t DAILY EAST OREGON IAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1904. EIGHT PAGES. PAGE FOUR. CRESCENT AND COLUMBIA , BICYCLES $2250 TO $40.00. MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND YO THs' MODELS. IF YOU ARE IN TENDING TO BUY A WHEEL, CALL ND LOOK OVER OUR NEW LINE. EASTER GOODS. CARDS AND BOOKLETS, EASTER CHICKENS AND NOVELTIES, FANCY GLASS EGGS. PLATES AND CANDLE STICKS, ETC. FREDERICK AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER, I'ublUhed etery otiernoon leicept Sunday at I'emlleton. Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Telephone. Main 11. siussciuiTio:.- hates. one year by mall . $.-..oo . 1.23 . .r.o 1.50 Daily, six months by mall Dally, three months by mall . . . Dally, one month by mull ... . Dally, per month by carrlar Weekly, one year by mail Weekly, six months by mall Weekly, four months by mall &tmi-Wefcly. one jear by mall . . ftenil-Weekly, six months by mall .Soml-Weekly. three months by mall "00 i.oo sn The ISast Oreponlan I. on sale at U. H. I of I,riva,e "nPR fr a postoflice ; delays mid setbacks, 'clearly proved' inch's News Stands, at lintel Portland, location. ,llnt It Is no easy task for a large na and Hotel I'ecklns. 1'orth.n.I. Oregon. j ,g Hha h government ! ,l0" h? m".?- , 1 The Russians are said to be three Member Scrlpps JIcltae Nens Assuela-1 ulinps to such on antiquateu ruling. I fur on() -phis is not a correct state- tien. lit is an nlltrairp nn tin, nrni-rnuttlvri i ntnnt It mnnf 1 i-nmnm)Ai.oil fho. San Francisco Ilumni. -40 fourth St Chicago Ilureoo. 00O Security IlulMln; Washlnzton. I P.. Ilurenu. .',oi St., N. W. "'n 'Hntereil at Pendleton KMtoSH-e as second-1 class matter. UNIOMj'iLJGCL " j I have seen a beardless sec ond lieutenant whose only con nection with war has been the clerical part of the com missary department a youth who never heard the ting of a bullet save In target practice completely monopolize the attention of a crowded draw ing room In Washington, while a senator who had Invited po litical destruction rather than yield up his patriotic convic tions, even at the behest of the president, was left to con sole himself with the conven tional dronings of a withered dowager and a group of male bores. Who can explain this unconquerable attraction of the garb of slaughter for the feminine mind and tempera ment? James Creelman. r i HEARST GAINING GROUND. 'The Hearst boom is spreading, like waves from a pebble dropped In to a still pool. It has caused people who had looked upon Hearst as a sort of mon strosity, to Investigate the true char acter and motives of the man. It has caused thinking citizens to icast up his qualifications and his poll cles, and the result Is that he is .rowing in favor. In the first place, a million-dollar fortune did not make a fool nor a knave of W. It. Hearst. "When ho was a boy he sowed wild oats and refused to be confined In schools, where often the education received, narrows, instead of broad ening a man. Instead of Investing in automobiles and yachts, for his own personal pleasure, he Invested his fortune In newspapers and created thousands of the highest salaried po sitions In the world of journalism. He made his business stepping atones Sor others. He made opportunities for thou sands of ambitious, able. Intelligent young men and women to fill active positions In tho world. While he Is making a profit out of Ills Immonso newspaper plants, he Is nlso inciting vigorous young men 'and women to higher thought and :actlvity. by paying tho highest price viver paid In tho worid for brain work. His policy Is to got tho best Tor his readers, no matter what too coat His vigorous policy Is to place cor respondents in tho Hold first, cover tho ground most thoroughly and stay tho longest, to give tho nows de manded by tho public. Editorially, ho has mado a contin uous fight against tho trusts. Ho lias stood iby the peoplo of his city, Ills state and tho notion, against tho unjust encroachments of capital. In 'trenched bohlnd law. He has fought oppression of the BASEBALL. OUR LINE WILL INTER EST ,OU. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED "D. &. M." LINE. FULL GUAR ANTEED. BALLS, GLOVES, MITTS AND BATS. N0LF & CO. aoa 'masses in whatever form It showed ,. , , , ... i , Its head, in society, and this same .vigorous, fearless,, policy would mark j the Hearst administration were lie president of the United States. REMEMBER THE MASSES. The government of the United States established a ruling years ago, which provides that a city Is not entitled to a federal building until two government institutions are lo cated In that city. A postofllce building will not be erected In Pendleton because nature lias placed the mining regions of Eastern Oregon so far from this city that an assay ofllee would not be I 1 .. . . " . . i practical Here, ami ttie city must , , , , , may hide and seek with the owners and the city must people who Invest their money and build up cities, to have the govern- intent deny them public blessings, on I such a flimsy pretext. Pendleton might as well be In the South Sea Islands, as far as receiv ing the direct benefit and vitalizing touch of the government Is concern- ed. Every city, after reaching a j population of 3,m0 people, should j have a federal building, and enjoy the blessings of organized siciety. in , u practical way. . j They are made to feel that the government is better than the people by this cold blooded refusal to place public benefits In their reach. The . people come to look upon the gov- I eniment as something that must be supported by constant and Increasing taxation, yet which cannot be enjoy -B led by the masses. j Before another session of congress closes. Pendleton should have a fed eral building. This constant shift ing and dodging of the people's post office from one temporary room to another, should he stopped by the - erection or a splendid government 9 I building in this city, which wuuld . be a matter of pride and public con- j vonience. Cut down the war and navy bills i and spend a little more of the peo I pie's money among the people. Here is a short sermon from the Wallowa Chieftain which means more to the thinking worklngman than a volume of prosaic doctrine It should be read and remembered "noports from Salem, Pendleton and many other towns in Oregon, are to the effect that a strong sentiment is forming against the permission of open gambling In the state of Ore gon. In nearly every town In Oregon gambling has been winked at and many places It has been made a means of revenue to the city through systematic fines which are equal to a licensing of an unlawful practice. The elimination of public gambling games promises to be brought about In the same manner as habitual in dulgence In strong drink. It will not bo long until a man who engages In either to any extent whatever will bo shut out from the eligible list of employes in any trade or means of livelihood." THE WORST CRIMINAL. "You uro a desperate character, and your absonco from society Is to bo desired. Tho sentence of tho court la that you bo confined in Stato prison for a term of IB years," said Itecortlor Goff In Part I, of tho Court of Renoral Sessions yesterday In TO CURE ANY DISEASE. The Cnu.e Muat he Ilemoved, Sums War With Dandruff. Kill the germ that causes dandruff, falling hair and baldness, you will have no more dandruff, and your hair must grow luxuriantly. Newbro's 'Ilerplcide not only contains the dandruff germ destroyer, but It Is also p. most delight ful hair dressing for regular toilet use. No other hair preparation is on this sclcntino basis of destoylng the dandruff germs. It stops all irritation, keeps tlu scalp sweet, puro and wholesome. Ile member that something (claimed to bo "Just ns good," will not do tho work of genuino Ilerplcide. Sold by leading druggists, Bend 10c. In stamps for sam ple to The llorplclde Co.. Detroit. Mich. F. W. Schmidt, special agent passing sentence upon Annie Myers of No. 1C14 First tivonuo, kuown to1 the police ns "The Woman In Black." ' When she was arrested last month .Mrs. Meyers was charged with be ing a dishonest servnnt, and since her arrest clmrges upon which Ave separate Indictments were made ' against her accumulated ' The prosecution showed that "The i Woman In Black" would obtain em-1 ploymcnt ns a servant and at night open a window or door and admit men, who would rob the house under J her guidance. Then sho would re sign and seek another place. When caught. Mrs. Meyers refused to tell i what had become of the stolen prop- j erty. New York World. i WHAT IT MAY COST. If it took the British Empire, with 3Go,000.(ino people, three years to subdue the SOO.OOO Boers In South ( ' Afrlcn. how long will It take the litis-, ' sian Empire, with only 140,000.000 ,e- snl)(lm, tp A0'mfim I Japanese? j The answer is 378 years. i If 40.000 British soldiers wore killed In three years In the Boor war. how many Russian soldiers i would he killed In 37S years' i.-r with the Japanese?. j The ntiBwer is G.040,000 men. If the cost of the Boer war to . Great Britain was $1,115,000,000. how much would a 37S years' war cost I Russia? I The answer Is $140,490,000,000 The above figures , which any boy or girl in a high school can easily 1 verify, are not to be taken ns pro- j photic. The Russo-Japanese war will probably be n forgotten horror In ' I the twentv-third rontnrv. I ,,, ,., ,,., ,,, ,. . I 1 But the Boer war with Its great ex- nn.i in.- .. nr., ...i.i. i.. Japan is a united nation, while litis- sia Is composed of 3C or more differ-1 ent natioinlities. Every Japan-o Is ready to fight for his countrv. but ' there are many Russian communities that would sooner fight against Rus sia than for her. I For instance, there are C.OOO.000 Jews in Russia. Is it likely that they will be willing to die to save the czar? Are they not to be counted as nn element of weakness and not an j element of strength in the Russian Empire? j There ore 3.000.0ml Finns in the Russian empire. Within the last two years their political liberties have been restricted, and the whole of Finland Is alive with the soirft nt re volt. Is It likely that the Finns will be enthusiastically patriotic during this war? There are 12,000,000 Poles in Russia. It is probable they will be about as loyal to Russia as the Boers are to Great Britain. The Pole may be compelled to carry arms, but no Jine can expect him to fight with vim and enthusiasm tinder the Russian flag. There there is To'stoi. He alone i counts for several millions. He does . not believe in war. He will not fight. even in self-defense. No one can tell how widely his doctrines of non resistance have spread among the Russian peasantry. Herbert Casson, In Chicago American. Dr. J. .Milton Bowers, supposed murderer of three wives and a brother-in-law, Is dead at San Jose, Cal of paralysis. .Many years ago he was sentenced to be hanged, but escaped by a decision on technicali ties by the supremo court GoMen Gate Coffee Do not grind too fine, at pulverized coffee hat an en tirely different flavor from the amc coffee granulated. J. A. FOLGER m CO. San Francisco Importers of Fin Coflm ADAMS DENTAL PARLOR Pendleton, Oregon. Residence and office Despain Block. 'Phone Red 1581. Our specialty Painless Filling and Extracting. D( ( Itlieiimstiirn, Neuralgia, Conttlpatlon VOI' J Dlzilueu. Ciout. Hllloo.rie m ,flci HAVE' suit Nertoui Headtcner Don't iell jour lurnlture or pawn your Jenet ery to buy remedlet for these dliordsrs It Is not uecenary. "Hill's Rheumatic Pills Cost only 2S cents, nnd have cured thousands during the hut hundred years Ms. 0. A. Iliu. Lit summer I a troubled with 1 heiimailsm 10 twdly I was dl-abled from Mork, but 5 at our pills cured me so that I am am as limber as I was at 18 years old. I have been in Uliconiln but two months, and with one and a ball boxei ol ynur pills I have ured three cases. Vourstiuly, 11 I). Sirout. Oreenleaf, Minn At Your Uruggliu CHEMICAL Eeveals That "Pe - Tone up the System, Restore the Func tions and Procure Health." SO SAYS PROF. L. J. MILLER, CHEMIST. I Prof. L. J. Miller, lato Professor of Chemistry and Botany of tho High School of Ypsllanti, Mich., writes from 3327 N. Clark Streot, Chicago, 111,, as follows : "As several of my friends have spoken to mo of the favorable results obtained through tho uso of Pcruna, especially In cases of catarrh, I examined It most thoroughly to learn its contents. "I found it composed of extracts of herbs and barks of most valuable medicinal qualities combined with other ingredients, deltcntoly balanced, calculated to tone Cp the syateoi, restore the functions and procure health. " consider Pcruna one of the most skillfully and scientifically prepared medicines, which the public can use with