East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 10, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Goods that have been proper
ly advertised never become deed
dead stock.
TonlRht ami Friday, rain or 5
biiow; brisk and probably high J
southerly winds. i
VOL. 17.
Russian Official Circles Be
lip.ve Great Britain Will
Become Involved.
Japanese Annoyed Port Arthur Sun
day Last, and Fall to .Get Any
Trace of Russian War Vessels In
the Japan Sea Martial Law De
clared in Siberia and Along En
tire Length of the Siberian Rail
road Japanese Merchantman Has
Been Wrecked.
Berlin, March 10. The Tageblatt
today asserts that the .conviction
prevails In government circles In
Russia that war with England will
be the inevitable outcome of the
,war with Japan. Active preparations
are proceeding on an elaborate
scale, including measures for tho de
fense of the Baltic coast. Prince
Uchtomsku, the czar's confidante, is
quoted as stating that a Russian at
tack upon India is imminent.
Storm Stopped Battle.
Jjondon, March 9. A Central News
dispitch from Port Arthur reports
tut tne Japanese prepared to bom
lard that port last night, but owin
lc a heavy storm were compelled to
desist at 11 o'clock.
Tho signal station sent messages
to the fortress that the Japanese
squadron had appeared on the horl
ran. Fifty minutes later the shore
batteries opened fire, but a gale
sprang up at that moment and the
attacking fleet withdrew.
Eccentric Miner Dead.
Baker City, March 10. -C. C. Davis,
better known as "Lum" Davis, one
of tho oldest prospectors and miners
In this county, died at St. Elizabeth's
hospital here last night. Ho had
mined on Connor creek for tho past
35 years, and was married to a Chi
nawoman. Tho girl was kldnapfd
from Connor creek 20 years ago, and
taken to Lewlston. Davis followed
her and brought her back to her par
ents ana was afterward married to
Condensed Milk Factory.
Baker City, March 10. As an ad
junct to the largo creamery now in
operation on Rock creek, near
Haines, in this county, a condensed
milk factory will be started soon
There is but one other such factory
in the state, it being located at Hills.
English Cabinet Row.
Birmingham, Eng., March 10. The
Gazette prints a sensational story
that trouble has arisen between the
king and cabinet over proposed
changes in the war office, and hinting
that the king may dismiss the cabl
Fighting In Somallland.
Aden, March 10. General Manning,
commanding a British expedition In
Somallland, raided the Mullah's
forces, killing 150 men and captured
number of camels.
Fired on Vladivostok.
Tokio, March 10. Admiral Kamu
ra sends the following report of the
Japanese attack on Vladivostok Sun
day: "The attack on "Vladivostok the
oro began at 1:50 in tho afternoon
and lasted 40 minutes. We believe
the bombardment was effective and
demoralized the enemy, as tho Rus-
w. ions aid not reply. The cruls
uusequenuy reconnolterod at
'ai aajacent places along the
coast, but found no trace of 'the
Chamberlain Mentally III.
London, March 10. Investigation
of the report that Chamberlain is
mentally ill indicates there is some
basis for the rumor. Advices from
Egypt, where Chamberlain is recup.
erating, stato that he is improving.
An Attempt Was Being Made to
Clear the Pier of an Immense Drift
Many People Had a Narrow Es
cape, and the Steamer Became Wa
ter Logged.
Martial Law In Siberia.
.,nrit , rebure- March 10. An im
perial ukase today proclaims martial
,? ,n,v"'ou districts In Siberia, a
alnmr L.1?6. trans-Ba"al district,
a "!,Lake Baikal railway, and
the fast 8 01 the rnIlway 10
Porl0tl;er,Wha"a7 Port Arthur.
e,e ??rthUr' March 10 A Japan
fAiF" at mWnlg-i.
unUl I It thf . clt' Intermittently
mill 8, and withdrew.
WM .T!rlcan.. Attaches,
has ;;:.6'ruv Marc' lo.-itussia
General n , rm permission tc
""I" Gibson, Cap,
accompany Z ?mn "eIchnlan l
wwwtSLS? durtne the
. Japanese Steamer w v.
. London. March ir.1, .
noma aeon, i . ioko.
OI Ch(.ml. wua wrecKea
Lnemu,P aad Is a total loss.
went todav ilJ' J. iuj1uo Pros
epiin me lollowlne .
