East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 12, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    l- Milt ftf
Id. be
NO. 4094.
i B m. J mm- A fc Mf8HK ' Tonight ami Sunday light rain I
1 mm0t0M J-V m rtg0tMOfKfm' or snow; warmer tonight. 1
. " " " -
flflf SS OF THE
ome Very Fine, Registered
and Guaranteed Animais
Going Cheap.
b Will Be Dippea m ."..
jnce with Government Law, ana
Will Be Ready for Shipment in
Wout Two Weeks-Finest Collec
lion o, Blooded Herefords and
Shorthorns Ever Gotten Together
.... p... i let of Sales to
Bessie 3. $150, Moore; Mary Dalrym
plo, $175, McDonald; Hlllcrcst Hero,
$1,000, J. H. Glide. Sacramento; Mar
quis, $190, J. H. Hagcr o Heppner;
The Bird, $150, Moore; Verbal, $195,
J. W. Foley.
unrnfnrrts "nrlcht Hone. $305. A.
J. Splawn, North Yakima; Song Bird,
$350, T. Uate; uapnee, sou, j. a.
Wood; Bonnlo Maid, $135, E. E. Bal
Uzoro, Pendleton; uiara nesioa, i&u,
A. J. Splawn.
Hllcrest Hero, the Shorthorn bull
bought "by J. H. Glide of Sacramento,
is a. 4-ycar-old. and one ot tho fin
est In tho West.
Elgltha, bought by Frank Brown
T.ndd for 1275. was formerly
sold "by Urown to Wade for $1,000.
Tho Herefords aro not soiling as
well as was thought would be brought
at tho first of tho sale.
To Report Upon the Guilt of
One-third of the Member
ship of That Body I
.... nf the Wade cattle nt the
nc vx Yard today Is a great Item
of interest to the majority of tho
i. Tho vnrrts nave oeen uiruut-
id an day with crowdB of visitors
tia aie garnered to uo o.c
ud lid on the animals as they are
I inmjit out. TDe saies na.e uu
m to tie expectation oi uo uuti
j iv. .tnct nnd while nrlccs are
tcA Ut were originally given lor
I (Hie tittle, in many caBes it is mi
I i.i... u k Viniwri fnr under nres
i i r, . L VWWU W . .- J .
1 -traditions in the market.
it vesterdav after-
mmi thit Iks herd was afflicted with
the niajt. or scab, and that tho sale
vnnM h hotit nn this morning, but
lie oinien announced when the sale
owned tiit the officer of the govern-
Best buresu of animal Industry had
Inspected the stock and found them
to be Infected In some caBes with
icsb, but that the sale would not be
beld up tr reason of the discovery,
ud that all cattle In the band would
be dipped according to the require
nente of the government before be
in; shipped.
The law requires that all animals
opposed to be affected with the
tangc, or scab, shall be dipped twice
In 1 tirpsprlheit snlntlnn liefnrn helnc
transported on any railroad. It will
take about two weeks for the stock
. io w flipped, and allowed time lor
me vxxm inspection.
The stockmen In attendance are
well pleased with tho no.tlnn nf the
government officers, as they them
selves cannot afford to mingle any
Infected animals with their herds. If
the law had been enforced a couple
of years ago. Oregon stock would
nave been today free from any con
tagious diseases.
It Is the freely expressed opinion
. - . iub saie irom uu
Jiarts of me country, that the hand
now on sale is the best collection of
blooded cattle ever seen In the West
Every one of the original stock has
been bought, regardless of expense,
and represents, therefore, tho best
blood that could be brought together,
fn? ?mU,8 catUe are In tho list,
tl !MCa ves show a eood points
as the old stock.
nnT(hne(.ca"'e wWch have been sold
hp to the time of going to press, aro:
Charles M. Reed Said to be Backing
the Proposition Is Reputed to be
Tlnlrni- HUv Mllrp.h 12. It IS aU-
thorltatlvely stated here that M. O.
