East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 11, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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jBm 1 '.m "V I
Tonight and Saturday prolm
lily fnlr; frcozlng temperature
tonight; warmer Saturday.
vdl. 17.
NO. 41)93.
One Hundred and Five Head
of Splendid Blooded Short
horns and Herefords.
The List of Registered Animals In
cludes Some of the Finest Cattle
In the Entire Northwest Among
the Buyers Arr Monled Men and
Representatives of Other Capital
ists Col. Weed of Nebraska Will
Conduct the Entire Sale.
A large number of prominent
stockmen of the Northwest are in
the city today, having come to at
tsid the sale of the Wade cattle,
hlch will be held tomorrow morn
bg at 9 o'clock.
There are 105 head of blooded
Elortloms and Herefords In
Sawmill in the Edge of the
Burns at Loss of $7,000.
Lewlston, March 11. Small
Emery's sawmill, tho largest mill In
this vicinity was destroyed by fire
last night, loss about $7,000,
It had a dally capacity of 40,000
feet and had planned a long run for
this season. One million feet of
lumber piled In the yards was saved
The plant will be rebuilt at once.
Lewlston Man Drowned.
Kendrlck, Idaho, March 11. Harry
Roberts of Lewlston, was swept from
his horse and drowned today, while
attempting to ford Bear creek, three
miles from here. The body has not
been found. His horse and saddle
were recovered where they had
washed ashore on a small Island In
the stream. Ho was on his way to
Lewlston to be tried on a charge of
Car Ferry Burned.
Conneaut, O., March 11. The car
ferry at Shenango burned to the wa
ter's edge off tho harbor this morn
ing. Four men perished and the
head engineer was fatally burned.
Car Earners' Trial.
Chicago, March 11. After a G4-
days' trial, the car earner's case
went to the jury at 12:30 today. The
court's charge was unfavorable to
the defense.
bud which will be offered lor sale
tancrrow, and while all are regis tor.
4,soneof them are also well known
5e winners.
The nlue of the band as estimated
Ij tie owners, Is $30,000; but
whcfcei the sale will bring this sum
u t Eitter of doubt. The date is
firlj, tzd tho demand seems to ho
doll. Tie conditions aro such that
ftliiini to sell stock of any kind,
tud people are not so anxious to in
rest large sums of money In blooded
a tie is they were a couple of
rears ago. Still, the prospects are
tit t fair price will be realized, and
the famous members of the band
mar so for what they are worth.
List of Splendid Animals.
Listed in the hand are Hillcrest
Hero, a $2,200 Shorthorn bull, which
Ms taken prizes all over the coun
nr. Elgitha 25, a $1,000 sweep
Jtakes cow English Lady, a $1,200
tot-prize cow Bright Hope, one of
me Northwest nrlio-n-inniT, ,!
c - - - ........ uvticia,
Sonc Bird, another well-known heifer.
W Hex, a young bull which has
bEL"".? pIlzes ln tne Astern
lwL reh 0n 12' a first-prize
"henh? bnUWch brought $900
from tVS ju3t oW enouGh to toko
manride,ot hls "other, n
i.T. .vAWoo- of Lincoln. Neb..
of he sairr?nd wl" have
2e authoring0 lonel Woods ls of
makes it J t ? blooded stck.
e saie all nD7. to conduct cat"
From This 1' ,T Un,,ed stales-
Large Number of Bidders.
.There will he . In
""aers attend the sX e vl
many now belnJ 1 fhi utomorrow'
bon are A N r,ntCit7' amonE
L. Patterson .h 'r1 of Sacm-
N. HutchS th PortIand; Dr. E.
Inspector of pAtho foment stock
the edltorof0: D- Wlsuom.
of Salem- Lt?ePaclflc Homestead
A. J.
SwlMhome R n H.Dty NoIantl
e of ArS.',0?:M. E. Shur-
err: II v d ' , r Go8e of pom
?n of ?et SDOkae; Frank
land. ",uu ranch at Port
..Besides th-
cComas. v7tL. V, " E. W,
brothers ;nrtcrce Prank Cu-'
dlernn aid many nth..- tw
Mimals. W sccure some of the
8a' at Other Dl-
..'t Bozorth f .I. "
""a, reachod k , cino Home
S?n the Tn C"S th,s moralfK
""a catties6 SL the Walltt
0,6 ea'P of blcS .J16, rePrt8 that
well ai(d "took at Spokane
Id' Owing Tu;handa the catUe
of the 1? trains
rcach the , OMycn did
VNff untu or
Tae Walla . boon aW
S?i T1e Hudson r?'68 were nt bo
to W. S. oaeSluS Bay 0111110 owed
Will Give No Quarter.
Berlin, March 11. German troops
the In Southwest Africa are ordered not
to give pardon and take no prisoners.
but to shoot rebel Herreros indls
Accused of Squeezing Ap
pointee and Leasing Build
ing to Government.
Explained That Beavers Worked, the
Members to Work the Government
Expert Testimony Relating to
the Canal: Work Will Begin in a
Few Months and Over Thirty
Thousand Men Will Be Employed
Mormon for Assayer at Boise.
Precipitated Another Great
Naval Battle, Which
Now Raging.
Cable Steamer Wrecked.
Guam, March 11. The cable steam
er Scotia went ashore on Spanish
Rocks and probably will be a total
Pendleton Invited to Apply for Space
at the Lewis and Clark Fair Di
rector Wishes Early Replies in Or
der to Compute the Space Needed
Oregon County Eepected to make
- Strong Exhibit.
'ugpector rnrti.o r "uu lne
w'S.to be UpSd 10 allw the
j-;-" unui such a ti "u"Qrew hi8
J'e "PPed them inrt f he Bhou'd
SSlV'&ni i'..F of La
--'lerefords . and " 1118 cattlo
:I8e0f $ioo' 2d were sold at an
ooueht ona Kth.ra! GeorEO
r for 3on Jun and two
pnce of the sale. ' tho heliosl
Hi... .
till on T1 Dora "trlko at rm... .
Mto i u $ natonal offlcer t itio 18
cu,t;. to kane lo1SJ'",SMS.?
Washlngton, March 11. Formal In
vestigation of the charges against
Senator Dietrich of Nebraska, who
used his official position to his per
sonal and financial advantage, in the
appointment of postmaster at Hast
ings and leasing his own building
there for postofUco purposes began,
before the sub-committee of the sen
ate judiciary committee this morn
Beavers Worked the Graft.
The galleries of the house were
filled with an expectant public today
when discussion of the Brlstow re
port was resumed. Cowherd of Mis
souri, defended the action of the
committee in bringing the Brlstow
report before the house, and declared
that members of congress were not
responsible for the Increased allow
ance which is now denounced as ir
regular. It was Beaver's work; he
knew he was violating the law, tho
members did not know It.
Canal Affairs.
Bear Admiral Walker and General
Dals, of the Panama canal commls
Ion, gave interesting testimony to
day before tho houso committee on'
interstate foreign commerce, consid
ering the Lovering bill providing for
a temporary government zone of
land to be controlled by the United
States during tho construction of the
Walker approved the bill, then out
lined some plans for the government
In connection with carrying on the
work. He thought tho title would bo
rl"-i( in iwo or three months, and
Over 1,000 letters wcro mailed at actual work then begun, most of
Portland, yesterday, by H. E. Dosch, I which will be excavating,
director of. exhibits of the Lewis and In full swing there will he thirty
Clark fair, to the manufacturers and or forty thousand laborers employed,
producers of the Northwest, inviting The population on the strip is now
them to take space at the fair and 25,000, and will he increased to fifty
make an exhibit.
Among the prominent institutions
ln that list addressed, by Mr. Dosch,
is the Pendleton Woolen Mills, tho
Pendleton Ico and Cold Storage com
pany, Pendleton cigar manufactur
ers, Pendleton photographers and
other producers of any useful or ar
tistic article. ,
In addition to this tho millers,
farmers, stockmeu, and every other
person Interested In producing any
thing, in the way of industrial or
manufactured commodities have been
These people will be asked to file
an application for flour space, as
early as possible, so they may securo
a good location.
Every imaginable Industry in tho
Northwest will bo urged to exhibit
its wares at tho fair and ln order
that all may bo in readiness, at the
opening. It is necessary to begin to
prepare and lay plans for tne exni
bit now.
Each senarate Industry in tho
"Orecon 'country" will be given es
necial nromlnence. In order to fully
carry out the spirit and meaning of
tho fair In advertising me resources
of this region.
Mr. Dosch, who has complete con
trol of the exhibits, desires as
nromnt answers as possible from all
who intend to use space, as ne win
then be abln to apportion his space,
as well as is consistent wun tne
number of exhibitors and tho extent
of the exhibits.
Great Activity Along the Line of the
Siberian Railway Reported the
Russians Will Abandon the Mouth
of the Yalu, and That They Are
Already Leaving Russians De
stroying Property In Their Flight
Pro-Russian Sentiment In Prague,
Austria. '
Iondon, March 11. A Cheo Foo
dispatch reports tho progress of an
other naval battle at Port Arthur today.
Russian destroyers and torpedo
boats made a sortie from tho harbor
and attacked tho Japancso fleet. A
terrific encounter followed, In which
It Is reported a Russian destroyer
and a Japanese torpedo boat wcrp
sunk with all on board.
A Tien Tsln dispatch states that
Chinese refugees arrived, roport they
saw tho Russian army retreating,
burning villages as they go.
Russian Movements in Siberia.
London, .March 11. A Central
News correspondent en route for
Port .Arthur telegraphs from Varksy
hneudlcak, Siberia, ho has seen little
but troops hurrying to tho front. Tho
soldiers aro ln excellent spirits and
warmly clad.
Grand Duke Vladlmlrovltch, coun
cllor Alcxandrovsky, tho chief dele
gate of the Red Cross, and two do-
tachmcnts of the sanitary corps
crossed Lake Baikal by train yester
leaders last night culminated In a
big nntl-Gcrman riot. A largo force
of pollco with difficulty protected
German property.
Supposed to Be a Runaway From Se
attle to Pilot Rock.
Upon tho request of Sheriff Cudl-
heo of Seattlo, Claudo Hanks of So
nttlo, was arrested
of Pilot Rock and
until nn omccr can bring him to tho
county Jail, when ho will bo hold
for tho Seattlo ofllcerfl.
Tho boy ls about 14 years of ngo
and has run awny from his homo,
going to tho homo of a friend In Pi
lot Rock. His parents suspected
that ho had gono to that place, and
put tho matter In tho hands of tho
w.U,otreRelati0n 0f Mrm011 ClUirch.
to Politics Discussed in
Many of Its Phases.
Eight Youngsters Will Compete for
Dernorest Silver Medal.
Tho first of tho scries of Duniorest
Modal contests will ho held on tho
evening of March 18, nt the Chrlstl
nn church. Thcro nro a number of
young peoplo now In training for tho
contest under tho Instruction of Miss
ignes Dunbar . It Is hold under tho
nusplccs of the W. C. T. U., and to
tho winner a sllvor medal Is given.
Thoso who aro now intending to
try ror the medal are Gertrudo Huff
man, Clara Pierce, Lucllo Rador,
Lnura McKee, Agues Stlllmnn, Eva
Rothrock, Pauline Mlmms and Roy
Counterfeit Bills In Circulation.
Walla Walla, March 11. A good
Imitation of a $10 silver cortlllcato
s now being circulated In this city,
and every effort Is being tnndo to
locato the sourco from which It Is
(Concluded on page 8.)
Russians Preparing to Flee.
Chee Foo, March 11. Chinamen
just arrived from Korea report that
15,000 tons of coal soaked with kero
sene havo been placed at tho mouth
of tho Yalu in readiness to Ignlto ln
tho event tho Japanese attempt to
land there. Ho says tho Russians
One Member of the Mob Was Taken
in Custody and Jailed Only Per
son Hurt Was a Deputy Sheriff,
Who Had an Arm Shot Off by His
Own Gun Excitement Is Abating.
They Recognize Authority of Church
In Its Own -Affairs, But Many Balk
at Interference With Their Politics
Many Favored Passage of a Stato
Anti-Polygamy Law Many Mor
mons Were Opposed to Electing
Smoot to the U. S. Senate.
Murphrooslioro, III., March 11.
4 fllnn. T f 1. .. .. ....1. ...... f... l I .. t ..
have made every preparation to evac- """ "
uate their position at Yalu, and tho
burning of tho coal ls to prevent Its
falling Into tho enemy s hands.
lynching last night nt tho Jail In
this Mty, where ho has been Impris
oned threo weeks charged with crim
inally nssaultlng a Cnrliondaln Rchool
A crowd of Carbondalo men varl
Pro-Russians In Hungary.
Prague, March J 1 . Pro-Russian
manifestations worked up by Czech ously estimated at from 75 to 150 In
number, camo across country In
wagons, buggies ami on horseback,
and a few by train, nnd rendozvouod
hero until 2 In tho morning, when
Washington, March 11. Ex-Unltod
Slates District Attorney 13. U. Crltch
low, called to the stand, satd that la
tho campaign In which Apostlo Mosos
Thatcher miido nn candidate for tho
United States sunato In 189C, ho is
sued an appeal to tho young men of
Utah, asking thorn to uulto with him
to rollovo tho peoplo from tho politi
cal domination of tho church. Tho
appeal was Issued Just aftor Thatch
er was deposed from tho upostloBhlp,
nnd in It ho admitted tho right to do-
peso him of any church offlco, but
protested against any attempt to
control his political vlowa or tho ox-
erolso of tho franchlso by tho citi
zens of Utah.
