EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1904. PAGE THREE. Special Sale La(Jiesr Ready-to-Wear Tailor-Made i Suits 2 Days Extra Special--- Friday and Saturday. PENDLETON WOMEN ARE IN BUSINESS $10.00 $12.00 $13.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.00 $25.00 $30.00 TAILOR MADE SUITS $ 8.00 TAILOR MADE SUITS $ 9.60 TAILOR MADE SUITS $12.00 TAILOR MADE SUITS $14.40 TAILOR MADE SUITS u $16.00 TAILOR MADE SUITS $17.60 TAILOR MADE SUITS $20.00 TAILOR MADE SUITS $24.00 ALEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE GAINING 6 JNION frtADE, HAND MADE., CLEAR HAVANA. A STANDARD FOR QUALITY. CLEANLINESS AND WORKMANSHIP. " , Ytayou call for a TRIUMPH. CI YNN &CO, Jtasubstitute.il makers. FANE XBBK. ST-1 B . t4 7fBv m 7 H Mm m M 6ET IT. Don't accept The Columbia Lodging House Well ventilated, neat and com fortable rooms, good bods. Bar In connection, where best goods are served. Main street, center of block, between Alta and Webb streets. F. X. SCHEMPP Proprietor COAL Let us fill your bin with .... ROCK SPRING GOAL Recognized as the best and most economical fuel. We are prepared to con tract w.th you for your Ws supply. Wede. 'vercoalor wood to any Part of the city. Y Laatz Bros. Main Street Near Depot Oriental Parlors Massage, Hairdresslng and Manicuring. Rooms 3 and 5, over Martin's grocery. Leave orders at Brock &. McComas' drug store. The Oriental par lors are In charge of Conala E. Breyer, a graduate of Lola E. Shaw's parlors, of Boise City, Idaho. Egg Baths, Fomentation Bath, Plain Shampoo, Shampoo with Scalp Treat ment, Shampoo with Hair Curl ing, Head Steaming for ladies and gentlemen, Hair Dressing, Manicuring, Facial Massage. Pendleton Is a city of business, of enterprise and of advancement and the work is not all done by the men, There aro women in the city who own business enterprises, and con duct and manage business propost tions Important to the interests of the city and tho convenience and ben efit or the inhabitants. At tho head of the list, in size and scope of work and human good, stands the St. Joseph's Academy nnd the St. Anthony's hospital, two In stitutions entirely under tho manage ment and control of women, tho Sis ters of St. Francis. From the former many of the young people of tho city and of the county have drawn the educations which have and will nt mem ror nserul lives and make them a power In the affairs of the vicinity in which they reside. In tho second a score of devoted wo men labor daily for tho alleviation of human suffering and tho saving of human life. Tho academy and tho academy and the hospital have been built at a great cost both of money and of effort and aro entirely under the management of the Order of St. Francis. In scope of work and extent of ter ritory, it is safe to say that Mrs. Car rie C. Van Orsdall, as grand guardian of tho Women of Woodcraft, has the j management of as large and imnort-i ant a business as is in tho city. She is uie neaa or tne order and in her offices are laid the plans and cam paigns for tho advancement of tho Women of Woodcraft over the Pacific jurisdiction, covering all of the West ern states. The volume of the busi ness is so great as to require five clerks and stenographers to be con stantly at their desks. Tho mail sent out from the grand guardian's office is greater than from any other business institution in the city. The local office of the Pacific Tel ephone Company Is under the effi cient management of Miss Clairo Moussu, which thus throws ono of the most Important businesses of tho city, and the one, perhaps, which it would be the most inconvenient to get along without, into the care and custody of a woman. Under the man agement of Miss Moussu the tele phone business of the city has in creased In the past few years to bo one of the largest in any city of tho state outside of Portland. Tho millinery business owned by Miss Hose Campbell is, perhaps, the fourth largest enterprlso conducted by a woman. Mrs. Campbell has man aged her store on Court street for a number of years nnd has built up a business which compares favorably