Reed, who has ben at the head of tno
Huntlngton-Lowiston Snake river
winri in nnt nlilfi to build the road
and that Charles M. Reed who was
to furnish tho capital is a bankrupt
and therefore is not able to raise me
It is given out that the Erie, the
Pennsylvania and tno O. it. 4i w. are
jointly interested In tho project, and
will endeavor to get any right of
way concessions held by the Reeds.
New Catholic Cathedral.
Syracuse, N. Y., March 12. The
new CathoKc cathedral of the Im
maculate Conception will be dedi
cnterl tnmnrrow with much pomp
and ceromony. The Papal Delegate
Archbishop Falconio, Bishop Burke
of Albany and a number of other
distinguished prelates arrived today
to take part in tne ceremonies.
Sentence Received In Stolid Silenc
Neld5meyer Was Smiling and Con'
temptuous Verdict Meets the Ap
nroval of Practically the Entire
He Has Been Active In Working Up
Evidence In Prior Postal Fraud
Swindles Present Investigation Is
to Determine the Guilt or Inno
cence of Over One Hundred .Sixty
Representatives Who Are Accused
of Various Grafts.
Washlncton. D. C. March 12. Tho
speaker announced the following
committee to Investigate tho Bristow
McCall of Mass., chairman; Hltt of
Illinois; uurton or unio; jueicaii oi
r-i .1. I ' 1 . T 1 frvn.n,.
iaiuurmu, ruiiuuijuaiis. .lcui'i uiuii,
nf Vo lorisw Ttarflett nr Oenrela:
TMnrinrrlenn nf Alnrmmn. flpmnrrats.
None named on the committee are
mentioned in the Bristow report. The
chairman savs he will call a commit
tee meetlnc today to organize to
pursue the inquiry without delay.
Nominations by President.
Tho nrfRldpnt has Kent the follow
tne- nominations to the senate:
Robert M. Richardson, postmaster
at Sacramento: Charles E. Robb, of
Vermont, to be assistant attorney
general. Robb is now assistant at
torney general in the postoffice de
nartment and active In the invest!
gatlon of postal frauds.
Passed Pension Bills.
Tho. hntiKn this mornlne nassed 25C
pension bills, and made Salt Lake a
port or delivery. ,
SiU. I- . ..
wb, in ueiau.
Orceon v,Z T. QQ' 300' Eastcn
Own l?PerlmeDt Statl0; Latenl'
"n, $250, same hnvo,. t.i.
WW J H S-Yak,ma' en Sen
m vbank Queen,
n ML"CD.?a d' Walla Walla; Ro-
Pearl ism u"ae: Crimson
$0 'a ";AP.I; vely Lady.
nubr VXk 8.am.! buyer; Fashion's
la- VIolM n alcwonald, Walla Wal-
Brooker NoriT v.i i 6"1'
t Von Yakima: Son Rnn.
1Mb" CTate 'oro; Moon
nSnnpto Moore- Ech:
ows Lawn .m11 Pa8hlon Mead-
Priment station. a8.ter? 0reEOn Ex
Donald Utiv :. Utenl 2- 235, Mc
ry Dalr, ,20' Jess Moore;
Mary dm M- F- Gone, Pomeroy;
Va"ien, m F2' St. John; Dolly
8toUon gSS? 0reEon Experiment
Vlok? n R8e' 160- C 8.
Of'" to Surrender.
r n M .aered t0 our
ontoe tallan govornr.
ltt hanii0(Jltlon ' not bo-
nhlnon Mnrnli 1". Tim lurv re
turned a 'verdict of. guilty and fixed
th nonnitv nf death for Marx. Van-
Dino and Neldemeycr, the car barn
The defendants received the ver
dict in stolid slienco. Neldemeyer
smiled sarcastically. VanDIne's
mother gasped, but did not faint. Mrs.
Neldemeyer apparently did not real
ize the situation. The lawyers mado
the usual motion for now trial.
The prisoners, surrounded by 20
officers, filed from the room, VanDinc
leading erect and with disdainful
smile on his lips. The Jurors wero
overwhelmed by a vast crowd with
Monte B. Gwlnn of Boise, Enthusias
ts Over Prospects of Stockmen's
Plants, .
iAn. rt nwlnn. Koi'retarv of tho
Idaho Woolgrowors" Association and
a director of tho Independent Pack
ing Company, who visited his brother.