Discussing tho Evans anti-polyga
my bill, so-called, In tho legislature
of Utah ln 1001, the purpose of which
was to Umlto prosecutions for cor
lain classes of offenses, ha said flvo
or six of tho apostlos had given Inter
views In favor of Its passage, Includ
ing President Snow nnd Apostlo
Joseph E. Smith, now president, Apos.
tlu Hm ool merely said uu nnu pro
posed to leave It to the good sonso
of the legislature.
Tho measure attracted gonornl at
tention and aroused indignation
. hr,iMi,lif,i,t 111., pmiiiti'v linnn.ian It
was token to bo to tho Intorosts of
the polygmnlsts, The bill passed tho
house, hut tho governor, himself n
Mormon, vetoed It.
After the veto tho bill failed of
passage despltu thu urging of tho
ii-serot News, tho recognized organ
of the church.
The coming candidacy of Smoot
was announced early In 1902. Tho
witness spoke of considerable oppo
sition among tho republicans, Mor
mons nnd non-MonnoiiH, to hlu candi
dacy, and frequent expressions of
opinion wore made as to tho proprie
ty of sending an apostlo of tho church
to tho United States senate ,
Tho Ministerial Association of Suit
Lake had Issued a statement ealllnir
nttentlon to nn Interview by Smoot.
In which no professed not to know
they camo to tho Jail In a body. Asiii.ni (.nrtnlii iinostleH of tho church
n mutter of fact, tho sheriff had beiiri aro mm living In polyguinous cohab
apprised of the expected ntluck by nation, unit proposing to furnish him
Earlv Walla Walla Stage Driver
Died In a California Sanitarium,
Hank Ward, who drove stage from
Walla Walla to Wallula, in the 'COs,
died a few days ago In a private
asylum at Agnews, California. Ward
was one of the earliest drivers in
the Inland Emtilre and was wen
known to many Tendleton pioneers,
Baker City Boy Under Arrest.
Bakor City. March 11 Leon Macy,
of Sparta, In this county, was ar
rested hero Inst nlcht by the sheriff
of North Yakima, on a charge of rob
hory committed on March 3, 1803, in
North Yakima. Young Macy. wno Is
a former til eh chool boy. is only 20
yoars of ago nnd is apcused of assist
ing Jn a holdup In which $700 was
secured. 1
San Francisco, March 11. With
tho restoration of telegraph commu
nication reports from the storm
stricken regions are beginning to
pour in. The havoc wrought by wa
ter and wind is greater than at first
The railroads are among tho heavi
est sufferers, and tho merchants of
many cities lost much by the flood
ing of stores. Quite a number of
buildings aro practically rendered
worthless by undermining the foun
dations. No reports of ocean disasters aro
'phono fiom Carliondal before tho
received beyond the wrecking of tho lynchers had nil gotten out of that.
schooner Mabel Gray at Redondo, placo, so their ruso availed nothing in w iM that way,
near Los Angeles. to cover tholr Intentions. I a wrangle of counsol hero ensued
1'iie ueavy rains or last uigiit m wioy were mot at tne iuh yarn iiy
Southern California aro of Incalcula- tho sheriff and IiIh posso und Inform-
ble benefit. led that a riot gun was trained upon
Many windmills and barns through them and would bo -used upon tho
out tho country wero blown down, slightest demonstration. After an
The river at Sacramento is 23.4 and hour of angry altercation and proton-
slowly rising. tatlon tho mob disbanded, nnd no
All trains on tho main lines aro further trouble Is apprehended.
running. In tho flooded district bo- Before tuo arrival of tho mob the
low Sacramento many small houses prisoner hnd been taken from tho
were blown down and floated off, but Jail and hidden In a cyclone ravo In
no lives wero lost.
In receiving the news of the prohi
bltlon convention over the 'phone
yeetorday evening, the name of G
W. RIgby, of this city, who was nom
lnated as county judge, was omitted.
Tho other nominees are as given
last night.
