J PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1904. EIGHT PAGES. Men's Fine Dress Shoes! Spring styles of our Men's Fine Dress Shoes baye arrived and arc J 2 ready for your inspection. EDWIN CLAPP Shoos have no superior In style, fitting or wearing Qualities, and wo have a full line of them In patent colt, calf and vlcl kid, aho a full line of the popular J. E. Tilt shoes at $3.60, UM and $5.00. Nothing bottor for the money. All havo rock oak soles, a the best sole leather made. DINDINGER, WILSON & CO. Phone Main 1161. 2 GOOD SHOES CHEAP YOUNG MEN'S CLUB NEW REPUBLICAN ORDER INSTITUTED LAST NIGHT COUNCIL T OUGHT FIRE CHIEF WILL REPORT A LODGING HOUSE UNSAFE. February Was a Dull Month for Re celpts In Recorder's Office, Only Sixty-One Defense Cases Being Heard The General Health Has Been Excellent, With a Total Ab senee of Contagious and Infectious Diseases. The city council will meet this eve. ning for the first meeting In the month, and the accounts of the month will be audited and the re ports read and filed. The fire committee yesterday af ternoon made a visit to the "Wheeler lodging house, with the result that this evening Fire Chief W. R. "Withee will make a report to the council to the effect that the building Is, undqr present conditions, unsafe, and that unless It be repaired, should be closed. The flues in the building, as far as could be determined nre in good con dition, but the connections with the rooms are unsafe and the house is as a whole In a tumble-down state and a Terl table rat-trap. The stairways are narrow and hard to get at, and should a -flro start in the front part of the structure, the tenants would be shut off from escape. Dull Month for Receipts. The recorder's report shows the past 29 days to have been the dullest for some time, and receipts are cor resnondtngly small. There wore 61 cases tried in the city court during February. Of theie 21 were for drunk and disorderly con duct, 25 for keeping houses of ill fame, 10 for vagrancy, two for opium smoking, nnd three for gambling, Twenty-six of the number paid their fines, five forfeited bail, 2G served Jail sentences, two were dismissed, and sentence was suspended in two enses. The total amount of fines was 334.50, the Bale of cemetery lots amounted to 85, liquor licenses brought in $275, express and dr.iy permits $30.05, the junk shops $2.50, street venders' licenses $3, and bio' cles $1. The Expense List. The expense of the city recorder's office has amounted to $75 for sal ory, 37.50 for rent and $4 for junior work, making a total of $116.50. The health of the city for the past month has been excellent, there be ing but one death reported for this place, and no contagious diseases or serious sicknesses. Syrup I Sarsaparilla j Compound j Blood Purifier and System Tonic WE MAKE j OUR OWN ? BEE OUB "WINDOW ; You will understand why it Is the beat DEATH OF A CHILD. Demise Was Caused by Typhoid Fe ver and Pneumonia. Kenneth Reeves, the 22-months-oid child of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Reeves of Alba, died at the home of his parents yesterday, after an extended illness with typical fever and bronchitis. The father of the infant is a well known farmer of Alba. The funeral will be conducted from the residence this afternoon, and the remains will be buried in the Pilot Rock ceme tery. The government transport Buford, has just cleared from Portland with 600,000 feet of lumber for the Philippines. CHe WHOLESOME CRESCENT TALLMAN & CO. Leading Druggists Egg -Phosphate BAKING POWDER SAVES ONE-THIRD THE EGGS. SAVES TWO-THIRDS THE MONEY SAVES ALL THE WORRY. One Pound 55 cenU. AH Grown Believed to Be Necessary for the Good of the Party Committees Annnlntrrl and Permanent Ornanl ration Will Be Effected March 16 starts Out With a Membership of Eighty. The Young Men's Republican Club, which has been In process or iorma tion for the oast woek, was tompor arily organized last evening in the Armory hall. Roy Rltner was oiect ed temporary president and Frank Macey secretary. Committees were