local agents. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Heward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHKNliY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the underslsned, have known V. 3. Cheney for the last 15 years, nnd believe liim perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by tbelr firm. WIIST & TltUAX, Wholesale Drusglsts, Toledo. O. WAI.D1NO, KINXAX A MAKVI.V, Whole sale DruKRlsts, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. 1'rlce 73c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's family l'llls are the best. . The czar has "given" 200,000,000 roubles from his private fortune to further the war. Let us show you Palmer's new Perfumes. At iston The latest and best. USE PALMER'S Garland of Violets Toilet Soap A pure soap, finely perfumed. Brock & McComas Company All persons knowing themselves to be in debted to me will call and settle their their accounts as I need the money. vuiii uu i amic Meat Market I MERRILL TYPEWRITER CO.. So. 7,Poit SL. Sp.kjne. Gen.Agt.DENSMORE TYPEWRITER Supplies ... Renting ... Etpert Repairing WOOD FOR SALE In carload lots. Green at $4.50 per cord on tiding Pendleton. Address S. G. BRYSON No. 1700 W. Railroad St Th nrvnnn Da v Journal fn nn em,, nr hraz rrs uuur t-.;..l....H'-H-'l '1 I "l"l"H-H"H-"H"f"H- 4-S-J-H-M" fa M"!"!"!' 'I "W "X" M"! l PTTTTTTTTTTTT ST. JOE STOR We are now receivinir new sroods almost dailv. and we would call the attention of the nublict these new arrivals. We respectfully ask that you call and allow us the privilege to show goods. Y will not know what we carry, and the prices we are making, unless you call and examine our stool i Neither can we sell you unless you visit our place of business. And we claim it will be to our muufl interest for you to call and inspect our stock. Our time against yours. What say you? i Whon visiting our store ask to see that beautiful lino of Lace Curtains, Portiers, Rugs and Squares. All now goods, new patterns; and as we intend to make a specialty of these lines we are more than pleased to , show thom and quote prices Once seeing the lines will convince you that our goods and prices are right. We have one lot, 60 pairs, Lace Curtains that are f slightly soiled. To close at one-third off. Watch the I corner window. Remember we have the newest in Ladies' Eton ; : Suits, Etamine and Cecillian Skirts, Shirt Waist Wash ' J Suits, Shirt Waists, and those handsome Gold Tinseled ; ; Fibre Belts all correct idea?. We will also continue tho salos on Silk at 39c and ;: 19c; wash goods at 9c. The lots of Skirts and Suits as ! : advertised at opening until closed. We would call special attention to our line1 Clothing, Blurts and Furnishings. Our spring M are now in and we are showing the latest things on market at the lowest pricos that economy and art produce. IAivinmhnH .,... . , i n r thQ avnillfllim IlII IIIllUl. J.UJI11QU1UUI LI1UL 111 bllD 0kl.4l40.v .- and shirt window. We will continue the sale those Shoos formerly advertised at 29c, 09c and until lots are closed. itemomuor we are otosing out our vTiuuuijf marked cost. i: : vyc uuvc in uur cmpioy mem, a cumpeieni corps oi salespeople, ana iney rcspccLiuuy uivn-- many friends and patrons to call on them. i CLOTHING, SHOES AND FURNISHINGS J. E. Rubedeau, S. J. Baum. . GROCERIES W. C. Hoseason. CASHIER Miss Mary P. Lyons. Whittinghill Mercantile Co. Successors to LYONS MERCANTILE CO. jj 126-130 Court Street PanHWnn Ore