PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1904. EIGHT PAGES. mLW.iLiwwwwwm. I col aaaW.n-S''-??IIIHMHaaM if You Have a Head of Your Own Come to Sullivan & Bond's We Will Fit It With a Hat Artists' Supplies If you are interested in Oil Painting see us. Our line is complete ACADEMY BOARDS STRETCH ICRS BRUSHES ARTISTS SABLES BLENDERS SKY BRUSHES PLAQUES TUBE COLORS We make a specialty of fram ing pictures. Newest stock of frames C. C. SHARP t Ojera House Block The French Restaurant Beet 25 oont Meal in the City ' Private Dining Parlors Elegant Furnished Rooms in Conneotlon GUS LaFONTAINE, Prop. 633 Slain Street .PROMPT, RELIABLE SERVICE A. J. BEAN HAULING OF AIL KINDS tow wen M of care of. T-... at TnUch,. Thon. Mala 1271. UP CATTLE WOOD SAYS WESTERN HERDS ARE IMPROVING Wade Herd One of the Best Collec. tlons Ever Brought Together In the Northwest Effect of Better Breeding Will Soon Be Pelt In the . County Quality Must Make up for 8maller Number. ; Col. F. II. Woods of Lincoln, Ne braska, w.10 Mart cliargo of the salo of the Wndo cattle left this morning for tho cast whore he has a number of cattle sales to attend. Col. Wood Is one of tho best In formed men In tho United States on tho subject of blooded cattle and makes a business of selling flno cat tic. He has a circuit mapped out Which it will take some time to trav el around and In that time many herds of tho best stock In tho land will havo changed hands. Mr. Woods In speaking of tho Wade cattle was enthusiastic in his praise and spoke good words for each number of tho baud. He said that it was seldom that- such a number of flno cattlo were found together In one place, and while tho prices that were paid were fair they were not what tho Colonel would liked to have seen paid for the herd. Tho Btocltmen of the western country, In tho estimation of Jtr. Woods, havo not as yet come to realize tho value and the usefulness of good cattle. It has been but a short time since thousands of cattle roamed over tho western hills. Little effort was made to grado up the cattle and all 'that was thought necessary was to put a little fat on them when it camo time to ship them to the market. The large numbers did away with tho necessity of a higher grado. This tlmo Is now passed. Farms are taking the place of big ranges and the herds havo no place to run. Tho cattle men aro beginning to seo as nover before, the necessity of put ting tho best blood into their cattle and the sales of Saturday will havo much to do with the increased stan dard of tho Eastern Oregon cattlo and tho herds of the northwest. Tho time of the range cattle is passed and tho blooded herds will soon bo the rule rather than tho execution. In tho east and In the middle west the same gradation has been gone through. First the cattlo were held for their numbers and not for their blood. Now it is tho blood that counts. Tho small farm has raised tho grado until now nearly every man who owns one cow knows that she has some Illustrious ancestor. It is the quality that is sought after and not tho quantity. Whilo thero aro scrub cattle scattered among the farmers It is the tendency to get the best. This condition will come, in fact it has como for there aro some as fine cattlo through tho west as can found in thto United States. But the clay is hero when everyone who owns cattle will try to havo tho best of whatever breed. Under those conditions each owner can realize a neat profit from a few cattlo where in tho past, it took thousands of acres' and a steer on each one to make the margin good. BRITAIN AT THE FAIR. Three Million Dollars Will Be Spent on Her Exhibit. London, March 14. There aro nhundnnt indications that the apathy first shown by tho British public In respect to tho coming world's fair at St. Louis is fast vanishing, and thero now every prospect of tho British mplro being worthily represented. Tho first plans of tho commission ap pointed by foreign office woro mado ith tho idea that all the work need ed would bo on a small scale. Tho first grant was $150,000, to which an ther $250,000 was added in tho budget of tho present financial year. is now learned from a reliable. sourco that these grants aro to bo supplemented that an aggregate sum of about $750,000 will be nvall- blo. This will be tho largest amount over appropriated by flreat Britain for participation In a foreign exhibition. Tho British educational exhibit promises to bo tho most notable. radically every educational body. o great schools, tho universities and tho technical, military and unvul Oriental Parlors Massage, Halrdressing and Manicuring. Rooms 3 and 5, over Martin's grocery. Leave orders at Brock & McComas' drug store. The Oriental par lors are in charge of Conala E, Breyer, a graduate of Lola E. Shaw's parlors, of Boise City, Idaho. Egg Baths, Fomentation Bath, Plain shampoo, Shampoo with Scalp Treat ment, Shampoo with Hair Curl ing, Head Steaming for ladles and gentlemen, Hair Dressing, Manicuring, Facial Massage. GRADING academics of the United Kingdom will bo represented, as they novcr havo been before, while public worxs and engineering will also be notable uritisn exinuits. Arkansas Labor Organizes. Little Itock, Ark., March 14. At a meeting held here today prollml nary steps 'were accomplished to ward tho formation of a state fedora' tlon