annointed to draft a constitution, and by-laws for the club, to chooso a place for the next, meeting, and to secure additional memoors. There are now In the neighborho d of SO members on the roll, and It 1 the Intention of the club to enroll all of the young republicans In the city before the next mee..ng, which wsb Bet for two weeks from last night, or at the call of the president. All men over 18 years of age are to bo eligl ble to membership. The purpose of the club is to at' tempt to pull the tattered ends of the republican tangle of tho county together, if possible, and to promote hnrmonv In the ranks. The members will look after the registration of the young men, and Bee that all of thorn especially those who will vote .tne te publican ticket, register and go 1o the polls. Whether or not the club will snring up in tho sunshlno of party favor and grow nnd blossom Into a tree of promise and usefulness seems to be a question in the minds of some of the old warhorses of the party: but as the mighty oak grows from the little acorn, so may the club spread its sbade out over the land. The old men of the party say they have not been sufficiently urged 'o put their autographs at the end the list, and are therefore somewhat doubtful as to the outcome for they think that a band of zealous young men with no experienced heads and hands to guide their craft upon the troubled waters of tho political sea. will soon strike rocks on one side or the other of the channel and wreck their barge almost upon the launch ing. On the other hand, the young men think otherwise. Thoy have tho Idea that new pilots are needed, and would like to see some of the ob structions to the channel dynamited out of existence. They will attempt to place the mines and clear the way lor the free passage of the republl can ship in future years. They say that If they all work ,n harmony they will be able, like the little tug, to tow the ship of republicanism past the rocks and out Into the open sea of success. Therefore they wish to have no leaven of old partizanshlp la the mass, and for tnat reason tho old time leaders are left to form a club of their own. Harmony Is their watchword, and at the next meeting this principle will be made plain at the permanent organization. MISS ESTES UNDER ARREST. NOT GOOD, NOT HERE REVERE COFFEE "A perfect amber color, A real boquet odor" and "The flavor you cannot forget " REVERE COFFEE Once Tried, Always Used F. S. YOUNGER & SON Charged With Stealing Diamond Ring in Portland. Miss Delia Estes, of Athena, no Portland dispatches read, was Sun- lay afternoon arrested by tho Port land police for the alleged thoft of a diamond ring from one H. F. Smith. Smith and tho woman had bean together a great deal of lato, and bad been stopping at tho New Grand Central hotel. Several days ago she took the ring from his room and dls appeared. Ho has been looking 'or her for some time, and at last, not being able to find her, put tho mat ter In tbe hands of tho police, who, after a search, found hor and placed her under arrest Sho admitted her identity but denied tho theft, and is being held to await trial. Miss Estes Is tho young woman who married Earl Chllds in this city a 'short time ago, and was deserted by her husband, who loft ner penni less at the old Qulmhy house imme diately after their arrival In Port land. She is a Umatilla county girl, and nt the time of her marriage was attending tho business colloge in this city. GOING EAST. F. W. Vincent and Wife Will Start About April 1. Dr. V. W. Vincent is contemplat ing a trip to the East, and tho 8L Louis fair. It has boon a long time slnco tho businoss interests of tho doctor havo permitted him to tako an extended journey, and by this time ho thinks be has oarnod tho right to havo a good outing. There fore, he and Mrs. Vincent will leave this city about tho first of April and will visit many of the large cities of the Middlo West, going from thoro to New York, Baltimore, Phlladol jihla and tbe cities of tho South, re turning by way of St. Louis and tho