fBiSifioN DAILY EVENING EDITION tt vou are out ( U your " " f.ed t0 f"' 'lfied C0'Umn8 ' UK 'M Ian. I ,he East or PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, .MARCH 15, 1004. NO. 1)9(J. BfllNOED BY MASS MEETING lepresentative Gathering De- cided to lmjuim, mo uuu. of the Law. Ipecial election will BE CALLED IN ACCORDANCE. Lir, Impartial and Comprehensive Dtbate Resulted In the Board Be ing Instructed to Call an Election to Vote Upon a $62,000 Bond Prop-cjltloh-lmperatlve Needs of Bet ter and more extensive Accommo dations Shown. Ipssp Falllns. tlio veteran chair- Uan ot the school board, culled nbout 100 representative taxpayers or me tit to order last night at 8 o'clock or the discussion of tho question of whether to bond or not to bond. For tvo hours tho question was discuss ed In atl of Its phases and but one iirprise was sprung: there was no opponent to the bonding proposition. Some oojectlons wero Taiseu to tne jlan adopted, but not to tho general imposition. Those wno last year ight the proposition to a finish and .eattd it at the polls; those who A utd much and voted, and those no had tali little and voted, came Into line and not only seconded the request ot tie school board for $30,- 000, tul tapped Its ban., and nut a 151000 let before tho people all that the law will allow. u. m. ...... ,i nr. ncrec aiaies xne uuesiion. Walter Pierce addressed tho meet !l on the schools, their growth In He last five years and their needs. He showed that tho attendance had tabled, that thfl phllilrnn worn nnnlr. Ed Into the rooms llltn fmrillnna In n , that buildings were Illy ventl ited and heated, and also run down. e pointed out that .the levy for tho itnool district tux wna nnt no hi eh It had been In years past, even .ft lkn J ... . .. . r uid uouuio attendance; that tho Renses were lower in many ways. Li,, u uewissny mat me MUlngs be provided. Lrv ItJ tW ,u ,0ctober' an no ntered the whrmu ,v, .i... iry term opened wimn n.r h. o. 9 "'K" 8cl100'. wure ro 130 m.nl Is In y. "oro teachers to i J nn" Thorn hml i ears, and the board now m,l ,,or Norv mw -,."."":u.1 "mn und - -v..i.a uvui iimn mn.n i. . t llzed nniii . .' tu "a" ,CQ" It Was nnt n .. hn,;.r . ucsun or a site with Nlnuanco or tLR 1,1"i3llon ,)f IT Place In ,nn T. ', "uu".1 n('H.t ttpayers. ""snaied by the In ordpr in .. n ml. ""a? Issue before. 60.7a ?a .L&1 that iuo of ; totzr 10 cal1 ror I "'scusslon. 'bS0nRWIJBth0? Kll,,"ra11 lln. Dr. W o nder' K a . Dr. C A. D, Still- T- G. Hallev T,', i 1 ' w- VIn ,n1 George a w,ud.R0 S' A Ul were in r Harllnan. 1 nr n. ? fttvr of a bond in I m.000 Si l? .mal0 tno b"'W elthe lZ 30-9?. ud or two el.hi IT"" 1,B-rom mot on wa1 . nouses. wh .", fayred by all of .,:.,"VURB on the niiMtinn uV Low. h .ovenln Mse Lowell ,r Wderatlon. M'WOO or' 0 ''t that to ask .""aauro: ZMlm b to kill "Worse that am ,,, 4peon'e would M a good ? , at tho Polls. and Its S b0 founI, but . h'r aettoJ: Th0,r, "0manfl8 mhusia iBT5v:iw not . ZzUI 'ho moment run away with tho hopes of Its suc cess. Ho know the sentiment ot tho town, and ho did not think that tho people would stand for such an add ed burden. Tho board must romembcr, nnd tho people did, that it was not alone a question of school tax; It was a question of bearing the burden of the state, tho municipal, the county and the district taxes. All had to bo borno, and besides, It was wrong to think that an enormous bond debt could be voted, because the children of tho present generation and their children would have to pay It. That spirit was the curse of tho western olty. Tho speaker was In favor of build lng smaller buildings in different pnrts of tho city, of rearranging the school population, and of asking for a smaller bond issue. Decision Was Reached. The question was then put and It was decided to be the sense of tho meeting' that tho board bo authorized to call for JC2.000 in bonds, to tnlio up tho floating debt, and to build oithor ono 10-room building, or two eight-room buildings. The property across the road from the Lane school was named as ono acceptable slto for the construction of a building, and a part of a block near tho ball grounds, between Alta and Court, was recommended as the other. The board wll look over the grounds and make a recommendation In tho near future as to tho place of building, and