In variety and completeness of stock, with many places in larger cities. Mrs. George n. Carrier is another Pendleton woman who conducts a millinery business on Main street, and has for a number of years. She also built up nn enviable reputation among the population oi tho city for tho excellence of her stock and work. Miss Ida Boyd, tho sister of Col. E. D. Royd, ono of tho old pioneers of the county, has slnco the illness of her brother assumed entire charge of the real estate. Insurance and loan business formerly conduct ed by him, nnd lias long been asso ciated with him in tho business as his confidential secretary and busi ness associate. Mrs. H. C. Guernsey, the widow of the late Henry C. Guernsey who was for many years one of tho prominent business men of the city, Is now con- ducting the Pendleton Merchants' Protective Association, the business left by her husband at the time of : his death nearly a year ago. J Mrs. J, A. Green the proprietor or the Arlington lodging house on Main street Is another of tho Pendleton women who are managing Pendleton business enterprises. Mrs. W. B. Mays- manages the largest private boarding house in tho city at her home on East Webb street, and has made a place eagerly sougiit ror by tliose wno havu no home In the city. Mrs. .Michael also has built up a profitable business on South Main street, where she conducts a private boarding house. There are two Pendleton women who have music studios nnd have by their industry and knowledge of music, organized large and perma nent classes in thnt art; one of these Is Mrs. James Marsten, the other Miss Maude Wheeler. The rlty also has one woman phy sician, Dr. Francis U Thompson, who is of the osteopathic school and has been in the city for some time, hav lng built up a goou practice. BELOW ARE SOME OF THE PROPOSITIONS OFFERED BY The E. T. Wade Real Estate Co. PENDLETON, OREGON. One Section of 25 bushel wheat land, will go -SO bushels per aero In bar ley. Over 400 acres In grain. Good Improvements $4,000. 169 Acres 10 acres in garden nnd orchard, ton acres tillable land fine saw timber, good house, improve ments, timber nnd water; all fen ced $3,000. 480 Acres Level land, raises 40 bushels wlioat per aero; houso and barn, water, &o., two miles from Pendleton. Per qunrter sec tion $4,500. 5 Quarter Sections 20 bushel wheat land, improved, plonty of water. Per quarter $1,500. Stock Ranch 320 acres all fenced. Raises 200 toim wild hay, stream of water running through, 15,000 rails on plnce; open range all around $5,000. 5 Quarter Sections 100 tons wild hay; wheat, barley and oats may bo raised; all fenced, good house, abundance water and timber, range open adjoining; fine dairy ranch. $5,000. 160 Acres 35 bushel wheat land, fenced and cross fenced, 10 acres alfalfa, young orchard, house, plen ty water; four miles from J'endio- dletun $5,000. 320 Acre' stock ranch, house, bams and other Improvements; open range adjoining; work horses: anil 30 head of cattle. All for $ 4,500. 400 Acres 25 to 30 bushel wheat land, all tillable, 15 acres gaulcti mny bo Irrigated by tine spring, good Improvements $ 5,000. 19 Quarter Sections 2(1 to 25 liushei wheat land, plenty of water nmt good Improvements. Per quarter $ 2,000. 480 Acres 30 bushel wheat land, ad joining city .limits ; 350 acres now In fine looking grain; good Im provements; three flno springs .. $ 10,000. 200 Acre stock ranch, 30 acres flno creek bottom land, balance hill land which tuny be cultivated or pastured, 50 acres now in grain... $ 2,750. CITY PROPERTY. 6 Room House 1 lot, modern venlences, close $ 10 Room House 2 lots, good Hon $ 2 Vavant Lots Flno building Jackson street con 2,000. lorn 2,500. sltco, $ 600. 