J. H. Gwlnn In thlH city, several
davB this week, sava of tho prospects
ot the Independent Packing Com
pany, to tho Oregon Dally Journal;
"Within CO days wo expect uj ou m
a position to state just what, whero
and when we will bogin operations,"
said Monte II. Gwlnn of Boise, secre
tary of the Idaho Woolgrowers- At-
.nnUHnn nnH linn Of tllO PrOmOlCrS
of tho Independent packing concern.
Mr. Owlnn, nccompanieu ui .
SUsunonberg of Caldwell, a promi
nent banker, arrived in Portland last
night. Ho will bo !u Portland two
or throe days.
Continuing In regard 10 mo pair
ing house. Mr. Gwlnn said:
"Every .ono is busily at work with
his coat off and there is no doubt but
that wo will make the proposition
m Ti,t a snnn nc wo seo where wo
aro and show the people wo can do
tho business, tho money win iu
Tho Independent Packing Company
cannot help but bo a success.
Kansas City Is looked upon as tho
base of operations, and it is pro
sumod that tho Missouri town will
ho tho site of the main packing Plant.
Mr. a winn, in speaking of Portland s
chances of securing one of tho brancii
packing houses, said: ... ,
'Personally, I favor Portland, and
will give It all the support I can, but
Juat what will he dono depends
largely upon circumstances.'
spy, la said to have disclosed to the
Japaneso govornmont, accurate plana
Four Hundred Million Will Be Issued
May 1
Washington, D. C, March 12.
Tho Bureau of Printing and Engrav
ing Is working overtime Just now on
the new stamps to be issued in com'
mpmnratlnn of the Louisiana Pur
chase Exposition. Though the
stamps will not be placed on sale he
fnm Mnv 1 ponsldcrablo time Is re
quired to turn them out as tho total
number will amount to almost 4U0,
rinn nnn.
Tlmsn who have seen advauco
proofs of tho stamps declare them
to be superior from an artistic sianu
,iiit tn nlMipr thn fihlcaco or Buffa
lo exposition Isbugs. The series is
tn tnrliirto a one-cent stamp, with a
portrait of Robert R. Livingston;
Property Damaged, Lives Lost
and Persons Wounded Dur
ing Bombardment.
Russians Burned the Korean Side of
WIJu and Are Evacuating the Place
and Fleeing Northward on Account
of Japanese Advances Northward
Siberian Railway In Bad Shape,
and Famine Threatens In .Some
St Putprshnrir. March 12. Dnrlnc
Thursday's bomuaroment or rori Ar
tlmr snvc .i illsimtrh this afternoon
thn npur town sustained tho createst
damage. A lawyer named Sldorskl,
a woman and several Chinamen
wero killed, and several Chinese
wnnniloil. ripn Stnpsnl and staff
were sprinkled with Bhell splinters,
but received no injury.
A JaD ronclad was struck uy a
Russian shell, and seen to slowly
draw nut of ranee, r.rlnnled.
nnrlnt thn bombardment a sncu
burst eight yards from tho house of
Pnlnnnl llsrnn TTVank. lnturlniT his
wife and decapitating his daughter,
both of whom wero in tne nouse.
Formidable Opposition In Now Jer
sey, His Home State.
Camden. N. J.. March 12. Tho
movement started In this stato to
nrnvnnt thn frlnmla of nx.Prosldcnt
Cleveland from controlling tho Now
Jersey delegation to tno democratic
natlonnl convention will gntnw ncau
way at a dinner to bo given hero to
night nnd which will ho attended by
a number of nutl-Clovoland men
from Washington, Philadelphia and
other cities.
DnnrnEnn tnttvn Pnphrnn nf M1r-
Bourl, who recently made a vehement
nnnrh ncnlnst thn nv-nrnsldont In
tho house has accepted nn invitation
to deliver an nuurcss at tno dinner.
