EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1904. PAGE SEVEN. AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE After Nez Perce Agent. It has 'developed that ex-Senator Heltfeld's present trip m the east Is In connection with recent troubles on thq Nez Perce reservation nnd the charges filed against Suporln-' tendcnt McArthur. Senator Hcltfold left yesteray morning and friends say he had been requested by the In dian department at Washington to assist in the further investigation of the charges made by tho Indians and others against Mr. I'eArthur. , Persons pushing tho claims against the superintendent and acting agent claim that even if the Indian depart ment, does not act on the present chMjjeRjoUifyr charges will be at once filed tantlfav even more rigid lnves-tlgatioadc-ruaruled. FrientfSpof Mr. McArthur say that In the investigation held by Special Agent McNIchols In December last the Indian complainants we're una lile to give any evidence against tho superintendent worthy of attention and that in all probability the mat ter will never be heard of again. , Ix-wlston Tribune. ( Wheat Reports From Walla Walla. Milton Evans, 'state correspondent Xor the department of agriculture, will today forward his report for the "Walla Walla valley, showing condi tions at tne close or February. The report sIiowb that all the corn raised lost year wqb of a marketable quali ty and the price averaged about 0 centB per bushel. Mr. Evans esti mates that 25 per cent of tho wheat crop of last .year Is still In tho hands of the farmers and that one per cent Is annually consumed within the county. The corn crop of the county Is shown to be of but little Import ance, although enough Is raised to supply local demands. Walla Walla Union. The Negro Can't Heip It. Some intimation of the rumpus that the recent marriage of the negro ' captain of the Ninth cavalry to a mulatto. Miss Ada Mills, has caused at the Presidio, has drifted into local STOCK RECEIPTS AT PORTLAND VERY LIGHT. Only 130 Head of Cattle in the Mar ket of the Oregon Metropolis In 24 Hours Eastern Oregon Steers Quoted at $4.75 Grain-Fed Weth ers and Lambs $4.50 Per 100 Hdgs Find Ready Sale at $5.75. Portland Union Stockyards. March 2. The receipts of livestock In the local yards during the past 24 hours were quite small and consisted f J30 cattle and 21 horses. Cattle are more quiet, while hogs and sheep are strong. Ruling prices remain as follows: Cattle Best Eastern Oregon steers. J4.7B; best valley steers, $4 4.50; medium steers, J3.754; cows, $3,750.4: bulls, $2.503; stags, $3 3.50. Hogs Best heavy, $5.75; block, $5.50; China fats, $55.25; stockens and feeders, $4.504,76. Sheep Best grain-fed wethers and lambs, $4.50; mixed sheep, $3.50 4.75; Blockers 'and feeders, $2.50 3.25. Chicago Wheat. Chicago, March 2. Cables were dull today and liquidations which be gan yesterday continued throughout the day. Primary receipts were 712,000 bushels against 391,000 same date last year. Wheat Open. Close. May $1.00 -97 New July . . . .93 .91 Old July 9494 92B RETAIL GROCERY PRICES. Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 40c per lb.; next grade 35c per lb; lower grades coffee. 25c to 15c per lb.; package coffee, 20c per lb Rice Best head rice, 16c per lb.; next grade, 12c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best $6.U0 per sack; do, 14 lbs $1. Salt Coarse, $1 10 per 100; table, $2.50 per 100. Flour-B. B.. $4.25 per barrel; Walters', $4.25 per barrel, $1.10 per ack. Bacon 1418c per lb. ' Ham-1718c per lb. ' Coal oil $165 for 5 gallons, $3.25 PeLard 70c 6 pounds; $1.40 10 pounds. VEGETABLES. " Carrots, 2c per lb. Parsnips, 10 lbs 25c. Potatoes, lc per lb, , Garlic, 10c per H. Cabbage, 3c per )b. Onions, 3c per lb. Itadlshea, 5c per bunch. Green onions, 5c per bunch. Walla Walla spinach, Cc per iu. Celery, 10c bunch, 3 bunches 25c. Lettuce, hothouse, 5c bunch. m 1 . . . a- ..ri 4fln ea on. .hSl5: 81-3C i-r lb; on ob, 5c Jior lb, FRUITS. Ilauatias. 40c dozon. 'Apples. 