EIGHT PAGE8. PAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST CREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1904. BY EXPRESS LATEST Waist Sets, Stock Pins, Sash and Belt Pins, from 10c to 75c a set FREDERICK NOLF & CO. Sporting Goods Draper autf Muyimril line-Fully guaranteed good-- $1.50 league balls lSe $1.00 batsToe Halls from 5c up. Iinnieuse line catchers' mitts and gloves, luticlders' and bue ruen's gloves, boxing gl ives and striking bags from $1 to $7.50 Bicvcle Sundries 10c pants guard? lie L'jo oil 10c 25o bells lSj No. 1 M. & V. Inner tubes Hae Toe clips 10c to IJoc Bicycle Lamps PSe to $2.05 Crescent and Rambler Bicycles $20 to $40 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published ererv afternoon (except Sunday) at lendleton. Oivpju. by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. j Teleiihone, Main 11 i Joy a land they redeemed from bar barism, in their own peculiar way? There Is but one nnswer to these questions. The Doers stood in the pathway of Dritlsh greed. That's the only answer. Dally. Dally Dally. Dally, Dally. Weekly. Weekly Weekly Seml-W Sml-W Seml-W SUllSCnilTlO.V KATE: year by mall one filr months bv mall three months by mall one month by mall iwr month by carrlar one year by mail six months by mall . tour months by mall ekly. one year by mall . . . eeklr. six months by mall . eekly. three months by mall $5.00 2.50 1.23 .30 .05 1.30 ..o i .r,oi .00 1 .011 I ,30 . 1 The East OreRonlan Is on sale at 1!. 11. . Men's News Stands, at Uotel Portland, and Hotel Perkins. Portland. Oregon. Member ScrlppsSlcUae News Associa- j tlon. I San Francisco Ilureau. 40S Fourth St. j Chicago Ilureau. JH0 Security nulldlnc. j Washington. I). C , Ilureau, 501 Hth ' St.. N. V I Knterrd at Pendleton postomee as second-; class matter. La Grande Is going to vote to build a city hall for the use of ine people In conducting the city government. She evidently believes mat it is poor judgment to rent a public utility from a private owner. Yet if some one would suggest that La Grande buy and operate an elecirlc light and power plant, for the use of the peo ple, several hundred hands would be held up In horror at such a near ip proach to socialistic principles. Yet renting a building from a private owner for the use of the city is no more injudicious than for the people to rent electric light from a private owner, who is doing business on a franchise owned solely and exclu sively by the public. Where is the difference? ty has been steady In the direction of mnterlal development for the last 10 years and It Is In ninny respects one of the beBt counties in the state. Lying Just south of the Columbia river and adjoining the Walla Walla valley. It comprises a vast tract of the best wheat land In the United States, and one of the most valuable features of this wheat belt Is that lt produces well without Irrigation. Al though Its topography Is rolling anil the character of Its soil Is inclined to be sandy. It Is as free from suffer ing the need of water in the growing season as is the same character -if land in the 'Willamette valley. Upsides this, there Is a large belt of arid land, covered with sagebrush, which, with water provided for irri gating purposes, will be as product ive as any now In cultivation in the section further cast and north. Umatilla county has nlways been proud, as well It might, of the fact that In 1S97. it produced over 5.000. 000 bushels of wheat, which was one per cent of the yield of the entire United States for that year. And wheat was but one of its staple prod ucts, for It had. besides, an enormo.is crop of wool, with its horse, cattle and sheep Interests to speak of Inci dentally. Eastern Oregon has other immense and productive counties which are growing rapidly. Their development Is yet to come and surprises aro :n store tor those who have supposed that tli nt portion of the state is In habited principally by non-nrogrcs-slvo cowboys and the untutored si wash. Not counting Portland, East ern Oregon will some day, and not very far distant, contain the larger population of the two sections of the state The "bunchgrassers" arc a great people, progressive. Independ ent. Intelligent nnd are at all times worthy of consideration. They aro homebullders in the best sense of the word Salem Statesman. COMING EVENTS. March 3 Socialist state conven tion. Portland. April 19 Democratic state con vention, Portland. April 14 Republican state con vention, Portland. April 16 Meeting of Oregon Cattle-growers' Association, Portland. June 15, 16, 1" Oregon encamp ment G. A. R.. Hood River. The 2.000 lithographers In New York City have rejected their em ployers' ultimatum and will undoubt edly so on a strike Slarch 15, or face a lockout of union men. Right though Is the motive power that controls and propels right action. BECOMING A MOTHE Is nn ordeal which nil women approach with indescribable fear, for nothing compares with the pain and horror of child-birth. The thought of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casU over her a shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but it use gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning sickness, and other dig comforts of this period. Sold by all druggists at Si. co per bottle. Book containing valuable information free. Tbe Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. MOTHER'S FRIEND ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.1 YOU .MAY rXTKNl) BUILDING wmiv.ntlT HOOF orlluii It iiMrmwary to KKPLACK A WOIlA-OUl noor ELATERITE ROOFING Takes th. place of shingles, tin, Iron, tar njd gravel, and all prepared roofings. For flat and steep surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc. Easy to iy. Temper for all climates. Reasonable In cost Sold on merit. Guaran teed. R will pay to ask for prlcoBand Information. THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Worcester Building. Portland UNIOXt&JjLABr.L Not to the swift, the race: Not to the strong, the flight; Not to the righteous, perfect grace; Not to the wise, the light. But often faltering feet Come surest to the goal. And they who walk In dark ness meet The sunrise of the soul. Selected. No matter how much the politic ians groom Grover Cleveland, they cannot make him look to the people like a winner. The first actual Hearst gun has Been fired. The 19th district con gressional convention of Ohio, has indorsed his candidacy and recom mended his nomination. Umatilla county stanus third in wealth in the state of Oregon. It Should stand second in point of en ergetic advertising at SL Louis, Multnomah alone, being able to sur pass her in that. There are dozens of prosperous, enterprising business men in Pendle ton who do not belong to the Com mercial Association. Alone you can accomplish nothing, gentlemen. United and organized there is no reasonable task for the improve ment of Pendleton that you cannot accomplish. Get Inside. State Superintendent J. H. Acker man, on his last visit here, recom mended that the public school follow the course of study prescribed ny the state, especially as to the musi cal and literary programs and Presi dent Campbell, of the state univer sity, laid particular stress on debat ing and oratory as helps and neces sary adjuncts to a high school edu cation. Professor Conklin has high authority for following his popular methods of teaching. Paul Krueger, president of tbe Boer republic, a broken-hearted, broken-splrlted exile from his native land, is now dying at Mentone, France. This old patriot was bom on the outposts of irlcan civiliza tion, spent his life in redeeming a wilderness to usefulness and In old age Is Btripped of home, possessions, honor, friends and neighbors. He is banished from the land ho rescued from barbarism. He Is driven Into exile among strangers. His coun trymen fill early graves on a hund red battlefields. The civilization they wrought has been taken over and Is now being enjoyed by others. The Boer race Is dispersed and lis fragmeuts are seeking new homes among strangers in every quarter of the globe. Tho thinking man must ask himself why this calamity visit ed upon tho Boers Why was this peaceful people not permitted to en- President Roosevelt yesterday j made one of the most dangerous or ders effecting the forest reserve policy of the government that he has issued since he became president. This order requires the secretary ..f the interior to consult with mem bers of congress as to the location of forest reservations, before order ing a withdrawal of timber land in any state. Heretofore the interior department has made these with drawals independent of any congress man or senator and has kept the 'o cation a secret from the officials to prevent the location of lieu lands in the Intended reservations. This or der of the president opens the door to the most gigantic lieu land steals imaginable. By giving members jf congress information as to the loca