will the make a call for tho issuo. LA GRANDE CITY ELECTION. " 0,rke, or N . .. hjdannn-i. henln. a '"day until c. ...... !oteona Z00 n'nors win the &aItlon to stm" "Crtlonsot tMy dpnio ohn MUoh. Iven v.: . aeclared i, ... . Lro anael0,f0rla avert Pen i? a now its ,, urns wr8'vcs, -Tll0" " can- Socialist Candidates All Defeated, But a Strong Vote Was Cast. La Grande, March 15. The city election passed off quietly yestorday, the following candidates being elect ed: Mnyor, J. E. Foley, 289 plurality over the socialist candidate; William C. Miller, recorder, 55 plurality over tho socialist; L. Rayburn, marshal, 159 majority over socialist; E. J. Walsh, treasurer, 83 majority over tho socialist. Independent republi cans wero eloctcd to all the positions excopt Ed Walsh, a democrat, for treasurer. The total vote was C47, The division was on tho .g&mlillng question, 1K6 mnr'shal being against and the mayor for open gambling, Tho socialists cast over 100 votes and made closo calls for councllmcn In all three of the wards. Tho question of bonding the city for S25.000 for a new court house and city hall carried by a majority of 27C. Resigns From Commission. Fort Worth, March 16. Former Governor Stanley, of tho Indian Tor ritory, has resigned from the Dawes commission. uUlNuI 5 RESULT WAS A SPLENDID CLIP IN EVERY RESPECT. Sheep and Wool In the Best Condi tlon, the Fleeces Averaged Heavier Than Last Year, the Quality is Al so' Better, , and It Is Cleaner and Firmer. Charles Cunningham has returned from a visit to his sheep ranch at Pi lot 'Rock, whero ho has finished shearing his bucks and ewes. He roports tho sheep and wool to bo in tho best of condition, and from one to two pounds heavier to the lleeco than last year's clip. It is also a better grado of wool than was shear ed laHt year, und Is cleaner. Mr. cunulngham reels sorry ior me woolbuyers who failed to mako any monoy last year ou their buys, and who are depending on paying less for their wool this year. He thinks that if they made llttlo last year they will make less this, if they glvo n lower figure, for ho does not think that the growers will con sent to sell for a lower figure, and will think some about selling at tho samo price. Their wool is better and should bring more, and having con- nuonco in the strength or the mar ket, ho is Inclined to believe that a higher price will bo realized in many cases, HAND ID CONFLICT BOATS' CREWS -T0- BETWEEN THE A Hot Time Was the Latest Encounter Between the Japanese and Russian Torpedo Boats. China Declares Her Entire Neutrality Two Skirmishes Between Cavalry men Near the Yalu River Russian Convicts on Saghatlen Island Will Be Liberated and Armed Russian .Fleet at Port Arthur Said to Be at Large and Headed for Vladivostok Japs Said to Maintain a Perfect System of Espionage. V London, March 15. A Rueter's Port Arthur Russian licet, a threat Toklo dispatch gives Interesting do- enlng factor in transport matters. As tails of the torpedo encounter be- Togols second attempt to bottle ap tween Russian and Japanese boats at parently failed, further delay in Jap Port Arthur tho 10th, Ten Japaneso anese landing it is believed will oc- were wounded and nine killed. Eight cur. have reached Sazabo. The survivors give unstinted praise to tho Russians for their heroic attack upon the Jap anese torpedo flotilla. Tho Interesting Incident Is told by ono of the sailors who had a personal encounter -with tho captain of the de stroyer Steoregughtchl, which was sunk by the Japanese. So close did tho opposing vessels fight that tho sailors boarded the Russian destroy er, and with several others rushing along the deck, encountered the com mander Just leaving his captain. An exciting fight followed, tho Japanese finally felling the captain with a cut less. The Russian was stunned and attempted to arise, but the Japanese kicked him overboard and ho drown ed. The Japaneso say 20 sailors lay tJead on the two Russian destroyers which stood the brunt of the fight. At Sazabo full honors were paid the Japanese dead. Two Cavalry Skirmishes. London, March 15. A Central News dispatch from Port Arthur re ports a skirmish between Cossacks and Japanese cavalry on the banks of the Yalu. The Japanese horses were killed and the Japanese forced to flee afoot. A second skirmish Is reported near