exposition. They will bo gone six woolt8 or two months, STOCK CONDITIONS. Are First-Class, According to One of the Leading Stockmen. Georgo L. Horseman of Gurdane, , wan a business visitor In tho city yesterday. Mr. Horsomnn Is ono of J the most widely known stockmen of tho county, and reports tho stock in 2 his vicinity to ho In the best of con- dltlon, with pasturago good and food J plenty. In his estimation tho hard time for 2 the stockmen is not tho winter, but i tho spring, whun all of the feed is gone ns a rule, and tho grass has not had time to grow. At this time tho stock gets so poor that when tho grean grass docs como it weakens them nt first instead of strengthen ing, and tho cattlo dlo. This yenr there Is no shortage of feeu, and the cattle will come out fat and strong. DR. MARTIN'S ENTER i AINMENT. Another Excellent Dramatic Recital at the Christian Church Tonight Dr. S. M. Martin will glvo tho last of his elocutionary entertainments nt tho Christian church this evonlng, tho first numbor being the rendition of "The Bells," by Poe, ono of tho most difficult compositions In tho English language. An entirely new program will bo rendered and Dr. Mnrtln's power of Impersonation will bo seen at Its best. He will imitate character, emotions, moods, phases of human action, nnd all the varied elements that go to make up the story of life In both Its ludicrous nnd subllmo tendencies. About 500 people attended thd last of these entertainments by Dr. Mar tin, and this program will bo of tho same general high character and tho people will enjoy a raro opportunity to hear one of the best dramatic readers nnd impersonators In tho country. SEEKS INFORMATION. Missouri Farmer Looking Toward Oregon as a Future Location. Carmi Steel of Mlllersvllle, Mis souri, who spent somo tlmo In this county two years ago, visiting his son, O. F. Steel, at 317 College street, writes for information on real estate nnd crops In this county. He form ed a favorable impression of tbe country while here, nnd will probably return nnd locnte permanently here. The East Orcgonlan has sent him a copy of Colonel R, C. Judson's report on dry-land alfalfa raising, corn growing and Btock feeding in Eastern Oregon, and a copy of "Oregon, Washington, nnd Idaho," issued by tho O. R. & N. Company, hoping that these facts and figures will convince him of tho superiority of Oregon ns a home country. FOUR MONTHS' REVIVAL. Meetings Cose at Athena After Long Fight Against Satan. Tho revival mootlngs nt tho Moth odist Episcopal church closed Sun day night, after sevornl weeks dura tion, says tho Seml-Wookly Athona Press. The fruits of tho efforts ff Revs. Warner nnd ArmDold wore over 40 conversions, with 34 addi tions to tho M. R church and 4 to the Baptist church. Tim.-. Wnrnnr left Rnturrinv for his chargo In Pondloton nnd tho meet-j ings wcro closed by the pastor, W. E. Armfiold. This closes a long slogo of four months continuous revival meetings, during which tlmo not .in evening has passed without services at one of tho churches In tho city. Tho hall was started rolling by Rev. Mooro, of tb Baptist church, In Octobor, after which tho meetings finishing up nt tho Methodist meoi-l Ings Just closed. Verily, if Athena is not a religious town, it is not through , lack of religious teaching. I Blending Tea and coffee takes tlmo, pa tience nnd Btudy, One must bo able to havo the tasto of every tea and coffee in tho store In one's mind to blend successfully. Our Business has flttod us for this line of work and placed us in a po sition to gratify every whim. Our coffees are really exquisite for We Know How ? to blend and not have them blttor or muddy. OWL TEA HOUSE j 301 East Court St. 2 Get Sunny. TJ C Radcr. LOST A FINGER. THE ST. JOtf STORE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OPbiJ TO THEPUBLIC COM MENCING MARCH 2. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIG URES. WE NEVL.i MISREPRESENT. WHITTINGHILL MERCANTILE CO. Successor to LYONS MERCANTILE CO.. Bruce Parrish of Cold Springs, Meets With Accident While Riding ThlB Morning. Bruco Parrish, of Cold Springs! met with an accident this morning which resulted In tho loss of -J10 front finger on his left hand. He was riding on horso back, car rying a loaded shotgun, when the horse fell with him, and In striking the ground the gun was discharged. and the front finger, down to tho middle Joint blown Into shreds. He rodo into town a distance of 22 miles, where the finger was dress ed by Drs. Smith and Ringo. Sale of a Farm. Cora E. Learn nnd husband hnvn sold to Der.n S. Hami,on for $2,i00, part of the southeast nuarter nf ihe norinwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest nnnrtnr nf section 27, in township 4 north of range 36. beinc a tract of land rlnsn 10 t reownter. TEN DOLL ARS A SUIT IS SO VERY CHEAP THAT THE PRICE LOOKS LIKE A HUGE MISTAKE, BUT WHILE THE VALUE LOOKS LIKE TWENTY DOLLARS WE ARE ACTUALLY 8ELLING THIS FIRST LOT AT THIS LOW PRICE OF $10 Albert Cohen to Walla Walla. Albert Cohen lsft Insf omnium fm- waua wana. wnnrn tin nrrnmnnnlml his sister. Miss Lena Cohen, of Vic toria, u. c., who Is en route home irom Athena, where sho hnn imnn visiting relatives for somo time. Mr. i,uiiun win return tins evening. Popular Traveling Man. James It. Leslie, thn tivo of the Richmond Paper Company with hcadnuarters nt Wnlln Wniin accompanied by Mrs. Leslfe, Is stop ping nt the Hotel Pendleton for a miort nme wnue Mr. Leslie transacts business. Mr. Leslie hnR flint rppnv. ored from a six-wenks' nfinnv- nt .v. pnoia fever. Henry Smith ImDrovlna. Henry Smith, of La Grande, who was brought to St. Anthony's hospi tal a iow uays niter nn attemnt to commit suicide by cutting his throat. Is Improving under the excellent treatmont at the hospital, nnd will entirely recover, unless somo unfore seen complication interferes. Thorn-Doerlng. Miss Elizabeth Thnrn Doerlng were 'united In marriage yes torday afternoon nt the resldonco of Rev. J. T. HoBkins, of the United Brethren church. Both of thn nrln. cipaU are residents of Umatilla county. Marriage License Issued. A marriaeo license was Inmimi thin morning to Olnoy A.' Simpson and Miss Irma Long, both residents of the Preowater country. Freewater Lots 8old. Juff Kelly and Wlfo hnvn Rnld Into 1C and 1C in block 2. nf tho of Freowator to Mary 8. Ingle and husband for the sum of $1,500. THIN FOLKS 8hould know that perfect digestion and assimilation of tho food is tho first ossontlnl to tho putting on of ROlId llosll. Personn whn hnvn n weak stomach nnd suffer from Dys pepsia, Indigestion and Constipation are always thin, because thoy fall to derlvo nronor nourishment fmm thnir food. Try Hostetter'a Stomach Bit- iors at ouco. it will strengthen tho stomnch, porfoct digestion nnd build up firm, solid flesh. It never fails. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS SO THAT ALL MAY KNOW "THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE THE BOSTON STORE TO BUY CLOTHING." THIS PRICE HAS NEVER BEEN MADE ON THIS QUALITY OF BRAND NEW CLOTHING IN THIS CITY. LOOK BEFORE YOU BUY. The Boston Store SHOES AND CLOTHING WASHED I CLEAN, "and " """" IRONED OTTO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT in laundry work clothes washed clean, just enough bluing to remove the "yellow streak," just enough starch to give body and polish, just the right sort ol ironing to make col lars, cuffs and shirts hold their own. Do you get it ? If not, why not, when that is the sort ol laundering done by us? Work called for and delivered. THE DOMESTIC STEAM LAUNDRY " " ' ...GET DRY WOOD... We have on hand a very large stock of solid dry wood of all kinds (not half seasoned green wood) but dry wood, which burns and givi-s out heat WeVare prepared to deliver this good wood promptly for cash. A trial order for our wood will make you want more when you are out of iueL W. C. MINNIS , Leave orders at Newman's Cigar Store. Phone Black 1071 I Its THE BEST TH K MOST WHOLESOME PROPERLY MILLED WITHOUT A SUPERIOR BYERS' BEST FLOUR The Standard of Excellency. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor.