EIGHT PAGES. PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 19M- ABOUT THAT COAT You wear a coat. Why? To keep the cold out? No; to keep the warmth in. What of the body that has no warmth the thin, poor body that lacks the healthy flesh and fat it needs? For such we say that Scott's Emulsion provides the right kind of a coat. Why ? Be cause Scott's Emulsion builds firm, solid flesh and sup plies just enough fat to fill nature's , requirements no more. That means bodily warmth. We'll tend you a fomple free upon request. SCOTT & BOWNK, 40 Purl Street, Xe Yo t GENERAL NEWS. A painting executed In 1SG1 by Van BITCHES KILL FISH JOE HOCH THINKS SCREENS SHOULD BE USED. Fishermen Should Also Be Honest Enough to Restrict the Day's Catch to the Lawful Limit Umatilla County Promises Good Returns to Fishermen This Season Sports men Should Use Judgment In Fish ing and Give Everybody a Chance. Jospoh Huch, one of Pendleton's enthusiastic fishermen, is not in love with the irrigation plants of the conn try when he comes to think of their effect on fish. He claims that the ''Itches are responsible for the death of a great many of the fish of Uma tilla's streams, and Is, therefore, heartily in favor of the putting of fish screens as ordered by the fish warden. I Tht trnllt In rnnltnr m tlm tlltnlme ?yC D,,,ch ar,l3t' rccentl" .set out on the side or lateral ditches mr jo.vuu. amI on ,,own lmtl, the. become The seismograph at Johns Hon- lost and swim out Into the shallow kins university recorded distinct im- water where it spreads over the field. presslons from the Lima, Peru, (The screens will to a certain extent earthquake of March 4. overcome this fault and will be a New gorges of Ice and drift have j good thing for the fishermen of the formed above Wllkesbarre, Pa., since , county. all danger was supposed to be past,' The dams which have been placed and another dangerous flood is imml- in the streams are also detrimental nent. to the fish for they are stopped by Eighteen companies of militia have tncm 'r,,m Going on up the streams been on duty at Springfield, O.. for a to ,I,e spawning grounds, but with week, owing to wholesale threats to I lhe precautious now being taken by clean out the 5,000 colored people in',1,e fisI wardens, the conditions will the city 1 soon he changed so that hut llttl William Grueno. editor of Die damage will be done. Greniboten of Lelpsic. insists that I ;lr Hocl1 agrees with the claim h mnnn.iiri.Uh.Amorir.nn 1 tlmt llle number of any one day's m.n ni,oart nr,rt (r,, .h i.o . c"lcn should be restricted, but he HOTEL ARRIVAL8. Field Marshal Waldersee, insisted upon the Imminence combination. of the same i does not see how the matter will be handled unless It is by the educa tion of the fishermen. If a person wntltK tn nntnli n hrffitr nnniliui. thon Abraham Newman, an old and very ' the ,aw allows ,t Is a har(, mltCT e" lmlnuuraH for anyone to detect him. It Is in his office. The safe, money draw- ,argely a matter of uonMty am, wll, er and the old man's pockets had have to ,,e left to tne lmIlvl(llla, been stripped, yet there Is no evi- fisherman dencc that the old man was mur-, There -aru lmlcatous that the cered- j number of fish this year .will he as Peculiar windowglass in the new ' large, if not largec, than last year, ,orks of the Elgin, III., watch fac-, Tor new stock has been put In the tory, will precipitate a strike of 500 , streams each year, and this trans, experts employes (who claim that It ; planting Is now beginning to show causes headaches and nervousness), truit. Every fisherman in the conn unless It Is replaced with a glass of ty should have a chance for one or a different density and texture. J two good catches during the season. By an arrangement agreed to by j all the great news agencies, all Far, ELECTROCUTION. Eastern war