of labor to be affiliated with tho American Federation of Labor. Tho local labor unions of Llttlo Itock, Ft, Smith and a number of other cities of the stato were represented at the meeting. HELP THE SHIPPER GROWING RAILWAY FACILITIES WESTERN DEVELOPMENT OUT- Montana Stockman Gives Some In teresting Pacts on Needs of the Western States Railroads Must Increase Speed of Stock Trains and Give Shippers More Facilities for Handling Stock Cheaply. Unless western railroad mana gers are prepared to furnish ade quate facilities for getting this stuff to market expeditiously and In good condition tlioso who have been suc cessful in the business will havo no alternative but divert their capital and energy Into other channels. They cannot contluuo in tho business un der the same conditions that existed during the shipping season of 1903. Tho greatest Industry west of the Missouri is menaced, and tho pro gress of that whole region threaten ed by tho present stato of affairs." This statement was made by for mer United States T. U. Power, of Montana, to the Chicago Livestock World. Mr. Power is not an alarmist or a sensationalist. He , s a successful live stoclc grower and' conservative business man. Ho made a midwinter trip from his 1 northwestern home to Chicago to at-' tend last week's conference between 1 livestock and railroad Interests here, and Is waiting in tho city to learn what the answer will be. "Our people want to know some thing." he said. "The shipping sea son is drawing around and they dread repetition of last year's disabilities. Wo must have, proper service if wo aro to grow cattle. Tho Industry is menaced as it nover was before. Montana has a great future but it cannot be worked out if hampered ns at present. I am nn earnest advo cate of settlement. Tho blc grazier, In my opinion, must mako way for strols. tho little man as did tho buffalo for Tho managers have wisely dls tho big herd. Montana settled by, carded all tho old worn-out features, small ranchmen will market ten no moro will we hear "Almighty times tho quantity of beef and mut- Dollar" or "Jennie" and "Tho Tur ton It does now. Its population will ko' Feast," which should havo been bo Increased live-fold, irrigation en- shelved long ngo, no moro will wo terprise will greatly Increase Its pro- see a person trying to got a laugh by ducing capacity and it will provide removing twenty vests. homes for thousands of settlers. Wo. have climate, soil and natural lul vantages, but without railroad facil ities little progress can bo mado. "Twenty miles an hour. In my opinion, is a reasonable rate of speed to require for tho movement of live stock between Montana loading points and Chicago. Tins inciuues all stops, saves those at feeding points. And If wo cannot get assur-jtho anco that our stuff will bo moved with that degree of celerity the soon or wo convert our livestock holdings into cash and put it Into other chan nels the better It will bo for us. "As far as tho weather Is con cerned. wo have had no cause for complaint In Montana this winter, While tho east has been burled In a succession of blizzards. The Mon tana range has enjoyed exception ally favorablo conditions and losses havo so far amounted to practically nothing." JAPAN A GOOD BUYER. Uses an Enormous Amount of Amer. lean Products. During each of tho last live years tho United States has purchased more of tho products of Japan than nny other country, and more than all of Europe, yet British India and Great Britain each sell moro to Ja nan than does tho United States. During 1903, however, tho imports from the United States increased 13 per cent, as compared with 1901, while those from most European countries fell off. Tho United States continues to surpass all other coun. tries in furnishing Japanese impor tations of electric light apparatus or instruments, electric motors, firo en glnos and pumps, flour, solo leather, keroseno oil, lubricating oil, paraffin wax, cardboard, leaf tobacco, timber other than teak, bicycles and elec trie light wire. Tho exportation of flour by tho United States to Japau is throatcned by Canada. Tho Dominion people are making a strong effort to in creaso their trade in tho East, and, at tho Osaka exposition, now open, tho Canadians are spoken of us hav lug tho largest and best oxhiblt of inj of tho foreign countries. Thoy are striving especially to advertise. the merits of Canadian I our. As a result it Is reported that sov eiol largo orders have already been received for tnat product, Tho Unit ed States has been furnishing from 90 to 99 per cent of all tho flour Im ported into Japan, and last year this commodity ranked third In value nmong tho Imports from tho United States, raw ginned cotton bolng tho first and kerosene oil tho second. Tho most Important Import from Canada during 1902 was salted sal mon and trout, of which she furnish ed nearly twlco as much as tho Unit ed States, ChlciiKo Inter-Ocean. World smokes with I you. Smoke a substitute I Vy and you smoke alone. m Largest Seller in the World. JXLM I The 3and is the Smoker's Protection. J RiCHAEDS PMN6LE S SSSfc Vi jm vjl anticipation i5wr5rsc5r realization mi PUDLEYKEULY, GEORGIA MINSTRELS. Richards and Prlngle at the Frazer March 22. The city Is being extensively billed and advertised for tho nnncarancoon Mnrch 22 at tno