East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 14, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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. .... if you '"-
'Of ...in.j co umns 01
,he East oreB"--
S A Vl -sMg j V MtfBIBiV' Tonight and Tuesday occn- I
.fl j"" . ggHff rnln or I
Hill II Kt-HM N IN L...,... tUN N H
WWhW I Ul.Ml.lil.lX"
lotable Gathering of Promi
nent Stockmen, and ms
persal of Splendid Kirie.
Lrefords Did Not Sell as Top-
Notchers-Entire Band Brought
$16225 Spirited Discussion Over
Whether Some of the Animals
Have Scab, Mange or Tuberculosis
-Government Inspector Has the
Call, and All Will Be Dipped Be
fore Shipment.
The cattle sales Saturday wore a
peater success than was expected
it tie time the sale was called. The
mm ihn had Gathered had come to
boy, d the Shorthorns in the hord
..nl it falrlv rood flEUros.
while the Hcreioras ma noi-nring
ithe Uth prices that the rest of the
tad did, they also did not sell at
IIU ...rlflfa nrtrna thnt worn fT-
iwted i eek or so beforo the sale.
tie tad brought a total of 16,225.
Alltheattlo will be dipped as re
mind hr thft pnvprnmnnt officers
wio impeded them and declared
Iuer were aligntiy affected wun me
1Mb, ud they will be ready for
ihfpamt m a few days. All, or
Icanj in 01 me mayors nave ieu
town, leaving the shipment to bo
I mm eiiner ny ine iormer owners 01
tie band, or by agents solocted while
The Herefords sold Saturday nftor-
m .uu uui uuiure uuieu wru; iiu-
1. TIkI.IhV .nnn u L .
)J Gilbert & Patterson, Salem; Im-
. imau, fiio, unuert rauor
i; Olivette, $170, J. A. Wood;
lk Dirt, it fe T Tt Tl-t Mi...
111 1 T T i. i i n.ii..
"v, wivai minimis; WUIHiy mUIU,
lfM A T Cn1n...n. -u r.. tmn
, ... u . upianu, minn luij,
3. Splawn; March On's Maid.
:1W i T nt
.-v. . j, opiawn; Armour ijiny,
30. n p,.i. i ...i :.
10. Glftert & PattorBon; Saint
winkle. JH5 w r...,..i..i..
,-05. J. If. TI.Iau. m - , ,.
Lj' Cat,c! T ?isr. Elmer E.
"""iy 'Horace Fairfax. $230,
George S. Craig; gllcsla, $150, A. I,!
M?.,rnY 1M0".eSte Ul5' R' N' Stan'
I m j t V. "'uuicrs May,
Li 7J: I M. Jr.. A. U
b- lonri p ai'inwu, Jim Hend
Kth LuJ10'.!1' March On
iv Jicr 'n 'X. "fotliers, Dixie.
- v-. iiueaer Thn. n -o-
' - uiner or tti
, "urai Her. ten w r
8cah M- n. .
greai trmihlA ..ui. at. .
H A . I" u mat l!hr a v
niiA i )us, .limn
.. -o-vi4 unn oli-.nl. i .
iia y - Lh i ii h mininf
v o. L. flnl In j. '
It Is mm T uuiraai inuus
. 11 13 said by a mitnkA.
" 10 VftHfv t. . "O"
at . "jtui.
iaie aIOriho.s10 Dr. Chris-
shatje nV lnal lbi' were in
..iff!.8.114, condition; that thv
, or a;T c.u'08 8- or mange,
la th" ? bun.ch of cattle.
w'me"t om, tho Bal carao
eh Si T.ecrR rPrtod that
- "-"u m a muu
Crt Car Barn Fire. I
Imraort i-n.u afty cars .
it ' iu inai ... .. ---.v
m ni. "'Gill's flro nt .
with . ",un Tracthm " "
u i 0811 ot woo.000. ;c.
?'ena "TIL f,U8pl0,on that
ers "111 cnvlcted
frcal Co wAnonymo"8
... ucuvq,
form and that they would havo to bo
dippod twice bofore they could be al
lowed on trains. As the government
has tho bulgo on tho state deputy,
the cattle will have to be dipped as
directed, at a cost to the owners of
$1,000, before they can be delivered
to their purchasers.
Which Is right in the controversy
is har'd to determine. Christy says
they haven't and Lantz says they
have. The first says ho can prove
they have no scab by a microscopic
examination, and tho other claims
that there is no Instrument powerful
enough in this part of tho country to
tell the scab if it was burled in It.