Mr. Cochran, It Is expected, will re
llnrnto thn HnntlmnntR exnres8Cd In
his recent address on tho floor of tho
house, In tho courso of which ho
said that ho would rather voto for
Unnlipn Wnohlllirtnil thntl flir (IrOVCT
Cleveland, and than rather than voto
for Washington ho would go to Jail.
Will Be Expected to Appropriate
70,000,000 Yen.
Toklo. March 12. Owing to tho
unanimity with which all parties
ami classes nro sumiorunc tho gov
eminent In Its conduct of tho wnr
tho nrocram prepared by tho mikado
and his ndvlsors will be carried
thrniipli without a hitch hv tho O.ot
which meets in spocinl session to
It Is not believed tho session will
Inot mnrn thntl tun llavS. TllO Drill
clpal business will bo to mnko tho
necpRsarv arrangements for tho pro
nosed loan of 70.UOU.UUU yen. i no
nmnunt will lw. rntnpil tmrtlv hv In
creaslnlg tho Incomo nnd land taxes.
by Increasing tho duties on spirits
nnd tobacco and by creating certain
new taxes.
Russians on the Run.
Roniil. Marph 12. It Is reported
here that the Russians set fire to
Wl.Tn nn thn Korp.m sldo of the Ya-
lu, and retreated across the river into
Manchuria. A complete Russian evac
uation Is proceeding, duo to tho Jap
anese advances to the northward.
Railroad In Bad Shape.
St. Petersburg, March 12. The
chief Inspector of tho Trans-Siberian
railway reports the lino In bad con
dition. Trackmen aro neglecting
their duties, snow 13 piling and land
slides threaten.
Other reports revert to tho fact
that famine threatens Tomsklklta,
Vervhollckskl and all Intermediate
villages on account of tho stoppage
of ordinary traffic to allow the trans
portation of troops. Food at theso
places has reached prohibitive prices.
Fleet Disappeared.
London, March 12. A Port Arthur
Central News wire last evening
states that tho Japaneso squadron,
which disappeared after tho bom
bardment .and torpedo fight of tho
10th, had not yet returned yestor-
,1nv mnrnlnir Thn RllBHlan SQUadron
portrait of Robert H. Livinpion - - returnInf, , tho
two-cent, wan a poiara... ui e - . . Bchtni, tho
Inffnrsnnr throe-Cent. with a POr
trait of James Monroe; five-cent,
with a portrait of William McKln
ley. and ten-cent, with small map
outlining the territory Of the Ixnils-
lana Purchase.
Vast Areas Inundated by California
High Water.
Stockton. Cal.. March 12. An aged
white man nnd two Japaneso aro
known to have been drowned Friday
In tho storm flooded district.
Tho galo raised Immense waves
on tho 50,000 acres of inundated re
clamation, which is completely sub
merged. Tho coroner left In a
launch for tho flooded country to
day. Many rescue parties are out in
boats and will not return before
Terrific Prairie Fires.
Ft. Worth, Texas, March 12.-Ter
rltfic pralrlo fires aro raging In the
Indian Territory, north of Vlnlta.
Tho country is completely swept of
farm houses and barns. Loss Is
Murder and Suicide.
Now York, March 12. Lizzie Oray
was. found dead In bod this morning
with her skull crushed. Robert J.
Gray, her husband, was asphyxiated.
Tho police believo it was murder and
Chicago Grain.
Chicago. March 12. May wheat
opened 90, closed 9C; old July
opened 91, closed 93; new opened
90, closed 91. July corn opened
61, closed Cl.
Profits Falling Off.
Now York, March 12. A reduction
of profits of nearly CC per cent la
shown In tho annual statement of the
United States Steel Corporation,
which waB made public today.
Oklahoma Fire.
Frederick, Okla.. March 12.-
rtf P hST Md DalnV teen buWss houses burned ,ast
afternoon without sighting tho cue
Deporting Japanese.