8overnmentaerh:av,,A1! .fflclal8 of the
to ob.2?Te d?cdqd not only
bt to abstX lly pendlnS th war,
"Peech which from elthcr aca r
Irritation -.SP leeltlraately cause
.uier combatant.'
Vl.m "
'rnla,'uroryfiof .fanta "osa. Gill
and ai'..1- "nomas McQuownn
Mr. Qrego Who, 18 ln the
wan of cllifnri. a1old nowapa.
? former vlUla'avln8 work-
uco Examinor iur 100 Hn Fran-
rMaa' Wend IIe B
Pullnan, "tan.; or Dr. Wilson of
an county . B.nntr ro Whit-
w"l Insvestlgate.
Colusa, Cal., March 10. The draw
bridge over the Sacramento river
lost a span, and one pier was badly
damaged by the collision of the
steamer Dover with It last evening.
The primary reason for the damage
being so great was the frailty of the
pier a wooden box structure, bal
lasted with rock, wltli a few Insuffi
cient binders of railroad iron.
The steamer was doing duty as a
tug, to pull away an Immense accu
mulation of drift that had lodged
against the pier and an enormous
redwood that had securely stuck
a shoal before tho high water came,
Tho butt of the redwood was dow
stream, and Its branches accumu
lated a veritable Island of debris
during the flood, and every pound of
weight wedged the butt more firmly
Into the shoal.
Shortly after tho steamer hooked
to the drift tho cable parted, with
out tho drift being perceptibly loos
ened, and the center of gravity and
point of leverage both shifting, near
ly capsized tho steamer, besides
swinging her sideways with the full
force of the current, against tho pier,
which creaked, shivered, tottered and
then fell.
Somo SO people were on the span
at the time, and had tho collapse
come suddenly, all would have been
either drowned or crushed. As
was, by hard running alf either es'
caped to other portions of tho bridge,
or Jumped to tho deck of the steam
er below.
Tho damage to the" bridge will
reach J10.000 by the collision, and
will much -exceed that amount before
tho flood is done with tho weakened
When the steamer listed alter tho
cable broke, she shipped a large
amount of water and barely .reached
tho shoro ln time to be righted by
a vigorous working of the pumps
A nuantity of drift actea as a nun-
er. between tho pier ami tho steamer.
or tho latter would have been oaaiy
stove and sunk at tho spot.
Six Big Gambling Houses
Start in Defiance of the
State Law.
Detective Wauppensteln May4 Be
Chief of Police and If He Should
Be, Gambling Will Continue Open
He is Favorable to the Tender
loin and Gambling Ministerial As
soclatlon Will Begin an Active
Crusade ngainst Vice.
beattle, March 10. In open dell
ance of the state law. six bin cam
unng nouses are now running wide
open. No attempt at secrecy Is made,
rolcer has been played onenlv In
the rear of saloons, and club houses
for the past two months, but within
the past week, six of the largest
gaming houses have opened up with
iaro, roulette, ana other games nar
tlcularly specified in the state law
making gambling a felony.
It Is now almost certain that De
tective Wauppensteln will bo appoint
ed chief of police by Mayor-elect
Balllnger, and if this Is done, no at
tempt will be made to enforce the
law, as Wauppensteln Is known to
be favorable to the tenderloin dls,
trict and open gambling.
ine -Ministerial Association now
threatens to begin the same crusade
here against vice that has been con
ducted ln Spokane, with such good
results, during the past two months
Walla' Walla Library Located.
Walla Walla, March 9. The Car
negie library will be located at the
corner of Alder and Palouse streets.
on the triangular lot offered by T, C.
Elliott and wife. This determination
was reached at the council meeting
last night after a free discussion of
all tho phases of tne case.
" Worse and More of it " all
Over Central and Northern
Sausallto Is Under Water Shins
Damaged and Wrecked in San
Francisco Harbor Six-Story Un,
completed Building Badly' Wreck'
ed by the Gale A Three-Story
Building Was Ruined Schooner
Went Ashore on Goat Island.
San Francisco, March 10. Tho
worst wind and rainstorm In 13 years
swept over Central and Northern
California and Southwestern Oregon
last night and this morning, causing
heavy property losses, and perhaps
loss of life.
Many places are flooded, and tne
business quarter of Sausallto, Cali
fornia, Is under water. No vessels
arrived hero this morning, and It Is
feared there havo been somo disas
ters along the coast.
A number of ships In tho bay aro
uaaiy damaged, in tho city, barns,
fences and roofs were wrecked. In
the downtown districts tho water
backed up and flooded tho cellars.
