East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 03, 1904, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Those who read newspaper ads
and that means the people who
buy things are looking for bus
iness news as eagerly as for
general news.
Tonight nnd Friday rain or
snqw; high southerly winds.
NO. 4087.
VOL. 17.
v. -J
Jf i HsHV SM M
T - ? sum
"PendietonWHI Have a Gas
Plant if a Franchise and
Patronage Are Assured.
Issue With the Drug Stores on the
Liquor Question Went to a Finish
Druggists and Saloonkeepers
Countered Wheeler Building
Problem Referred to a Committee
Time Limit Drawn on Music in
Saloons Receipts and Balances
for Month of February.
The question that now confronts
tne City is "gas or no gas, ana iuv
trap was sprung- last night by Dr.
"Vlm-nnt nt thn noimnll meetlnir. The
doctor appeared "before the members
at the request of a great many or me
people, he said, who had asked him
about the Bign on the front of his
office. He represented tho North
western Gas Sc. Electric people, and
his company was composed of more
gas men than electric men. There
are many who wish to be able to
have' gas stoves during the hot sea
son, and tho rest of the year, and
he could not furnish It unless there
was a plant.
The company would put In a
plant costing from $25,000 to $30,000
would havo it running inside
Of 18 months, would estab
Jtah' a "maximum rate, and would do
the xfeht thing If the council would
Stro them a chance by granting a
fcsaichlBe. The matter was referred
to the street committee, with in
structions to take as long to report
as desired, since the question was
one that needed a lot of consideration-
Tho recorder's report was read ana
filed, as was that of the city treasur
er and the other officers.
Tho old claim of the firm of Carney
&' Kennedy for damage done to a
couple of their cabs by reason of the
holes left In the streots by the sewer
construction, and which claim had
been turned down at the first meet
ing last month, was brought forward
tectlng wring of the law firm of Bal-'
i..r r. innrvinrt. il was asked that
the bill bo referred to the commit
tee on claims, and the petitioners
he allowed to appear before the com
mitiua und state their case. This
was dono by the council.
Suit to Recover Costs.
A communication was sent in by
William Ileeves, asking Cecity to
reimbursed hlra In the sum ot $143,50
which he claimed to be due by rea
son of having bought a couple of
horses at a salo of Impounded stock.
Shortly after having made the pur-
n,,mr minnared on tne
.inmnmlnri the return of
the horses, which was refusod. A,
suit was brought which was lost by,
Mr. Reeves on the ground of lnsuffi-,
clent advertising on the part of the
city The costs of the suit amount-1
.d to the sum asKea ior, auu ...
to the sum asked for, and Mr.
Reeves asked tnrougn uis w ,
ior i iw. . -
. . tVio Annnrn committee
J, UD iuuvw
Llauor licenses were issued to J
E. HUBsel & Co.. and to J. P. Moder
nach. Pay for Special Policeman.
A warrant was ordered drawn for
117.50 to pay for the services of a
special policeman during the time
poputy Schocr was sick and off duty.
The matter provoked discussion,
wmo of the council thinking that the
UnTo lost should be .taken from the
vacation granted to Mr. Scheer. but
Twa" finely decided that the pollc
man could not help being
should therefore not be punished.
Drug Stores and Saloons.
.Ph.. rtm- store question came up
-t the meeting last evening, and
was Tonerally discussed. It was Stat
S M one it the druggists bad told
n. councilman that he sold on an
forego o? three barrels of whisky
"S h, and that If he was com
poUod to take out a license he would
do a regular whisky business, and
Attempted Wife Murder.
Los Angeles, Cal.. March 3.
Tho closing argumonU wero
heard today in the case of
Colonel Griffith. Ho to
prominent club man and po 1
tlclan. and shot his wife In
the oyo. fowlne Uor d0? al
Hit she tried to poison Urn
and was untrue to him. His
Sofensa la insanity, as he
drank nearly a quart of wills
ky dally.
would run a wagon over the city. On
the other hand It was said that the
onlnnn mnn hurt nrnmlttnri tn fihllt UP
their bars and soil whisky by the oot-
ue instead 01 mo urinK, ana tuus us
rjinn thn llnntiRn, If thn matter was
not attended to by the council. The
recorder was finally instructed to no
tify an or tno drug stores in tno city
that ttinv mnet nlthnr fcnll whlskV
only on' proscription, or tako out a
retail license.
The condition of the Wheeler
building was reported by the fire
chief, and tlie matter was reierreu
to the flro committee with power to
A sower llcenso was Issued to
Louis La Rone, he having filed the
necessary bond with tne treasurer.