St. Petersburg, March 12. All the
Jap residents along tho Trans-Siberian
railroad, and thoso living at Blag
ovenstchensk, have been removed to
Irkutsk, as tho authorities fear they
might injure tho railway.
Jap Soldiers Going North.
Seoul, March 12. Tho city Is al
most deserted by tho Japanese sol
diers, who bavo gone north. Tho
streets are patrolled by Korean sol
diers, while tho foreign legations
continue to be guarded by marines.
Tho funeral of tho lato dowager
empress will take placo Monday.
American Minister Allen has gono
to China on a Japaneso transport.
Russian Rejoinder.
St. Petersburg, March 12. The offi
cial rejoinder is made to the Japan
ese disclaimer of a violation of Kore
an neutrality. It says the latter ar
gument Is valueless, as Korea in
January promulgated her neutrality
In thn nnvnra thnrpfnrfi. no state of
war can give the Japaneso the rigbt
to violate tier neutrality.
Japan's contention of self-defense
In her attack on the Russian ships at
Chemulpo Feb. 9 . false, because of
Korea's neutrality proclamation,
Tannn'a tAnlnl nf Intprfproncn With
I Russian telegrams over the Danish
cable is termed raise, ana an instance
cited wherein Boron de Rosen at To
klo, did not receive a message for
three days. (
8uit for Divorce.
A suit tor dlroroe was filed this
morning In tho office of the county
cierK by liarney v. ttnerry against
his wife, Laura B. Sherry. Toe
plaintiff alleges that he and the de-
who falls at everything else marries Id
Last Seen Off tho Newfoundland
Banks, With Heavy Fogs Prevail
Inn It is Probable She Went Down
In Collision With Fishing Boat or
Ex-Attorney-General Insisted
That There is No Bitterness
in His War on Smoot,
Crltchlow Thinks Unlawful Cohabita
tion Is Worse Than Legalized Po
Igamy, But It It Not So Regarded
by Antl.Mormon Legislation His
Only Opposition to Smoot Arose
From the Latter's Subserviency to
His Church.
Halifax, March 32. It Is generally
believed the steamer Propatrln, from
St. Plerro to Martinique, has gono
A few weeks ago tho steumor
struck bottom. Tomorary repairs
wero made, but probably not sum
clpnl. to stand un Ico Jnm.
Tho Ponatrla had, besides her
crow, CO passengers, many of them
wealthy Parisians going home. 'I no
captain and crow of tho French ca
bio steamer Pouvler Qunrtlor, weru
also aboard.
A Gloucester fishing schoonor, Tho
Hack Bay Bosun, 0C0 tons, was last
sighted nearly on tho southern Liver
pool route tho day before tho Pro
patrla was last scon, and llko tho
latter has not slnco boon Been. Ex
perienced coast and banks navigators
lncllno to tho belief that thoro has
been a.dlsaHtrouH collision In tho
fogs, or that both havo been
down by tho samo Ico field.
Washington, March 12. Br. Mary
Walker waR first to reach tho sonato
commlttco room this morning to hear
tho testimony In tho Smoot caso.
Vnncot for tho dofunso, resuming tho
examination, of ex-Attorney Gouoral
Crltchlow, asked whether ho oxpoct
cd to recolvo pay for his sorvlcos In
preparing a caso against Smoot, and
received a nogntlvo roply.
Mr. Crltchlow added ho did not bo
llovo It was fair to say his opposition
to tlio Mormon cnurcn nan uio bubhi
est bltternosB In IL Ho admitted ho
know of no general conditions oxlst-
lug In Utah today not iuuy uiscioseu
to congress prior to tho passngo of
tho act admitting Utnh as a stato.
Examined as to which ho held to
bo tho moro serious offonso, Utah
polgamy or unlawful cohabitation,
Crltchlow gave tho opinion that
among pooplo generally unlnwful co.
habitation was moro serious. It was
shown, bowovcr, thnt In all laws
paHsed In Utah polygamy was tho
moro soveroly punished.
DlHcusBlng Smoot's candidacy for
the Bennto ho said ho himself was n
member of tho convention that choso
Smoot nnd movod iib a rnnttor of
courtesy to mnkn tho nomination.
unaiilniouB after having fought It.