So thoro you are, and It seoms that
tho only way out of the trouble Is
for the owners to pay the freight
Mr. Rigby says tho cattle had the
scab about a year ago, or perhaps a
little farther back than that, but
that the disease was cured to the sat
isfaction of all at that time, and
since tho cattle have not been ex
posed In any way. He doesn't think
tho cattle aro diseased. Neither did
Colonel Wood, the auctioneer, but
may he they arc.
Puzzling Case In Evidence.
The scab question is a puzzling
one, always. Some time ago a prom
inent sheepman who has been ship
ping large bands of sheep out of the
country during the past winter, had
a large shipment from Echo. His
sheep wore Inspected and about half
of them were hold up, it being claim
ed that they had the scab. The rest
of tho band was sent to California.
The condemned portion was turned
out on the rango and allowed to run
for a couple of weeks, when they
were again herded Into the stock
yards for shipment. As the scab had
in the meantime disappeared, they
were passed without a question, and
aro now on the Sacramento ranges
undipped and clean.
Rev. N. H. Brooks Conducted Meet
ing Alone for Past Week, Adding
60 New Members Total Member
ship Church Increased From 40 to
360 Debt of $5,000 Provided for
Total of $9,400 Raised During the
Tho Christian church closed an
eight weeks' revival last night, with
an addition of 22 new members, mak
ing a total of 203 new members add
ed during tho. meetings. Kev. N. II.
Brooks has conducted the revival for
tho past week alone, making an ad
dition of CO, to tho membership,
since the departure of Itov. Martin.
Today closes tho first year of Itov.
N H. Brooks' services as pastor of
this church and the record Is one of
unusual interest. At tho time Mr.
Brooks camo to Pendleton, tho
church had just been built at a cost
of $11,000, and had a debt of $5,000
unprovided for, with a membership
of but 40.
During, the past year tho entire
church debt has been provided for,
tho membership Increased from 40
to !5C0, and a total of $9,400 raised
from all sources, by plodges and
Tho total membership would havo
been 385 now, wero it not for tho fact
that about 25 havo moved away.
This makes tho Christian church tho
largest congregation In tho city, with
one of the most spacious and elegant
church buildings in the state .
Treaty With That Mohamme
dan Mogul is Abrogated by
The Sultan Is a Bad Actor, and For
feits Many Privileges by His Un.
scrupulousness Proclamation
.From the War Department Takes
the Matter Out of the Hands of
Congress The Philippine Com
mission vVIII Act.
Washington, March 14. Tho
treaty between the United States and
the sultan of Sulu, whereby that of
ficial and tho dattos under him en
joyed certain annuities from tho
United States government and wero
allowed to continue to practice polyg
amy, has been abrogated, according
to a cablegram to Governor Wright,
of tho Philippines, sent by Secretary
Taft today.
The failure by the sultan and the
dattos to discharge the duties and
fulfill the conditions Imposed, are
the reasons.
The Philippine commission is di
rected to pass suitnblo legislation.
Disturbances on Jollo Island made
this action speedier than contem
plated. Congressional initiative in a
special bill Is thus forstalled.
Northern Pacific Begins Work on Its
Nez Perce Extension.
Lewlston, March 14. A party of
75 Italian laborers arrived in the
city last night from Spokane and
will today be placed in charge of
Conductor Pnillips to work on the
Clearwater branch.
A steam shovel reached the branch
yesterday afternoon and was Immed
iately put to work on tho largo slides
above the Potlatch junction. The
Northern Pacific company is exert
ing every effort to restore travel on
the Clearwater branch and it is now
expected that tho trains will bo run
regularly not later than Monday.
Three trains besides the steam
shovel crew are now working on the
branch and by constructing a now
track around the wreck it is believed
that transportation can bo restored
the full length of the line aB early
as Monday.
Socialist Uprising Against the
Czar, and the Leaders Were
St. Petersburg Much Pleased at
Roosevelt's Proclamation Enjoin
ing Neutrality of Utterances Port
Arthur Has Not Fallen Japan's
Humane Policy Toward Prisoners
The Slav's Heavy Hand Upon
the Jew.
Berlin, March 14. Tho Voorwarts
reports an open revolt against Rus
sian authority at Batoum, In tho
Caucasus, by a mob led by revolu
tionary socialists, which was repuls
ed by the police. It forced tho gov
ernor to seek tho protection of tho
military fortifications. Six ring
leaders were subsequently hanged.
Japs Sunk a Cruiser.