In the upper part of a six-story build
ing, ln course of construction at Bush
and Polk streets, was badly twisted
by tho wind, and the whole building
Is In danger of falling over,
The lire department Is considering
the advisability of tearing down tho
threee-story building ln courso of
construction on I-ako street, near
Sixth avenue. It was blown over
and completely demolished
Tho United States schooner Krnest
went ashore on Goat Island. All tho
crew, it Is reported, escaped, but "It
Is feared the vessel cannot bo saved
All telephone and telegraph wires
are down and for several hours San
Francisco was practically cut off
from communication with tho out
side world.
Present and Prospective High
Water Exciting Attention
Toward the Levee.
Great Efforts Will Be Made to Di
vert Homeseekers.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Mnrch ft. Tho
land and Industrial agents of tho
principal railroads of the southeast
ern stntos gathered at tho Head
House In this city today and began
n two-days' session, tho purpose of
which Is to dovlso plans for promot
ing Immigration to tho southeast.
During the last throo or four years,
as Is shown by statistics compiled
by tho railroads, moro Northerners
nnd Westerners have settled In Flor
ida, Georgia, Alabama nnd neighbor
ing states than, at any other period
In tho history of tho country, nnd
tho roads bellovo that If the natural
advantages offered by these states
were moro generally known tho flow
of Immigration would bo greatly aug
mented. To this end tho Industrial
agents propose- to lunugurato n sys
tematic nnd widespread Dronnaainln
of tho Inducements offered by tho
Koutheaxt to agriculturists, manufac
turers and business men In general.
Escaped and Recaptured Twice.
St. Joseph. Mo.. March 10. Mur
derer Dunn, who escaped from Jail
.Monday mid was recaptured yester
day, again escaped last night, wns
recaptured nt midnight, and lnnded
ln Jail here, III with pneumonln. Ho
will bo banged tomorrow. Ho would
uio or tno disease ln throo days tho quite n tlmo trying to And something
iiujBiumiiH say. M0 ,i ( importance.
Relatlnn to thn Levi!..
Companion Boat Lost. ... vlnw nf , ,,.,.,. ,,,,, .
Canon, Crete. Mnrch 10. A Hub- tor tt I lilt un tit ft fin vu tin 1 1 the
slnn transport from Port Said reports probability of higher wntor In tho
tho loss of a companion to torpedo mur future, tho condition of tho
uoat no. jji, whllo en route. Tho iOVco wns gone over at length bv tho
1 " '
Council Orders It Replaced, or Some
thing Will Be Doing Petition for
an Official Grade on Willow Street
Statistics of Mortality and lm
prlsonment Among Canines Coun
cil Will Furnish a Dog Pound
Mr. Dickson Objects.
Tho city council met last night for
Its rcgulnr meeting, nnd whllcd away
crew wcro rescued.
Recommends I. W. Berry as State
Food and Dairy Commissioner-
Will Make Hard Fight for Passage tweon High and Timlin, bo allowed to
Messrs. Matlock mid Dickson in
vestigated tho lovoo several days
ago and found It to bo In good con
dition with thu exception of one or
two places along the upper end. In
one plnco some of the coping stono
from the top had boon removed, and
whllo this did not materially woakou
tho bank unless tho water should
rise to tho level with tho top, It was
thought best by tho mombers of tho
council to request those who had
taken the stono to replace It lit onco.
TlieHo stones nro large flat pieces,
weighing about 90 pounds euch,
C. K. l'onland presented a petition
to the council asking that tho prop
erty owners on Willow street, ho
of Local Option Amendment Well
Known Citizens Nominated for
.County Olfices.
He is Charged With Stealing His
Brother-ln-Law's Harness.
John Stott. who has been worklnc
in this city for some time, was ar
rested last night on complaint of S.
13. Walker and E. A. Sweeny, who ac-
cuso him ol having stolen from them!and their traffic in Northern Callfor
uiree sets oi Harness, wnicu no sold "m
Milton. March 10. Tho county pro
hibition cuiventlou of Umatilla
county, mot in this city toduy and
San Josu reports that tho streets nominated a full county ticket, un
there resemble miniature lakes. A follows:
veritable cloudburst struck Santa Representatives N. A. Davis, Mil
Hosa nnd vicinity. ton, and Robert Warner of I'endlo-
All Btreams are out of their banks 'on.
