EIGHT PAGES. PAGEFOUR. DAILY EA8T CREGONIAN,. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1904 DIG DISPLAY OF EASTER NOVELTIES, EASTER EGGS, EASTER CARDS AND BOOKLETS AND EGG DYE. FREDERICK Sale of fine Toilet Soaps: Several dozen styles 5c Soap 45c dozen. Our 10c Soaps, 7c and 8c bar. Other fine Soaps, 2'Ac to 24c a 5 bar. AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPEH. Published orery afternoon (except Sumlay) at I'ernlleton, Oreson, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Telephone, Main 11. SUIISCUUTIOX ItATKS. Dally, one year by mall Dally, six mouths by mall Dally, three months by mall Dally, one month by mall Dally, per month by carrlav Weekly, one year by mall Weekly, six mouths by mall Weekly, four months by mall Semi-Weekly, one year by mall . . . Semi-Weekly, six months by mall . Semi-Weekly, three mouths by mall 3.00 l.-0 1.2.", .30 .0.1 l.WJ .7", .30 ioo 1.00 .no The Kast Oresonlan Is on sale nt 11. It. ltlch's New Stands, at Hotel Portland. anil Hotel l'erklns, Portland, Oregon. .Member Scrlpps Mcltae News Associa tion. San I'rauclsco Ilureau, -(OS Fourth St. Chicago Ilureau, 000 Security Ilullillng. Washington, D. C Ilureau, 001 11th St, N. W. Kuteied .it I'emlletou postodlce as second- class matter. CUNIOHi&iTLA ABEL Tlie man in life, wherever placed. Hath happiness In store. Who walks not In the wicked ways Nor learns their guilty lore! Nor from the seat of scornful pride, Casts forth his ayes abroad. But with humility and awe, Still walks before his God! That man shall flourish like the trees. Which by the streamlets flow! The fruitful top is spread on high. And firm the roots below. Robert I! urns. CHECK THE EXTRAVAGANCE. The army appropriation bill report ed by Senator Proctor on Saturday amounts to J77.500.000, or JL',300,000 more than at first estimated. The farmers and merchants of Umatilla county are digging down, into their profits to pay for the in creasing war expense. Think of the enormous expenditure for the war department alone, for one year! It amounts to $1 per capita for jvery man, woman and child In the United States, and is increasing con stantly! And what good returns are coming from it? They say the country Is widening jind needs more protection. What does this widening process and heav ier arniy and navy expenses mean to the common neoP'e' It means that they can pay more tnxes and go to -war oftener, . Tho great syndicates have corner--ed the resources of tho now posses sions, .and the government must spend the people's money in protect .ing the syndicates' Interests. Tho same policy which is piling up this staggering war bill Is striving to Increase the already enormous .alary of the president, vice-president and members of congress; the same policy has denied the people a river and harbor appropriation for tho year, and contemptuously snubB the struggling settlements of tho West, barred from the markets of tho world liy Insignificant river obstructions which congress should huvo removed 20 'years ago." Spend millions on tho growing army and usoless navy and deny the cities of the country a decont fedoral building In which to maintain the yostulllco? Tux tho peoplo to height en tho glumor of war, nut ilony them Internal improvements by which en tiro atatos would bo Incomparably blessed. Isn't It about time this war and navy uruzu was checked by tho taxed masses? In what way do the cltl sons of l'ondloton and Umatilla coun ty, and thousands of other communi NOLF & CO. GARDEN SEEDS. New stock Seeds that will J grow. a Peas, per pound, 12c. a Beans, 10c and 15c per pound. J Fine Onion Seeds, 90c a pound. Flower Seeds In bulk or pack- o age at lowest prices. J ties, get a direct benefit from their enormous proportion of ta.os pah' to the national government? The government absolutely refuses to erect buildings for iiostofflcos in cities of 7000 people. Millions are tnkon out of the West ami added to the unnecessary war bill, but tho people of the West are forgotten in t!e distribution of public blessings. Hasn't this war craze convinced tho masses that It Is time to get down to the actual work of Improving the West? Isn't It time that some of the people's money was spent In tho struggling cities of the country, just to make the common people kno'-V that they havo a government which upprecUt3 their presence and the:r lax paying capacity? Give us fewer brass buttons and more federal buildings; fewer battle ships and mure river boats! Shipbuilding In Maine Is practi cally at an end. If It were not for the millions of dollars Invested in machinery and plants, the great ship building companies of that stato would go out of business within a few years. Most of the best ship timbers are sent Into the state from outside timber belts. Why Is this? you ask. It Is because of ruthless waste. A tearing down, destroying process for hundreds of years and no upbuilding. .Millions of acres of tim ber stripped from the mountains and not a tree planted to replaco tho waste. Lumbering In Michigan and Wisconsin is dwindling down and down and the great companies are crowding Into the matchless forests of the Northwest states and Canada. Why Is lumbering In those stales di minishing? Tho constant tearing down and no upbuilding, no rejuve nation. Millions of acres stripped and not one planted. Why are the great railroad systems of tho East planting timber on every waste foot of land? To meet the future demands for ties; to economize In expenses. Can anyone question the wisdom of the government in preserving the for est areas of the West, when these startling facts are considered? Can the robber land syndicate bo checked too (julckly to protect the vital Inter ests of the people? Can loose land laws be too quickly repealed to pre serve tho blessings of the West to the future? Shall the story of Michi gan and Maine be repeated In Ore gon? For every tree destroyed one should be planted. The East Oregontan belluves that the local option amendment to be voted upon at the coming election, should be accepted. It is but just that every community should bo at liberty to select its own surroundings and make its social atmosphere. If one community should happen to bo composed of people to whom tho liquor traffic is offensive, that com munity should enjoy freedom from tho presence of the saloon. The se lection of such vital things as moral surroundings should remain always In the hands of the people. There Is no tyranny worse than the tyranny of laws which communities did not make or cannot unmake, and yet which are objectionable, inasmuch as they create objectionable surround ings. Every voting precinct should have a right to chose Us environ ment, within tho bounds of law and order. CANADA'S SEA. Hudson Bay Is the third largest In closed mariuo sea in tho world, bo Ing next In slzo to tho Mediterran ean sea and the Caribbean sea, and a bill Is now before the Ottawa par liament to change its namo to tho Canadian sea, "for good political und national reasons, and to assert Can adian supremacy over the waters of tho bay and tho adjoining torrltory," American whalers from Now Bed ford, Mass., are practically tho only peoplo who havo frequented the bay for the last tnirty years, COMING EVENT8. April 10 Democratic state con vention, Portland. April 14 Itopublicnn state con vention, Portland. April 10 Mooting of Orogon Cat- tie-growers' Association, rorunnu, Juno 15, 1G, 17 Orogon oncamp mont Q. A. It., Hood Wvor. SPRING IN UMATILLA. Tourists by tho thousands, Hushing to the West, Every trail and wagon road liy their hot feet pressed! Falling o'er each other, For n chance to buy, Anything acceptable, 'Neath Umatilla sky! Richest dirt you over trod, Sunniest skies above, Room enough for thousands, yet, Easy, men! Don't shove! Lambs upon a thousand hills. Plow teams swarming thick, Doctors going out of biz, People can't got sick! Hayseed In his overalls, Hloated plutocrat, Holding wheat for 09, Tourist, think of that! Richest country over saw, Tempting skies above, Think you'll drive a peg and stay? (Easy men. Don't shove.) Each day like a holiday, On the busy streets, .Merchants sorting stacks of coin, Jlormons planting beets! Country roads all swarming, Hitch racks always full, Listen to tho city grow, Grow without n "pull"! Shake off all the Eastern dust, Here's rt land you'll lovt Come, and be a "jlner", (Easy, though. Don't shove!) HURT HUFFMAN. Pendleton, Mar. C. THE GYPSY WIND. The gypsy wind goes down the night I hear htm lilt his wandor-call; And to the old divine delight Am I a thrall. It's out, my heart, against the stars Along the hill-ways dim and deep! Let those who will, behind dull bars, Commune with sleep! For me the freedom of tho sky, The violet easinesses that seem Packed with a sense of mystery And brooding dream! For me the low solicitudes The tree-tops whisper each to each : Tho silences wherein intrudes No mortal speech! For me far subtler fragrances Than the magician morn trans mutes; And minstrelsies and melodies From fairy lutes! .My cares the harrying brood take flight; .My woes they lose their galling sting; When I. with the hale wind of night, Go gypsylng. Clinton Scollard In Century. PRINCIPLE IS SACRED. Power Is always dangerous, always despotic, nnd power always exists where concentrated property rights exist. And enormous wealth can on ly exist where some open or conceal ed monopoly exists. Theso are the problems for the children of the future. And the struggle for office between such men as Hill and Gorman on one side ,and Hnnna and Piatt on the other, is of no more real Interest to the mass of th& people than the ToftiafceaBr.de Many a woman would make a beau tiful bride but she is de terred from entering tho married statu because of ill health. $5QO FOR WOflEN WHO CANNOT Bti CURED. The proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay fsoo in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weak ness, Prolapsus, or Palling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask ii a fair and reasonable trial of their means, of cure. "If wodjcu would Hudy the law of health and iuc n little more common fctne there would not be iuch a brKe numlter to-day buffering with the ilia peculiar to our writes Mr, Bailie Martina (Preldent Mutual Social Science Club), of ifw South llaWtcatl Street, Chicago, III. "Then when medicine i needed If they wo"H take the 'Favorite I'ieriptlon.' they weald have a chance to get well, I utrd Dr. Fierce' l'avufltc Prescription three year aso and I, cured me of female wenkncM of aeveral yeart' landing, o I know what I am talkinr about when I praUc it aud always know wlut lix result will be where it li und." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with "Favorite Prescription" whenever a laxative is required. DO I Ilheilnifttlim. NeuraleU. Cnmtlnntlnn YOU Dlziltieij. (lout. Hllloumeii, Hick I HAVKbiiU Nervout Headache? Don't tell your furniture or pawn your Jewel er? to buy rumedlei for tlieio dlnorden It la not neceinary. ' "Hill's Rheumatic Pills Cot only liocentf, and have cured thounmli during the lait hundred yeara I Jilt. p. A. Hill. Lait lummer I wai troubled Willi theumatliin lo badly I waa (ll-abled from work, but 8 of your pllli cured me that I am am as Umber ai l waa at 18 yean old. I Lave uecu hi uiiuiijiin mil two mom in. anil with one and a ball boxen of your pllli 1 huvo surtd three caiei. Yourn truly, II D.Btrout. Qreenleaf, Minn At Your DriiSKtiU strugglo betweon tho houses" of York and Lancaster In tho Wars of Roses. It Is a mero strategic, scheming, cowardly battle for votes and of lice, not tho earnest buttle for prin ciple. I havo no respect for tho politician wlio nt any time or under any cir cumstances cries, "Hush! Do not scare nwny that voto!" Thu prlncl-, ..1.,., P nIUI. 1 .1... I principles of religion, nnd there is no time when they ought not to bo spoken from tho housetop. Better a thousand defeats In n steady battle for principle than one victory whoro tho