Admitted tunt If Smoot wero a non
Mormon, or thought a member of tho
church, if ho wero not at ono with
ItH general authorities, ho would
bo thoroughly accoptahlo to tho wit
ness an a senator.
Ah to tho cm trol of my church
over Srnoot'H actions, Smoot, bolng a
member of thu highest council, would
bo so Imbued with a doslro for bar
mony that If It decided to do cortnln
things ho would havo to do It or got
out of tin. npofltlnato. Tho witness
declared thero wub a resorvo forco
maintained by the church, which
would uitnblu It to affect political
olectlous as It pleased.
Senator Clark Recovering.
New Yorak, March 12. Convales
cent from a recent oporation, Sena
tor Clark of Montana, returned today
from Bermuda on tho Bteamer Trinidad.
Land Is Being Plowed and Experts
Will Plant First Seed.
Echo Is going to glvo tho sugar
beet a thorough tost this year, Tho
sugar company Is now preparing
land on tho farms of C. It. Lislo, 8.
I, LIbIo and O. D. Toel, for experi
mental crops and will uso every ef
fort to try tho plants on the dlfforont
kinds of soli in that vicinity.
Tho recent storms havo some
what hindered the work of prepara
tion, but plowing Is now being dono,
nnri w. R nramwnll. field sunerinten
dent of the sugar company will sup
erintend the planting when tho time
comes, and tho crop will bo .watched
nnd cultivated in the most scrupu
lously careful manner, in order to o
curo tho best results from the oxper
Prominent La Grande Woman.
La Grando, March 12. Mrs. N. IC.
West, wlfo of Lii Grande's binding
merchant, died after, a lingering III
nosB, at 0 o'clock last night. Hho
was a natlvo of Snlom, and canio to
this city four yearn ,ugo.
How Radium Is Secured.
Tho news comes from Paris that
the operation of extracting radium
mm tho ores has been considerably
fondant were married on June 3, 1897, shortened. The preliminary process,
... .. - . . f I If. I . . , I. ma.Alnl in Ri
fn .i.ia .Hv atnti n DocrT. on o n Tin ntiufni-i rMiui un i .1 ii luam iw. w
IU I i RUU CMIUW (,M - '
.. I . J I ...... f . I tIT
human treatment as tne cause oi i ooruturjr uuura-iuu",
the action. His attorney is Dan P,
ono month, whereas It has previous
ly taken three months. It Is estimat
ed that up to tho present about iw
ItJU Ui U,' VV " ---tons
of ore have been used to pro
a - Ann flf.Vi nf on mmpK nf
uce about one-fifth of an ounco of
State Commission Gradually Remov.
Ing the Old Tangles.
Tho" mornhers of thu stuto board of
Irrigation continued tholr labors yes
terday, Bays tho DoIko Btatosman.
ItoportB from tho various soctlons
show nu Increasing tendoncy among
water users to tako full advantage ot
tho law In roapoct to tho distribu
tion of water and a clearer under
standing of tho provisions of tho
In connection with present litiga
tion It should bo romomhorod that
tho litigation over wator rights now
going on In different parts of tho
stato Is not by any means caused by
tho operat'on of tho present law but
Is tho rosult of complications arising
from long yenrs of a luck nf a sys
tem of ascertaining urid recording
wator rights.
In fact, much or thu friction, so far
arising In Iho operation of tho law
bus been, tho commissioners havo
found, lu tho coustructlon and appli
cation of uecroes of tho courts which.
In TTiiinv pases havo bocu vaguo and
Bomotlmcs conflicting. Theso mat
ters however, aro being gradna..y
straightened out.
The "Green-Eyed Monster.
Buda Pest, March 12.
Count Csaky, rotated to Kubo
Ilk, tho violinist, by marriage,
and who is secretary to tho
Bulgarian minister of the In
terior, shot bis wlfo and a
commercial traveler Friday
evening. Both wero injured
and aro In a serious condition.
They deny being acquainted
with each other.
" 7