Joint representative, umatlllu and lor puy, but could not do so unless ho
lay sidewalks In front of their prop
erty, and alHo that nu official grndu
bo established for the street. The
matter wub referred to tho Mtrcot
committee, wltli power to net.
Dog Pound Problem.
Tho dog pound question was
brought up by Mondial Carney. Ho
reported thnt ho hud collected taxes
from 87 dogs, hail killed 18, and
that there were still In the city at
least 750 that were subject to uctlon.
Ho wished to adopt thu policy of kill
Plaintiff Allenes a Prior and Undls-
. aolved Marriage.
A suit for divorce was filed in the
office of tho countv clerk this morn'
Ing by Rebecca Carllle against ner
husband, John Carllle.
Tho comnlnlnt alleges that tho
nlalntlff "nnd defendant wore married
In this city Soptembor 20. 1900, and
that thero Is one child, LIziIe Car
lllo, now about 2 years old, aa the re
sult of thn nnlnn.
The plaintiff alleges for cause oi
action thnt tho defendant had an-
othor wife living at the tlmo of her
marrlago with him, and that for that
reason tho marrlago Is null and void.
Sho asks for tho custody of tho
child nnd for coats and aisourso-
ments of tuo action. J. A. Foe ia her
to Barney Sherry, the second-hand tracks nro under two feet of water.
dealer. I A number of washouts aro reixjrtod
Stott Is a young man nnd has been Guornevillo reports a big landslide,
worklne for Walker for several' -completely blocking traffic. I'etalu
months. Walker has been away for ma waa hit hard. In an Incredibly
soinf. time, and when ho returned short tlmo tho business district was
found that the harness hail dlsan- under four and flvo feet of water
nearetl. Investigation pointed to rushing through tho streets and wnru
Stott. who is Walker'n brother-in-law. houses with tho fury of a mill race.
and l.e bttl him arrested. Stott is Several narrow escapes from drown
now In the county Jail awaiting thu I"B are reported from I'etnlunitt
action of the prosecuting attorney,
who Is investigating the case.
Is abandoned. Tho railroad Morrow M. ('. Howard, Pendleton.
Earthquakes in Central Europe
Ylonnn. Mnrrh 10. Knrtlinnitkfi Oscar Walters.
nnlfH worn fiM tlilu nmrnlmr nt Till) COIlVCIltlotl
Sheriff Oliver Dixon, Atlienn
Clork W. A. liannlHtcr, Milton.
Recorder .1. II. I.ee.er, Kcho.
Superintendent of schools- W.
Mayberry. Milton.
AssoHbur - William Tulbert, Milton.
Treasurer It. II. Stewart, Atlieim,
CoiiuiilriHlonor H. 11. Richmond,
Coroner -(S. O. Richardson, Ad-
For Justice of the peace In Milton
precinct .1. It. Vinson; for countable,
Hut for tho need of horrible ox- shocks were felt this
am pies many a man's usefulness Trlest, CarJntha and Qlagcnfurt
would never bo properly listed. reports of damage.
Imd a place to keep tho dogs utter
arrest. People were objecting to his
d(K Jail, and ho wanted u now ono.
Ho bad to hold tho dogs In captivity
for a fow days before ho could kill
them, and hu wanted thu council to
provide u place for them.
Mr. Dickson hero nroso In behalf
of thu golf links. That property U
his, ho nald, anil ho did not llko to
havo It converted Into a comotery.
Ho objected to buying tho dogs bur
led on his land and ho cIoho to his
house, Tho whole situation was
given Into tuo hands of thu cemotory
committee with power to net, nnd
nmrnlriL' nt convention recommended I.
N nr. uerry i .union, u muio mmm u "I tliey will provido tt pound Ulld a bury
A vigorous cnmpulgn will bo made
In all parts of tho county nnd tho Wllllum Reeves was anowon izi.ou
nnrtv ii iiin;iillln rniiniv will niiikr. tno nmouiti remaining in uio cuy
a special effort to secure tho passage treasury, an tho result of tho salo of
of the local option niiiendincnt nt tho horses bought by HI in somo tlmo
the coming election.
Washington, March 10. Andrew
Jensen, assistant historian of the
Mormon church, who prepared a
book, "Lives of tho Apostles," was
called ln tho Smoot case this morn
ing to tell where ho obtained his In
formation. Most of It, ho said, came
from previous publications in the
About Apostle Grant, the witness
said Grant is reputed to have two
wives. An academic discussion about
adultery then ensued, in which the
witness said tho Mormon people
drew a clear distinction between tho
kind of adultery presented In Har
mon's testimony, and tho act of liv
ing with plural wives.