Krazer of & Pringlo's Famous Georgia Mln- T"o personnel of tho organization JAPAN'S STRICT an wio marvelous military or- ganizauons tnoro is notning or which mllltnry authorities of Japan aro prouder than tho military college at Toklo. This Institution, nlthough compar atively young, is completo and thor ough and has turned out a largo number of very excellent offlcors. Us courses of study nnd its methods aro modeled somewhat nftor those of West Point, and the Instructors nro all men of unusual ability and stand ing In tho army. Tho students In tho academy aro all selected from tho ranks of tho army. Conscription is, of course, tho rulo In Japan, nnd ovory man Is supposed to servo for n certain length of tlmo in tho army. Young men of the higher social classes who desiro commissions nro allowed to enter the academy aftor thoy hnvo finished their term ;of ser vice In tho ranks, provided thoy havo attained n prescribed efficiency in , their studios as common soldiers. If thoy pass through tho courso and at-1 mm 1110 men uverago required or an siiiuonts inoy nre commiBsioiieu mi 1110 arm. wuiio tuoy aro in tno academy tlio students win remain enlisted men and wear tho uniforms of the arm of the servlco and tho corps of tho regiment irom wnicn inoy entered. ' Tho discipline In tho academy Is .""it '' w v-uurau 01 uiuuy is very uiuicuu. iiiuii-iuiu uihj uiu vury UCSl Ol tno students ever reach commissions, The courses of study Ineludo not on- ir an uio leemneui nrancnos or tlio RISING Ik Ik m Jl mmmmf.m I "irougji their most critical , , ; ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses "Mother's Friend" need dr the suffering Ed? T f ,nCf orit robs e ordeal of its horror E3 Cty,t0 llf,f mother aud cWld. aves her in ttS',. MitYUEEIMSt Motherhood." is wortli its weight in gold to everv woman, and will be sent fre i envelope by addressing application to f adfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga. 5 moke MINSTREIS ' " FCJM GUSHERS ls mado up of bright young men of tiuent, the only ones retained from last season being Kraton, the marve lous Hoop Controller, Simpson & Plttman, musical experts, Dudley & Kelly, Clarence Powell and tho tough "Jim Jackson," who will this year make a visit to the "Policy Shops." Tho now features aro "Boomsky" in Illusions, tho Three Tonoys, aero. bats, Cooper and his walking and talking figures and six of tho highest salaried singers over with a minstrel show, and at least a .dozen now comedians, prominent among which is Emmett Davis, Bunk Campbell and Chas. Scott. Tho company carries two big bands under tho direction of Frank Claremont. MILITARY TUNING profession for which tho Btudonts are being fitted, hut the other stud los required for a liberal education including several modern lancuaces ono of thoin being English. Aftor graduation these students aro assigned to the various arms of tho servlco and regiments nnd aro given tho rank of ensign, which, by the way, does not In nny way correspond with tho rank bearing tho samo name In our navy. This rank carries only a' provis ional commission and tho holdor of It Is obliged to again show his fitness for tho profession by doing as well in tho practical side of tho work as ! ho has beforo done in tho thcorotl - cal. If ho passes this lest ho Is If ho passes this lest regularly commissioned as sub lieutenant, which corresponds with tho rank of second lieutenant in tho United States army. His next promotion Is to upper- lieutenant and from that on ho pass es throuuh crnden whleh pnrrnsnnmi .exactly to tlioso in tho United States army, until he reaches tho grado of general, ono rani: higher than lieu tenant general, tho highest rank which now exists in tho United states army. Abovo that thero is 1110 rank of field marshal, but that Is purely honorary. Japan has an army of moro than 200.000 men nnd it t nmenmi ni most entiroly by graduates of this sciiool, or by mon who havo obtained their tra nine in fnrelcn military. SCHOO B. Tlln nUImn ns n whnln nrn as comnotmit nn,i imn,i uniiiinra tho mon under them, and that Is saying a great deal. And many other painful and serious ailments from which most mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of muimi 5 mean. Tins trreat remedv a Gdscnd to women, carrying mu 1 11 til 19 FRIEND McMinn's School of Dancing Monday, class night. Thurs day and Saturday, classes from 7 to 9 o'clock. Socials from 9 to 12. Children's Matinee, Saturday, 2:30. LARD Good and Pure Kettle Rendered At prices as love as the lowest. MIESCKE'S MEAT MARKET 3J6 COURT ST. f BICYCLE DOCTORS 1 . 1 If your wheel Is ailing consuls f us. We t teat tlio worst wlieelr and rtstore them to health. Ou !, bicycle hospital at 311 Court , Street is complete and equipped with the latest appliances. 1 Gorden & Edmisten Bicycle Poctore i All Kinds of Light Impairing 1 -' ! h-t" LET US SUPPLY WITH YOU Building... ...Material DIMENSION liUMBEB OF all descriptions). Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mould ing, Building and Tar Fajier. Bring Your Bill to Us and Get Our Figures, Grays' Harbor Com. Co. Opp. Ws & C. R. Depot CANTY'S PARLORS OF AMUSEMENT Open day and night. Billiards, Pool, Shooting Gallery, Bowl Inn Alleys, Throwlno Racks. Cood music every evening- BA8EMENT, CORNER MAIN AND WEBB TREET8. Under W. & C. R. Depot. Am