A resolution was Introduced and
passed authorizing the grading of
Webb street from one end to the
othor, and fixing thq grade. The cost
of the work will be assessed to the
property owners, and held as a lien
against the property.
Time Limit on Music.
The question of music In saloons
was referred to the ordinance com
mitttee with Instructions to draft
an ordinance limiting the time that
music could be played In any of the
places to 10 o'clock p. m. I
Receipts and Balances.
Thn treasurer's renort for Febru
ary shows there was on the first of
the month a balance of $6,533.50.
The city received fronv, licenses,
$965.55; from the levee sinking
fund, by interest on the C. H. Carter
note, $52.50: Irom the cemetery
fund, $85; and from fines, $334.50;
making a total receipt of $1,437.55
for the month.
There wore $1,198.50 paid In war
rants, leaving a balance on hand for
this month of $6,772.35, which was
apportioned among the different
funds, the general fund now hold
ing $3,231.84; the called warrant
fund, $14.37; the levee sinking fund,
$2,980.14. and the general sinking
fund, $54C.
It was decided to call In $2,000 of
the sewer warrants, Interest on
which was to cease March 3.
Clay Makes a Loan.
A loan of $3,000 was made to John
H. Ferguson from the levee sinking
Thn cltv recorder reported that
the books were all out of balance,
and that they should be gone over
hv nn exnert and a new set opened
from the first of this year. Ft W.
Hendley had checked them, back for
two years, and found that the mis.
takes ante-dated that time. The bal
ances had been switched to the
wrong side and while the finances
wore all right, the books were
wrong. The matter was referred to
the finance committee with power
to act, and it Is probable that the
work will be done as suggested.
Milder Winters and Decreased Snow
fall Has Led to This Action
Heavier Engines and Occasional
Use of the Rotary All That Is
Needed In Future.
All the snowsheds that havo done
gorvico on the La Grande-Hunting-
dlviBion 0f the O. R. & N. havo
wn rfimoved within the past year,
owing to the continued, decrease (ln
the severity or tne winters iu udv
Oregon and tho lessened need for
such expenses.
When these sheds were built 20
years ago, the road, through Pyle
canyon was blockaded every winter
by snowstorms. The sheds wero
built to protect tho worst points and
It has been noticed by tho track de
partment for the past 10 years that
tho snowfall, winds and drifts wore
less and less severe each year, until
the sheds havo become useless and
have been removed,
During the winter Just past, no
trouble has been occasioned at the
points at which tno snea
though it Jias been the worst winter
in five years on tne
n. if thn nnnwfall wero as
heavy now as when the sheds were
built, tho rotary snowplow could be
used to clear tne iracss uu vv
timn thoso stieds were erected the
rotary was unknown.
The heavior engines m
also "wade" through heavier snow
. i.i.. intnrrnrnnco than the form-
Wliuvu, ....... - -
or class of small engines In use.
Spanish Marines Desert.
Madrid. March S.-Ono hundred
blue jackets deserted the Spanish
warship Pelayo at Ferrol. on account
of tho discipline of Commander Ma
cy. They wore captured and severe
punishment Inflicted.
Dreyfus Case Again.
Paris. March 3. Tho court of cas
sation today began consideration of
Captain Dreyfus' appoal for a revis
ion trial.
mmwm no
State of Hurried Preparations
by Both Combatants for
Spring Campaign.
Country Population More Anxious
Than the Townspeople of Russia,
to Enlist Siberian Railway Being
Kept Open by Great Efforts, and
Extensive Improvements Being
Made Upon it Japanese Diet Will
Be Convened Soon for Ten Days'
St. Petersburg. March 3. Unusual
energy Is exerted on the part of tho
authorities for the prevention of a
Siberian railway blockade.
Twentv new sidings have been
built, and they hope to clear the line
and keep 11 trains going in each di
rection daily.
fmm tho Siberian rural
districts are reported more anxious
to go to the front wan me towns
men. Japanese Diet Session.
Tokio, March 3. An extraordinary
nnocinn f t h o Tnnanesn diet Is sum
moned for the 18th. It is not ex
pected to be In session more than
10 days. The customs will not bo
. . . i oolt orwl
toucneu, nut. new mxco nn Missouri. y
silk are likely. Insane Shooter.
. , vvtr William O'Brien, a discharged sol
Suffer for water. frQm gt E1Izabetn Insano aBy.