In response to McComas, the wit-.
ago at u pound salo. Mr. Iteovea
bought it span of horses which wcro
afterwards claimed by tho owner, as
a result of which tho buyer last
week Died a claim of $140 damages
against thu city.
A claim of 0.C0 was paid for having
the Lewis street sower cleared of an
obstruction left by tho builders. Tho
One of the chief kicks which has
been mado against the county clerk
by tho Tribune was over a Job of 100
naturalization blanks which had
been ordered from a Portland firm,
and for which the county was
charged $7.C0. The Tribune clalmod
that the work could and would have
been done by the "official organ" for
J3.G0. and yesterday County uierK
Chamberlain took one of the blanks
to the office of tho Tribune and
asked Mr. Dodd to please print him
an extra hundred of them, as tho
county would noed them sooner or
Mr. Dood took a look at the blank
and docided that ho would not be
ablo to do tho work at the flguro
bid by the Triuuno, the fact of the
matter being that ho has not Uio fa
cilities to turn out tho work.
Union County Prohibitionists Place a
Full Ticket In the Field.
Iji Grande, March 10. At tho
ness Bald that only general officers of county convention of tho prohibition-
the church are reoulred to obtain tho lln which closed hero last night, tho council thou adiournod.
consent of tho first presidency before roiiowing sun county ticKet was nom-
runnlng for political office. Inated; Musical Social.
An executive session to hear the Representative, Mayor A. h. Katon Ti. vounif ladies o. tho Proaby-
...j. - . , . .. I ,.t...lM IT t rnl ..1 - " . .
eviaenco or me aeienso in Aposiieiui uiuum "im, n. . mumus ui i torlan church will glvo ft musical
-xeasaaie divorce case is being held. .igin; ciern, w. a. women, oi
uranuo; recoruor, n. a. uiom- turan church. Tho ladles who have
son of I.a (Irando; assessor, It. M. na(j Jla preparation In hand havo ar-
om, uin. rmuHi uuuBuiur, w. rnnged a vory entortalnlug program,
F. Uindrum, Union: commissioner, nn,i HP n ihnn who nttond. a
E. F. Roberts, Covo; coroner, Dr. S. mUBca treat. Tho public Is cordially
schools, Manuel Snyder, of Ia Gran ,,,viin.i in i, nremmr.
I. Corpo, Covo: superintendent of
Judge Hartman, in speaking of tho schools, Manuel Snyder, of I New rarrn Residence.
T. F. Howard, tho architect, has
Just finished plans for a two-story
houso for Thomas P. Edwards,- ono of
tho prosperous ranchors of Hear
creek, about 25 miles from Pendleton
toward Pilot nock, Tho houso will
havo eight rooms and will cost about
J. T.
charges mado aealnst him. ln claim. Grande; Joint sonator Union und
ing that he had passed up tho print- Wallowa counties, John W. McAlis
ing hill, said: ier, i uruuue.
"I am sorry that Elmor Bays auch
naughty things about me. He Is
real unkind. And be does not toll
tho truth. Ho days that I, through
political craftiness, had the printing
continued to the next term. Now
that is not so. Horace Walker asked
After the
Hlnkle Will Look
Loney Estate.
J, T. Hlnklo has been appointed
hv the rountv court as vuardlan ad
mm. it do continued, ana 1 am euro I litem, in the estate or David Loney.
that both he and Tom Gllllland are deceased. Thero aro three minor
too honest to allow more than one- children, the heirs to the estate. Br.
half of the amount asked for when it ron. Milton and Thompson Loney.
comes up ngtln. Tho court also issued an order
I also understand that Elmor is uormlttlne tho administrator of the
about to cut his cored strings nndjestato, Charlos II. Carter, to sell tho
wuip mo. xuat, too, is real naughty I rear property, consisting or 1C0 acres
in Elmer. He should not think of of land in section 20. townshln
Bucn a wing, lie should pick out a l north oi range 30. belne a short dls-
braver and a larger man." Uance to the northwest of Pendleton. I
Two Year, and a Fine.
Los Angeles, March 10
Mllllonalro Griffith was son
teneced to two years at San
Quentln and to pay a fine of
15,000. Ho shot hlB wife's
eye out, attempting to kill her.