Toklo, March 14. Admiral Togo,
in a suplcmentary report on Thurs
day's bombardment at Port Arthur,
says tho Japanese, would havo been
able to rescue many moro Russians
from tho foundering torpedo boat but
for the deadly Ore of the shore bat
teries, and the, close approach of the
cruiser Novlk. When tho Japaneso
reached tho sinking Stercgushtcht
only bodies of dead Russians wero
found aboard. Tho remainder of tho
orow are" believed to havo Jumped
Misfit Ammunition.
Moscow, March 14. It is learned
that the reason tho Vladivostok forts
did not reply to the shelling by the
Japanese fleet March C, was that tho
ammunition supply from St. Peters
burg was too largo for tho guns.
Had the Japanese sailed In they
could have taken the town.
Pleased the Russians.
St. Petersburg, March 14. This
morning's papers speak In commend
atory terms of Roosevelt's note of
tho observance of neutrality.
Walla Walla Man Dies of Heart Dis
ease, Following a Spree In La
La Grande, March 14. Russell L.
Williams, of Walla Walla, was found
dead in his bed at Fisher's rooming
house in this city, last night, follow
ing a hard spree.
Williams leaves no family. He
hnil lem drinking heavily for sev
eral days. His body will bo shipped
to Walla Walla.
Secretary of the Fair Association
Visited Pendleton During the Wade
Cattle Sate.
R. H. Cosgrovo, secretary of tho
Spokano Fair Association, was in the
city the guest of Frank Frazler, dur
ing tho Wado cattle sale, and while
hero made many friends among Uma
tilla county stockmen.
Mr. Cosgrovo was formerly In
charge or tho Minnesota State Fair
Association, and has had a number of
years of practical experience in his
business, He gives all his time to
tho Spokano association and says
they aro making arrangements for
ono of tho bostx fairs over held In
the Northwest, this fall.
The association Is especially
strengthening" their sheep and goat
departments, which will bo of spec
ial Interest to Umatilla county sheep
men, and aro going to add to tho
sports, n lady's relay running raco,
of five days' duration, tho distance
to be ridden each day, to bo but four
Marriage License.
A rourrlago llconso was Issued
this morning to Wesley R. Grovor
and Miss Jonnlo Waldon. Tho young
people aro both rosldouts of tho vi
cinity of Myrlo station, whore the
prospective groom Is engaged in
Botkln Trial In Progress.
San Francisco, March 14. After
timnpmenlR the second trial
of Mrs. Cordelia Botkin began this
morning. The task of securing a
Jury is expected to consumo four or
flvo days. The Delaware witnesses
will arrive Wednesday.
Strike at Buda Pest.
Buda Pest, March 14. Eight
thousand tailors and 5,000 metal
workers struck today.
Jewish "Privileges" in Russia.
St. Petersburg, March 14. Tho
commission appointed by tho czar to
investigate tho condition of Russian
Jews and make recommendation aB
to the disposition of the Bcmite pop
ulation of tho empire, will raako the
following suggestions:
It Is deemed inadvisable to extend
the limits of the Jewish palo or to
allow tho Jews of Poland to own
land. They will bo allowed to rent
land, but will bo strictly limited to
a quarter of an aero to each Jew, A
high school will bo established at
Warsaw and Odessa, but tho teach
ing staffs aro to bo entirely Christian.
Sent to the Penitentiary.
Judge Gills has returned from
Heppner, vhere ho held a short ses
sion of tho circuit court. The chief
case tried was or the throe Italians,
Angelo Rosa, Joseph Rose and Basil
Domeneclo, who were accused of
having assaulted and robbed R, Ho
Umatilla, some weeks
ago. The men wero sent to tho pen
itentiary for a year each.
Not one-fourth of the land In Co
lombia is settled or individually
Still Hold Port Arthur.
St. Petersburg, March 14. It Is
officially, announced that the situa
tion' at Port Arthur remains unchang
ed. Tho evacuation report was on
tlrely unfounded.
Built by Jews of New York at a Cost
of $2,250,000.
New York, March 14. An ex
ample of whnt In recent years has
been accomplished In n purely struc
tural and mechanlcnl direction for
tho nllovlation of injury and disease
will bo revealed to thu public tomor
row, when tho magnificent now
rSc Court Sustains th
stltution occupies an entlro block
facing Central Park on the Fifth ave
nue side between Ono Hundred and
Ono Hundred and First streets. It
has been several years In building
nnd tho total cost has exceeded $2.
250,000. Although built wholly from
tho prlvnto contributions of rich Jew
ish residents of tho metropolis tho
hospital will bo open to patients of
all races and creeds.