St. Petersburg, March 3. A rort )umi Mft morning shot Robert Man
Arthur dispatch states that mnaui- n,ng an( Artnur wicker, war oc
tants are suffering from a serious partment dorks, tho latter seriously,
shortness In the water supply , The man came to tno adjutant-
brought overland. Owing .jo ine,.Btr-
vnm rold the water freezes anu
i,rct linfnre Its arrival. The con
UUIBV.B uciuiv " '
denser in the town is Insufficient to
supply the needs of the garrison and
Baltimore & Ohio Wreck.
Cumberland, Mu., March W, Republican Filibuster.
Baltimore ft Ohio express was J
wrecked at RoBburB l tee on postofflces was hold today,
ing. , rremal"CKtQbabrv fa "ny but was forced to adjourn. The re
and the engineer Probably fatally w momberB are charged with
hurt. No passengers ore nJ"( eavlng tho room to break tho
The engine, two eJer ilsa-ler1eetl ,naU 1 arum. to prevent if possible the
and baggage cars were derailed. ,op(lo of a resolution providing
. " IT! I tnr nn ovlmilfillvil investigation Of
11tll Dm M M r -JJ 1 : ITV jail.
,i i iinwii 5 Mavor Wll-
1 U 1 U tin u ,
liams has recommended the expen
(1.it.re of $1,000 by the city In clean
ing up the old city Jail, and has also
recommended that tho present site
of tho city Jail be sold and the pro
ceeds bo applied to tho purchase of
a new building.
Plague In California.
a. Tho secre-
tary of the state board of health, o.
nnt I noil this morning
of the death of a whlto woman from
plague on a ranch in tuuvra w
Contracts for Carrying Mall From
Valder to Tanana Will Be Let.
Assistant Postmaster Colkett at
Seattle, has received notice from the
office of tho second assistant post
master general, stating that sealed
proposals will be received by that of
fice up to May 24 for carrying tho
malls from Valdez to Tanana.
The malls go by way of Fairbanks
and Chena, and a time allowance of
20 days for the trip will bo gtvon.
The contract will be for a term from
October to May. 1506. The service is
to be twice each month from October
to May.
Tim riintancn from Valdez to Tan
ana by this route is about 620 miles.
TTnitnri stated Senator Bard, of
California, refuses to be a candidate
for re-election.
Walla Walla, March 3. A special
from Washington to the Union today
"Senator Ankeny has won his fight
for the permanent retention of Fort
Walla Walla.
Tho poBt. which was recommend
od abandoned by General Funston,
and ordered abandoned by Secretary
Iloot and tu'e general Btaff of which
Lieutenant General Young was tho
hoad, Is now on the list of posts for
Immediate Measures Taken
to Raije the Panama banal
Purchase Money,
Republican Members Senate Postof
flee Committee Filibuster Against
Further Investigation of Postal
Department Frauds Insane Sol
dier Shoots Two War Department
Clerks Official Denial That Cleve
land Ever Entertained a Colored
Man. .
Woehlnc-fnn ' Mnmh 3 Thn trnns
ury authorities jaro preparing a call
Antnfln nil nfltlnnnl hfllilm nf thn
country to payiln 20 per cent by
.March 25. Thefsum required Is $20,-
000.000. which, together with $20
000,000 from tho, treasury itself, will
bo devoted to payment for Panama
canal property anu cuncusoiuua.
Warships Collide.
Admiral Baker cables from Guan
tanamo to Pensacola tho Missouri's
ntnarltii, (rear nVrnmn rilRfihlnd nnd
she collided with the Illinois, dam-no-lnir
thn lattor's port nronoller. but
doing slight injury to herself. The
Illinois was ordered to New York.
Captain Cowles, the president's
brother-in-law, Isf in command of tho
... ,
seneral.B 0fnCn-'and asked for papers
. - rnr,rrilVtn tho record ant
Tin urou nf.f.jl It tn thn rnrnrn ana
pension office and cut loose with n
pistol. Manning's wound penetrat
ed the stomach, while Wicker was
shot In the left arm. O'nrlen was
disarmed by other clerks and arrest
ed. "
tho postofilce department.
Grover Denies It.
In tho house Webb, democrat of
North Carolina, Interrupted the
reading of the District or coiumuia
appropriation bill today to present
to the houso a denial from Orovcr
Cleveland that he had, wlillo presi
dent, entertained a negro at lunch
eon. Tho letter said tho charge i
a fabrication wit of whole cloth. Thp
charge was made on tho floor by
Scott, republican from Kansas, sov-o.-ul
dayB ago, in defending Roose
velt for his action In entertaining
Booker T. Washington.
"Showmelans" Propose
Fight It Out,
Washington, March 3. Tho "Show
Me" stato was much In ovidenco In
thn hmiRn cloak rooms this morning,
when Itepresentatlves Cochran and
Hunt of Missouri, nearly camo to
blows during a discussion of tho gu
bernatorial candidacy of Circuit At
torney Joe Folk.