tion of the forest withdrawals, the interior department would invite land frauds. Dishonest members i f congress can give their friends and agents the' tip and enure areas in tended for forest reserves would be Immediately plastered over with .ieu land scrip and the whole scheme .''f forest preservation destroyed. It is a dangerous and unwise plan. The agents of the interior department are capable of locating forest re serves and no congressman or sena tor should be consulted any more than any other private citizen. It gives the tip to a select few and de feats the purpose of the government. The president should reconsider the order and place more secret restric tions on the formation of the reserves. HOW DO YOU FIGHT? Did you tackle that trouble that came your way With a resolute heart and cheer ful? Or hide your face from the light of day With a craven soul and fearful? Oh, a trouble's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce. Or a trouble Is what you make it. And it Isn't the fact that your hurt that counts. But only how did you take It? You are beaten to earth? Well, well, what's that? Come up with a smiling face It's nothing against you to fall down flat, But to lie there, that's disgrace. The harder you're thrown, why the higher you bounce; Be proud of your blackened eye! It Isn't the fact that you're licked that counts, It's how did you fight, and why? And though you be done to the death, what then? If you battled the best you could. If you played your part In the world of men, Why, the critic will call it good. Death comes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce, And whether he's slow or spry. It Isn't the fact that you're dead that counts, But only how did you die? Exchange UMATILLA IS THIRD. According to the last assessment returns, Umatilla county has moved forward Into third place In the list of counties as to taxable wealth, Multnomah being first and Marlon next. The advance of Umatilla coun- THE ST. JOE STORE Changes Hands. We have bought the Lyons Mercantile Company stock and located in Pendleton. It is our purpose to identify ourselves with the interests of the people of Pendleton and Oregon and serve their interests to the utmost limit consistent with our own. In the merchandise business we promise you court eous and honest treatment in all matters of business and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage m our line. It will not bs permitted of any one in our employment to misrepresent or deceive the pubL'c in the conduct of our business. All goods will be marked in plain figures, but a short time will bt required to make the change from the old system of marking. We are overstocked in several lines and for the next week and as long as they last we will make the following very low prices to close lots : SILKS One lot Cord Hab Wash Silk, Taffetines, figured Taffttas, Wai8ting Silks and Linen Back Satins, in many good desirable colors, former price GOc to 8l, to close.... 39c One lot Brocade Waistings, Pongees and Lining Silks, exceptional values, former price 30c to 50c, to close J9c SHOES One lot Misses' and Women's Shoes and Oxford6, black and tans, out-of-date styles, to close 69c One lot pf Children's and Misses' Shoes and Oxfords, out-of-date Btyles, to close 29c One lot of Men's Shoes in pointed and coin toes, in black and tan, former price $3 to $5, to close 98c SUITS, CLOAKS and SKIRTS One lot Ladies' Eton Tailored Suits, in black, castor, navy and red Venetian cloth, and one lot Louis XIV Tailored Suits in brown, black and navy suitinus, sizes 32 to 42, also one lot of Ladies' Walking Skirts, Coats and Jackets, to close ONE-THIRD OFF One lot Ladies' Eton Suits, in brown, black, navy, tan, and grey-mixed suitings, silk and satin lined, sizes 32 to 42, to close AT ONE-HALF PRICE GROCERIES We will offer our entire stock of Groceries at laid down cost, as we do not expect to continue this line. Our Spring line is now arriving and our stock is well supplied with the latest and most desirable productions of European and American looms. We cordially invite the public to call and inspect stock and prices. Our terms will be cash and one price to all. During March we will allow you 5 per cent, discount on purchase on presentment of this poster at time of purchase, except In the grocery department Whittinghill Mercantile Co. Successor to LYONS MERCANTILE CO. 1 26 and 1 30 Court Street Pendleton, Oregon Will open doors for business 9 a. m., March 2