safety and success. ' ' PR OF. L. J. MILLER. Sunday AT HOTEL BICKERS H. E. BICKERS, Proprietor SPECIAL ATTENTION IS GIVEN IN THE PREPARATION OF OUR SUNDAY DINNERS. EXTRA SERVICE WILL BE GIVEN TO FAMILIES. NOTHING WILL BE "LEFT UNDONE THAT WILL HELP TO MAKE OUR DINNER THE BEST TO BE HAD ANYWHERE FOR TWICE THE MONEY. MEALS 25 CENTS EACH Dinner from '5 to 7:30 p. m. BILL OF SALADS. Shrimp, Mint Dressing Chicken Fricassee HOASTS. Baked Chicken, Cranberry Sauce Beef, Brown Gravy Stowed Com Steamed and Custard Pudding ' SUNDAY, To Yoiit Roof Siclc Hns bad 8pol,s ,l008 117 porlence curing roofs. Suppose you write us for particulars about ELATERITE ROOFING. It will go on over tin, corrugated Iron, shakos, shingles, or any other root ing material. It makes the best roof you ovor saw. It nover wears out. The Elaterite Roofing Co., 10 Worcester Block, Portland, Oregon Always. Rem raxative fit- Ikn t? . . 1 1 M CureC a Cold lit Ono Day, ANALYSIS ru - na is Calculated to Dinner THE t FARE Chow-Chow SOUP. Cream of Chicken PISH. Fried Smelts, Drawn Butter BOILED. Boiled Lee Mutton, Caper Sauce ENTHIES, German Pot Iloast Apple Fritters, Brandy Sauce Leg of Pork, Apple Sauce VEGETABLES. Green Peas Mashed Potatoes. Apple Pie MARCH 13 on every yrTrtrt box. 25c "Builds nn the . m Hon. Josonh H. IUdire.- o ... . ji uwruw uiu-mat Society, writes tho following letter from the vuu iri xioiei, ot, i'aul, Minn. : -- xi is -wun grcai pleasure that I uutau X ITUUK us an honest medi cino, competent to do all it claims. I have iwed it several times and know of nothing that cures so com pletely, and ut the same tlmo builds up the system. " I have rec ommended it to a number of my friends nnd always feci that I do them service for I know how satisfactory w results invariably wo. I only xtQ overy family had a bottle it would ai much sickness and doctor bills." Josed u. juugewuy. 'Tecl ltetter Than for rive leart." Mr. James B. Taylor, Roberts, M writes: "I am at tho present tiaae entire'- well. I can eat anything I ever couM 1 took Ave bottles of Porunn, and tti better now than I have for five TearJ I have doctored with other doctors o' and on for fifteen years, so I can reco J mend your medicine very highly fcj stomach troubles. I take great plvasoiJ in thanking you for your free advid and I'eruua." James Ji. Taylor. "I liujoy my Meals ns 1 TJied to." Mr. J. TV. Pritchard, Wolf Lake. IndJ writes: .... 'I am pleased to say that I have beea cured of catarrh of the stomach bv Pe runa. I could hardly cat anything tint agreeu -witn me. itefore I would pet half through my meal my stomact would 1111 -with pas causing me much distress and unpleasant feelings for sa hour or two niter each meal. Hut thanks to your Penma, I sm now com pletely cured, and can cat anything I want to witnout any of the dlstresslas symptoms. I can now enjoy my mcali as I used to do, and it Is nil due to Dr. Uartman and his wonderful medicine, l'eruna. "It lias been one year since I wu cured, and I am all O. K. yet, so I know I am cured." J. W. Pritchard. Dyspepsia is a very common phue of summer catarrh. A remedy that uVU cure catarrh of ono location will cure It anywhere. Peruna enres cttarrh wher ever located. That it is a prompt md permanent cure for catarrh of the stomach tho above letters testify. If you do not derive prompt and sstij- factory results from the uso of Pertuw, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving i full statement of your case and he will bo pleased to givo yon his valuable id- vico gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columtxu, Ohio. The Columbia. Lodging; House Well ventilated, neat and com- fArtable rooms, good beds, Bar lu connection, where best , goods are served. J Main street, center of block, J between Alta and 'Webli e streets. i F. X. SCHEMPP Proprietor GOOD DRY WOOD All Kinds I have good sound wood .which is delivered at reasonable prices For Cash W. C. MINN1S Leave orders at Neunian's Cigar Store. , . . , , YOU Should have that best of WOOD DRY and FINE, that you will find with i p. p n ni 1 1 Ed M Walter's Flouring Mil's Capacity, ICO barrols a day Flour exchanged for wheat, riuur, ,um reoa, uuui" -etc., always on baud. Dally East OroQonmn only 15 centi week. by iW jSs Joseph Rldgeway