76c $1 per box. Jmons, 40c dozen. MARKET REV EWED army circles from San Francisco. Captain onarles Young, as stated in the telegraphic dispatches last Sun day, took unto himself a wife at Oakland. Notwithstanding the fact that the regulations seem to prescribe that in negro regiments, such as tho Ninth cavalry, all the officers shah bo white, Captain Young has been a member of the Ninth for seven years. The white wives of all tho other offi cers in the regiment are up in arms over the fulfillment of army etiquette which says -flat they shall call on Captain Young's wife and receive her on equal footing at all post hops and other entertainments. Walla Walla Statesman. Will Sign Deeds to Right of Way. F. A. Seufert of The Dalles, says that ho Is ready to convey to tho state and the national government right of way for Celllo canal through his property and that he will sign the deeds this week. Mr. Seufert's holdings cover five anil a half miles of the proposed ca nil route, the remaining three miles doing owned by I. H. Tafte, William Mitchell, Everdlng &. Farrel, and the O. It. & N. railway. All of these owners are willing to give up ground readily and have reached an under standing with the state commission ers excepting Mr. Taffe, who says his valuable property Interests will be considerably damaged by the wa terway. Mr, Taffe owns about one quarter mile of the canal route. The state commissioners will prob ably sign up with the owners within the next 30 days, and meanwhile will endeavor to make an amicable agree ment with Mr. Taffe, paying him lib erally for damages. The Dalles Chronicle. Pool Selling Closed Out. The pool room at the Hoffman House, selling pools on the Califor nia races, was close'd yesterday. The reason assigned Is that the new li cense Imposed by the council is ex orbitant and prohibitive. Boise Statesman. Oranges, 40G0c dozen. Cranberries, 10c per quart. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY. The following prices are paid by dealers to the producer: Turkeys, 1214c. Chickens, hens, 8c; ?34 per doz en; roosters, 46c. Geese, per dozen, $9. Ducks, per dozen, $2.500' 4. Butter, 5075c, good. Eggs, fresh, 25c. CHOICE BEEF CATTLE, ETC. Steers, $3.253.85. Cows, $2.502.85. Hogs, live, 45c. Hogs, dressed, 07c. Veal, dressed, 07c. Sheep, $22.50. HAY AND FEED. Chop barley, $22.50 per ton; lUc per lb. Chopped wheat, 1.40 per 100. Bran, COc per sack. Shorts, $1 per sack. Oats, lc per ib. Alfalfa, loose, $13 per ton. Wheat, loose, $13 per ton, Timothy, baled, per ton $20. HIDES AND PELTS SCARCITY OF BOTH, THE WINTER BEING TOO MILD. At the Same Time Prices Are Dull Winter Has Been Very Favorable for Stock, Which Are In Good Con dition in Every Locality and in Good Health Business Is Dull With the Hide Men. The hide market is a dead thing this year, and where one pelt has been shipped out in the past few months five were sent over the road last year. This is in a large measure due to the mild winter and the fact that so few of the sheep and cattje have died during the cold weather. The weather of the past few months has been very healthy for the stock. This, though advantageous to the cattle owner, Is hard on the hide an. , Green sheep pelts are selling for 5 cents, and tho dry for 7 cents, while green beef hides are bringing 4 cents, and 11 cents dry. This will show the market to be falling, and though the supply Is short, the de mand seems to be very weak. The local men in the business have but little to do, and have a hard time In finding pelts enough to Justify the hunt after them. The Name Witch Hazel, The name Witch Hazel Js much ,.i.vi K. r. Tie Witt & Co.. Chi cago, ure tho inventors of the orig inal and only genuine wucn jiazoi Salve. A certain euro for cuts, burns, bruises, eczema, totters, piles, etc. There are many counterfeits of this ..i.. mimn fr which are dangerous. while they are worthless. In buying Witch Hazol salvo see mm uio iiume E C De Witt & Co., Chicago, Is ou tlie box und a euro is certain. Sold by Tallman & Co, BUSINESS CARDS, SOCIETIES PROFESSIONS AND TRADES PHYSICIANS. DR.. W. O. COLi:, OFFICB IN JUDD building. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m. ; 1 to 5 p. m, Telephones; Office main 1S71 ; residence, main 13S1. J. I.. MILLER, M. D. WUSPAIN IU.OCK. Treats and corrects eye troubles, ca tarrhal conditions and Impaired hearing. Glasses correctly fitted for refractive er rors. Telephone, main 1(111, DISS. SMITH A MNGO. OFFICE OVKK the Pendleton Saving Hank. Tele phone SOI ; residence telephone, main 1301. II. S. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC physician and surgeon. Office In Judd building. Telephones: Office, black 1411; residence, black 2-1. DR. D. J. M'FAt'L, JUDD ItLOCK. TELE phone, main 831 : residence, black 1(11. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSICIAN and surgeon. Office In Snvlngs Hank building, room 1. Office 'phone, main 1411 ; residence, red 1223. DR. LYNN K. RLAKESLEE, CHRONIC akd uerrons diseases and diseases of woolen. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office "phone, main 721 J residence, red 1223. DR. LENA ALLEN IIOONE. OSTEOPATH. Residence, Thompson street, between Court and Water streets. 'Phone, black 1024. Nervous diseases a specialty. i A. H. MARTIN. M. D.. DESPAIN IlLOCK, Court street, over Koeppen's drug store. Special attention to akin diseases. DENTISTS. DR. M. S. KERN. DENTAL SURGEON. Office, room l!i, Judd building. E. A. VAI'GHAN, DENTIST. OFKICK IN Judd building. 'Phone, red 1411. E. A. MANN. DENTIST. OEl'ICK IN As sociation block, oyer Schmidt s new drug store. 'Phone, red 271. BANKS AND BROKERS. KlItST NATIONAL nANK OF ATHENA, Oregon. Capital, f. "0,000; surplus nnd profits, fl2,fi0U.O0. Interest on time de posits. Denis In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry l. Adams, president; J. J. Kirk, vice-president: I S. LeGrow, cash ier ; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. THE FAItMEHS' HANK OF WESTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general bank ing business. Exchange bought and sold. Collections promptly attended to. 11. Jameson, presldeut : George W. Proebstel, vice president ; .1. It. Kllgore, cashier : di rectors. O. A. Hartman, M. M. Jones. T. J. Price, O. D. Graw. J. F, Kllgore, ltob ert Jameson, G. W. Proebstel. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS HANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Organlied March 1, 18811. Capital, $100,000; surplus, $7."i.- 000 : Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prin cipal points. . Special attention given to collections. . J. lurnlsli, president: J. r.. Teal, vice-president : T. J, .Morris. cashier: J. W. Maloney, assistant cashier. KIItST NATIONAL HANK OF PENDLE ton. Capital, $70,000: surplus und un divided profits. $lon,ono. Transacts a general banking business. Exchango and telegraphic transfers sold on Chtca. go. San Francisco. New York nnd princi pal points In the Northwest. Drafts drawn on China, Japan and Europe. Makes col. lections on reasonable terms. Levi An keny, presldeut: W. F. Matlock, vice president; . M. Itice, cnshler; George llnrtmnn. Jr., assistant cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. C. E. TltOUTMAN, ARCHITECT AND Superintendent, room Vi Judd block, Pendleton, Oregon. T. F. HOWAltD, AUCHITECT ANlf Su perintendent. Makes complete and re liable plans for buildings In the city or country. Itoom 17, Judd building. SIIEEK & COLE, CONTItACTOItS AND builders. Estimates furnished on short notice. Job work a specialty. Prompt service. Shop ou Illuff street, near Main. D. A. MAY. CONTItACTOU AND IIL'ILD er. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stoue walls, etc. Leave orders at East Oregonlan of fice. F. M. KELLEIt, PLASTEItING AND CK mentlug. Cement walks a specialty. Intimates furnished free. Work guaran teed. Leave orders at Iladley & Zebner's cigar store. Main street. P. O. box 104, VETERINARY SURGEONS. VETEKINAltV HL'ItOHON DIL D. C. McNabb. Office at Tallman's drug store. BOARDING AND LODGING. HOTEL ALT A, COIt.NEIt A ETA AND Mill streets. Hoard by the day or week. Good table set. Kates. $3.73 and I4.7S per week. Mrs. L. Neff, Prop. Pendleton f eed xard In connection, u. weir, pro prietor. ATHENA HOTEL. LEADING HOTEL IN the city, J 1.00 to $1.00 per day. II. P. Mlllen, proprietor. WHEN YOIJK HU81NES8 TAKES YOU to Helix, stop at the Hotel Helix. Good meals and good service. T. II, Wimpy, proprietor. LIVERY AND FEED 8TABLES. TELEPHONE LIVEIIY STABLE. COt'ItT Street, opposite conrt bouse. Mowers s Son, proprietors. Always good turnouts. Public scales. 'Phone, main 381, OLD DUTCH II E.N It Y FEED TAItl), Corner West Alta and Lllllth streets. S. A. Alloway, proprietor. Large com fortable stalls. I'lenty of feed. Horses given careful attention. CPMMEItCIAL STAIJLES, G, M. FJtOOME proprietor. r,ine uorses, gooa rigs, best care given transient stock. Opp, Hotel Pendleton. 'Phoue, main JO). CITY LIVEItY 8TAHLU, ALTA BTItEIJT. Carney & Kennedy, Props., livery, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connection, 'Phone, main 701. SECOND-HAND DEALER8. V. STitOHLE, DEAI.EIt IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, gruultewnre and crockery, call and get his prices. No. 212 Court street. Mormon Bishops PUI leniu iutrff Wjrt by ihv ldeiui thv Jtlutuiou Chuiclt uitU uteirfulluCruni. lWUvaljrcuretfc4 wunttiu.tni intM iuiJ yuuuie rUiuir from jf4:iitoru;tr buv,dllitIon.xc',ttroiKr-tui'iiokiuir. Cimtf Lost Manhood Imnotonor. Loet Power, Hlfiht-Lof.8prmatorrhaelneomnla, Paint In Bnok.CvIl Dolreaf seminal Hood ache. Unfitness to Marry I . I -i aa.nns PrMmnturBilfllS. StDDI Norv Evollds. tlk'cu ure immtxliale. t in. pji'jitdwiBUrit,mutlMnu.lMoreaiii, sunn uuupa I ' t in r'i'.u i uisrt ires. Address, Bishop Remedy Co., Son Francisco, Cab b" T;':.-.".n A Co, Druanl- ' liSJMjaiMll Sold ATTORNEYS. HEAN k PEItltY, ATTOItNKYS AT LAW. Office over Taylor's Hardware store, Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD building. E. D. 1IOYD, ATTOItNEY AT LAW. Ill Court street. HAII.EY A LOWELL, ATTOItNKYS AT Inw. Office In Despaln block. HALLEllAY & M'COUHT, LAWYEltS, As sociation building. CAItTEIt A HALEY, ATTOU.NT.YS AT law, office In Savings Hank building. N. HEHKKLEY, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Office In SaTlngs Hank building. II, E. COLLIElt, I.AWYEU. OFFICE ltooms 7 and S, Association building, 8TILLMAN A PIKItCE, ATTOKNEYS AT law. Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to practice In United States patent of fices, and makes a specialty of patent law. ltooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association block. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HAltTMAN AHSTHACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Ituys and sella all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Invest ments for non-residents. Reference, uny bank In Pendleton. G. A. HAltTMAN, Pres. (1. A. HAltTMAN. JU., Vice Pres. L. W. HELD, Secretary, J. M. HUNTLEY HEPItESENTS THE oldest nnd most lettable fire and acci dent Insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILEY, Jit., V. 8. LAND COM mlssloner. Specially made of land fil ings and proof. insurance and collec tlons. Office In Judd building, room 111. FRATERNAL ORDERS. H. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE. No. 288. ltegulur meetings first and third Thursdas of each month. All brothers visiting In the city most cordi ally Invited to attend. Hall In La Dow block. Court street. G, A. Ilurtmnn, Sr., E. It. ; C. K. Hean, secretary. MEN'S HESOltT--YOU AltE INVITED. Free reading room. Why not join nnd get the ndvantnge of free bath, use of punching bag and other equipments, In cluding library and rending room. Terms $1.00 to Join and flth" n mouth dues. FOR RENT. FOE KENT --NINE-ltOOM HOUSE, IN quire of It. Alexander. NEAT. CLEAN, WEI.L KEIT FUltNISH ed rooms to rent. Well located. Mrs, Struhon, 302 Water street, corner Johnson, FOI: HENT GOOD FRONT ROOM, suitable for two gentlemen or two la dles. Call at 