Aside from Its liberal allowance ot
sunshine nnd air, unusunl for such nn
Institution in a largo city, tho hos
pital's size, considered in tho light of
tho number of the patients who can
be treated within tho wnllB of tho
various buildings, is perhaps its most
striking and interesting feature. No
fewer than 500 patients enn bo
housed In tho various wants at ono
time, which Is moro thnn any other
American hlospltnl erccteo by priv
ate donations will hold,
Murder of
Sentenced for the
Captain Craft.
Ossinnlng, N. Y March 14. Thos.
Tobln, tho murderer of Captain
Craft nt tho Empire hotel In Now
York two years ago, was electrocut
ed this morning nt six. Tohln was
perfectly rool and was pronounced
dead In 30 seconds.
Government in Every Es
sential Contention.
Held That the Merger Was In Viola
tlor of the Anti-Trust Law and 'De
signed to Restrain Trade and Sti
fle Competition Merger Incorpor
ated Nine-Tenths the Stock of the
Northern Pacific and Three-Fourths
That of the Great Northern.
Washington, March 14. Tho su
premo court in tho Northern Securi
ties decision this morning, upholds
tho contention of tho government.
Tho merger Is declared to bo a vio
lation of .ho nntl-trust net. Harlan
rend tho opinion.
"In tho court's opinion," said Har
lan, "tho evidence fully sustnlns tho
ohargo that tho defendants nro prop
erly accused or monopolizing, or at
tempting to monopolize, trndo bo
tween tho stntos.
"Tho Northern Securities was or
ganized as holding aB a corporation
or custodlnn, moro than nlno-tonths
of tho stock of tho Northern Pacific,
nnd throo-quarters ot that of tho
Great Northern. Both lines hnn, as
If by ono ownership, dominated tho
roads for tho oxclusivo benefit of ono
set of stocKholders. It hocamo a
powerful corporation managed so
that competition hetwoon constltu
rnt companies might bo closod, and
profits wero to bo distributed on tho
basis of stock hold by tho Northorn
I "Tho combination In ono In tho
By Comparison With the Dakotas gnn,)0 r u trust. No schemo or do
and California the Advantages Are vlco could moro thoroughly bo a com
ah n h. rih. of Entrn Wash, bliintloii 111 form or ft trust 111 ro-
Htrnlnt of trndo nnd stilling of com
Ington and Easiern Oregon I Ills
Is the Opinion of John E. La Vio-. ..Tn() ,.ontOMton or tho defendants
wns that nn opinion in Its favor
would not bo contrary to tho spirit
i of tho nnti-triuit law. A negatlvo do-
La Vloletto, of Dovlls ,.uloii In tho Joint Trnlllo Association
n urns ii L'uimt at tho ' nnd Trnns-.MIsBOiirl caseB, and otli-
Hotel Pendleton this morning wlillo'o "ru '"'X J," B,,Htuln 11,0 snvcra'
, ,ii ment'H opinion."
ills way iiuiui' mini uu uAitjnu;ii i
John I'
Lake, N
on Ins way homo from
visit In California and through tho
southern part ot this Btnto. Ho loft
today for Colfax, for n sbort visit .Vo. Drunken Indians and "Scrap
with friends buforo ri'tiirnlng homo. pers" Mingle In City Jail.
Mr. !m Vloletto Is ono of tho old j Ton mini faced tho city judgo UiIh
conductors on the Gn-at Northern, morning on various charges. Gcorgo
and has traveled extensively but Jn Jero fZ .ook'oa
claims that tho eastern part of Ore- (H) )art Ah tIloy ,m(l ,10 0XCH0 ror
gon and Washington suit him IxiHt living, ut least In tills part or tho
or any country ho Iiiib yet soon. Ho country, tlioy wore allowed four days
lert Is Angolos a week ngo loday, In tho city jail to find a reason why
and at that tlmo It wk lis degrees In, they Hlioiild get out of tho vicinity,
tho shade. Tho country was dry, Throo Indians had boon drunk and
and In splto of Its being a ploiisuro nro now visiting with tho city for
and health resort, ho was glad to throo uayB each.
start away nnd know that no was
coming to a cooler nnd morn iikiIhi
country. When ho left his homo In
Dakota It was about 20 below, so
thnt ho noticed tho change very pro
William Walter McMunn, a tramp,
plain drunk, Ih tho guest of Marshal
Cnrney for three ilnyB.
C. Finch wub aslgued a coll for
flvo days. Ho, loo, had heon disor
derly nnd fought a cltlzon and ro-
Japanete' Humane Policy.
London, March 14. Tho Standard's
Toklo correspondent says tho kind
treatment of Russian wounded nt
Chemulpo was so appreciated by tho
Russian government it has contribut
ed 2,000 yen to tbo Japaneso Red
Cross, through tho French minister
at Seoul.