Hunt Is anti-Folk, and oxpreBBed
contempt for his colleague, who
comes from outsldo tho St. Louis
limits. Cochran hotly stated that
only fraud could defeat Folk, where
upon Hunt started to show Cochran.
Champ Clark broke In and literally
lifted Cochran from his feet and car
ried him out of tho danger zone.
Hunt then announced he could lick
tho whole Missouri delegation, but
hostilities gradually ceased.
.eimr.nent retention, and will, as
soon as practicable, be rebuilt.
"For several weeks Senator Anke
ny has been having conferences with
Secretary Taft and Lieutenant Gen
eral Chaffee and the matter finally
terminated this morning in an agree
ment on the part of -tho war depart
ment to take the post off the list for
abandonment and place It on the
permanent list for tho purpose stat
ed. Tho quartermaster general was
notified by the chief of staff to pre
pare plana for the reconstruction of
the post for four companies.
U. B. of R. E. May Hold Coming
Session In Colorado,
Tlmivrr. March .1. Donvnr mnv bo
selected as tho place for tho noxt !
convention ot tho United Brother
hood of Hallway Employes, which
begins Its sessions May 9. A refer-
nntlnm vntn nn thn nlnnn nf mnnttnff
Is now being held.
Chicago, Sacramento and Ogdon .
tlon. Tho headquarters of tho or-
irnnlsntlnn la nt Rnn KYnnclnro. nnil
It has a membership ot about 75,000.
me Amalgamated assembly adopt
ed a resolution yesterilny Inviting
tho body to meet hero and pledging
tho support of organized "labor of
Denver to local No". 21 of Railway
Employes In mnklng tho convention
a success.
Supreme Court Decides That the
Secretary of State Must Not Audit
Claims After Fund Is Exhausted.
Salem, March 3. Tho supremo
court yesterday evening decided
that the old soldiers of tho Indian
wnrrt nf Orwrmi will nnt hn nhln tn
get their pay until another legisla
ture meets nnu appropriates ior tne
purpose, tho present fund being ex
hausted. Those who are still unpaid cannot
get their pay by presenting claims
Those who are still unpaid cannot
to tho secretary of stnto, as ho can-,
not audit tho account, because- hey
belong to a separate fund, which Is
not now in existence- to
meet tho
Western Union- Demands Protection
for the Messengers.
m 1. o n-i. txr .
Union Telegraph Company will Beck
enforcement of tho federal injunc-
tlon against striking messengers, on
account of assaults by boyB and men
on non-union messengers. Ono of
iiiq latter was siasncu across ma
face this morning and kicked
beaten by a crowd of strikers.
Pope Says It Will Be a Sure Thing
Next Year.
Home, March 3. Tho pope Inform -
od an Intimate friend today there
will not bo timo nt tho first consts-
ior "' i'i"""1
lean cardinal, but noU .year he will
mnuo such an nppolntracnt.
n77, A' . m,
Killed In a Coal Pit.
Brestau, March 3. Eight, men per-
lslied in a coal pit owned by Prince
Tlnnnnrrmirlt III GInlwItzC. ill Silesia
today, by tno Ignition of coal dust.
Sixteen Others Are In Hospitals
Foreman Is Under Arrest and the,
Contractors Cannot Be Found
Heavy Suits for Damages by Rela
tives, Friends and Property Own.
Now York, March 3,-Thn-o hund- from Ul0 Wu!la Walla
rod men worked uil night In thn (.ommercttj Association In proctir
ruins of the Hotel. Darlington. j g the advuncomunt of all Irrigation
At 10 this morning five bodies nnd propositions for tho good of the
been revered and tho rescuers re- Wa"a W. Uta
port eight moro lu sight. Ono is cut '.,
cieuiuy in iwu.
Tho list of dead will not oxcouu
13, and 16 wounded aro In hospitals.
Thn '.nnufrurtlnn foreman Is under
arreBt, and none of tho contractors
arreBt, and none of the contractors
can be found. Open threats of vlo-
lenco aganat tho contractors aro
made by surviving workmen and rel-
atlves of tho killed and Injured mon.
Suits for damages aggregating
$60,000 havo already boon begun
!in0t Thn nwnnr and contractors,
on account of the ueain anu injunuo
iiat nmi n milt for tG.000 by thu own
era' of tho Patterson apartmont
house adjoining.
Two More Bodies.