Anju, JCorea, In which tho Japanese wero repulsed. Grand Duko v ladimlrovitch, tho czar's cousin, Is expected at Port Arthur tomorrow. Choking Off American Papers. Stockholm, March 15. Thirty three foreign papers. Including five Finnish: papers published In America,' are prohibited circulation In Finland for not speaking the truth. Left Port Arthur. Iondon, March 15. A Reuter's To klo dispatch says persistent rumors are current that the Russian fleet left Port Arthur after the attack of the 10th, and Is now endeavoring to reach Vladivostok. Damage a Cruiser. Yinkow, March 15. Foreigners from Port Arthur report a short en gagement off that place Sunday, In which the Russian cruiser Diana was damaged. STEAMER WRECKED. Believed That One Hundred Passen. gers Were Lost. Hrisbane, March 15. it Is feared tho 100 passengers on tho steamer Aramay, from llrisbnno for Cavlneo wrecked oft tho Spit near hero Sun day, are lost. When tho stenmer struck and began to break, six small boats put to sen. Of these two con taining 68 passengers nro safe. Sev eral steamers nre searching for tho other four, but yet have obtained no liews. Had weather prevails and heavy seas nro running. STATE RIGHTS ARE NOT INVALIDATED LABOR TROUBLES. Serious Fight at the Rawhide Mine, In California. Stockton, Cal,, March 15. Another net of violence of striking minors, occurred In Jamestown yesterday, In which Splo Torch, night foreman of tho Rnwhldc mine, was hurled through tho glass front of n store nnd dangerously cut by broken glnHS. Ho swore out warrants for assault against Albert Soraronl nnd Mc Nnughton, members of tho JnmuH town union. TROUBLESOME MOROS. They Were Shelled Out "No Amer cans Were Hurt." Manila, March 15. Colonel Wood reports nn attack on a reconnoltorlng forco cast of Cottabato, by a strong party of Moros, whoso position was shelled out and tho works taken. No American casualties. In Other Words, They Must Must Not Trample Upon the Rights of the People. THE 8UPREME COURT STOOD FIVE TO FOUR. MRS. GRIFFIN DEAD. Daughter of Senator Mitchell Passes Away In New York. , New York, March 15. Mrs. Griffin, daughter of Senator Mitchell of Ore gon, died this morning. Russian Families Going Home. Mukden;- Mareh 15. Severe" cold weather has given place (o fine day Passenger trains have resumed th carrying of Russian families homo ward. The military forces contlnu to work southward from Harbin. System of Espionage. Berlin, March 15. Tho Koelnlss cho Zeltung reports tho Japanese have organized tho most complete spy or espionage system of Russia. Twenty-five hundred patriotic Japan ese volunteered to perform tho dan gerous service. Arming Convicts. St. Petersburg, March 15. A dis patch states that Viceroy Alexleff has ordered the Immediate liberation nnd arming of all convicts on tho Island of Snghallen, just north of Yezzo, who aro willing to enroll to relp defend tho Island against the Japanese attack thought to bo imminent. Japanese Are Laggard. Chee Foo, March 15. It is report ed that tho Japanoso land forces aro still In Japan, despite contrary state ments. Thoso In Korea are merely for garrison purposes, to hold the Russians In check along tho Yalu. The main army Is destined for some China Will Be Neutral. Washington, March 15. Resides her general proclamation of neutral lty, China has sent a special dec- laratlon to tho United States, called forth, probably, by tho Hays circular note, to tho effect that Its set pur pose Is to remain entirely neutral throughout tho war. Collier Gone Ashore. Nagasaki, March 15. Tho Urltlah collier NIgtotta, laden with coal for the Japanese, Is ashore at Sazabo. American Refugees. Washington, March 15. The navy detriment Is advised that tho cruls or Cincinnati returned to Chemulpo from Chlnnampo, with 23 American refugees. Ready to Loan to Russia. Cologne, March 16. The Gazette quotes a St. Petersburg financial pa1 per stating that a group of interna tlonal financiers have undertaken to advance a war loan for forty million pounds sterling should Russia desire Jt. Correspondents Detained, Seoul, March 16. Tho nowspaper correspondents at Illng Yang and Anju havo been ordered to return by tho Japaneso military authorities. and will bo held at Seoul. No per nolnt alone Lino Tunc Gulf, but Is mlts to go to tho front-have been ad nwaltlng tho final disposition or uio i vuuceu, wmcu is sigmucam. DESERTER HEARD FROM. EPIDEMIC SUICIDE. Third Professor in Ohio State Unl- veralty In Eighteen Months. Columbus. O.. March 15. Charles Walter Maaloch. assistant profossor of Gorman and other languages. In iiie state university, killed himself this morning by poisoning. Ho Is tho third nrnfnnsnr tn milcldo Inside of 18 months. Mnsloch was oxpoct od to get tho plnco of Professor Eg Bors. who klllod hlmsolf with a pistol. Nine Jurors Selected. San Franelapn. Mnrnii IB. -Four additional Jurorn lu tho Dotkln enso wore chosen today, making n total of nlno. It ,1a oxnnntnri thn lurv will 1)0 completed tomorrow. Frank Sayers, Walla Walla Turnkey, Bobs Up Drunk In Tacoma, and Re pents. Walla Walla, March 15. Frank Sayers, turnkey of the penitentiary here, who dosorted his wife nnd three small children a week ago, has turned up In Tacoma, ropentant ana willing to come back. Ho writes a sickening letter to his wlfo blamlne his act to drink and nromlalnir to return and be good. In tho same mall that brought his letter to his wlfo, a letter came addressed to Sayers from a strange woman, re' counting a promise he had made to her to meet him In Montana about May 1, whoro arrangements had boon made to go into the lodging house business. Mrs. Sayers was prostrated when she read this letter from the woman with whom hor husband had evident ly made all arrangements to finally desert h a family on May l. It Is believed that Sayers ran away with another worthless woman from this city, and has boon deserted by hor In Tacoma. TERRORIZING UNION MEN. Chasing Them Out of Colorado Un der Pain of Death. Tollurldo, Col., March 16. Ono hundred mombers of tho Citizens' Al llnnce. nil armed, last night raided tho homos of union miners nnd sym pathizers and forced them to march to tho depot, when they were placed aboard a train at 2 this morning, again deported, and warned not to return under pain of death. Resist ance In several cases brought severe beatings. A number of tho mob are well known business men. ANTELOPE 18 8AFE. Puts In at Port Townsend Many Days Overdue. Port Townsend, Wash., March 15 The schooner Antelope, 68 days from San Francisco for Coqullte River, Or., arrived hero in a badly battered condition. She was given up as lost, being caught In a storm a'lJ blown sevcrnl hundred miles out of her couraj. Walla Walla Race Meet. Walla Walla, March 15. The spring meet of the Walla Walla Coun ty Fair association will bo held from Wednesday, May 25, to Saturday, May 28, inclusive. It Is expected that thoro will bo about 100 horses hero, and a very Interesting affair Is looked for. The program will consist of one harness event each day and throe running tests. Estabrook Has the Grip. 12. O. Estabrook, of tho poatofflco forco, has been HI at his home for a couple of days with an attack of the grip. Fight In San Domingo. Washington, March 15. Minister Powell of San Domingo, reports an other engagement botweon govern ment forces nnd Insurgents at Mako rls In which tho government was vic torious. Tho Insurgent leader es caped. " " T In the Final Analysis No Combina tion Is Stronger Than the Law Creating It Wall Street Dissatis fied Jim Hill Says, "Well, They, Cannot Take Our Properties Away From Us" Governor Van Sant, Who Started the Fight, Is Greatly, Rejoiced. Washington, March 15. Tho decis ion In tho merger case wns by a voto of llvo to four. Holmes, Peckham, Whlto and Fuller dlscentlng. Synopsis of Opinion. Washington, March 16. Tho su premo court denied that tho snored ness ot tho doctrlno of Btato's rights Is being trespassed on by tho Inter state law. If a stato should allow the rail roads to do thoso things which In terfere with interstate commerce, should congress bo compcllod to hold aloof on tho ground thnt It would In vade Rtnto rights? Such doctrlno could not lie given fact without de stroying tho power of tho national government. No slnto law can glvo nny corporation rights to restrain In terstate or International law. The foderal courts cannot Interfere) with tho Northern Securities Compa ny from oxorclBing nil Intcrstatn rights Justly given It by tho statu; hut It can prevent It from doing that which would destroy nn net of con- Government Defeated. London, March 15. Tho govern ment was defeated In tho houso oflgress, commons today by a voto of 1-11 to An affirmation of tho decision lie 13, ou a motion by Redmond against low would only menu that no comb! a reduction In tho Irish educational nation Is stronger than tho law fro- estimates. 