news will be sent east- want across the Pacific, thence End of the Keeper of a Tenderloin across me unuea states anu tne At lantlc to Europe. This gives the United States the first call on pub licity, as the news will be distribut ed at San Francisco. NORTHWEST NEWS. I Cafe in New York. i Ossining, N. Y. March 12. Ar rangements have been concluded at Sing Sing prison for the electrocu tion next week of Thomas Tobln. the New York murderer who came near escaping the death chair by skillfully feigning Insanity. Tnough the exact time for the electrocution The government dredger Chinook has been fitted to burn oil instead of has , been ma(Ie puMc u ,g prob. coal. Mrs. Frank Llewellyn of Albany committed suicide Friday by swal lowing carbolic acid. able that it will take place at an ear ly hour Monday morning. Tobln's, crime attracted wide at' tention because of Its diabolical na- Hotel Pendleton. W. D. Chamberlain, city. II. V. Caruthers, Salt Lake. E. B. Hauser, O. It. & N. J. W. Mayer, Seattle. E. L. Bunce, Spokane. ' J. H. Glide, Sacramento. J. H. Glide, Jr., Sacramento. F. M. Eachern, San Francisco. O. F, Thompson and family, San FraTicIsco. Grant Mays, The Dalles. A. S. Thompson, Echo. H. W. Peel, Spokane. B. H. Cosgrove. Spoknne. W. M. Caruthers, Chattancy, Utah. F. Brown, Uhlan. C. C. Geer, Heppner. A. E. McBreen, Portland. A. H. Cnston, Spokane. C. E. Wilson, San Francisco. George Dove Portland. William Maher, Portland. C. M. Smith, Portland. C. Odls, Spokane. W. D. Marks, Spoknne. ' O. W. Hunt. city. D. E. Sanders, Spokane. D. Ahaban, San Francisco. W. II. A. T. Wallace, Portland. J. It. Smith, Echo. II. Wilkinson, Echo. P. E. Gerould, Portland. C. West, Salem: O. H. Holcomb, Seattle. Hotel St. George. William Dunn, Portland. W. H. Pinmore, Son Francisco. C. E. Cochran, Union. G. W. Itnckmnn. Allck, Ore. Joe Cohen, Seattle. George Gammlc, Union. C. S. Pounley. Union. , J. P. Hayden, Portland. A. D. Austin, Everett. Wash. E. A. Itallendergust. Minneapolis. G. C. Mitchell, North Yakima. M. .McDonald. Walla Walla. A. L. Demons, Walla Walla. .Mrs. Ed Lewis, Colfax. Lucy Hogan, Colfax. A. James and wife. Spokane J. B. Saylor, Echo. C. L. Downer. Spokane. Eliza Kepplnger. Cayuse Robert Dunn. Parker. Wash. S. W. Purdy. Dinner. Idaho. W. H. Morgan. Portland Fred Roth, Portland. C. H. Pohle and wife. Sail Lake D. H. Poole. Boise. A. M. Haradon, Portland. F. H. Scott, Portland. C. J. Goldman, Seattle. N. C. McLvod, Elgin. SILKS THIS WEEK WILL BE ONE OF SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SILKS AT THE FAIR. OUR NEW SILK WAISTINGS HAVE JUST ARRIVED AND DURING OUR OPENING SALE, CONTINUING ALL THIS WEEK, THE FOLLOWING PRICES WILL BE IN EFFECT: 36-Inch black, guaranteed Taffeta $1.50, $1.44 and $1.39 yd 27-Inch black, guaranteed Taffeta .. .00 yd 27-Inch Pongee Silk 55c yd 32-inch Pongee Silk 65c yd RoyaJ Taffeta, black and colors 75c yd Embroidered Silks, 4 yard cuts for waists, per pattern $4.25 Crystal cord wash Silks,, 4-yard cuts, per pattern $1.88 Jap Silk, usually sold for 35c, this week only T , 25c yd FREE RIBBONS WITH EVERY PATTERN OF SILK FOR SHIRT WAISTS, WE WILL GIVE A NECK RIBBON TO MATCH, WORTH TEN PER CENT OF THE VALUE OF THE SILK. THE FHIR W. Z. Kummerns, Pomeroy. W. H. H. Scott, Athena. L. E. Huklll, Starbuck. W. M. Mills, Juniper. J. Brown, city. R. N. Adams, city. N. A. Sillier, Athena. George Chandler and wife, Baker City. C. F. VanOrsdall, Pataha City. Miss VanOrsdall, Patnha City. J. S. Hughes, Quartzburg. James Hall, jancsboro, Tenn. R. M. Hall, Jancsboro, Tenn. 1 Hoie! Bickers. C Davis. Portland J. S. Cunningham. Portland. A. A. Welder. Portland. Dr. M. S. Kern, city F Webber, city. C W. Bigorel. Kansas City H. Drieling and wife. Hopper Neb E. S. Waterman. Walla Walla J. Bnyler. Pilot Rock. More Riots. Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an Individual dis order of the system. Overwork, loss ' of sleep, nervous tension will be fol lowed by utter collapse, unless a re- , liable remedy Is immediately em ployed. There's nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the liver and kid neys as Electric Bitters. It's a won derlul tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run-down systems. It dispels nervousness, rheumntlsm and neural gia and expels malaria germs. Only 50c, and satisfaction guaranteed by Tallman & Co., druggists. Pierce's S ar s ap ariljla The Spring Tonic 1 1 1 1 All persons knowing themselves to be in debted to me will call and settle their their accounts as I need the money. t Mo Good Old Saturday Night. The Peoples Warehouse will sell their 25e Black Lace, 2 pair for 23c, tonight. Tones tip tte system, clean $ ses the liver and kidneys, $ purifys the blood, builds up J and strengthens the nervous I system and imparts new life J Jto the body. The best J 1 I j; remedy made for Catarrh I : Conrad Platzoeder i 1 i Meat Market WOOD FOR SALE I For Sale by I Brock & McComas Go j Druggists I-H -H "H I I I I I I M I I I I U I I I I I I FOR SALE AT THE EAST OnEQOXIAN office Large bundles of newspapers, containing over 100 big papers, can be obtained for 23 cents a bundle. In carload lots. Green cut J black pine. Dry four-foot wood at $4.50 per cord on siding at J Pendleton. Address S. G. BRYSON I No. 1700 W. Railroad St. J The Oregon Dally Journal can be found on sale at Frazier's book, store. H l l I M !'! I I I I' 1H" $ 1 1 TTTT1 Lata "T 'I TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" The old St. Vincent's hospital In ture. The condemned man was man- Portland, ha sbeen refitted as a ho tel, and is now open to the public. Murdock McLoud, a workman at Vancouver, B. C, was instantly kill ed by a fall from a scaffolding Friday. A French bark, Mareschal du Tu renne, left Portland Friday, laden .with wheat for the United Kingdom. Mrs. Mariah W. Ogden, a pioneer of Polk county. Oregon, died at Ulendale. California, Friday, aged 7S years. It cost Portland but $80 to feed the city prisoners during the month of February, 1904; In February. 1903, It cost $180. An epidemic of housebreaking has ager of the Empire Cafe, a notorious gilded resort of the New York ten derloin. His victim was Capt. Craft, a man of means who made his home ak Flushing. Long Island. On the night of the crime Craft drifted Into the Empire and attracted attention by displaying a large roll of bills. Evidence nt the trial showed that Tobln. with the assistance of a wait er, deliberately killed the unfortu nate man for the purpose of robbery. After the crime the murderer hacked the head from the body and was sur prised by the police In the act of at tempting to cremate the remains In the basement furnace under the cafe. His defense was Insanity and so sue- been raging In Portland for the past cessfully did he play the part for a two months, the police seeming un- long time the medical experts were able to check It. puzzled. After being sent to the The lndravelll and the Covering,' a?ylnl Ior ? criminal Insane To- uui Hoe luuKUi uu ma buuiu tiuu iiiu sham discovered. His sentence to death followed. ST. JOE STORE! t t t t J We are now receiving new goods almost daily, and we would call the attention of the public to J J these new arrivals. We respectfully ask that you call and allow us the privilege to show goods. You t will not know what we carry, and the prices we are making, unless you call and examine our stock. J Neither can we sell you unless you visit our place of business. And we claim it will be to our mutual t j interest for you to call and inspect our stock. Our time against yours. What say you? V two O. R. & N. steamers, cleared from Portland Friday for the Orient, with cargoes valued