Two moro bodies had been taken
from tho ruins at noon. One to Frank
Durwalter, a plumber. Other Identl -
flcations aro Farroll Frank, Fredor -
Unrroll nntl T-'lln RtaiTS. SOVOr-
al arrests are expected for alleged
violation of tho building laws.
Killed Hit Cousin.
Bloomfleld, Mo., March 3. Whllo
playing with a shotgun, Johnle Tyn
ne accidentally shot and killed his
cousin, Mabel Miller. 10 years of ago,
while playing sheriff.
Seattle to 8pend 700,000.
Tho Seattle city council will spend
700,000 during the year 1904 on
street Improvements and extensions.
Private property owners will be
taxed almost an equal amount on Im
provements, also.
ii i n ii
j I II I UW I I Wl I I w
Smith Continues
His Testimony Before the
Senate Committee.
Has Been the Church's Policy Since
Woodruff Manifesto of 1890 Plu
ral Marriages Ceased Then, But
Not Cohabitation With Plural
Wives Sealed Before That Year
Polygamy Repudiated by Many
Mormons and Practiced by Three
or Four Per Cent.
Washington, March 3. Ilecause It
probable that tho o
n. .,.,,., SmIth would
touch up-
,,, I)orB01lnl at(nlrn, his polyga
, marrlaR0H to nvo wivos, and
, , fam , 4, cMMron, Interest It
his family ot 42 children, Interest In
tho lnvoBtlgatlon Into tho Smoot
caso Increased this morning. Tho
scnato conimltteo room was filled
with 'wltiuissos, counsol, newspaper
men nnd spectators.
Chairman Burrows announced that
, In view of the chnrgu that the 12
nnnnllnn nt whom Rninot Is one. con-
nlvo nt nnd todch polygamy, tho
committee docided It would Inquire
Into thn teachings and prnctlcea of
tho npostles slnco September 2C,
1890, tho dato ot tho Woodruff man-
When Smith took tho stand Aitor-
noy Taylor asked whotlior to tako a
plural wlfo would bo a violation of
tho rules of tho church. Ho roplled
it uinlfd- that cohabitation with a
plural wlfo Is contrary to tho rnlos
I ot tno churc1'. B wul1 as the law of
,l'n','kln ormsfllon of tho
rommlUeo t() milke a statomcnt,
gmlUl BnUl. ,n rcBani t0 tho status
of polyganilsts at tho timo ot mo
wun,fosfo, u was understood they
would "abstain 'from-assoclatlon-with
tliolr famllloa. Ho thinks tho rulo
wnf) observed, but at the timo of tho
passage of tho enabling act for tho
admlBslon of Utah as a stato, tho
,lu p,,ulclnn moiln was that PlU-
I ra mnrrluges sliouli'l coaso, as thoro
was no prohibition ngalnst conauito
tlon witli plurnl wivos who had
boon nuuriod before that time.
Mr. Smith Bald thoro Is a rovola
tlon In thu Book of Mormon on pin
rn 1 miirrlm-nn. Not moro than three
or four pur cent of the members ot
thu Mormon chureh over entered Into
plural marrlngo. Many thousands
novor accepted tho revelation, novor
Ibolloved In tho doctrlno, novortho
I Iohb, thoy uro memberB of the church
i and in good fellowship.
r.nmmerdnl Association Will
In Conjunction
Presldunt J. A. Borlo, of tho Com
mercial Association this oftornoon
appointed Dr. C. J. Smith, T. O.
Halloy and C. C. Berkeley as tho
i inn tt wnrir in cuuiuiiv.viun
The Stubblefleld Home.
C. M. lladcr, of Wulia Walla, one
of tho trustees of tho Joseph Stub-
w .u -"- y - homo xm
blofiu M estate left lor n.
''' T.nf, ro tho county
court. Tho "UK"10"0 V proKr0ss,
bled ol d I estate to sU In prog T
and holra of tho aoa.il pniiauiurui
are contesting his will.
D.turncfi From McMlnnville.
Mrs. K. D. Chanoy has roturnod
from a visit with friends and rela
I ' ,i Z rnmal'na of the little
tives In McMinnvine. wuoro ...
""'VJ wag ruu oVcr by tho wagon
, rMCil BOmo timo ago.
.0" lno "u" 1
Republican Split,
Norfolk, Va., March 3.-
Tho second district Virginia
republican convention today
split, and two sets of dele
gates will go to Chicago. Tho
ono sent by tho fedoral fac
tion will bo all white, the
other whites and blacks alike.
The stato convention tomor
row promises a Bpllt also. The
llly-whltcs aro supposed to be
acting under Instructions di
rect from tho administration.