010 Willow street. WANTED. W A NT HI POSITION BY MN AVD WIFE. No children. Kmi'-h. mining or 'ofglng camp, inquire luj weffi Alia. MEN TO LEARN llARIIEIt TRADE. ON ly eight weeks required. Constant practice. Expert Instruction. Positions secured. Cstulogue mailed free, Moler Sjstem College, Sail Francisco, California. WANTED ADVERTISERS TO MAKE use of these classified columns. If you have something you have no use for, offer to trade It for something that Nome other body may have and have no use ror, some thing that you muy need In your business, You may have an extru horse that you may wish to trade for u cow or a vehicle. Somebody may have the cow und vehicle ami want the horse, l.'.r or 20c want nu will probably do the business. MISCELLANEOUS. SINGER SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, ."OH College street. Repulrs for all ina chines. P. A. Lovetaug, manager. SEWER CONTItACTOItS- HEED & LAF ler make connections with the sewer for business houses nnd private residences, Terms reasonable. I.iuve orders at T. (', Taylor's Hardware store. F. S. MERRILL, SPOKANE. WASH., Agent, Densmore. Second-hand ma chines, supplies and repairs. SEE YOU "UNCLE" WHEN YOU WANT money. We make loans on persona! property. T, II. Gurdaln, Pawn Hroker, Mllarkey building, court street. WM. F. YOI1NKA WILL PAY PKOMIT attention to all sales and posting bills. Correspondence solicited. Commission rea sonable. I . u. llox iwi, Pendleton. , DIIESSMAKINO, CUTiING AND FIT ting a specialty. Prompt work. Satis- faction guaranteed. Miss It, Whitley, hi J Main street. PENDLETON STEAM DYE WOKK8 7.10 Cottonwood street. Cleaning, dying and repairing. Goods called for and de livered. 'Phone, main 1091. BUHSCRIHER8 TO MAGAZINES, IF YOU want to subscribe lo magastines or ntHS papers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the EAST OREGONIAN the net pub Usher's price of the publication vou de sire, and we will have It sent you nd assume all the risk of the money being lost In the mulls, It will save you both trouble and risk. If vou are a subscriber to the EAST OHIXJOMAN In remitting you can deduct 10 per rent from the pub lisher's price. Address i.'ANT our. OONIAN rUII. CO., Peudletou, Oregou. WOOD FOR SALE In carload lots. Green cut black pine. Dry four-foot wood Pendleton. Address S. G. BRYSON No. 1700 W. Railroad St. emissions, uame uaok, Nervous ueciuiy, Loss of Semen arjm Varicocele, or Con-j or Con-j hlntf of) wry fuiuH orffftu I ,ta turn oil luipsrt vigor sail EJLLI poUwy to TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Sh outline ab Union Pacific Two Trains to tho East Daily Thrmith Pullman standard andTourlit sImb. Inn cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; toorlat sleeping ear datly to Kansas City; throngk Pullman tonrlut slesnlnc cars Personally con. ducted) weekly to Chicago, Ksniat Ulfy, re clining chair cars (est free) to the Rsst dally. Dinar rot Tlmo Sohivltilo From l'tuiillutou Axaiva raoM Portland Portland Special No. 1 The East :00 a.m. 9:10 am Chicago Chicago Special No, 2 Portland 5:33 pm s :u pm Portland 12::m a m Hall and Express No. ft The East The Kat Mall and Kxpreaa No.O Portland titfam cum Pandleton Passenger No 7 Hpokaa, Spokane iHpokann Pasiengor No. 8 y.w a m Pandleton Branoh Ulxed Train No. 41 iM pm Walla Walla Ilrsncb MliiNt Train No, il t:SU p m No " connects with No. 2, t Onlv waits for No 1 In case Na. 1 It late not later thau 3d minutes. No. il connects wun no, 2, Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All tailing dates sub It $0 p. m. ject to cnange. ForHau Francisco Sail every ft days. 4:00 p. m, Daily except Sunday 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 p. in Columbia Hirer To Astoria ind Way Landings, 4 XXI p.m. Bonds) Wllliimetto lilvor. Host! leave Portland dally, except Sunday 'ttsgs ol water permitting) for Willamette anr Yamhill River points. Leave KlMrla 4 :0ft a. m. Dally ExcptMon Leave Lewlitoo 7:00 a. m, Dally Kxcpt Mm Snake River Hlparla to Lewltton K.O SMI (11, Agent, Pendleton WASHINGTON COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Take this route for Chicago, St Paul, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and All Points East and South Portland and points on tho Sound TIME CAI1I) Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. m. Tuea day, Thursday and Saturday, 11.45 a, m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Leave Walla Walla dally.cait bound. 