Rustan Losses.
Rome, March 14. A St. Peters
burg telegram this morning says tho
Russians lost 90 seamen killed and
49 captured In Thursday's torpedo
boat fight.
Chicago Wheat.
Chicago, March 14. May wheat
opened 95 closed 9C; old July
opened 92, closed 93; new July
opened 91, closed 91. July corn
opened 01, closed 61.
a. i. - Anii rxt Un' nohnnl board Of I
vi inu v . ...
Pendleton, a mass mooting or citi
zens will bo held at tho court house ,
1.a viiirnnan nf talking
lonigui, u i."v j. -- -- ------ -
over the school situation. Tho board
wishes to know tho exact feeling
among patrons or tho pumio acuooid
.! tl, tnvnnvnrn on tho Question Of
building new school rooms, ana to
this end Invites every ono auiuroi.
, . 1. 1 .. Mnniin0 nnri ! n W nfirt
10 ailOnil vlUO Hiviwi..a - .
In tho discussions. 1
Tho school population has increas
ed almost 100 In tho past year, and
tho need lor moro school room is im
perative. Tho board wishes to know
just what will suit tho patrons or
the schools beforo putting the bond
question to a vote. Now Is the time
to kick, and this is the purpose of
tho mooting. Make your wants
known tonight, bo the school board
will be euro what tbo peoplo want,
before making plana to build. I
n.'ikoin. jiavs tbo visitor. Is inado hIbIci! an olucer. Ho had boon In
nn nf ihn r in nil farmer. It has been ono of tho saloons and had had a
sottlod by Immigrants from tho old Httlo dlsputo with Tom Moans. Ho
country, tho Norwegians. Dunes amh loft tho place, and returning through
Swedes and hard working and holier , Did hack door, Bwlped his former an
men from tho Eastern Htates who tngonlHt n hard ono In tho hack of
havo coino there with little or no tho head and was Binltten In tho
money and have mado of Iholr qiiar--oimlenanm with n boor glass. Ho
ter section farmn a broad foundation was thrown out and arrosted. Mar
ror tho prosperity of tho country, 'sh.nl Cnrnny hnd to whip him beforo
In California It is tho opposite, for getting him to tho Jail, and this
thero It takes tho man of money to morning, thinking ho had had noarly
mako his way. Land Ib high, and It
costs to cultivate Living is high,
nnd you havo to live to stay In tho
stato. It Is not tho place for tho
man or Httlo monoy.
Eastern Oregon and Washington,
on thu other hand, offer ovon hotter
Inducements to tho newcomer than
Dakota. Tho cllmato is moro oven,
land is as cheap, and it has moro
advantages In many ways. Iu tho
estimation of Mr. La Violotto this Is
tho country to seek, and tho possi
bilities uro that ho will decido to
como hero and livo Jf ho makes up
his mind to kIvo ud tho railroad for
tbo farm and tho cattle ranch,
Postoffice Expenses.
In a renort submitted to congress
by tho postmaster general, showing
tbo annual rental nald for tho post-
ofllco quartors in Oregon, it is shown
that Baker City is tue ouiy town iu
tim statu which costs tho govern
ment nothing. Tho rental paid in this
city is $1 per year. Other towns
rango from ?4 per year ui juiuuu
to 11.000 a year at Eugeno. Pendle
ton has cost the1 government $240 per
year for sevoral years.
enough, ho wns only fined flvo days.
Rex Jarrott, a familiar ono, wbb
given 10 duyB for vagrancy. Jnrrott's
vocation Is selling whiskey to Indi
ans at which ho Is qulto an adopt,,
being oblo to got moro Indians drunk
In a given tlmo than any man In
town. Thoro Is no government oftl
cer hero to mako arrests, so tho In
dians aro having a flno tlmo and do
not long go thirsty. '
Whllo kneeling In prayer at tho
altar of tho Catholic cathedral In Los
Angeles, Mrs. Elizabeth Qtllotto bad
her pocket picked of $C0O.
Tho year 1904 brings tho 50tu an
niversary of tho first trouty between
Japan and tho United States,
Snow at Chicago.
Chicago, March 14. One of
tho heaviest snowstorms ot
the entlro wlntor has envelop
ed tho city today. Traffic of
all kinds Is greatly Impeded.
Nearly as many men aro em
ployed at keeping tho roots
nnd skylights clear ot snow
as are nt vork on the streets.
Tho Bnow Is extremely damp
and heavy, besides falling In
great quantity and rapidity.