8aved From Wreck, llrlshlne, .March 15. All but one of tho boats launched from tho wrecked steamer Arnmoc, hnvo been picked up by steamers sent In search. mm is TREIR HOPE MALHEUR COUNTY BEING RAPIDLY RECLAIMED. ntlng It, or enn avail Itself of tho pretoxt that stato rlghtB aro nttnek ed In tho enforcement of a lawful act of cnngresH. No combination, bo it ever so powerful, Is boyond tho reach of Iho supremo court, If It un dertakes to restrain conimorco. Largest Project In That District Now Under Way 18 Miles From Ontario Mountain Valleys Are Settling Up Harney People Hope For Gov- crnment Aid. Wall Street Dissatisfied. Now York. March 15. Wall Btreot expected nn adverse decision In tho Securities company, consequently vnluoH fell orr only fraction. So fiirltlufi stock dropped nearly throo points. J. .1. Hill wild: "I cannot discuss It until we have moro nuws. I havo no Idea at present what its scope Is. Our railway properties nro still thoro anil they cannot tuku them from us." Mr. Hill Is this afternoon closeted In conference with tho directors of the merger coinpuny, and declined to lie scon J. S. Hunter, a well known stock- man or Malheur county, was in tno city today, and says tho activity in irrigation work In his county Is very marked this spring. Ono of tho largest Irrigation enter prises In that district Is now under way, 18 miles above Ontario, on uio Owyheo river, whoro a dam 100 feet high will bo built across Iho ennyon of tho Owyheo, and a reservoir form ed sufficient to irrlgnto 50,000 arres of desert land below. This dam will form a reservoir about a mile In length, with u depth of from 10 to 30 feet, and a main canal will lead from it above tho present ditches operated by tho Ne vada and Owyheo canals. In timo It Is hoped to extend this canal about 12 miles further down Van Sant Vindicated. HI. Paul, March 15. Governor Van Snnt Is much gratified at tho uocis Ion, which "melius moro to tho peo ple or Iho country than any ovont since Iho civil war." Will Obey the Law. Now York, March 15. J. J. Hill, Imrnro going Into conforenco today with tho lawyers nnd bankers Inter esled In the Northern Securities, said: "Tho company will obey tho law. no mattur what Its liironven lenco and discomfort. Ah I under stand the situation, tho decision acts as a finality. I don't think wo shall havo a rehearing. What planH wo uimii tmrKuo doncmls entirely upon tho advlco of our counsel. After tho calmest deliberation, our lino of con duct will he determined." Will Not Incorporate n Canada. . xi... vi,ru March 15. J. J. Hill ii.ia nftprnno'n Buld. regarding tho ro- ri that tho Securities Company i.a.i neciriioratod in uunuu"; "Wo the foot'jllls above Owyheo to cover 'nnv0 utt much notion of Incorporat ing In Mars or tno moou -ada." ' Consul at Dawson. Washington, March 1B--T"0 presi dent has nominated Iou!s Dent of ilit .District of Columbia, to be con sul at Dawson, Yukon. tho famous Dead Ox Flat, ono of tho most fertile and promising tracts of land In Eastern Oregon when put under Irrigation Tho entlro valloy of tho Owyheo river Is a solid alfalfa farm, now growing from two to three crops per year, wullo it was a desert less man five years ago. Ho looks ior sun greater development in bis county Jn tho futuro and hopes to boo tho Har ney county government Irrigation project carried to completion. Most or tuo mountain vaueys oi Malheur county nro now reclaimed and nro supporting a population, and ho savs that fruit and vegetables grow in abundance lu places whero It was thought flvo years ago It would bo lmnosslble to ralso such products on account of the frost and dry cli mate. Prohibits Docking. Des Moines, March 15. Tho bill prohibiting the docking of horses' tails passod tho house. Fireworks Factory Fire. Chicago, March 16. Threo and probably four mon wero killed this morning by au ex plosion ami fire lu tho Chi cago Toy Novelty Company plaut, Foreman Gordon drop pod a box of toy torpedoes. Its detonation set off other ex plosives and Uio building was completely wrecked. Ills body and that of two boys wore buruod beyond recognition,