11 :00 p m Arrive Walla Walla dally, eit bound, 10 :4ft a, m for Information regarding rates and sccom modatloui, call on oraddren W, A DAUB, Agent Pendleton, Oregon H. B. OALDKHIIEAO, 0. P. A Walla Walla, Washington. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. rUT. PAUL MINNKAPOIilB DULUTH KAROO ijORAND FORK WINNBPEd HBLKNA and BLTTTIt THROUGH TICKETS T0 CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADKLPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all point East and Boutta throngs ttcksU to Japan aad Ofclns, vl rscoraa and Northern rseWe SUsmaklp Os and American litis. TIME SCHEDULE. Trains leave Pendleton dally except tsasai st 7 aw p. m. for lurthsr Information, tims caidt, sux and tickets, call on or writs W. Adarnt, Pm dlston, Oregon, or A.D. 'lUAKLTON, Third and Morrison 8ts Portland, Or SCHEDULE OF PEN DLETON'UKIAH Stage Line Dully trips between Pendleton and Ik lull, except Sunday. Htuite leaves Pendleton ut T a. m., arrives at I'klaU at tl ii. m. Return stage leaves L'lluh at 0 a in,, arrhes at Pendleton S p. m. Peudletou lo I'kloh, fj; round trip f.rj, J'eudletou to Albu, 1 2.T5 : round trip, I'emiietou to Jtiuiie, fi round till). 1 3.C0, Peudletou to Nye, $1.50 ; round trip, t'l.T0. Pendleton to Pilot Rock, tl : round trip. $1.00. OlUce at Ilrock & McC'omas' Drug Store. HOTEL. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel la Pendletos and aa food si any. The Hotel Pendleton has just been refitted and refurnished mrouliotit. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Men Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special raten by wcolt or month Excellent Cuisine. Prompt Dltilngroom servlc. Bar and billiard room in oonneotloi Only Three Blocks from Depot HOTEL ST. GEORGE GEO. DAUVEAU, Prop. Kuropenn ' plan. Everything flnt olasM. AccominoJutloim Uic best. All modem convenlt'tices. Bleam heat throughout. Large new wuuple rooms. The Hotel Ht. George 1m protiouuccd oae ol the moHt moderu and model hotels o( Oregon, 'Rooms 50c to $t.50 CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. Block and a half from depot THE HOTEL BICKERS (Formerly Golden Rule) Court Street nemodoled and refurnished through out. Everything neat, clean aad uf-to-date. Steam L.eat and electrio Hshts. Heat cuisine. Prompt serrlr. H. E. BICKERS, Prop. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREG3N. "Arrierlcan"'plan,"3 peVlajr and upward. MrsriouartriN for tourists and commei-cUl travelers. Hpeclal rates made to famll les and slnvle gentlemen. The manat ment will be pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices. A modern Turk' Ml bath establishment la the hotel. II, ('. IIOWKRH, Manager. DR. C. GEE WO WONDUKFUL IIOMl! TRUATMBNT 'I hi woitdorful ('l)l IHh il'H'HT U culled r ttl iHTuiikt In curt jxui.lo .Mill" ui uiru Hun lliut um gUfii up (miIIp, M Ciiretf wllli ti.Mu wwiuicriul t'hl ij iitku lurl,H,ro' W harks and v Hist uro t'litl 'uuik mm. Vfutlubtv utlrlv mi' know ii lo umdtiul cl ern e lii Dili country, , Thi'MtilMhu UJOl lliut III Uii tttlli(M'tlir kltUWa) liuriiii' v. ic , IH' i , Am r MiiatfTi rtMil ifiiii'itii'al. WliU'U iiiJ(i-luli u-t ill .lifltri'iit tllwuM-. Il KimruiiltH hi 4'iitv 'iimrrli. Hxilimu, Iuhk, llMuut, rli'itijiunii iMfniUn'Mt iumarii, ll t-r. kUliifj . U ImtKlrwU or tttliimu iulb. t'huri;.-. hUMli-rule, Cul and littn. rmlPiit ni of Ihi' city write for ltuiikB..ia Wrnilurti. Hfiid i cviiUUi Htajiij. CUNfcfUIr THE C. GEE WO OKIHESE MEDICINE 88. 253 Alder Street, Portland, Ore. Tht Oregon Dally Journal can ba 'ound on sale at Frazlar book atora.