Tho platform committee, consist
ing of Robert Warner, N. A, Davis
and H. L. Frazier, brought In tho fol
lowing report, which was adopted:
"We, the representatives or wo
prohibition party, Oregon, In conven
tion assembled, reaffirm tbo princi
ples set forth in the Oregon state
platform of 1902, which so clearly
defined the object and aim of the
party, to bo the annihilation of u-e
Hauor traffic and inviting to party
fellowship all thoso who agreo with
us upon this one issue.
ment of tho temperance cause, on ac
count of tho pending local option
measure, and wo urge all prohi hi.
tlonlsU, as well as all friends of
tho roar of a private residence, where
ho was under guard.
During a scuttle which was a do-
tall of tho general fuss, Deputy Wood
ruff's gun was accidentally discharg
ed, tho charge shattering his arm ao
badly that amputation will ho noces
Ono member of tho mob who was
entirely irrepresslblo and not amona
blo to argument or threats, was taken
In custody and Is confined In tho cell
next to Vaugban.
with names anil, dales to provo thut
his associates nro still violating tho
as to the admission of tho Smoot In
terview, It finally developing that
Hinoot positively denied having
given thu Interview, and It was
agreed to strlko out ull roforonco to
tho matter.
Wife cf Dining Car Conductor Sur
prises a Bold Bandit.
La Grande, Mnrch 11. Mrs. V, 01.
Holt, wife of a dining car conductor.
who lives In this city, shot at a burg
lar who tried to open tho front door
last night, Hho was alone at homo
and heard a iioIho at tho door and
nuked who It was.
Hho was told that It was tho cull
boy with a message for her husband.
On opening tho door sho was con
fronted by a masked man who do
mandod her money. Sho slammed tho
door In his face, and, securing a gun,
fired at him as ho ran.
temperance, to support tho measure Brought Four and One-Half Cents on
and work for it with dlllgenco." the Hoof, Delivered.
iua loiiowing aeiegates were r.hnrUxa nn,i i.m. nt
al&Aln,1 In l. , I I . . . ' W
n n, ? 1 uuuuuim; mUo prominent stockmen of McKay
. a. W. ulgby, R. A. Copple, Rob- ,-rpfik. WPrA In Mirt ilfv vtmtnnlnv
ert Warner, B. Itay Jones. If. A. iT.nvi
Frick, Thomas Chandler and M. B. cattlo which thev sold to tho Housor
Scott of Pendleton; p. M. Howard of butcher shop for 4 cents a pound.
Pendleton: H. 15. Stewart. E. II. Dnn nf- Hia nMln wna nt profit afro
Stono, S. S. Parris, R. J, Boddy and weighing 1,M pounds.
Robert Coppock of Athena: N. A.
Davis, William Talbert, Tassey Stew, tbo season as bright for the cattlo- could go to such au Institution wlth-
m r """""" i- "raziur, men, and are confident that tho out a cent of money. People will do
Beggar Is a Fake,
A boy apparently about 1C years of
age hits been annoying tho rosldenco
districts by begging for monoy with
which to pay his way at a school fop
deaf mutes. He Is deaf and dumb
and claims that his affliction resulted
from typhoid fover. Ho Is not worthy
of consideration, for tho reason that
it is not necessary lo havo monoy to
secure admission to tho deaf and
dumb school in any of the states. Ho
T. L. Chllders. A. M. Elam. R. E. Fra- will rt an In n uhnrt Hmn in n
woi, nupoou, w, u. iiopson, ju. it. higher figure man has been the caso
jiuubuu, ab -j.royer, j. u. Vinson, for some time,
w. u. liawn ana iter, j, a. Aaams;
iiov. a. is. Thoroughman of Weston; Formerly of Pendleton,
"Wn recomilzo tho laudable efforts iranic wenmond and j. II. Klnir of i.vn.i RtantRinff nr finipm tH in tim
of tho anti-saloon league to unite alljHqlix; J. A. Ayers of Freewater; J. city, for a short visit, having como
well to discourage his efforts at bog
Chicago Grain.
Chicago, March 11. Wheat opened
96 and closed the same; old July
opened 91, closed 92&, Now open-
temperance sentiment and seek their H. Lower and W. P. Jnett of Echo, to attend the Wado cattle sale. Mr. od 90U. closed 904 July
co-operation to assist in tbo banish'
ment of the saloon business.
The coming election presents a
golden opportunity for the advance-
ana uoorgo w, Simons ol Hellxl Steutsloft is a formor resident of
The state convention will Be hold I Pendleton, and is now ono of the
in Portland on Tuosday and Wednes- Ipromineut butchers of Salem, owning
u, ui una ovui. a wholesale house in that city.
oponod 60 and closed at Cl.
Eastern universities aro -planning
an intercollegiate automobile meet.