at $347,235.25, Attorney W T. Vaughan of Port laud received 2,500 volts of electrici ty through his body Friday, by -touching his umbrella to a live wire. Correct Clothes for Men trade of old label ME famous house of ALFRED BENJAMIN & CO. was estab lished in New York City in 1875. Then came a new era ,.B.4co. m tne doming -the beginning of the end ready-mades. To-day this pdpenjaminsCo MAKERS .S? NEW YORK identifies the highest grade men's ready-for-service apparel that the world produces. Etiil to fine cuttom-rude in all but price The makers' giurintee, ind oun, with every garment We arc Exclusive Distributors in this city. The Peoples Warehouse The Leading Clothiers PENDLETONi OREGON The Name Witch Hazel. The name Witch Hazel is much abused. E. C. De Witt & Co., Chi cago, are the inventors of the orig inal and only genuine Witch Hazel Salve, A certain cure for cuts, burns, bruises, eczema, tetters, piles, etc. There are many counterfeits of this salve, some of which are dangerous, while they are worthless. In buying Witch Hazel Salve see that the name E. C. De Witt & Co Chicago, Is on the box and a cure Is certain. Sold by Tallman & Co. To all of my Friends and Patrons: I take pleasure in Introducing to my friends, Drs. L. I. and T. H. White, to whom I have sold my den tal business In this city. I thorough ly recommend the Drs. White as first class dentists In every respect, and will esteem It a favor for any of my patients to place their cases in tho hands of the Drs. White. nespectfully, E. A. MANN. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions arc always at work, night and day, cur ing Indigestion, biliousness, constipa tion, sick beadacho and all stomach liver and bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 2Gc st Tallman & Co.'s drug store. Good Old Saturday Night. 10 dozen Ladles' Fancy Belts, taffe ta sill;, Peau do Sole, 59c kind, 2Sc; C5c kind, 32c; 75c kind, 37c; 85c kind, 42c; JLOO kind, 48c; S1.26 kind, 62c. Whore? At the Peoples Ware house, of course! When visiting our store ask to see that beautiful line of Lace Curtains, Portiers, Rugs and Squares. All T new goods, new patterns; and as we intend to make a x specialty of these lines we are more than pleased to I show them and quote prices Once seeing the lines will convince you that our goods and prices are right. We have one lot, 60 pairs, Lace Curtains that are slightly soiled. To close at one-third off. Watch the I corner window. r Remember we have the newest in Ladies' Eton J Suits, Etamine and Ceeillian Skirts, Shirt Waist Wash t Suits, Shirt Waists, and those handsome Gold Tinseled T mil n . . nure xeus an correct laeas. We will also continue the sales on Silk at 39c and 19c; wash goods at 9c. The lots of Skirts and Suits as advertised at opening until closed. We would call special attention to our line of Clothing, Shirts and Furnishings. Our spring lineo are now in and we are showing the lateBt things on the t market at the lowest prices that economy and art can produce. j i Remember that we are the exclusive handlers of the Kuppenljeimer Clothing, sold under guarantee. Your money back if you want it. Notice our clothing and shirt window. We will continue the sale on J those Shoes formerly advertised at 292, 69c and 98c until lots are closed. J t Remember we are closing out our Grocery Stock at 1 marked cost. We have in our employment a competent corps of salespeople, and they respectfully invite their many friends and patrons to call on them. DRY OOODS DEPARTMENT W. A. Crank, J. R. Stott, Miss Mattle R.Good.Miss Freida Krassig. CLOTHING, SHOES AND FURN1SH1NGS-J. E. Rubedeau. S. J. Baum. GROCERIES W. C. Hoseason. k CASHIER Miss Mary F. Lyons. Whittinghill Mercantile Co Successors to LYONS MERCANTILE CO. 126-130 Court Street Pendleton, Oregon it i 'Hi m H--H"H-M--H"r-H-l-0-H"