107 Building Lots From $50 to $ 250. Hotel II furnished roomsi 2 lntn.. $ 2,000. Wo huvo many cither good proper ties, and if wo have nothing cm our list Hint you like, wo will find what you wnnt. It U our IiuhIiu'sh o make you bet tor prleea than any one else. Conio nnd sco us before you buy. Wo will show you our properly without ok- UMATILLA COUNT DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR BE ING DISTRIBUTED ON TRAINS. cilltics, together with tho local Wool Scouring Company and the Woolen Mills, much of tho products of other Eastern Oregon counties aro market ed in Pendleton. Grazing lands rango In price from $1 to $5 per acre. Climate. , The climate is very mild, health E. T. Wade and Son Comolle Brief i u,? "U,"'B " . , , iiou irom juiy iBi io nepi. jsi, inero ru.uci ,ur Mncm OI lounsis rass- is nractlcal v no ra n. A max mum WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME. I manufacture overy style on any mounting and carry a complete stock of Pads, Inks, Hacks, Daters, Rubber Type, etc. SEALS, STENCILS, Trado Checks, Door Plates. Write mo what you want. 1 can please you by return mall. WESLEY ANDREWS, Baker City, Or, LET US si iddi , WITH YOU Building... ...Material niMEN8I0NLUMBEROp 'tag BnT!, B"nd8' Monldl ng. Building and Tar Pa-r. inl ur BUI to Us and Q Our Figures, J. L. VAUGHN Electrician Prompt uttent'on Riven and all work executed properly Electrical Supplies of all kind OFFICE-121 WEST C0UBT ST. (Tribune Building) Pendt0N, Oregon. Our sn?,- , Red i- PAINT PAINT PAINT Tho season for brushing up and putting a now attire on your buildings Is at hand. Wo want to figure on your Indoor and outdoor painting and your paper hanging. If you aro going to do your own painting, lot us supply you with tho material. Wo soil exclusively In Pen dleton tho Sherwin-Williams Paint. E. J. MURPHY Court St. PROMPT, RELIABLE 8ERVICE A. J. BEAN HAULING OF A' L KINDS Good taken beat orders tt Teuttch's. of care of. Leave 'Murae uain i.u lng Through Pendleton Main Features of the County are Given in Detail Livestock, Farm, and Commercial Interests. The following brief circular con cerning Umatilla county, compiled by E. T. Wade & Son, real estate dealers, is being distributed on overy train that passes through the city. While it is brief it gives the tour ist and homeseeker an Idea of the general resources of the county. Situation. Umatilla county is situated In Northeastern Oregon, and In extent is about 75 miles from north to south, and will averago nearly as far be tween its east and west limits. Population. The population of the county ac cording to the 1000 census was 26,- 000. The population of Pendleton In the same year, was 4,500, while the 1904 bcliool census shows something better than C.500. Pendleton's growth, while very rapid, Is at tho same time steady, gradual and fully warranted by Its almost unlimited resources. It liaB extensive manufacturing Interests, with good shipping facilities, having access to two transcontinental rail way lines, Is the seat of tho county, as well as being its commercial and railroad center. Cereal Production. Umatilla county is tho banner wheat county of Oregon, raising ap proximately one-third of tho state's output, and Is said to raise one per cent of the wheat In tho United States. In 18C0 tho county wheat yield was about 3,000 bushels; In 1870, about I 25,000 bushels, and In 1880 the yield was Increased to nearly i.ouu.uuu bushels. In 1890, the output no temperature frequently reacheB 100 degrees, but tho atmosphere is very light and unoppresslve, the highest temperature usually being accompan ied by a perceptible breeze from tho mountains. Snow seldom falls to a greater depth than six Inches and seldom remains on the ground for a longer period than a week or ten days. Thu minimum temperature seldom reaches tho zero mark, while tho averago minimum temperature will not fall below 10. Tim winter and early spring months nru attended by warm rains, the pieclpltatlon be ing very great. Elevation That part of tho county lying along the Columbia river has an elevation or 300 feet above sea level; Pendli ton has an elevation or 1,070 feet while sorao of tho mountains to the south reach a helghth of 8,000 feet nnd among them are many mountain valleys of varying elevation These valleys aro Ideal places for Mock ranches, affording an abundance or timber, water nnd wild hay. and nr especially adapted to suuuni'i- dairy lng. Schools. Resides thu Pendleton HuhIuc-hs college, there