Special bale Suits Lly JC-X" opeciai Friday and Saturday. $10.00 TAILOR MADE SUITS $ 80 $12 00 TAILOR MADE SUITS $9.60 $,.0O TAILOR MADE SUITS $12.00 $18.00 TAILOR MADE SUITS $14.40 ..,nr ADC CtllTC &1B.00 t ... . . n f 1 1 i-rc 17 fin inc clllTfi 20.00 $30.00 TAILOR Muc ouno FAME HAND MADEHZ5ffe U ft V CLEAR HAVANA!Hggj-l A STANDARD FOR QUALITY. BSfiEfejS? CLEANLINESS AND WORKMANSHIP. SKlSr Itayoucall for a TRIUMPH.! C VNN &C0.7K7 6tTIT.Dont accept a substitute. 1 1 makers. PLUMBING and SEWER WORK I HAVE A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST CLASS WORKMEN; ALSO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ES TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED. T. C. TAYLOR "THE HARDWARE MAN.' 741 MAIN ST. Originality and Distinction Are always noticeable In tho styles and makes of our furniture. The originality U found in the style and the distinction in the man ner and finish of the workmanship. Both are evidence of a most exclusive class of furniture, suggestive of unequaled excellency. We bought the new Ideas In furniture of 1901 patterns, and they are ready for your Inspection. Our stock of carpets wins the admiration of all. BAKER & FOLSOM Farnftqre and Carpets The Colombia Lodging House H"M"W-"H"H'H nun m m if Pierce's Weil muuted, neat and com fortable rooms, good beds. Bar to connection. where t00is are served. treeuT nd Webb F X. SCHEMPP popttetor S a r s a p a r UIa T it The Spring Tonic is ru Dar Lice fflUer Tones up tte system, clean ses the liver and kidneys, purifys the blood, builds up and strengthens the nervous Z t system and imparts new life io me uouy. xnc uwt remedy made for Catarrh For Sale by Brock & McOomas Go Druggists 1 1 HA 1 1 i 15 wl "'"Bonun hy carrier, Walter's Flouring Mills Capacity, 150 barrels a day. Plour exchanged for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc., always on hand. The East Oregonlan l Eastern Or egon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate It and how It by their liberal patronage. It the advertising medium of this section. ICE CHEW SUPPLY PENDLETON CAN MAKE 400 GALLONS PER DAY. Largest Plant In the State Outside of Portland, Located In This City, With Capacity of 200 Gallons of Ice Cream Daily Supply of Cream Will Probably Come From Walla Walla North Powder a Bidder for Pendleton Trade. Pendleton has facilities tor mak ing about 400 gallons of ice cream per day, and as the ice cream sea son is approaching, the confectioners are preparing for the supply of cream for this enormous output. Heretofore the cream used in Pen dleton has come from Walla Walla, but the grocers and confectioners had hoped to be able to purchase their supply this year from a homo creamery. Owing to the great demands upon the Walla Walla creamery, and the widening territory supplied by It, It is doubtful If it can supply all its customers promptly, and as the sup ply of ice cream needed this year, will be larger than ever before, the confectioners are wondering where the cream will come from. One ice cream plant, in this city, is prepared to make 200 gallons of ice cream per day, the largest single plant of that kind In the state, out side of Portland, while there are several others of a large capacity. Some of the ice cream parlors In the city ship in the manufactured ice cream, but most of them manufac ture it at home. Among the bidders for supplying cream to Pendleton confectioners Is North Powder from where several letters have been received recently, soliciting business here. Owing to the distance and the ir regularity of the trains, it is not thought that this creamery will fur nish much of the supply, and it is likely that Walla Walla and Spokane will be the principal supply points, as in the past, with occasional orders from local dairymen and nearby points. Pendleton will supply all the near by towns with Ice cream, this sea son, arrangements now being made to ship a daily supply from here. WOMEN HAVE SECRETS. Thirty Confidential Clerks In Pendle. ton Who Could Upset the Business World of the City . In Pendleton are about 30 young women clerks, cashiers, and confi dential secretaries, connected with every one of the largest business es tablishments, who keep priceless sec rets, day in and day out, without so much as whispering them to their bosom friends. Not an important business is con ducted in the city, that has not in its employe, in some capacity, a woman cashier, clerk, stenographer, or con fidential secretary, who knows the inside facts of the business. Lawyers, merchants, banks, doc tors, and in fact almost every im portant business in the city trusts Its valuable secrets to a bright, In telligent young woman, who must know all the inside details of the business to be able to conduct her part of it. The old saw about woman's in ability to keep a secret is completely overthrown, day by day In this and every other city. In tho competent active service of the young women who occupy positions of the highest trust. If one of these young women should tell any part of the great bus iness secrets she posses, it would up set and demoralize tho business she represents. She carries priceless In formation in her breast, which many a competitor would be glad to know. NEW SAFE DOOR NEEDED. Door of O. R. & N. Safe at Weston Twisted by Dynamite. Weston, March 11. A new safe door will be necessary for the O. It. & N. office safe In this city, owing to the wreck of tho safe by the safe blowers Wednesday morning. The safe was not damaged aside from twisting the door out of shape. A machinist from Walla Walla work ed most of the day yesterday in re moving the old door. No trace of the burglars baa yet been found. There have been no suspicious characters here recently. i TURNKEY STILL MISSING. Frank Sayera of Walla Walla, Has a Reputation for Leaving His Family. Walla Walla, March 11. No trace has yet been found of Frank uayers, tho turnkey missing from the peni tentiary. It is now reported that Bayers once left his family, In this way, while residing In Dayton, and his friends think be will return In a short time. HoWb ThlsT We offer One Hundred Dollar Keward for any cue of catarrh that can Dot be cured bj liall'o Catarrh Care. l J. CHENi:jf It CO., Toledo, O. We, tbe undersized, have known V. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all bualneM transactions and financially able to carry out anv obligations made by tbelr arm. WKST & T1CUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo O WALUiNCI, KINNAN 4 MARVIN, Whole Bale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfmes of tbe system. Testimonials sent free. I'rlce 75c per bottle. Bold by all druggists, Hall's Family rills are the best. Burnslde street bridge. In Portlands la to be renairod at once, to tho amount of $15,000, Miss Agnes Miller, of Chicago, speaks to young women about clangers of the Menstrual Period how to avoid pain and suffering and remove the cause by using Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound "To Young Women: I suffered for six years with dysmenor rhea (painful periods), so much so that I dreaded every month, ns I know it meant threo or four days of intense pain. Tho doctor said this was duo to an inflamed condition of tho uterino opicndnges caused by repeated and neglected colds. "If youns girls only realized how dangerous it is to tako cold at this critical time, much suffering would bo spared thorn. Thank God for Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, that was tho only meuicine wnicu noipcu mo any. y lium inreo wcoks nitur i siancti to tako it, I noticed a marked improvement in my general health, and at ii- i : .' c L n. i -j it.. i . .1 .,1 i . ; .1 . . uiu iuuu ui my nu.vi. mummy punuu uiu pum niui uimmisiieii euiimucr ably. I kept up tho treatment, and was cured a . month later. I am liko another person since. I am in perfect health, my eyes oro brighter, I havo added 12 pounds to my weight, my color ia good, and I feel light and happy." Miss Agnes Miller, 25 Potomac Ave., Chicago, 111. The monthly sickness reflects the condition of n woman's health. Anything unusual nt that tiiuo should have prompt and proper attention. Fifty thousand letters from women prove that Xiyula E. Plnkham's vefrctnhle Compound regulates men' Struation and makes those periods painless. BEAD WHAT MISS IENDBECK SAYS: "Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam: Lydia E. Pink' ham's Vcgctahlo Compound has greatly bene fitted mo. I will tell you how I suffered. My trouble was painful menstruation. I felt as each month went by that I was getting worso. I had severe bearing-down pains m my back and abdo men. "A friend advised mo to try Mrs. Pinkham's medicine. I did so and am now freo from all pain during my periods." Jessie C. Lindbeck, iuui oui atreot, JiocKioru, ju. FKEE ADVICE TO WOMEN. Itcmcmhcr, every womiin n cordlnlly invited to write to airs. I'lnlcliimi if there is anythlntr about her symptoms she docs not understand. Mrs. Plnkham's address is Lynn, Mass., her advice Is free and cheerfully given to every ail ing woman ivho asks for it. Her advice has restored to health more than one hundred thousand women. Why don't you try It, my sick sisters? FORFEIT If we cannot forthwith rrodnce tho oriirlnul lottarsand slrnatarstaf abort teiuisonUlj, which will prove taftlr absolute RenulnrnMi. ijui s. x-iuitnun unuiciu Co., ijna, 1311 M 'tmim $5000 AUCTION SALE FAMOUS Wade Herd of Prize -Winning Shorthorns &Herefords Will be sold at Public Auction in Pendleton, on Saturday, March 12, by W. T. Rigby i ADAMS DENTAL PARLOR Pendleton, Oregon. Residence and office Despain Block. Phone Red 1581. Our specialty Painless Filling and Extracting. WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME, I manufacture every style on any mounting and carry a complete Block of Pads, Inks, Racks, Daters, Kubber Type, etc. bEALS, STEfJCILS, Trade Checks, Door Plates. Write mo what you want. I can please you by return mall. WESLEY ANDREWS, Baker City, Or. A GROUP OF BEAUTIES. Tho showing of ladles' watches ia moro than usuully Interesting. Wo havo added a largo number of now designs and now styles to our al rcady largo assortment, Whero there Is bo much beauty and morlt a choice may bo difficult, but prices will help to a selection. LADIES' WATCHES from $5 up. Warranted movement In reliablo 3 year case, $15.00. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician Postofflce Block, A DELAYS ARE DANQEROU8. As a slight break may end in a groat catastrophe Hotter send your vehi cles to Ncaglo llros. and havo noccs Bary repairs m do as eoon as thoy aro apparent. Our prices aro roa sonablo and low and our workmen ship flrst-clnBs In all rospocts, and small repairs aro Just as cheerfully looked nftcr ob comploto ronovatlon. Winona wagons and bugglos are the best. Wo soil them. NEAGLE BROS., THE BLACKSMITHS Huvcr Qsiollne Knglncs Sate and reliable PAINT PAINT PAINT Tho season for brushing up and putting a now attlro on your buildings is nt hand. Wo want to flguro on your Indoor and outdoor painting 11ml your paper hanging. If you nro going to do your own pnlntlng, lot- ua supply you with tho material. Wo soil uxcluslvoly in Pen dleton tho Bhcrwln-WIUIanis Pnlnt. E. J. MURPHY Court St. McMinn's School of Dancing Monday, class nloht. Thurs day and Saturday, classes from 7 to 0 o'clock. Socials from 9 to 12. Children's Matinee, Saturday, 2:30. COAL Let us fill your bin with .... ROCK SPRING COAL Recognized as the best and most e onomical fuel. We are prepared to con- , tract with you for your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. Main Street Near Depot'