principle Is betrayed and tho votes nre gotten by barter nnd de ception. C. E. S. Wood in the Pa cific Monthly for March, Tho Dupont Powder Co. is making efforts to secure the purchase of tho ' Olant Powder Co. at San Francisco. That done, tho Dupont Powder Co. 1 will Havo an nbsoluto monopoly of the manufacture of powder In nil Hit Pacific states. L. II. Mott will be hanged at Jlutte, .March 18. Ho wroto a letter to his friend, Congressman Dixon, at Wash ington. Informing him of tbn dntn nf the execution, and promising to be with Dixon in Washington on March ill). Tho Centenary Methodist church of Portland, reduced the church debt from $10,000 lo $8,000 by last week's campaign. AUCTION SALE FAMOUS Wade Herd of Prize -Winning Shorthorns (SbHerefords Will be sold at Public Auction in Pendleton, on Saturday, March 12, by W. T. Rigby PLUMBING and SEWER WORK I , HAVE. A'. FULL. UNE OF PLUMBING GOODS AND FIRST CLA8S WORKMEN; AL80 MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS. ES TIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK. WORK GUARANTEED T. C. TAYLOR "THE HARDWARE MAN." FRAZER One Night Only, Thursday, March 10 THE BIGGEST WARD AND WADE'S MAGNIFICENT MINSTRELS 40 WHITE ARTISTS 40 Headed by the Exalted Rulers of the Lodge of Merriment Geo. Wde and Tom Powell. Featuring this season their $5,000 scenic aud electrical first part spectacle, "THE CARNIVAL OF VENICE." 2 Cars 2. 2 BANDS 2 2 SHOWS UNITED 2 Our new and grand parade glories. Free upon the streets at noon. Prices 25c 50c; 76c and $1,00 Seats on sale at Brock & McComnB' Tuesday, 10 .n. m. LEGAL BLANKS Z&?E 4 r n alOPtfe Ol them " -" I way s Remember Ibo Fnll Jiqvao -xrfive jgrorao Quinine rOLjfy Cures aColdlnOnoDay, CnpTn 2 Days ' " m w J I This Cap Labol Is a guarantee of the purity and richness of our H I Economy I $ ! I Evaporated ;jj 1 Cream m 1 1 I We offer I f nnn .... I BH I H to anyone able to prove adulteration flk ourproL M i 7411 MAIN ST. THEATRE AND BE8T A fall supply always kept in stock. oneverv WZrX box. 25c S arsapariljla The Spring Tonic 1$ Tones tip ll a system, clean Ij sea tho liver and kidneys, jmrifys lire blood, builds up and strengthens the nervous system and imparts new life to the body. The best remedy made for Catarrh For Sale by I Brock & McComas Go DnifjRists J mm A GROUP OF BEAUTIES. The showing of indies' watches Is more than usually Interesting. We have added a lnrgo number of now designs and now styles to our al ready large assortment, Whoro there is so much beauty nnd morlt a choice inuy be dinicult, but prlceH will help to u selection. LADIES' WATCHES from $5 up. Warranted movement In reliable 2 year case, $1C00, GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician Postoffice Block. The French Restaurant Bezi 25 cunt Moal in the City Private Dining Parlors Elegant Furniyhed Rooms in Commotion GUS LaFONTAlNE, Prop. 633 Main Street SShbbh DELAY8 ARE DANGEROUS. Aa a alight break may end In a great catastrophe. Bettor send your vehi cles to Neaglo Bros, and have neces sary repairs m de as soon aa they are apparent. Our prices aro rea sonable and low and our workmea shlp first-class In all respects, and small repairs are just as cheerfully looked after as complete renovation. Winona wagons and buggies are tha beat. Wo sell them. KEAGLE BROS., THE BLACKSMITHS Starer Oajollne Krutloei-Bafe and reliable THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Bear this in mind when you need poultry and stock supplies and usk (or the International Poultry and Stock Ftood. Ue Kow Kuro (or your cow trou bles, C. F. Golesworthy 127 129 East Alta St. Agont for Lee's Lioo Killer Walter's Flouring Mills ( Capacity, 150 barrols a day. ) Flour oxclmngod for wheat. Flour, Mill Feed, Ohopped Food,. QtC, always on hnml. Ol.Ii NUWHl'Al'nilS -TO l'UT UNDK' titriiotii, 011 (liolvva, walla or for wrap I'lni! imrpoum. Old nuwapupora lu lanj" bundles f 100 eucli nt 2n cent u bund' ill Ilia HAST OltHOO.VlAN 00lc, IW ton, Oivgou, 0 uJJT- pUUiiJsSJ? F? fix