are two academies which provide excellent preparation ror Colleglato work. Also a twelve grade HIgii school, doing work of the usual standard. Pendleton Is within u few hours ride of a dozen schools of average University and Collegiate grade. peuso to you. THE E. T. WADE REAL ESTATE CO. OFFICE IN E. O. BUILDING. P. O. Box 324, Pendleton, Oregon. AUCTION SALE FAMOUS NIP IT IN THE BUD. Pint A tlraranrr of Dandruff a fort rnaarr of FoCurr Ilaldoraa. That such Is the cnan has been con clusively proven by scientific research. Prof. Unna, the- noted European skin specialist, declare that dandruff fa tho wab , Durrowc;d-UD cuticle of tho scalD cnuatil near 3,000,000 bushels, and from 1900 by parasites destroying the vitality In to the present timo, the annual pro-' the hair bulb. The hair becomes lifeless, ductlon has been from 4,000,000 to nd. 'n time, falls out. This can be pre. 5,000.000 bushels, notwithstanding the . ve"let , , lM ffint thnt manv farmera have heeun Newbro e ITerplcldo Kill till dandruff taiTbaTyu - - - as much profit as wheat. On an aver-1 Herplcide la now used by thousands of age year, the best lands In the coun- people-all flattened that It Is tho most ty, will produce about 40 bushels per wonderful hair preparation on the mar- acre, the medium and lighter lands 15 to 25 bushels. The price of wheat land ranges from $1,000 to $7,000 per quarter section, price depenuing of course, upon quality of son, improvements, dlstanco from a railroad warehouse, etc. Live Stock. The southern and mountainous part of tho county is adapted solely to stock raising and grazing purpos es. Umatilla beef and mutton find a ready saio In the Chicago, San Fran cisco, Portland and Seattle markots, and fattening tock for tho market exclusively on alfalfa is a profitable and growing Industry. Umatilla county contains ovor a quarter of a million of sheep; tho annual wool Ip being 3,000,000 pounds. Uocauao of Pendloton'a shipping fa- kct to-day. Cold by leading- drujrKlst. Bend 10c, In stamps for sample to The Ilerplcldo Co., Detroit, Mlcb. F. W. Schmidt, special agent THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this In mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and usk tor the International! Poultry and Stock Food. Use Kow Kure for your cow trou bles. C. F. Colesworthy 127 139 East Alta St. Agent for Loe'e Lice Killer Wade Herd of ' Prize-Winning Shorthorns (SrVHerefords Will be sold at, Public Auction in Pendleton, on Saturday, March 12, by W. T. Rigby A GROUP OF BEAUTIES. The showing of ladies' wutches is more thnn usually interesting. Wo huvo udded u lurgo number of now designs and new styles to our ul ready largo assortment. Where thero In ho much beauty unit merit a choice may bo difficult, but prices will help to a selection. LADIES' WATCHES from & up, Warranted movement In reliable 26 year caso, $16.00. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician Postotfice Block, KM The French Restaurant Best 25 cent Meal in the City Private Dining Parlors Elegant Furnished Rooms in Conneotlon I CUS LaFONTAlNE, Prop. 633 Main Street DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. As a slight break may ond In a groat catastrophe, Jluttor solid your vehi cles to Noaglo Dros. and have nocov nary repairs in do as boou as thuy aro apparent. Our prices aro rea sonable and low and our workmen- ship first-class lu all rospocts, and small repairs aro Just as cheerfully looked after as complete rotiovatlon. Winona wagons nnd buggies are the) best. Wo soli them. NEAGLE BROS,, THE BLACKSMITHS S.rur (Unolltie Kiuiliiei-fafe and reliable aaaaaaaatKll'aaaaVaRWnmTBffilasI DHMQ AYU JZ55Y KBP KMdHTFUk 110UTB IOUT HIDES CHAOS CANYONS A Golden Opportunity Boo naturo, in all her glorious ' beauty, and then tho acme of man's handiwork. Tho first Is found along tho lino of U10 BENVEIt & niO GHANDE RAILROAD, tho lat latter at tho St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will be ono of pleasure make tho most of It. For Informa tion and illustrated litera ture wrlto W. C. M'BRIDE, General Agent,. Portland, Oregon.